Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?
I mapped worldwide reports of Chemtrails during the April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse. Here's what I discovered...
I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous lines. I then scrolled a bit to see if anyone else was noticing the same; I was quite surprised at how many posts there were. I began bookmarking the posts, downloading lots of videos and logging the locations the reports were coming from so I could plot them on a map.
Today, we are first going to check out many of the posts (there are way more than I can possibly document), then I am going to provide some theories regarding why this excessive spray campaign was ran, then we will look at other interesting stuff that happened on April 8th, 2024. Let’s begin:
I did not cherry-pick locations. I tried to find as many reports as possible from as many locations as possible. I labeled them video or photo for you, because some are screenshots taken from videos.
Here’s my video, Michigan: (video: 1 minute length)
Michigan, Report #2 (photo)
Location Unknown (video: 1 minute length)
Mexico, Report #1 (video: 49 seconds)
Arkansas, Report #1 (photo)
Oklahoma, Report #1 (video: 44 seconds)
Pennsylvania (photos)
Florida, Report #1 (photos)
Location Unknown (video: 18 seconds)
Ireland (video: 38 seconds)
Location Unknown (photo)
Ohio, Report #1 (video: 5 seconds)
Location Unknown (video: 15 seconds)
Location Unknown (photos)
Indiana, Report #1 (video: 37 seconds)
New York Report #1 (photos)
The UK (photo)
Location Unknown (photo)
Indiana Report #2 (video: 40 seconds)
Indiana Report #3 (video: 22 seconds)
Mexico, Report #2 (video: 25 seconds)
Canada, My buddy MattsGottaNo lives about 3 hours past Ontario, coming from Michigan. Although there wasn’t lines in his sky (yet), we know from Congressional testimony that these brightly colored skies are from GeoEngineering, specifically Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (AKA Chemtrails) (photos)
Indiana, Report #4 (video: 39 seconds )
Ohio, Report #2 . These guys didn’t know they were reporting spraying (Two Videos: 26 seconds and 7 seconds)
8thNew York, Report #2 (photo)
Florida, Report #2 (video: 17 seconds)
France? (photo)
Location Unknown, tropical area because we see palm trees (video: 20 seconds)
Location Unknown (photo)
New York, Report #3 (photo)
Canada, Report #2 (video: 55 seconds)
Location Unknown (photos)
Indiana, Report #5 (video: 27 seconds)
Location Unknown, (photo)
Georgia, (video: 45 seconds)
New Hampshire, (photo)
Oklahoma, Report #2 (video: 49 seconds)
Rhode Island. This person had a great idea and was able to see the partial eclipse using this method: (photos)
Location Unknown, (photos)
Location Unknown, (video: 45 seconds)
Massachusetts (photo)
Tennessee, (photo)
Location Unknown (photo)
Ohio, Report #3 (video: 26 seconds)
Florida, Report #3 (photos)
Location Unknown (photo)
Ohio, Report #4 (photo)
Ohio, Report #5 (photo)
Indiana, Report #6 (photo)
Canada, Ontario, Report #3 (photo)
Location Unknown (photo)
Location Unknown (photo)
Location Unknown (photo)
New York, Report #4 (photo)
Location Unknown (photo)
Mexico, Report #3 (photo)
Ohio, Report #6 (photo)
Indiana, Report #7 (photo)
Location Unknown (photos)
Ohio, Report #7 (photos)
Location Unknown (photo)
Massachusetts, Report #2 (video: 15 seconds)
Florida, Report #4 (photos)
Ohio, Report #8 (photos)
Canada, Ontario, Report #4 (photo)
Ohio, Report #9 (photo)
Ohio, Report #10 (photo)
Arkansas, Report #2 (photo)
Location Unknown, (photo)
Florida, Report #5 (photo)
New York, Report #5 (photo)
Indiana, Report #8 (photos)
Ohio, Report #11. Photo from my friend
Which forces us to ask, is this the real reason NASA was warning people not to take photos or videos with their cell phones during the eclipse?
They claimed, if you take photos or videos during the eclipsele, your camera could be damaged… which really doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s just me. However, the warning ended up not mattering because very few bought special equipment to put over their smart phone to photograph the eclipse, and there isn’t a surge of OMG THE ECLIPSE RUINED MY PHONE posts anywhere… which kind of reinforces my belief that it doesn’t make sense.
