The power of natural healing does exist.

I always heal naturally without taking medicine.

Eating three meals a day is not good, eating two meals a day or less is better, or fasting is better.

I don't have any medicine or supplements in my house. And I don't depend on hospitals.

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That's awesome that you use natural remedies and stay away from hospitals and allopathic meds!

Regarding how much to eat, when to eat, what to eat - I have found the best approach is to listen to my body. If I am hungry and I don't feed myself, my body goes into several stages of preservation assuming it is starving including increased cortisol and the evil serotonin rises as well. I was on keto diet for 2 years while practicing restricted eating and the results included muscle wasting, mineral imbalance, severe lack of sugars (causing my body to go into lipolysis) and I became hypoglycemic.

Thankfully, I was able to stop that train wreck, heal myself and now I eat when I am hungry, sleep when I am tired, and when I crave sugar, I reach for whole fruit purchased direct from local farmers. In fact over 90% of my food is from farmers I know and I eat what is in season.

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Me too. Keto wrecked my metabolism. I now eat simple sugars - stewed fruit or tropical fruit. Fish and meat from ruminant animals as per Ray Peats Metobuc diet. My hyper thyroid symptoms much better.

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That's awesome! A lot of keto followers are stuck on restricted eating not realizing they are putting their body under duress, producing excess cortisol, serotonin and becoming estrogen dominant as their metabolism plummets.

The bioenergetic model and Ray Peat forum awakened me from the chronic self-induced problems I was experiencing!

The biggest mistake I made was reducing carbs and eating higher amounts of fats (ie whole avocados, heavy on EVOO, nuts, seeds...Huge PUFA intake (ugghh!!)

...now I restrict my fats below 25% and only get my fats from butter, coconut oil and tallow (saturated fats only).

...and I eat 3-6 pieces of fruit per day. I feel a thousand times better, lost weight, sleep better, have tons of energy and positive mindset as I never feel like I am depriving myself...what a concept!!! (Lol)

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I used to work as an advanced EMT for the EMS system and I’ve lost complete faith in western medicine, but I am grateful for trauma surgeons and level one trauma centers they are needed. But other than for trauma you won’t see me seeking hospital care

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This speaks to several puzzle pieces that have been in my mind over the years. For example, the Rife machine; the healing value of sunlight and nature; the therapeutic effects of glad thoughts and words, and the worsening effects of fear, loneliness, anger, and grief; our being made in God’s own image, who spoke creation into being, who ordained music in the heavenly realm before the creation of the world, who admonishes us to worship Him in song and commands “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (Philippians 4:8) “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) God’s instructions make it evident that our thoughts and words and songs are powerful. Jesus Christ was referred to as the Logos - The Word.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome a it. (John 1:1-5)

Note the connections between the Word and light and creative power and life!

What if the music we consume, the shows/news/films we watch, the thoughts and attitudes and words we speak, the sequestering of ourselves away from nature, the way we treat others… what if every choice carries power and influence, edification or destruction, healing or decay? What if light, sound, concepts, beliefs, words, music, good and bad intentions are all connected somehow like body, soul, and spirit? And we are merely deceived into believing we are powerless responders to stimuli, victims, as opposed to the pinnacle of God’s creation, image-bearers, analogous to Him yet finite in power and understanding, but with unimaginable influence when we exercise our power of agency and choice?

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Those elegant connections to the Divine, to God, you describe are more fundamental than breathing, and yet we've forgotten how to even breathe by sharing and caring for the air that carries our music and seeds of life. Our choices matter so very much.

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Imagine how healing it would be for children if they were in a school that played 432 cps music all day ... very low volume, almost imperceptible. Same with hospitals, psychiatric wards, prisons....

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Humans are not the pinnacle of God's creation but we are divine beings at the bottom of a vast spiritual hierarchy which includes many beings above us in their spiritual evolution such as angels, archangels, Seraphim, Cherabim, and others.

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We can agree to disagree.

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Could this be why all the bells were removed ?

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Absolutely. We use to be able to buy horse sleigh bells in all the frequencies and some choirs even had all the bells played in harmony...all that music is gone now, all that talent discarded by the wayside.

