A deep dive into what Synthetic Vitamins actually are. A shocking look at Vitamin Industry corruption and fake tests leading to us micro-dosing ourselves with poisons in the name of "health".
I am not telling you not to take your vitamins. If you feel they are helping you, GREAT! Take them, take them, TAKE THEM! But please read this with an open mind because if you refuse to read it, then you are no different than my mother people who refuse to read information related to vaccines, yet continue to roll up their sleeves. I have nothing to sell you, so there is zero financial benefit for me sharing this information, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Truthers who try to expose Synthetic Vitamins get lit the f*ck up on social media, attacked from every angle including their own side, lose subscribers, called “shills” and even blacklisted from groups… for simply trying to show people factual evidence… it really sucks.
While you read this, please keep in mind that our own government said they plan to poison us by, or in, 2025, and one of those method is through SYNTHETIC VITAMINS. Don’t worry, I will add this link to the bottom of this post so you can check it out after you are done with this crazy rabbit hole. Let’s dive in:
My Synthetic Vitamin and Synthetic Supplement obsession began around 2010, when I started getting into bodybuilding and was eager for advice, which I found plenty of in forums on niche sites. You see, although I was super lean with toned muscle and pretty flawless abs (toot! toot! went my own horn), I couldn’t put on muscle, and that was my goal. The advice in the forums was to cease all cardio and focus completely on weights, combined with bottled (synthetic) supplements and store-bought (synthetic) vitamins, with extra focus on Protein Powder and Vitamin D, because, “Vitamin D improves bone strength”. This advice was touted by health gurus as well as everyday people, so I believed it, after all, “Vitamins” are the cornerstone to nutrition, and even though I was drinking my homemade leafy-green smoothies, pounding chicken breast, steak, black beans, chickpeas and avoiding 100% of junk food, more Vitamins = better, right?
I saw the thousands of dollars spent on these synthetic products as an investment in my wellbeing and, hopefully, maybe I will finally be able to bulk up just a little more? Plus, every time I would buy a pricy protein powder, the spouse bought a new piece of cookware, so everybody in my house was happy.
My bodybuilding journey abruptly came to an end around 2016 when my work hours drastically increased, but, despite never being able to bulk-up, I was still proudly taking all of my vitamins and supplements. In fact, I was so convinced that these were the key to a healthy life that I had a 6-foot long shelf in my walk-in closet that was loaded to the brim with every kind of drop, pill, tablet, tincture and big, expensive jugs of every protein powder flavor you could name. It was just like the “healthy aisle” of a drug store and just seeing it made me feel good. I took them religiously… until the day that changed everything…
Tim Truth shared a video that led me down a rabbit hole. Tim’s video made me realize that although I read the ingredients label on every food and beverage product I purchased at the grocery store, I didn’t actually know what Synthetic Vitamins are, and I quickly discovered that getting answers was no easy task. Why on earth is it difficult to find out what is in the product I am eating for my health? I began researching. I wanted to know what exactly Synthetic “Vitamins” are, how they are made and who makes them; these seem like very simplistic questions, don’t they? The answers I eventually uncovered were shocking, to say the least. The more I researched, the deeper the rabbit hole got. Today I am going to share with you my research. Again, if these products are helping you, FANTASTIC! KEEP TAKING THEM! I am not telling you how to live. I am sharing facts, facts which come directly from the manufacturers of the Vitamins.
Vitamin D comes from the sun. According to the NIH, it is also found in clean foods, such as mushrooms, fish, broccoli, carrots, as well as some nuts, seeds and some fruits, other natural foods:
We all agree that these are important in our diets, right? We all agree that we need sun and healthy, nutrient-rich foods, right? Are we on the same page so far? Ok, awesome. Let’s continue.
The questions I wanted answers to are not about the benefits of the sun, vegetables, fish, nuts, mushrooms or clean foods. Sun = good. Broccoli = good. Nuts = good. There’s no debate to be had. What I wanted answers to was SYNTHETIC Vitamins, sold mostly as pills and drops, which we are told, are the exact same thing as sun and the aforementioned clean foods. Just to be clear, this was me:
…And this is where the rabbit hole begins…
Synthetic Vitamin D is a chemical that is usually “Cholecalciferol” (pronounced “Ko-le-cal-siff-er-all”). The images above are of a chemical factory in India making Synthetic Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol (Ko-le-cal-siff-er-all, trust me, if you say it like that 10 times, it becomes easy to pronounce).
Now that I knew what I was digging to find answers to, my research changed. I was no longer trying to find out what was in my GNC supplement bottle, which was clearly labeled Vitamin D3, I was now trying to figure out what this is:
Which brings us to the question:
As you can see from the India factory images above, Cholecalciferol (say it with me kids! Ko-le-cal-siff-er-all) is not powdered vegetables, and the factory hasn’t figured out how to bottle sunshine, so what exactly are we all dosing our bodies with?
