There may be a lot of crap in our air, water, food, medicine....but I'm not buying the (self-assembling) nanotech BS. If you have a rat problem (which btw is how the Tapeworm class views humanity) and you want to kill the rats, will you use a 25,000 $ high-tech device or make a 2 $ bucket trap? They're killing us the cheapest way possible while using good ol' effective mind programming. Better adopt a healthy lifestyle (sun, fresh air, honest labor, home-grown food, good thoughts) and your body will detox itself.

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see https://builtin.com/companies/type/nanotechnology-companies So many companies manufacture nanotech, and despite many articles and papers on its use in products, they are not putting it in us? Cat out of bag, it seems to me. We're soaking in it, from foods to cosmetics to the jabs of all kinds. If you see glitter eyeshadow.....

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The top ten nanotech companies are all very small with less than 48 employees and NOT ONE of them is manufacturing nanotech for medical products. All are for industrial purposes. So, Jacquelyn.... did you actually read that pathetic list or what?

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and don't forget the snake venoms natural and synthetic that Dr Bryan Ardis asserts are everywhere in our drug store world anymoe.

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You never had morgellons, that’s lots of nano & self assembly & very painful .

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No I haven't. And I'm not denying this disease, but I'm categorizing this under "crap" in our skies etc. The fantasy dreams of the tapeworm class to control our minds and bodies through self-assembling nano-tech is about as real as controlling God's creation through genetic manipulation. To control life, one needs to understand all aspects and processes. They don't. They can only pollute, exploit and destroy. War and destruction is all they ever succeeded in. Never in creation.

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You forgot animal foods, which provide more nutrition (= better detox capability). You really should hunt, or next best, get it from a local farmers market. Getting fruits and veggies from the grocery store is a big no-go, they're drenched with pesticides that you can't even remove by washing them with any amount of thoroughness. It's also crucial to get shower filters, and to take a lot less showers if possible.

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yes very true, I'm on deep aquifer water for the entire place, shower and drinking and I only eat locally butchered meat and never ever need the supermarket I go to a local organic vegetable garden down the road and also have my own wee vegetable garden. what you put into your body determines your health obviously, if you eat poison you will be poisoned. I gave up alcohol and reject all governmemt manufactured drugs and poisons oh and I NEVER get sick, not ever maybe 30 years ago in my 20's a had a sore throat once a remember but a gargled pink salt in boiled water and it was gone in 30 mins, I am virtually invincible. I'd like to stay this way too.

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or very brief showers if you must

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www.drdavidnixon.com www.laquintacolumna.net Get a live blood darkfield analysis. The truth will set you free.

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Ana Marie Mihalcea is shilling the edta hard out, she's also obsessed with self assembling nano tech in the so called vaccines, she must be on the pay roll and also hate human beings or she is so very very wrong so very very consistently to be not believably accidental. There are a lot of these so called freedom fighting so called Dr's all shilling anti fertility and immune destroying products. This is not a coincidence because coincidences barely exist in reality. If you see the same person 3 times in a day where ever you go, they're following you. No coincidences baby

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Yeah she's pushing it hard and many seem to trust her. And maybe she herself believes what she's doing...

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What? Between religious hallucinations?

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I call her a Vril Handmaiden in my article on nano nonsense:



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I don't know what you've done in your life to become what can only be described as possibly one of the best researchers on earth. This is my favourite reading material and as soon as I can I will donate you some small donation, I am legitimately poor and living in a recently communist country called wait for it..... New Zealand, yep that's right, its gone nearly full blown communist and getting worse by the day, we are little USA, a country that spies on its own people for financial and political gain and to create and sew fear. We have a prime minister however he doesn't run the country the United Nations and the WEF run NZ and everyone is so fucking dumb(or in a mass psychosis induced stupor) they can't see what is taking place right in front of them. It's pretty lonely when you see it all.

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Indeed! And it’s coming to a country near you! But can we stop it?

