The crISIS Actors: How the ILLUSION of TERRORISM was Created Using Our TAX DOLLARS
The media calls the terrorists "bad actors", which is interesting because they literally are bad... actors...
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that everything is an illusion. Because of that, I will be lumping al Qaeda, ISIS and the unending war in the Middle East together as one ongoing event. The majority of the video clips below have been so censored that most people have not seen them. If you have problems playing the videos, this issue appears to be related to the Substack App. An easy fix is to read this article on a web browser, not using the app. To do this, click the Share button below, copy the link, open an internet browser and paste.
Let’s begin -
Remember back when ISIS was trying to start a war with the US and its allies by televising lopping off heads of Americans it captured? Because if there’s one thing a little group of evil doers want, it’s to go to war with the best military in the world and all of its pals, because that makes sense… (35 second video)
Welllll… not so much… (1 minute video - volume is low)
So, when the studio-record beheading footage was found, on John McCain’s laptop (of all places), the story changed to “Ok guys, you caught us. That video was indeed fake but these people really were killed off-camera, we promise!”:
That was weird but what would follow was even more peculiar. It turned out that the Pentagon funded fake terrorist videos… a heck of a lot of them. How much is a heck of a lot of them? Over $500 million worth of fakery…
Yep, tax dollars funded a “covert military operation covered by various secrecy agreements”. According to the journalists who worked diligently to reveal this Psychological Operation (PSYOP) to the public, the British Public Relations firm that was hired by the US military produced multiple types of visual products. The first was “television commercials portraying al Qaeda in a negative light”. These were filmed in highly secure locations.
The second was news segments which were made to look as if they had been “created by Arabic TV”. For the Arabic television hoax clips, they would “send teams out to film low-definition video of al Qaeda bombings and then edit it like a piece of news footage. It would be voiced in Arabic and distributed to TV stations across the region”. (I always wondered why the videos were so grainy, such sh*t quality, yet the terrorists had crates of $20,000 weapons).
The third type of program the firm was hired to create was “fake al Qaeda propaganda films”. (3 minute video)
When the content was complete, “US marines would take the CDs on patrol and drop them in the chaos when they raided targets. If they’re raiding a house and they’re going to make a mess of it looking for stuff anyway, they’d just drop an odd CD there.” - yes, we were planting evidence of terrorism when we raided houses… for our safety, of course.
After the fake videos were created and discovered by the good guys they needed to be disseminated in American and British media to warn the public of their impending doom. On the American side, Rita Katz, the (alleged) founder of SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities), was key:
(4 minute important video)
When it comes to Searching for International Terrorist Entities, it doesn’t seem like too hard of a task being that al Qaeda is actually the name of the CIAs database… (2 minute video)
So, not only was the military and CIA operating the PSYOP via the media, but media themselves also took the liberty of assisting in the hoax: (1 minute video)
In case you missed it, they filmed the whole thing from a comfy little studio…
Yet the newscaster lead the audience to believe he was on the battlefield…
Then there’s this: (1 minute video)
…and this… (1 minute video)
…and let’s not forget this… (2 minute video)
… and before you knew it, all of the terrorists were driving the same vehicle… (1 minute video)
You can’t have terrorists without terror. Heavily arming them with weaponry costs US taxpayers a lot of money: (53 second video. Btw, that’s Mike Flynn)
Here are a couple screenshots showing some of the charitable gifts US citizens paid for in the fall of 2012:
…well that was nice of us! Because we are so generous, we even covered the costs of payroll for the ISIS youth-recruitment program:
And because no terrorist can be good at his job without training, we covered that too: (13 second video)
Just how you can’t have terrorists without terror, you can’t have a hoax without an endgame. The deception doesn’t stop with television, it makes its way to government, where actors give hoax speeches about the tragedies, such as this one: (46 second video)
In unison, politicians were, and are, utilized in the media to accomplish three tasks:
Indirectly and directly convince the people their money is being used to save them. Get the public to cheer for the Agenda, or, even better, get the public to demand the Agenda. (this is the same technique every cult uses)
Indirectly and directly convince the public we are on the cusp of being saved but more money is needed to keep fighting. Without more money, all of the efforts made thus far will go to waste. (this is the same technique every cult uses)
Scare the People because fear is the greatest weapon in psychological warfare. Scared people are uncertain people and uncertain people are easily controlled people. (do I need to insert it a third time?)
Oh, look who it is! Our buddy Johnny McCain! (1 minute video)
Meanwhile the government feeds the media “prepacked news stories” in addition to paying journalists: (2 minute video)
The end result is the People seeing and hearing the identical message of fear (followed by victory followed by more fear) everywhere they look, therefore it must be true. - this is how Psychological Warfare works.
(54 second video)
Terrorism is so important to the Agendas that nobody will stand in the way of it:
(41 second video)
(Must-see 5 minute video):
Do you now see why Russia is the enemy? Next let’s listen to Saddam Hussein accusing The Controllers of being a global cabal while he was being sentenced to death: (3 minute video)
And that, my friends, is how the illusion of terrorism was created…
Here’s some of my sources in addition to a bunch of other things I looked at to write this article. I don’t use all of these sources but I leave them in here for anyone looking to learn more on the topic.
Manchester, Berlin, Paris, Nice, London, New York: Passports and IDs Mysteriously Discovered in the Wake of Terror Attacks:
“Joshua Goldberg:” a Cover for an Elaborate Psychological Operation?
Webster Tarpley Exposes Fake War on Terror, Low-Intensity Warfare & Counter Insurgency:
Ken O'Keefe Exposes the Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
Putin: Who created ISIS?
Syria ‘White Helmets’ Exposed:
Beware The Green Screen Deception:
How Media Uses Neuro-linguistic Mind Control Programming!
Kill Switch Diplomacy:
Manchester Shows Our World Now Fears Truth - Morris:
I remember watching news feed of ISIS all driving brand new Dodge Ram pickup trucks. I thought it strange that dodge trucks were chosen and purchased by ISIS .....and had to be shipped all the way to the Middle East. Now I know that the news clip was most likely recorded here in the USA.
Been faking every terror attack since day one. Same with school shootings, and unfortunately the same with assassination attempt on Trump. Everything is fake, and gay.