Here’s a product label for individual Synthetic Vitamin D supplement tablets, sold in bulk by one of the India chemical factories:
Let’s take a look at each ingredient.
Dicalcium Phosphate is also known as Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate, DCPD Calcium Monohydrogen Phosphate Dicalcium Orthophosphate, Dihydrate and di-Calcium Phosphate Dihydrate, because, as I have come to learn, every lab-made chemical has a sh*t ton of aliases (“synonyms”). Why? I have no f*cking clue, but it feels like they do it on purpose to muddy the waters. As a researcher, it does make research much more difficult when the name keeps changing.
Here is raw Dicalcium Phosphate powder, ready to be mixed with other chemicals to make Synthetic Vitamins or pharmaceutical products:
It comes in bulk from our good friends in China and India because they greatly care about our health:
Here’s photos of a China Dicalcium Phosphate powder factory:
Dicalcium Phosphate is not only used in synthetic vitamins, but it is also used as a preservative in processed foods to extend their shelf life. It makes a great preservative because it removes water from the product.
According to the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet (“MSDS”) it is a Hazardous Chemical that is also labeled Dangerous Substance:
There is a lengthy list of known, most common side effects from ingesting this lab-made, hazardous chemical. Here’s a screenshot from the MSDS:
Although it is Hazardous according to the chemical manufacturer, the FDA has declared it to be Generally Recognized as Safe (“GRAS”) when “used in accordance with good manufacturing practice”… what does this mean exactly? Not the slightest clue.
In fact, it is considered to be so Generally Recognized as Safe by the FDA that this hazardous chemical is considered a Calcium Supplement, therefore, in the United States, it is dumped into processed foods that require Enrichment. This means it is in cereal, flour, noodles, etc.
That was just the first ingredient. Let’s look at the second.
Microcrystalline Cellulose:
According to the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet (“MSDS”) this chemical is also considered Hazardous. The Safety Sheet goes on to state that prolonged or repeated ingestion may affect the blood (thrombocytopenia) as well as blood clotting factors. This chemical can be purchased here in the USA because the DuPont’s manufacture it under the brand name Avicel. Avicel (DuPont) recently got in trouble for their chemical having “elevated levels of ammonium chloride”. You see, it’s fine to have some Aluminum Chloride, but too much can be problematic because Aluminum Chloride is yet another hazardous lab-created chemical. It is most often used to make dry batteries, as a soldering flux, glue for bonding wood, an agent in Zinc coating and tinning (to protect steel from corrosion), a fertilizer… and cough syrup and Synthetic Vitamins… interesting, eh?
Microcrystalline Cellulose and Dicalcium Phosphate are mixed together and used as a “Bulking Agent” in the Synthetic Vitamin D3 Supplements. A Bulking Agent increases the weight / mass of the product. Basically, it’s filler that is hazardous, according to all of the manufacturers, but Generally Recognized as Safe per the FDA.
Because ingredients labels are required to list contents in order of most-to-least, the two most abundant chemicals in these Synthetic Vitamin D tablets are hazardous Microcrystalline Cellulose and hazardous Dicalcium Phosphate (which can contain above-normal levels of hazardous Aluminum Chloride and Lord knows what else).
The third ingredient is Synthetic “Cholecalciferol”, which we will skip for a moment then come back to. The fourth ingredient:
Magnesium Stearate: The manufacturer in India provided a video, so here you go (7 seconds)
Yummy. The MSDS states this chemical should only be used in a laboratory and should not be used in food or drugs:
In fact, the manufacturer goes on to state, “if swallowed, seek medical attention”
Next is Silica. According to, “Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in the earth's crust. Materials like sand, stone, concrete, and mortar contain crystalline silica”. It is also used to make products such as glass, pottery, ceramics, bricks, and artificial stone…but they forgot to mention it is used to make synthetic vitamins. Do we even need to look at a Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet for something used to make fake stone? Probably not. But if you’re curious, Silica can contain over 1% Aluminum Oxide as well as trace amounts Iron Oxide and Titanium Oxide, but it’s a super small percent, so no worries, right?
Also, according to the MSDS, Toxicological Testing has not been done, so it can’t be labeled hazardous, therefore, it is safe. See how that works? And if you want to see a video of the Silica manufacturer loading us Americans up on glass making supplies nutritious Synthetic Vitamin ingredients, here you go: (2 minutes)
So, thus far, we know our Vitamin tablet contains a preservative that dehydrates as well as glass making supplies and an anti-corrosion chemical for steel.
Now it’s time for the most important thing, the Synthetic Vitamin D, “Cholecalciferol”, the third most abundant ingredient in the chemical Vitamin D supplement tablet, the ingredient we buy it for, the ingredient that keeps us in prime health.
