Many people asked for my thoughts on this topic so here it is:
I have spent a total of 15 minutes looking at what people are sharing about CrowdStrike, the Clintons, Microsoft…
…then I stopped looking because I feel like we are missing the bigger picture, which is how they did it - and this is pretty gosh darn important.
Here are the areas of outage in the US:
Areas experiencing internet outages worldwide (I took this screenshot on July 19th, during the outage):
Could Microsoft have sent something to zap computers in specific areas to knock out their ability to access the internet? I suppose anything is possible, but let’s look a little deeper…
To understand the gravity of this, you first have to understand that everything is a lie, including the internet. Internet doesn’t come from cartoon satellites (Read The Satellite Hoax Part 1 and 2)
There is zero evidence of any cartoon being in “space”. And being that the only images we have ever been shown of space and all the sh*t they claim to be in it are all CGI, Photoshop and trick photography, you can sleep well tonight knowing this art isn’t going to fall out of the sky and smash into your roof:
In fact, in the entire history of sh*t allegedly in space, do you know how many times any of this crap has fallen out of space and hit a bridge, house, skyscraper, airplane, child on a swing set or even Mount Everest?
Zero. The answer is Zero, not once or twice, never. Do you know why? Because a computer generated graphic can’t fall out of the atmosphere. It really is that simple. Internet does not come from anything in outer space and it never has. It has been brought up in Congress, FFS. I again refer you to The Satellite Hoax Part 1 and 2 and you should read How to Fake Space and Freemasons in Space while you’re at it.
Internet also doesn’t originate from whatever these things are, which we are being told are “5g Towers” for internet:
5G means 5th Generation. Because everything is a lie on top of a lie that is smothered in fib and served with a side of hoax, a 5th Generation tower doesn’t mean faster internet speeds so your kid can play Minecraft or stream the newest propaganda on Disney Plus faster. What it actually means is that the tower cranks out a massive array of frequencies. Because it’s the 5th Gen, it can produce all of the 2nd Gen (2G), 3rd Gen (3G) and 4th Gen (4G) frequencies in addition to frequencies that are so low they could scan a RFID tag…
…as well as frequencies as high as 300 GHz which is a literal weapon. (Read: 5G Tower Panel Info BLOCKED - a NEW Use for 5G Towers and What if They’re NOT 5G Towers? The Untold Story of the GWEN Towers, a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP - clearly, you have a lot of reading to do today.)
The truth is, as crazy as it sounds, internet actually comes from the ocean. It comes from submarine cables and everything relies on them.
Here’s a cool interactive map you can use to see each cable.
Here’s the Trans-Pacific Express Cable, look who owns it:
Does that say AT&T and Verizon? It sure does! Closeup for cell phone readers:
How about the SAFE Cable? Who owns this massive beast? Oh, look, AT&T and Verizon:
Does this cable say it is part of the “Global Cloud”?
Who woulda thought “The Cloud” was at the bottom of the ocean? And all this time we’ve been looking up to the sky thinking it must be sharing space with Jesus and the angels, silly us.
Here’s one owned by Google called FASTER:
Per the image above, Time dotCom shares ownership of this cable. Waaaaait a second, aren’t they a Military PSYOP partner? I think I remember typing their name in MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More, but I could be wrong. You remember that article, right? The one with this:
Let’s look at the area that was hit the worst by the outage, New York. There are a ton of cables running to this area. In fact, it is a main hub of cables in the USA:
I see Google owns another one that goes to NY called Grace Hopper Cable:
And look what it is used for:
What other cables do we have coming into NY and the general area? I see the Havfrue/AEC-2, owned by Google and Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Zuckerberg / CIA)
Here’s another called the Amitie and guess who owns this? Go ahead, guess…
And what do these cables do? Lets check out one of the cable suppliers websites. Here is one of the cables SubSea Cable Services owns:
If we visit their website we can see what they have to offer on their Products page:
Look at this cable:
That cable is the EXA North and South, owned by EXA Infrastructure. Let’s check out their website:
Let’s take a peek at all of the submarine cables owned by EXA:
Folks, that is one companies submarine cable system. Smack my ass and call me Alex Jones, but if they did something with the submarine cables, which is where internet actually comes from, that sure would cause a massive outage, now wouldn’t it? And if they did something using the cables, that is not a Microsoft thing, nor a Crowdstrike thing or a Clinton thing, that is likely a military operation thing. That in itself is something to examine because, if you read my exceptionally-informative-and-pretty-damn-amazing piece, Military Causing Blackouts Dropping Chaff, you already know some utterly insane sh*t has been in the works for many decades and we are marching toward the grand finale. Here’s a screenshot from that piece:
Cyber attack, you say? Didn’t the media rush out to assure us this wasn’t a hack or cyberattack, while simultaneously the Crowdstrike content began being parroted all over the internet?
…When the military runs an operation, a cover story will be provided… Did you forget to take out the trash or is that a PSYOP I smell?