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Bell-ringing teams in cathedrals and churches were a tradition in England and Europe for generations, still was up to pre-cv, don't know if it's still going on now, but most bell-ringers had no real idea what it was really all about, they just liked doing it. Bells all over the world were purposely cracked (eg. liberty bell) and many melted down for the metal in wartimes, many weighing tons, leaving us to wonder how they were made and erected (often in belfries) in the first place. Enter the Tartarian civilisation......

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Yes! The Tartarians ...who used frequency, sound and light to power entire villages.

The first time I visited Europe and saw the eloquent, and extremely ornate huge structures supposedly built hundreds of years ago, I could clearly see a BS story when they showed us on tour what the average serf lived in.

Where was all their advanced equipment? Where were all the artisans, how did they chisel into stone beautiful detailed scenes many stories high?...with their little hand made pick axes?? I think not.

Most importantly it's clear that in todays world - while we can make big tall box structures - the hey are never as ornate or intricate like those 'serfs' did hundreds of years ago (lol)

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This is crazy. I love it.

I don't listen to music very much. I sing it. I have been singing in choirs on and off since 1992. I don't have a great voice, but I took lessons for several years when I started, and I could already read music from playing instruments. It's the harmony -- the combining of frequencies. It does something with the body. Alto works best for me -- that would be individual -- but I can hear and feel all the parts. I can't explain it, but I sure do feel it.

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This is an amazing find! If one dove deeper into music theory, there could be particular chord and interval structures that produce either healing or disruptive frequency.

Everything is frequency. Music we hear and feel physically is obviously frequency, but invisible radiation as in EMF or the sun is also frequency, and ingredients and toxins in water, food, supplements and "medicine" have frequency. Our entire body/ mind can be expressed as a frequency. Remember the Rife Machine?

Perhaps the Destroyers/ Controllers have been taking a several-pronged approach to degrading people's potential of good health and higher spirit and are using toxic EMF phones and towers, toxic medicine and shots, toxic food and water additives, and toxic musical frequency and lower brain rhythm beats. A poison cocktail of harmful or overdosed frequency would constitute a physical complement to the neural linguistic entrainment they do through entertainment and the news to induce lower-order thinking and behavior. But why and for what purpose?

I'm not a church lady, but that bizarre interference in the GloRilla "Hollon" song sounded like demonic scrabbling. Could they be abusing frequency to possess and enslave us and make big money along the way?

On the other hand, there are beautiful frequency antidotes to the poison, such as Beethoven's 7th, 2nd Movement, which features a repetitive few notes in the main theme, mainly E. There are likely psychic correlates to the physical targets that frequency affects. Perhaps E done well can induce peace of mind and easy breathing.

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I agree Miss Parker. Just a few minutes listening to Bach soothes my soul, body and whole being. I also love Mozart, Schubert, Chopin and all the great classical composers. I wonder if their closeness to Nature inspired their work? Much great music has its origins in older agriculltural societies and their folksongs. Many "peasants" worked in the fields or on boats in tune with their singing.

Our modern "music "has been so distorted and its hard to avoid. I carry my earplugs wherever I go.

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Their music would be MUCH more powerful if played in the frequency of 432, as it was originally written in! Classical music was changed to 440 "concert pitch" all over the world by the Rockerfellers, they definitely didn't want us to get the full benefits of it. You can actually use a converter to return recordings to 432 cycles per second.

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Thanks Summer. I didn't know that. Will try to find a converter.

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I completely concur with your post!

Michael Tellenger presents a very compelling theory about how all the ancient structures were built using advanced frequency and sound technology. He refuted the mainstream sound byte that thousands of slaves built the pyramids moving one block at a time and pokes many other holes in the 'history experts' theories.

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Interesting that "impossibly" huge stones may have been cut and lifted in place using frequency and sound, while, on an emotional or psychic level, frequency and sound are able to form and elevate health, mood, and spirit, or deform, degrade, and even kill.

Socially, the low-frequency lying Controllers are bent on constructing a pyramid of top creeps supported by a base of slaves subjected to even lower frequency. Maybe we could topple their dreams of oppression by creating beautiful music and higher consciousness and then "build back better" than they would have done!