To find the answer to this question, we are going to locate the door at the bottom of the rabbit hole and kick that mutherf*cker down like the police raiding a drug den, or like the FBI locking up J6 grannys.
For starters, Synthetic Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol is rat poison: (40 second video, full video available in Sources section. This is the video Tim Truth shared that changed everything for me)
Here’s a Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet for Synthetic Vitamin D3. It clearly says it should not be used as food or drug and that’s its only use should be “laboratory chemicals”. It does not say, “excellent when taken orally if consumed in small amounts daily”:
The MSDS goes on to state this chemical, VITAMIN D3, is considered to be HAZARDOUS. “How hazardous could a Vitamin possibly be?”, you ask. I reply, “You’re going to want to sit down for this one, my friend”:
“Acute Toxicity” is listed on the MSDS as being a “Category 2” and “Category 1” Health Hazard, but mostly Category 2. Category 1 means “Substances that, on the basis of evidence from studies in experimental animals, can be presumed to have the potential to be harmful to human health following single exposure”. Category 2 means, “chemicals and materials pose serious health risks even with relatively brief exposure”:
Did you notice that, on the MSDS, it says it harms BONES? And kidneys too, but bones is the huge shocker because all our lives we have been told how great supplementing Vitamin D is for our bones.
But perhaps, even though the MSDS says not to use as a food or drug, and even though it is hazardous, and can harm bones with prolonged or repeated exposure, maybe just a little each day is really good for us?
The MSDS goes to to state that one of the ingredients in Synthetic Vitamin D3 is Chloroform, and, if ingested, “get medical attention immediately”:
We will discuss Chloroform, and why it’s in here, in a minute. But first, let’s get back to the rat poison topic:
According to the 24/7 Pet Poison Helpline, Synthetic “Cholecalciferol” isn’t just IN rat poison, it is another name FOR Rat Poison. “VITAMIN D3” IS ALSO ANOTHER NAME FOR RAT POISON:
What I also found interesting is that other synthetic “Vitamins” are also used in poisons, such as Synthetic Vitamin K1.
Synthetic Calcium Supplements, Synthetic Multi-Vitamins, Synthetic Iron Supplements and even Synthetic Prenatal Vitamins are highly toxic to animals (because animals are who the manufacturers study them on). However, people on social media scream at me, “garlic and chocolate are toxic to dogs too!”, so because garlic can, allegedly, harm your pooch, these lab-made chemicals being toxic poison are no need for alarm. My response: “GREAT! TAKE THEM!”
I found this article posted on a pharmacy website (for human drugs) to be eyebrow-raising because it insists that Synthetic Vitamin D is great, but also makes the following statement, “As with all POISONS, the dose is critical. That is why the tolerable upper limit is set at 4,000 IUs for adult humans.”
So, the pharmacy is admitting it is a poison, but, if taken in a “tolerable dose”, it has incredible health benefits? Folks, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to give my kids any level of poison, not even a “safe dose” of it, but maybe I am misunderstanding the concept. Let’s keep researching, perhaps we will figure out how micro-dosing a lab-made hazardous chemical that says not to use as food or drug is good for us?
Some people say Synthetic Vitamin D3 isn’t rat poison because rat poison can also contain arsenic. Others will argue that there is something special about rats that allows Synthetic Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) to kill them but not harm us, and, because rats are way different than humans, there is no comparison to be made between the two. However, the reason rats are used in lab experiments is because they are so similar to humans:
Additionally, the way Synthetic Cholecalciferol kills rats is exactly identical to the way Synthetic Cholecalciferol harms humans if “too much” is taken, or taken for too long. It would seem to me that the only difference between the dead rat and the living human is the “tolerable dose” of the poison. This led to my next question:
Surely decades of expansive clinical studies in humans determined the proper limits to take of this poison-that-is-good-in-small-daily-doses prior to it being bottled and sold to us, right? Wellll… did you know that Vitamins and Supplements are completely unregulated and testing isn’t even required? (SOURCE: So the amount we should take daily, listed on the Synthetic-Chemical-Vitamin-Label, is determined by the manufacturer who has 0 oversight of any form. But, then we must ask ourselves, “why would they need to provide a daily dose amount when the actual chemical says not to consume as food or use as a drug because it is hazardous poison?”
