EDTA POISON: The 3 Ingredients Used to Make Our Beloved Heavy Metal & Nanobot "Detox"
The truth sucks, but I'd rather rip off the Band-Aid and deal with it than bury my head in the sand...
I bought EDTA. In fact, I even wrote about using it earlier this year, but I never asked what it is. Of course the package says it is a heavy metal detox, and I sure as hell didn’t want to be toxified with heavy metals, so I coughed up almost $70 to be healthy (which used to be an ongoing theme with my life: use first, ask questions later never):
Then something happened: I continued deeply investigating supplements, medicines, “alternative medicines”, and discovered it all to be toxic - in fact, it’s worse than toxic, it’s a huge scheme to use us as science projects (links in Sources section at the end of this article). Although I had not looked into EDTA, I ran out of my supply and didn’t want to drop $64.95 on another little 4 ounce. Then something else happened - I stopped being afraid - but more on this later.
EDTA is used to develop photographs, as an herbicide, a food preservative, for bleaching in the clothing industry, for “gas washing” (your guess is as good as mine), preserving leather, removing “crud” (corroded metals) from fuel rods in nuclear reactors, in the 1998 movie Blade EDTA was used to kill vampires, and of course, it’s a wonderful product for us to slather on our skin to stop nanobots and remove bad metals.
There are two processes to make EDTA, both of which require the three main ingredients. The first two components of EDTA manufacturing are formaldehyde and a source of cyanide. For the cyanide you can choose from HCN or NaCN, because it’s always nice to have options.
HCN is Hydrogen Cyanide which is made from ammonia and methane. Alternatively, the much easier way to get it is via byproduct waste from the manufacturing of acrylonitrile (acrylonitrile is used to manufacture plastics, nitrile rubbers and barrier resins.). It is a class B-1 carcinogen, meaning it causes cancer. Here is acrylonitrile…
… so the waste from making that can be used to make EDTA - reduce, reuse, recycle, baby!
Now let’s say your EDTA is classy so you don’t want to use industrial waste, you can instead use Sodium Cyanide, NaCN. This cyanide is “among the fastest-acting of all known poisons”. It is a potent respiratory inhibitor that stops the transport of electrons therefore reducing oxygen. Want a fun fact? Of course you do, because you love fun and you love facts: Sodium Cyanide was what was used to contaminate Tylenol capsules in the US in the 1980s. It killed a bunch of people. In fact (←this counts as a second fun fact), Sodium Cyanide is on the Top Five Poisons list and it is this version of cyanide that is typically chosen to produce EDTA (the classy, byproduct-free version).
Formaldehyde is used in glues and adhesives, by embalmers in funeral homes, as a paper coating and it is dumped in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, lotions, sunscreens and cleaning products. It too is a carcinogen.
We now know what the first two ingredients are, but what is the third ingredient needed to make EDTA, “Ethylenediamine”?
Ethylenediamine is made with ethylene oxide and ammonia. Ethylene Oxide is what is used to make plastic, thickeners, solvents and other compounds.
YNatural wrote, “Ethylene Oxide scores 10 on a scale of 1-to-10 of hazardous chemicals. It’s carcinogenic, shown to induce tumors in mammary glands. It’s also linked with developmental and reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity and allergies. 1,4-dioxane is included on California’s Proposition 65 list of chemicals known or suspected to cause cancer or birth defects. Readily penetrating the skin, it is a known carcinogen with evidence suggesting a possible link to breast cancer. While pregnant women, infants and teenagers are considered to be most vulnerable, it’s more than reasonable to suggest this is a chemical best avoided more widely.” - so, yeeeah… those are the three pillars of EDTA production, all of which are carcinogens, but don’t worry folks, they “purify” the formaldehyde + worst-ever-cyanide + sh*t-used-to-make-plastic before they sell it to us, just how they purify the industrial waste byproduct they call “iron” before dumping it into the food supply to make sure we don’t get anemia.
In the case of EDTA, this miracle product with these miracle ingredients will be absorbed through our skin so it can detox us from the nanobots and heavy metals - and that’s it, right? It just sucks the bad sh*t out and makes us healthy… right? To be sure, let’s take a closer look, starting with China (and India) which is where all this stuff comes from. “Why does it all come from there?”, you ask. Because they love us and want all Americans to be in peak health, duh. (but I do need to add a disclaimer: a lot of Vitamin B comes from a coal tar plant in the USA, so we can proudly wave our American flags on that one):
Interestingly, the “High Purity” EDTA is amazingly cheap, only around $1 per pound! What a bargain!
