I started this Substack to share my GeoEngineering research but that somehow involved into it becoming “that vitamin Stack” because I have spent the past year of my life researching the vitamin hoax. You see, “vitamins” are “viruses”, both come from Big Pharma, both have never been isolated, both rely on immune system theory and both of the cures (vaccines and supplements) are made with the same chemicals by the same people, in the same factories in China and India - but we have never been told any of this. If you love your supplements as much as I did, you should check out some of my posts:

And if you don’t want vitamin content, I also love to write about Untold History, GeoEngineering and other sh*t I find interesting, like purple streetlights, smart meters and more. Peep my archive.

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DISCLAIMER: Everything on this Substack is my opinion based on my interpretation of documents and supplementary information. Always do your own research an draw your own conclusions.

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I'm a researcher. Come explore uncomfortable Truths in a lighthearted way that makes them easier to digest (and sometimes even hilarious). I publish special deep dives for paid subs on the 1st and 15th, everything else is free.


I have spent many years investigating diabolical government spraying operations, geoengineering and secret human experimentation