Extortion, bribery and corporate greed: the true story of how toxic chemicals ended up in our food supply, under the guise of "Vitamin Supplementation".
By complete fluke, I just uncovered an authentic United Nations document which outlines exactly which chemicals must be added to our food under the guise of Fortification and Enrichment! Additionally, the document states how the chemicals must be added. I was shocked to finally find a list that detailed exactly how we are being systematically poisoned supplemented, and, when I began researching the chemicals on the UN list, holy sh*t, my friends, some are byproducts, meaning industrial waste!
Before I can show you the United Nations document, we have to look at the fascinating untold history of food Fortification and Enrichment so we can learn how we got here. This article is going to be Part 1, and in it we are going to discuss a true tale of jaw-dropping extortion, bribery and corporate greed. While writing it, I felt like I was writing a movie. At one point I caught myself biting my nails in suspense. Then I thought to myself, “WTF? This is a food fortification research paper, not The Lord of the Rings!”. Without further ado, I present to you, some crazy history, that should be a Hollywood movie. Let me know in the comments section if you are as blown away by this as I was…
Nutrients, found in clean foods, are essential for our bodies. A piece of orange fruit isn’t just Vitamin C, it’s hundreds (probably thousands) of different micro-nutrients, all holding hands and singing Kumbaya, while they work together inside of us. This army of ingredients, working in unison, gives us energy, keeps us healthy, makes our hair grow, makes our nails strong, helps wounds heal, makes us feel good, and blah, blah, blah. But, Science, being Science, doesn’t like the orange being a wonderous fruit, complexly loaded with all these microscopic elements that a plant sucks up through it’s incredible root system, somehow producing an edible miracle… a miracle which Science cannot replicate, therefore Science despises it. You see, in the religion of Scientism, man is Science, Science is God, therefore man is God, therefore they are God. Just how Christians say “Trust in God”, in Scientism they say, “Trust the Science”. So, Science figuratively watered down all of the phenomenal nutrients in the marvelous orange, then named it Vitamin C. Next, playing God, Science created a synthetic (chemical) version of Vitamin C and began claiming that swallowing two-a-day of their chemical pills is identical to eating oranges.
With that being said, when we buy Vitamins and Supplements, we are buying lab-made chemicals, because Science does not have a way to make all of those incredible nutrients and micro-nutrients. Science only has chemicals. Science does not have real Vitamins; only synthetic attempts at replication. This means, when our food is Enriched and Fortified, it is being chemically treated, with a variety of chemical compounds, which, we are told, are identical to eating fresh foods consisting of all of the nutrients. Clearly this is not true. It is a hoax. And if you dig deep enough, you discover it is a deadly hoax, at that.
In the 1920’s, The Michigan State Medical Society and the Michigan Salt Producers Association got together and devised a plan behind closed doors. This plan that was so calculated that it would forever alter our food supply by allowing chemical manufacturers and food manufacturing corporations to make deals to adulterate our consumables, under the guise of “fortification” and “enrichment”.
Iodine is found in eggs, cod, oysters, halibut, pollock, crab, squid, tuna, beef and more, but two businesses decided people were not able to consume enough iodine by eating these foods, therefore, they decided their businesses must step up, to force help people supplement via chemicals… in the name of Health, of course.
The Michigan State Medical Society and Michigan Salt Producers Association wanted to chemically treat table salt, allegedly, to '“stop Goiter”. Goiter means an enlarged thyroid gland, which they claim is due to lack of iodine in our diets, so instead of telling people to eat more fish and beef, they decided that by adding chemicals to the food supply, Goiter would be prevented.
Salt would become the first product to be fortified with a chemical. It was chosen as the primary vehicle of supplement delivery because everyone uses it in cooking, therefore everyone would get their much needed chemicals iodine, therefore preventing thyroid problems… allegedly… theoretically… hopefully…
Surprisingly, Iodine was not what was used to fortify, perhaps because chemical iodine is highly toxic to the thyroid? Instead, Sodium Iodide was selected. Sodium Iodide is a chemical compound, created by mixing sodium metal with iodine:
The completed concoction is then used to fortify foods, as well as in the Supplement and Pharmaceutical industry:
Chemical sodium iodide, has known side effects, including respiratory and digestive tract irritation. According to the manufacturer of the chemical, “Prolonged exposure may cause pulmonary edema”. To make matters worse, it has been proven to cause “adverse reproductive and fetal effects” in animals (because animals is what they test it on). Because of this, Sodium Iodide is rated a Level 1 Health Hazard by the NFPA:
But this didn’t matter because, GOITER!
Adding sodium iodide to table salt would now be referred to as “iodizing”, which sounds a hell of a lot better than “dumping slightly hazardous chemicals in your food”, doesn’t it?
Immediately after this plan was formed, the Michigan State Medical Society and the Michigan Salt Producers Association recruited 170 physicians as well as advertisers to create educational materials and structure an advertising campaign around it. People in the press were then hired to push the information out to the public. Meanwhile, the fortification campaign staff strategically sent the educational materials to teachers throughout the country. Within weeks, schools had posters hanging on their walls and the families of students were being directed to consume fortified table salt to prevent goiter. The Michigan Salt Associations bank accounts went CHA-CHING as the added sales rolled in.
(Actual 1920’s propaganda, targeting mothers:)
Front and back of an actual advertising token for Worcester Iodized Salt.
For all of history, until the war, the swastika symbolized good luck and prosperity. And since chemically treated salt gives you good luck and prosperity, here’s a swastika-salt-coin for you to carry in your pocket, cuz, GOITER!
The Michigan State Medical Society and Michigan Salt Producers Association wanted to guarantee that all table salt would be treated with the chemical compound, so they schemed a way to get government to require it. If this plan was successful, it would mean any salt company that did not want to adulterate their products would be forced to only sell unrefined salt and other non-edible forms, thus capsizing their businesses, thus enriching (pun intended) the salt businesses who went along with the scheme, because, GOITER MUTHERF*CKERS!
By 1924, the propaganda was in full stride and the State of Michigan jumped on board, officially declaring that table salt must be fortified. As of this ruling, 0.02% of every table salt must be chemical Sodium Iodide.
By 1926, less than six total years after the scheme was hatched, it had already become fact: Iodized salt prevents Goiter. Now that it was fact, the state of Michigan began public service announcements, begging its citizens to consume Iodized salt. Other states jumped on board. What a fantastic, free (tax-funded) marketing campaign for the conspirators in this scheme.
As soon as salt began being treated with chemicals (GOITER!!!), big corporations realized this was an entirely new concept that could be capitalized on. This new industry was an absolute windfall for chemical manufacturers. Commodity food manufacturers also saw it as a goldmine if they could get tax dollars to cover the cost. So, soon after .02% of every container of table salt was chemical, it was realized that milk needs vitamins added too, not cuz Goiter, but cuz Vitamins! Enter: Vitamin D Fortification.
(If you haven’t read my post Vitamin D is Rat Poison, you should read that first so you can understand what is going on here.)
What made the new concept of chemical Vitamin D milk fortification interesting is that they were pushing to have the chemical(s) added to milk, prior to it ever being purified or synthesized. Meaning, they didn’t even have a finished product, but they knew it needed to be added to milk. That’s amusing, eh?
Then, it was realized that synthetic Vitamin A should also be added too, because we must keep people healthy! (Goiter! + Vitamins! + Vitamins! = good health for you!)
…and this is where things start to get crazy…
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) started by providing the option for dairy farms to fortify their products with chemical Vitamins A and D. The FDA was basically like, “Yo! If you guys wanna to add these chemicals to your stuff, we say it’s ok.”
However, the majority of dairy farmers didn’t want to adulterate their product. The farms saw it like, “We never put this sh*t in our milk before, why would we start now?”
