My entire life I never took any supplements, ever. We were raised on raw milk, loads of vegetables, etc. I worked with unruly horses for 30 years and never broke a bone, although I took some dandy tumbles and was kicked a few times. I fell out of several trees when a kid, as I practiced to be a dare-devil. I was the test dummy for every go-kart my younger brothers built -- never a problem.
In 2020, when in my 7th decade, I didn't see a spot of black ice on my front steps and took a tumble down 8 steps, except that my left foot got stuck in one of the steps (where there was no ice) and broke from being twisted beyond what the bone joints could reasonably handle. I took the surgery, casting etc like a trooper and was healing really well, except that my chiro said I really should start on Vit D as this was likely the reason the foot broke and all the tisssues were wrenched. He did some sort of test and it came back as 'dangerously low in Vit D', so I bought some Vit D from him. I know, I know .... I should have put two and two together sooner!
Three years later, with my 'golden years' getting more 'golden', I wiped out on my ceramic kitchen floor when my shoelace caught in a shoe rack and all the shoes on it conspired to trip me. I fell on my right hip (very little padding) and it cracked in two places just below the ball joint.
Now I knew that something was off for sure, because I had fallen many times in my life, on my butt, hip, shoulder, etc, especially since where I live in Ottawa, Ontario, ice patches are a special feature of the landscape during winter, put there by God to toughen us up. The orthopedic surgeon said I was lucky my bones were so strong and he said that is very rare 'at my age'. Three months later, a different doctor looked at my new X-rays and stated that my bones were extremely brittle and I needed osteoporosis medication, like immediately.
My conclusions: never take supplements again, since I think the Vit D had started to weaken my bones over the 3 years I had taken the Vit D, do not listen to conventional doctors who look sicker than an 80-year old in a long-term care home, and smarten up, slow down and keep eating raw foods that I grow myself.
Just being outdoors is enough. The body receives sufficient sunlight even when the sky is overcast. In fact, it may even rain. Our body does not only utilize visible waves.
Cod liver oil. I would assess how you feel if you take a supplement like cod liver oil. You might only take it 1-3 times a week because it's very high in Vit. A.
I was ordering spagyric tinctures from a guy whose tinctures are made from earth elements and organic products (foods and herbs) when I read a blog where he described assessing his wife's health. She had both eaten fish and was taking cod liver oil. She began to feel like she was getting a cold. He has a method to determine what's going on in the body, and too much Vit. D was the answer for her.
I began taking it recently when I began a spagyric-tinctured heavy metal detox (cilantro, chlorella, and organic wild harvested North American shilajit) because Klinghardt suggests in neurotoxin detox (which I consider the chemtrails) to take Vit. D. The tincture guy's wife took Droopi (Iceland--which I like very much but they're out right now) which, like the Norwegian, is highly regulated in terms of purity and extraction to produce an unadulterated product. They're very expensive but, I believe, very good. About $50-60 for a 5 oz. bottle.
Here's Brave AI talking: "Traditional Extraction Method [of Norwegian and Iceland does the same]
Möller’s, a leading Norwegian cod liver oil brand, uses a unique production method developed by Peter Möller in 1852. The process involves:
Low-temperature steam heating of the cod liver to separate the oil from the liver tissue.
Gentle extraction to preserve the natural form and effectiveness of the omega-3 fatty acids.
No chemicals or additives are used, ensuring a pure and natural product."
I had the added benefit of being reminded of reading Dale Alexander when I was a youth. He gave his mom 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil a day and saw her painful arthritis disappear. I'd been having similar aches and pains which improved tremendously after beginning the cod liver oil. I skip days when I don't need it now. Even a week. My pain remains negligible. I just read my body. I think the Vit. A piles up fast so I watch not taking too much.
Regarding Vitamin A and Beta Carotene 'overdose', my gut instinct tells me ...just don't believe in it. I cannot imagine that nature created these absolutely beautiful and tasty fruits, veggies, and proteins so that they would lure us into overeating vitamin A or beta carotene. This theory seems to rank up with 'stay out of the sun because it's bad for you'. I refused to believe that because someone died and had high beta carotene/vitamin A in them that it is the cause of death.
I smell total BS. I love this substack but I still use my own gut instinct and logic to muddle through the BS vs. truth.
Another BS theory on this substack is the 'dangers' and 'toxcity' of DMSO. Really? How about this article and thousands of personal testimonies that report amazing benefits of DMSO. But oh, let's just believe that it is a dangerous solvent that the FDA prevented from becoming mainstream back in the 1960s to 'protect us' (barf). Try reading this instead:
More importantly, through DMSO, my bladder leakage disappeared, my brain fog disappeared, my tinnitus got better, and my eye sight got better, my energy increased.........or should I just believe that this is just an 'evil solvent'?
I'm not really interested in fats and so forth. As I've said, arthritis. I go with a product if I find it works for me. I think we each need to take whatever we feel helps us get and/or feel better. I think we're each unique. What may help you may not help me. In my old age, I'm extremely tuned into my body. Studies are simply studies to me. I would be more interested if I were just beginning to think about healthier food or supplements, but I've been reading in these areas since I was in my early 20s (early 1970s). I'm simply not interested. Have a good day!
I used to eat fish as my main protein including fish oil but I tested very high for arsenic and bromide and fish parasites. Since everything else I eat comes from local farmers, my husband doesn't eat fish and he didn't have heavy metals, I stopped all fish. I am doing heavy metal detox via red light near infrared sauna (incandescent light bulbs with low/no EMF unlike far infrared saunas have) + magnetic sulfate bummed as I loved salmon, sardines, Chilean sea bass, mahi, halibut, flounder. I am breaking from fish and fish oil for now. Have you done a heavy metal hair test?
I don't eat any fish at all...maybe 1-2 times a year. Haven't had a heavy-metal hair test. Just completed a spagyric tincture heavy metal detox. Have monolaurin + tincture for ridding of pararsites. I've done the infrared sauna and loved it many years ago. Felt really good effects. Cost is a factor. I need to go back. I recently had an enormously good outcome from arnica montana + hydrogen peroxide bath + accupressure mat treatment. As I said, the cod liver oil helps tremendously with arthritic pain, and I find that, if I listen to my body, I know when to take and when not to take it. Haven't had the oil for over a week now. Will probably take a dose soon.
Also - I bought my red light sauna for $1800 from Sauna Comfort. (you can even save more money if you happen to have a small room or large closet with enough room for a stool and ability to turn as your sit on the stool....then you can just purchase the lights for little more than $800)
Worth every penny and doesn't emit EMF exposure like the fancy wooden boxes with high amp electricity does.
In regards to taking the fish oil, what are your thoughts on this substack report of fish oil being derived from refuse (rancid, otherwise garbage fish remains) from fishing industry and turned into fish oil supplements to make money? My raw unprocessed cod liver oil from Iceland stunk terribly. It was VERY expensive, came from a reputable source, and shipped with dry ice to remain cold until it arrived at my address. I threw it out when I stopped all fish-related consumption.
Also MUFA (mono-unsaturated fatty acids - AKA Omega 3 fatty acids) are also problematic with ATP / metabolism issues unless you consume enough saturated fats to counteract the MUFA and even then should be small amounts. What are your thoughts?
I don't really have any opinions on what you propose, wns. The cod liver oil helps my arthritis tremendously. You must be very young because you don't seem to understand this point. I will go with the best oil I can find. I'm on no medications whatsoever. I treat myself with natural products only. I'm 76. So, being able to relieve the pain from arthritis with cod liver oil ranks very highly with me. Cheers!
Honeybee, I am old - lol...but I have no pain mostly due to what I eat (and don't eat. )
When I have had pain after an injury, I weigh risks vs benefits so I more often deal with the pain rather than take NSAIDs or harmful oils...glad to hear you are happy and out of pain.
As is the sun, of course, but the more dark we get, the less it's converted to Vit D in our bodies. Still, we NEED the sun, no matter what the satanic elites say, they're just trying to destroy what God created.
There was a recent discussion, I think it was on Instagram, under Cultivate Elevate's channel - but I might be mistaken.... about tanning beds. A lot of people said we were lied to about them being bad for you - that the toxic lotions and LED lights are the problem. So the takeaway was to find beds with the right bulbs. I cant remember exactly what the recommended bulbs were, you can probably look into it.
Disclaimer: I have not personally investigated this yet but a lot of it made sense. Please do your own research. But it might be a viable option, as there were many others saying they live somewhere with heavy spraying or very little sunshine.
Let's summarize what we have learned so far. 1. Vitamins are not isolated and tested entities, they are just fictions, like the "virus" or the big bang theory. (This is also not proven, it's just that the masters of "science" decided that from now on this will be the starting hypothesis of all "research"...)
2. If the existence of something is not proven, only fictitious, then it is pointless to argue about how our body gets it if I don't eat the garbage/poison that the aforementioned "gentlemen" push as a "scientific achievement". 3. If humanity and the animal world survived for millions of years without Rockefeller's garbage, then they don't need it!
4. For example, there were people living in the Arctic Circle, whose health was sufficient with the amount of food and sunlight found there.
5. The human body is designed to produce everything it needs from food, water and light. And exactly as much as it needs for its health.
6. This is exactly what the masters of "science" do not want, because then they have no use for it! That is why they created "science", which provides them with continuous profit through continuous poisoning...
I like your logic and I agree with much of it. Here are my questions:
1. Lab testing has proved by independent non-Rockefeller stooges that certain vitamins will actually cure the most aggressive and non-treatable cancer for 150 lb human (i.e. B1 (1000 mg) + B3 (1000 mg) + B7 (200 mg) + Aspirin (1000 mg) daily...annihilated the cancer in mice within 2 weeks of them taking proportionate amounts and cancer never returned after treatment was stopped.
2. How long did the Arctic Circle people live? 40 years? 60 years? longer?
3. The human body is designed to live for 1000 years but the evil ones have shortened our lives through 2 ways: a) parasites b) toxins ....So should we just assume that eating clean food is enough, or should we take additional measures to cleanse and detox?
4. Pets who are fed clean food (not evil pet store food) are still dying earlier (dogs should be living to 20 or more years and cats even longer but most don't even make to half that age and without a myriad of issues.