Pause that line of thought. Let’s switch to FEMA NLE 2024.
THE 2024 NLE
FEMA falls under the Department of Homeland Security. DHS is partnered with the DOD and military. FEMA is an unofficial branch of the military, which gives it military powers without having to follow military rules. It is an entity that has been granted powers that are unfathomable to most citizens. It can straddle the fence and play the good-government-we’re-here-to-help role then flip and play the military role, making it one of the most dangerous entities. It’s like those gender-fluid pan-sexual tranny’s that get to be a boy on Monday, a girl on Tuesday and a fig tree on Wednesday. It’s like those things, but dangerous. Not because it might fondle your daughter in a bathroom but because it wants to murder your pet and put you in a camp, and it has the power to do both, while using whatever bathroom it damn well pleases. (Read: The FEMA Red & Blue List: We’re All on It According to an Insiders)
In October 2023, I published an article called FEMA: California Fault Line Break Drills - CAPSTONE Exercises. If you’re not familiar with FEMA National Level Exercises (NLE, formerly called CAPSTONE drills), FEMA runs large-scale hyper-realistic (secret) dills for preparedness:
These secret NLEs run for two consecutive years. A new secret drill is assigned biannually. Ironically, it seems that the same years they practice their drills, the same sh*t they are practicing happens IRL, but I’m sure it’s coincidence. Here is the last paragraph from that article I wrote:
Yep, 2024 is the year a new secret drill began. I did some light digging and thus far, the 2024 NLE info has not been made public and it’s almost August… the drill timeclock goes tick… tick.. tick...
Pretend you are riding with me in a Dodge Viper because we are about to shift gears again:
I’ve been on this mission to figure out what is going on with this pulsing. I changed my sleep schedule so I can wake up at 3am and monitor it for myself (if that’s not dedication to journalism, what is? Yes, my spouse does think I am losing my mind). I’ve been screen recording the pulsing in the early-morning hours daily, and I threw together little video clips I took to show you right before the outage, during the outage and July 20th, 2024: (2 minute video)
Is this related? No clue, but it sure would be interesting if that FEMA drill was an EMF attack… EMF which the 5th Generation Towers produce… Or perhaps the FEMA drill relates to those submarine internet cables, which are owned by Homeland Security partners, such as GOOGLE. Or maybe it’s both, unfortunately, only God and George Soros know. (1:15 video)
Lastly, I thought I would throw this in here because it’s amusing. On July 19th, the day of the heart of the internet outage chaos, the spray planes couldn’t, or chose not to, perform their duties, so while there were some planes in the sky, this was our view in Detroit, Michigan: (14 second video)
Quite different from this, which we are told is normal because all planes leave contrails and you are a conspiracy theorist for questioning it. (1 minute video)
They also couldn’t, or didn’t, use frequency to move the clouds to block the sun: (1:23 video)
I wrote a banger of an article on this topic too. Here’s a little 2-minute video I made that is part of that piece showing the 2024 Arctic Freeze was manmade (sorry for misspelling Cincinnati):
Despite the clear day on the 19th, July 20th, 2024, sunrise was back to normal. Normal meaning blocked by chemical clouds using frequency:
I woke up at 3:30am on July 21st and went outside to analyze the sky and check the pulsing and discovered they were still spraying. Additionally, I was not expecting to find this in the west: (27 second video. About half way through the screen will be black for a second. That is how dark the sky was at 3:30am. The only reason it looks visible in the rest of the video is because I zoomed in.)
Screenshot from video:
What is it? It looks exactly like the sun when it sets, but It sure isn’t the sun at 3:30am and it isn’t the moon. This again raises the question of if sun simulators are being tested. (Read: Shocking Evidence of Sun Simulators Being Deployed Worldwide)
Anyway, I thought you would be amused by that as well. In closing, I suspect the Microsoft, Crowdstrike, Clinton stuff is a distraction from what is actually going on here, which is that someone easily cut off access to the internet in targeted locations in the USA and worldwide. The keyword here is targeted. This was not a nationwide outage or a worldwide outage as the media is spinning it. The media wants you to believe everyone’s internet went down and that is far from the truth.
In theory, could the 5G towers be being used to spread the internet signal further? I guess. But if that’s what they’re doing then why is the panel ownership information blocked? Who has the ability to block information that should be public? The military. All roads seem to lead back to the military, in my opinion. I am standing firm that something more is going on here and it is much bigger than Bill Gates and the Clintons. Let me know your thoughts below, but first:
SubCom is who installs most of the submarine cables:
Submarine cable map:
Another excellent deep dive and analysis! Thank you.
I love your sentiment: " Because everything is a lie on top of a lie that is smothered in fib and served with a side of hoax...." Yes, indeed.
Nice point about lack of chemtrails. I'm just south of Chicago and was admiring the natural clouds and blue sky during the "outage". Didn't think about them being related. Thanks.