Oh dear, build back better correlates to b-b-b which is 666. How about Grow Great Grace or some other positive "g"s for a 777 goal?

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Damn you and your rabbit holes! Just as I was clinging to a shred of hope that I could "know" something for sure. Absolutely brilliant food for thought 👍

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I've read all of Dr. Emoto's books -- absolutely intriguing. That's when I stopped referring to people as 'idots', etc.

I remember when Dr. Bruce Lipton did studies that proved that plants respond to sound. In one of his experiments, he had put two exact plants (I believe they were 2 peas from one pod), in the exact same clay pots, with the exact same soil, same temperature in the room, etc.

One was in a room that played only Led Zepplin and the other was in a room that played only Beethoven. Everything but the music was exactly the same.

Within 3 weeks, the Zepplin plant was dead but the Beethovin plants had grown twice the usual size and were clearly very healthy.

He went on to do many more studies that proved plants respond to all kinds of sounds, and to words because they are sound. We respond to 'I love you' far differently than to 'I hate you', even if they are stated in languages we don't know. This could be why the English language contains so many words that sound the same, but are spelled differently.

Of course, the Dr. Lipton was villified, etc. etc.

Re: how Billboard rigs things by buying songs, etc. if you look up how 'Bestsellers' (books) are created you will be furious.

I have often bought and read a book because it was a 'bestseller' only to find the book complete trash. I wondered how in the world the book got to be a 'bestseller', so I looked into it.

I haven't recently looked up the required number of book purchases needed to get the 'bestseller' certification, but when I looked it up a few years ago, all an author had to do was buy 500 copies at the retail price and bingo, it was entitled to the 'bestseller' book certification. I can't remember exactly just now, but it might have been that the whole 500 had to be bought (sold) within a specific time period.

EVERYTHING is a massive fraud.

Thank you for sharing your suspicions, as they are often more intriguing than the uncovered truth. I really do think, knowing what I know about frequency-water and frequency-sound relationships, that Vitamins are exactly what you suspect.

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We found that of all the sounds played to plants they loved birdsong the best.

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NOT£ FOR AGENT: You should INVESTIGATE COFFEE, you will be shocked at what you find, and likely never drink it again!!! Take a look at how it is grown and manufactured. Why do you think there are now coffee shops on every corner (like cannabis shops)? Caffiene is also said to damage or close the third eye. And Starbucks in particular is deep into the Agenda. And if you go on from there to tea, you will also be amazed, including the microplastics in the bags themselves.

RE FREQUENCIES: Royal (?) Raymond Rife was very involved in this pursuit -- he supposedly discovered all sorts of conditions could be cured with frequencies, including curing cancers. Also when talking about the musical notes you have to be careful to site which frequency band you are referring to, as the Rockerfellers changed the 432 cylces per second which is harmonious to the body and all life and has beautiful patterns in sacred geometry, to the 440 cps which does not have these qualities and can be harmful to life -- super interesting history about how they managed to pull this "concert pitch" change off worldwide, and now all electronic instruments come with notes set in 440 scale. Why was choir music and chanting etc. so healing in the past? 432 cps. What frequency were cathedrals with their pipe organs and sublime acoustics? 432 cps

IMPORTANT: And while we're at it, can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ditch the term "hertz" which was cleverly assigned to frequencies that "HURT" us!!! Right there in plain sight! (And connected to the car rental company if you look deep enough, as you usually do.) The proper term is cycles per second, cps or c/s, and my scientist husband remembers when it was changed, supposedly to honour some German scientist.

And why is it such a production to sign in in order to comment? I have a paid account, but i DON'T have a cell phone, i'm just on my computer, and can't download your app to stay signed in all the time, which i would like to do.

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Yes, their changing from 432 to 440 c/s was an intentional degradation of healing, ethereal music. Also, appreciate your mention of the Hertz term, because words have frequency and emotive value, and, in this case, one of pain and suffering. And how about Rocker (Freemasons and chaos agents) and fellers (degraders and destroyers)??

I choked on my coffee while reading your comment! Most tea is also toxically grown or processed. There must be better ways to wake up and go to sleep, other than caffeine and alcohol... We all seem to be facing a wake-up call to get our own houses in order , to include our mortal skins.

