MUSIC or FREQUENCY WEAPON? A Military Operation, Mass Psychosis & Hidden History (Part 2)
Insane stuff we never knew...
When I was a kid, back in the days before internet was in every household, I used to like reading comic books. My favorite comics were crossovers, like when Superman and Batman would be in the same story. Although I haven’t read a comic in 35+ years, I am frequently reminded of those days when I research for Substack articles - characters that have appeared in previous posts pop up again. And this is exactly the case of music. And right about now you’re probably thinking, “Music? Why would I care about music let alone want to read about it?”, to which I reply, “This isn’t a story about music - I mean, it is, but it’s actually a story about a history-changing scandal - it’s the scandal you’ve never heard of yet it changed your life”…
In Part 1 (which you should read first), I told you how I came across a chart showing music notes and the diseases (dis-eases) they are associated with:
Just in case you refuse to read Part 1 first, to clarify the chart, it is claimed that the music notes do not cause disease, it is the lack of the frequency or imbalance of the frequency that leads to disease. Imbalance can mean too little or too much. But being that I don’t listen to music much anymore, what difference does it make? The reason I had to write this series about music I don’t listen to is because when I saw that chart, my eyeballs damn near popped out of my head because I instantly realized the music notes bear the same names as f*cking vitamins - vitamins which I am a vocal advocate against because they are assorted poisons based on lies which are based on a hoax which was invented by the same people who brought us life-ruining “vaccines” and “medications” to stop disease which the same entities cause.
I hypothesized, because everything we have been told is a lie, the music notes, which are frequency, are actually what the vitamin names are. I guessed that “Vitamin A” is not this:
And in reality, Vitamin A could instead be associated with this:
I found surprising data to back up my hypothesis which led me to begin questioning how frequency imbalance ties into mainstream music. I began locating the instrumental versions of current Billboard Top 20 songs and was shocked to hear them. When you peel away the distraction of the vocals and background vocals and only listen to the instrumental version of the hit song, you discover the track appears to be a blatant use of a frequency weapon. Can anyone listen to this and deny this is weaponized frequency pulsing?
I could easily see how repetitively listening to these songs could, at a minimum, cause chronic stress leading to health issues and, at a maximum, control someone’s mind entirely (MKUltra style). - Pretty wild stuff, eh?
To finish Part 1 we looked at a video made by a modern-day famous rapper who showed exactly how the Billboard charts are rigged - that rapper would go from fame to forgotten within only a couple years of publishing that video, then the video would be scrubbed from the majority of the internet.
When we add it all up, it appears that we have frequency weapons being installed into these Top charts where they are then played billions of times and we simultaneously have these illnesses breaking out all over the place - and it’s not just illnesses, it’s also what we are being told are “genetic conditions”, like Sickle Cell, which predominately impacts African Americans, who, based on statistics, predominately listen to music that carries the frequencies which allegedly have the ability to cause such issues. Coincidence? Perhaps.
I then wondered, how did we decide on these music notes? If you would have asked me that question four days ago, I would have replied something like, “Music has been around forever”, which in itself isn’t an answer, so I guess my answer would have been “I have not the slightest clue”. So how did we decide on these music notes? How did we decide that all of these notes are going to be specific frequencies? I had no idea just how deep that rabbit hole would go…
Remember RCA from my Evergreen series? That was the series that got me debanked. Long story short, RCA was a company formed by AT&T, United Fruit Co (the Chiquita banana people who funded terrorism), Westinghouse (publisher who makes school text books) and General Electric. The company was formed as a patent pool which meant all of the owners shared technology with each other. RCA was also a military contractor. One thing I didn’t know while writing the Evergreen series was that RCA was working on a very special assignment for the military… a classified assignment… a Black Op assignment… this assignment was referenced in a letter written a man named David Stevens to the vice-president of ATT, Frank Jewett, regarding the project. The letter has one very important line:
"control the emotional response of audiences by mechanical means."
(and yes, Frank’s last name really was Jewett).
Ok, so, Jewett got the letter and he wrote back to Mr. Stevens “expressing "embarrassment" for the company's involvements in this nefarious project, despite its profitable applications and military merits.”
What exactly was this project? It would turn out that the project was developing advanced [acoustic warfare] technologies and the project was jointly funded by none other than…
ROCKEFELLER (and tax dollars, of course) - hold that thought for a moment.
Music is based on tuning and for tuning to be successful, the sound (frequency) of a single note must be chosen, then all other notes (frequencies) would be tuned based on the first note. In the ancient original Solfeggio scale A was 444Hz (C(5)=528Hz). In this tuning system, “A=444Hz, virtually equivalent to (C(5)=528Hz, was the "MI" tone or "MIracle" note played by the Pythagoreans (← old school Greece people now referred to as a cult).
