In Part 1 of this series I told you how I became interested in vitamin research. Long story short, I followed internet advice for bodybuilding and dosed myself with vitamins, especially vitamin D (it builds strong bones!). Out of the blue, I broke multiple bones from a very minor fall. My recovery was horrible and my doctor said I am not getting enough vitamin D, so I followed his instruction and upped the dose, combining it with vitamin K to make it absorb.
Within a matter of time, my health problems had spiraled out of control, yet I was physically fit; a medical anomaly. The internet told me it was my immune system and genetics. Site after site informed me that I had been dealt a bad hand and it was showing itself now that I was in my 30s. I feared I would be wheelchair-bound or bed-bound before I hit 40.
Some years later, I came across a video by
:That video changed my life. I immediately stopped following the doctors orders and began researching for myself. I quickly realized none of my health problems were due to genetics or germs, they were all due to poisons I was consuming via vitamins and the food supply. The Vitamin D was harming me in the identical way it harms rodents; weakening bones. This ultimately lead to me meeting
.In Part 2 of this series, I had the opportunity to share Medicine Girl’s story with you. Although we are located on opposite sides of the nation, our stories are incredibly similar. During the early stages of Covid, like the rest of us, Medicine Girl saw her favorite show hosts, authors and freedom doctors recommending vitamin D as the key to staying healthy. She jumped to purchase the product and began dosing herself and her son. Only six weeks later, her son, who was an avid skater, had a very minor fall at a skatepark and suffered a broken shoulder. The bone damage was so severe it was impossible to comprehend how such destruction occurred to a young, healthy athlete.
Medicine Girl, desperately seeking answers, began researching online. She eventually stumbled across a forum where she shared the details of the situation and asked if anyone knew what could have possibly caused this. Someone replied, inquiring if her son was supplementing Vitamin D. Medicine Girl assumed the stranger was going to lecture her on the importance of the supplement and she proudly responded that she purchased the best-of-the-best D3+K2 for her child. But to her complete shock, the commenter didn’t praise her for a being health conscious parent, he instead responded that she needed to look into it… because it’s rat poison.
Within a few Google searches, Medicine Girl discovered the stranger from the forum was correct. Not only did she throw away the supplement, but she rushed to warn those in the freedom movement who were promoting the poison as a way to build a healthy immune system.
The second shock came when the people recommending rat poison as a way to stop and cure the virus, instead of looking at the information she was providing, belittled, attacked and blocked her - and it wasn’t just one or two people, it was all of them. Everywhere she tried to share the data, she was mercilessly attacked and often banned. Not a single freedom doctor or show host would stop selling the toxin, let alone broadcast to their listeners what they were really being dosed with.
Medicine Girl then turned to broadcasting the information herself on YouTube, TikTok, Substack, in Telegram and more, and the anger continued to flood in. Despite the army of furious people, there were also many who took one look at the data, saw it was indeed rat poison, and that was all they needed to hear to stop consuming it.
We began working together, furious at the harms caused by what is being peddled as health in a bottle. Now I had someone to bounce ideas off of and share findings with, and here we are now, exposing a hoax as big as the virus hoax, possibly even bigger.
With that being said, I thought it would be good to take all of our research and condense it down into one article, written CliffsNotes style. I will include a lengthy list of our work and resources at the bottom of the page. Without further ado, here are 101 reasons to quit supplements, in no specific order -
And just so there’s no confusion, when I say vitamin, I am referring to this:
not this:
To begin, there is a misunderstanding, people think we are saying vitamins are killing people. Although vitamins can indeed kill people, as can choking on a piece of meat, we are not saying this. They, meaning the powers that be, do not want us to drop dead from a dose of a vitamin - if this were the case, nobody would take the stuff. They want us to live long enough to contribute to the great money pool. They need our time, bodies, minds and labor to produce their riches but they need us to die right when we reach the age that we can collect from their piggy bank.
Now compare those numbers to recent data published by Harvard, showing that the new lifespan in the USA is an average of 76 years. So, if you delay your “full retirement” to 70 years of age, you have as little as 6 years to collect from the fund pool you paid into for 50+ years.
For them, our best end-of-life scenario is if we can spend those last 9+ years battling cancer, getting dialysis treatment, or better yet, coming down with dementia. Medicine Girl, who works in senior healthcare, taught me that dementia is the #1 goldmine because the vast majority of families do not have the ability to care for their loved one so a home is required. This home will not only drain the family of their inheritance but it also allows for the patient to undergo treatments; vaccines, supplements, therapies and procedures, and all of this is billed to someone - every last jab, pill and vitaminized meal replacement shake will be paid for.
Now that that is cleared up:
Vitamins are a new thing, they have not been around for thousands of years or even hundreds of years. In fact, the entire concept of supplementing nutrition with manmade ingredients is a new concept, only truly established around 70 years ago, but only made essential in the past 30-40.
Despite being something we consume, the entire supplement industry is completely unregulated. This is why all bottles, jugs and jars must bear a FDA disclaimer:
Why on earth would something we EAT for HEALTH be unregulated by the FOOD and DRUG administration? Because the government was bribed to keep it that way and a PSYOP was ran on the American public.
The entity responsible for making sure a supplement is safe is the manufacturer of the supplement yet there are no real criteria for ensuring safety because the industry is unregulated.
Because of the lack of regulations combined with the fox guarding the hen house there has never been a study showing the outcome of lifelong supplement use nor a study demonstrating the interaction between multiple vitamins consumed in unison for multiple decades. Doesn’t that shock you? It sure shocked me, especially considering we are all consuming multiple synthetic vitamins our entire lives, one way or another.
Because nobody is overseeing health in a bottle, nobody is responsible for side effects caused by the products and, just like proving a vaccine caused injury, legally speaking, it is nearly impossible to prove a vitamin caused injury. The system was designed to be this way. The difference between a vaccine injury and supplement injury is that “vaccine court” exists yet there is no “vitamin court”, there is just “court”; court which is ruled by judges who believe supplements are the key to nutrition because, like the rest of us, they have been taught so.