I guess my $64 miracle bottle was $63 in miracle profit for someone, eh? But if there’s one way to stop those damn nanobots, it’s gotta be this!
EDTA is a “penetration enhancer” (kinky). It works by breaking down our skin’s natural barrier, allowing ingredients to penetrate deeper = this product is designed to get past our defense system (to stop those bad nannies and metals). The interesting thing here is that once we knock down our natural defense system (AKA Skin), it’s open for business, allowing anything to be absorbed; other chemicals in the product, chemicals in tap water when we bathe, heavy metal pollutants, whatever. Apparently we can’t tell the poison to only do good things for us? It seems poison is like a teenager, it just doesn’t listen no matter how many times we tell it to hang the f*cking bath towel on the rack. Like seriously, it’s just as much work to throw it on the floor. I got so pissed one day I zip-tied that mutherf*cker to the towel bar with only 24” of give. My head nearly exploded when I walked into the bathroom and saw an empty towel bar connected to two-feet of zip tie connected to a towel that was half-laying on the ground. I got off track here, what were we discussing? Oh yes, EDTA…
WHAT EXACTLY IS IT DOING? (other than removing the nannies and metals)
Well, for starters it removes iron so it is used for treating mercury and lead poisoning. It also strips calcium, making it a great anticoagulant (blood thinner). Want a third fun fact? Vitamin D (literal rat poison) also messes with calcium, so if you are taking two calcium-wreckers and experiencing fractures and breaks when you have a very minor fall, you can join my club; a club in which you take first and ask questions 15 years later, after you have suffered broken ankles and assorted fractures.
With that being said, let’s peep the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheets (MSDS / SDS) for EDTA. I am a fan of Safety Data Sheets because, although NIH studies are bought-and-paid and the media is allowed to flat-out lie to us (thanks, Obama!), the manufacturers of the chemical can’t lie on their SDS, so if you ever want unfiltered truth, just go to the source, he who makes the concoction.
According to Fisher’s SDS, EDTA is a lab chemical that should not be used as a drug (or food or to kill things):
If you scroll down Fisher’s Safety Data Sheet, you’ll learn why it should not be used as a drug:
The red diamonds with graphics are called pictograms.
They are required on chemicals if the chemical presents specific dangers:
Yes, it does bother me that the pictogram skull looks like it has puppy ears (the Canadians designed it. Have you ever seen the skull of a Canuck? They have puppy ears, just ask Ted Bundy.)
If we scroll down the SDS further ,we learn EDTA should never come in contact with our skin, but if it does, rush to rinse if off:
We also learn that this product is safe because it has not been investigated:
But we do know it targets the respiratory system, which makes sense because we just discussed how Sodium Cyanide “is a potent respiratory inhibitor that stops the transport of electrons therefore reducing oxygen”.
And because I already know the method to attack this article will be to claim those health effects are only for the unpurified version, but once we purify the cyanide-blend it becomes as safe as a breath of fresh air, let’s check out the super-duper-clean-super-duper-purified version, the USP grade, which is the best of the best, the blue ribbon winner, the top shelf sh*t. USP grade not only meets requirements to give the chemical to the public via medicine or food, it exceeds these standards. It truly is the best you can get. Here’s Merck’s USP grade EDTA salts (which are what is produced after the cyanide, formaldehyde and plastic-making-stuff has been combined):
If we open the safety data sheet, we see this product is being cooked up and sold under a TSCA R&D Exemption:
A TSCA R&D Exemption means Breaking Bad; just grab an RV, head to the desert and start cooking it up for the plebs. In more professional terms it means the Toxic Substances Control Act does not need to be followed when producing the best-of-the-best grade of EDTA:
Which is f*cking fascinating because hydroxychloroquine is also being banged out under an TSCA R&D Exemption, and HCQ happens to be poison with self-assembling nanoparticles that cross the Blood Brain Barrier and are controlled by EMF. Could it be possible that this is case with EDTA?
Would it be interesting if, because EDTA combines with metal particles, including iron, it too could be controlled by EMF, just like HCQ?
EDTA has been found to be both cytotoxic and genotoxic in laboratory animals, but people love to scream, “We are not the same as Facui’s lab beagles!”, to which I reply by showing them my Canadian pictogram skull tattoo. While pointing at the puppy ears I say, “You sure about that, Frank?”.