Since cancer cells are also living cells of the body, the death of which was eliminated by the intake of some toxin, it is likely that the intake of the antidote will also destroy them. Here, the poisons are called vitamins by their artistic name. But according to this, in such cases, if we took them in the right proportion, taking into account the organism of a given person - and if we even knew the original poisoning - we could cure the cancer. (Although the cure for cancer has been known since the 1970s, but they decided not to apply it due to our overpopulation... The source of the news was a former Russian KGB guy, he can still be found on YT...)
2. Although the polar peoples lived for a short time - like the others - they did all this without food supplements derived from petroleum. And back then, the reason for their short life was more that when they could no longer hunt and fish due to their age, they went out onto the ice to freeze, so as not to jeopardize the survival of their young by having to feed them too. But the essence of my comment was that the food source there was not very diverse, and yet it was enough to maintain their body, even to reproduce, and to live a life.
3. Human life was shortened by some kind of "genetic" intervention by the "elohim", who were the "creators" of our bodies. I think they were simply afraid of us, that if we lived long enough, learned and experienced - and joined forces - we would wipe out their rather stupid race. But they have been terrorizing and oppressing us ever since, so that we would not be able to know our spiritual origin, which would mean the end of their rule.
4. I don't know, but the constant poisoning - air, water, food, etc. - affects them too, regardless of the fact that even the pet food is poisoned. And let's not forget the mandatory "vaccinations" imposed on them, which "establishes their health".
I think a few days of fasting and drinking pure water would be enough to cleanse, but there are very few places on the planet where such toxin-free water can be found.
I saw that too, on Matt's Cultivate Elevate Telegram channel. Dr. Mercola always maintained that tanning beds are good IF they're the "safe" beds. He used to have those beds that we could buy, but then the govt cracked down on him -- imagine that -- so he stopped. And now, he's gone off the deep end, following some wacko guru, sadly.
The rays from the sun that we need to make vitamin D are UVB. I found a tanning place by my house that had a UVB tanning bed. It dried my eyes out so bad that I thought they would never recover…and I wore the goggles. I did some further research that said to just get as much sun as you can during the summer to build a reserve for the winter.
His are pretty much the only supplements that I take, because I trust him 100%, & his are all natural. He doesn't take them every day, either every other day or 2-3 times a week...but he & his family eat very clean, whereas I don't, so I take most of mine every day. He's a big proponent of getting our vitamins & minerals from fresh raw foods, but the soil has been so depleted of minerals due to modern farming methods, that they're not drawn up into the plants through the roots. If you grow your own food, as his family does, then great. (Though the chemtrails are surely tainting even those.)
I’m not familiar with what she says about acupuncture, and have never tried it. But now I do listen to all she says. I used to think negatively when first hearing some that she says since I was listening to some ‘famous’ doctors on their Substacks about all the chemicals they promote (and some sell). Until I had reactions to some of the things people we trust are promoting. I finally realized all of it are poisons to the body when they are chemical and not natural. I learned that the hard way.
I have had some bad reactions, trusting a couple doctors recommendations we read in their Substacks, the most wonderful sounding doctors that people love. I used the EDTA cream Dr. Ana recommended including around my feet and ankles and they swelled up for weeks and the veins looked terrible for months after. I used 2mg nicotine gum once a day for some months the brand recommended by Dr. Ardis, felt unwell, dizzy sometimes, no energy, my next routine doctor visit showed my systolic blood pressure was 183, went off the gum and it took weeks for blood pressure to resume low as normal for me. I was taking loads of vitamins, had one bad thing in my blood work that would have led to an Endocrinologist and having to take meds for it…but thanks to reading Agent about vitamins, I quit all vitamins and it went back to normal after some months. So I no longer take ANYTHING chemical. Instead I have healthy food/water practices, buy organic, occasionally use Essential Oils. But thank goodness for free choice for all of us.
Here my comment for info (again i agree w/ agent and this "girl" that supplements are mostly BS!...but...) "Just a warning, even if the Agent is most prob correct w/ the thesis that supplements etc are crap... but this so called "medicine girl" is also a shill and sells crap and tells "whopper" stories. You can read this on my page here (in the notes).. again shills will tell u 80% truth and 20% missdirect. But ofc anyone can beLIEve what he wants..." btw Ardis is a major well known shill (also a virus fan)
Yeah, well she sometimes seems to have a nasty side, blocks people at the drop of a hat if they start saying anything on her site of how great chemical things work that are ‘unnatural’. She doesn’t allow that talk about all the crap the ‘doctors’ we follow online and in their Substacks promote as good like EDTA, Meth Blue, DMSO, and all manner of everything else chemical I’ve forgotten the names of since I’ve not tried any of the chemical claptrap people are taking now….except I tried EDTA and had bad reaction, and nicotine gum and had bad reaction, and chemicals called vitamins I’ll never touch again. She’s totally auNaturel, period with every personal and household product.
I don’t know but doubt she sells anything except ‘courses’ with advice and how to make ones own stuff naturally, everything natural to the furthest extent, which would be too hard for me. Not for everyone, but some like that and are willing to pay for all her home made recipes and advice. Their choice. Not mine. Not yours.
Some people get mad at her because they still think the chemicals are working for them. Wish them the best in the longer run.
My father who farmed all his life sits outside in the sun for 1 hour on every sunny day...he is 92 years old (and tan) - I attempt to follow in his path but not as good as him (lol)
Thank you SO much for the info on vitamin D, B12, and vitamin A. I threw those supplements in the trash where they belong.
I knew about vitamin C and I get my vitamin C from food sources like ascerola cherries, citrus fruits and other whole organic fruits direct from local farmers.
Regarding health / protein powders and vitamins, I like Dr Schulze and dr Christopher products. All ingredients are FOOD and no supplements.
Regarding B1 (HCL), B3 niacinamide, B7 (biotin) - giorgi dinkov (a self taught genius and not an MD) got Cushing disease and cured himself. He makes a lot of money as a software developer and hired his own independent lab to do testing with mice. He gave them the worst cancers that are considered on treatable and he gave them 1000 mg of B1, 500 mg of B3, 100 mg of biotin and aspirin 1000 mg… And he cured all their cancers… He paid the lab to keep them alive after their treatment and they never got cancer again. So I did the same thing for myself and my skin cancer went away. Georgi talks about the LD 50 of each of these substances extensively and their lethality extensively as well as their benefit and curing and healing.
Is it possibly that these vitamin when used with right application are good?
Also, my husband is extremely allergic to poison ivy and I took MMS and mixed it with DMSO and put it on his poison ivy mark on his leg… It stung for a little while… And then it went away never to return. DMSO has been amazing because when I combine it with anything I want to go into my body it absorbs. Thoughts?
Addendum to above - the vitamin levels given to the mice were based on weight and the vitamin levels above were calculated as equivalent of 150 lb human - ie mice were given same ratio in accordance to their weight so minute amounts relatively speaking.
Addendum - also, when I took B1, B3, B7 plus aspirin… My energy went through the roof and I felt great! Georgie says that these four items increase and improve the pathways for ATP on a cellular level and he explains it in detail in his videos. He presents a very compelling argument for simple easy ways to cure very difficult illnesses - he discusses also how PUFAs are making 90% of population insulin resistant using lipolysis rather than glycolysis to convert food into energy.
Diabetes and cancer are similar in that they both are metabolic disorders. Fix your metabolism by eating more carbs, less fat and beware of too much protein.
Easiest thing to do is to buy food from farmers and make it vitamin fortification guaranteed when you buy Whole Foods.
maybe what is meant there is to buy foods that are "whole" -- if you buy an organic sweet potato, hopefully it was grown using organic methods, but certainly not vitamin-fortified.
Sorry for the confusion (the auto-correct editor capitalized whole foods automatically and I didn't catch it). I meant basic organic foods where you have to wash the dirt off to eat it. I did NOT mean WHOLE FOODS owned by Amazon...sorry for overlooking the auto-correct in the editor). I don't shop at "Amazon's Whole Foods" ever...if I need an ingredient that the farmers cannot give me, I go to a local ma-and-pop organic tiny grocery and ask for source of item I am buying...they are good at providing local items only.
Thank you. I was about to order supplements, and decided to use that $ to become a paid subscriber. I will need to process how I feel about my gullibility and practice more discernment. I’m happy to hear you are recovered to the extent possible.
Thanks to both you and Medicine Girl for all your dedication. I have my own devastation from the evil D3 con. Thanks to the Veterans Administration for prescribing the poison. I have been weakened and have nerve damage. No more pills Peace!!
Medicine girl is a fool being against urine therapy which is healing. She bans people who don't agree with her.
Urine is a goldmine containing multiple dimensions of knowledge. It is your own designer bio-feedback healing machine. It contains structured, energized water and nuanced metabolites that bring wisdom and awareness to your body. It is electrically alive and contains holographic messages: it is a diagnostic machine. It is a stem cell and ormus containing health miracle. It also increases your own inner light, quite literally, as those who drink their orin have incredible bright light designs found in their body and in their orin. To imbibe is to walk a powerful path to awakening, cleansing, and homeostasis. It is a youth elixir, the bread of manna, a life sustainer and giver. Urine highlights the genius of The Divine. It is not mere "excess."
"Gross" is your conditioning. Go ahead and let it all out. Eventually you realize urine is a billion dollar industry for skin care and health.
Urine contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
“Let's talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in your mother's womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it's your mom's pee. For the remaining 6 months, it's mainly your pee. There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals; it's attached to your intestines. That should be another piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. Waste goes through your intestines—that's what the excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine! Urine is the ultimate liquid. It is the perfect water. It's what we grow in. We would not have grown without it.
And when you're in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your mouth. That is more proof that it's not a waste product. If urine were a waste product, the human fetus would just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but it's not. You are actually peeing out the water, which is the water that "breaks" at birth. You are peeing out the water that you become. That water physically forms your body.
Urine is also known as living liquid tissue. In urine therapy, if you have a problem with your eyes, you put urine drops in your eyes. That urine becomes your eyes. If you have a cut on your skin, put urine on the cut. That urine becomes your skin. Babies come out, and they smell sweet. They have fluffy, smooth skin. The supermodel's biggest secret is that she puts urine on her face at night. The urea in urine allows each and every skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. This makes for beautifully plump skin. In this way, urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are holding low amounts of water, so they contract and get all crippled. You start giving them urine, which has urea, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you're offering them the most awesome water in the universe. The skin cells quickly fill up with this beautiful water, and the wrinkles disappear.”