The reason vitamins and vaccines are so similar is because both came from, and still come from, Big Pharma. It is their factories that are used to produce the raw ingredients needed to manufacture supplements. It doesn’t matter which brand of supplement you purchase, there are only so many large-scale manufacturers of the raw ingredients in the world.
Despite popular belief, which was also my belief, vitamins are not whole foods. They are lab-made concoctions. Even vitamins which we believe are whole foods, which we believe give us the same nutrition as whole foods, do not because the process to manufacture the supplement strips the food of its nutritional content. We will dive into this a lot more as this list progresses.
Synthetic Vitamin B was invented by Merck, who was simultaneously making vaccines and biological (poison) weapons for the US government. In fact, Fort Dietrick was built for Merck. Is it a conflict of interest for a company to develop toxins to intentionally cause dis-ease, vaccines to sell the public on the idea of stopping dis-ease and vitamins to boost the immune system to prevent catching a dis-ease? I would say YES. It was at the Fort Dietrick testing facility that Merck was developing biological / chemical weapons with a time delay so people who became ill wouldn’t be able to track down the source… kinda like Vitamin D which we discussed in Part 1 of this series.
Although the vast majority of raw ingredients in supplements come from overseas, the largest United States manufacturer of Vitamin B is a coal tar plant that once contaminated a city with their chemicals. Their chemicals poisoned the land and infiltrated the citizens drinking wells causing serious illnesses including cancer. The largest supplier of Vitamin E in America is a company called Eastman. The name Eastman might not sound familiar, but you definitely have heard of them:
If learning the largest US suppliers of two leading vitamins are a coal tar plant and a photography company doesn’t get the wheels in your head turning, what does?
Vitamin C originates from a member of the Royal Society who was also a fan of eugenics, Linus Pauling. This dude was such a racist he wanted African Americans to be forced to get tattoos on their foreheads.
The internet is lying to you when it tells you Pauling invented the vitamin, he did not. A patent-holding non-doctor told him lab-made C was great, he believed it and began promoting it. Mr. Pauling would go on to run rigged studies which allowed him to claim synthetic vitamin C cured everything from common colds to cancer. It now even stops “Covid Virus”.
The original Omega-3 studies showed that lard and real olive oil cured lab rats of debilitating disease, but there was no money to be made in lard or pure olive oil, so the studies were nearly scrubbed from history and new research was conducted. This new research linked healthy Eskimos to fish which lead the way to soliciting Fish Oil supplements.
Fish Oil is made by dissolving waste from fish processing plants in highly toxic chemicals. Think of a mobster movie where they dissolve a body in a drum of chemicals, that is how fish oil supplements are made. They take all of the unsellable parts; fins, bones, eyes, intestinal tract, etc and liquify it in the harshest-of-harsh chemicals.
Currently, the so-called Omega-3s being promoted by our health institutes are not real olive oil or lard, what they are telling people to consume is soy oil (a cheap genetically-modified fertility-reducing dangerous oil), canola oil (repurposed motor oil originating from Canada) and Rapeseed Oil (a highly processed seed oil which also should not be consumed). Although not currently labeled an “Omega-3” by the NIH, Palm Oil, which is hugely destructive to the environment, is cheap and therefore also in everything. When palm oil is heated, it can produce glycidol, a potential carcinogen, according to the European Food Safety Authority.
The oil in vitamin drops and in liquid capsules is almost always soy. This is called “Vitamin E” on the label if it is listed, however, regulations state manufacturers do not need to list “other vitamins” that are in a vitamin on the ingredients label.
How do they get away with this insanity? The factories making the raw ingredients are located in China and India. The safety standards in these countries are low-to-nonexistent, but it doesn’t matter because the industry is unregulated.
Inside factories, the people making the vitamins are typically wearing hazmat suits. This is not to avoid contaminating the supplement, it is because the fumes and the ingredients can cause incredible heath problems if the employee is exposed to them. We know the fumes and chemicals are dangerous because the manufacturers of them say so themselves.
Supplements are made with byproducts, much more than what we have already discussed. Byproduct is waste that would typically be discarded unless another use can be found for it, such as in the case of fluoride. Instead of the phosphate miners being forced to pay for expensive fluoride disposal, they sold the government on the toxic chemical being great for strengthening our teeth. This led to tax dollars being used to pay them to dump their hazardous waste into the public water supply. The miners turned a financial drain into a financial gain.
The byproducts in supplements range from literal sewer sludge (feces) to waste water from potato processing plants to floor sweepings in factories and everything in between. Use your imagination and think of the grossest thing you possibly can, it’s probably in a supplement.
Stones, shells and sticks are minerals, calcium and fiber - all perfectly legal in this industry.
The chemicals used to manufacture vitamins are the same chemicals used to make industrial cleaners, solvents, soaps, paint and paint strippers, antifreeze and more. From acetone (nail polish remover) to bleach, ammonia, chloroform and more, it’s all needed for the manufacturing process because that is the recipe. This list doesn’t even scrape the surface on what is in vitamins:
All of these waste-turned-food-additives are acceptable because the FDA has deemed them all GRAS, which means Generally Recognized As Safe. How is this determined? Well, the concept is, as long as we eat tiny amounts we should be fine, so feed it to us and if it becomes a big issue they will deal with it then. Because of GRAS, waste that is a color becomes a food dye, waste that is sweet becomes a sweeter, waste that makes food thicker becomes a thickening agent and waste that science can claim has some purpose in supplements, whether it be to make the oil less brown or to preserve shelf life, becomes an additive.
This means these supplements, made from industrial chemicals and byproduct waste, are assorted poisons, carcinogens and fertility reducing agents with origins that aren’t truly known because the raw materials come from overseas in an industry with no regulation. Are you seeing the scam take shape? No? Let’s continue.