As times advanced A=432Hz began growing in popularity. There seemed to be something special about this frequency, 432Hz, that allowed musicians to tune their instruments only by ear (pretty amazing).
Rockefeller, who was the Oil King and was also waring on natural remedies while developing what would become Big Pharma, decided that universal tuning needed to be changed. Now history is going to tell you there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that neither Rockefeller, nor any of those people, were behind the desire to change the Universal Standard (and vaccines save lives so get a booster). But let me tell you, these people are behind everything we know today, seriously, everything and it’s legitimately all the same people (and their offspring) in their positions of power pulling the strings on it all. In my quest to write The True Book of History, which I will start releasing chapters of in January 2025, I discovered it is all tied together. Here’s my flow chart as of the 1920s:
And by the way, as a teaser for that series, you won’t believe what I found in the 1930s. I uncovered pre-war documents that I don’t believe anyone has ever seen because they’re not actually documents, they’re actually very clever cryptic codes disguised as innocent documents and I am going to need your help cracking the codes. Should we be able to break those cyphers, we will be able to prove everything that happened in WWII was preplanned and broadcasted using harmless looking documents - it was right under the public’s noses the entire time, they just never saw it because they had no way of knowing what the future held, but those in the know knew what was coming so they knew how to read the codes. This is content that literally can change what we know about WWII history and there are 13,000 subscribers here now, I guarantee one of us is skilled enough to break the cyphers or knows someone who can and I can then broadcast it. Anyway, what were we discussing? Oh yes, vitamins and music frequency. Let’s get back to the story:
What did Rockefeller want the Universal Standard changed to? 440 Hz. If you’re like me, you have no idea what either of these frequencies sound like, nor the difference between the two, so I made a little comparison. Here’s 444 vs 440:
And here’s 432:
It seems like such a trivial difference, why would it be of so much importance to Mr. Rockefeller and friends?
‘Feller tried to get the standard revised in the early 1900s but nobody was interested; musicians hated it, governments thought the idea was stupid, and the plot to forever alter music failed…
In 1938, one year before WWII, “The War of the Worlds” was broadcast live on air. The War of the Worlds was a science fiction novel which the broadcaster chose to read on air, news bulletin style.
It turned out the broadcast induced the first episode of mass hysteria caused by a radio production in America. The Australian newspaper The Age published, "never in the history of the United States had such a wave of terror and panic swept the continent". Other papers reported the same:
... but one thing about it perplexed researchers. You see, The War of the Worlds was a well known novel about an alien invasion and the book had been around since the 1800s. It was even in children’s comic books, so it just didn’t make sense that the public was driven into such a frenzy over it. Nobody ever has been able to explain what exactly caused people to lose their minds on that specific evening.
When the public discovered it had been hoaxed by the radio station, it went after the man who read the novel on air, Orson Welles. “After the broadcast, as I tried to get back to the St. Regis where we were living, I was blocked by an impassioned crowd of news people looking for blood, and the disappointment when they found I wasn't hemorrhaging.”, Orson said.
The following year, in 1939, at an international conference held in London, “Research and developments in musical weaponry, tuning with dissonant frequencies, yielding the latest and greatest war making technology for broadcasting "mass hysteria"“ was made official by the attending parties, as 440 Hz was declared the new standard. With this new standard the music note (frequency) A would be 440 and every other note (frequency) would be tuned based upon it.
The BBC immediately began broadcasting using the new standard which was the RCA standard, the military standard… the Rockefeller standard.
The year after, the groundbreaking movie Fantasia was released:
Why was it groundbreaking? Fantasia was created using something new called Fantasound. What was Fantasound? See for yourself:
So, the Rockefeller-funded patent-pool military contractor which was developing acoustic weapons during the exact time the standard music frequency was being changed, was also working with Disney to create groundbreaking sound technology for a movie? Yep. Me, being a researcher, decided to find Fantasia and rewatch it. In December 2024, I tracked down a free source and clicked play. I didn’t notice anything special with the sound but around the half-hour mark, when Mickey started performing sorcery, I realized I was basically hypnotized by the production; the colors, the movement, I don’t know what exactly it was about the movie, but I found I had been staring blankly at the television without a single thought in my mind - not having at least two thoughts floating around my head simultaneously is uncommon for me.
John Marshall was a Rockefeller Foundation Assistant Director. In 1942 he wrote a letter to Harold Burris-Meyer, an audio engineer working within the Rockefeller / Military operation. In the letter, Marshall said he believed that military applications of his acoustic research would be used in the entertainment industry.
Skim this 4-minute video because it’s important:
What you just watched was a short film called Evidence which features children who looked drugged but they are not. What the kids are doing is watching the Disney movie Dumbo, which happened to be released in 1941, right after Fantasia and right before John Marshall stated he believed the tech would be used in entertainment.
The new Universal Standard was taken up by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955 and some musicians were pissed.
The media did its thing and called 440hz the “normal A” then proceeded to point out the difference is so slight…
440, 444, 432, WHY DOES IT MATTER?
“According to preliminary research, analysis, and professional discussions by Walton, Koehler, Reid, et al., on the web, A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers (i.e., chakras) from the heart to the base of the spine. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated.” - there’s much more to it, but that’s a different story for a different day; long story short, it allegedly messes with our bodies which happens to be pretty damn convenient for Big Pharma and the health in a bottle industry.
Let’s take a look at two sand/salt-and-frequency experiments, one using 444 Hz and one using 440 Hz and see what the difference is:
As you can see, something so simple as changing the frequency by such a trivial amount leads to substantial differences. (obviously I have no way to confirm the legitimacy of either of these experiments, but if you want to fund me buying the equipment, I’d be happy to try and share my findings. Oh, and if you want my opinion on frequency healing I’ll add it to the end of the article)
If we combine everything we learned, what do we have? Well, we have the military working with Rocky to create frequency weapons followed by the frequency of music being changed, then a movie being produced using RCA-made frequency technology (which put me in a weird state of hypnosis) followed by a movie that puts kids into a trance.
What I didn’t tell you yet is, during that same year, Billboard Magazine introduced a Record Buying Guide “to help readers navigate the music market”. Shortly after releasing the guide it began publishing Best Selling lists. The combination of the guide and the lists told people what they should be listening to. Before the 1960s, the Billboard Hot 100 chart was introduced. Those songs, the Hot 100, were not only the records the public should be consuming, but they were what got air time on radio stations therefore they were what the public was consuming. The lists became coveted, those who were on the list succeeded and those who couldn’t make the list received little, if any, attention. He who controlled the list controlled the industry therefore controlling consumers ears therefore having the ability to test acoustic technology on the public without their knowledge.
Then we have “vitamins”, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. History tells us the vitamin names were chosen simply based on the order of their discovery - which sounds like a cute little explanation, doesn’t it? Yet they match with music notes which happens to be what Rockefeller, the founder of Big Pharma and therefore vitamins, changed the frequency of. And it also just so happens that almost all of the vitamin discoveries occurred during the same years that Rockefeller wanted the Universal Standard reduced to 440 and RCA was making military acoustic weapons and kids movies (1901-1941):
What are the odds? Now for the icing on the cake -
When vitamins were discovered, they weren’t called vitamins, they were called vitamines. Nobody really knows why they were called vitamines, but modern day researchers “suggest“ that the name came from two words, vital and amine - but this is just their guess - what if they’re wrong? You see, the powers that be believe in their own version of The Law of Karma, also known as the Revelation of Method, put simply, this means they have to show us. The way it works is, they (powers that be) have to inform us of exactly what they are doing, and by telling us / showing us they feel they are relieved of the bad karma caused by their actions. This is why on 9/11 they repeatedly told us what we were being shown on TV wasn’t real, why the news doesn’t make sense to any logical thinker, why NASA only gives us horrible CGI as evidence of outer space when they have the ability to produce incredible CGI, why the Nashville shooters shoes changed color, and so on; they have to show us. With that being said, let’s look at the word Vitamine as VITA + MINE, what do these two words actually mean?
Vita comes from Vitae. The definition of Vitae “refers to the concept of life, reality, or mankind”:
Ok, what about the word “MINE”?
VITAMINE: To attack, damage or subvert the concept of life, reality, or mankind.
…and just like that, it all makes sense… THE FREQUENCY OF DISEASE…
I don’t have evidence showing it’s not legitimate, equally there is no way to prove it is real. I would absolutely love for frequency healing to be legit but I have not the slightest clue what these frequencies are really doing to us. Maybe they’re good and really are the secret to healing, on the other hand maybe they’re bad. Here’s what we are told is the “healing frequency”, 432 Hz in water:
At this point I have become skeptical of pretty much everything so I question if it is more of the same “cures”. The premise is, you are sick with a dis-ease, you then take an injection, chomp some vitamins, swallow pharmaceuticals, use a frequency, whatever it may be, then you get better - if not for the manmade intervention you never would have otherwise recovered. It’s quite brilliant if you think about it because there is no way to prove that you would not have recovered without the invention.
These products are heavily promoted as alternative medicine but is frequency healing just another way to get us to spend our money? I don’t know but what I can say is that I paid $4.99 for a frequency cell phone app because it was supposed to help my dis-ease of not being able to fall asleep, referred to medically as insomnia. I later discovered I never needed a frequency, the culprit all along was simply my diet. When I changed my diet all of my ailments vanished and I began sleeping like a champ.
spent her hard earned money on frequency devices too. Is it just a way to get us to be a consumer of yet another cure? Again, no clue, but…I wrote an article on a while back that I haven’t published. To write that article I went through old archives on frequency healing devices. The brochures for the frequency healing devices state repetitively that they only work if the user is also consuming healthy food. It just makes me question, if something is truly healing, why would we need to take a secondary action? Shouldn’t that thing heal us on its own if that is its purpose? So let’s say you’re sick, you purchase the device and you change your diet then you heal. Did you heal from the device or the clean food or both? Again, it’s brilliant because there is no way to prove which one caused the desired outcome. There’s no way to prove you would have caught the flu virus if not for the vaccine, and when you do get vaccinated and contract the flu then it is called a breakthrough infection. When you buy the frequency device and do not heal from it, it’s chalked up to “It just didn’t work for you, sorry. Wanna buy a different variation and see if that one works?” or “You’re not doing it right”. But if you do heal after purchasing it then it means the device worked. Again, I am not saying it does or doesn’t work, I’m saying I feel these are legitimate questions.
If we go back to the Pythagoreans and 444Hz (C(5)=528Hz) being the "MIracle" note, were these brilliant people who had unlocked a secret to the universe? Or were they indeed a cult and as a cult needed that special secret that only they claimed to possess to gain followers? I have heard churches used to be hospitals and people would go into them to be healed by the frequency. Is it true that the frequency would heal people or was it a way to get people through the doors of the business? Is it all just magic beans? I don’t know but let’s switch gears for a second:
As someone who has worked in marketing, I notice advertisements around me more than other people might. For example, during Covid we were bombarded with radio, television and internet ads telling us the symptoms of Covid. Additionally, signs were hung all over town advertising getting tested and vaccinated. In stores we were directed to stand 6 feet apart. Hand sanitizer was everywhere. People wearing masks. Hell, the back of my Kroger receipt was printed with vaccine propaganda. I would stand in line at Home Depot and count the number of Covid-related things around me and there would be no less than seven - that’s seven virus things in a hardware store. All of this is fear - fear of the invisible virus and what it could do to you if it gets in your mouth… or worse, fear that you could transfer it to your elderly father and kill him. It’s a psychological operation. Why? To sell vaccines? Or is it to make us sick? Is it all just Mind Over Matter? Words have power, thoughts have power, our minds are incredible - so incredible they must dumb us down with chemicals including water fluoridation. We can literally worry ourselves sick and we can equally cure ourselves because we believed it to be. This is why the German cure for “Rabies virus” was a warm bath and prior to that the cure was holding objects like a rusty penny - when people were told it would heal them, they believed it and they never became ill. On the other hand, those who were told by a doctor that if they did not get the Rabies vaccine they would become horribly ill, they did. So with that in mind, let’s think about all of this again:
Do we recover with the frequency device, the vitamins or the pharmaceutical because they work? Or do we recover because we believed it would work and therefore it did? I do not know, but I personally now believe that everything we need to be healthy and heal is provided to us in nature. I do not believe any manmade device or substance is required for us to be healthy - no vita-mines necessary. I feel if something is causing us dis-ease, we need to figure out what it is and eliminate it then allow our bodies to naturally repair themselves. That’s just my opinion. I think everyone should do and take whatever they feel is working for them and if frequency healing is working for you, then that’s fantastic!
Here is a compilation of my work as well as other authors related to supplements. Mine are in bold.
101 Reasons to Quit Taking Supplements - a compilation of a year’s worth of research
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
Medicine Girl
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1
Lab Value Larceny - outstanding piece by Medicine Girl
Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements
What’s in B-Vitamins? Methylcobalamin, Biotin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin INGREDIENTS
Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier
The Great Deception: Functional Medicine's Allopathic Facade Exposed
Ensure Meal Replacement Shakes: Vitaminized Hell by
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
WE are the Electric Grid: Turning People into Charging Stations
How Can You Ascertain How Bad Synthetic Chemicals Are for You? - Another look at MSDS
Allergies, Ulcers, and Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Meet on Common Grounds
Complete 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast:
Autotune - computer voice - Sher song was first hit
Gates B. TED Conference lecture: Reducing global warming by reducing populations via vaccines and more. February, 2010. ( See:
United Nations. Population challenges and Development Goals. New York: UN Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (ST/ESA/SERA/248), 2005.
I regularly perform live singing, playing guitar. I changed tuning A to 432 a about 6 years ago and my singing has improved drastically. When I play with others at 440, I am physically wiped out afterwards. Once I learned who was behind it, it was obvious this was a nefarious change.
What I observed is my cat did not like 440 at all! Laid back ears, pursed eyes, and ready to run. 432 did not illicit the same reactive response.