Here is what I have learned. There is a substance in your body called CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Look that up. As the name suggests, your brain and spine are swimming in it. At any given time, there is about 150 - 250 ml of the stuff inside your body. Your body produces 550 - 650 ml of CSF per day. This means that the system flushes up to three times per day. Where do you think that fluid gets flushed to? Did you ever wonder how stem cells get into urine? I did. This is how. Did you also know that this CSF is the very first thing that develops when we are growing in our mothers womb? Did you also know that, at the very center of this fluidic system is your Pineal Gland?
Mike Smith Truth, you have got to joking right? Hey, I guess a guy with Truth in his name must be telling the truth. I don't think so but then what do I know? I do know I won't be drinking my urine any time soon, . . . or ever. Seems a bit embarrassing admitting you like drinking urine.
Urine is one of the ways our body dumps out toxins. And dumps out some of the nasty nanobots we’re all exposed to, as well. So I will never re-intake what my body’s great god-designed disposal system decides to eliminate.
Urine contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
“Let's talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in your mother's womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it's your mom's pee. For the remaining 6 months, it's mainly your pee. There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals; it's attached to your intestines. That should be another piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. Waste goes through your intestines—that's what the excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine! Urine is the ultimate liquid. It is the perfect water. It's what we grow in. We would not have grown without it.
And when you're in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your mouth. That is more proof that it's not a waste product. If urine were a waste product, the human fetus would just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but it's not. You are actually peeing out the water, which is the water that "breaks" at birth. You are peeing out the water that you become. That water physically forms your body.
Urine is also known as living liquid tissue. In urine therapy, if you have a problem with your eyes, you put urine drops in your eyes. That urine becomes your eyes. If you have a cut on your skin, put urine on the cut. That urine becomes your skin. Babies come out, and they smell sweet. They have fluffy, smooth skin. The supermodel's biggest secret is that she puts urine on her face at night. The urea in urine allows each and every skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. This makes for beautifully plump skin. In this way, urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are holding low amounts of water, so they contract and get all crippled. You start giving them urine, which has urea, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you're offering them the most awesome water in the universe. The skin cells quickly fill up with this beautiful water, and the wrinkles disappear.”
Here is what I have learned. There is a substance in your body called CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Look that up. As the name suggests, your brain and spine are swimming in it. At any given time, there is about 150 - 250 ml of the stuff inside your body. Your body produces 550 - 650 ml of CSF per day. This means that the system flushes up to three times per day. Where do you think that fluid gets flushed to? Did you ever wonder how stem cells get into urine? I did. This is how. Did you also know that this CSF is the very first thing that develops when we are growing in our mothers womb? Did you also know that, at the very center of this fluidic system is your Pineal Gland?
We can disagree about the things you said about drinking urine, but I’m happy for you if you like to do that. I will never for lots of reasons, including some in the links below. And importantly because we are now all being inundated with nanobots and unnatural things in our foods, water, as well as harmful metals in aerial sprayings, that our bodies try to get rid of in our elimination systems. Why would I want to drink them back up in my pee after my kidneys are trying their best to get rid of them.
There is no proven scientific data that drinking or using urine in other ways can provide health benefits.
According to a report in the Journal of Urology, “Much of what we have heard about the use of urine therapy has no medical basis, and is folk remedy that can actually worsen the injury.”
Although urine may contain very small amounts of vitamins and minerals, those amounts are not enough for a tangible health benefit.
Can Drinking Urine Be Harmful?
Drinking a small amount of urine probably won’t cause harm. But there is a risk, especially if you drink larger amounts.
To create urine, your kidneys filter extra water and waste from your blood. This waste, called urea, travels from your kidneys to your bladder through two thin tubes called ureters. Urine remains in your bladder until you are ready to urinate.
Many believe urine is sterile. However, multiple studies have shown bacteria present even in the urine of healthy people. Urine is mostly water, but it also contains urea and other waste products, salts, ammonia, and more.
Because urine contains waste products, drinking it can force your kidneys to work even harder or expose you to unnecessary toxins. This could cause illness, electrolyte disturbances, or kidney damage.
The salt content of urine also means drinking it could cause dehydration. The U.S. Army Field Manual warns against drinking urine as a water substitute.
Finally, urine also can contain numerous bacteria, according to a study in the Pan African Medical Journal. The study found several different bacteria types in human urine, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The bacteria included:
Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Drinking urine could introduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria into your body, potentially causing an infection.
[I take no meds, but our water supply is proven to have many medications in it, I would hope to pee them out, and don’t want to drink them back up again.]
Many medications are excreted in urine after your body has processed them. These medications leave your body in a condition very similar to the condition in which they entered your body; they are not broken down. Drugs that can be excreted like this include penicillin and any water-soluble medications.
By drinking urine that contains any of these medications, you introduce them into your own body. If they are medications you are already taking, you will increase the dose beyond what you have been prescribed. If you are drinking the urine of someone else, then you may introduce medications that you have not been prescribed for you. This can lead to dangerous reactions and serious health complications.
Despite the common myth, urine is not sterile. It contains bacteria just like any other bodily excretion. Depending on the method for gathering urine, it may also contain bacteria introduced from the genitalia of the urine source. Some of these bacteria can lead to serious infections. Drinking any type of urine can cause serious health problems unless it has been sterilized separately.
Your urinary system specifically works to remove toxic substances from your body. When dangerous substances start to build up in your body, urine is one of the primary methods used to remove them. Anything your kidneys filter out of your body winds up in your urine to be removed. By drinking urine, you are consuming these toxins that your body explicitly intended to remove. This can lead to kidney damage or disease as these organs need to work harder to handle the increased concentration of toxic substances.
The best anti-blood clotting product on the market is called Urokinase, which is made from collected human urine, we can get our own dose of our own perfect medicine by looping our excess nutrition.
Mike, I'm getting back to you; I'm with Stella and Medicime Girl on this one. Drinking your own urine intuitively seems wrong, plain wring. I think Satan and his/her/it's minions relish swimming in and drinking urine. I stand opposed to Satan and his/her/it's minions. Drink your urine all day long if you wish, and while your at it, put it on your skin and in your eyes too! I am going to go throw up now.
Thanks, I was incredulous when I saw your information (lengthy comment above). I am still getting back to you but wanted to say thanks again, meanwhile.
My first experience with supplements was after I read Life Extension by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw in the early 1980s. I bought and consumed boatloads of pills because "scientists" told me they would make me live longer. Well, cost and side effects from the pills ended that fiasco.
Reading agent's series on vitamins ended eating any vitamin fortified foods forever.
I had the chronic fatigue going on, it happens... So also being in huge amounts of pain someone had recommended magnesium spray. On running out, the tiredness knocked me for 6.
So off to the Dr to see if they think I have a magnesium deficiency. She tests for vitamin D also. It comes back below the baseline.
So, I start D3 supplements, eventually I see the K2 info and add that to the bag. I've had thin blood at various times in my life. So, blood not clotting wasn't a thing that stuck out initially. She advised to take tin winter what with it being summer when she tested she wanted to cover the base.
So for over a decade I did this, along comes liposomal liquid vitamins. It's as good if not better than IV delivery. So I get on it..
Again, I noticed thin blood, excessive bleeding on the smallest of nicks. There was stuff about vax shedding causing this, so my thoughts first went there. Didn't think it was downing the liposomal liquid. Being told as long as you have the correct D3/K2 ratio it was safe.
I nearly cut through my thumb and realise it's not something I can deal with at home. I wait in emergency for around 5 hours. They know it won't stem. Finally my turn comes and it gushes again.
I don't know what started me thinking perhaps it's the vitamins. I erred away from taking it and eventually threw it out. I haven't taken any since early this year. My blood is clotting as it should again.
However, I now always have hemostatic dressings just in case.
But I am pretty sure it's the vitamins. In fact now, each time I look at supplements, I think my Intuition has me scrolling away.
I have to say I do feel better for not taking supplements this year.
I was also advised to take B12, it's the methyl version which is supposed to be what the body manufacturers rather than the cyan' based compounds. I did half a bottle and felt no better. It's still sitting on the table.... Must dump that too!
Instead of taking B vitamins, eat brewer's yeast and or drink organic, micro-brewery beer. Then you will get your full complement of B vitamins, which is necessary as all work synergistically and cannot be used in isolation from one another.
Yes I bought some yeast but I seem to react to it and have to take it slowly and build up. If I stop, I have to go through the same process again.
I'm working on my flight or flight response which I think is the reason these get depleted. So I hope between this and my diet things will response naturally. As I reduce the ForF response my digestion seems to have less issues and recently I started to put on weight, which I haven't been able to in a long time. So it's all part and parcel.
Vitamins and supplements have immunomodulatory properties.
With all due respect, I wouldn’t say it’s a simple as “Vitamin D is rat poison, and stripped my bones of calcium which led to my health problems”.
With any health condition, it of the upmost importance to identify the etiology of the condition. What’s causing the symptoms?
Just by reading this post, it sounds like some degree of metabolic acidosis(calcium leeching from bones), and an underlying chronic inflammatory condition in the liver and biliary system(Acid reflux, metabolic acidosis).
Taking falls repeatedly would be indicative of motor function and balance problems. Breaking bones from minor falls would be indicative of serious metabolic problems.
And viruses exist, and have absolutely been isolated.
There is a biological variable that produces distinct pathologies like cold sores, for instance, or smallpox.
Not everyone gets cold sores, and millions upon millions of people anecdotally report they are contagious. The scientific literature correlates these anecdotal reports directly. It’s not a conspiracy.
Imagine getting cold sores in your liver or your brain, this gives you an idea of the pathologies and diseases that can develop as the result of systemic viral infection .
Inquiry is great, but I recommend digging deeper and reevaluating your sources for information.
Three groups of mice, one of them serves as a proper control group, one receives the culture medium, one receives the culture medium with herpes simplex type one.