One of my trusted brands of Synthetic Vitamins was Mary Ruth’s because the label says “Organic” and I am one of those people who will pay the extra money for a product that isn’t covered in chemicals. BUT…
I discovered that “Organic” means literally nothing. Even the New Yorker wrote about this great swindle. Looking closer at the Mary Ruth’s product label, it claims the other ingredients in the Synthetic Vitamin D drops are Organic. The Cholecalciferol is the same as every other Cholecalciferol Synthetic Vitamin:
I was pretty flabbergasted to see this. Then, when I looked at the label on the front of the product and read it slowly and carefully, the product tells you the PINEAPPLE FLAVOR IS WHAT IS ORGANIC:
At this point in my research, I had a major sinking feeling. The same feeling overcame me when I learned the truth about vaccines and had to face the reality that I took my children to get stuck with every single “childhood vaccine” on the schedule when they were little so they could be healthy. I will never forgive myself; it was the biggest mistake of my life. Now that I was reading all the sh*t about Synthetic Vitamin D, I started wondering if Synthetic Vitamins are one big, evil lie too.
When Rockefeller got into the medicine industry, an all-out assault occurred on natural medicine, because there wasn’t profit in plants and herbs. Although the Rockefellers (and all elites, I assume) have homeopathic doctors for themselves and their families, there wasn’t money to be made in other people being healthy. What there was profit in is chemicals and dis-ease (now called “disease”).
Me, thinking to myself, “Rockefeller. Well, that explains why COAL TAR and PETROL OIL are in Synthetic Vitamins” (1:46 video)
And it’s totally fine to use these ingredients, even if they are byproduct waste material. You can even use them if the byproduct is radioactive (if this shocks you, read my Vitamin B is Cyanide post)
Let’s skip ahead to modern times:
As I showed you earlier, the factories in India (and China) make the chemicals sold to us as Vitamins, but who pays the factories to produce them is the bigger question… (MUST SEE 1:38 video. The man on the right was a former drug rep who taught college classes on the importance of synthetic supplements and, after discovering it was a lie, has been fighting to undo the damage he did by spreading misinformation)
I’ll admit, I had not the slightest clue. I guess I thought “healthy companies” make “Vitamins” and evil companies make chemical drugs and vaccines, but now it made so much sense: Vaccines and prescriptions for the people who believe in Big Pharma, and (synthetic) “Vitamins and Supplements” for those of us who want to live a clean, chemical-free life. It’s pick your poison, quite literally.
Ok, so Big Pharma is the vast majority of the vitamin industry, but perhaps they want us to live long, healthy lives and they know how to make chemicals for that purpose? Maybe Synthetic Vitamins are the only good Pfizer product? This led me to dig into how Synthetic Vitamin D is made…
You’re not going to believe this, but it’s true. Synthetic Vitamin D3 is typically produced with irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol from lanolin obtained from the wool of sheep. I know that sounds confusing AF, so let me break it down in normal-people-speak:
Lanolin is a waxy substance that is naturally secreted by wool-bearing mammals, such as sheep.
What they are doing is blasting the lanolin with UV light and heat. They claim they are getting the 7-dehydrocholesterol in the lanolin to “turn into” what they will then call (synthetic) “vitamin D3”. This is how it has been done since it’s (alleged) discovery in 1935.
In order to get the synthetic vitamin out of the lanolin (after blasting it with heat and light), you have to use chemicals, such as Chloroform… which now explains why Chloroform was on the Synthetic Vitamin D MSDS earlier. Chloroform is also highly toxic according to the manufacturer:
Even more disturbing is that “it is suspected of damaging the unborn child”:
This is not my opinion or a Conspiracy Theory. This safety information is right on page two of the MSDS… may damage unborn child… and we are encouraging pregnant mothers to take it:
At this point in my digging I was becoming not only skeptical of Synthetic Vitamins, but I was growing more and more suspicious of them as a whole. This led me to researching how we got here; how exactly did we determine there was a Vitamin D to begin with? More f*cking rabbit hole…
Here you go: (4 minute video)
It’s just going to get crazier, folks:
According to the NIH, after the Ricketts-Vitamin-D-discovery mentioned above was made, scientists “isolated” the vitamin D. This led me to wanting to get some photos of the isolated vitamin D to insert right here in this Substack post to make my article as thorough as possible… which seemed like a simple task, but I quickly discovered that finding actual photographs of isolated natural, non-synthetic Vitamin D was just as difficult as finding a photograph taken in “Outer Space” (or a photograph showing isolated Covid Virus). Here’s my journey to find a photo of Isolated Vitamin D:
While there are photos here, none are of only isolated Vitamin D.
The graphic on the left is, allegedly, of synthetic Vitamin D under a microscope, and the graphic on the right is a digital image (not a photograph. For more on this scam, read my post The NASA PSYOP: Just Show Us 1 REAL Photograph! ):
I then switched to Brave browser:
Why are these all rainbow colors? And why do they all look so different? And why are none of them “Isolated Vitamin D under Microscope”?
There’s this alleged photograph, but it too is synthetic Vitamin D3:
Let’s switch browsers and use Microsoft:
Every single one is Synthetic D3, or Vitamin C:
I FINALLY found a REAL photo of isolated Vitamin D under a microscope on ResearchGate!