Even supplements which claim to be Made in the USA, when the origins of the raw materials are traced, they are pretty much never Made in the USA, they come from the same overseas factories. What these Made in the USA vitamins usually are is Assembled in the USA meaning the seller orders the drums of ingredients from China then creates their own custom blend and bottles it in America - so technically speaking, they did “make it” in the United States. Think of it like buying a custom-made suit - yes, the seamstress indeed sew it but she didn’t produce the fabric, that she ordered from China.
Alternatively, many USA Supplement sellers are participating in private labeling. In a nutshell, this means a company, usually in China but can be located anywhere in the world, makes a supplement and will print anyone’s name or company logo on it for a fee.
Now you have people on the internet with their own line of supplements that know absolutely nothing about what they are selling and have never stepped foot into the factory making them. Many of the private label companies will even ship directly to the buyer. This means the only thing the seller has to do to make money is have you click Buy Now.
The word Natural is a complete scam because, when it comes to supplements, the word Natural can mean anything. This includes coal tar and plastic as well as all byproduct waste from meat and produce processing facilities (and feces too, because that is indeed Natural - it is called proteinaceous material - you want protein don’t you?)
Wanna know where else “protein” in supplements comes from? Pfizer cheese. That was not a typo. It is the byproduct of Pfizer making gross GMO sh*t that has now infiltrated 90% of the cheese supply in America. The scrap from making that is whey protein and it is solicited as a protein supplement.
If all of that hasn’t blown your mind yet, check this out: There are two ways to make supplements. The first is hydrolysis. Hydrolysis involves putting the produce (or whatever it is, it could be the red thing from a roosters head - sad but true) into a vat with water and chemicals then waiting for the vitamin to fall out of it (not kidding but which I was). After the vitamin has fallen out, science throws away the produce and works with the weird chemical-water because they believe the vitamin is in here. They then put it through a lengthy process; poison it, run it through expensive machines, poison it more, heat it, dry it, crystallize it, pulverize it into powder - yet somehow this process doesn’t destroy the little invisible vitamin because they are seemingly bulletproof. However, the hydrolysis process is time consuming and costly so it typically isn’t used. Instead:
They use microbial fermentation, which is f*cking disgusting (aka Pfizer Cheese). What they do here is usually take genetically modified bacteria, often e. Coli, put it on a substate (this is where feces and floor sweepings come in), then they feed it GMO sugar to grow it. This is the identical process they use to grow “viruses”, which makes sense right? I mean, it’s the same people making both the vitamins and the vaccines, so the same process is used for both. Once the GMO bacteria has grown to their liking, they treat it with tons of toxic chemicals while running it through all kinds of machines. Here’s Ascorbic Acid, aka “Vitamin C”:
After they do all that strange sh*t, we are told it is the exact same to eating fruit.
This process, microbial fermentation, is super fast and cheap. Large quantities of vitamins are produced in a couple days so this is what is almost always chosen.
Oh, and by the way, when they use e. Coli, or other bacteria which are deemed dangerous, they take the extra step of feeding it an antibiotic. Where do you think this comes from? Answer: Big Pharma, and yes, it too can be waste from manufacturing antibiotics. This microbial fermentation process using e. Coli is also how they make rBST, the cancer-causing growth hormone pumped into cows to make them produce more milk. It’s all the same sh*t in a different wrapper because it all comes from the same place.
Fermentation also involves mold, including black mold, such as in the case of Mary Ruth’s organic supplements, “Made in the USA!”:
Most of us now realize black mold itself is not harmful, what is harmful is the toxin it is eating, but regardless of whether it’s harmful or not, do you want to eat the stuff? I’ll pass.
Let’s look at what is needed to make vitamin B-12, known as “Cyanocobalamin”, pronounced Cyan-o-co-bal-a-min. The ingredients in B-12 are cyanide, cobalt (a toxic heavy metal), dextrose, sodium acetate, fumaric acid, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, thiamin HCI, nicotinic acid, pyridoxamine, para-aminobenzoic acid, biotin and the starting culture is often e. Coli so somewhere along the way was an antibiotic (antibiotics do not need to be declared on the ingredients list).
Why do you suppose cyanide, a deadly poison, would be needed to manufacture a supplement which gives us great health? Were there no other options that would suffice other than poison?
People, including famous doctors of the Truth Movement, will argue that this type of cyanide is ok for us to eat because our bodies can flush it out or convert it into healthy stuff. I say, it’s poison, there is no good poison and nothing good for us should tax our kidneys and livers. Even if our bodies can flush it out, why would we make them? You can only put cardboard in the paper shredder so many times before you dull the blades and burn out the motor. Now imagine if you only got a single paper shredder and needed to make it last 70+ years…
Others argue that some nuts contain cyanide but they do not realize that a nut does not contain lab-made poison whereas vitamin B-12 does. And where do you get the cyanide to make B-12? You can’t scoop it out of the dirt, so you order it:
Want to know how China makes it? Here is the Andrussow Process:
Then there’s the people who say, “I know Cyanocobalamin is made with cyanide, which is why I only take Methylcobalamin!”, but they do not realize methylcobalamin is made with cyanocobalamin. Look what they use to make this stuff:
At which part of the above process do the chemicals become beneficial for our health? Is it before or after they add the nail polish remover and Phenol?
Speaking of cyanide, here’s a little fun fact that isn’t necessarily about supplements but it applies to Big Pharma’s medicine. It’s 3 minutes long but 100% worth your time, listen till the end:
Now do you want to know how this relates to medicine? Here you go, Prussian Blue:
Yep, they feed people “gas chamber cyanide” to relive them of poisoning. Do you want to know what else chemical cyanide is in?