On a more serious note (as serious as I can possibly be when trying to force myself to write this article explaining to people why grinding cyanide into their skin might not be such a great idea after all), if you think the poison only destroys the cells of small furry critters (cytotoxic) and only causes mutations in rabbits and mice (genotoxic), then God bless you and your naivety trust in the institution of medicine.
The truth is, we don’t really know what it does because, like everything else made in a lab, very little research has been done on negative effects of EDTA, and what research there is, is buried, scrubbed or ignored and replaced with positive-result studies. What we do know, from the government of New Jersey, that it is suspected of damaging an unborn fetus (I know, it’s utterly shocking that poison could do such a thing! Who would have thought?!). We also know a whopping two studies have been conducted, one of which was Bourinbaiar & Lee (1996), which concluded that EDTA can inhibit human sperm motility and cervical mucus penetration in vitro. The study goes on to state that gramicidin can be combined with EDTA to create a topical contraceptive. What is gramicidin? An antibiotic, but antibiotics are a different story for a different day, so click it or miss it:
The other study was Lopes et al. (1983), which found that EDTA has an affect on the fertilizing capacity of human spermatozoa. (I just love the word spermatozoa. It sounds like something you can order from a Mexican food truck along with your chalupa and tostada). I suppose it is coincidence that all of these medicines and miracle cures reduce fertility, which happens to be a goal of those manufacturing the medicines and miracle cures?
Let’s discuss the barbarian-like cell-destroying (cytotoxic) abilities again. There just so happens to be a couple things that can be combined with EDTA to make them mega-gladiators, one such thing is citric acid (which we learned is no longer made from lemons and is instead made by Pfizer):
Another thing is glyphosate, which is a Rockefeller product (which also happens to wreck fertility). Then there’s another thing, which I haven’t quite completely figured out yet, but I’m working on it… Vitamin C.
You see, this is quite a rabbit hole that I am in. Yes, I have indeed already written about “Vitamin C” and showed you how it is tied to the Royal Society and Eugenics, which makes sense when you learn what it is… (40 second video)
…but I am now way past looking at ingredients in “vitamins” and I am investigating what exactly these things are doing in our brains:
And this:
So what do we have here folks? Well, we have a product made from three carcinogenic poisons (cyanide, formaldehyde and plastic-making-sh*t) that works by knocking down our natural defense system, and we are being told to dose it with “vitamins” (hazardous chemicals based on a hoax that can cross the blood brain barrier)… we are being told to take these to detox? Fight poison with poison?
says, “You can’t poison yourself back to health”, so how do we get back to health? The answer is surprisingly simple…Eat clean, drink clean, eliminate poisons and let your miraculous body do its thing. On the other hand, if you need this poison…
… and this poison…
…made by the same people who make other poisons… (2 minute video)
… to help you cleanse your system from poison; eat it, drink it, put it in your pipe and smoke it, buy yourself a loofah and grind that sh*t in to your skin, I sincerely support you doing whatever you feel is best. Now here are my rebuttals to the most common replies on every article of this nature:
“Everything is poison if you take too much” - no it is not. Clean foods are not poison. Nobody has died from eating too many carrots. Our stomachs are not big enough to eat 500 tomatoes to find out of it has any negative effect. What kills people is poison, chemicals (chem-I-kills), medicines, sh*t made by man in labs and factories. Living creatures, whether it be humans, insects, fish or critters, are not meant to eat, drink, inject or absorb chemicals, period.
“Even too much water can kill you!” - This requires a two-part response:
1. You sound like an addict because that is what addicts say to justify the addiction. You might as well also add, “We’re all going to die someday!” because that’s what my grandmother said as she was dying from smoking in her 50s and refused to give it up.
2. There is literally no record of anyone dying from drinking clean water, I spent hours looking because I too had said “even too much water can kill you!”, then I thought about it and realized it sounded really stupid so I wanted to see proof. My findings: There are only 3 cases and none died from the act of drinking water or the water itself. One died from choosing not to urinate, instead holding in toxins for many hours (btw, her name was Jennifer Strange - I added it to my article Coincidence or a Play on Words?). One died from preexisting conditions and happened to be in the act of sipping water when she croaked, and the third has no information whatsoever, “died while drinking water”, which is not the same as “died from drinking water”. But to be completely transparent, there were indeed people who did become very ill and even died from drinking water - the people living by the Vitamin B (coal tar) plant, when the vitamins leeched into their water wells - but even then, it was not the water that killed them, it was the contaminants in the water.
“Then what do you recommend?”. Answer you don’t want to hear:
“But my bottle says Natural!” - Learn about Natural here.