This paper also shows us isolated Vitamin A!
But… ummm…. hmmm…. this seems strange…
I guess they look identical? How can you be sure of which one you are looking at? After being redirected to a different page to read the fine print, I discovered that the Vitamin A and D real photographs are also of Synthetic Vitamin lab chemicals. WTF! Why is it so damn hard to find a pic of isolated NATURAL Vitamin D? Can’t they get it from our blood? Or extract it from the fish? Or nut? Or broccoli? Or anything they claim contains it?
To make things more confusing, when I tried to find “Natural Vitamin D Molecular Structure”, I can only find the synthetic version, Cholecalciferol:
Even on the Wikipedia page, the only molecular structures shown are for lab-made Vitamins! Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
The more I looked, the more it dawned on me… could it be like Covid and Viruses? Could it be possible that there are no isolated photos because it was never actually isolated? No way, that can’t be true… can it? But if that is the case, how is the NIH claiming it was isolated? It was time to find the documentation showing exactly how Vitamin D was isolated for the very first time.
I discovered that in the experiment, in which scientists first isolated Vitamin D, they used Ergosterol and UV light. I am not a scientist so I had no f*cking clue what Ergosterol is. I discovered the basic definition is that it is found in the plasma membranes of yeast and fungi. Ok, I guess that makes sense because I then located this article on that says mushrooms are the only vegetable containing Vitamin D:
Which, in itself was strange, because all the other websites, including the NIH, CDC and WebMD are saying Vitamin D is in lots of vegetables, including broccoli:
Mushrooms aren’t even on the list! But let’s ignore this and get back to Ergosterol, which was what Vitamin D was first isolated from.
When I looked deeper, I discovered what is actually being used is not fungi nor yeast. What they are using for their experiments is a chemical known as Ergosterol… ALSO KNOWN AS VITAMIN D2… and it too should not be used as food or drug:
But let’s pretend what they used was natural mushroom membrane plasma, how exactly does blasting it with UV light “find” the Vitamin D when we are told the Vitamin D is already naturally occurring in the mushroom? “Trust the Science”, I suppose.
Then, when I tried to get a photo of natural Ergosterol, I couldn’t find that either. The only Ergosterol on the internet appears to be the chemical form:
I began to ponder, “What if Vitamin D, if there is such a thing, only comes from the sun and everything else is a PSYOP to sell us chemicals?”
To recap: the only way they could “find” natural vitamin D was to adulterate who-knows-what with chemicals and blast it with UV light. Then, to extract it, toxic chemicals, such as Chloroform, are added. Without adulterating it, there is no way to “see” it or “get” it, and the stuff we are being shown today, claiming to be Vitamin D3, is actually chemicals. I don’t know how far you have traveled down the Virus rabbit hole, but man, this was beginning to sound more and more like “viruses” and “germs” to me.
But wait, it gets crazier….
I couldn’t figure out how they seemingly didn’t isolate natural Vitamin D without adulterating it, yet they are able to run blood tests to tell us if we are low on it. “Is a Vitamin D blood test basically a Covid PCR test scam?”, I wondered. At this point in my research, I felt like my mind was going to explode, but I was already 8 hours deep, so I had to keep going…
You can’t make this sh*t up: As if things couldn’t get any more bizarre with this entire topic, I discovered that, on the US government website,, what they are testing our blood for is the God damn synthetic chemical Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) and synthetic chemical D2 (Ergosterol)… and, if you are found to be low in these chemicals, the answer is to “treat it with supplements” (chemicals… the same hazardous do-not-consume chemicals they sell…):
This seemed unbelievable. Just to make sure I was reading this correctly, I researched more, and found a fantastic 1-hour presentation by Dr. Thomas Cowan about this exact topic, and yes, they are indeed testing for Synthetic, Chemical Vitamin D and D2. I strongly encourage you to watch it if you have time because Dr. Cowan really digs into all the claims about Vitamin D as well as it stopping Covid and making people better. He looks at the fine print in the studies, which, apparently none of us are actually reading. He also discusses how Synthetic Vitamin D is not a Vitamin at all. It's actually a mislabeled steroid hormone, therefore it tampers with your body and it’s ability to do it’s job to keep you healthy. I found it fascinating and I assume you will too.
I now wondered, “is it possible the entire synthetic vitamin industry is fraud?”
When investigating fraud, it is imperative to look at who is profiting from the scheme; “follow the money”, they say.
