EXPOSED! Deep Space, Satellite Phones, 5G Internet & Other Crazy Conspiracies: THE ILLUSION OF EVERYTHING
I was RIGHT! Put one point on the board for Agent131711!
I need to jump around a bit in time to lay the foundation for this article, so bear with me. I promise I'll tie it all together in the end and it will hit you like a ton of bricks - but in an eye opening way, not a Wile E. Coyote / Roadrunner type of way.
Let’s start by covering the basics: We have been told this is a NASA satellite in outer space:
But that is a cartoon. It’s GCI. It is not a photograph of anything, anywhere. In fact, there are no photographs of a satellite in space whatsoever. We can’t even get a single photograph of earth from space. If you read the fine print, it is all CGI and art even though they want us to believe this art came from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter:
Want to see the Lunar Orbiter? Here’s some CGI for you:
As shocking as it may sound, and it will indeed sound shocking the first several times you hear it, there is literally zero evidence of a satellite in outer space. There’s no evidence of anything in outer space; it is all CGI, green screens and art. They say the best place to hide a secret is right out in the open - isn’t it amazing that although they repeatedly tell us all of these images are just art, we still choose to believe otherwise: (important 2 minute video)
Did you catch it? “…enough to keep us all dreaming of the final frontier” - when do you dream? When you are Asleep. Like I said, the best place to hide a secret…
What there is evidence of is objects in “low earth orbit” which simply means they are flying around the sky, which is quite different from the fairytale we have been told our entire lives about outer space - a fairytale that began almost 60 YEARS before anything allegedly ever went to outer space - how is that possible? How was it remotely feasible to know, with precise accuracy, exactly what outer space looked like over a half-century before anyone ever saw it? How did they even know there was such thing as outer space? [I have many deep dives into the topic that you should read for more on this subject: NASA: Just Show Us 1 Real Photograph!, How to Fake Space, Freemasons in Space, The Satellite Hoax: The Truth is Stranger than Fiction and Do Satellites Serve ANY Purpose? The Answer May Surprise You.]
Oh, and before I forget, let’s quickly review the International Space Station, which people claim they have seen through telescopes, therefore proving sh*t is indeed floating around in outer space: (40 second video)
Folks, here is where the ISS is, according to NASA:
…and people believe they are seeing it through a telescope they bought off eBay? And they believe what they are viewing is traveling at over 17,000+ miles per hour?!
Because NASA says so?
For reference, here’s a 90 mph baseball throw:
Here’s a 1,000 mph baseball:
Here is a 6,900 mph Hypersonic Sled owned by the Air Force:
The ISS is traveling 17,400mph, which is over double the speed of the hypersonic sled, yet we can zoom in on it using a telescope and record video of it gracefully floating around like an air balloon?
And we are told, on the ISS are females with hair standing straight up, frozen in place, who live there for years but still look freshly showered, wearing clean, pressed clothing, even after year #2?:
Imagine how horrible it must smell, being inside of an air-tight tiny apartment with five other people, living for years without working plumbing or running water, surviving off only dehydrated food (which is so nutritious they don’t come back looking like skeletons). Have you ever been on a long plane flight? Now imagine if that flight lasted years… whipping around at speeds none of us can comprehend…
This astronaut is so healthy that he is playing soccer in the ISS, around hundreds-of-millions of dollars worth of equipment without worry that the ball could hit one of those exposed wires, connectors or switches and cause chaos for the crew in the middle of nowhere. OSHA, where are you?! This cannot possibly abide by your workplace safety policies! By the way, that looks like a blue screen on the right (which is the same as a green screen) …and his head disappears… (13 second video)
Ask yourself, “If they have to make art of space to show us what it looks like, how are these people there with cameras, sending a perfect live feed back to earth? Why can’t either of those men pick up the camera and walk it to the window to show us space, live?” (25 second video)
And for the love of God, why wouldn’t they put some kind of barrier over the exposed cables, wires, levers and buttons? Men are floating for f*cks sake! Imagine if one hit his head, grabbed a cord for balance or bumped a lever while floating around a corner.
By this point, don’t you think they would affix a couple GoPro’s to the outside of the ship so we could see a satellite in action? Or just affix one to a satellite? Don’t we want to see what happens when the ship or satellite smashes into a star at 17,400 mph? Don’t we deserve an up-close view of the dangerous Space Junk which our tax dollars are funding the “clean up” of? Remember the damage the 1,000 mph baseball did? What happens when they hit any of the space junk floating in space at over 17,000 mph?
Don’t we deserve to see a single rocket ship blastoff without the footage being cut? Why can’t we just watch it go straight up into space, with zero angle changes and no CGI? Alas, we instead get art from the Hubble Telescope… art that that just so happens to be satanic looking…
…people believe this is a real galaxy photograph that just so happens to be demonic if you simply invert it and push it together? Really?
And if you paid attention during the first video, the one which showed the former Hollywood movie editor who now does graphic design for NASA, at the 48-second mark of the video, you can see him making Hubble images (you know, satanic galaxies and such):
My friends, I know it is incredibly hard to accept, but it’s all green screens, CGI, art, balloons and trickery and all you have to do to see this is look at them and listen to them. Revelation of Method /The Law of Karma = they believe if they tell us what they are doing it relieves them of all bad karma for their actions and the bad karma shifts to us.
Now that that is squared away, let’s jump ahead in the timeline: before I began writing What if They’re Not 5G Towers? The Untold History of the GWEN Towers, I already knew that the “satellite photos” we are being shown (and led to believe are being taken by machines floating in outer space), were not from space satellites because the photos didn’t make sense. One thing I pointed out is that no “satellite photo” of an airport shows an airplane in it.
Did someone say, “Hey guys, let’s clear the runways, the satellite is going to be taking a photo in an hour”?
There are also no planes in the sky, between the satellite and the airport…
Yet the satellite is so far away from earth…
…you would think one plane would have gotten in one photo, right? I mean, just look at flight tracker:
There’s no flock of birds, no news helicopters, no lightning, no storms or clouds for that matter, no hot air balloon rides over the Grand Canyon; nothing ever gets between the outer space satellite and the earth. How is any of this possible? It isn’t.
The closer I looked at these supposed photos and programs like Google Earth (which claims to utilize satellites), the more obvious it became that the program is not photography at all, it is all CGI which, when you switch over to “street view”, switches over to real photography which is taken by vehicles cruising the streets with cameras attached to them as well as Google’s “satellite” airplanes. But that is just for the close-up photography part that is only available when you zoom-in, the rest is CGI, and we know this to be true because I located photos and videos, posted by the web developers who make and edit the program:.
Closeup: “3D buildings”
So what we get is CGI from above (zoom in on the trees if you’re not sure):
And photography of the same location from street level:
And it all makes sense when you learn where Google Earth came from: (1 minute video)
Google Earth came from the CIA because the CIA has been heavily involved in mapping our entire lives. (Read the GWEN towers piece)
With all of that in mind, the only thing that made sense is that land-based towers are being used to for mapping, not “satellites” in “space”. I suspected the culprit to be the towers we are being told are 5G towers and I suspected they are using lidar / radar to discover the distance between objects therefore creating a map. This belief was reinforced when I began monitoring the United States being pulsed with frequency (and the frequency is cranked up high while we sleep - midnight and 3am). It was through this monitoring that I discovered that we can see what I believe to be the lidar, or some form of frequency, being deployed. You can see what looks like lasers (which some PSYOP accounts tried to dupe people into believing were Directed Energy Weapons being used by the military to start fires). Let me show you what I am referring to. Here’s a 50-second video I made you:
Are those laser lines coming from 5G towers, NEXRAD, both or something else? I don’t know, but they sure aren’t coming from space.
Because I said there is no proof of satellites in space, as usual, I was attacked, called a liar and pounded with questions such as “what about satellite phones, smart guy?! If there’s no satellites then those wouldn’t exist!”. You see, if you are a researcher and you can't evidence of something existing, you are then expected to be able to explain how everything in the world works. It is not sufficient to say “I cannot find any evidence of a virus” without also being able to explain every single plague, disease and illness known to man and how each was caused if not for a virus. So, at that point in my research, I didn’t know how satellite phones worked without satellites shooting around in outer space, therefore I was deemed a liar… but I was pretty damn sure I was right.
My investigation had come to a standstill. I couldn’t find proof the 5G towers were being used for mapping because the panel ownership on them is often blocked (classified “internet tower” panel ownership? Who classifies sh*t? The military classifies sh*t. 5G towers are a military operation?!), so that was the end of that… or so I thought…
Because I promise my paid subs two awesome articles per month, this is one of them. If you want your mind absolutely blown, meet me on the other side of this paywall and learn the truth about what satellites actually are, “5G internet” and the illusion of everything. If you like my free content, you’ll love this one: