My Vitamin-Induced Injuries: How I Became an Advocate Against Supplements
My journey from Asleep supplement user to Awake awareness-raiser
I realized I’ve never shared the full story, so here it is.
Many years ago, back when I was very asleep and living my life as a normal person who believed absolutely everything I was told without question, I had gotten into bodybuilding. I have always been a relatively thin person so even though I was working out daily, I was having problems putting on more muscle, specifically in my arms. I used the internet to seek out advice and found sites like On these sites, and in bodybuilding forums, the advice was supplement, supplement, supplement (and quit cardio, focus only on weights, pound ungodly amounts of protein). Vitamin D was a key supplement because it makes for strong bones - I remembered this from those old school Got Milk? campaign ads:
Even Stone Cold recommended it for building muscle and that guy was ripped
I was stoked to have a solution. I rushed to GNC where I loaded up on hundreds of dollars worth of products from the forums - if a dozen people on the internet said it worked for them, it will work for me too. Within a short matter of time, I had a shelf that spanned the full length of my closet, loaded with every pill, powder and fancy little bottle of drops that you could name. I was very proud of my shelf and just seeing it made me feel good because health is important to me.
My daily routine was: wake up, dose myself with vitamins, grab a jug of protein powder and make a shake, head to work with shake in hand.
At work, I had another huge jug of protein powder for my afternoon shake. I would drink this as I left work and drove to the gym. While $89 was a hefty price to pay for a jug of this stuff, I knew the expensive shakes were working because they gave me energy and with it I could workout harder and longer. Whatever was in this miracle powder, it was like being Superman for 45 minutes a day and I loved it.
Everything was going great, really great… until the day it wasn’t. One afternoon I had a very minor fall at work and not only shattered my ankle but I also broke the little bones on the top of my foot. It seemed like really bad luck. My sweetheart pointed out that these things happen with age and I agreed while not realizing I was in my 30s and that was pretty damn young for such serious damage due to nothing more than a light stumble.
My injuries healed very slowly - abnormally slowly. How is this possible? I’m as fit as a fiddle!, I thought to myself. A trip to the doctor revealed the reason I am not healing is because I’m not getting enough vitamin D and he suggested a higher dose. As my physician explained, even though I was taking D, I wasn’t doing it right. He said the amount I was taking wasn’t enough to achieve results and I must take it with Vitamin K because that is what makes it absorb. Ah! That explains it! I followed his instruction and purchased a high-level dose D+K oil drops. The bottle said it was Natural so it was worth the extra money.
After multiple months, I eventually fully recovered from my injuries. My leg was very scrawny from being in a cast so long, this made getting back into the gym difficult; even walking was difficult because my leg was so weak.
My daily routine continued on; vitamins, shake and shake #2, but this time around it now included the high-dose D+K - and everything was again great, really great… until it wasn’t.
The following year I tripped on a small rock in a parking lot and thought I badly twisted my other ankle, but it turned out to be another break. This time it was my right foot, so when I was put in another cast I could not drive and I was miserable and confused. Why am I turning to glass? Why am I now clumsy? WTF is going on? I sank into deep depression.
Internet research told me I had come down with a debilitating bone disease. I felt my life was over, I could not imagine being wheelchair-bound or laid up in bed instead of pumping iron in the gym, swimming in a lake or hiking a trail. All hope felt lost.
My recovery was slow, even worse than the first break. I watched the weeks tick by, unable to even drive to the store on my own, dealing with a scooter at work and crutches at home. My house has lots of stairs so it was a nightmare.
When I was finally able to walk again, a new issue soon appeared. This time it was terrible pain in my calf muscle. At random, when I would stand up from sitting, it would feel as if my calf had been shot with a bullet. This pain was sometimes so powerful that it would make my knees buckle. I had to limp around because I no longer had full use of my leg when this thing happened. I bought a calf brace and that helped a little but not much.
The issues continued to flood in; horrible heartburn, painful urination, severe stomach cramps, I even began suffering migraines for the first time in my life. Going to the gym became difficult so I bought workout equipment for my basement. Not long after I began tearing muscles and experiencing pain all over my body but especially in my rotator cuff. I felt like I was dying. How is this possible when I am doing everything right? I am the pinnacle of health, yet I am falling apart. What could be causing this? Internet research told me it was a genetic issue and the solutions were corrective surgeries and medications, other than that, there was nothing I could do about it other than learn to cope. Not being a fan of surgery, I decided to live with the pain and accept that this is my new life - I was now an 85 year old in an under-40s body.
Come 2016, my workload had increased substantially so my time for activities was limited. Even when I had free time that I could run downstairs and workout, it seemed I was always dealing with some kind of body pain. Eventually, I sold all of my gym equipment and converted the basement into a theater and arcade room.
Fast forward to a few years ago when
shared a video above Vitamin D.That can’t possibly be true… can it? No way. Vitamins are the key to health, everyone knows that! Strong bones! Immune System! Steve Austin for f*cks sake! …but I knew Tim and I knew his research is outstanding. He’s not the type of guy who shares random clips without attempting to verify them first.
Regardless of my fondness for Tim’s research, I decided to not trust and instead verify… and sure enough, the woman in the video was right, Vitamin D is indeed rat poison. Further research would reveal it is the only active ingredient in many rat poisons.
The only active ingredient in this rodenticide, “TeraD3”, is vitamin D3 and it takes only 0.075% of a serving being vitamin D3 to murder the animal. Here’s a competitor brand, d-Con, check out what the four total ingredients in d-Con are in their 30-second commercial:
Check out their site for yourself:
Further down the rodenticide rabbit hole was the biggest revelation; the way vitamin D kills a rat is by stripping its bones of calcium, but symptoms do not appear immediately, it is a slow kill:
…at that very moment I put 2 + 2 together: my injuries were caused by the exact thing I was being told to take to build strong bones, but what I was actually doing was consuming rat poison that was stripping my bones of calcium and, like the informational sheet says, symptoms do not appear right away, which is exactly why it took so long for me to start experiencing the side effects. I then learned that synthetic (lab made) vitamin D is stored in our bodies for years. This means each time we take a microscopic dose, it compiles. Because our bodies can’t flush it out, over time it leads to incredibly toxic levels which is when the problems begin - but depending on overall health and body size, it can take a long while to notice side effects. This is why a chemical that kills a small rodent within a week can take multiple years, or even a decade or more, to begin showing symptoms in a human.
Saying I was shocked was an understatement. I became very angry for what had been done to me through deception. With my blood boiling from pissing away money on this supplement and spending months of my life in casts and in excruciating pain, I went on a mission to expose this information.
I began sharing my findings on Twitter (this was before I became shadow-banned and the site was still enjoyable. I have since completely abandoned the platform because it is pointless). The moment I began sharing safety data proving vitamin D is poison - data which came directly from the manufacturers of vitamin D - the famous people of the right, people whom I had previously admired, such as Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies, began attacking. Zach not only said something along the lines of I am an idiot, but also told the public to ignore anything I say on the topic. He explained to his followers you would have to drink a bunch of bottles to die from it! Nobody is doing that! Agent131711 is a vaccine pusher.
This resulted in the masses pummeling me; I’m a shill working for Big Pharma, I’m stupid, I don’t know what I’m taking about, I don’t understand science, I don’t understand how lethal doses work, I want people to be sickly, rat poison only hurts rats, it’s all about the dose that makes it poison, “everything is poison if you take too much!” - none of which is true; poison is poison, no poison has health benefits, and there is no lethal dose on bananas. But one thing I noticed was that, in a sea of attacks, a slew of people read my posts and had the same reaction I did when I saw Tim’s video - it instantly woke them up too. Some even clicked the link I provided to the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet and agreed that it is indeed poison and nobody should be consuming poison, not even in really tiny daily doses. This revelation lead to them discarding their D too.
At that time I realized that Twitter was not the right outlet to use to share this type of information because you are limited to only a couple sentences, therefore you can never be thorough. Yes, you can make a multi-part Tweet, but I have tried this before and only the first post gets the views, so people are only reading the initial statement and not viewing supplemental evidence. I needed a different way to share my findings but had none.
The more I researched the more I discovered there is no evidence of chemical vitamin D building bones because rat poison cannot build bones, it destroys them. The entire thing was fraud - fraud that was eroding me from the inside out. I then became suspicious of the entire supplement industry, What about vitamin B? What about C? E? K? These $89 jugs of miracle powder? What exactly is this stuff? How is it made? What is it made from?, I wondered. But when I began trying to find answers, I discovered there was no definitive source for vitamin truth. The first 40 pages of an internet search tell you the stuff is key to a long life, and if you spend hours digging deeper you come across an article here, another there, some 10-second TikTok videos, a couple podcasts - Why? Why is there such little content on the topic, yet nearly all of America is taking some form of supplement?
When I began researching supplements, AI didn’t exist as we know it now, so I had to do it the hard way, endless hours of digging. I needed to figure out where vitamins come from, track down the manufacturers of the raw materials, figure out how those are made, learn what is in them and how that is made and find safety data for it. I slowly began peeling back the layers of this crazy deception, and the more layers I removed, the more my mind was blown.
By this point in time I had made this Substack. I didn’t make it to write about vitamins, I created it to write about Geoengineering, but my focus shifted because we can’t easily control Geoengineering, but we can choose what we eat and people have the right to know what they are consuming, even when it is called a vitamin.
My first article ever on a vitamin was Vitamin D is Rat Poison. I had no idea this article would basically go viral on Substack because I didn’t have a big following, but it did. Within a day or two it had over 10,000 reads. My content was quickly attacked by pretty much every famous doctor, in unison. They all assured their listeners that Vitamin D is absolutely safe, it is not rat poison, and, just like Zach, they told their trusting followers to ignore me. Some even said I am paid opposition - it turns out the same doctors saying this things were also selling supplements… including vitamin D…
I went on to publish Dr. Lee Merritt is Lying About Me: Vitamin D IS Rat Poison, Let’s Review it Again. If you only have time to read one of the two pieces, I would suggest the second one because I addressed all of the rebuttals, making it much more thorough than the initial article.
While researching for the second piece, I came across a podcast featuring a pretty woman I had never heard of, she went by the name
. What floored me was that she was sharing a story about her son who suffered a very minor fall at a skateboard park and shattered his shoulder. What did I have in common with her son? We were both consuming the bone-building miracle in a bottle called Vitamin D. After her sons injury, Medicine Girl had began doing her own research and came to the exact same conclusions as I did. I then discovered also suffered an incredibly serious Vitamin D-induced injury: (that is Medicine Girl on the right)That means three different people, located in completely different places throughout the world, all took a “vitamin” and all were harmed by it. Now I knew my situation was not unique, but how common was it? And how many people are being injured by supplements yet lead to believe their conditions are not related?
Eventually Medicine Girl and I met through email and, from opposite sides of the United States, we began comparing notes and researching the topic deeper together. We both began looking into the history of vitamins; who invented them? Who decided we need them? How did they determine that? How were the levels set? How are the tests performed? And we discovered the whole thing is a massive sham created by Big Pharma to sell their newer line of health products; supplements. Yep, Pharma not only made the vitamins but they also made the research showing how essential these products are for our health. They even made the organizations needed to confirm the importance of health in a bottle.
We learned the government was bribed to keep the industry completely unregulated. I traced the sources of the chemicals used to make vitamins straight to China and India (as well as a coal tar plant in the USA). The more we looked, the more we found, and the more angry we became.
Throughout this process, one thing was bugging me - something I was being ran in circles trying to get an answer to - how are vitamins isolated? You see, by this point in time, I knew viruses are a hoax, so I wondered, is it possible vitamins are too? This would explain why I cannot find a single photo of a natural vitamin under a microscope. The pictures that do exist are not of natural vitamins and are instead of the synthetic lab-made copy. Why is this? And how do they know they are making an exact copy if they can’t see it?
I would eventually discover that the process to isolate vitamins from food is as much of a joke as the process to isolate viruses. Science believes they can dump hexane and a bunch of other horrible chemicals on food then heat it, chill it and strain it and the vitamins fall out - seriously, this is how they do it, you can see photos of the step by step process here. But the thing is, even after science performs this idiotic process, they still can’t see the vitamins because they are invisible (just like viruses), therefore, the only way to know which vitamins and how much of them were extracted from the food is to put the sample into a machine and let it tell you - the machine is a giant, expensive PCR test, developed by the same industry that profits off of the products. The whole thing is so evil and stupid that it is mindboggling how I believed this bullsh*t for so long while never asking a single question.