As of 2006, which was before Pfizer and Big Pharma bought into the Vitamin market, only 8% of people were considered “at risk for vitamin D deficiency”, according to the CDC:
As of 2021, which is after Big Pharma bought-in, the appropriate levels had all been adjusted, which made 92% of Americans vitamin deficient, and, according to the article (probably written by the government), 90% of African Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, therefore they all need Cholecalciferol chemical supplementation ASAP… because the US government loves its people and wants to make sure everyone is super healthy:
Not only does Pharma have a chemical vitamin to sell you to get your blood-chemical-”Vitamin”-levels up, but when the D3 extracts the calcium from your bones, exactly as the MSDS says, Pfizer has a life-long pill to sell you for your Osteoporosis. Despite nearly 100 YEARS of Synthetic Vitamin D and other chemicals being dumped into in food and dairy products for “fortification” and “enrichment”, in addition to being taken orally as a supplement, Osteoporosis went from nonexistent to a blockbuster hit for Pfizer. NPR published an article about Pfizer’s miracle drug called, "How Bone Disease Grew to Fit the Prescription”, if the title of the article doesn’t send up red flags, what does? In only 10 years this drug went from nothing to over 3 BILLION DOLLARS in sales in a single year (2004):
Simultaneously, since being taken over by Big Pharma, Vitamin D has become the most popular Synthetic Vitamin worldwide, and expected to double in size by 2030:
Yes, the chemical that tampers with calcium is made by the same companies that sell the pill to, hopefully, slow down bone disintegration. Perhaps a slight conflict of interest?
Maybe I should also mention, due to the ingredients (preservatives) in synthetic Vitamins removing water from your body, when you become dehydrated, these same companies have more supplements to sell you. These supplements contain more chemicals:
When I shared this information on Twitter, as I was being mercilessly attacked for it, I realized that there were a few common rebuttals that people would say over and over to justify taking a hazardous chemical in small amounts, so I wanted respond to those.
“Too much of anything can kill you! Even too much water can kill you!”
As I have said repeatedly, if you feel it is helping you, take it. I am not telling you not to take it, I am telling you I am trying my damnedest to live a chemical-free life, and, quite frankly, I don’t want anything Big Pharma makes, and I do not feel any amount of lab-made poison is beneficial. Regarding “too much water can kill you”, there are 0 cases on record of drinking too much clean water killing people, ever. There’s only 3 total cases on record of people dying from “drinking too much water” and none of them actually died from the water alone. “Too much of anything can kill you” is blatantly false. Nobody gets diabetes from too much clean, fresh fruit. Nobody gets cancer from eating too many organic leafy greens. You know what kills people? Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals.
“Even almonds contain arsenic!“
BITTER ALMONDS contain arsenic, but it’s not actually arsenic. It’s glycoside amygdalin which converts to hydrogen cyanide within your body. This is not the same as lab-made poison:
“You would have to eat an entire jar of Synthetic Vitamin D to be harmed!”
I can say the same thing about drinking hand sanitizer or cologne. Just because I can drink a hand sanitizer daily, without any immediate, noticeable harm, does not mean it is helping me. Also, there has never been any testing, whatsoever, regarding the interaction for people taking multiple chemical Vitamins. Again, if its helping you, GREAT! TAKE IT!
“It solved my medical problem!”
It likely masked your medical problem because it is not really a “vitamin”, it's a steroid hormone. I again encourage you to watch the 1-hour presentation by Dr. Thomas Cowan, it was very eye-opening for me, at least. The problem with masking our medical issues is that they fester and become worse. I learned that the hard way with a tooth I really needed removed but instead chose to mask. It resulted in brutal oral surgery. It was awful.
“I only take the liquid drops! I don’t touch the powders or tablets!”
“I only buy my Vitamin D through reputable dealers! My bottle says “All Natural””
Ok, great. What is in it? Here’s Organic Vitamin D Drops, “100% Plant-Based Cholecalciferol Form”. Although we know Cholecalciferol is the synthetic version of Vitamin D, at first glance, this looks really legit. Let’s look at the ingredients:
The ingredients are listed as “Organic MCT Oil (from extra virgin coconut oil), D-Alpha Tocopherol (from sunflowers), Cholecalciferol (from algae)”. Sounds pretty good, I think? But how are they getting the “Cholecalciferol from Algae”?
Here’s entire 55-pound (25kg) drums of Cholecalciferol from Algae for sale from the exact same India chemical Vitamin factories for approximately $500 USD:
Call me crazy, but that doesn’t look like pure algae to me. I spent 30 minutes trying to locate the exact process the algae goes through and it’s exceptionally vague. Every article I can find says the algae is harvested then put through “a multi-stage process”, but I cannot find documentation showing what the process is, therefore, I have not the slightest clue what is actually in the finished product.
And this “natural” Vitamin bullsh*t isn’t limited to Vitamin D. Here’s Olly, “Beat the Bloat” pills, made from Dandelion, Fennel, Ginger and Enzymes, which sounds fantastic!