LOL yes,but i looked at his paper and her eis what they call a virus "isolate: "Virus was grown in Vero cell monolayers in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS)" LOL
and not so funny as this all animal abuse:
"Mice were anesthetized with Avertin and the lower lip was scarified with 10 vertical strokes of a 25-gauge needle covering an area approximately 15.0 mm2. A viral inoculum of 6.0×105 PFU suspended in 10 µL of DMEM was applied to the lower lip and allowed to adsorb for 1 h. "
These "scientists" are just psychpaths who like to torture animals and getting handsoly paid for it
HSV-1 (or any other virus) hasn't been proven to exist and PCR has been thoroughly debunked as a diagnostic tool. A trillion copies of crap is still crap.
Oh boy. I was almost willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until you said "viruses exist". Please go read Agent's articles about this. You are incredibly wrong. And this community has done an EXHAUSTIVE amount of research, entertained every single rebuttal, put out challenges for proper experiments to be done - and in fact Jamie Andrew's, Stefan Lanka, and now Alec Zack have done the experiments. The same exact experiments that so-called virologists do - the only difference is they did not add any human sample - and they got the exact same result. Meaning they were able to replicate a "virus" without adding any virus. Meaning the process is producing the so-called virus. And metagenomic sequencing is full of problems. The whole thing is riddled with problems.
Matt, I know what you mean. I was viciously attacked by a troll or chatbot troll. He/she/it called me a Satanist and cultist and said I was on the wrong side of humanity among many other libelous accusations. I drove him around on the carpet like a wheelbarrow when it was all said and done. I eat trolls for breakfast.
Maybe so, but it sounds like when he cut out the supplements the issues went away, right? So to what then would he point to this success, it’s only logical.
But here he is saying, it’s not just him. He’s taken his personal experience, related it to the experiences of others, then looked into the literature, the studies, to find correlations that is demonstrating there are potentially a great many having similar issues. Do they all have an underlying disease pathology? It reminds me of the ‘gluten intolerant’ epidemic that started decades ago, then lots of folks started pinning it on glyphosate (myself included) got rid of that in their diet completely, now have 0 issues, but no, it couldn’t possibly be that, it’s all just underlying disease pathology of us all that just happened to occur and stop with ingesting a poison.
As far as the argument about gluten intolerance and connection to glyphosate, round up is found in many different foods and even our drinking water.
And gluten intolerance is normally diagnosed by an abnormal IGE antibody reaction. You can give someone organic gluten, without any trace of glyphosate and they will still react.
Getting into the etiology of gluten intolerance is complex.
And yet many report going to Europe for vacation with no gluten issues when they consume European non-gmo non glyphosate bread and pasta - why is that?
Perhaps the European pasta is not fortified. A chef/owner of an Italian restaurant revealed that he buys his past from Italy and it is not fortified (with synthetic 'vitamins' which are drugs).
Yes, you have toxic overload which is preventing the body from being able to function properly. AND/OR nutrient deficiency.
There is no underlying DIS-ease pathology. There is no genetic predisposition. You are full of toxins and/or nutrient deficient (actual nutrients.... from food sources, not synthetic poison made in a lab).
Giorgi Dinkov would say you have a metabolic issue (using lipolysis instead of glycolysis to convert food into energy. From a bioenergetic viewpoint, when you fix your metabolism, illness vanishes and you metabolize food like a child in perfect health.
Can you name any of the countless other people? I ask because I don't know of any kid that eats a piece of birthday cake and doesn't get a bit hyperactive thereafter.
When I cut out D3/K2 liposomal product I stopped bleeding excessively. My local hospital can confirm what happened while taking it and a subsequent injury after I stopped that didn't cause massive bleeding.
Sun expose I think is best. Can we use the red light devices to help instead of supplementation?
I noticed or realised quite some time ago that the more I read, watched, checked, the more I realized that almost everything I thought I knew was a lie and that the reality was often an inversion compared with the official story.
Unfortunately, along with these insights comes an additional challenge, which many will be familiar with. I’ve become permanently semi detached from those trundling along in the old world. I can’t bear spending much time with such people. I don’t have any strong emotions about them anymore.
The more evil deceptions I uncover (aka mostly learn from others) the less useful I become as an expert witness to newcomers seeking a new understanding of what is happening. It’s no use me having accurately described how the molecular design of the injections inevitably renders them harmful to varying extents. Because those resistant to information they’re going to find painful look for reasons to dismiss my testimony. And then readily find it.
“Isn’t he the guy who says viruses don’t exist? And that respiratory illnesses aren’t contagious? What an idiot!”
I doubt you’ll find it any easier with “vitamins & supplements”. Which is more than unfortunate.
Vit. D comes from sitting out in the sun exposing your skin to it.. better naked! It's hard to find anything manufactured like it. Pill popping is trendy, but great food is always the true path.
After reading a few pages from the book What Really Makes You Ill, and also Agent’s articles — I have come to the conclusion that the very word Vitamin itself is non-existent and fraudulent likewise the word ‘virus’, which is derived from Latin to mean poison.
God, I am so glad some people have moved on from talking about the virus/germ hoax. Im so tired of re-hashing the same points over & over.
I'm super excited for the rest of this series. Especially part 4. So many people seem like theyre gate-keeping or dont really share resources or talk about how to help others learn how to research. I think im pretty decent at it but I still definitely struggle because the propaganda machine extends so deep.
I just threw out my Vit D. To be fair, I started to really question the vitamin scam about 2 years ago,, but it took time to really sink in. And I swear I had already thrown it out like 6+ months ago... was going through the cabinet, after finally accepting that vitamins cant be isolated and they are synthetic poison, and told my other half to throw it out (he isnt aware of this stuff, im slowly trying to plant seeds and he has come around on a few things but if I go too deep, too fast, he'll think im crazy 🤣 and im not willing to throw away 10 years together for that, so, baby steps it is!)
Maybe you can write an article about that? How to help wake up your partner lol - kidding. Im thrilled with the progress hes made, and by planting the seeds, he thinks he has come to some of these conclusions on his own... so be it 🤷🏻♀️ does your partner know about all this stuff? I almost feel like I'm living a secret life because my beliefs - or rather what I know to be true now - have changed SIGNIFICANTLY in just a few years.
Question Everything, when researching, use an alternative search engine, use a boolean search (topic + keyword), click on 'more' several times or more, and start scrolling from the bottom up.
What do you make of this study done by a non-MD in a private lab...These (4) items cured the most aggressive untreatable cancer in mice? (first 30 minutes tells all...):
Cancer is a complicated subject. I watched my father die from it last year (and I still don't feel I have gone through the grieving process, so bear with me.... I am still very angry and emotional. For context, he took the COVID quackzine despite my best efforts to convince him not to. I don't know if he got boosters, or how many. He was also a heavy smoker his whole life and got lung cancer. But he was getting better, there was no cancer from the neck down on his last scan, then all the sudden it became the dreaded turbo cancer we've heard so much about lately. He had almost no cancer, and then within a month, he was gone.
I have done a lot of research on it because of my father's diagnosis, but I still am not as confident as I am with discussing viruses and bacteria. However, I think cancer is much like germ theory - we are looking at it from the wrong lens. Considering it from the pleomorphic lens, I believe it is toxin overload, and the body tries to protect us - but it seems to be an advanced form of toxin overload where the normal detox pathways cannot get rid of it, and the body first tries to concentrate it in 1 area - like the breast, or the lungs, or the colon, etc. And if the right steps aren't taken quickly enough, it will spread, or metastasize. It's not related to so-called DNA, or sugar, or many of the other things being blamed.
I've only quickly skimmed this video you linked, but will try to give it an honest watch. I do have a problem with their description pointing to "Vitamin B" and "aspirin" as being beneficial and I disagree with that right off the bat.
What I will say is that I think the treatment does THE MOST damage - chemo, radiation, immunotherapy, etc. It only has like a 5% success rate when I researched this stuff. Why anyone is still willingly doing it is mindblowing. I do think there is promising results with hyperbaric oxygen therapy - I was looking into it and found a place near me that does it and was planning to schedule an appointment for my father but unfortunately didn't get to it in time.
The Biggelson brothers have some very different and very interesting insights on cancer that I recommend looking at, if you're interested.
My entire life I never took any supplements, ever. We were raised on raw milk, loads of vegetables, etc. I worked with unruly horses for 30 years and never broke a bone, although I took some dandy tumbles and was kicked a few times. I fell out of several trees when a kid, as I practiced to be a dare-devil. I was the test dummy for every go-kart my younger brothers built -- never a problem.
In 2020, when in my 7th decade, I didn't see a spot of black ice on my front steps and took a tumble down 8 steps, except that my left foot got stuck in one of the steps (where there was no ice) and broke from being twisted beyond what the bone joints could reasonably handle. I took the surgery, casting etc like a trooper and was healing really well, except that my chiro said I really should start on Vit D as this was likely the reason the foot broke and all the tisssues were wrenched. He did some sort of test and it came back as 'dangerously low in Vit D', so I bought some Vit D from him. I know, I know .... I should have put two and two together sooner!
Three years later, with my 'golden years' getting more 'golden', I wiped out on my ceramic kitchen floor when my shoelace caught in a shoe rack and all the shoes on it conspired to trip me. I fell on my right hip (very little padding) and it cracked in two places just below the ball joint.
Now I knew that something was off for sure, because I had fallen many times in my life, on my butt, hip, shoulder, etc, especially since where I live in Ottawa, Ontario, ice patches are a special feature of the landscape during winter, put there by God to toughen us up. The orthopedic surgeon said I was lucky my bones were so strong and he said that is very rare 'at my age'. Three months later, a different doctor looked at my new X-rays and stated that my bones were extremely brittle and I needed osteoporosis medication, like immediately.
My conclusions: never take supplements again, since I think the Vit D had started to weaken my bones over the 3 years I had taken the Vit D, do not listen to conventional doctors who look sicker than an 80-year old in a long-term care home, and smarten up, slow down and keep eating raw foods that I grow myself.
Amen. I hope your good fortune continues.
Thanks for your testimony. Hope you are fully recovered.
Vitamin D is rat poison & our most natural source of Vitamin D is being blocked out by chemtrails...........
What's a girl to do to get her Vitamin D these days ? 🤷♀️
Just being outdoors is enough. The body receives sufficient sunlight even when the sky is overcast. In fact, it may even rain. Our body does not only utilize visible waves.
Cod liver oil. I would assess how you feel if you take a supplement like cod liver oil. You might only take it 1-3 times a week because it's very high in Vit. A.
I was ordering spagyric tinctures from a guy whose tinctures are made from earth elements and organic products (foods and herbs) when I read a blog where he described assessing his wife's health. She had both eaten fish and was taking cod liver oil. She began to feel like she was getting a cold. He has a method to determine what's going on in the body, and too much Vit. D was the answer for her.
I began taking it recently when I began a spagyric-tinctured heavy metal detox (cilantro, chlorella, and organic wild harvested North American shilajit) because Klinghardt suggests in neurotoxin detox (which I consider the chemtrails) to take Vit. D. The tincture guy's wife took Droopi (Iceland--which I like very much but they're out right now) which, like the Norwegian, is highly regulated in terms of purity and extraction to produce an unadulterated product. They're very expensive but, I believe, very good. About $50-60 for a 5 oz. bottle.
Here's Brave AI talking: "Traditional Extraction Method [of Norwegian and Iceland does the same]
Möller’s, a leading Norwegian cod liver oil brand, uses a unique production method developed by Peter Möller in 1852. The process involves:
Low-temperature steam heating of the cod liver to separate the oil from the liver tissue.
Gentle extraction to preserve the natural form and effectiveness of the omega-3 fatty acids.
No chemicals or additives are used, ensuring a pure and natural product."
I had the added benefit of being reminded of reading Dale Alexander when I was a youth. He gave his mom 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil a day and saw her painful arthritis disappear. I'd been having similar aches and pains which improved tremendously after beginning the cod liver oil. I skip days when I don't need it now. Even a week. My pain remains negligible. I just read my body. I think the Vit. A piles up fast so I watch not taking too much.
Thank you for the detailed description of the cod liver oil. Much appreciated! Mine was 5 oz and cost $60 per bottle from Iceland.
I'm avoidant because of smell and because of Giorgi Dinkov hands-on telling lab experiments and he isn't a Rockefeller medicine stooge:
Regarding Vitamin A and Beta Carotene 'overdose', my gut instinct tells me ...just don't believe in it. I cannot imagine that nature created these absolutely beautiful and tasty fruits, veggies, and proteins so that they would lure us into overeating vitamin A or beta carotene. This theory seems to rank up with 'stay out of the sun because it's bad for you'. I refused to believe that because someone died and had high beta carotene/vitamin A in them that it is the cause of death.
I smell total BS. I love this substack but I still use my own gut instinct and logic to muddle through the BS vs. truth.
Another BS theory on this substack is the 'dangers' and 'toxcity' of DMSO. Really? How about this article and thousands of personal testimonies that report amazing benefits of DMSO. But oh, let's just believe that it is a dangerous solvent that the FDA prevented from becoming mainstream back in the 1960s to 'protect us' (barf). Try reading this instead:
More importantly, through DMSO, my bladder leakage disappeared, my brain fog disappeared, my tinnitus got better, and my eye sight got better, my energy increased.........or should I just believe that this is just an 'evil solvent'?
I know hundreds of people who have benefited from DMSO.
I'm not really interested in fats and so forth. As I've said, arthritis. I go with a product if I find it works for me. I think we each need to take whatever we feel helps us get and/or feel better. I think we're each unique. What may help you may not help me. In my old age, I'm extremely tuned into my body. Studies are simply studies to me. I would be more interested if I were just beginning to think about healthier food or supplements, but I've been reading in these areas since I was in my early 20s (early 1970s). I'm simply not interested. Have a good day!
I used to eat fish as my main protein including fish oil but I tested very high for arsenic and bromide and fish parasites. Since everything else I eat comes from local farmers, my husband doesn't eat fish and he didn't have heavy metals, I stopped all fish. I am doing heavy metal detox via red light near infrared sauna (incandescent light bulbs with low/no EMF unlike far infrared saunas have) + magnetic sulfate bummed as I loved salmon, sardines, Chilean sea bass, mahi, halibut, flounder. I am breaking from fish and fish oil for now. Have you done a heavy metal hair test?
I don't eat any fish at all...maybe 1-2 times a year. Haven't had a heavy-metal hair test. Just completed a spagyric tincture heavy metal detox. Have monolaurin + tincture for ridding of pararsites. I've done the infrared sauna and loved it many years ago. Felt really good effects. Cost is a factor. I need to go back. I recently had an enormously good outcome from arnica montana + hydrogen peroxide bath + accupressure mat treatment. As I said, the cod liver oil helps tremendously with arthritic pain, and I find that, if I listen to my body, I know when to take and when not to take it. Haven't had the oil for over a week now. Will probably take a dose soon.
Also - I bought my red light sauna for $1800 from Sauna Comfort. (you can even save more money if you happen to have a small room or large closet with enough room for a stool and ability to turn as your sit on the stool....then you can just purchase the lights for little more than $800)
Worth every penny and doesn't emit EMF exposure like the fancy wooden boxes with high amp electricity does.
I'm on a limited retired income. I'm not a wealthy retiree. I could no more afford $1,800 for a sauna than fly to the moon.
In regards to taking the fish oil, what are your thoughts on this substack report of fish oil being derived from refuse (rancid, otherwise garbage fish remains) from fishing industry and turned into fish oil supplements to make money? My raw unprocessed cod liver oil from Iceland stunk terribly. It was VERY expensive, came from a reputable source, and shipped with dry ice to remain cold until it arrived at my address. I threw it out when I stopped all fish-related consumption.
Also MUFA (mono-unsaturated fatty acids - AKA Omega 3 fatty acids) are also problematic with ATP / metabolism issues unless you consume enough saturated fats to counteract the MUFA and even then should be small amounts. What are your thoughts?
I don't really have any opinions on what you propose, wns. The cod liver oil helps my arthritis tremendously. You must be very young because you don't seem to understand this point. I will go with the best oil I can find. I'm on no medications whatsoever. I treat myself with natural products only. I'm 76. So, being able to relieve the pain from arthritis with cod liver oil ranks very highly with me. Cheers!
Honeybee, I am old - lol...but I have no pain mostly due to what I eat (and don't eat. )
When I have had pain after an injury, I weigh risks vs benefits so I more often deal with the pain rather than take NSAIDs or harmful oils...glad to hear you are happy and out of pain.
Mushrooms are good for vitamin D. I dry my wild foraged mushrooms in the sun on a warm day.
As is the sun, of course, but the more dark we get, the less it's converted to Vit D in our bodies. Still, we NEED the sun, no matter what the satanic elites say, they're just trying to destroy what God created.
Be Concerned, I know you mean the satanic pond scum. Cheers!
Absolutely, Tony C! Take care! :)
There was a recent discussion, I think it was on Instagram, under Cultivate Elevate's channel - but I might be mistaken.... about tanning beds. A lot of people said we were lied to about them being bad for you - that the toxic lotions and LED lights are the problem. So the takeaway was to find beds with the right bulbs. I cant remember exactly what the recommended bulbs were, you can probably look into it.
Disclaimer: I have not personally investigated this yet but a lot of it made sense. Please do your own research. But it might be a viable option, as there were many others saying they live somewhere with heavy spraying or very little sunshine.
Let's summarize what we have learned so far. 1. Vitamins are not isolated and tested entities, they are just fictions, like the "virus" or the big bang theory. (This is also not proven, it's just that the masters of "science" decided that from now on this will be the starting hypothesis of all "research"...)
2. If the existence of something is not proven, only fictitious, then it is pointless to argue about how our body gets it if I don't eat the garbage/poison that the aforementioned "gentlemen" push as a "scientific achievement". 3. If humanity and the animal world survived for millions of years without Rockefeller's garbage, then they don't need it!
4. For example, there were people living in the Arctic Circle, whose health was sufficient with the amount of food and sunlight found there.
5. The human body is designed to produce everything it needs from food, water and light. And exactly as much as it needs for its health.
6. This is exactly what the masters of "science" do not want, because then they have no use for it! That is why they created "science", which provides them with continuous profit through continuous poisoning...
I like your logic and I agree with much of it. Here are my questions:
1. Lab testing has proved by independent non-Rockefeller stooges that certain vitamins will actually cure the most aggressive and non-treatable cancer for 150 lb human (i.e. B1 (1000 mg) + B3 (1000 mg) + B7 (200 mg) + Aspirin (1000 mg) daily...annihilated the cancer in mice within 2 weeks of them taking proportionate amounts and cancer never returned after treatment was stopped.
2. How long did the Arctic Circle people live? 40 years? 60 years? longer?
3. The human body is designed to live for 1000 years but the evil ones have shortened our lives through 2 ways: a) parasites b) toxins ....So should we just assume that eating clean food is enough, or should we take additional measures to cleanse and detox?
4. Pets who are fed clean food (not evil pet store food) are still dying earlier (dogs should be living to 20 or more years and cats even longer but most don't even make to half that age and without a myriad of issues.
Sources/proof for "lab testing" and for " human body is designed to live for 1000 years " ?
Since cancer cells are also living cells of the body, the death of which was eliminated by the intake of some toxin, it is likely that the intake of the antidote will also destroy them. Here, the poisons are called vitamins by their artistic name. But according to this, in such cases, if we took them in the right proportion, taking into account the organism of a given person - and if we even knew the original poisoning - we could cure the cancer. (Although the cure for cancer has been known since the 1970s, but they decided not to apply it due to our overpopulation... The source of the news was a former Russian KGB guy, he can still be found on YT...)
2. Although the polar peoples lived for a short time - like the others - they did all this without food supplements derived from petroleum. And back then, the reason for their short life was more that when they could no longer hunt and fish due to their age, they went out onto the ice to freeze, so as not to jeopardize the survival of their young by having to feed them too. But the essence of my comment was that the food source there was not very diverse, and yet it was enough to maintain their body, even to reproduce, and to live a life.
3. Human life was shortened by some kind of "genetic" intervention by the "elohim", who were the "creators" of our bodies. I think they were simply afraid of us, that if we lived long enough, learned and experienced - and joined forces - we would wipe out their rather stupid race. But they have been terrorizing and oppressing us ever since, so that we would not be able to know our spiritual origin, which would mean the end of their rule.
4. I don't know, but the constant poisoning - air, water, food, etc. - affects them too, regardless of the fact that even the pet food is poisoned. And let's not forget the mandatory "vaccinations" imposed on them, which "establishes their health".
I think a few days of fasting and drinking pure water would be enough to cleanse, but there are very few places on the planet where such toxin-free water can be found.
I saw that too, on Matt's Cultivate Elevate Telegram channel. Dr. Mercola always maintained that tanning beds are good IF they're the "safe" beds. He used to have those beds that we could buy, but then the govt cracked down on him -- imagine that -- so he stopped. And now, he's gone off the deep end, following some wacko guru, sadly.
The rays from the sun that we need to make vitamin D are UVB. I found a tanning place by my house that had a UVB tanning bed. It dried my eyes out so bad that I thought they would never recover…and I wore the goggles. I did some further research that said to just get as much sun as you can during the summer to build a reserve for the winter.
From Dr. Ed Group, who makes sure his sources are clean & fresh. His Vit D3 liquid comes from lichen.
His are pretty much the only supplements that I take, because I trust him 100%, & his are all natural. He doesn't take them every day, either every other day or 2-3 times a week...but he & his family eat very clean, whereas I don't, so I take most of mine every day. He's a big proponent of getting our vitamins & minerals from fresh raw foods, but the soil has been so depleted of minerals due to modern farming methods, that they're not drawn up into the plants through the roots. If you grow your own food, as his family does, then great. (Though the chemtrails are surely tainting even those.)
It’s all bad. From Medicine Girl:
Medicine girl is a fool, against acupuncture and many practices without trying it herself
I’m not familiar with what she says about acupuncture, and have never tried it. But now I do listen to all she says. I used to think negatively when first hearing some that she says since I was listening to some ‘famous’ doctors on their Substacks about all the chemicals they promote (and some sell). Until I had reactions to some of the things people we trust are promoting. I finally realized all of it are poisons to the body when they are chemical and not natural. I learned that the hard way.
I have had some bad reactions, trusting a couple doctors recommendations we read in their Substacks, the most wonderful sounding doctors that people love. I used the EDTA cream Dr. Ana recommended including around my feet and ankles and they swelled up for weeks and the veins looked terrible for months after. I used 2mg nicotine gum once a day for some months the brand recommended by Dr. Ardis, felt unwell, dizzy sometimes, no energy, my next routine doctor visit showed my systolic blood pressure was 183, went off the gum and it took weeks for blood pressure to resume low as normal for me. I was taking loads of vitamins, had one bad thing in my blood work that would have led to an Endocrinologist and having to take meds for it…but thanks to reading Agent about vitamins, I quit all vitamins and it went back to normal after some months. So I no longer take ANYTHING chemical. Instead I have healthy food/water practices, buy organic, occasionally use Essential Oils. But thank goodness for free choice for all of us.
Here my comment for info (again i agree w/ agent and this "girl" that supplements are mostly BS!...but...) "Just a warning, even if the Agent is most prob correct w/ the thesis that supplements etc are crap... but this so called "medicine girl" is also a shill and sells crap and tells "whopper" stories. You can read this on my page here (in the notes).. again shills will tell u 80% truth and 20% missdirect. But ofc anyone can beLIEve what he wants..." btw Ardis is a major well known shill (also a virus fan)
Yeah, well she sometimes seems to have a nasty side, blocks people at the drop of a hat if they start saying anything on her site of how great chemical things work that are ‘unnatural’. She doesn’t allow that talk about all the crap the ‘doctors’ we follow online and in their Substacks promote as good like EDTA, Meth Blue, DMSO, and all manner of everything else chemical I’ve forgotten the names of since I’ve not tried any of the chemical claptrap people are taking now….except I tried EDTA and had bad reaction, and nicotine gum and had bad reaction, and chemicals called vitamins I’ll never touch again. She’s totally auNaturel, period with every personal and household product.
I don’t know but doubt she sells anything except ‘courses’ with advice and how to make ones own stuff naturally, everything natural to the furthest extent, which would be too hard for me. Not for everyone, but some like that and are willing to pay for all her home made recipes and advice. Their choice. Not mine. Not yours.
Some people get mad at her because they still think the chemicals are working for them. Wish them the best in the longer run.
My father who farmed all his life sits outside in the sun for 1 hour on every sunny day...he is 92 years old (and tan) - I attempt to follow in his path but not as good as him (lol)
Thank you SO much for the info on vitamin D, B12, and vitamin A. I threw those supplements in the trash where they belong.
I knew about vitamin C and I get my vitamin C from food sources like ascerola cherries, citrus fruits and other whole organic fruits direct from local farmers.
Regarding health / protein powders and vitamins, I like Dr Schulze and dr Christopher products. All ingredients are FOOD and no supplements.
Regarding B1 (HCL), B3 niacinamide, B7 (biotin) - giorgi dinkov (a self taught genius and not an MD) got Cushing disease and cured himself. He makes a lot of money as a software developer and hired his own independent lab to do testing with mice. He gave them the worst cancers that are considered on treatable and he gave them 1000 mg of B1, 500 mg of B3, 100 mg of biotin and aspirin 1000 mg… And he cured all their cancers… He paid the lab to keep them alive after their treatment and they never got cancer again. So I did the same thing for myself and my skin cancer went away. Georgi talks about the LD 50 of each of these substances extensively and their lethality extensively as well as their benefit and curing and healing.
Is it possibly that these vitamin when used with right application are good?
Also, my husband is extremely allergic to poison ivy and I took MMS and mixed it with DMSO and put it on his poison ivy mark on his leg… It stung for a little while… And then it went away never to return. DMSO has been amazing because when I combine it with anything I want to go into my body it absorbs. Thoughts?
Addendum to above - the vitamin levels given to the mice were based on weight and the vitamin levels above were calculated as equivalent of 150 lb human - ie mice were given same ratio in accordance to their weight so minute amounts relatively speaking.
Addendum - also, when I took B1, B3, B7 plus aspirin… My energy went through the roof and I felt great! Georgie says that these four items increase and improve the pathways for ATP on a cellular level and he explains it in detail in his videos. He presents a very compelling argument for simple easy ways to cure very difficult illnesses - he discusses also how PUFAs are making 90% of population insulin resistant using lipolysis rather than glycolysis to convert food into energy.
Diabetes and cancer are similar in that they both are metabolic disorders. Fix your metabolism by eating more carbs, less fat and beware of too much protein.
Easiest thing to do is to buy food from farmers and make it vitamin fortification guaranteed when you buy Whole Foods.
“Whole Foods “is owned by Amazon. Maybe 10% of the store is safe food.
maybe what is meant there is to buy foods that are "whole" -- if you buy an organic sweet potato, hopefully it was grown using organic methods, but certainly not vitamin-fortified.
Yes - that is what I meant - the auto-correct editor capitalized it automatically and I didn't catch it.
Sorry for the confusion (the auto-correct editor capitalized whole foods automatically and I didn't catch it). I meant basic organic foods where you have to wash the dirt off to eat it. I did NOT mean WHOLE FOODS owned by Amazon...sorry for overlooking the auto-correct in the editor). I don't shop at "Amazon's Whole Foods" ever...if I need an ingredient that the farmers cannot give me, I go to a local ma-and-pop organic tiny grocery and ask for source of item I am buying...they are good at providing local items only.
Thank you. I was about to order supplements, and decided to use that $ to become a paid subscriber. I will need to process how I feel about my gullibility and practice more discernment. I’m happy to hear you are recovered to the extent possible.
Thanks to both you and Medicine Girl for all your dedication. I have my own devastation from the evil D3 con. Thanks to the Veterans Administration for prescribing the poison. I have been weakened and have nerve damage. No more pills Peace!!
Medicine girl is a fool being against urine therapy which is healing. She bans people who don't agree with her.
Urine is a goldmine containing multiple dimensions of knowledge. It is your own designer bio-feedback healing machine. It contains structured, energized water and nuanced metabolites that bring wisdom and awareness to your body. It is electrically alive and contains holographic messages: it is a diagnostic machine. It is a stem cell and ormus containing health miracle. It also increases your own inner light, quite literally, as those who drink their orin have incredible bright light designs found in their body and in their orin. To imbibe is to walk a powerful path to awakening, cleansing, and homeostasis. It is a youth elixir, the bread of manna, a life sustainer and giver. Urine highlights the genius of The Divine. It is not mere "excess."
"Gross" is your conditioning. Go ahead and let it all out. Eventually you realize urine is a billion dollar industry for skin care and health.
Urine contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
“Let's talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in your mother's womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it's your mom's pee. For the remaining 6 months, it's mainly your pee. There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals; it's attached to your intestines. That should be another piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. Waste goes through your intestines—that's what the excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine! Urine is the ultimate liquid. It is the perfect water. It's what we grow in. We would not have grown without it.
And when you're in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your mouth. That is more proof that it's not a waste product. If urine were a waste product, the human fetus would just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but it's not. You are actually peeing out the water, which is the water that "breaks" at birth. You are peeing out the water that you become. That water physically forms your body.
Urine is also known as living liquid tissue. In urine therapy, if you have a problem with your eyes, you put urine drops in your eyes. That urine becomes your eyes. If you have a cut on your skin, put urine on the cut. That urine becomes your skin. Babies come out, and they smell sweet. They have fluffy, smooth skin. The supermodel's biggest secret is that she puts urine on her face at night. The urea in urine allows each and every skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. This makes for beautifully plump skin. In this way, urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are holding low amounts of water, so they contract and get all crippled. You start giving them urine, which has urea, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you're offering them the most awesome water in the universe. The skin cells quickly fill up with this beautiful water, and the wrinkles disappear.”
Here is what I have learned. There is a substance in your body called CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Look that up. As the name suggests, your brain and spine are swimming in it. At any given time, there is about 150 - 250 ml of the stuff inside your body. Your body produces 550 - 650 ml of CSF per day. This means that the system flushes up to three times per day. Where do you think that fluid gets flushed to? Did you ever wonder how stem cells get into urine? I did. This is how. Did you also know that this CSF is the very first thing that develops when we are growing in our mothers womb? Did you also know that, at the very center of this fluidic system is your Pineal Gland?
Mike Smith Truth, you have got to joking right? Hey, I guess a guy with Truth in his name must be telling the truth. I don't think so but then what do I know? I do know I won't be drinking my urine any time soon, . . . or ever. Seems a bit embarrassing admitting you like drinking urine.
Do you have anything negative against urine therapy which is full of stem cells and plasma?
Urine is one of the ways our body dumps out toxins. And dumps out some of the nasty nanobots we’re all exposed to, as well. So I will never re-intake what my body’s great god-designed disposal system decides to eliminate.
Urine contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
“Let's talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in your mother's womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it's your mom's pee. For the remaining 6 months, it's mainly your pee. There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals; it's attached to your intestines. That should be another piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. Waste goes through your intestines—that's what the excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine! Urine is the ultimate liquid. It is the perfect water. It's what we grow in. We would not have grown without it.
And when you're in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your mouth. That is more proof that it's not a waste product. If urine were a waste product, the human fetus would just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but it's not. You are actually peeing out the water, which is the water that "breaks" at birth. You are peeing out the water that you become. That water physically forms your body.
Urine is also known as living liquid tissue. In urine therapy, if you have a problem with your eyes, you put urine drops in your eyes. That urine becomes your eyes. If you have a cut on your skin, put urine on the cut. That urine becomes your skin. Babies come out, and they smell sweet. They have fluffy, smooth skin. The supermodel's biggest secret is that she puts urine on her face at night. The urea in urine allows each and every skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. This makes for beautifully plump skin. In this way, urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are holding low amounts of water, so they contract and get all crippled. You start giving them urine, which has urea, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you're offering them the most awesome water in the universe. The skin cells quickly fill up with this beautiful water, and the wrinkles disappear.”
Here is what I have learned. There is a substance in your body called CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Look that up. As the name suggests, your brain and spine are swimming in it. At any given time, there is about 150 - 250 ml of the stuff inside your body. Your body produces 550 - 650 ml of CSF per day. This means that the system flushes up to three times per day. Where do you think that fluid gets flushed to? Did you ever wonder how stem cells get into urine? I did. This is how. Did you also know that this CSF is the very first thing that develops when we are growing in our mothers womb? Did you also know that, at the very center of this fluidic system is your Pineal Gland?
We can disagree about the things you said about drinking urine, but I’m happy for you if you like to do that. I will never for lots of reasons, including some in the links below. And importantly because we are now all being inundated with nanobots and unnatural things in our foods, water, as well as harmful metals in aerial sprayings, that our bodies try to get rid of in our elimination systems. Why would I want to drink them back up in my pee after my kidneys are trying their best to get rid of them.
Is Urine Therapy Good for You?
There is no proven scientific data that drinking or using urine in other ways can provide health benefits.
According to a report in the Journal of Urology, “Much of what we have heard about the use of urine therapy has no medical basis, and is folk remedy that can actually worsen the injury.”
Although urine may contain very small amounts of vitamins and minerals, those amounts are not enough for a tangible health benefit.
Can Drinking Urine Be Harmful?
Drinking a small amount of urine probably won’t cause harm. But there is a risk, especially if you drink larger amounts.
To create urine, your kidneys filter extra water and waste from your blood. This waste, called urea, travels from your kidneys to your bladder through two thin tubes called ureters. Urine remains in your bladder until you are ready to urinate.
Many believe urine is sterile. However, multiple studies have shown bacteria present even in the urine of healthy people. Urine is mostly water, but it also contains urea and other waste products, salts, ammonia, and more.
Because urine contains waste products, drinking it can force your kidneys to work even harder or expose you to unnecessary toxins. This could cause illness, electrolyte disturbances, or kidney damage.
The salt content of urine also means drinking it could cause dehydration. The U.S. Army Field Manual warns against drinking urine as a water substitute.
Finally, urine also can contain numerous bacteria, according to a study in the Pan African Medical Journal. The study found several different bacteria types in human urine, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The bacteria included:
Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Drinking urine could introduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria into your body, potentially causing an infection.
[I take no meds, but our water supply is proven to have many medications in it, I would hope to pee them out, and don’t want to drink them back up again.]
Interference with Medications
Many medications are excreted in urine after your body has processed them. These medications leave your body in a condition very similar to the condition in which they entered your body; they are not broken down. Drugs that can be excreted like this include penicillin and any water-soluble medications.
By drinking urine that contains any of these medications, you introduce them into your own body. If they are medications you are already taking, you will increase the dose beyond what you have been prescribed. If you are drinking the urine of someone else, then you may introduce medications that you have not been prescribed for you. This can lead to dangerous reactions and serious health complications.
Despite the common myth, urine is not sterile. It contains bacteria just like any other bodily excretion. Depending on the method for gathering urine, it may also contain bacteria introduced from the genitalia of the urine source. Some of these bacteria can lead to serious infections. Drinking any type of urine can cause serious health problems unless it has been sterilized separately.
Your urinary system specifically works to remove toxic substances from your body. When dangerous substances start to build up in your body, urine is one of the primary methods used to remove them. Anything your kidneys filter out of your body winds up in your urine to be removed. By drinking urine, you are consuming these toxins that your body explicitly intended to remove. This can lead to kidney damage or disease as these organs need to work harder to handle the increased concentration of toxic substances.
Amniotic fluid:
The best anti-blood clotting product on the market is called Urokinase, which is made from collected human urine, we can get our own dose of our own perfect medicine by looping our excess nutrition.
Mike, I'm getting back to you; I'm with Stella and Medicime Girl on this one. Drinking your own urine intuitively seems wrong, plain wring. I think Satan and his/her/it's minions relish swimming in and drinking urine. I stand opposed to Satan and his/her/it's minions. Drink your urine all day long if you wish, and while your at it, put it on your skin and in your eyes too! I am going to go throw up now.
I'll get back to you. Thanks for your reply.
You're welcome. I fought the idea of Shivambu/Urine for over a decade. I then started with it on wrinkles and noticed they were better overnight.
Aged urine: day one 140 stem cells. Day 21 100 million stem cells.
It also regrew hair on my scalp.
Thanks, I was incredulous when I saw your information (lengthy comment above). I am still getting back to you but wanted to say thanks again, meanwhile.
Some VA clinics are still promoting the jabs.
Hospitals are military. When you check in, you are checking into an enemy encampment. Doctors are licensed to kill.
My first experience with supplements was after I read Life Extension by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw in the early 1980s. I bought and consumed boatloads of pills because "scientists" told me they would make me live longer. Well, cost and side effects from the pills ended that fiasco.
Reading agent's series on vitamins ended eating any vitamin fortified foods forever.
I had the chronic fatigue going on, it happens... So also being in huge amounts of pain someone had recommended magnesium spray. On running out, the tiredness knocked me for 6.
So off to the Dr to see if they think I have a magnesium deficiency. She tests for vitamin D also. It comes back below the baseline.
So, I start D3 supplements, eventually I see the K2 info and add that to the bag. I've had thin blood at various times in my life. So, blood not clotting wasn't a thing that stuck out initially. She advised to take tin winter what with it being summer when she tested she wanted to cover the base.
So for over a decade I did this, along comes liposomal liquid vitamins. It's as good if not better than IV delivery. So I get on it..
Again, I noticed thin blood, excessive bleeding on the smallest of nicks. There was stuff about vax shedding causing this, so my thoughts first went there. Didn't think it was downing the liposomal liquid. Being told as long as you have the correct D3/K2 ratio it was safe.
I nearly cut through my thumb and realise it's not something I can deal with at home. I wait in emergency for around 5 hours. They know it won't stem. Finally my turn comes and it gushes again.
I don't know what started me thinking perhaps it's the vitamins. I erred away from taking it and eventually threw it out. I haven't taken any since early this year. My blood is clotting as it should again.
However, I now always have hemostatic dressings just in case.
But I am pretty sure it's the vitamins. In fact now, each time I look at supplements, I think my Intuition has me scrolling away.
I have to say I do feel better for not taking supplements this year.
I was also advised to take B12, it's the methyl version which is supposed to be what the body manufacturers rather than the cyan' based compounds. I did half a bottle and felt no better. It's still sitting on the table.... Must dump that too!
Instead of taking B vitamins, eat brewer's yeast and or drink organic, micro-brewery beer. Then you will get your full complement of B vitamins, which is necessary as all work synergistically and cannot be used in isolation from one another.
Good, thick dark beer is known as "liquid bread" in this house.
It isn't that long ago that man lived by bread and water alone. And I guess the odd fish or two.
OK, ok, man and woman ...
And kids too.
Nice, I'm a dark beer man myself.
Grace, see my comment above to Fran re: B12
Sorry Tony C., I couldn't find Fran's comment ...
It's down below now.
Not when I open the comment section...not sure why.
Yes I bought some yeast but I seem to react to it and have to take it slowly and build up. If I stop, I have to go through the same process again.
I'm working on my flight or flight response which I think is the reason these get depleted. So I hope between this and my diet things will response naturally. As I reduce the ForF response my digestion seems to have less issues and recently I started to put on weight, which I haven't been able to in a long time. So it's all part and parcel.
Thank you so much for your reply.
Vitamins and supplements have immunomodulatory properties.
With all due respect, I wouldn’t say it’s a simple as “Vitamin D is rat poison, and stripped my bones of calcium which led to my health problems”.
With any health condition, it of the upmost importance to identify the etiology of the condition. What’s causing the symptoms?
Just by reading this post, it sounds like some degree of metabolic acidosis(calcium leeching from bones), and an underlying chronic inflammatory condition in the liver and biliary system(Acid reflux, metabolic acidosis).
Taking falls repeatedly would be indicative of motor function and balance problems. Breaking bones from minor falls would be indicative of serious metabolic problems.
And viruses exist, and have absolutely been isolated.
There is a biological variable that produces distinct pathologies like cold sores, for instance, or smallpox.
Not everyone gets cold sores, and millions upon millions of people anecdotally report they are contagious. The scientific literature correlates these anecdotal reports directly. It’s not a conspiracy.
