Chemtrails & GeoEngineering: Rip Out Forests + Make Chemical Clouds to Block the Sun
A 2008 Document that they tried to SCRUB because it shows evil, powerful people with diabolical plans to completely destroy the ecosystem... to "fight climate change"...because, yeah, that makes sense
Gee, I wonder why The Counsel on Foreign Relations scrubbed this document…
To begin, you’re probably like, “Who the F is the Council on Foreign Relations?”, to which I reply, “Well, it depends. Do you want the description that appears on Google or would you rather have me tell you that it’s an organization that is balls-deep in everything, including the United Nations?”:
That’s all you need to know. So, now that you’re aware of who the CFR is, let me tell ya about todays topic. It was at one of their workshops, (in Washington DC, of course), that more plans for GeoEngineering were discussed. Now keep in mind, this was 2008, and GeoEngineering had been going on for around 100 years, but the vast majority of GeoEngineering operations have all been performed under the military (and as of 2023, they still are, with few exceptions). The ultimate goal is to make GeoEngineering completely public so tax dollars can openly fund it, patent holders can rake in their long-awaited riches, huge government contracts can be awarded, and, most importantly, the government and media won’t have to keep trying to convince people that this is normal:
For real though, the people asking questions and researching the sky is becoming such a massive problem for the gov and the media that, after spending years investing in PSYOPS campaigns (that are specifically designed to make you believe your memory is wrong and you are not seeing what you are seeing), they are now discussing criminalizing “chemtrail” content to get people to STFU... until the programs can be made public. We will be discussing that crazy document very soon, so click it or miss it:
So as I was saying, the Counsel on Foreign Relations met in 2008 to discuss their favorite options for blocking the sun and dropping the temperature. For some strange reason, they chose to scrub this wonderful document outlining their Workshop:
However, I was able to unearth it, you can access it here, until it’s permanently scrubbed.
At this meeting, four main GeoEngineering concepts were discussed regarding Solar Radiation Management, which consists of cooling the earth by blocking the sun, as well as “reflecting it back into space”. Today we are going to discuss two of their genius ideas.
Genius Idea #1: Rip out forests and replace them with grass or… nothing at all. This concept it called, “Land Cover Modification”, and it’s the idea that trees leaves are green therefore they absorb sun (exactly as they were intended to, morons), but because they are not reflecting the sun back into space, it’s heating everything up, therefore they gotta go. We need to remove entire forests and instead plant nothing (let them be “open snow cover”) or we allow only “steppe” to grow. To give you a visual, they want to rip this out:
And convert it to this (steppe):
Have you ever been to Kansas? No? Well don’t you worry, they will bring Kansas to you.
They point out that bulldozing entire forests would be far more expensive than the other options, but, when they ran their computer simulations they were able to knock the temperature down by 5-12 degrees in July. This is fantastic news! Instead of swimming on a sunny 85 degree summer day, you can rewatch all 8 seasons of Dexter because it's 73 degrees and cloudy. Hell, maybe you'll even make your own kill room because it's just too cold and gloomy to do anything else.
So, yeah, grown adults with immense pollical power participated in a workshop to discuss leveling forests… the exact same adults who tell us we need 0 Carbon Emissions… do you know what lowers Carbon? TREES! F*CKING TREES!
And, as I have previously written, a single tree provides enough oxygen for FOUR PEOPLE for an entire day! Nature is remarkable. So, removing all the trees removes the oxygen, which removes LIFE.
Is it ironic timing that here we are, in 2023, and the trees are dying at an extinction-level pace? If you haven’t read my Substack post, Chemtrails: Trees Dying in Mass, def check it out. Kinda seems like the forests are ripping themselves out, thanks to Chemtrails. Sometimes I feel like we are living in one big insane asylum.
Genius Idea #2: We need more clouds, way more clouds. We need a sky full of nothing but clouds because, f*ck the sun. Clouds block the suns rays, so we could spam the entire sky with them and no sunlight would get through. This concept is titled, “Cloud Cover Modification”. We already know that Cloud Seeding to make rain (or snow, or hail, or fog… because sometimes the general public needs a lot of fog) is toxic AF, and is also used to block the sun, but, in addition to that, a 1992 NAS report revealed that they were considering making the manmade clouds out of sulfuric acid. And, Sulfuric Acid is what makes “Acid Rain”:
And it was right around that time that suddenly the media was reporting on Acid Rain.