Meanwhile, the FDA didn’t want any non-chemically-treated milk being consumed, so they devised a scheme of their own.
The government was skeptical of creating a law requiring fortification because stuff like that pisses people off, then people start asking questions, then elections become a problem and so on. So, instead they began financially incentivizing fortified milk through tax-funded government contracts, also known as legal BRIBERY. Meaning, the government was now like, “Yo! How ‘bout this; if you want to put these chemmies in the milk, we will slip a check into your mailbox. But if you don’t wanna participate, it’s totally fine, no worries!”
Now the farmers were like, “You know, now that I’m looking at these Vitamin chemicals again, they do seem like they’re essential for health and we are happy to put them in! How long until I get money?”
The monetary perks quickly led to the dairy industry voluntarily participating in the fortification program.
Only 10 years after the salt scheme was hatched and only four years since Milk fortification began, Science determined that now flour needed Vitamins too! Yes my friends, salt, milk and flour went without added-nutrients for all of history, until the time profits synthetic “Vitamins” were made, then, all of a sudden, those chemicals needed to be fed to us in every way possible… to keep us physically fit.
As far as flour was concerned, they selected Vitamin B (a literal carcinogen) and chemical Iron to be added. It was truly miraculous timing because Merck had just finished making synthetic Vitamin B, and it was ready to be sold to the public as a supplement.
The amount(s) of these chemicals that needed to be mixed into flour were based on estimates made by S.J. Cargill. “Who the hell is S.J. Cargill?”, you ask. Well, would you find it interesting if I told you that he is the exact same dude who was just involved in the milk fortification? So, the milk-chemical-fortification dude determined how much “vitamins” should be added to flour, based on how much of these foods he believed people consumed, in general. For real though, these chemical supplement amounts were nothing more than some dude guessing at how much flour-based-products people ate. Basically, Cargill said something along the lines of, “If people eat 1 sandwich containing 2 pieces of bread, in addition to 1 dinner roll each day, the amount of Vitamin B and Iron that we will need to add to the flour to make sure they get enough of the supplements is 5mg per ounce” , then he added something like, “But in the southern states, people eat more bread, so let’s go with 4mg, across the board”… it was seriously that level of ridiculous. TRUST THE SCIENCE!
Next thing you know, enriched bread was being promoted as being as good for you as eating vegetables.
(this is a real ad that promoted eating “only 8 slices a day” to get better nutrition. Notice the image of the healthy, happy children…)
This new vitamin fortification plan began being pitched as, “insurance against nutritional deficiencies”, so nutritionists, who were seen as authoritative figures, joined the scheme as promoters and began rallying for these chemical treatments.
To ensure that every flour mill was chemically-treating fortifying their flour, the two leaders of the Enrichment Campaign, Robert Williams and W.H. Sebrell, just-so-happened to attend the next annual convention for the Millers National Federation. While at the convention. they just-so-happened to inform the flour millers that if they did not voluntarily enrich their flour, this would mean their mill wants people to suffer from “poor nutrition”. And, if the mills want people to be sickly, the Enrichment Campaign would be forced to go to the government and have federal laws created, because it was the Campaigns duty to keep people healthy. This reminds me of the mafia showing up at boutique, 10 minutes before the store closes and saying, “it would be a shame if someone broke out these windows tonight. Would you like to pay us to watch your shop this evening?”. The threat of new laws meant the mills would be forced to chemically treat their flour with government oversight, or close their businesses. The millers reluctantly began adulterating their flour to appease the mob Enrichment Campaign and avoid the government meddling in their businesses keep people healthy.
Under pressure from the Campaign, the entire bakery industry quickly caved and began only purchasing enriched flour for their pastries, breads, pie shells, and other products. The concept behind this part of the scheme was that if the bakery industry only bought enriched flour, it would further corner the millers into chemical treatments, if they want to keep the bakery industry as their biggest customer.