Look how great this is! These are pure ingredients!:
But if you keep digging, it has the same ingredients as the hazardous Vitamin D tablets (plus even more!):
In fact, when I did a Reverse Image Search for the India Vitamin D tablet label, it’s all the same sh*t, regardless of the brand and the product inside the bottle:
And because there is 0 oversight, “organic” and “natural” mean nothing, and there’s no laws requiring any form of testing, we truly have no way of knowing. (Fantastic 4-minute video: NATURAL IS A SCAM)
You can learn all about “Natural” FRAUD here.
“Then how am I supposed to get Vitamin D! My doctor says my levels are super low!”
Well, if it’s all fraud, and the tests are fraud because they are testing for a SYNTHETIC CHEMICAL, and your body is LOW ON THE CHEMICAL, in my book, that’s a good thing. But if you want more Vitamin D, if there truly is such a thing, Sun. Mushrooms. Nuts. Fish. Sun. No sun? Get a sun lamp.
“It’s worked wonders for me!”
“But Dr. So-And-So on some-podcast-I-love said…”
AWESOME! TAKE IT, TAKE IT, TAKE IT! Save money by cutting out the middle man and buy in bulk drums directly from the India and China factories that make it, or contact DuPont chemical.
“I prescribe it to all my patients and it cures them!”
GREAT! Keep prescribing it!
“But I (insert literally anything here)…”
I’m not a doctor or a scientist, but I am a researcher who is trying like hell to live as chemical-free as possible, which you know is really damn hard in modern times, especially for those of us who live smack-dab in the middle of the city.
I recently started learning about herbal nutrients and I wish I would have started on this knowledge journey when I was in my 20’s. I discovered that real tea (not Lipton bagged sh*t) is loaded with nutrients we need and plants are medicine too. I found a book online called “Midwest Medicinal Plants” (because I am from Michigan):
I’m sure you can find similar for where you live (btw, I recommend, buy used, dirt cheap! Plus they give you a free book every time you buy 5-or-so books. You can literally get a pile of awesome used books for $30). This book allowed me to start learning about my native plants and their amazing characteristics. Most of what we call “weeds” is a complete PSYOP. The truth is, they are not “weeds” at all, they are miracles with miraculous powers. Most “weeds”, can be made into teas or consumed as food, thus giving us the nutrients, and best of all, they’re in our own back yards… for free. But somehow we were convinced to yank them out of the ground and spray them with poisons… then plant pretty flowers that have zero health benefits and cannot be eaten as food. Why is EVERYTHING so God damn fake and backwards?!
In the past year, I have learned to like tea and continue to research all different brands as well as the nutrient-rich properties of different “blends”. I have even started learning about consuming plant roots! It’s really fascinating stuff that sadly, is very suppressed information.
Since I want to leave you with some solutions, below is a super quick list showing just a couple “Vitamins” found in natural, clean foods, of which the vast majority can be drank in tea, smoothies or juiced, or eaten as-is. And most, or all of this stuff is available at your local grocery store. Heck, you probably have some in your house right now.
Resveratrol: this antioxidant is found in several foods, including blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and peanuts. It’s also found in the skin of grapes, which means resveratrol is also found in red wine.
Resveratrol has been found to reduce bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots. One study demonstrated that resveratrol reduced the expression of a protein associated with noise-induced hearing loss!
Vitamin B-12 and folate: these two vitamins are present in many foods including liver, egg yolks, dried beans, split peas, spinach, beetroot, brussels sprouts, and broccoli. They help the body synthesize new proteins, red blood cells, and white blood cells! (No wonder they tell us eggs are bad and try to get us to only consume egg whites!)
Vitamin A: this vitamin is found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, cabbage, grapefruit, lettuce, spinach, watermelon, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. Vitamin A is beneficial for many parts of your body, including your vision, immune system, and reproductive system.
Vitamins C and E: these two vitamins are powerful antioxidants that are found in many fruits and vegetables, including oranges, grapefruits, and bell peppers. Vitamin C fights off free radicals and helps the body’s regeneration of other antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Amazing!
Omega-3 fatty acids: the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in any fish such as salmon, tuna, or sardines and can be very beneficial in helping to prevent hearing loss, amongst other things. Who would have thought?
Magnesium: this mineral is associated with over 300 different enzymatic reactions in your body; it is important in muscle and nerve functioning, blood pressure regulation, and immune system support.
You can find magnesium in many foods such as spinach, squash and pumpkin seeds, lima beans, tuna, brown rice, almonds, dark chocolate, avocados, bananas, potatoes, artichokes, and broccoli.Ginkgo Biloba: The tree produces large and fan-shaped leaves that have been used in home remedies for centuries. Gingko promotes good blood circulation throughout your body.
Garlic! Who doesn’t love garlic? Did you know garlic is known to have antibacterial properties?
Hawthorn Berry: these berries have been used for hundreds of years for everything from high blood pressure to treating digestive problems and even promotes better blood flow and circulation.