Even the GeoEngineering psychopaths admit in their document that their beloved Sulfuric Acid is going to have, quote, “massive environmental impacts” due to the Acid Rain, but it doesn’t matter, because they get-off on Sulfuric Acid: (1:37 video)
MAKING CHEMICAL CLOUDS: Regardless of what chemicals you choose to make your clouds from, there’s lots of ways to make clouds. There’s mobile cloud makers that allow you to pop off massive clouds anywhere, any time: (36 second video)
Here’s older video footage I found. The description said something like, “I wanted to know where all the clouds were coming from because they were blocking all the sun on my farm, so I followed them and this is what I found”: (35 second video)
Then I did more research and found something similar: (19 second video)
Yep, trucks that create massive chemical clouds… and are killing the bees at record pace. If you’re in the mood to cry today, read my Substack Chemtrails: BEES MUST DIE. Meet Your New Mechanical Bees. …Did I mention I feel like we are living in an insane asylum?
Someone on Twitter sent me the video below. They claim that this is in a very remote area near their home in Seguin, Texas. They claim it’s just a giant machine building that cranks out clouds all day: (42 second video)
I have no way of verifying this info, but it does indeed pump out cloud, whether a byproduct of production or whether intentional, it exactly accomplishes the mission to block the sun by increasing cloud cover. And, if you read my post, “1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?”, this is literally what they were discussing doing. They wanted to have plants designed to burn large(r) amounts of sulfur that would be intentionally released into the atmosphere to block the sun. Groovy.
There are also sea-based “dispersal mechanisms” that make clouds. Here’s their original concept:
Back in 2008, the estimated capital and operating costs for the ship-cloud-making-system was approximately $1 trillion dollars over 40 years, the equivalent of a yearly cost of approximately $1 billion, they said. I think we can all agree, this is totally worth a billion a year of our tax dollars. In fact, I proudly clocked into work this morning, knowing that every hour I put in will help my government afford sun-blocking-machines.
They also stated, approximately $1.1 billion could produce a fleet of ships that could operate for 20 years, however, the costs to operate the ships were not factored in.
A newer design then came along. Unlike the flat-sided smoke stacks in the original model, these are ribbed, for her pleasure:
So, the ultimate goal was to send these things out in the oceans and have them pump out chemical clouds nonstop. It’s December 2023, and our oceans are covered in “Ship Tracks”, that also happen to do EXACTLY what their documents outline, however, just like with Chemtrails, we are supposed to believe this is completely normal.
Their next idea was boats filled with chemical drums:
This will be us:
In 2018, the University of Washington and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) got over $16 million to start “clouding” off the coast of California:
Australia started “clouding” in 2020:
Check out The Marine Cloud Brightening Project on Facebook. They have a photo of a sky full of GeoEngineered clouds blocking the sun. If that’s not a Scientific accomplishment, I don’t know what is. Hooray for darkness!
But if you really want to know what to know what endless GeoEngineered cloud-cover looks like, just go outside, if you don’t have any I will be shocked, then invite you to come visit me in Michigan. Since 2020, we get to see it nearly every day here in Detroit. Don't believe me? Here's today, December 5th, 2023:
In fact, after 12 consecutive days of no-sun in early 2023, I started a Twitter thread that was later discussed on SGT Report featuring Dane Wigington from (yes, I felt super famous and I equally felt horrible for all the times I spelled his last name Wiggington): (41 second video)
This insanity continued for months. It became so bad that my friend and I sincerely wondered if we would ever be allowed to see the sun again. Here’s my tweet from DAY #50. 50! 50 consecutive days with NO SUN!
We would end up having these same gray skies all the way until “The Chinese Spy Balloon”. On that day the sky was crystal clear. Not a single line. No fake clouds. Sunny. It was as if they knew everyone would be looking up and they wanted to make sure nobody saw this: (17 second video)
Three days later, as soon as The Spy Balloon vanished from the media, we went right back to solid gray skies. Our next clear day wouldn’t be until Good Friday (April 7), at which time they let us have morning sun. I wondered if Chemtrail pilots get the day off to repent for their sins... but no sooner than I questioned it, they sent a fleet up and we were back to darkness.
