Natural Vitamin SCAM: Eating Byproduct Industrial Waste - It's "Organic"!
Chemicals, meat processing wastewater, graphene, Fetal Bovine Serum, sewer sludge and more; come along with me as I attempt to uncover what is in "Natural Vitamins"...
If you’re new here, let me explain how I ended up here, because investigating Natural Vitamins clearly isn’t a starting point for anyone, I mean, who would have ever even considered “Vitamins”, especially Natural Vitamins, even Organic Vitamins, could possibly be bad? I sure didn’t… until I started researching…
My first investigation was into Vitamin D, which I discovered is Rat poison and contains toxic chemicals, such as Chloroform. The manufacturer of Vitamin D says it is a laboratory chemical that should not be used as food or drug. REAL Vitamin D comes from the sun. The factory has not figured out how to bottle sunshine, so they instead sell us poison.
Since the vast majority of Vitamins are made by Big Pharma, when we become ill, they label it a disease and sell us their life-long medications that don’t cure us, but (hopefully) slow the progression of the disease, such as in the case of Osteoporosis. “Brittle bone disease” went from nonexistent to common within under two decades. Guess who makes the most popular osteoporosis medication? Pfizer. Guess who makes the most popular Vitamin D supplements? Pfizer. Guess what Vitamin D does? It extracts the calcium from our bones. Even the manufacturer says it causes harm to bones with “repeated or prolonged use”. That is why a large quantity of people who take Vitamin D daily, especially for extended periods of time, will have a very minor fall and break or fracture a bone (I sheepishly raise my hand because I have experienced this, not once, but twice, while never realizing the cause!).
Next came my Vitamin B investigation. I was surprised to discover it is a carcinogen, according to the manufacturer. (It also contaminated a city, so there’s that…)
Then C, which is linked to Eugenics. Vitamin C , “Ascorbic Acid”, like all Vitamins, goes through a lengthy chemical process to create, using GMO sugar or corn syrup and mold and fun stuff like Acetone (nail polish remover).
I then investigated Omega-3s (fertility reducing toxins) and Fish Oil (poison concoction). I was dumbfounded to discover that not only are we being sold literal poisons, but these same chemicals are being dumped in the food supply under the guise of Fortification and Enrichment. This led me to writing The History of Food Fortification, which is a true story of bribery, extortion and corporate greed, a tale that can rival any of the best documentaries on Hulu.
Through researching Fortification history, I located an authentic United Nations document that lists exactly which chemicals they insist be used in Fortification, which can include byproduct industrial waste. This led to me writing The UN’s Evil Food Fortification Program PART 1, and Part 2, followed by VITAMIN A: POPULATION CONTROL. The Final Chapter of that series was just as disturbing as the rest.
Next, I revealed horrifying videos and photos showing Inside Vitamin Chemical Manufacturing Operations.
These pieces were followed up by a spinoff article detailing Rockefellers Population Council, in 1969, outlining how they wanted to add fertility reducing agents to the water and food supply. It sure seems like that came to fruition, eh?
Throughout publishing all of these pieces, readers commented and emailed asking about “natural” vitamins, meaning supplements sold to us in bottles that claim to be natural, made from plants, “organic”, and so on. The truth is, I had no clue if these vitamins are legit, but I too, wanted to know.
And that brings us to today’s article. Today, my plan is to embark on a journey to get answers for us. I will attempt to uncover exactly what these “natural” vitamins are; meaning, what’s in them? Is it just dehydrated algae loaded into a pill? Where does the algae come from? It is just dehydrated berries? Are these Natural Vitamins something that is actually good for us? Or is it more smoke and mirrors? And, before we begin, as I have said in every one of my Vitamin investigations, if you are taking these products and they’re helping you, EXCELLENT! KEEP TAKING THEM! This is my research that I share for anyone interested in reading it. I want everyone to do what they feel is right, and we can disagree and still play for the same team.
Let the investigation begin…
Before we can look into anything, we need to define exactly what we will be researching, starting with the question, “What is a Natural Vitamin”? Which, you would think, sounds like a very reasonable question, with a very simple answer, right?