In this case it is called “Yellow Prussiate of Soda” - gosh, these names, Prussian Blue and Yellow Prussiate sound so beautiful, like poppy wall paint colors. I wonder why they don’t just call it cyanide since eating cyanide is harmless according to famous doctors and Google? Why bury the name of something so innocent? Regardless, don’t worry, science absolutely assures us it is safe because it’s an additive that the FDA has labeled GRAS. Apparently the only times it’s not safe is when you eat it:
Sure seems like they want us to eat poison. By the way, if you like salt as much as I like salt, the salt I buy is Redmond’s Real Salt:
I’ve given it as Christmas presents and as soon as someone gets it they throw out whatever salt they were using and switch. I don’t believe in profiting off product sales because it would corrupt my work, so if you want it, Google search it. If you want to support me, I have chosen to only make money through donations and subscriptions:
Let’s get back to supplements:
The raw ingredients in vitamin B-3, “Niacin”, display the California Proposition 65 warning because they are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or reproductive harm (aka infertility).
A large quantity of the raw ingredients used to manufacture supplements as well as the supplements themselves are shipped from China and India in steel, flame-proof drums, because they are flammable.
The drums of vitamins and the raw ingredients to make them usually display the skull and bones pictogram, meaning the chemical within is harmful-to-deadly.
Nearly all of the chemicals used to manufacture supplements must ship as hazardous and be disposed of as hazardous waste. As an example, let’s look at vitamin B-1, which we call Thiamine but is actually Thiamine Mononitrate which is made from Thiamine Hydrochloride (which is made from Thiamine Sulfate).
Here is the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet for the best-of-the-best “USP” pharmaceutical grade Thiamine Hydrochloride, “Vitamin B1”. Even though this is the USP grade, meaning it is as good as it gets, it is labeled as not being fit for consumption:
We also learn that it is considered hazardous. Do you want to eat something so hazardous that if it gets in your eye you can go blind?
Earlier I mentioned coal tar; its derivatives are a common ingredient in vitamins and it can be considered Organic because it contains carbon. Coal tar derived vitamins are usually listed on the label as a word that starts with, or contains, “Pyri” because the compound that comes from the tar is called Pyridine.
The dangerous and disgusting ingredients in supplements aren’t limited to what they are manufactured using, it also includes the end product which contains preservatives, fillers, dyes and usually either a pill shell, oil or a pill shell containing oil.
These additives include ingredients like magnesium stearate, also known as stearate:.
The pill capsule itself is likely either made from PFAS plastic or cellulose. And if you’re like me, you are under the assumption that cellulose is just wood pulp, therefore it’s not that bad, but this is not the case:
And that’s just to make the cellulose. To make it into a pill shell, you have to turn the cellulose into Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (“HPMC”).
Once that is done, then the shell can be made using the HPMC. As you likely guessed, cellulose is made from waste, usually scrap that isn’t good enough to make anything else. This is another way to get rid of factory waste by feeding it to the plebs. And as you probably also guessed, cellulose is Natural because it comes from wood, the fact that it is put through chemical hell doesn’t matter because the base ingredient was, at one time, Natural.
Of course the argument here is that we are consuming only a tiny amount so it’s not a big deal. But we also must ask ourselves why we are paying to consume a tiny amount of something toxic when we could instead just eat a couple apple slices?
Nanotechnology is another ingredient in supplements. I haven’t done much research into this topic yet, but it is on my list. This article was from 2011, way before any of us had ever heard the term “nanotechnology”:
You will know these are not natural vitamins by looking at the ingredients label. Anything that says “as”, such as “Vitamin B-12 as Cyanocobalamin” means it is lab made. Anything that says HCI or is a sciencey word, like nicotinic acid, pyridoxamine or para-aminobenzoic acid means it was made by man.
Even if the vitamin is made only with whole food, the process to dehydrate it / heat it and pulverize it impacts the nutritional value of the whole food.
Unless the label says broccoli, spinach or the name of an actual food without any other words connected to it, all of it was made in a lab then mass produced in a factory. If it says “Made from Broccoli”, it likely means it was made using the hydrolysis process (throw broccoli in a pot of water, dump chemicals on it, wait for the vitamin to fall out, throw away the broccoli, work with the chemical-water). If it says “Made with Broccoli” it likely means broccoli scrap, waste, past expiration or unsellable parts such as leaves and the ends of stems were used. But Made with does not mean what is in the pill is a tiny serving of pure broccoli, what it means is that broccoli is in there somewhere.
Enough with the ingredients, let’s switch topics: Fortified foods contain synthetic vitamins. This means, when you eat a piece of bread, a bowl of cereal, when you drink milk, enjoy a slice of pizza or some Pfizer cheese, you are already consuming lab-made vitamins (almost always made using the nasty microbial fermentation process)
The reason these chemical supplements are in our foods is because the United Nations demands they be added at processing plants… to keep all of the people of the world in peak health…
The UN isn’t the only one ensuring the population consumes a diet supplemented with chemicals, Bill Gates is a huge advocate. In fact, he is such an advocate that he puts his money where his mouth is by investing hundreds of millions of dollars into the cause - and he has been doing this for decades.
Gates’ main focus for gifting vitamins happens to be the exact same areas of the world which have been ongoing targets because the powers that be claim they are substantially overpopulated. This means, the areas that need depopulation are the same areas being gifted supplements to extend their lives by making the citizens healthy. These same areas are gifted vaccines, Ivermectin, and other “cures” for dis-ease. You don’t have to have a bachelors degree in science to see what is going on here, common sense will suffice.
Back in the 1960s, Rockefeller’s Population Counsel said a great way to dose the public with fertility reducing agents would be through the food and water supply. They pointed out, for this there would need to be centralized food processing plants, and look where we are now, we have centralized food processing plants, almost entirely owned by only a few companies who are vitaminizing every food they create.
This got me wondering, how much vitamins are being consumed by the average modern-day American just from the food supply, without supplementing? When I added up the numbers based on a typical American diet, I was floored to discover people are already consuming as much as double the “recommended daily allowance” of these chemicals - and this is before swallowing store bought pills, drops and powders which are more of the same.
Why is this important? Because they tell us vitamins are only dangerous if you take too much. The recommended daily dose is what the majority of the population can consume without showing signs of damage from the chemicals. But how do we know if we are taking too much when they are slipped into the food supply and we are told to supplement?
And it just so happens that doctors have no training at all in taking too much because they are taught the same as we are; vitamins are great, they are the solution to a healthy life and side effects are very rare (what does this sound exactly like? Vaccines.)
All of this originates from Rockefellers war on natural cures. It is all tied together to profit off our demise. Doctors no longer understand the human body and this is a massive problem. As of 2024, the only thing doctors know how to do is write prescriptions and referrals for their patients to visit other doctors who do the same or perform medical procedures. Even the so-called alternative doctors, who are promoted as warriors of Truth, are still suggesting toxins. And who wins? The pharmaceutical giants because they are at the top of the vitamin food chain. Big Pharma doesn’t care which of their chemicals you choose as long as you choose at least one. If you don’t want their Covid vaccine, no problem, eat their toxic insecticide called Ivermectin, their blood-brain-barrier-crossing-nanoparticle-HCQ, snack on some Pfizer cheese, or your partake in your choice of unregulated dietary supplements - and do this while consuming foods that have been vitaminized per the UN (just don’t take too much!).
Then, when a patient presents problems and asks their doctor why they are suffering from a rash, bone pain, migraines, lethargy, etc, the individual is never asked if they consume supplements, nor are they asked if they eat a lot of processed food, dairy or white flour. The symptoms suffered by the patient are labeled other things: genetic disorders, viruses and cause unknown (aka bad luck). It is never considered that the patient is micro-dosing themselves with assorted poisons. The doctor sees the solution to these conditions as supplements, vaccines, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications or other medical treatments / surgery.
If supplements make us healthy, why is it that 77% of Americans choose to take them and the same number are also in need of prescription medication for health ailments?
The harm done by supplements is well documented - highly suppressed, but well documented. Dating back to the 1950s, doctors, scientists and even medical associations saw these harms first hand and were speaking out against vitamin D. They knew that even consuming the supplement at low doses was causing serious health issues and birth defects.
These doctors and entities warned the absolute maximum dose of the chemical concoction should be no more than 400 IU per day, however, people were already consuming this amount via fortified foods so anything more was not only unnecessary, it was dangerous because this chemical is fat soluble, meaning it stays in our bodies for years. Our systems have no way to flush out lab-made vitamin D.
The doctors wanted a warning label applied to D supplements to make sure the public knew of their toxicity, but they were silenced and the information was suppressed.
The current suggested dose of synthetic vitamin D supplements, including for pregnant mothers, is 4,000 IU per day; ten times the amount known to cause serious harm in the 1950s and this does not include the food fortification program which has exponentially expanded since that time. Meanwhile, ever since the prenatal vitamin craze began, in which doctors across the nation began telling pregnant women they must consume prenatal vitamins to have healthy babies, birth defects have skyrocketed.
It was also known back then that all of the synthetic vitamins were damaging to health; all, not some, ALL.
Pre-1960s, although health problems were surfacing from these new products called supplements, the country was divided on whether it made sense to eat chemicals to get more of this thing called vitamins. People said things like, “I have never taken them before, why would I need them now?“. This was not acceptable for Big Pharma, so they went on a massive fear campaign targeting mothers.
This ran concurrent with new viruses suddenly plaguing the world including the Asian Flu, Polio and West Nile. The viruses were the bad guy, the vitamins and vaccines were the saviors. The most incredible marketing campaign in history was ran: without our products, you and your children will become very sick and quite possibly die a horrible death. Don’t you want to protect your children?
Photographs of children covered in painful blisters and images of cute little kids on crutches due to “bone disease” filled the newspapers. Death tolls were reported as the media assured the public a new vaccine was coming soon. As the fear campaign ramped up, vitamin vending machines were installed across the nation and door to door supplement sellers gave their best sales pitches. Articles written by doctors and scientists appeared in magazines warning of the dangers of lack of vitamins.
…those doctors and scientists were affiliated with the vitamin industry.
Lab tests were created to show the public that they were deficient in vitamins. It would later be discovered that the labs were getting kickbacks from the vitamin industry to rig the results.
Doctors were pressured to prescribe vitamins and told things like Vitamin B cured Beriberi, Vitamin C cured scurvy, neither of which were true. Both of these diseases were suffered by sailors who were consuming nutrient-less and poisoned diets for extended periods of time while at sea, but the public was made to believe these were plagues sweeping the nation and that these diseases were due to not consuming enough vitamins. In the 1950s, researchers who were suspicious of the Beriberi claim contacted thousands of doctors offices and asked when the last time they saw a patient with Beriberi was. They only received two answers: Never or Not since the war.
Big Pharma created the National Vitamin Foundation and the other research entities needed to solidify that vitamins were the key to longevity and the only way to have a healthy immune system. Once the organizations were created, materials were made and mailed to schools, churches and other places where people (especially mothers) gathered. Now, everywhere a mother looked, she saw pro-vitamin propaganda alongside fear propaganda.
The vitamin industry also created Daily Recommended Intake values. Yes, it was he who made the product who also decided how much everyone should be taking for their health.
For those that still didn’t want to eat lab-made vitamins, back in the 1960s, Big Pharma invented the myth that the soil had been depleted of nutrients, therefore there was simply no way to get enough vitamins by eating whole foods anymore. When researchers attempted to verify this claim they ended up empty-handed.
It was all a ploy, a massive ploy to sell health in a bottle, dangerous health in a bottle which, when the side effects set in, Big Pharma can label a health condition and sell us on another one of their products. When our miraculous bodies despise what is being put into them, they will wad it up in a lump to confine the toxins to save us and Big Pharma will call this Cancer then send us to treatment for that. When the chemicals strip our bones of calcium it is Osteoporosis.
Because the industry is unregulated, even when the label claims something is in the bottle, the amount of it might be substantially different or it might be something entirely different or a combination of not-declared substances:
Now let’s discuss the side effects: There is no set side effect per supplement because the industry is unregulated so what you are getting is a mystery and interactions with other chemical compounds depends on your diet; someone who eats a lot of cheese is getting mega doses of so-called vitamins A & D whereas someone who eats clean but consumes a buffet of supplements is intaking a buffet of chemicals in small doses.
With that being said, here are some of the most common side effects per vitamin type:
That AI generated list is incredibly scarce and does not nearly touch on the known harms that I have outlined in my deep dives, but just looking at the list, does this sound like something healthy that extends life or does this sound like poison?
When we vomit or have diarrhea, it is our bodies way of trying to flush out toxins. If you’re still not sure if the side effects of vitamins are from poison, simply cross-reference the list with side effects from poisoning:
But having a runny ass is the least of the problems because for this they can sell us another toxic heavy metal.
By the way, the natural solution is nutmeg. Just dump a little in the palm of your hand or throw it in your coffee or tea and your problems will quickly resolve.
The real issues caused by supplements are severe. For example, “Vitamin A”, which is added to all dairy, cereals, nutritional shakes, white flour, edible oils and fats like margarine, baby formula, and more, if you “take too much” can result in everything from dry skin to bone pain, vision loss, headaches…
Most people have never heard that this vitamin even causes facial wrinkles, yet it is added to skin care which is purchased by people who are trying to avoid looking old. I guess that is a great way to create repeat customers, eh?
Above and beyond the chemicals used to make the supplement, there is an ongoing issue with contamination. Contamination occurs when something that was not supposed to be in the product is discovered to be in it.
Because the raw ingredients in supplements are made by Big Pharma in Big Pharma’s factories, there is an ongoing issue with contamination from prescription medication.
Because supplements are unregulated, the only way the FDA steps in is if the harm is so overwhelming that they are forced to do something, such as in the case of their investigation that took 9 YEARS and resulted in LESS THAN HALF of the tainted supplements being recalled:
“The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found between 2007 and 2016 that 776 dietary supplements from 146 companies contained prescription drugs…” - and that is what they found based on what they looked at based on complaints.
“What were the drugs?”, you ask. Answer: other than the anabolic steroids (many of which have not been approved for human use), the FDA found Viagra, Prozac and Sibutramine (which is an appetite suppressant withdrawn from the market due to heart attack and stroke risks). Now you tell me, what happens when a woman consumes male sexual dysfunction / sexual enhancement prescriptions? What about a pregnant mother? Or a newborn baby who is bottle feeding and therefore ingesting synthetic vitamins in their formula?
Let me give you another quote from the article, “the use of dietary supplements has been linked to adverse events, including stroke, acute liver injury, kidney failure, pulmonary embolisms, and death. One study found that dietary supplement use was associated with 23,000 emergency department visits in the United States each year.” - and that figure, 23,000, was doctors who correctly diagnosed their patient, how many more are there?!
There are always ongoing lawsuits against supplements because people are being seriously injured, but the issue is always blamed on contamination of the supplement, it is never blamed on the supplement itself being a contaminate to our bodies.
If you look up the ingredients in vitamins, you will discover a large quantity are assorted insecticides, rodenticides and pesticides. This means the vitamin which gives us health is also used to take the life of a living creature that we call a “pest”. Just let that sink in.
As I mentioned in my personal story about Vitamin D, this chemical, which is indeed rat poison, kills rats by stripping their bones of calcium. By the way, that’s
on the right:
But it’s not just vitamin D and A that causes issues. Most chemicals demineralize bones, teeth and joints, leading to bone density loss as well as tendon and ligament damage.
Supplements calcify our body with minerals by pulling those minerals from other places within our bodies. One of the places that is decalcified by chemicals is the glomerular capsules in the kidneys. When pieces break off they are called kidney stones.
The same minerals calcify our pineal glands. This disrupts the Cristos oil pathway, reducing activity to the brain down to as low as 5%. If you have questions about how supplements impact the body scientifically and medically, ask
, she understands it thoroughly.Supplements put calcium and minerals into the bloodstream which cause heart arrhythmias.
Chemicals, in general, tax the liver and hijack the pathways of the liver. This means the nutrients we intake cannot be processed.
Speaking of being unable to process nutrients: if you are taking so-called dietary supplements because you, like most of us, have been led to believe that if you don’t eat super healthy, these miracles in a bottle are the simple solution, you are wrong. Processed foods are filled with sugar, starch, and chemicals. These components quickly infiltrate the bloodstream, blocking our bodies ability to intake nutrients. This means, even if the vitamins were beneficial, they cannot be absorbed if your diet is crap. But since all of the processed foods are already loaded with lab-made vitamins, according to the UN and the Daily Recommended Intake Levels, you have all the nutrition you need.
On the other hand, if you eat healthy, you don’t need chemicals to be healthy, so there really isn’t a market for these products to begin with which is exactly why people of the 1950s didn't want to take them and exactly why the fear campaign was essential. And if you eat healthy but something is causing you dis-ease, figure out what it is and stop it, not add to it.
And if you’re not sure if you are hitting Big Pharma’s Daily Recommended Intake levels of vitamins, therefore you are uncertain if you should be taking the lab-produced concoctions, then you need to do what I did in my article and make a spreadsheet itemizing each ingredient you consume each day then add up the totals - this is the only way to truly find out if you are taking too much (based on the levels created by the industry that sells the supplements).
Then, and only then can you add your supplement(s) onto it and see if you are taking too much:
Speaking of the amounts we are taking: Do you know how much magnesium is in one cup of raw spinach? 24 milligrams. Do you know how much magnesium is in a popular supplement, such as this one, commonly advertised on Truth channels?