I continued to post pics daily, and got people to start looking up and counting the days without sun. Here’s a small quantity of replies from all over the United States and Europe. I encourage you to read them all, and while you do, know that this is a tiny quantity of the responses:
Even when the weather says it’s sunny, it’s not. This Twitter user nailed it:
In a prior post, I shared with you that I located historical weather data for Detroit, Michigan and what I found was horrifying. I’m going off memory here, but it was something like this: Back in 2010-2012, we would get approximately 15 days of full sun per every 60 days. By 2015, that quantity dropped to 12, then to 9, then to 5 and now we are at 1 TO 2! Yes, we receive only 1 to 2 days of FULL SUN per every TWO MONTHS. This means, in a full year, we now only receive 6 to 12 total days of full sun! And even on those days, there's a very visible haze covering the sun, resulting in substantially less heat and light coming through.
This insanity is causing total chaos in Michigan. Our trees are dying like never before. Plants that need FULL SUN are getting powder mildew in JUNE (because powder mildew loves darkness). Crops are under-producing. Trees and bushes, such as lilacs, are now completely covered in lichen:
In fact, the lack of sun in Detroit has become so bad that we had to buy a grow light for our windowsill plants, which is utter insanity in itself. I now have a friggin’ growlight hanging in my window…the same window which plants have sat in for 15 years. Imagine that.
Insects, such as bees, use the sun as a compass. Combine the lack of sun + chemtrails + 5G EMF and you end up with “Colony Collapse Disorder”, which was first reported in 2006. This means the bees completely abandoned their hive, therefore abandoning their queen and the eggs.
The ONLY WAY people can get REAL Vitamin D is from the sun. It can not come from a chemical in a bottle. There is no chemical that is the same as sun. BTW, Big Pharma makes “vitamins”, which is a huge rabbit hole that we will be discussing soon.
No sun literally means DEATH, exactly as planned. #Agenda2050.
PS: This upcoming Thursdays post is fairly humorous, if you're in the mood to laugh. It's called “The Secret Military Mosquito Factory”. Stay tuned.
Or how about this one?
Or check this one out:
This is everything I looked at to write this article. I don't end up using all of the Sources, but I leave them here, in case someone else is doing similar research and can use them:
2010 - has 2050 agenda aviation
D. Keith, "Geoengineering the Climate: History and prospect," Annu. Rev. Energy Environ., 25, 245-284, 2000. 2. P. J. Crutzen, "Albedo Enhancement By Stratospheric Sulfur Injections: A contribution to resolve a policy dilemma?" Climatic Change, 77, 211-219, 2006. 3. National Academy of Sciences, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, adaptation, and the science base, National Academy Press. See Chapter 28 and Appendix Q, 1992. 4. E. Teller, L. Wood and R. Hyde, "Global Warming and Ice Ages: Prospects for physics based modulation of global change," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Report UCRL-JC-128715, 18pp., August 15, 1997. 5. H. D. Matthews and K. Caldeira, "Transient Climate-carbon Simulations of Planetary Geoengineering," PNAS, 104, 9949-9954, 2007. 6. Orr et al., "Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification Over the Twenty-first Century and Its Impact of Calcifying Organisms," Nature, 437, 681-686. 7. T. Schelling, "The Economic Diplomacy of Geoengineering," Climatic Change, 33, 303-307,1996. 8. D.G. Victor, "On the Regulation of Geoengineering," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, in press. 9. S. Barrett, “The Incredible Economics of Geoengineering,” Environmental Resource and Economics, 39, 45-54, 2007. 10. D. Bodansky, “May we engineer the climate?,” Climatic Change, 33, 309- 321,1996. 11. J. R. Fleming, “The pathological history of weather and climate modification: Three cycles of promise and hype,” Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 37, 3-25, 2007. 12. American Association for the Advancement of Science, “Should We Study Geoengineering? A Science Magazine Panel Discussion,” Science Online,;318/5853/1054/DC1.
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Image by <a href="">Freepik</a>
<a href="">Image by brgfx</a> on Freepik
To top it off, UV (ultraviolet) actually protects us from cancer via melanin:
The root of all this evil is people's ignorance, facilitated by the media.
My question is: where are all the rich and powerful people that love trees?
The ideas of this minority don't concern me. What concerns me are the billions who will blindly go along with this.
I should jump on a horse and ride through town screaming, "The sun blockers are coming, the sun blockers are coming." That should work, right?
Thanks for the information and the download.