“But what about this brand? What about that brand? Are these brands good? What about Calcium Disodium EDTA?” - Dude, you make me want to slam my head into a wall.
It’s all the same thing in a different wrapper.
It too is safe because there has been no testing…
“But they say cyanide isn’t in the finished product!” - I am going to say this to someone with a shellfish allergy, “yeah we do make it using clams, but they’re not in the finished product...”
“Some poison is good! As long as you take just a little!” . - Here is the definition of poison:
“But it’s helping me!” - Awesome, take it. I genuinely want you to do whatever you think is best for you.
Two final things:
FEAR: I said at the beginning of this article, “I stopped being afraid”, and that seriously changed my life. When I was a child, I was hospitalized with a deadly case of “pneumonia virus”. Being alone in a scary place, stuck with needles and having an IV in my arm, was traumatic. This left me quite terrified of viruses, and even more horrified that my children would end up as sick as I was. Fast forward to my Awakening. When I discovered the virology hoax, followed by the revelation that everything I was doing to be healthy was actually poisoning my system, I was floored. Then came a hugely important discovery, which was FEAR.
You see, our minds are so powerful that we have the ability to make ourselves sick - you know the old saying, “worried sick” or “sick with worry”? - that’s real. Equally, our minds are so incredible that we can heal ourselves; “mind over matter”. When I wrote The Rabies Hoax, I learned that, for all of history, until Rabies Vaccines became a money making ploy, the cure for Rabies was everything from holding a rusty penny to the German’s treatment which was a warm bath - and it worked! People were told that if they take the bath they won’t fall ill with Rabies, they believed it and they did not become sick. Equally, once the vaccine was manufactured and money could be made by administering it, when the doctor told his patient he was going to become horribly ill, he did: FEAR = worry yourself sick. The same is occurring today. We do not need to obsess over getting things out of our bodies, we need to obsess over what we are putting into our bodies.
But once you realize there is no virus, there are only poisons that attack us through medication / vaccinations, food, drink, air, and skin absorption, you no longer fear what is lingering on a door handle or the woman next to you coughing, and instead look at what you are consuming via one route or another and try to eliminate it all. You begin to really read labels and learn what things are made from. You learn what those chemicals do by looking at safety data sheets and you research past the NIH articles and podcasts posted by people with products to sell. You realize what is sold in fancy little $64 bottles is not the miracle, your body is the miracle, and like Ted Nugent once said, instead of Health Care we need to care about health…
*And just to be crystal clear, I am not attacking anyone nor am I saying EDTA doesn’t stop nanobots or remove metals. What I am simply saying is, EDTA is poison. Vitamins are poison. What I am saying is…
when you spray your yard to kill the mosquitoes you also kill the bees and the butterflies.
Do what you will with that information. If you appreciate me spending my weekend doing this research and publishing this article, knowing I will be attacked for it and lose subscribers over it therefore losing money over it, please consider supporting my efforts because your support keeps me fighting the good fight.
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
What’s in B-Vitamins? POISON. (Learn the ingredients of each B-Vitamin)
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1
Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements
Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier
Want a different topic? Troll my archive:
Pujol I, Aguilar C, Fernándes-Ballart J, Guarro J. Comparison of the minimum fungicidal concentration of amphotericin B determined in filamentous fungi by macrodilution and microdilution methods. Med Mycol. 2000;38(2):23-26.
Kite P, Eastwood K, Sugden S, Percival SL. Use of in vivo-generated biofilms from hemodialysis catheters to test the efficacy of a novel antimicrobial catheter lock for biofilm eradication in vitro. J Clin Microbiol. 2004;42(7):3073-3076.
Evaluation of Cell-detaching Effect of EDTA in Combination with Oxaliplatin. Ingenta Connect. 2019.
A comparative in vitro evaluation of cytotoxic effects of EDTA and maleic acid. ScienceDirect. 2018.
There may be a lot of crap in our air, water, food, medicine....but I'm not buying the (self-assembling) nanotech BS. If you have a rat problem (which btw is how the Tapeworm class views humanity) and you want to kill the rats, will you use a 25,000 $ high-tech device or make a 2 $ bucket trap? They're killing us the cheapest way possible while using good ol' effective mind programming. Better adopt a healthy lifestyle (sun, fresh air, honest labor, home-grown food, good thoughts) and your body will detox itself.
My EDTA hopium post beat you to publication by only a few minutes. Rat smelling goes thru the Aether.