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Well, I am a natural born rebel, which means I have always done my own thinking, and I will be resisting forever. I am not a slave and never will be, I don't follow rules, they're literally for breaking. Guns, guns and more guns is probably going to be required, which is why they're doing false flag attacks to blame guns and then do those buy back schemes, so we can't shoot them in the head when ever we want. No we keep our guns. The mosque attack I am very certain was a false flag, no blood, bullet casings disappear in mid air and never hit the ground and there is no sound of brass landing either, the man first shot is doing a ceremony opening two months later in a different country and then the government made it illegal to watch the video, you can't make this shit up, it was a crisis actor thing and people were genuinely traumatised and its all fucking fake, the next day or a couple of days after they did the AR 15 NZ ban and got decent hard working farmers and regular good people feeling guilty to give up their guns. Yep fake as Fuck. The video has been analysed and it has lots of bad cgi overlays, supposedly live but a gun he throws on the ground is gone when he goes back to the car to get another one. It is literally like a student learning graphics made it. like I said NZ is about as corrupt a place as you will ever find. Pretty sure you can go to jail for even saying this

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Definitely something to think about in your article. Thank you for taking the time and gathering the info. 18 months ago I hopped on the EDTA suppository bandwagon. Was following some protocol using them 3x/week. They had their side effects for sure. Then 2 months after I started this (while still using them), I had to get an emergency appendectomy. My spidey-sense went off and I realized that maybe this EDTA stuff is not all it’s cracked up to be. No idea if the EDTA suppository usage led to the appendix issue, I’ll never know. It goes back to what you said - very little research being done to back up their claims.

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Question is, are all EDTA products poisonous? What about Ana Marie Mihalcea who speaks a lot about it? I take nothing. I trust nothing. When it's my time to go, so be it. We literally would have to live in a bubble considering chemtrails play a significant role. Some people go in for what they call EDTA chelation. I can't say if that's the same as doing it yourself. But at this point, I don't know how anyone finds anything that is 100% guaranteed safe to take. We have no clue if websites are posting truth about their products. Especially when we don't know where they get their stuff to put in their products. A country that never used chemtrails may be safer for things grown outside. People here have gardens and have no clue. To me people would have to have a greenhouse with uncontaminated soil, and uncontaminated water. Plus, uncontaminated seeds to begin with. It's a nightmare.

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Makes me wonder about her work now as well (who to trust?!)

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There are safe sources of edta. Someone should look into the liquid Zeolite dangers. That stuff is full of aluminum.

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what "SAFE SOURCES OF EDTA" ??? where is YOUR proof?

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I have a leaky gut and my integrative dr said it does more harm than good. Hard to eliminate it, easily reabsorbed. I have chronic inflammatory response syndrome, my skin is leaky too . I feel like sponge Bob.

I’m happy you are not afraid anymore, that’s a Big Deal.

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I have CIRS too! I’m a very “chemically” sensitive person. I can smell that nasty perfumed laundry detergent before I see the person hiking on the trail! Clean air, even in Montana, would be amazing!

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Yeah that nasty chemical perfume soap.

It goes into peoples skin or is it coming from within them? Hmmm...

My textiles soak it up... pillows, couch.

It's in paper I'm handed.

And recently I've been smelling it at night... and I live off the grid surrounded by trees, on my own.

I wonder how far that smell carries?

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My EDTA hopium post beat you to publication by only a few minutes. Rat smelling goes thru the Aether.


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You are educating me!! 👩‍🏫 Your communication style is transparent and thorough. Your sense of humor is so refreshing! You really do your research, bring the receipts and it comes through loud and clear! I will be buying you a coffee! Thank you for your hard work! 💯🫡

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Can’t agree more! This is the best SS

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

You can use Chlorine Dioxide applying specific protocols that are available. You can use both colloidal and powder zeolite. You can use DMSO internally and topically. You can employ urine therapy which is free and made for your own body. No one needs overly-promoted chemical chelators like EDTA which is what blind as bats "medical" doctors recommend. No one has ever removed these alleged nano-bots from blood samples to actually analyze them. Most of what is seen are holograms in the blood. You can check out the work of the Bigelsens, Adam and Josh, who carry on the work of their father. All of the above treatments are super safe, non-toxic and can be scaled by the user. It's time to walk away from the "we've all got nanos" unproved and hyperbolic nonsense. PS Don't get vaccinated. That would be a good start. To your good health.