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I hear you, even growing the plant outside is a hazard these days. I made tea from my camelia japonensis? or such last summer, its ok and better with aging. was fun to trim off some new leaves and try aging / bruising it for tea.

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I never thought of growing my own tea...hmmm - will look into that 😊

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Giving up coffee after nearly reaching 75 years is a no go. What harm can be done now? And for sure NO starbucks.

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My father is 92, takes zero meds, drinks coffee daily, sits in the sun 1 hour a day, eats an apple, orange, banana every morning for breakfast, stays very happy...still going strong 😊

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Can you share some sources to begin the coffee research?

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I read decades ago that the body recognizes coffee as a poison, so it purges it quickly from the body. It's almost like a detox if you use it 'medicinally'. I have a cup of 1/2 tsp of instant coffee every morning with my apple. Feel great and never eat a big breakfast, but still have tons of energy and stamina.

If I happen to be away from home and can't have my apple and coffee, I just don't feel my energetic self. BTW. I buy organic apples in the winter and until my Heritage Empire organic apples are ready.

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instant coffee even more processed than beans or ground -- hope Agent will do a deep dive on all this..........

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Do you think the organic instant coffee is adulterated too? In a large cup, I have only 1/2 tsp of coffee...barely enough to taste it. I have always used chicory root substitute, but it's expensive now that I have to buy it. The corrupt municipality where my property is, mowed all my herbs down to the dirt just to intimidate and harassment me .. that's a long story, but why I don't have my organic chicory root.

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I believe I have read that there is more acrylamide in instant coffee than in regular brewed coffee.

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Check out Jason Christoff

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I don't have a problem ... no cell phone, just my computer and don't have to sign in. I'm sure if you let Agent know, he can fix that glitch.

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Yeah - I have same problem - I have to use this stupid QR code to sign in which requires my smart phone - rather than just simply using an email address - VERY FRUSTRATING

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The word "history" in Russian is "история", "ez toria"--from/of the torah. Supporting the agenda of the torah. The war against humanity (and further, between light and dark forces) has been going on a long time--you can read about it in the book by Nicolai Levashov called "Russian History in Distorted Mirrors" on his website levashov.info. His other books also explain how our brains process stimuli and why rock music is so damaging, in fact designed to be so. And why the old people back then experienced rock and roll as someone beating their brains out.

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I don't agree that there are no such thing as vitamins. A while back it was determined that vitamin B17, amygdalin or laetrile from apricot seeds can treat cancer. In fact G. Edward Griffin wrote a book on it titled A World Without Cancer.

If The Powers That Be work so hard at keeping B17 from us, in my way of thinking there is something beneficial to it. https://www.newsweek.com/apricot-seed-cancer-cure-long-history-leads-arrest-mother-son-1467414

We know that the "official" cancer treatments don't work. But doing things like taking bicarbonate of soda with water twice a day will raise pH levels to the alkaline side of the scale. I once talked with a radiation technician that told me that none of her patients had a tested pH in the alkaline range. They all had an acid pH. If you have a cancer diagnosis, test your pH.

We also have evidence that Carbon 60 extended the life of rats to twice the life span of the control group. Has anyone here looked into C60?

I agree that we should get most of our nutrition from food. But due to industrial farming methods our soils are depleted of nutrition.

Dr. Joel Wallach, a veterinarian studied problems with depleted soils that were making farm animals sick. He concluded that depleted soils cause nutrition deficiencies. Dr. Wallach advocates for the use of some supplements.

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Kenneth, not being snarky here. Do you have in your possession a foundational paper (with methods) for the discovery/identification of B17 or any other so-called vitamin? Everything I've seen wouldn't get a passing grade in a 7th grade science class. It's all just reductionist chemical voodoo lab sorcery and a manufacturing process. I like looking at these old papers (when/if I can find them). For me, the human-invented idea of vitamins is only something to be believed through intensive marketing.


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Thanks, Kenneth. Yes, I'm familiar with Pubmed and how to use it. I wasn't really looking for product animal studies for benefits and I don't have the time to skim through an entire book on miracle cures. I did a cursory research of my own on "B17" and I'll give you some quick notes on what I found.

1) Amygdalin was first discovered/produced by a French Chemist (Robiquet) in the 1800s. Obviously not considered a "vitamin" at the time, but these chemists were big on trying to get substances 'extracted' from foods by way of chemical lab odysseys.

2) Ernst Krebs patented a (more) synthetic version called Laetrile in 1952. It appears he wanted to give it a "vitamin" label because selling unregulated supplements is a hell of a lot easier than a FDA regulated drug. There seems to be much contention as to whether Amygaldin or Leatrile meet the current definitions of "vitamin" at all. It's another made up label in order to try and make a copy of mother nature and sell it in a bottle.

3) On that...the essence of a so-called vitamin is based on the faulty idea that a person is only sick because they are "deficient" in said compound. This idea has not held up to scientific scrutiny when you go through the literature. The idea that Cancer is a dis-ease of deficiency (merely a lack of something) rather than a toxicity disease is fallacious to me. What we call "Cancer" is actually a biological survival mechanism, and last ditch effort by the body to try and remove trash cans of toxins in an overburdened/clogged cleansing system. Does anyone believe that everyone who has been diagnosed with cancer has to take a look at whether or not they simply haven't had enough ground up and chemically extracted apricot seeds? When you closely examine all so-called "deficiency" diseases, the evidence typically points to toxicity diseases...the old switcharoo. When you are poisoning everyone, you need a good cover story.

4) While Amygdalin might be something found in nature...although debatable, because the harsh chemical solvents and processes and machines used for extraction likely leave a newly created product that in no way resembles what was originally in the apricot, I believe both it and the 'more' synthetic Laetrile to basically be pharmaceuticals. The supplements you can find will typically have magnesium stearate and cellulose fillers included (see Agent's work on this).


Amygdalin standard purity ≥97%, potassium bromide spectroscopic purity (Sigma-Aldrich, Munich, Germany), acetonitrile HPLC grade (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), methanol LC-MS purity (Avantor Performance Materials, Inc., Deventer, Netherlands), formic acid purity 99% (Carlo Erba Reagents, Val de Reuil, France), ethanol 96% (v/v) (Zorka Pharma, Šabac, Serbia), absolute ethanol (Alkaloid AD, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia), diethyl ether purity ≥99% (VWR International, Lutterworth, UK).

List of Top Amygdalin Companies

Salus Nutra (Chins)

Freshine Chem (China.)

Aktin Chemicals (China)

Xi’an Arisun ChemPharm (China)

Yangling Ciyuan Biotech (China)

Conclusion: These substances have the same issues as the others with regards to being "vitamins". B17 or B15 are just human labels being given to what was once food, or a copy attempt at the food. I personally am not interested in eating chopped up kernels and pits of food. I think the super bitter taste and indigestible shell of armor is likely a warning from Mother Nature. Now, if someone else wants to, I say go for it. If they think it helps with cancer symptoms, it probably can't be worse than the absurdity of chemo and radiation. Just know that most of the crap you are purchasing has been put through the usual suspects pharmaceutical labs and chemical companies and just because they call it a "vitamin"- doesn't make it have the special superpowers implied to go with that label.

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I take a half t-spoon of sodium bicarbonate twice daily to prevent cancer. An alkaline body does not contract cancer. In fact a body on the acid side of the pH scale may contract many diseases, not just cancer. This inexpensive remedy can correct a too-acid body due to poor diet.

Some cancers may in fact be parasites. That is why some have had success treating their cancers with ivermectin or fenbendazole. In fact there are many ways to treat cancer. Rick Simpson anecdotally proved that cannabis oil or Rick Simpson Oil RSO can cure cancer in himself and his neighbors. The Gerson method has had success. And a book Titled German Cancer Breakthrough highlighted boutique cancer centers in Germany that are outside the FDA's purview so they are free to use different different methods. Each of the 10 clinics covered in the book had success treating the patient, not just the disease. Each in their own unique way.

Dr. Ronald P. Drucker wrote The Code of Life, published in 2008. In it he makes a case for why we need supplementation. His point is that the cells in the body need nutrition; when they need it. The way we grow, transport and market food means it is deficient of nutrition when it reaches the dinner table.