500 milligrams! That is equal to almost 21 CUPS OF RAW SPINACH, which nobody could eat in one day because our stomachs are not large enough. This means we are dosing ourselves with extraordinary amounts of lab-made magnesium - amounts not found anywhere in nature. And we are consuming these doses, along with other supplements, every single day - cardboard in the paper shredder…
Regarding magnesium, did you know it isn’t even found in nature, period? Just like vitamins, there is nowhere on the planet you can go and scoop up a handful of magnesium. There are only two ways to obtain magnesium. One is to use a chemical reaction process to remove it from food:
But that method isn’t what they’re feeding us. What they’re feeding us is Magnesium Oxide (nanoparticles) and other fun fillers:
It too comes from China:
In order to make Magnesium Oxide they need to pick one of the following to use as a precursor to create the chemical reaction:
Magnesium nitrate
Magnesium alkoxide
Magnesium acetate
By the way, would you like the legal definition of precursor? Legal Definition (18 USC § 229F(6)): In the United States Code, a precursor is defined as “any chemical reactant which takes part at any stage in the production by whatever method of a toxic chemical. - We are off to a great start, eh?
Ok, so, to make what they are calling a magnesium supplement, they pick one of those four, then they perform the reaction using one of the following methods to create the nanoparticles:
… and then they mix it with toxic fillers and we eat it. Then, if you eventually begin suffering any of these side effects, you know you have taken too much:
“But it helps me sleep!” - I know, I was taking it for this purpose too until I realized a substance putting me to sleep was not a good thing. Ironically, now that I am clean from supplements, fortificants and white flour, I sleep amazing without the need of a sleep aid. The only nights I sleep terribly are when I intake one of the aforementioned via the food supply (Easter dinner at the in-laws, vacation, the company party at work). I find it interesting that when I quit trying to be healthy per the industry standard, I became healthy. Let’s go back to spinach for a moment:
93. The thing people aren’t realizing is that spinach isn’t just magnesium, it is thousands of different components all miraculously working together to give us nutrients - not vitamins - NUTRIENTS. All clean food provides us with nourishment through nutrients whereas health in a bottle is called an “isolated nutrient”, meaning it is an alleged replica of a single molecule that a piece of spinach allegedly contains, but it is impossible to take one molecule out of a piece of whole food and claim it is the same as the whole food. When we eat a cup of spinach we are getting all of the so-called vitamins in addition to:
Chlorophyll (the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis)
Flavonoids (antioxidant compounds)
Carotenoids (pigments responsible for the yellow, orange, and red colors of fruits and vegetables)
Phenolic acids (antioxidant compounds)
All of this stuff comes from the earth naturally and is in the plant in tiny amounts. The trace amounts will vary based on the location the plant was grown, so there is no point to trying to count this stuff regardless of what the internet tells you. Counting vitamins is no different than counting calories, it is idiotic. The reason calorie counting is stupid is because what matters isn’t the number of calories, it’s what they come from. An avocado is 160 calories. A cup of Splenda artificial sweetener (chemicals) is 0 calories. Which do you think is better for you?
If you have a headache, are you suffering from a lack of Tylenol? No. If you have a sore throat, is it due to a lack of Robitussin? No. Despite what Big Pharma and vitamin sellers tell you, nobody is suffering from a lack of chemicals in a bottle. There is no such thing as a chemical deficiency.
If you need the internet to obtain something, you are not suffering from a lack of it. Nobody in Iowa needs anything from the Red Sea to be healthy. We don’t need pills made from special berries only located in the deep woods of Japan. We don’t need any of these “must have” products. What we need is conveniently right where we are located. If you try your best to eat locally and avoid chemicals you will have all of the nutrients you need.
I started looking into diets of the 1800s by region and it’s utterly fascinating stuff. I’ll eventually write about it but to cut to the chase: across the nation everyone ate a lot of beans and corn. Lard was used instead of butter. Additionally, the West coast, overall, ate lean; berries, wild game. The South ate pork. The North / North East ate beef, roots and whole grains, especially during the winter due to lack of options. Now if you think about that, the West has sun and warmth and doesn’t need as much fat. The south is a mix of weather, but not nearly as cool as the North / North East. The North / North East is cold and consumed a more fattening diet. And everyone pounded beans and corn. Doesn’t this make sense? So if you have been told you have to supplement with miracles in a bottle because you live in Michigan like I do - no, we don’t. We just need to learn to eat how we were meant to eat.
Speaking of eating beef: Vitamin D is pumped into cows before slaughter. The reason for this is to tenderize the meat and ligaments. Being that it is softening the innards of the cow, what do you think it is doing to us? Answer: the exact same thing.
We can’t fight poison with poison. There is no way to poison our bodies back to health and there is nothing in a bottle that can override poor lifestyle and diet choices.
Most of us have been lead to believe that anyone who says vitamins are poison is a moron (or a shill) because we have taken them and we never vomited, developed a fever, or needed to call Poison Control, but what we don’t realize is we can be poisoned and not show any symptoms whatsoever because the amount is tiny and our bodies, when they are healthy, can fight it off. But if we continue to consume the toxins, in a matter of time the symptoms of poisoning, “dis-ease”, will begin to creep in.
“But when I take supplements, I feel INCREDIBLE!” - Believe it or not, being poisoned can actually feel great, and I am not just referring to the high someone gets after consuming street drugs or pharmaceuticals like Vicodin, I am also referring to supplements.
The reason we sometimes feel a burst of energy after taking vitamins is because we are poisoning ourselves. When we ingest poison, our bodies release adrenaline to fight it and an adrenaline rush feels awesome.