To make things more bizarre, around two weeks before the eclipse, NASA was publishing that they were going to launch rockets into the eclipse:
Seriously, WTF? Fire rockets into the eclipse? All these people, across the nation, go to watch this thing and NASA is planning to fire rockets into it?
Then, on April 9th, they said they did launch the rockets:
Here’s the USA locations where the social media reports I logged in this post came from:
And here’s the Eclipse route:
Meanwhile, people toward the west side of the nation were reporting blue skies:
Someone on Twitter grabbed a screenshot showing the “clouds” in the USA at 3:51pm, during the Eclipse.
Here’s another one:
Then, the day after the eclipse, Oklahoma, where two reports came from, had an “Air Quality Alert”:
But the media isn’t reporting on poison air or lines covering the sky, instead they are publishing “Eclipse Sickness”, which is causing Americans “weird feelings” in addition to headaches, fatigue, changes in menstrual cycle and insomnia.
But, this is a PSYOP, and I am going to show you why.
While people are legitimately complaining of headaches and fatigue (two symptoms that also match chemical inhalation? Hmmmm…), the Daily Mail essentially fabricated the rest, which is really convenient considering that it makes people ignore the mass quantity of people legitimately reporting headache and/or fatigue because changes in women’s monthly cycles, weird feelings and insomnia make it sound like the eclipse caused everyone’s bodies to go haywire.
Here’s the PSYOP in action:
As far as weird feelings are concerned, there are zero reports of this in Daily Mail’s article. The only evidence they provide is some person asking if the upcoming eclipse is making anyone emotional:
Nobody said they feel “mentally off”, and there is no context whatsoever to accompany the sentence, “Anyone feeling emotional with the upcoming solar eclipse?”. The poster doesn’t even specify if they are feeling emotional, and even if they were, who f*cking cares?! IT’S JUST ONE POST and there isn’t even a screenshot of it!
Then the article says, “some women have shared that their menstrual cycle synched” with the eclipse. However, it wasn’t “some women”, it was literally one woman, with 0 other details:
I don’t see this post on her account, but maybe my tired eyes are overlooking it, so I will give Daily Mail the benefit of the doubt.
Then there’s Daily’s quote, “Individuals flocked to social media to share their symptoms and seek comfort that others may be experiencing similar issues”. This is the only evidence they provided, and there isn’t even a name, screen name, screenshot, link to the post, nothing!:
And once again, it’s ONE person! This is not “others said they feel mentally off”, this is not “individuals flocked”, this is not “women are experiencing”, it’s one woman, one Twitter user who allegedly has the screenname “Mc Phoenix”, and one completely unknown individual, who are experiencing random things, in addition to a plethora of people having migraines and exhaustion - but Daily didn’t focus on them. This is the perfect example of the Militaries Black PSYOPS “Dilute Tactic” in use. Say it with me kids, “Hashtag PSYOP”.
I would have been more forgiving of their article if they would have added this graphic to it:
Oh! I almost forgot to show you this: If we map out the worldwide reports on a globe earth map, it looks something like this:
Now it’s time to speculate.
Was something sprayed on April 8th? YES. We can see no spray in the morning…
Followed by heavy spray before the event:
Followed by my photo showing the chemicals settling toward the ground after the event:
Along this exact route:
Which matches this pretty damn well:
So, what was sprayed?
There are multiple theories circulating on the internet.
Many think the spraying was just to ruin the fun of the eclipse. Those of us who have been awake a little while know it's def not that.
Some people theorize that a virus (or poison) was sprayed to infect all of the people outdoors who were watching the event:
Is it possible to aerosolize poison and spray it from planes? YES. They have been doing it since the 1940s! Read my post about Merck developing aerosolized poison. In fact, they were working on time-delayed aerosolized poisons, meaning you don't get sick right away, so it is difficult to track the source of the poisoning! Yeah, that happened! Now go get your booster.
I also wrote about General Mills Cereal assisting the military with making poison sprayed from planes, as well as a piece calledWhooping Cough Chemtrails: The CIA vs The Church of Scientology (poison sprayed on Florida).
The government (military, CIA and NASA, to name a few) have a lengthy history of spraying poison, so that part of it is not up for debate. It is possible they could have sprayed poison (which is what cloud seeding flares and chemtrails are to begin with) but… is it likely they chose to be so bold that they selected the eclipse day to spray the population with a toxin so deadly that it will cause extreme illness and people will die? I'd say probably not. If everyone the eclipse path suddenly gets sick and many start dying, that's going to lead to too many questions and they already have people asking too many questions about the jabs. They have numerous other ways to infect people that do not involve us being able to see them doing it. For example, they would be way better off turning up the 5G radiation and not spraying at all, if the goal was to make people ill and blame a virus. They could also use Remote Torture to produce the identical result. They could contaminate the water supply, which Rockefeller’s Population Council began scheming in the 1960s. They have tons of stealthy methods. So, if it's not spraying a weapon, then what else could be the purpose?
If you were going to hide something in this sky, I reckon this would be a damn good way to do exactly that: (19 second video)
A lot of people felt the same, specifically on April 8th, 2024:
Interestingly, in January 2024, I published two articles. The first was called 2 Suns in the Sky: Optical Illusion or Military Operation?. In this article we looked at all kinds of evidence people have recorded, clearly showing two sources of light in the sky (and no, it isn’t lens flare, a “Sun Dog”, reflections, camera tracking, etc.). In the second part of that series, Sun Simulators Deployed Worldwide? Shocking Evidence of a Fake Sun, we looked at all kinds of crazy stuff regarding the patenting and manufacturing of new suns. Both of those pieces are worth your time, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors abd have been feeling suspicious about what has been going on around you for the past couple years. Anyway, in those pieces, it really looks like they have been practicing with their sun simulators.
As mentioned, I published those pieces in January. Ever since January, here in Michigan, our sun has been blocked. I detailed this in Gov Using Frequency to Move Clouds to Block the Sun: 2024 Arctic Freeze was Manmade, 100% Proof. No matter where the sun has been in the sky, it is always blocked by a cloud. You can literally watch them shift the clouds, using frequency (I know it sounds crazy, but read the article). All along I have wondered if the real purpose of this is to continue to hide their sun simulator testing.
So, when I heard about the upcoming Eclipse, I got a really bad feeling about it. I wondered if they were going to use this opportunity to officially swap the sun. Then, when the morning of April 8th came, and I didn’t see any spraying, I felt a sigh of relief… until I went back outside and saw the sky covered.
I guess I somehow missed the eclipse, but I’m not the only one. Oddly, most of the people I have spoken to also somehow missed it. Not only did I miss it, but I never saw a moon anywhere. Neither did this guy, or most people:
The media explained it as saying the light was shining on the moon differently and something, something, something. It really doesn’t matter. Nobody saw a moon, explain it however you would like, I don’t really care what the reason is and I don’t need to be sent links to NPR articles to learn about it. Despite not seeing the moon and somehow missing the eclipse, I wasn’t the only person who had a bad feeling. Here’s a 10 minute video. This lady caught some crazy evidence on her phone that aligns perfectly with the aforementioned articles (I don’t know if the sun-moon clip is legit, but everything else looks authentic based on my sun-sim research):
I have no idea what these are, but I see three of them, so I color-coded them with arrows:
Very strange reflections during the Eclipse: (25 second video)
“The rumbling noise”. I have also heard this lately. It’s not wind. It’s a deep noise that lasts for 15-45 minutes. The first time I heard it, I thought it was a super low airplane, but it lasted around 30 minutes. The second time it sounded like thunder, but it played the same rumble tone for over 15 minutes straight. (45 seconds)
Whatever it is, it's definitely something that is being turned on, runs, then is turned off. When it is turned off the noise instantly stops. Is anyone else hearing it? I tried recording audio but it doesn’t come out good.
Since all that was depressing, this will kind of lighten the mood: (54 second video)
If you’re looking to learn more about GeoEngineering and spraying, links to my content is below. If you like my work and appreciate all the hours I put into it:
They always 'chemtrail' the just so happened there was an eclipse that day.
This makes me think of magic tricks in a magic show. Focus all attention on one thing so that something else goes unnoticed.