Spearmint: Contains folate or folic acid! And makes a damn good tea too. Plus it’s super easy and fast to grow, even indoors.
Dill: This is zinc, yes zinc! And tons of other nutrients too!
Zinc has so many health benefits that it’s almost impossible to cover them all in one post. This mineral has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects; it’s essential for immunity, reproduction, mental health, skin health, cognitive function, and so much more! Is this why they named it “Dill WEED”?
If you want to continue this journey, check out the Sources section of this post. I have loaded it full of awesome content for you.
My final statement on this topic, then I’ll STFU:
TRUTH: There is no magic pill, powder of potion that can replace the sun and eating clean. There just isn’t. Sorry. If you thought this sh*t was crazy, read my post about Synthetic Vitamin B.
Folks, posts like this kill me financially. My subscriber count drops drastically and people cancel subscriptions. Any support you want to give me is sincerely appreciated.
UPDATE: April 17, 2024: Dr. Lee Merritt said this post is propaganda and inaccurate, so I wrote VITAMIN D IS RAT POISON, PART 2, loaded with even more evidence.
I strongly encourage you to watch “THE VITAMIN PSYOP” below. It’s an 18-minute video that I helped research and write the script to, then assisted in assembling, around a year or two ago. If you have been following this Substack for a couple weeks, I bet you can tell exactly which parts I wrote (lol). We kept it short, sweet, and packed with evidence that is sh*t you’ve probably never heard before (in addition to some of the screenshots I’ve shown you earlier):
Mind blowing video by Dr. Thomas Cowan, reviewing the actual results of “clinical tests showing SYNTHETIC Vitamin D is GREAT for stopping Covid”
Must See:
We didn’t even get into this discussion, but Synthetic Vitamins often containing industrial waste byproducts. Learn more:
I strongly encourage you to watch the full 45-minute video below that I took some of the clips from in this article.
The video above was compiled by my homie Tim Truth. He’s a great dude. You really should subscribe to him on Bitchute or Rumble. He also created an amazing website called It allows you to find top-rated vids from all over internet platforms (Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute & More). What makes his site unique is that the videos have all been submitted by people on “our side” who use GroupDiscover. This means you aren’t sifting through CNN and MSNBC dog sh*t to try to find a video about the newest PSYOP. And, because Tim is apparently living off coffee or cocaine (or both) the guy also finds time to write Substack posts, although his Substack is more complex-medical-scandal stuff and medical-related deep dives, whereas his streaming accounts are more journalism-ish (like the stuff I write about). Regardless of what content you prefer, he’s a phenomenal researcher (not as good as me, of course. Ha ha ha! Just kidding!)
Dr. Thoman Cowan, full episode on Vitamin D fraud:
A Light On with Daniel Roytas: The Great Vitamin Fraud:,-Dietary%20supplements%20can&text=Vitamin%20D2%20is%20manufactured,sheep%20%5B13%2C31%5D. ←- FANTASTIC SITE ←- ALSO AMAZING
Vitamin D: Friend or Foe? Webinar from December 21, 2022:
1 Windaus, A., Lettre, R., and Schenck, F., Ann., 520, 98 (1935). 1 Brockmann, H., Z. physiol. Ohem., 241, 104 (1936); 245, 96 (1937). • Inter alia J,insert, 0., Z. physiol. Chem., 241, 125 (1936). Wunderlich, W., Z. physiol. Chem., 241, 116 (1936). Haslewood, G. A. D. , Biochem. J., 33, 454 (1939). Butenandt, A., Hausmann, E ., and Paland, J., Ber., 71, 1316 (1938). Rnigh, W . A. L., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 64, 1900 (1942). Bergmann, W., Lyon, A. M., and McLean, M. J., J. Ory. Chem., 9, 290 (1944). 'Haslewood, G. A. D., J. Chem. Soc., 224 (1938). Wintersteiner, 0., and Ruigh, W. L., J. Amer. Ohem. Soc., 64, 1177 (1942). • For example, Milas, N. A . ..__ and Heggie, R., J. A mer. Chem. Soc., 80, 984 (1938). Mazza, .If. P., and Migliardi, G., Chem. Abstracts, 87, 3762 (1943) 1 Ziegler, K., et al., Ann., 551, 80 (1942).
Thank you for another mind blowing deep dive. I’ve been getting vitD3 from Mercola. I just called them and canceled my order. Told them that they were selling rat poison and I was highly disappointed that they hadn’t done their due diligence!
Excellent post. Thanks for all your hard work on this. I have restacked it because everyone who values their health needs to read this.
I am now going to eat more mushrooms. My brother forages for them and puts them in his omelette made from eggs from the ducks he raises. I didn't realize my brother is such a smart cookie!