Armed with that information, Medicine Girl then began looking into lab tests and how they work. She uncovered they too are also fraud, which makes sense because you can’t test someone for “Covid Virus” when the virus doesn’t exist, so what exactly are you testing for? Answer: some kind of reaction; the tests are set up to create some kind of reaction which allows science to declare the reaction was caused by something else; that something could be flu virus, evil bacteria, a vitamin deficiency, AIDS, whatever science says it is. Once the reaction is created, the solution to the problem is either supplements, a prescription, a vaccine or some kind of medical treatment / surgery - all of which come from the same place, the pharmaceutical giants. Medicine Girl wrote a detailed paper on how the testing scam works.
At the end of the day, it’s all smoke and mirrors; the entire premise that we need to eat supplements to be healthy to ward off disease is the identical premise as getting injections to accomplish the same. It all ties back to immune system theory and germ theory.
NEXT READ: PART 2 - MEDICINE GIRL’S STORY followed by PART 3: 101 Reasons to Quit Supplements, and in PART 4, I am going to teach you how you can easily research any supplement, chemical additive or word on an ingredient label - a beginners guide to digging, filled with super easy stuff that does not require anything more than an internet connection. This way you will be able to make decisions not based on what I tell you, or what famous doctors or Google whistleblowers say, but instead you can base your health choices on your own research. But first, if you appreciate truly independent journalism and those who are not afraid to swim against the tide knowing they will be attacked for it, called a shill and have people unsubscribe:
Oh, and for those who want to try to say the vitamin D3 we are being fed is different from the vitamin D3 used to kill rats, no it is not. Learn about it here.
Here is a compilation of my work as well as other authors. Mine are in bold.
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
Microdosing Rat Poison by MedicineGirl
Ray Horvath found a phenomenal blog post exposing the Scurvy Scam
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1
Lab Value Larceny - outstanding piece by Medicine Girl
Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements
Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier
The Great Deception: Functional Medicine's Allopathic Facade Exposed
Ensure Meal Replacement Shakes: Vitaminized Hell by Ray Horvath
How Can You Ascertain How Bad Synthetic Chemicals Are for You? - Another look at MSDS
Allergies, Ulcers, and Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Meet on Common Grounds
My entire life I never took any supplements, ever. We were raised on raw milk, loads of vegetables, etc. I worked with unruly horses for 30 years and never broke a bone, although I took some dandy tumbles and was kicked a few times. I fell out of several trees when a kid, as I practiced to be a dare-devil. I was the test dummy for every go-kart my younger brothers built -- never a problem.
In 2020, when in my 7th decade, I didn't see a spot of black ice on my front steps and took a tumble down 8 steps, except that my left foot got stuck in one of the steps (where there was no ice) and broke from being twisted beyond what the bone joints could reasonably handle. I took the surgery, casting etc like a trooper and was healing really well, except that my chiro said I really should start on Vit D as this was likely the reason the foot broke and all the tisssues were wrenched. He did some sort of test and it came back as 'dangerously low in Vit D', so I bought some Vit D from him. I know, I know .... I should have put two and two together sooner!
Three years later, with my 'golden years' getting more 'golden', I wiped out on my ceramic kitchen floor when my shoelace caught in a shoe rack and all the shoes on it conspired to trip me. I fell on my right hip (very little padding) and it cracked in two places just below the ball joint.
Now I knew that something was off for sure, because I had fallen many times in my life, on my butt, hip, shoulder, etc, especially since where I live in Ottawa, Ontario, ice patches are a special feature of the landscape during winter, put there by God to toughen us up. The orthopedic surgeon said I was lucky my bones were so strong and he said that is very rare 'at my age'. Three months later, a different doctor looked at my new X-rays and stated that my bones were extremely brittle and I needed osteoporosis medication, like immediately.
My conclusions: never take supplements again, since I think the Vit D had started to weaken my bones over the 3 years I had taken the Vit D, do not listen to conventional doctors who look sicker than an 80-year old in a long-term care home, and smarten up, slow down and keep eating raw foods that I grow myself.
Vitamin D is rat poison & our most natural source of Vitamin D is being blocked out by chemtrails...........
What's a girl to do to get her Vitamin D these days ? 🤷♀️