This article isn’t like my usual content because it’s basically just thoughts in my head, but it’s really interesting so I wanted to share it with you and see what you think. With that being said, I can’t prove any of this stuff, but it sure is fascinating…
As you probably know, damn near everything we have been taught is a lie, or at a minimum, a twisted version of the truth; history = his-story. With that being said, if you have followed my work you know that I question if there is such thing as a “vitamin”. Being that science can’t see vitamins (they are invisible like viruses) and the only way to “isolate” a vitamin is to dump a bunch of toxic chemicals on it, heat it, cool it, poison it more, strain it and strain it again (which is neither “isolating” nor legitimate science), and the only way to tell which vitamin you isolated is through a glorified PCR test, I am having a difficult time believing such thing as a “vitamin” exists in the manner we have been told it does. Oh, and when you try to find out how each vitamin was discovered, you are ran in circles. If you spend hours digging you will eventually come across wacky non-scientific experiments that are mind-numbingly stupid. Here is a summary of a comment left the other day by
on my article 101 Reasons to Quit Supplements:“Finding the foundational papers for vitamin discoveries is VERY difficult. One would think for all the handing out of Nobel Booby Prizes, these papers would be stamped all over the internet. Here is what I have found since combing through much of the literature since Agent started this awesome series. **What is curious and strange with most, if not all of these vitamin seeking papers is that you basically have nutritional animal studies in which the study animals are already sick with some various symptoms. Rather than exploring what is actually IN the diet of the sick animals that may be the cause of the symptoms (no mention of environment either- are they raised in the lab?), they are looking for 'something' that is NOT IN the diet that is causing it. They are ASSUMING 'deficiency' at the beginning of all of the experiments. It's like trying to prove a negative. Not "what is in this diet that is making them sick?... it is automatically what is NOT in the diet to "cure" them?” … “Rarely, if ever, can you find how the diets and variables in any study groups were controlled for. It's all a bunch of assumptions and question begging from the get go…” - I will add Pete’s full comment to the Sources section at the bottom of this article. I encourage you to read it because he goes into detail about Vitamin K lunacy “studies”. (links to all of my deep dives into the topic will be at the bottom of the page so you can see exactly what I am referring to if you are new here).
Point being, at this point in time, I 99.99% believe there is no such thing as a “vitamin” in the way we have been taught. Then, by complete fluke, I came across something nonrelated and my jaw hit the floor my pc desk.
What I came across was this completely unrelated chart showing music notes and the diseases (dis-eases) they are associated with:
What are music notes? Frequency. At that very moment it dawned on me… what if all of these vitamins; A, B, C, D, E… what if they are the names of music notes? THE FREQUENCY OF DISEASE… I know it sounds crazy, but stay with me for a moment -
Now you’re thinking, “What about F and G? There’s no vitamin F or G” - which is exactly what I thought, until I gave it a Google:
Vitamin G is Riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2. Vitamin F is what we call “Omega-3’s”.
What about Vitamin K? It turns out K isn’t actually one of the vitamins, because unlike the other so-called vitamins, it allegedly deals with blood coagulation and, according to the powers that be, nobody is deficient in it therefore not a single country fortifies food with the synthetic version of it. This leaves the core vitamins, A, B, C, D, E, F and G which match the music notes which are each frequency. See, I told you it’s interesting.
Before we move forward, one thing regarding the chart - it isn’t the note that causes the symptoms, it’s actually an imbalance-of or lack of. This video will add more clarity:
According to the video, the key here is balance. It’s not just lack-of, it’s also too much of. If you are bombarded with one frequency, that is equally terrible for your health.
Can I confirm any of this to be true? No, not at all, but out of curiosity I wanted to dig deeper to see what I could find because I couldn’t get over the vitamins and music frequencies having the same names.
Let’s look at the chart again and cross-reference it with what we are being told are “vitamin deficiencies”:
VITAMIN A: We are told lack of Vitamin A causes eye issues:
And lack of vitamin A also makes you “susceptible to infections”. And what do we see on the chart?:
VITAMIN B: They tell us lack of the so called vitamin causes all kinds of symptoms, but most importantly, “brain and nervous system”:
A Central Nervous System attack causes damage to the brain, spinal cord, or optic nerves. A CNS attack shuts down the whole operating system, and that is exactly what we see with the lack of B-frequency (or too much B-frequency)
VITAMIN C: We are told lack of vitamin C causes cancer:
And sure enough, according to the chart, lack of C frequency is known to cause cancer:
VITAMIN D: They claim lack of vitamin D causes bone and muscle issues:
And on the chart we see bone and muscle issues due to imbalanced D-frequency:
VITAMIN E: We are told Asthma and allergic lung disease are caused by insufficient Vitamin E intake, meanwhile the chart shows E-frequency is directly linked to breathing problems and allergies:
This next one blew my mind:
They claim lack of vitamin F causes Prostate issues:
What are the odds?