Although the millers originally fell victim to the threats, within only two years, the amount of mills enriching their flour had dropped to 40%. The reason was because, unlike milk fortification, the flour industry was not getting tax money government contracts, therefore the cost of the chemicals and cost of added labor to go through the enrichment process was coming out of their pocket. While large mills had no problem passing along these added costs to consumers through trivial price increases, the small mills couldn’t meet the treatment request without substantially increasing the price. 60% of the mills refusing to cooperate panicked the Enrichment Campaign.
Fearing the fortification program would end, the Enrichment Campaign sent the nutritionists to government to beg for intervention. The government reviewed their concerns. The result was the Army agreeing to only purchase flour that had been treated. Now you may find this as interesting as I did: prior to 1942, when the nutritionists requested the government save their chemical campaign, the Army had zero interest in purchasing the chemicalized product because they felt their soldiers diet “should be superior to that of civilians”.
In addition to the purchase agreement, the Army helped by advertising Enrichment. These advertisements encouraged the public to only purchase enriched products so they can get the Vitamins they need. God bless tax dollars.
But, even with this boost in sales from the free (tax-funded) Army advertising, it wasn’t enough to get all of the millers back on board. This made the Campaign furious, so they sent the nutritionists back to government, this time demanding legislation, and they won. By 1950, over half of the United States required enrichment for baked goods.
After this ruling, it was realized that cereal should also be enriched too, cuz, Vitamins!
During the same timeframe as the (chemical) “Vitamin B” Enrichment and Fortification scheme, the dairy industry was in a sales slump. Even with the Vitamin D advertising and even with the fortification government contracts, people weren’t buying enough milk-related products… until the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stepped in…
It was the NIH who realized (chemical) Calcium could be added to all dairy products. Not only did they realize it, but they did the dairy industry and chemical industry a mega-favor by increasing the recommended daily-intake levels of calcium. The increased intake levels instantly made nearly everyone’s diets insufficient in Calcium. You know what this means, right? Time to fortify the sh*t out of everything and call it “Healthy”!
Calcium Carbonate is the chemical version of calcium that is often used to Fortify. This too is a chemical that should not be added to food because the manufacturer states it should not be consumed or used as a drug:
The reason it should not be consumed is probably because it is rated a Health Category 2 by the NFPA. As you can see from the NFPA chart, Health Hazard 2 means it is Hazardous:
But that didn’t matter. What mattered was HEALTH!
Next, the Dairy Board launched a calcium campaign. The PSYOP campaign made mothers fearful that their children would not be able to get the adequate amount of calcium they need without consuming dairy products containing the supplement, thanks NIH!
The Calcium campaign, combined with the NIH increasing intake recommendations, was such a hit that even Coca-Cola jumped on board by adding chemical calcium to their 1960’s soda named Tab. And if there’s one company that wants us to be physically fit, it’s Coke. (Btw, have you read my post Was Coca-Cola Released as a Secret Spermicide?)
With the fear campaign in place, Tab sales increased by nearly 190% in four market tests.
With the success of Tab, Coke began examining their other products and realized they could fortify their Tropicana line of fruit juices. Next came infant formula.
By 1999, the nutritionists, doctors, marketing teams and corporations had run such a thorough Psychological Operation campaign that data showed nearly 70% of shoppers were seeking out Fortified and Enriched products for the health of their children. Yeah, baby, yeah!
Through horrifying mothers that their children may suffer malnurishment without these products, these Vitamin-enriched campaigns were now making so much money that the corporations began adding chemical supplements to everything, without ever being asked to by the government. It became so out of control that, at one point, the federal government attempted to intervein and limit the chemical vitamins to only necessary and essential vitamins, but the lobby won, a judge ruled in favor of chemicals, and the supplement train rolled on, full steam ahead.
In the early-to-mid 2000’s, it was no longer just Merck who was active in the Vitamin industry. Now all of Big Pharma realized that the exact same chemicals they use in pharmaceuticals can be used for Vitamins and Supplements. Think of it like Taco Bell. The Bell only has a couple dozen ingredients, yet their menu is large, but if you actually look at the menu, it’s all the same sh*t in a different wrapper. This is pharmaceuticals, vitamins and supplements; same sh*t, different wrapper.
Pharma saw the opportunity to capitalize on this industry, so they began buying out all of the manufacturers, the chemical plants, and even the current vitamin-sellers, so they could monopolize it all. Shortly thereafter, bottled synthetic Vitamins went from something obscure that few needed, to having prime retail space in drug stores, grocery stores and convenience stores.
With the help of the NIH, CDC, FDA and other decision-making bodies, daily intake levels were raised, thus making everyone Vitamin Deficient. To make matters crazier, as we discussed in Vitamin D is Rat Poison, tests were developed to see if people were Vitamin Deficient, but what the tests are checking for (in most, if not all cases) is the chemical version of the Vitamin. And, if you are found to be deficient in the chemical, the solution is to consume more chemical supplements. Is it just me or is this total insanity?
In more-recent times, a new type of fortification and enrichment began; BioFortification. Yep, they can now “fortify” through GMOs and chemicals. As of 2024, some of the chemicals used to fortify and enrich include (chemical) folate, (chemical) niacin, (chemical) riboflavin, (chemical) thiamine, (chemical) vitamin A, (chemical) vitamin B6, (chemical) vitamin B12, (chemical) vitamin B complex, (chemical) vitamin D, (chemical) vitamin E, (chemical) calcium, (chemical) fluoride, (chemical) iodine, (chemical) iron, (chemical) selenium and (chemical) zinc… just to make sure we all get enough of these good chemicals.
Now that we know the history of how all these chemicals ended up in our food, READ PART 2: the United Nations document showing us exactly which chemicals and the process used to poison supplement us.
The Vitamin Investigation Series
Or check out:
Here’s stuff I looked at to write this in addition to some notes and sh*t for anyone who wants to keep digging into this topic. There will be a ton more sources in Part 2 of this series, because I originally wrote that first, so the majority of the sources are in there.
The Copenhagen Consensus, a panel of the world's leading economists who meet every four years, consistently rank improving nutrition as one of the most cost-effective ways for governments and philanthropists to spend aid and development money. See the results from 2012 and 2008 and 2004.
The Food Fortification Initiative tried scrubbing this
Costs to fortify 1 metric ton of rice is only about US$ 15, and the cost of providing a child a school lunch meal of fortified rice daily for an entire year is about 40 US cents.
costs are passed on the consumer, the incremental increase in retail cost of fortified flour and rice is negligible. For 1 kilogram of flour, the increase may be around US$ 0.00063, or 0.16% of current retail price. For 1 kilogram of fortified rice, it may be around 1.5 - 3% of current retail price (between 8 and 16 US cents per 10 kg of rice).
source https://www.ffinetwork.org/united-states-of-america/?record=231
Currently, in the USA, 100% of rice
I just threw out all my vitamin supplements and started to read the ingredients of all my processed and packaged foods.
I am a Brit. We don't do so many supplements here. I was stunned at the supermarket shelf image you shared! I was horrified at the 'fortification' in bread and I remember a friend who spent a year there telling me that they could not eat American bread, because it tasted weird, awful and sweet.
We do have some fortified products but I don't buy them. Old fashioned, me!
I like my meat and two veg as a minimum!
When I was four years old, in 1956, my Mum gave me some supplements called Haliborange. I went orange and itchy! Thankfully the doctor asked the right questions and told my Mum off a strip!
I have been unable to consume virtually all Big P-Harma ever since. An allergic reaction is almost guaranteed if I do.
Sadly, our food is increasingly contaminated (by order of Codex Alimentarius from the UN). I just avoid it as far as possible. The meat we consume is vaccinated, supplemented and contaminated. So is the grain which is desiccated with glyphosate (vile!!).
Thanks a lot for this insight into American food. Needless to say, I won't be visiting.