I thought Google Image Search results would be photos of actual fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and so on, but I guess not. This is what Google Image claims are “Natural Vitamins”:
Let’s see what Brave browser shows us:
Microsoft Bing displays a single image of actual food, but even then, tries to sell us processed supplements:
So, according to Search Engine image results, Natural Vitamin means “Processed. Comes in a bottle”… we are off to an interesting start…
The internet definition of Natural Vitamins says that they come “from natural food sources like fruits and vegetables”, then goes on to say that synthetic (lab-made) Vitamins are the same thing:
Next we need to define “Natural Vitamin Supplements”, meaning what we buy in a bottle, that is labeled Natural.
I thought this would say something like, “fruits and vegetables that have been dehydrated and put into pills”, but instead of giving me the definition of Natural Vitamin Supplement, it tells me what “Organic Vitamins” are; Organic Vitamin Supplements that come from a whole food source, “made by condensing and concentrating” the produce "and other natural foods”. I’m not sure how I feel about the phrases “condensing and concentrating” and “other natural foods”, but overall, it sounds good so far.
However, I was not looking for “Organic Vitamin” info. I am looking for Natural Vitamin Supplement to be defined. So, I then tried to search for, “What are Natural Vitamin Supplements?” on Bing, and again, I could not get a straight answer. The best I got was:
So, according to Bing, Natural Vitamins come from natural food, and Synthetic Vitamins are artificial. However, they go on to say, “Natural Supplements usually list food sources as 100% plant or animal-based”. Okay, I guess that will do.
But when we look deeper, we discover a Natural Vitamin Supplement can kind of mean two different things, based on how it is made (although we are assured the end product is the same either way, and the end product is the same as eating fresh produce). Here’s the two ways Natural Vitamin Supplements can be made:
The vitamin can be made from a component taken directly from the earth
It can be a product that starts with natural fermentation and undergoes further processing.
I am not a fan of the word “processing”, so I think we can all agree we want the “taken directly from the earth” option, right? Like, dig up that carrot and put it in a pill, right? But how do we know which process we are buying? Hmmm… Let’s try to figure out how to tell which process by looking at labeling requirements for Natural…
Vitamins and Supplements are completely unregulated and according to OSHA.gov, testing isn’t required. The only regulations in the industry apply to labeling. That is why Vitamins and Supplements have a disclaimer stating the product has not been evaluated by the FDA and, “This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”…
Even though the front label also tells us that it “Prevents” something…
I would soon discover, this is the tip of the iceberg. “Natural” and “All Natural” are not terms that are regulated by the federal government. The FDA adds to that by writing, “the FDA has not engaged in rulemaking to establish a formal definition for the term "natural"“. SERIOUSLY bro? The friggin FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION refuses to provide a definition of what NATURAL means? What the hell?! Perhaps this is why I couldn’t get an actual definition of “Natural Vitamin Supplement”? (34 second video)
According to the FDA, “Vitamins and Minerals”, other than vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron do not need to be listed on the supplements label, as long as the manufacturer does not make any claims about them (so, basically, don’t ask, don’t tell?). Manufacturers are only required to declare them on the label when they are added to the product for purposes of supplementation. This means the Vitamins we purchase can contain any other substance considered to be a “vitamin” without telling us it is in our product (except for Vitamin A, C, Calcium and Iron. Those four should be listed).
This is a huge problem because, for example, GMO Soy, Palm Oil and Canola Oil are all considered to be “Vitamin E”, therefore, if the Vitamin we purchased was Vitamin D3 drops, the oil in the drops can be any of these dangerous oils, and the label does not have to state it is in there because it is considered to be another Vitamin, meanwhile, we are warned not to “take too much” of any Vitamin because it leads to toxicity (yes, something super healthy is also hugely toxic). (52 second video)
Next, you’re not going to believe this, but it’s true: Exemptions to Nutrition Labeling Requirements: According to the FDA, businesses don’t even have to properly label the supplement if they sell less than 100,000 units of the product annually and have under 100 full-time employees.