And finally there’s Vitamin G, Riboflavin. According to the powers that be, not eating enough of this stuff will cause depression and thyroid issues, and that is exactly what we see on the chart:
I wondered, what happens when these music note frequencies are applied to water? Let’s have a look (turn down the volume on your device now):
A-Note Frequency vs water:
Here’s what happens when A-frequency 440 and A-Frequency 432 are combined:
Here’s B-Note frequency:
E-note frequency:
G-Note Frequency:
It leaves me wondering, what are these frequencies doing inside of us? Are any of these actually good? What about music? What if you are listening to music all day and getting blasted with these frequencies? What is that doing to your body? (I know people are going to scream, “Healing frequencies!” - we will get to that in Part 2, but first):
I really wanted to do some research into music and see if anything makes sense with what the lady in the video is claiming and the chart. My first question was, what percentage of Americans listen to music every day? According to The Harris Poll, 72% of US adults listen to music, with 55% of those listening at least once a day. Ok, currently, what is the most popular music genre in America? Based on some very light research, it varies based on age:
UNDER 30 YEARS OF AGE: Hip Hop / Rap is by far #1. Pop music takes 2nd place.
ADULTS 45+: This demographic is divided between Rock, Pop and 30% favor Country but Rock is by far the most popular.
If you want to get more specific, Eventbrite made a chart based on the number of events thrown, by state, per music genre:
Hip Hop / Rap and Rock are again confirmed as the winners and Country comes in third place. The next question is, are there specific music notes that dominate these genres of music?
Sorry I have to do this to you, but there’s a reason for it:
Want to know how many plays that YouTube video has? 1.1 billion (BILLION!). That same song passed 1 billion plays on Spotify as well - and this doesn’t count all of the other ways to hear it; iTunes, the radio, etc. You: “I couldn’t get past the first 5 seconds!” - that’s because you weren’t meant to. This music isn’t geared toward you, it’s geared toward youth. Now let’s pull back the curtain on the song and listen to only the instrumental version with no words in it. This is important stuff, so ignore the text on the screen and listen to the notes:
That song is 4 consecutive minutes of the same few notes on loop. Let’s check out a couple more Billboard Top 20 Hip Hop / Rap songs of 2024 (instrumental versions, no lyrics in these, pay attention here):
This one is crazy, it’s a song by GloRilla called Wanna Be Feat. Megan Thee Stallion, and it’s three minutes of frequency pulsing disguised as a song!
Here’s “Big Boogie by BOP”, again featuring GloRilla. Do you guys also hear the weird noises subliminally placed in the background of the instrumental below? Like strange scrapes or clicks? They start around the 20-second mark and get heavy toward 50-seconds. Why are those there?:
Want even more GloRilla? Apparently she dominated the charts as of December 2024. Here’s “Hollon”, which also has some bizarre interference added in around the 1-minute mark:
So, that’s what young people are listening to. Now let’s take a closer look.
In the first song you heard, Bodak Yellow by Cardi B, the one with over 2 billion plays just on that specific YouTube video + Spotify, the most common notes are:
Notice, there is no A, and, based on the chart, lack of A or imbalance of A causes problems with knees, eyes and the “immune system”:
Let me state, I don’t believe there is such thing as an “immune system” as we have been taught. The concept of being “immune” relates to virus theory and germ theory and I no longer believe in any of that, but, if we replace the phrase “immune system” with “overall health”, meaning someone who is lacking a balance of A-frequency could experience health issues, or chronic health issues, I can roll with that. So, back to the song:
The song is completely lacking A while overloading people on E. I would then discover the vast majority of all Hip Hop / Rap songs are heavy on E and people, especially youth, are blasting this all day in their Air Pods. This means, if too much of a frequency is triggering disease, young people overloaded on E are being subjected to breathing issues, allergies, cancer (females), inflammation, fertility loss and more (and those are just known links between specific frequency and disease according to the video). When you were growing up, how many young people did you know that needed inhalers or had allergies? I didn’t know any. What is a cancer tumor? Our bodies last effort to get rid of toxins by wadding them up. Did any of your friends or schoolmates have cancer when you were a child? According to recent data, “young adult cancer” is now a thing and is impacting ages 20 to 39 - keep in mind, this is the age which cancer was diagnosed, not the age the health problems began. What is the age demographic that predominately listens to Hip Hop / Rap? 30 and under.
