FEMA Red & Blue LIST: We're All on It, According to Insiders
They're making their list, checking it twice, gonna find out whose naughty or nice. Conspiracy theorists are going to caaaaamps!
Suspension of American Constitution - Oliver North (must-see 1 minute video)
While we are keeping our eyes on the WHO, the United Nations and companies like Pfizer, we often forget that we fund one of the most terrifying government entities. This agency possesses more power than the vast majority of people understand. I hope to shine a little bit of light on it today.
I have previously written four Substack posts about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):
Gov Predicts Population Drop to 100 Million in 2025 +Walmart FEMA Camps +15 Minute Cities
FEMA, GeoEngineering, Shocking Army Documents and Emergency Powers
I’ve spent months debating if I should write about the FEMA “Red and Blue List” because I like to keep my content to as much fact as possible, with as much supplemental evidence as possible, and, when it comes to the Red and Blue List, I couldn’t find anything to corroborate it… until now. With that being said, today we are going to discuss a rumor that has existed for 30 years, that was then confirmed to be true by an FBI agent and police officer. I’ll give you all the details and you can decide for yourself if it’s just a stupid Conspiracy Theory or OMG-THIS-IS-HORRIBLE!
Before we can discuss the Red and Blue list, we have to look at a super important timeline of events which are all 100% fact. I intentionally excluded anything I cannot confirm with government documents:
1980s: FEMA and the military teamed up to practice mass-arrest drills, consisting of quickly converting military bases to detainment camps while a half-million people are being rounded-up at a time. The legal framework of this program was then set into motion. All that is needed for it to go into effect is for the president to declare martial law and for a warrant to e signed-off on. (Remember back when people were rooting for Trump to declare martial law? Yeeeeah… aren’t ya glad that didn’t happen? The pendulum swings both ways, you know…)
1997: Congress (House of Representatives), Civilian Inmate Labor Camp letter states, “Enclosed is the information you requested pertaining to the Army’s policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor program and civilian prison camps on Army installations. This information has not yet been published, however it has been funded, staffed and does reflect current Army policy”.
2001: Military Police Internment / Resettlement Operations document. 3-19.40. “Resettlement” = “You’re going to move, right now, bro. Grab your shoes or we’ll grab them for you”.
2002: Attorney General John Ashcroft called for American citizens who are deemed ‘enemy combatants’ to be detained indefinitely without charge and independently of the judiciary. If you’re wondering what exactly an enemy combatant is, it is anyone who lawfully, or unlawfully, “engages in hostilities for the other side during times of conflict”. It is very open to interpretation. Does me pointing out all of the Ukraine War fakery make me an enemy? By their definition, most likely. Check out my post Military BLACK PSYOPS Documents for a quick preview of what I will be sharing in my Ukraine post, coming soon.
2003: The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with John Ashcroft.
Also 2003: (March 1, 2003), FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security, so they’re basically a branch of the military, without being labeled one. This gives them unparalleled power because they can swing both ways (kinky!).
And also in 2003: George Bush Executive Order called, “Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases” allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals” suspected to have a “communicable virus”, to stop the spread, you know:
2006: The Military Commissions Act was passed by Congress. It allows for non-citizen individuals labeled ‘enemy combatants’ to be imprisoned indefinitely and without charge. So now they can indefinitely confine citizens and non-citizens, because the government doesn’t discriminate when it comes to locking people up and throwing away the key.
2008: Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced that it had been awarded an indefinite quantity contract to construct detention facilities for the Department of Homeland Security (Remember how FEMA became part of DHS in 2003?)
2009: Bill HR 645 demands the creation of (more) new FEMA “National Emergency Centers”. According to this bill, which passed, at a minimum, six non-public, National Emergency Centers are to be established on military grounds.
Also 2009: Obama publicly tells citizens that Prolonged Detention is coming, even for those who have not yet committed a crime. The prolonged detention is for those the government suspects might commit a crime at some point in the future. Watch the video in my other Substack post because, for the life of me, I can’t find this file on my pc to upload it again here.
2010: Military / DoD Document titled “FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations” outlines the relocation (“resettlement”) of civilians to the Camps as well as the brainwashing they will undergo to “rehabilitate” their political views. Not kidding, but wish I was. If you want to see a 9-minute video, this homie goes over the document:
Also 2010: The "Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010" was introduced by demon Senator John McCain and Senator Joseph Lieberman. This Act allows the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the U.S. based on suspected activity. SUSPECTED ACTIVITY! They no longer need evidence! In a single year we went from prolonged detention for suspicious behavior to indefinite confinement without trial. That moved faster than a Lolita Express flight to Epstein Island.
2011: FEMA “Internment Specialist” Job Posting. This job is for “Counseling individual prisoners for rehabilitation.” Gosh, this sure sounds EXACTLY like what was outlined in the 2010 FM 3-39.40 document, the year prior. Sorry for the sh*tty screenshot. This thing is scrubbed harder than the US Air Forces “first footage of the stars from space” video (← also a great Substack post).
2020: ANOTHER memo about the Civilian Labor Camp Program
That’s just to give you an idea of what is going on. I should probably write a multipart series with way more detail, but in the meantime, I think we can agree, they are building out massive detainment facilities, practicing arresting 500,000 people at a time and have made it legal to detain people indefinitely based on suspicion. So now let’s discuss the list.
According to the rumor, EVERYBODY is on the list and I’m going to show you how it is divided, and what each color means…
Due to the nature of this post, it absolutely must go behind the paywall, because I would like to keep my Substack account. This account, and my shadow-banned Twitter is all I have left, they have taken literally every other account I own. Plus, I promise my paid subs two (or three) awesome articles per month, and I came in clutch! February 29th, baby! And it’s $5 a month, which is the lowest amount Substack will let me charge. I wanted to set it for $0.50, but it won’t let me. So, meet me on the other side of this wall, and let’s peep some insane info you haven’t seen elsewhere. Did I mention you get to unlock the other half of this graphic?