Then there’s “made from”, “made with” and “sourced from”. These words mean, at some point in the process, a piece of orange fruit, or its peel, or juice, seeds, whatever, was used. It doesn’t mean we are eating a pill containing only oranges, or rose hips, or what-have-you.
So, we now know that Natural means nothing, the industry isn’t regulated and the labels do not need to tell us what is in the package providing the ingredients are also considered to be “vitamins” or if they have under 100 employees and sell under 100,000 bottles... I feel like we are not off to a good start here, but maybe it will get better?
I suppose our next question needs to be, “What ingredients are considered Natural?”. We would assume apples, broccoli, nuts, leaves, herbs and such, right?
…and this is where the rabbit hole begins…
Before we jump into this crazy list, let me explain Byproducts. Byproducts are waste from manufacturing something. For example, lets say you are making mashed potatoes for me (because I love mashed potatoes and you love me and you’re a good cook and I’m not). After you peel the potatoes, you have a pile of skin slices. This is a byproduct from making the potatoes. Most people would throw these in the trash, but not you, because you are smart (and also amazing, and good looking too *wink*). You instead put them into compost because worms love ‘em, or you throw a little oil and some salt on them, then pop them in the air fryer to make the super healthy French Fry crisps you saw on Instagram.
When it comes to industrial manufacturing and processing, we are not usually talking about some potato skin scraps. We are talking about waste that is supposed to be discarded per government safety standards, which is expensive. Typically, waste needs to be loaded into special drums then taken to disposal sites, or it can be incinerated, if it’s non-hazardous (but often hazardous stuff is incinerated too… this is what “0 waste” means, unfortunately, and the gov gives businesses awards for it). Liquid wastes can sometimes be cleaned then put into the sewer, or just dumped in the sewer or the ocean, because it’s cheaper to get a fine than dispose of it properly.
However, manufacturers have cleverly figured out that instead of losing money on waste disposal costs, they can bottle it and sell it as a food additive, “water treatment” (such as fluoride), medicine, filler (such as in powdered laundry detergent), etc.
Unfortunately for us, the most cost effective and profitable way for them to dispose of their waste is to feed it to us. As disgusting as this sounds, and as diabolical as it is, it is equally brilliant in an evil-genius-type-of-way. They use our bodies as their incinerators. We eat their manufacturing waste, our bodies break it down, then we excrete it; Boom! Money goes into their bank accounts from the sale of the waste and money is saved from eliminating disposal costs. Additionally the waste has vanished, flushed through our bodies and into the sewer system. Sickening.
Now lets look at some “Natural” ingredients in Vitamins and Supplements…
These are just some of the Natural byproducts and other atrocious Natural ingredients that I was able to uncover through two days worth of research. I guarantee there are tens-of-thousands more because a byproduct can be mixed with more byproducts, chemicals, coloring agents, whatever, to create a good supplement or good food additive for you.
Coal Tar derivates are not only Natural but they can also be Organic because coal contains carbon.
Here’s coal tar, yummy:
As we learned in my piece Vitamin B Contaminated a City, coal tar is used to make multiple Vitamin ingredients.
Tobacco Industry Waste can be used to make Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). Tobacco is a plant, so it can even be Organic. Making Vitamins from tobacco waste is super-duper cost effective, not only because it’s trash, but also due to the child labor used in the industry. Is your vitamin B “Sourced from Plants”? I wonder if these are the same tobacco plants they are using to grow vaccines and drugs? It sure would be interesting if they are…
“Protein” and “Proteinaceous Material” used in Vitamins, Supplements and Pharmaceuticals can be Naturally sourced from:
Potato Processing wastewater
Meat processing wastewater containing blood, debris and more:
Poultry processing wastewater - pretty much the same as meat processing wastewater
Sewer sludge and manure (yes, feces is indeed natural)
Algae used in wastewater (35 second video)
Seawater wastewater is great for making those Natural algae supplements!