Imagine getting cold sores in your liver or your brain, this gives you an idea of the pathologies and diseases that can develop as the result of systemic viral infection .
Inquiry is great, but I recommend digging deeper and reevaluating your sources for information.
> And viruses exist, and have absolutely been isolated.
Sources, please.
Here’s a great paper to start with.
Three groups of mice, one of them serves as a proper control group, one receives the culture medium, one receives the culture medium with herpes simplex type one.
Guess which group develops herpetic blisters?
The thing is, from everything I've read--they have "isolated" viruses in the lab but never in humans--not for any virus in the world. Why is this?
We are waiting Matt .
Ahh. So injecting mice with poison concoction produces a symptom. Must be a virus!
LOL yes,but i looked at his paper and her eis what they call a virus "isolate: "Virus was grown in Vero cell monolayers in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS)" LOL
and not so funny as this all animal abuse:
"Mice were anesthetized with Avertin and the lower lip was scarified with 10 vertical strokes of a 25-gauge needle covering an area approximately 15.0 mm2. A viral inoculum of 6.0×105 PFU suspended in 10 µL of DMEM was applied to the lower lip and allowed to adsorb for 1 h. "
These "scientists" are just psychpaths who like to torture animals and getting handsoly paid for it
HSV-1 (or any other virus) hasn't been proven to exist and PCR has been thoroughly debunked as a diagnostic tool. A trillion copies of crap is still crap.
Contagion and "viruses" are fake, ur a shill
I have started applying the same common sense rule to the alt media as I have done with psyops.
Oh boy. I was almost willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until you said "viruses exist". Please go read Agent's articles about this. You are incredibly wrong. And this community has done an EXHAUSTIVE amount of research, entertained every single rebuttal, put out challenges for proper experiments to be done - and in fact Jamie Andrew's, Stefan Lanka, and now Alec Zack have done the experiments. The same exact experiments that so-called virologists do - the only difference is they did not add any human sample - and they got the exact same result. Meaning they were able to replicate a "virus" without adding any virus. Meaning the process is producing the so-called virus. And metagenomic sequencing is full of problems. The whole thing is riddled with problems.
8% of the human genome is endogenous retroviruses.
So, if you are using human kidney cell lines, you don’t need to add a virus.
Matt, you seem well read. Thanks for sharing.
It seems that different viewpoints are taken as a personal offense nowadays in regards to the topic of health and disease, it’s become cult-like.
I’m glad at least one person could appreciate a differing opinion and stance, you’re welcome.
Matt, I know what you mean. I was viciously attacked by a troll or chatbot troll. He/she/it called me a Satanist and cultist and said I was on the wrong side of humanity among many other libelous accusations. I drove him around on the carpet like a wheelbarrow when it was all said and done. I eat trolls for breakfast.
A real glowing retort.
Maybe so, but it sounds like when he cut out the supplements the issues went away, right? So to what then would he point to this success, it’s only logical.
Let’s say, I have type two diabetes, and when I consume sugar in excess, it flares my symptoms.
Is sugar causing my condition? No.
Countless other people can have a piece of birthday cake and not spike their blood sugar levels .
There’s an underlying disease pathology that’s specific to me, which causes my abnormal reaction to sugar intake .
But here he is saying, it’s not just him. He’s taken his personal experience, related it to the experiences of others, then looked into the literature, the studies, to find correlations that is demonstrating there are potentially a great many having similar issues. Do they all have an underlying disease pathology? It reminds me of the ‘gluten intolerant’ epidemic that started decades ago, then lots of folks started pinning it on glyphosate (myself included) got rid of that in their diet completely, now have 0 issues, but no, it couldn’t possibly be that, it’s all just underlying disease pathology of us all that just happened to occur and stop with ingesting a poison.
What you’re saying is valid.
As far as the argument about gluten intolerance and connection to glyphosate, round up is found in many different foods and even our drinking water.
And gluten intolerance is normally diagnosed by an abnormal IGE antibody reaction. You can give someone organic gluten, without any trace of glyphosate and they will still react.
Getting into the etiology of gluten intolerance is complex.
And yet many report going to Europe for vacation with no gluten issues when they consume European non-gmo non glyphosate bread and pasta - why is that?
Perhaps the European pasta is not fortified. A chef/owner of an Italian restaurant revealed that he buys his past from Italy and it is not fortified (with synthetic 'vitamins' which are drugs).
" Every lawyer an doctor must be killed. " Shakespeare
Yes, you have toxic overload which is preventing the body from being able to function properly. AND/OR nutrient deficiency.
There is no underlying DIS-ease pathology. There is no genetic predisposition. You are full of toxins and/or nutrient deficient (actual nutrients.... from food sources, not synthetic poison made in a lab).
Giorgi Dinkov would say you have a metabolic issue (using lipolysis instead of glycolysis to convert food into energy. From a bioenergetic viewpoint, when you fix your metabolism, illness vanishes and you metabolize food like a child in perfect health.
Can you name any of the countless other people? I ask because I don't know of any kid that eats a piece of birthday cake and doesn't get a bit hyperactive thereafter.
What does hyperactivity have to do with elevated blood sugar levels?
I’m failing to see the point you’re trying to make .
I can see that!
Quackcines damage metabolic pathways, and because we are all unique, the damage manifests in different ways. Nice observation Matt.
When I cut out D3/K2 liposomal product I stopped bleeding excessively. My local hospital can confirm what happened while taking it and a subsequent injury after I stopped that didn't cause massive bleeding.
Sun expose I think is best. Can we use the red light devices to help instead of supplementation?
D3 and k2 made you bleed more? I am taking k2 to stop gum.bleeding
Viruses are a lab made hoax:
Very helpful article - thank you.
I noticed or realised quite some time ago that the more I read, watched, checked, the more I realized that almost everything I thought I knew was a lie and that the reality was often an inversion compared with the official story.
Unfortunately, along with these insights comes an additional challenge, which many will be familiar with. I’ve become permanently semi detached from those trundling along in the old world. I can’t bear spending much time with such people. I don’t have any strong emotions about them anymore.
The more evil deceptions I uncover (aka mostly learn from others) the less useful I become as an expert witness to newcomers seeking a new understanding of what is happening. It’s no use me having accurately described how the molecular design of the injections inevitably renders them harmful to varying extents. Because those resistant to information they’re going to find painful look for reasons to dismiss my testimony. And then readily find it.
“Isn’t he the guy who says viruses don’t exist? And that respiratory illnesses aren’t contagious? What an idiot!”
I doubt you’ll find it any easier with “vitamins & supplements”. Which is more than unfortunate.
Vit. D comes from sitting out in the sun exposing your skin to it.. better naked! It's hard to find anything manufactured like it. Pill popping is trendy, but great food is always the true path.
You nailed it enigmatic proprietary. Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food, period end of sentence.
After reading a few pages from the book What Really Makes You Ill, and also Agent’s articles — I have come to the conclusion that the very word Vitamin itself is non-existent and fraudulent likewise the word ‘virus’, which is derived from Latin to mean poison.
Natural whole foods are the best of medicines!
God, I am so glad some people have moved on from talking about the virus/germ hoax. Im so tired of re-hashing the same points over & over.
I'm super excited for the rest of this series. Especially part 4. So many people seem like theyre gate-keeping or dont really share resources or talk about how to help others learn how to research. I think im pretty decent at it but I still definitely struggle because the propaganda machine extends so deep.
I just threw out my Vit D. To be fair, I started to really question the vitamin scam about 2 years ago,, but it took time to really sink in. And I swear I had already thrown it out like 6+ months ago... was going through the cabinet, after finally accepting that vitamins cant be isolated and they are synthetic poison, and told my other half to throw it out (he isnt aware of this stuff, im slowly trying to plant seeds and he has come around on a few things but if I go too deep, too fast, he'll think im crazy 🤣 and im not willing to throw away 10 years together for that, so, baby steps it is!)
Maybe you can write an article about that? How to help wake up your partner lol - kidding. Im thrilled with the progress hes made, and by planting the seeds, he thinks he has come to some of these conclusions on his own... so be it 🤷🏻♀️ does your partner know about all this stuff? I almost feel like I'm living a secret life because my beliefs - or rather what I know to be true now - have changed SIGNIFICANTLY in just a few years.
Question Everything, when researching, use an alternative search engine, use a boolean search (topic + keyword), click on 'more' several times or more, and start scrolling from the bottom up.
What do you make of this study done by a non-MD in a private lab...These (4) items cured the most aggressive untreatable cancer in mice? (first 30 minutes tells all...):
Cancer is a complicated subject. I watched my father die from it last year (and I still don't feel I have gone through the grieving process, so bear with me.... I am still very angry and emotional. For context, he took the COVID quackzine despite my best efforts to convince him not to. I don't know if he got boosters, or how many. He was also a heavy smoker his whole life and got lung cancer. But he was getting better, there was no cancer from the neck down on his last scan, then all the sudden it became the dreaded turbo cancer we've heard so much about lately. He had almost no cancer, and then within a month, he was gone.
I have done a lot of research on it because of my father's diagnosis, but I still am not as confident as I am with discussing viruses and bacteria. However, I think cancer is much like germ theory - we are looking at it from the wrong lens. Considering it from the pleomorphic lens, I believe it is toxin overload, and the body tries to protect us - but it seems to be an advanced form of toxin overload where the normal detox pathways cannot get rid of it, and the body first tries to concentrate it in 1 area - like the breast, or the lungs, or the colon, etc. And if the right steps aren't taken quickly enough, it will spread, or metastasize. It's not related to so-called DNA, or sugar, or many of the other things being blamed.
I've only quickly skimmed this video you linked, but will try to give it an honest watch. I do have a problem with their description pointing to "Vitamin B" and "aspirin" as being beneficial and I disagree with that right off the bat.
What I will say is that I think the treatment does THE MOST damage - chemo, radiation, immunotherapy, etc. It only has like a 5% success rate when I researched this stuff. Why anyone is still willingly doing it is mindblowing. I do think there is promising results with hyperbaric oxygen therapy - I was looking into it and found a place near me that does it and was planning to schedule an appointment for my father but unfortunately didn't get to it in time.
The Biggelson brothers have some very different and very interesting insights on cancer that I recommend looking at, if you're interested.