FALSE FLAG Names: Always a Play on Words 🤔 Wild Coincidences or Something Much Deeper?
You be the judge. +BONUS CONTENT: J6 TRUTHS YOU DON'T KNOW, Sneak Peek. Trust me when I say, these are truths you have never heard (I know this because I'm the one to discover them)
It’s time for my second Ultimate Conspiracy post and oh boy, this one is juicy AF. If you’re wondering why this is behind a paywall, it’s because these specific articles have to be. The content risks offending people and, quite frankly, I would like to keep my account. If you’re debating if it’s worth grabbing a subscription for $5 a month (a subscription which could possibly offend you), I can’t promise you’ll like it, I mean, I don’t like apples. I don’t like Lima Beans. I don’t like chalk or tofu (redundant wording?). I don’t like the majority of vehicles made in the 1980s. So, I can’t guarantee you’ll be titillated by what I share, but think of it like this: for $5 you can’t even get a hooker or blow, so this small investment isn’t going to force you to change your lifestyle… but… on the other hand, $5 is enough to get a 200-count cricket for the Eat Ze Bugs diet, so I understand if you’re saving up.
On a serious note, if you subscribe, I bring you content that you probably have never seen anywhere else because I despise paywalled posts that tell you shit you already knew. I share stuff that I personally researched and unearthed, whereas other authors (no names mentioned, but you know who) regurgitate someone elses hard work. If you wanted to read garbage you would buy a National Enquirer magazine when you’re in line at the grocery store or you would just visit CNN.com.
With that being said, todays topic might blow your mind, because it blew mine and it takes a lot to get my interest these days. At a minimum, it will make you pay attention to little details you may have previously overlooked. Anyway, if you want to come into a crazy little rabbit hole, you are welcome. And if you don’t want to, put that $5 toward some Klaus Schwab worms.
My rabbit hole: