Uvalde: The Unexplainable & Most Critical Errors of All - What You Have Never Seen (PART 6)
The craziest part yet...
This is Part 6 in the series, which is the deepest dive ever created into one of the biggest tragedies in American History; a horrifying school shooting that senselessly took the lives of 21 people, of which 19 were innocent children. If you like being an armchair detective and looking at photos, videos and timelines this is right up your alley, your mind will be blown because the unexplainable, most critical errors of all have been right in front of us all along, but nobody had pieced the puzzle together… until today.
Due to the content of this post, it must be paywalled, but my Substack is set for the lowest amount Substack will allow me to accept, which is only $5/month or $50/year. As a paid sub you will get access to this piece and all of my other paid content plus two additional paid articles per month.
Uvalde PART 2: A Huge Discovery was the Biggest Mistake of My Life
Uvalde PART 3: A Fatal Flaw in the Timeline & My Downward Spiral
The Covid Mask PSYOP: The REAL Reason for Masks IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK
PURPLE STREET LIGHTS: Manufacturer Defect or Something More More Sinister?
FEMA Red and Blue List: According to Insiders, We’re All On It
Covid is NOT What We Think! Old Documents Provide NEW Evidence
How They Keep Them QUIET: From False Flags to Chemtrails: 8 Shocking Ways to Maintain Silence
The Brooklyn Subway Shooting: Unexplainable Oddities Discovered on Videos
333 Days Before Columbine, An Identical School Shooting Took Place
The Other Columbine Before Columbine (Westside Middle School)
So meet me on the other side of this paywall and let’s dive in to some pretty mind-blowing stuff you have never seen.