Medicine Girl & the Fight to EXPOSE VITAMINS: an Angry Mother Vowed to Take Down an Industry
In Part 1 of this series I told you how I became interested in vitamin research. Long story short, I followed internet advice for bodybuilding and dosed myself with vitamins, especially vitamin D (it builds strong bones!). Out of the blue, I broke multiple bones from a very minor fall. My recovery was horrible and my doctor said I am not getting enough vitamin D so I followed his instruction and upped the dose, this time combining it with vitamin K to help it absorb.
Within a matter of time, my health problems had spiraled out of control, yet I was physically fit; a medical anomaly. The internet told me it was my immune system and genetics. Site after site informed me that I had been dealt a bad hand and it was showing itself now that I was in my 30s. I feared I would be wheelchair-bound or bed-bound before I hit 40.
Some years later, I came across a video by Tim Truth:
That video changed my life. I immediately stopped following the doctors orders and began researching for myself. I quickly realized none of my health problems were due to genetics or germs, they were all due to poisons I was consuming via vitamins and the food supply. This led to me meeting
and together we began trying to expose this corrupt industry.Now that you know my story, today I wanted to share Medicine Girl’s story with you so you know how she too became an outspoken advocate against supplements.
My first memory of supplements began when I was 4 years old, watching my mother take handfuls of Shaklee vitamins every morning before she left for work. She had a quite impressive circular caddy which would dispense six different supplements, pulling different amounts of each, creating a handful of assorted pills. My mother never went a day without her 10 alfalfa and soy lecithin, zinc, Vitamin C, and several others I have long since forgotten. I remember the alfalfa and soy because after she would leave for work, I would sneak down the dispenser and eat the ones that had a candylike flavor. My mom’s entire life consisted of supplements. She made it clear to me that these were the key to longevity, a slimmer waistline, and various other irresistible miracle cure claims. When my father died in 1999, my mother, who was now 70, sold her ranch and and together we relocated her belongings, including the shelves of supplements and her fancy dispenser, to Oregon.
About 18 years later, her health suddenly began to take a serious turn. Horrible hip pain appeared out of nowhere and began plaguing her life. Then she started to lose weight rapidly and was unable to gain it back. Next came terrible GI tract symptoms. Her doctors administered every scan and test imaginable, but they were left baffled; it seemed nothing was the cause of this speedy health decline. As the puzzled doctors continued to search for answers, my mother became weaker and weaker. In fact, one evening she was so listless that a neighbor, fearing for her life, called 911 and she was rushed to emergency where they quickly admitted her into the hospital.
Thankfully, within a matter of days, she was back to her vibrant, healthy self. When she got home from the hospital she jumped back into her regular routine, complete with vitamins and supplements. But only a few days later, she found herself back in the hospital, hooked up to an IV while being closely monitored. But, just like the previous stay, a couple days later, she was once again the picture of health. This time, however, when she returned home, she was determined to figure out what was triggering her health problems.
Like most of you reading this, back in 2020 I was listening to advice from those I felt were in alignment with my values of truth and freedom. Their content was outstanding, they had large followings, and I viewed these people as genuine warriors who were standing up to the pharmaceutical industry. I truly believed what these freedom doctors, authors and show hosts were saying. I too wanted to remain healthy during “Covid” and, as a parent, it was my duty to protect my son. This is why, when Amandha Vollmer, who was someone I regularly followed and quite admired, posted on her social media that Vitamin D3 with K2 in lanolin was something everyone needed to supplement, I jumped to make the purchase. Amandha has such a distinguished career in alternative medicine that anything she said, I, along with her giant following, took as unquestionable guidance. But it wasn’t just Vollmer touting this health advice, the D3+K2 miracle cure was something we all saw everywhere we looked.
Together, my son and I began taking our new supplement every morning. I adjusted his dose to ½ of mine, so he was intaking roughly only 250 IU per day, which was far under the level the internet recommended and substantially less than the amount the freedom broadcasters were advising to consume.
And just like with Agent131711’s story, everything was great until the day it wasn’t, and in our case, it didn’t take long for the day it wasn’t to arrive.
Tragedy struck only six weeks after we began dosing ourselves with the D3 drops. What started as a regular day ended in disaster for my child.