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Well said.

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Dr Pedro Chavez has been using chlorine dioxide and other supplements in Mexico treating over 6,000 Covid injured patients including turbo cancer.

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I started to feel heavy flu coming on and took 6 drops of CD with 4 ou of water and again 1 hour later. Had a very rough night, up mostly but next day feeling better and next day back to normal. Only 2nd time in 4 years to use this treatment and it works.

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Got any suggestions for morgellons?

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If these are creatures ( morgellons) are like intestinal parasites , would Ivermectin kill them? Wonder if this paste could be applied to the soles of the feet

as well as taken internally? I found a liquid with black walnut)

to take in Fruit juice ( tastes bitter)

That is said to kill parasites.?

I think I works but can’t prove it?

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yes iver does work topically.

also the wormwood tincture works well for removing parasites. i put it in gel caps and swallow quick before the cap melts! theres no bad taste that way. i like the NOW formula the best

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Wish I had all the thousands of dollars I've spent on supplements over the years! I could use it now!

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I was literally standing in the kitchen a few minutes ago having the exact same thought! 😉

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I worked with a physician that gave IV Chelation using EDTA. I did a few...you are CORRECT. All those "IV's" seem suspect. Interestingly, that doc had to close both his practices because he took the MURDERNA shots and got too sick to work!!!! These DOPES have got to ALL GO!

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the "nano bot" thing makes sense in the context of the planned "INTERNET OF BODIES" (IOB). How were the scorpions gonna get everyone "connected " to the new WORLD KILLING GRID??? They knew we would never "CONSENT" so this may be what they did..graphene oxided everyone thru shots and poison chemtrails...

I have been taking DMSA from a compounding lab for a ARSENIC poisoning that came thru our wellwater ( never had arsenic before in the water). My arsenic levels were off the charts , literally! The dmsa brought it down over months but what the hell is in THAT now! You are sure saving me money now! Enjoy the coffee♥️

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As per usual, I learned and laughed a lot. Another product which will never occupy space on my shelf or skin.

Threw out shaving cream and sunscreen many years ago.

I have a big supply of vitamins for sale - nearly full bottles. Heck I’ll give them away if I don’t really like you.

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Dude, you’re an iconoclast! I love it!

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Had to look up the meaning of the word iconoclast:

Iconoclasm is the practice of tearing down idols or false concepts and ideals which people hold to tenaciously. At first glance this seems a negative position to take, but I am suggesting that it is a good and helpful technique to employ and an art which should be cultivated. Thank you. Learned a new word today! 🤓👊

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Thanks for the definition! Love it!!!

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GREAT writeup. "Some poison is good! As long as you take just a little!” - That's what dentists are essentially saying when they recommended flourude. I tell them it's poison and they just say, "Well, you're not supposed to SwALLoW it!" Um, you fucking idiots... anything like that which goes in your mouth especially with that consistency is getting absorbed throughout your system via the bloodstream, affecting your organs.

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If you happen to read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion it lays out exactly this strategy. Briefly, feed crap to the plebs, poison their water & food, then when they get sick give them more poison & then maybe by the Grace of God & the fact that a higher being made our bodies to be amazingly resilient, they will survive the poison attack & maybe wake up some day. Read itn& younwill nave NO doubt Satan exists.

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Never heard of it or paid any attention to it if I did. I have cut back on most supplements. This makes too much sense and anything coming from China or even India as far as ingredients for anything you might ingest, is a gigantic red flag for me. I am stuck in the middle on the nano-thing, but it wouldn't surprise me that we are being nano-bot-tized just like gates wants. I don't trust amazon either.

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