I am a member of a group that is going to start up a permaculture garden in Florida. Permaculture farming methods do not rely on fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Once started they produce nutrition with little or no attention, providing food security for the community.


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Inflammation is a symptom, not a cause... something caused the inflammation. Inflammation doesn't cause itself... "attacking" inflammation is symptom management. That's what western medicine does with their pharmaceuticals.

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I found todays writings extremely interesting Agent ! Thankyou. I’ve studied the Bible for over 60yrs and now the Book of Joshua chapter 6 , (which tells how the walls of Jericho fell down flat after the Israelites in those days followed the instructions given to Joshua by God, ) makes a lot of sense The instructions they were given are laughed at by today’s scoffers , but if your discoveries are correct re the power of sound and certain frequencies etc , then this chapter all makes complete sense to me. God gives us great wisdom through his Word. People can scoff all they want. Every word written there is true and discoveries such as what you’ve written about are very helpful to such ones as myself who study it , so Thanks again. Time will tell if these discoveries about sounds/frequencies etc are 100% true. All will be revealed to give us more faith.

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God spoke this construct into being -- eg sound frequency. Trumpets herald many things in the bible, and yes even bring down walls! And what do you think the Ark of the Covenant was? A powerful energy device........ many things are encoded in the bible, and even more in the books that were NOT included in the current bible! Can't wait till we get access to the Vatican basement!!!

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Yes it’s interesting that they were rams’ horns too that were used isn’t it Summer.? They were enormous structures AND they were instructed to use seven of them walking before the Ark continuously blowing them plus all the people had to shout a great war cry….”THEN the wall of the city will fall down flat”. It must have been an amazing sight… to have heard that continuous sound , then the wall fell. Would like to have seen that power of sound’s results! As far as the Vatican basement’s concerned, well it’s interesting that Jesus said “for there is NOTHING hidden that will not become manifest, nor anything carefully concealed that will never become known and not come out in the open” - Luke 8:17. lol. We shall have to wait and see!

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You will be waiting a long long time to get access to the Vatican Basement!

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bi-baal has lots of pred prog... yes. and tptb love using the bibel as a script. (well it´s named even scripture). obviously the trump(ets) and wall relate to trump (i pointed many other predprogs out on my page, mainly the BTTF movie). ofc it is also in the tarot (tower and lightning etc. recent events already play out my research :O) plus in the "Illuminatii" game. but bibel ofc must be the oldest and most read piece of propaganda/predprog

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Very interesting! And I've always thought that the cure for any disease will be found to be frequency therapy. Tesla showed that if you direct exactly double the frequency of any object at said object, it will cause it to collapse.

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Oh such a Wonder…You have to read Sol Luckman’s Potentiate Your DNA: A Practical Guide to Healing & Transformation with the Regenetics Method

(Healing with the sound of music-notes and a tuning fork). It is a FASCINATING book!

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Wow, this is another piece in the puzzle!

Two things to add….. could this be why they inject people with ‘metals’ (aluminium) as this will then distort/intensify the frequencies?

Also, it was obvious to me, that after the 80’s and early 90’s music ‘changed’ for the worst, after reading this post this all makes sense now.

This is a multifaceted frequency assault on the body, especially knowing that we are mostly comprised of water. They know this, and nothing, absolutely nothing, is coincidence!

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See one of my other long posts about this -- the wifi frequency targets WATER -- eg. the WATER in our bodies and makes it totally chaotic.

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Fantastic, I for sure think our bodies use frequencies/vibrations/music/water to stay/seek equilibrium.

Alas I didn’t get very far looking into it… I found a company called Cymascope which was interesting and it was an old GreenMedInfo article that firstly intrigued me. I can’t find it now but I saved this snippet:

“You create infrared light even when you speak...The atoms and molecules of air within this expanding bubble are bumping into each other, each collision transferring your voice vibrations to the nearest atom or molecule. As these 'bumps' occur they cause infrared light to be created due to the friction between the magnetic shells of the air particles. The infrared light carries with it the modulations of your voice that rush away at the incredible speed of 186,000 miles per second. Unlike the sound of a voice, which becomes inaudible after about one mile, the infrared light created by your voice rushes out into space where it travels for eternity, carrying your words or songs to the stars.”

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