What I found to be of interest is that, according to a survey, approximately 40% of African Americans reported Hip Hop / Rap being their favorite genre - that is a massive number.
We are told Sickle Cell Anemia and Multiple Myeloma disproportionately affects African Americans.
The reason for this is blamed on evolution. Science claims African American’s bodies genetically evolved to combat Malaria (the whole thing is a hoax; evolution is a hoax, malaria is a hoax, therefore this is not the cause of the dis-ease). Multiple Myeloma is an uncurable “blood cancer that affects many parts of your body”. Multiple Myeloma symptoms include Anemia, just like Sickle Cell. Symptoms of Anemia are breathing difficulties, heart issues, headaches and Neurological Issues. Both Multiple Myeloma and Sickle Cell are due to inflammation (in fact, nearly all disease is due to inflammation). What causes inflammation? Our bodies reacting to something they dislike. That something can be a toxin or it can be chronic stress, anxiety or other emotionally-related issues. So what do we have here? We have two blood and inflammation diseases, predominately impacting African Americans who predominately listen to music created using the same notes that allegedly cause the same symptoms they are being impacted by:
It could all just be coincidence. And just to be clear, I'm not saying someone who listens to a song is going to become ill. I’m hypothizing that repeated exposure and long term exposure could possibly lead to the outcome shown on the chart.
Let’s take a look at more music:
According to analysists who pulled notes out of songs and ran them through computers to find the most used, the most common notes in Rock are C and G.
G is also one of the most common in Country with C taking second place. Who primarily listens to rock and country? White people. The leading causes of death among the white population of the United States are listed as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. What are cardiovascular diseases tied to? An improperly functioning thyroid.
Now let’s look back at the chart:
Although I have zero evidence any of the aforementioned is connected, it got me thinking about something I saw years ago - the pipeline.
During Covid I was poking around the Pfizer website and came across the product pipeline. I don’t have screenshots of what it looked like then, but here’s what it looks like as of December 2024:
Back when I first looked at what they were making, I wondered how they would know so far in advance that they will need certain drugs. For example:
As you can see from only three screenshots, metastatic breast cancer is a key area of product development as of December 2024 - how do they know that several years from now they will need breast cancer drugs? How do they choose to focus on that instead of Leukemia drugs or AIDS drugs? When I first looked at the site, my assumption was whatever vaccine they give for something else will cause the issue then they can sell the supposed solution - but what if that isn’t the case? What if it is much more complex than that? What if it is all tied to frequency and music is the weapon? Think about how stealthy that would be, nobody would ever consider such a thing because music is the American way of life; find someone over the age of 30 who doesn’t know Sweet Caroline or American Pie - just typing that, it started playing in my head… drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry… (I bet it’s now playing in your head too).
You know how they say people who wear Air Pods nonstop develop tumors and cancer from the radiation? What if it isn’t actually the radiation? What if it is the frequency and imbalance of frequencies? Could this be true? I don’t know, but what I do know is that instead of opening the window and listening to the frequency of the birds, the wind in the trees, the crickets chirping, the raindrops, we listen to music; music which was created by a very powerful industry and owned by very powerful people and those people have an Agenda. This made me remember something else I came across a while back. 6ix9ine is a rapper who, despite looking like an idiot, was reported as having a net worth of $8 million back in 2018. He even got his own Showtime documentary:
I had to dig to find this 3-minute video that was taken from an Instagram livestream he did. Interestingly, this video is now scrubbed from most places and, shortly after posting it, 6ix9ine went broke and is now said to be worth only $500,000. Here’s the video:
… it’s all rigged… rigged to make sure we hear what they want us to hear, which, in the instance referred to in the video, was Ariana Grande music.
Then it dawned on me: All of these notes in music - where did they come from? Who decided the sounds will be the notes? And that question, which seemed so simple, lead to a huge rabbit hole. NEXT READ: MUSIC or FREQUENCY WEAPON? ← don’t miss that one. It’s pretty insane. But first, if you appreciate all of the hard work I put into this, I like coffee and Ko-Fi.
Here is a compilation of my work as well as other authors. Mine are in bold.
101 Reasons to Quit Taking Supplements - a compilation of a year’s worth of research
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
Medicine Girl
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1
Lab Value Larceny - outstanding piece by Medicine Girl
Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements
What’s in B-Vitamins? Methylcobalamin, Biotin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin INGREDIENTS
Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier
The Great Deception: Functional Medicine's Allopathic Facade Exposed
Ensure Meal Replacement Shakes: Vitaminized Hell by
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
WE are the Electric Grid: Turning People into Charging Stations
How Can You Ascertain How Bad Synthetic Chemicals Are for You? - Another look at MSDS
Allergies, Ulcers, and Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Meet on Common Grounds
Not in the mood for supplements? Take a different deep dive:
‘s full comment:“Finding the foundational papers for vitamin discoveries is VERY difficult. One would think for all the handing out of Nobel Booby Prizes, these papers would be stamped all over the internet. Here is what I have found since combing through much of the literature since Agent started this awesome series. **What is curious and strange with most, if not all of these vitamin seeking papers is that you basically have nutritional animal studies in which the study animals are already sick with some various symptoms. Rather than exploring what is actually IN the diet of the sick animals that may be the cause of the symptoms (no mention of environment either- are they raised in the lab?), they are looking for 'something' that is NOT IN the diet that is causing it. They are ASSUMING 'deficiency' at the beginning of all of the experiments. It's like trying to prove a negative. Not "what is in this diet that is making them sick?... it is automatically what is NOT in the diet to "cure" them?" Subsequently the journey to find whatever you hope (wish) to find is on...}} Rarely, if ever, can you find how the diets and variables in any study groups were controlled for. It's all a bunch of assumptions and question begging from the get go. I recently did some digging on "K" as I was trying to talk my wife out of getting some for my child's early tooth decay. I took some notes. 1) In the 1937 paper/study- some Baby chicks have bleeding dis-ease symptoms...what is causing it? 2) They found when you feed chicks ether-extracted meat powder and fish meal, they bleed more. 3) When you feed them cabbage, they don't bleed anymore. 4) When fed another diet of processed shit (-ether extracted- dry yeast, casein, sucrose, salts, cod liver oil), they also bleed more. If given alfalfa, bleeding symptoms stop. 5) One simple and logical conclusion would be that feeding chicks a bad and completely foreign diet produces excessive bleeding symptoms. Feeding them a natural forage of cabbage and/or alfalfa does not. Does this mean "vitamins" are in cabbage and alfalfa? Or does it mean you shouldn't feed baby chicks processed garbage? 6) My take: "deficiency" is typically a misdirect for what is actually acute poisoning. Here is an example of how they "isolate" the so-called K vitamins. They call it "extraction". Look at the gauntlet of chemicals the substance has to run through (acetone, hexane, methyl alcohol, bleaching, heating, cooling). It looks more like a chemical manufacturing process than an "isolation". Whatever the finished product that falls out in the bottom of the lab beaker, it cannot be something found in the natural world. They made it. They didn't find it. From "The Anti-hemorrhagic vitamin" ("K") in Poultry Science 1937 Almquist and Stokstad (1935a, b) showed that the anti-hemorrhagic factor was localized in the non-saponifiable fraction of alfalfa lipids. It was stable to heating in air at 120°C. for 24 hours. Chlorophyll and sterol fractions from alfalfa were impotent. Neither carotene nor xanthophyll were effective as anti-hemorrhagic agents. The active factor possessed no appreciable basicity. Almquist (1936a) concentrated the antihemorrhagic factor by extraction of dried alfalfa with hexane, preliminary adsorption with activated magnesium oxide and carbon to remove the green and a portion of the red and yellow pigments, and separation of solid inert material by concentration and cooling both in hexane and in methyl alcohol. Addition of water to the final solution of the factor in methyl alcohol caused the separation of a reddish oil very rich in the anti-hemorrhagic vitamin. This oil was adequate at a level of 2 milligrams per kilogram of diet by the preventive method of assay. The concentrate contained a small proportion of sterols which were removed by digitonin without affecting the potency. It also contained a negligible quantity of saponifiable material. Saponification procedures were abandoned because it was found that the factor was alkali-labile. Residual carotenoids were removed by treatment with activated magnesium oxide. The material not adsorbed had the appearance of a light yellow, viscous oil when free from the solvent and prevented hemorrhagic symptoms when fed at a level of 2 milligrams per kilogram of diet. By careful addition of bromine, the reddish oil could be bleached without great destruction of the factor. Dam and Schonheyder (1936) concentrated the anti-hemorrhagic factor by extracting dried alfalfa with acetone, taking up in petroleum ether, partitioning with 90 percent methyl alcohol (during which the factor remains for the most part in the petroleum ether), transferring the concentrate to absolute alcohol and removing inert solids by cooling and filtering. Adsorption reagents (calcium carbonate and sugar) were found effective in further concentration. The most active concentrate had the appearance of a viscous oil. Since these workers used entirely the curative technique in their assays, it is difficult to compare the potencies of the products obtained by the two methods but the fact remains that very small quantities of the concentrates are required. These workers also abandoned saponification because of destruction of the anti-hemorrhagic factor. Almquist (1936b) by distillation of his concentrate under a high vacuum (molecular distillation) increased its potency approximately four fold. A first distillate fraction consisting of a colorless oil obtained at 50 to 70°C. and a pressure of 10~6 mm. of mercury proved to be inactive. A second distillate obtained at a temperature range of 120 to 145°C. was adequate at a level of y2 mg. per kilogram of diet. A non-volatile residue fraction containing most of the pigments gave no evidence of activity. The active distillate still had the appearance of a yellow viscous oil. Fast forward... phytonadione is the name of this chemical sludge in your K bottle and what they want to inject into your baby the moment he pops out... cuz if you get in a car accident on the way home from the hospital, he might have a bleeding problem.
List of music notes and corresponding frequencies with interactive sound player
Daniel Estulin's book Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses. Presentation
Sound Frequency & Disease Presentation:
Most Common Music Note by Genre
Based on the provided search results, here’s a breakdown of the most common music note by genre:
Classical music: D (mentioned in the discussion about Baroque and Classical music, with D being a common note in both styles)
Hip-Hop/Rap: E (not explicitly stated, but considering the prominence of guitar and bass in hip-hop, E is a common note in these instruments)
Jazz: E (mentioned in the discussion about flat keys being common in wind instruments, with E being a prominent note in jazz)
The Standard Frequencies of Musical Notes
Here are the standard frequencies of musical notes in the Western scale:
C: 16.35 Hz (Octave 0), 32.70 Hz (Octave 1), 65.41 Hz (Octave 2), 130.81 Hz (Octave 3), 261.63 Hz (Octave 4), 523.25 Hz (Octave 5), 1046.50 Hz (Octave 6), 2093.00 Hz (Octave 7), 4186.01 Hz (Octave 8)
C#/Db: 17.32 Hz (Octave 0), 34.65 Hz (Octave 1), 69.30 Hz (Octave 2), 138.59 Hz (Octave 3), 277.18 Hz (Octave 4), 554.37 Hz (Octave 5), 1108.73 Hz (Octave 6), 2217.46 Hz (Octave 7), 4434.92 Hz (Octave 8)
D: 18.35 Hz (Octave 0), 36.71 Hz (Octave 1), 73.42 Hz (Octave 2), 146.83 Hz (Octave 3), 293.66 Hz (Octave 4), 587.33 Hz (Octave 5), 1174.66 Hz (Octave 6), 2349.32 Hz (Octave 7), 4698.63 Hz (Octave 8)
D#/Eb: 19.45 Hz (Octave 0), 38.89 Hz (Octave 1), 77.78 Hz (Octave 2), 155.56 Hz (Octave 3), 311.13 Hz (Octave 4), 622.25 Hz (Octave 5), 1244.51 Hz (Octave 6), 2489.02 Hz (Octave 7), 4978.03 Hz (Octave 8)