My very athletic son, whose favorite hobby is going to the local skatepark, happened to have a short fall while skating - nothing abnormal here, skaters fall regularly and other than some little bruises and scrapes, they are perfectly fine… but not this time. On this specific day, a very minor fall resulted in a broken shoulder! As an avid skater, he’s fallen so many times and never had a serious injury, let alone one of this magnitude. It just didn’t make sense because he was physically fit and didn’t even land hard. We both were stunned.
When the results from the x-ray came back, they revealed the severity of the damage. It was so bad that when the MD showed it to us, I gasped in horror. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around how such a minor fall caused so much destruction. As a parent, I felt helpless seeing my child in such pain. I knew I needed to find out how to make sure this never happened to him again, but in order to do that, I first needed to figure out what could have possibly caused this to happen to my young, healthy son to begin with.
I spent hour after hour on the internet, desperately searching for answers; Youtube, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, blogs, websites, anywhere there was potential information, but nothing I located seemed to fit the situation. I began posting in various truth forums, asking if anyone could explain what was going on with this horrendous break. Nobody seemed to have answers until one person asked if I was supplementing my son’s diet with D3. I already knew what he was going to tell me, D3 builds strong bones, so I proudly replied, “of course I am and it’s the expensive stuff with lanolin and K2.”. But to my complete and total shock, he didn’t respond to congratulate me, nor did he tell me to up the dosage, he instead told me to research D3… because it’s rat poison…
I then came to the realization that when I said, “of course I am and it’s the expensive stuff with lanolin and K2”, I had no idea what I was talking about. I had not the slightest clue what the D3 or the K2 in the bottle actually were, let alone what the combination of them does - all I was doing was parroting what I heard from Lee Merritt, Amandha Vollmer and the people I never met yet put so much faith into.
Verifying the forum-responder’s claims was simple, all it took was a Google search. Of course Google states that yes, it is rat poison, but it’s only bad for rats and the dose is so tiny it can’t hurt you, but despite what Google claims, as a parent, I refuse to feed my child rodenticide, even in very small amounts.
When I began researching deeper, I discovered how vitamin D3 kills rats is through hypercalcemia, which is bone destruction. My son’s break was so severe because the vitamin was weakening his bones, because that’s what rat poison does.
I knew I needed to rush this information to the freedom doctors, authors and show hosts who were recommending the product. I believed that when I showed them what I had discovered, they too would be shocked and would not only take the product off their websites, but they would rush to warn people to stop taking it. But instead of a receiving a huge thank you from them, I was blocked and banned. Trying to share this information with influencers like Alec Zeck, Andy Kaufman, Kelly Broland, Sayer Ji, Sam and Mark Bailey, Steve Falconer, Lee Merritt, Brian Ardis and Luke Storey, resulted in me being attacked in such a way that I questioned my safety; it felt like, if people knew where I lived, they would have come for me with pitchforks and torches to burn me alive. I could not believe how furious people become when you try to show them that what they are taking is rodenticide - and this isn’t even some kind of hard-to-find information, it can be easily verified by simply looking at the D-Con website or running an internet search.
At this point, I still believed Amandha Vollmer was a good person who was unknowingly selling a dangerous product disguised as a vitamin. I thought she had been tricked, just like the rest of us, and if I could just get her to look at the information, she would be quick to take action because she seemed to sincerely care about health. I posted my findings in her Telegram group and was quickly eviscerated by the mob, but the attacks didn’t end there. Next, Amandha herself called me an attention-seeking narcissist that needs to journal and get therapy… all for revealing that D3 is poison.. which is what it literally is… the only active ingredient in this famous rodenticide is vitamin D3, the inactive ingredients are sugar, fat and flour:
It seemed something more was going on here, something much deeper than good people mistakenly promoting a bad product.
My shock turned to outrage. I was outraged that trusted people were recommending their followers take rat poison when a 2-year old could take one look at this and tell you it’s something we shouldn’t be eating.
Determined to warn others, I began making videos to speak out against the supplement. I launched my own show, started my own Substack, began posting on TikTok and even made a Telegram channel.

