Chemtrails: General Mills Cereal Developed Biological Weapons Sprayed From Planes
a Spy Balloon, a FOIA and Breakfast Cereal Manufacturer walk into a bar...
Well, it turns out General Mills, the breakfast cereal company, was deep into Biological Weapons development…
In fact, they were in so deep that they were the nation's leading developer of Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction, for real. Here’s how it went down:
GM had a lot of experience in grinding fine particles. And, as strange as this sounds, they also had a ton of experience in making spy balloons. In fact, back in the 1950’s, when they weren’t making cereal, they were making thousands of balloons for high altitude military surveillance missions. These missions included taking photos of the Soviet Union and collecting radioactive air samples.
Real photo of Count Chocula with Chemtrail Spy Balloons made by General Mills. Hey, if NASA can claim CGI is real, then I can claim this is real. Like Elon Musk once said, “You can tell it’s real because it looks so fake”, or something like that.
They were so good at making spy balloons (and Cinnamon Toast Crunch) that the military thought it would be a great idea to have them also make Weapons of Mass Destruction that could be released from their balloons because this would allow the armed forces to deeply penetrate enemy territory without requiring an aircraft overflight. And, if there’s three things that were meant go together, it’s breakfast, spying and bio war agents; sometimes you want a little pathogen with your Reese’s Puffs.
The aerial biological weapons program began under the name Weather Reconnaissance Project, which was a cover story… (me, thinking to myself: “hmmmm…. kind of like “they’re just contrails’”?). The Government Contract Number was #DA 18064 CML 2745.
Photo of the Cheerios Bee with a drum of pathogens. It’s good for your heart and might lower cholesterol.
But, within a few years the project was scrapped. You see, although the pathogen-dropping-balloon idea was a dud, the aerosol-spraying-airplane was a winner, so it was time to move on to bigger and better things. I imagine they ordered a dumpster, threw all the balloons in it then called BLM to set it on fire.
Due to General Mills ability to grind such fine powder, they were able to get aerosolized particles down to 1 micron in size. Fun Fact: Approximately 40 years later, the US Military would secretly make Anthrax, then, out of the blue, “Terrorists” began sending Anthrax-laced envelopes all over the USA. That Anthrax just so happened to be the purest and most sophisticated ever made, and, the icing on the cake of lunacy was that it was ground so fine, nobody knew who would have those capabilities. Read my post about Operation Bacchus, I promise, you’ll love it. It puts this post to shame.
General Mills would spend the next 6+ years focused on creating powdered biological agents that were aerosolized and sprayed from airplanes (but “Chemtrails are a hoax!”, they tell me)
During this same timeframe, a patent was filed by the US Navy for “powder chemtrail contrail generation” :
So, thus far, we have aerosolized micro-particles that are sprayed from planes and contain toxins in addition to a powder contrail generator patent? I know I’m just a stupid person writing stupid articles on a stupid Substack, but it sure sounds an awful lot like this, in my stupid opinion:
1962: General Mills was now also working with the Navy regarding military communications involving the ionosphere. In case you missed it; like a promiscuous woman, they were already in bed with the Army, now they’re also sleeping with the Navy. That’s a whole lotta men in uniform:
In 1977, General Mills announced that it would be selling its chemical division (you know, the one they used to make biological war agents) to Henkel. Henkel is a German company who makes Purex and All brand laundry detergent, Got2B hair care and Schwarzkopf hair dye, so when they had the opportunity to buy more chemmies, they were like “F yeah!”. Interestingly, there isn't any mention of this sale on the Wikipedia pages of General Mills or Henkel. Huh, that’s odd. There is also no mention of this on either of the company's history timelines on their own websites. All that exists regarding the sale is a tiny blurb that appeared in New York Times. It’s so small that I circled it for you, and, no, I will not pay for a NY Times membership so we can read it, but you go right ahead:
And there’s also this WikiLeaks post:
I find it fascinating that nearly everything related to General Mills history of military contracts and Weapons of Mass Destruction is so heavily censored. Anyway, let’s get back to the timeline.
Somewhere after 1977 and before 1980, GMO seeds were created as a biological weapon. There is large suspicion (I mean, massively huge suspicion) that General Mills was part of GM seed creation, which makes sense actually, because it was a DoD project and being that Mills was already in bed with both the Army and Navy, why not make it a foursome? Kinky:
I have so much more to share with you on this topic, so be sure to sub and also check out my post called Secretly Drugging Fresh Produce.
2010: GovernmentAttic finally received a response to their FOIA’s which confirmed that General Mills, was also one of the major contributors to the classified programs at the US Army’s Dugway Proving Ground. I’m starting to wonder when exactly this company made cereal. If you’re not familiar, Dugway is the morbid AF location where all kinds of super-duper horrible experiments took place. You’ll notice other famous brands on the list. Don’t worry, we will be discussing all of them in the future:
As you will see in the image above, to this day, the majority of the documents related to General Mills involvement with the Dugway are still classified, but we do know they worked on “An Airborne Integrated Weapons System for Anti-Crop Warfare", meaning killing the food supply (which sure fits with GM seeds, doesn’t it?)
Other operations conducted at Dugway included the production and testing of nerve agents such as VX and Anthrax -Pump the brakes! Anthrax, you say? Like, the purest-ever-ever Anthrax that would be sent by the Terrorists 40 years from now? I’m sure it’s just coincidence. Dugway was also used for testing radiological warfare weapons (with NASAs help, but no CGI, harnesses or Green Screens were used in these specific experiments). They also dabbled in Entomological Warfare, which means biological warfare that uses infected insects. Not surprisingly, just how Wikipedia, GM and Henkel forgot to mention the purchase of GM’s chemical division by Henkel, they all also completely left out that General Mills took the lead on Operation Big Itch, an Army Insect Warfare project in which "plague fleas were airdropped” from planes:
We will definitely be discussing the military’s love for infected insects in the near future, so be sure to drop a flea, your email address or a donation into my box:
2015-ish: People, such as Mike Adams, The Health Ranger began discovering metal shards in pretty much all brands of breakfast cereal. (I guess General Mills didn’t grind them small enough this time around. Nobody is perfect.)
2018: Bad karma or evil intent? It is discovered that General Mills cereals are likely contaminated by Monsantos glyphosate, another extreme toxin. I have so much to tell you about this topic too.
2021: Despite selling off it’s chemical division, a lawsuit shows that General Mills clearly still had access to plenty of toxins:
And that was the history of the breakfast cereal and Weapons of Mass Destruction manufacturer. Now go enjoy a bowl of Chex, just watch out for the metal shards.
Photo of whatever-that-Leprechauns-name-is, giddy over a biological attack because he works for General Mills
You can also buy me a coffee, a bowl of cereal, a 1,000-count case pack of surgeons masks for the next lockdown, whatever floats your boat. Heck, if you’re feeling super generous you could buy me a boat…
Shout out to for the awesome explosion graphic
Good work, thank you. I’d rather know the ugly truth than be in denial.
Not that anyone cares, but the merger of the state with big biz is, as defined by its creator Mussolini in his definitive, eponymous 1932 work The Doctrine of Fascism, is precisely that. Fascism. As in the National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party, aka the Nazis