E: 20.60 Hz (Octave 0), 41.20 Hz (Octave 1), 82.41 Hz (Octave 2), 164.81 Hz (Octave 3), 329.63 Hz (Octave 4), 659.25 Hz (Octave 5), 1318.51 Hz (Octave 6), 2637.02 Hz (Octave 7), 5274.04 Hz (Octave 8)
F: 21.83 Hz (Octave 0), 43.65 Hz (Octave 1), 87.31 Hz (Octave 2), 174.61 Hz (Octave 3), 349.23 Hz (Octave 4), 698.46 Hz (Octave 5), 1396.91 Hz (Octave 6), 2793.83 Hz (Octave 7), 5587.65 Hz (Octave 8)
F#/Gb: 23.12 Hz (Octave 0), 46.25 Hz (Octave 1), 92.50 Hz (Octave 2), 185.00 Hz (Octave 3), 369.99 Hz (Octave 4), 739.99 Hz (Octave 5), 1479.98 Hz (Octave 6), 2959.96 Hz (Octave 7), 5919.91 Hz (Octave 8)
G: 24.50 Hz (Octave 0), 49.00 Hz (Octave 1), 98.00 Hz (Octave 2), 196.00 Hz (Octave 3), 392.00 Hz (Octave 4), 783.99 Hz (Octave 5), 1567.98 Hz (Octave 6), 3135.96 Hz (Octave 7), 6271.93 Hz (Octave 8)
G#/Ab: 25.96 Hz (Octave 0), 51.91 Hz (Octave 1), 103.83 Hz (Octave 2), 207.65 Hz (Octave 3), 415.30 Hz (Octave 4), 830.61 Hz (Octave 5), 1661.22 Hz (Octave 6), 3322.44 Hz (Octave 7), 6644.88 Hz (Octave 8)
A: 27.50 Hz (Octave 0), 55.00 Hz (Octave 1), 110.00 Hz (Octave 2), 220.00 Hz (Octave 3), 440.00 Hz (Octave 4), 880.00 Hz (Octave 5), 1760.00 Hz (Octave 6), 3520.00 Hz (Octave 7), 7040.00 Hz (Octave 8)
A#/Bb: 29.14 Hz (Octave 0), 58.27 Hz (Octave 1), 116.54 Hz (Octave 2), 233.08 Hz (Octave 3), 466.16 Hz (Octave 4), 932.33 Hz (Octave 5), 1864.66 Hz (Octave 6), 3729.31 Hz (Octave 7), 7458.62 Hz (Octave 8)
B: 30.87 Hz (Octave 0), 61.74 Hz (Octave 1), 123.47 Hz (Octave 2), 246.94 Hz (Octave 3), 493.88 Hz (Octave 4), 987.77 Hz (Octave 5), 1975.53 Hz (Octave 6), 3951.07 Hz (Octave 7), 7902.13 Hz (Octave 8)
Levels of MONARCH Programming [12]
ALPHA. Regarded as �general� or regular programming within the base control personality; characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulation.
BETA. Referred to as �sexual� programming. This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. �cat� alters may come out at this level.
DELTA. This is known as �killer� programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level. THETA considered to the �psychic� programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems.
OMEGA. A �self-destruct� form of programming, also known as �Code Green.� The corresponding behaviors include suicidal tendencies and/or self-mutilation. This program is generally activated when the victim/survivor begins therapy or interrogation and too much memory is being recovered.
GAMMA. Another form of system protection is through �deception� programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection. This level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately deactivated.
The power of natural healing does exist.
I always heal naturally without taking medicine.
Eating three meals a day is not good, eating two meals a day or less is better, or fasting is better.
I don't have any medicine or supplements in my house. And I don't depend on hospitals.
This speaks to several puzzle pieces that have been in my mind over the years. For example, the Rife machine; the healing value of sunlight and nature; the therapeutic effects of glad thoughts and words, and the worsening effects of fear, loneliness, anger, and grief; our being made in God’s own image, who spoke creation into being, who ordained music in the heavenly realm before the creation of the world, who admonishes us to worship Him in song and commands “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (Philippians 4:8) “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) God’s instructions make it evident that our thoughts and words and songs are powerful. Jesus Christ was referred to as the Logos - The Word.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome a it. (John 1:1-5)
Note the connections between the Word and light and creative power and life!
What if the music we consume, the shows/news/films we watch, the thoughts and attitudes and words we speak, the sequestering of ourselves away from nature, the way we treat others… what if every choice carries power and influence, edification or destruction, healing or decay? What if light, sound, concepts, beliefs, words, music, good and bad intentions are all connected somehow like body, soul, and spirit? And we are merely deceived into believing we are powerless responders to stimuli, victims, as opposed to the pinnacle of God’s creation, image-bearers, analogous to Him yet finite in power and understanding, but with unimaginable influence when we exercise our power of agency and choice?