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My mother, home from the hospital and desperate to figure out what was causing her health issues, began analyzing her daily actions. When it came time to get her morning serving of supplements from her caddy, she came to the realization that all of these issues just might be linked to her beloved vitamins, so she stopped taking them. Within a matter of weeks, her energy and health returned to 100% and stayed that way. The listlessness vanished and the emergency trips to the hospital came to an end. Thankfully, there were no lingering effects other than the decaying hip, which, unlike the baffled doctors, we now knew the cause of. Recently, while climbing a sand dune together in Mexico, she told me she feels better than she has in years, which is saying something for being almost 91 and living independently.
As time went on and I continued to research, I realized one of three things must be true:
either these influencers know the truth yet choose pride and money over the health and wellbeing of their subscribers
or they are so indoctrinated into Rockefeller's game they actually BELIEVE rat poison is somehow good for the body
or are the definition of shill; paid pharmaceutical representatives, D3 lobbyists, controlled opposition
Either way, I feel a duty to warn. And looking back, I need to thank Amandha for her attack, as it not only started an intense deep dive into the seco steroid hormone known as Vitamin D3, but it spurred me to start looking into ALL of the vitamins and supplements. And what I found, together with
, has pulled back the curtain on an industry that has bamboozled the world; an industry that is a pharmaceutical wolf in functional medicine’s sheep's clothing. Once you hear how the industry was invented, sustained, and pushed, it is as obvious as finding out government vaccines are harmful. And I thank all those that have attacked me so ferociously to keep me fired up to reveal the truth. I wouldn’t have met Agent131711, a true truth warrior whose brilliant mind can tear apart the paradigms and shine the light on truth and objective reality. The house of virus, vaccine, immune system and supplement cards is slowly falling and their reign of terror will eventually coming to an end - and until it does, we will continue to raise awareness.NEXT READ: 101 REASONS TO QUIT VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS - a compilation of a years worth of deep dives, follow by PART 4: How to Research Supplements, Food Additives, Chemicals and More (easy eginners guide). This article will show you, step by step, how you can find out what ingredients are actually in vitamins, how they are made and more. This way you will be able to perform your own research and draw your own conclusions. If you spend 10 minutes doing the research the real way and still believe the product is good, excellent! Take it! But at least be informed as to what you are putting into your body, even if the wrapper says “made from oranges” and was sold by your favorite show host. Regarding being informed,
and I need to take the next step in this war, which we feel is obtaining microscope to begin analyzing supplements. The microscope she picked out is $2,000. If you would like to help fund the war on supplements, please keep her hydratedOr a Ko-Fi:
Or become a paid subscriber to her Substack:
And make sure you subscribe to mine while you’re at it
Here is a compilation of my work as well as other authors. Mine are in bold.
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
- found a phenomenal blog post exposing the Scurvy Scam
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1
Lab Value Larceny - outstanding piece by Medicine Girl
Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements
What’s in B-Vitamins? Methylcobalamin, Biotin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin INGREDIENTS
Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier
The Great Deception: Functional Medicine's Allopathic Facade Exposed
My Vitamin-Induced Injuries: How I Became an Advocate Against Supplements
Ensure Meal Replacement Shakes: Vitaminized Hell by
WE are the Electric Grid: Turning People into Charging Stations
How Can You Ascertain How Bad Synthetic Chemicals Are for You? - Another look at MSDS
Allergies, Ulcers, and Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Meet on Common Grounds
Thank you. I grew up eating Vitamin C tablets like candy when I was a kid. Didn’t touch anything until my husband and I started our family. My OB gyn told me I had to take RX or OTC prenatal vitamins. I suffered many miscarriages that I now believe were directly related to them. Stopped and have 2 beautiful kids. But, I guess I needed to really learn my lesson because I started taking all kinds of crazy supplements from Gundry back in 2018 up until 15 months ago. In my case I started to have neuropathy in my feet that scared the crap out of me because I’m a dancer. I couldn’t figure out what it was until I happened on a article one day about how poisonous they are. Here I was, screaming from the rooftops from 2020 that Covid is a scam, germ theory is a scam and I’m downing handfuls of poison supplements daily and folks like ADV are pushing them. I do know that Alec Zeck and others have changed their opinions on this but for Amanda ( drink your pee) I think she’s a narcissist freak. Thank god i woke up to all of this, and thank YOU for speaking out !!
What a hard life we lead when we’re led by those who wish us dead.