COVID MASK PSYOP: The REAL Purpose of Masks is NOT WHAT YOU THINK! WEF + Bilderberg, AGENDA 2050
This is an absolute BOMBSHELL. It's really really wild, but as crazy as it is, it makes so much sense once you see it...
PSYOP: a Psychological Operation performed by the military, usually aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means. However, I would like to add to this definition, “to achieve a goal which is not in-line with the general publics consensus. The operations are carried out to shift, then control a narrative, thus resulting in actions that benefit a shadow power of sorts”.
I think we can all agree that Covid masks didn’t make sense for a number of reasons, but especially because the friggin’ box of masks flat out said that it doesn’t protect against Covid, or any virus, or contaminant, for that matter.
Despite masks not having the ability to “stop the spread” (I want to kick someone in the teeth every time I hear that phrase), they were required for everyone who wished to enter any public area. I’m not sure how bad it was in other states, but here in Detroit, Michigan, it was utter insanity. There were literal bouncers at the entry doors to grocery stores who would stop you from coming in unless you put your stupid mask on. It was a dystopian nightmare, especially for people like me, who feel very claustrophobic with something unwanted covering my face. Not to sound like a total pussy, but wearing the mask for longer than 15 minutes would give me terrible anxiety, and, like gold-casket-Saint-George-Floyd once said, “I can’t breathe”.
I think the vast majority of us would agree that this masking hoopla appeared to be nothing more than the government flexing it’s muscles; “ha, ha, I can make you wear a mask to get a loaf of bread because I’m powerful and you’re a pleb”. Meanwhile, some said it was just virtue signaling, while others argued that it was more of the typical government ignorance that we have all grown to expect. Then there’s the people who felt masking was because the masks make you sick; obviously, something that restricts oxygen and makes you huff your own Carbon Dioxide exhale all day can’t possibly have any positive health benefits. While any, or all, of that is possible, what if it was actually substantially deeper than that? What if worldwide masking is connected to an idea hatched by The World Economic Forum and Bilderberg’s? What if I told you the purpose of masks was most likely to construct the Digital ID program? You’re thinking, “WTF, that makes no sense!”… It will. I promise…
We all know whatever Covid was, it sure appeared to be a ploy that was developed years in advance. (2:16 video)
Within a month or two, I will start exposing tax-funded Pandemic Contracts for masks, PCR tests and vaccines dating back to 2015/2016, or earlier. These contracts have a “due date” of 2019-2020… the identical timeframe referenced in the video above.
The overall purpose of the pandemic appears to be assorted; Pharma makes bank, depopulation (as clearly outlined in the Deagle report), a test-run in Compliance rates, Agenda 2035, Agenda 2050, and more. There’s tons of perks for everyone except We The People, and this is where we have to look deeper because there is so much more to the story…
While we were on lockdown, small businesses were forced to close, people were labeled not important, city parks were wrapped in police tape to prevent entry, police patrolled side streets to catch people taking a walk outside their house, Walmart (who was allowed to stay open) enforced a 6-foot-distancing rule and limited patron quantity, cashiers worked behind makeshift Plexiglas walls, weddings were canceled, bans on saying goodbye to loved ones dying in nursing homes, funeral homes shuttered and schools closed… everything was brought to a screeching halt… well, not exactly everything. Do you know who didn’t miss a day of work? (Other than Walmart and Amazon, I mean): The 5G installers. Yep, it’s true, not only were they labeled essential, but they were working around the clock. Did you know tax dollars were funding this 24/7, rapid 5G install, and this install took place while we were barred from going to work? Check out how crazy this is:
WEEKS BEFORE the nationwide lockdowns hit (2020), the US government agreed to give $20.4 BILLION in GRANTS (tax dollars) for 5G to be installed via the, “Broadband Expansion Program”. Here’s a shocking video I hacked together showing 5G coverage 2 MONTHS BEFORE Covid Lockdown (Dec 2019/ Jan 2020) vs 5G coverage as of January 2022, AFTER Lockdown (30 second video)
Interestingly, the exact same occurred in Canada. Here’s Canada’s 5G coverage two months BEFORE Lockdown (2020)
Canada. 5G coverage, AFTER Lockdown, January 2022
I bet if my Canadian readers dig through their late-2020 government grants and expenditures they will find the same thing, because we all paid for our own imprisonment, without ever knowing it. And, whatever Canada does, the UK does it at the same time, and Australia likely did it before them. LOCKSTEP.
Not only were they rushing to put up 5G, but they were going to great lengths to hide it:
This one is my fav:
And don’t forget, during lockdown courts were mostly closed. This means there was no easy way to file a Cease and Desist or obtain a temporary injunction order against 5G installation… if you even noticed it, as you were locked in your home…
Here in Detroit, in addition to rushing 5G towers, they were also putting up surveillance cameras all over the place. It was pretty creepy. One day, when my state finally reopened, as I was driving home from work, everywhere I looked was a new camera. I could not find any information about it in the news. This will become important shortly.
Other than 5G being a literal scaler weapon, it is, allegedly, exactly what is needed to power the Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the New World Order for Agenda 2035 and Agenda 2050. These Agendas include transhumanism and becoming the ultimate surveillance state (I wrote a great post explaining Agenda 2050, I encourage you to check it out). In order for Agenda 2050 to be successful, we must have a cashless society where everything is based upon a completely unobtainable goal; 0 carbon emissions. The only way to make that work is through Digital Identification, and the only way to make the whole thing work is through the Social Credit Score system. The Social Credit Score program is the utmost surveillance; everything you say and do must be monitored, logged, reviewed, scored, and penalized, if need be. And, 5G is what they claim is required to run these massive AI systems and all these robots (you know, the robots that will take over our jobs and police us, those robots). Right about now you’re thinking to yourself, “I thought this article was about face masks?” - it is. I’m getting there, and trust me, it will be worth the wait.
They have had the transhuman-surveillance-state wet dream forever. Here’s Senator Joe Biden questioning John Roberts about GPS brain implants and essentially the Social Credit Score System “Brain Scans” at his Chief Justice Confirmation Hearing in 2005: (21 second video)
Just to clarify, that was the Joe Biden with the attached ear lobes. This one:
Digital ID will be connected to your bank account, your medical records, your drivers license, and every aspect of your life, but most importantly, your Social Credit Score. Without Digital ID, none of this is possible, because they need the leverage to hold against us. In China, some examples of Social Credit Score infractions include: bad driving, smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games, spending too long playing video games, wasting money on frivolous purchases, posting on social media, paying a bill late, loitering, posting fake news online (especially about false flags terrorist attacks) and whatever else the government deems to be a no-no. Goalposts can be moved at any time. Punishments include: being banned from flying on an airplane, having your pet seized, your internet intentionally slowed down or blocked, being rejected from jobs or college, “naming and public shaming”, being completely blacklisted from society, punishing your children for your misdeeds, and more.
There is a document hosted on The World Economic Forums website about the 2019 Bilderberg meeting regarding Digital Identity:
More specifically, this 2019 meeting was to discuss “the future of financial services”; a document dating back to 2015 and 2016. Attendees included PayPal, BlockChain, Citigroup, NASDAQ, National Economic Council of The White House, Agency for Digitization of the Ministry of Finance in Denmark, Open Identity Exchange (OIX), British Columbia government, and more. Google is also deeply tied into the project.
Here’s Industry Leaders and Subject Matter Experts:
Disturbingly, the WEF and Bilderberg’s refer to Digital ID as, “the RIGHT problem”.
If you read through the 108-page document, it outlines how Digital Identity will also apply to assets, meaning anything you own. This digital tracking system will work by assigning absolutely everything a number, which will be used to log Ownership History, Transaction History, Custodianship and more. In order to buy, sell or trade you will need to provide proof of identity and ownership of said asset… and all of this will be reviewed by a “third party”.
If this sounds like a ridiculously unachievable goal, they already have trackable coats and clothing, as well as a fresh produce “Traceability” system in place. Our vehicles are all tracked through the VIN Number program (all for our safety, of course).
You can see how seamlessly this will transition into the Social Credit Score. If you post about Chemtrails online, your ability to buy groceries could be restricted. If you use too much carbon, your bank account may be hit with an automatic fine withdrawal. And, Lord forbid if you are not up-to-date on your vaccinations. In my opinion, it seems like Social Security Numbers were the first attempt at this program. The Social Security number was created in 1936 for the sole purpose of tracking the earnings histories of U.S. workers, to determine their Social Security benefits. That was the one-and-only thing it was supposed to do, then, over time, it became tied to a Social Credit Score, and is now basically a requirement if you want to be part of society.
To guarantee the success of Digital ID, not only does your assigned number need to be tied to every aspect of your life, but it also needs to be completely secure, meaning, you can never get rid of it, you can never fake it, it can never be replaced with a fresh number, and, it will absolutely be required to live in society.
The original plan for Digital ID protection was fingerprints, which cell phone manufacturers have been testing for quite a while now by offering “password-free unlock” and similar options
The other idea was Facial Recognition, which has been being used for a long time now, but is quickly being ramped up. According to this shocking video, the IRS is now utilizing facial scans if you want to access tax documents through their site: (1:36 video)
… Then the Overlords had a revelation and it was a massive revelation. According to an inside source who I cannot name at this time, this revelation changed everything and is the REAL reason for masking… and as crazy as it sounds, IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE because it explains EVERYTHING. It is a giant piece of the puzzle that everyone, (including myself) somehow overlooked, but once you see it, you can never unsee it… It takes a lot to blow my mind these days, but this did it.
Unfortunately the rest of this post has to go behind a paywall. I wish it didn’t have to, but certain topics are too taboo for general public consumption with the way society is today. If you have ever had your social media accounts, blogs, websites, payment processing accounts, etc, taken from you, you understand. If you have never had anything seized, it is hard to put into words how horrible it is, especially when you invest so much time and energy into it, just to have it shut down without warning and with no appeal, and for no reason other than an anonymous individual doesn’t like what you said. The word “devastating” is an understatement. It makes a grown man cry, and they know it’s catastrophic mentally and financially, which is exactly why they do it. With that being said, I invite you to join me in this rabbit hole (until I’m banned), because it sure is fascinating. For only $5 you will get access to this post as well as my other paid content: