Chemtrails:'s Involvement, Using Roads as Gridlines & TARGET: Neighborhoods for 30 Mins/Day
They tried to scrub it, but I dug it up...
You must understand that every diabolical thing the government (primarily military) secretly does to us is under the guise of “National Security” (Read: Chemtrails Chapter 2: History of Government Spraying Experiments). With that being said, every morbid experiment is pitched as “research” to ultimately “protect” us from something… something that only the government can protect us from, like viruses, terrorism, asteroids careening through space, ozone holes and so on. In the case of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, Also Known As Solar Radiation Management, AKA Albedo Management, AKA Albedo Modification, AKA Particle Loading, AKA Weather Modification, AKA “CHEMTRAILS”; the government claims they must protect the earth from the suns harmful rays that are destroying it. Gosh darn sun!
(Psssst! Let me whisper in your ear… “anything they tell us they plan to do, they have already been doing for at least 20 years and military operations are legally classified for 30-70, so what started in 1999 won’t be made public until, at earliest, 2030. Okay, we can go back to speaking at normal volume now…”)
The truth is, big-sun-bad is a complete lie. A lie that allows world governments to capture their countries for Agenda 21 which is Agenda 2030 which is the foundation for Agenda 2050.
“Wtf is an OFCM?”, you ask. I reply, “You’re going to want to sit down for this one”. I then go to my vehicle and retrieve a white board, dry erase markers, a fifth of Elijah Craig Small Batch whiskey, two shot glasses (of course one is for you!), a creepy George Dubbya Bush chia pet and a rolling luggage filled with documents…
I take a deep breath then begin to explain: the Office for Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (OFCM) just so happened to quietly close in 2021, because, who needs stupid Meteorology after all, let alone a whole office to Coordinate it? I assume they thought, “After 3 bottles of red wine, Nancy Pelosi could give us a more accurate weather report than what we are getting anyway, so just close it”. So, when it closed, the government documents pertaining to it began disappearing from the mainstream internet, although I was able to pull up some fascinating documents through WebHarvest. Let’s take a peek:
In the year 2000, eight years after the United Nations Agenda 21/ The Wildlands Project was agreed to, the government met to discuss "Atmospheric Dispersion". As unbelievable as it may sound, in 2001 a “Special Project” presentation was prepared titled:
“Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology”
For real, they literally named it that. You can’t make this shit up:
I know you’re hungry, but before I get into the meat and potatoes of this presentation, let me explain one thing because it’s really important: the word “model”. When you and I think of the word model, we think of something like this:
Or these:
Right? Well, this is not what model means when the government (military included) uses it. As shown on many documents, model can also mean a physical operation taking place, often called a Trial or Field Trial. Below is a 2004 document titled Overview of Joint Urban 2003: An Atmospheric Dispersion Study in Oklahoma City. This document details the models which were, “Ten intensive operation periods of 8-hours each completed during the 34-day study period where detailed meteorological, turbulence and tracer measurements were made. Sulfur hexafluoride tracer was released in downtown Oklahoma City and sampled in and around downtown and as far as four km downwind.”
Whether the Sulfur Hexafluoride they secretly released on Oklahoma was toxic or not isn’t relevant to this post. I just want to show you that model can also mean “is occurring” or “has occurred”. But if your curious mind is still wondering, here you go:
Now grab a plate so we can get to the meat-and-potatoes you came for:
The “Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology” Presentation:
During this presentation they reviewed different methods that can be used for atmospheric dispersion “modeling”:
Just so we are on the same page here, the definition of “Dispersion” is, “the action or process of distributing things over a wide area”:
Their models were based on the dispersion of “particles” into NEIGHBORHOODS for 20-30 minutes per session. They stated the agencies with the capability to accomplish this task are the Department of Energy, the Dept of Defense, the EPA and NOAA:
The screenshots below were from their slideshow which has since been so scrubbed that I cannot pull it up, but thankfully I saved these slides to my pc. In the section titled Workshop Objectives they state that they have “Started” the process:
In the “Technical Barriers” section subtitled “Neighborhood-Scale Processes” they suggest using interstate highway roads as “large line sources”, apparently, at the time, these roads were not being utilized. Here they state the Dept of Energy, EPA, FEMA and Dept of Defense have the capabilities:
In case you forgot, these slides are part of the “Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology” presentation… that’s kind of wtf on top of another wtf and served with a side of wtf… just sayin’. In the above slide, they are also concerned with “toxics”. In a different document, which we will dive into in a future post on this Substack, they appear to be hella freaked out with the EPA pollution regulations per state, because each state has different “acceptable pollution” guidelines (acceptable pollution? Is that an oxymoron?). SPOLIER ALERT: In that future document, they ended up itemizing the acceptable aerosol pollution rates in each state, which sure seems like a key to determining what chemical composition you can use to spray the skies in each state. Here’s one of their graphs from the document we are not discussing today:
In my opinion, this would also explain why, across the nation, people are finding sky-high (pun intended?) illegal levels of toxins in their rain water, which consist of Aluminum, Barium, Strontium and more, yet the pollution levels of each individual ingredient vary, per state. For example, California aluminum levels are different than those from Texas, and both are different from New Jersey or Michigan, yet all are toxic AF. It’s as if whatever is in the sky is the same, yet slightly different variations… just like the flippin’ map above.
But let’s get back to the OFCM “Special Project” meeting:
…but before we do that, pretend like you’re a chemtrail pilot and make this button your target:
And while you’re there:
As I was saying; In another section regarding “Surface Layer Transport” they reference the need for “special purpose aircraft” and “remote weather stations”:
By the way, if you read the image above, the word “mesoscale” means “an intermediate scale of weather systems and of microclimates, on which storms and other phenomena occur” …. so kinda like how they spray the heck outta the sky and the weather completely changes? Kinda like how the sun gets blocked and the temp drops by 15 degrees and the humidity plummets? Kinda like that???
They also mention the need for more hands-on scientists and future field trials:
They also wanted to share models. Kinky.
Here’s a quote from the presentation, (this is a lot of big words, and a clusterf*ck of government organizations, but it’s actually super important, so have another shot and read it like you care:)
“...the Department of Energy (DOE), dispersion modeling activities are performed within the Environmental Meteorology Program (EMP) and the Atmospheric Chemistry Program (ACP) and within the Office of Emergency Operations’ Chemical and Biological Nonproliferation Program. (CBNP). The EMP focuses on the transport of energy-related materials through the atmosphere and the ACP focuses on the chemical transformation of tropospheric energy-related materials on regional, continental, and global scales.” … if these big words sound too complex, in laymen terms, it means, “chemicals in the sky that are capable of doing big things”.
As I previously mentioned, everything related to the OFCM is quickly being scrubbed from the internet, with that being said, according to the “Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology” presentation, the web address for the Environmental Meteorology Program (“EMP”) was (what a bizarre URL! Why on earth would it have this name? Sneaky, sneaky.) Fun Fact: The name Gonzalo means “Battle”. Anyhoo, since you think I’m lying, here’s a screenshot from the presentation showing that odd URL web address:
Want to visit the Gonzalo site together? Well, we can’t. is also now also scrubbed, but you can see the history on Way Back Machine, and more specifically, you can see when it was removed from the internet. The last capture that contained data was in 2008, and now I am about to show you EXACTLY why it’s scrubbed:
If you can’t read that tiny print, here’s what it says:
“Much of the science that had been planned for the Atmospheric Chemistry Program (ACP) will, in the future, be conducted under the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Science Program. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2005, research will focus on radiative forcing of climate change by atmospheric aerosols. Please refer to the ASP web site for more information.” ( …Wait a second, “radiative”? You mean the suns rays? Well I’ll be damned, that is exactly what this word means.
So, me being me, I immediately go to but alas, that’s scrubbed too. BUT, I did find some really tricky work-arounds, so be sure to sub it like you mean it so you don’t miss out on those future posts:
Maybe you are truly believing that this meeting, “Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology” was just to protect us, or maybe simply to research already existing sky-chemmies, and that it had absolutely nothing to do with intentional release of chemicals (from air planes) into the atmosphere to “block the sun”, to save us from it’s evil rays. And maybe you think that the scrubbing is all a bunch of flukes. (Gee whiz mister, that’s a lot of coincidences!). Well ok, but before you label me some kind of gay-frogs-New-World-Order-the-WEF-is-Coming-to-get-us-conspiracy-theorist who owns stock in rolls of aluminum, let’s take a look at who attended this meeting, because the attendees list speaks volumes, right? I mean, who exactly was invited to partake in EXPLOITING our weather? Like, I wasn’t invited. Were you?:
A couple of the main attendees who sent multiple representatives include: The FAA (who oversees flights), the military (air force and the navy who has a history of spraying chemicals from the sea, usually on unknowing citizens or their own soldiers), the Johns Hopkins “SRM Group” (SRM? Does this mean Solar Radiation Management? As in using chemicals to block the sun? The same Johns Hopkins who literally offers GeoEngineering degrees?), (who oversees GeoEngineering projects, such as the current 200-year “Make Sunsets LLC" operation)…
FEMA (FEMA is literally the shit nightmares are made of), the EPA who is in charge of airplane emissions, is “Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory” who is a major advocate of GeoEngineering:
The Department of Energy, which 99.999999998% of us believe provided/provides the Coal Fly Ash Byproduct to the military for GeoEngineering:
PNL /, is Pacific Northwest Laboratory, who is also the Department of Energy and has an INDEFINATE tax-funded contract to “research” GeoEngineering, NOAAs “modeling and simulation” branch (there’s that pesky word again…modeling):
The US Air Force weather agency department, the pentagon, Dept. of Agriculture, … its a massive list. Put your Thinking Cap on; why would all of these entities need to meet to discuss “models”, at a meeting titled, “Planning to Exploit our National Investment in Weather Technology” …
The insanity is just beginning, more content below, but first:
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Excellent article. Impressive digging up old "scrubbed" info. I lived near a NOAA installation in WA. It gave me the creeps. My hillbilly ancestors had a phrase for someone or thing they thought was phony, sneaky, not working, suspect and no respect "That agency ain't noaccount a'tall." This is a frivolous comment to be sure, so I apologize. Having been aware and trying to alert others for over 20 years, I'm delighted to have this article to share. Thank you.
if they are killing the human race, plants, insects and food supply?? I just don’t understand this evilness…how are the elites going to survive this? Everything will be destroyed around them…