Best of all, using the aforementioned “protein” means the product is “renewable”, therefore eco-friendly! YAY!
We will be diving into how these wastes, including Sewer Sludge, are used to make Vitamins in Part 2 of this series, coming next. So be sure to sub if ya haven’t already:
In the meantime, let’s get back to the list:
Graphene / Graphene Oxide is a member of the carbon family too!…
But guys, it helps our bodies intake the vitamin better, so ingesting graphene is great! Graphene and (synthentic) Vitamins go hand-in-hand.
Byproducts from animal slaughtering and processing industries (not just wastewater) are used frequently and it are very difficult to find this information because they do their best to keep it a secret. For example, “guanine” is a popular ingredient in Vitamin B-12 as well as the cosmetic industry. Do you know what guanine is? It’s fish scales; byproduct from the fish processing industry, mixed with chemicals.
Other fish processing industry byproduct can be mixed with toxic chemicals to create Fish Oil and Omega-3’s.
So think about this; they harvest the fish, lop its head off and fillet the meat. What is left other than the head? Bones, fins, intestines, organs? That is what is being boiled with chemicals, to make Supplements (and the scales go to Guanine). I suppose it is good we are not wasting, but do we have the right to know our Supplements are waste? Do we have the right to know what toxic chemicals are used to make them? I think Yes.
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) are not only used to make vaccines but they are sources of “Natural” Vitamin B12. The process to make FBS and FCS is so evil that it is basically satanic, IMO. We will discuss it soon.
Ground rocks, stones, shells are considered “minerals”. While we all will agree that these are legitimately “Natural” ingredients, are humans supposed to eat rocks, stones or shells? I can almost guarantee it is byproduct waste, but I am not sure which industry it comes from. If I had to guess, I would say the rocks and stone come from refining industry dust and scrap. Think of all the dust in the bottom of the bag:
(I bet you $10 someone is going to email me some article they found on some random blog about a small tribe from the 1700’s who lived completely off rocks and shells, because that is what I deal with as a Substack writer)
Glycerin is another “Natural” ingredient that can be derived from soybean oil biodiesel. And yep, it contains carbon so it might be organic too! (Pichia pastoris is yeast fungus used in Vitamin manufacturing)
Algae and Yeast - After the Algae is harvested, minerals and some synthetic chemical “nutrients” (called Raw Materials) are added to the yeast/algae suspensions where they concentrate within cells. The yeast/algae is then harvested, ruptured (using chemicals), and made into a vitamin supplement. The theory is that yeast/algae contain the nutrients they were fed… which was synthetic (chemical) “vitamins”… which we are told are the exact same thing as eating whole foods…
Plastic - Believe it or not, plastic contains carbon, therefore it can qualify. I know, crazy right? Plastic is a common ingredient in pill-style vitamins, used as a coating. The plastic ingredients found in many capsules are often called phthalates, but good luck trying to find out if they are in your supplement. In March 2012, Environmental Health Perspectives found 26 dietary supplements with these plastic compounds, including fish oil, garlic, magnesium, vitamin C, probiotics and enzymes. Remember how I told you they have to make the Fish Oil pill coating extra thick because the vast majority go rancid and they need to hide the smell? YEP, PLASTIC!
Oh, and regarding eating plastic, guess who is funding plastic-eating research?:
Yep, DARPA, meaning, us! Because there was absolutely nothing else to spend $7.2 million of our tax dollars on…
“Digestive Enzymes”, such as Lipase and Pepsin are pretty disgusting. Lipase is more often derived from the tongues of calves and lambs whereas Pepsin comes from the stomach lining of pigs, both byproduct waste, treated with tons of chemicals, then sold to us from China and India:
Mold of all kinds, including black mold, are all considered Natural. People will argue, “black mold has never been proven to be dangerous!”, ok, but black mold grows on toxins. If a supplement is derived from black mold (such as in the case of Mary Ruth’s brand and almost all “citric acid” in the world), it would require a toxin to grow on, correct? If the mold feeds on a toxin, it absorbs the toxin, then we eat (or breathe) the toxin-laced mold, we get sick. (This is pretty much an introduction to how biological weapons are developed, for anyone who may be wondering). Even if it’s not grown on a toxin, do we have the right to know what our Vitamins are made from? Do we have the right to know Citric Acid is not citrus? And if this is all peachy with you, GREAT! EAT IT!
Petroleum Oil / Petrochemicals - In the food and supplement industry it’s known as mineral oil! Ain’t that some bullsh*t? Did you know that’s what mineral oil was? I didn’t! But it can also be called food-grade paraffin wax, TBHQ, tert-Butylhydroquinone and a whole bunch of other names, but my absolute favorite code name is “ Antioxidant TBHQ”. Sounds so healthy, doesn’t it?
Wood Clippings and Saw Dust, often known as Cellulose, have been put in food products since the 1960s. But the thing is, Cellulose isn’t just some wood pulp from a tree. It is sold as a lab chemical according to the manufacturer, who lists it as combustible, stating, “May form explosible dust-air mixture if dispersed.”
Cellulose should not be swallowed and if it comes in contact with your skin, immediately remove your clothing (like a drag queen at a 4th grade pep rally).
And it’s not that it’s safe, it’s that there’s no safety data is available:
Because it’s a byproduct, it’s super cheap. You can buy an entire ton (2,000 pounds / 907kg), for as little as $0.06 per pound! $120 for 2,000 POUNDS! (9 second video. Don’t you want to eat this in your Balance of Nature Fruit pills? Or would you rather have the Balance of Nature Veggie pills loaded with Soy?)
Biochar is a charcoal-like product that contains no petroleum. It is made by heating biomass such as herbaceous or woody crop residues, non-salvageable timber and slash, or animal manure, in a contained system. Brush your teeth with it, eat it, mix it with water and drink it cuz it’s great for your health… and also made of carbon!:
Carmine - Insects and beetles are farmed and killed on an industrial scale, from which the color is extracted, mixed with chemicals and made into “Carmine”. Carmine color is a totally unnecessary ingredient in food, let alone supplements… but it’s “natural" and sometimes it’s fun to mass murder life for no reason. “You vil eat ze bugs!” (← read in a Klaus Schwab voice)
Insects aren’t just killed for color, it’s even crazier than that. Black fly WASTE, for example, is made into feed, per the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
I know someone reading this will say, “That says it’s just for animal feed!” - no, it is not. It is officially labeled “Alternative Protein Source” and is now appearing in all kinds of foods. We will be discussing the insects hidden in our food within the next couple weeks, so click it:
More Insects: Dude, they love feeding us insects. Shellac comes from Lac bug, a scale insect from India and Southeast Asia. The Lac bug leaves these deposits on branches:
People scrape the insect resin from these trees and process it to make a substance that is then used to make items shiny and hard. It is commonly used as a coating in supplements. India alone produces more than 16,000 tons of raw lac every year, which is great, because that’s where Vitamins and Supplements come from. YOU VIL EAT ZE BUGS!
Bacteria (typically genetically modified bacteria) is used to make cultures in Vitamins, Vaccines and Food. In terms of Vitamins, the bacteria cultures are typically fed some form of glucose to grow them, which is usually GMO sugar, including GMO corn Syrup, but I have seen some “natural” sellers claim to feed the bacteria Agave Nectar. Again, there’s no oversight and no testing requirements, so I supposed this is “honesty policy” stuff. Regardless, as you will come to learn in the next part of the series, Agave or no Agave, chemicals are required.
GFP, Green Fluorescent Protein is derived from jellyfish (Aequorea Victoria). Just like luciferase, it glows:
It is used for protein production in Vitamins, Supplements and all different Pharmaceuticals. It is even used to make Monoclonal Antibodies.
Gelatin, is a very common Vitamin or Supplement additive. It comes from boiling the hooves, stomach, ligaments, tendons and tissue linings of cattle and pigs (byproduct waste). And, as you can see below, it clearly contains chemicals because boiled hooves do not turn into powder regardless of how long you boil them.