And just like that, it made sense why the supplement shakes I was consuming every morning and afternoon (as I drove to the gym) we giving me crazy energy… like a drug… because they were a drug…
This also explains why many of us would take our bottled supplements first thing in the morning, feel fantastic, then crash hard in the afternoon. If you look up how long it takes the body to put these toxins into our bloodstream, you discover they hit around noon or shortly after, depending what time you wake up and dose = “afternoon grog”. Not only has the adrenaline rush worn off, but now poison has infiltrated our bodies and it is putting us to sleep and making our minds cloudy.
The United Nations, Bill Gates, health entities and so on, are all parroting the identical message about supplements. They all insist we need them. Even the trusted doctors of the Truth movement sell them and the Truth shows promote them as products we need to purchase to make sure we get enough, yet not a single one of these people have ever sat down with us and reviewed our diets, lifestyles and ailments. Is that not a huge red flag? How can some guy from the internet who has a large following know that you need a multivitamin, a parasite cleanse, a jug of lab-made detox, more magnesium or some chemical-oil drops? If I told you that you need to eat antifreeze because you’re not getting enough, you would unsubscribe, right? Yet these people are promoting products made with antifreeze, pesticides, cyanide, chloroform, feces, GMO bacteria, bleach, factory byproduct waste, and more and we believe we need them because the guy who makes good content said so? Just step back and look at the big picture. Ask yourself, “How does [insert show host name] know I need [product] to be healthy?”.
All of these chemicals not only hurt our bodies but they steal our relationship with real food which is stealing our relationship with the earth. These highly-addictive toxins make clean foods taste horrible and horrible foods taste delicious. These chemical concoctions that are added to the food supply and sold to us in bottles alter our taste buds. - I will be writing about this soon:
If you want to consume high levels of supposed vitamins, you can do your own healthy hydrolysis process at home, it’s called making broth or bone broth, but in this recipe you won’t be adding in chemicals and you’re not seeking a vitamin, you’re seeking nutrients.
You can also make a smoothies or throw some fruit and/or herbs in water and let it sit then drink it. I despise cooking and this is easy enough for me. All you need is some glass (not plastic) carafes:
You don’t need any specific recipe; from watermelon + mint to lemon + blueberry to just some basil or rosemary, it all works. You can even use your fruit scraps, like orange peel.
Learn to drink tea. Personally, I’ve always hated the stuff, so I started by purchasing a bunch of different samplers. I ended up liking the brand Tiesta and within 10 months, I ordered the full bag of the flavor I liked most, Mango Pineapple (yes, I too was surprised that I would ever order mango anything):
Look how awesome this stuff is:
Talk about hydrolysis! Grab yourself some real, raw honey and drink up.
I am at the one-year mark since quitting white flour (and all supplements) and my life has changed for the best. Astonishingly, my health issues have vanished. I haven’t broken another bone, I no longer need a leg brace because the terrible cramp disappeared, my indigestion, painful urination and other issues were gone within weeks of changing my diet and best of all, I sleep amazing now, without any kind of night time supplement. I used to call myself a night owl because I would suddenly get this burst of energy after dark and if I wanted to sleep I needed to take something and wait for it to kick in, but that is no longer the case. My body is now ready for bed and when my head hits the pillow I am out cold, naturally - and I no longer “sleep hot”! No more opening the window in winter, no more kicking the blankets off, no more sweating. I cannot explain how incredible the sleep is, I wake up excited to write articles for a few hours before I go to my real job.
When I ceased consuming these poisons I suddenly no longer wanted to drink my beloved whiskey. I didn’t even have to try to quit drinking because I no longer wanted to. Although I have always been a thinner person, I somehow lost over 40 pounds by changing my diet. All of the foods I used to love, especially Taco Bell, now taste horrible so there is no temptation.
When your body naturally detoxes - a real detox, not using chemicals to detox because there is no such thing as detoxing with chemicals - you suddenly want fresh, clean foods and things like white flour hamburger buns are gross; you no longer have to try to avoid these foods because you don’t want them. When you are clean from chemicals you reach this new stage with your body where it will tell you what it wants you to consume, but this time around it isn’t telling you to order a pizza, it is telling you cucumber slices sound delicious or have more tea, but there is no way to reach this stage if your system is being hijacked by toxins.
The first step to changing your diet is resetting your taste buds and this can only be accomplished by removing chemicals from it. The easiest step is eliminating supplements. Not only will you cease consuming toxins but you’ll have more money to spend - grab yourself a tea sampler or some glass carafes with the savings.
If we stop playing doctor on ourselves and stop letting people tell us what our bodies need and instead start letting our bodies tell us what it needs, we have discovered the real meaning of healthcare.
*I am not doctor, none of this is medical advice. It is all based on my research and my lived experience. I truly believe we all should do what we feel is best for us. If you are taking supplements and they are working for you, GREAT! TAKE THEM. What you choose to put into your body makes no difference in my life and I support your decision either way.
In my next article I am going to teach everyone how to research ingredients (chemicals) - a beginners guide to finding out what you are actually eating; super entry-level stuff for people who want to verify everything I have said or verify anything anyone else is claiming. Once you learn how to locate real data, you’ll never be duped again.
Here is a compilation of my work as well as other authors. Mine are in bold.
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
- found a phenomenal blog post exposing the Scurvy Scam
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1
Lab Value Larceny - outstanding piece by
Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements
Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier
The Great Deception: Functional Medicine's Allopathic Facade Exposed
Ensure Meal Replacement Shakes: Vitaminized Hell by
How Can You Ascertain How Bad Synthetic Chemicals Are for You? - Another look at MSDS
Allergies, Ulcers, and Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Meet on Common Grounds
I started off this article by saying that we are not saying people are dying from supplement use, but the truth is, they are, and when you learn the ingredients in these things, it’s easy to see how this could happen
The problem also is thinking that there are actually such a thing as vitamins, naturally found in fruits and vegetables. There is no isolated compound that’s beneficial. The whole food is Synergistically beneficial.
You know you’re over the target when anti vaxxers and truthers are attacking you. Great work,