Magnesium Stearate (AKA “Vegetable Source”, Stearic Acid), was listed on the label of every single “Natural” vitamin I looked at today. (1 minute video)
There’s a bunch of ways to make this chemical concoction. One method to manufacture Natural Magnesium Stearate is to derive it from pork (byproduct waste) but can also be made from chicken, beef and fish (waste). The keyword here is “derived from”; it requires harsh chemicals to derive. Most Magnesium Stearate is just chemicals, and even if it is pork-derived, this is not pure pork:
“Natural” (Animal) Hyaluronic Acid - comes from rooster combs (the red fleshy growth on a rooster's head) because, what the hell else are you going to do with it, other than make a hot dog? Might as well throw it in some Vitamins and sell it to the plebs.
Glucosamine & Chondroitin is derived from a shark's cartilage (the tissue that provides support for fins in sharks), because slaughtering sharks for their fins (shark fin soup) and cartilage (supplements) makes sense to people. To the best of my knowledge, 100% of sharks that are senselessly assassinated are wild caught. What they typically do is cut off the fins then throw the dying shark back in the ocean. Cruel.
Tea waste - By definition, tea “waste” is throwaway trash: dust, bits and pieces of twigs, damaged fragments of leaf, floor sweepings, stalks, and leftover detritus that doesn’t meet the standards or processes that result in it becoming part of the packaged end product, but it is fantastic for making Supplements and Pharmaceuticals!
I think that is sufficient enough for now. Now that we know what “natural” ingredients can be, in my next article we are going to look at how exactly these vitamins are being made. Stay tuned! But first…
I cannot thank those who have donated enough. It truly means the world to me, especially when it comes to topics like Vitamins, which makes a lot of people furious and they unsubscribe. I guess they VANT TO EAT ZE BUGS! I’m kidding. I know this topic is a hard pill to swallow (pun intended?). The truth usually sucks, but wouldn’t you rather know? I would. And if you want to learn more about the lies we are being fed, follow my friends
, , and . These are the few people who stand with me in the war against medicine brainwashing. Below are links to my other Vitamin investigations I have done so far. If you’re not sure where to start, I would suggest Vitamin D, A or The History of Food Fortification:NEXT READ:
There will be a lot more sources for this article in Part 2. It was originally all one piece, but it was way too long, so I divided it in half. In the meantime, check these out if you want to learn more.
*I do not endorse everything in the Sources section. It’s just all the sh*t I looked at to write this
Well...just like the vaccines, people are having a hard time accepting the idea that their government would allow dangerous medications To be put out on the market, its disgusting, all of it..our food, our air and water and now vitamins and most medications. They are slowly making humanity ill and dead, over 20 years ago I was looking ingredients up on the back of food products and dog foods, I only feed my animals meat, nothing else, my family must eat what I see fit and never fast foods. The vitamins I was suspicious about but not completely sure since I personally did not want that to be posion too, but I did buy only those who guaranteed money back, seeing your hard work has of course enlightened me once again. I have a whole side wall of every kind of expensive vitamin you can name, except for the oils and a few things like castor oil, they went into the trash. I believe all your research because I know what they do to our food and cosmetics, shampoos and body creams..In fact They are putting nanobots, graphine oxide in Everything now..even city and bottled water. Our government is in on this because of their funding and millions of dollars congress gets in return for not stopping this in the first place, the FDA has admitted they do not test anything, they take the word of the producer's, the CDC is not a government agency, they are a private vaccine company, Americans care more about counting calories than counting the chemicals in their food.
Again, a great big THANK YOU! I am blown away by your incredible research. This whole deep dive has challenged my cognitive dissonance further than any rabbit 🐇 hole I’ve ever gone down. There is one “ supplement“ I’m afraid to look at. That is GLYCINE. According to Mercola if you use this amino acid sparingly it will block the receptor that Roundup ( Glyphosate) uses to infiltrate our bodies. Just asking.
Since you haven’t bothered to follow thru with my offer of a whiskey glass I’ll be buying you a few shots!