Another excellent deep dive and analysis! Thank you.

I love your sentiment: " Because everything is a lie on top of a lie that is smothered in fib and served with a side of hoax...." Yes, indeed.

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We’ve been served quite a nefarious & manipulative cocktail haven’t we.

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Nice point about lack of chemtrails. I'm just south of Chicago and was admiring the natural clouds and blue sky during the "outage". Didn't think about them being related. Thanks.

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I live in Bavaria and even though we usually have trails and frequency clouds forming into a thick grey cloudcover every day, two days in the last month the sky was totally clear. One day was last friday - 7/19 and the other a couple of weeks before.

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I only had time to skim this post this morning. I'll go through it again but I do want to mention than the Internet backbone is a cable network, not satellites, and while you have detailed the intercontinental aspect of it, we in the US primarily use our land-based network. Searching for "Internet backbone" will return results that, for me, proved to be generally accurate. One example can be found at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-the-internet-backbone

I use a portion of the backbone day-to-day in my work, although primarily to onboard to Microsoft's internal network, via the Sacramento-to-San Jose route. I also located the Microsoft cloud-based portion of my development resources there, for speed. When customers have access problems, I use VPN into their regions to see if something unusual might be going on, but it's rare that there is.

My client's servers are located on the east coast, but response time is only slightly slower. But then I am going through Microsoft's network, not the backbone, for the most part. At no time are satellite networks involved. Whatever satellites might be, those links are much slower. By any path, however, the ocean is not involved.

Microsoft had its own outage at the same time the other stuff was going on, but it involved Azure DevOps, a tool that I normally use throughout the day, but that most people would never have heard of. It was out that day, and it was out totally -- globally. Fortunately, the critical data that I use (my source code) is also cached and backed up locally, and the outage only affected communications with my client, so we used a different tool that remained up the whole time.

There were also service disruptions that day with Microsoft 365, although relatively minor. I don't know what else might have been down of theirs -- I had work to do!

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Thank you for this clear concise comment. Fantastic. I’d really love to chat w you sometime. Please let me know if that’d be possible, and how.

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You're welcome. First check out my later full reply. I don't know how clear it is, but at least it's long. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/worldwide-internet-outage-truth-bombs/comment/62835020

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I lived in sac for yrs. I miss what it was. I just about avoid all the big cities now. And we’ve also now left Cali. I’d still really love to chat w you. Even more now. I want to pick your brain a bit.

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OK, but my brain is on the verge of exploding right now with software problems unrelated to CrowdStrike. I'm not sure about the app, but on the Substack website you can go to Chat, select the Direct tab, and click the "new" icon at the top (or whatever it's meant to be called), to see who accepts direct chats. I see you on the list there so I'll send you one, but I may not reply right away. This problem I am working on is quite the mess.

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Chevron ruling applies to FEMA, too.

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Extremely interesting. My teeth are aching and my ears are ringing as we speak. Due to some bizarre personal experiences, I was doing some of my own digging yesterday. If you have not, I would highly recommend checking out "The Matrix Deciphered" by Dr. Robert Duncan. It is a bit of a messy read but thanks to your articles I was able to make connections with the GWEN towers and he seems a bit obsessed with The Tempest by Shakespeare....

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Not the worst obsession in the world 😁

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Thank you - You explained why one of my root-canalled teeth (which means effectively a dead tooth) has been intermittently aching these past couple of weeks. This, on top of escalated tinnitus.

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Thanks for mentioning your teeth aching and ears ringing, Noah. I really thought I was the only one who can feel the frequencies being zapped at us in my teeth. I’ve been able to hear them for years leaving my ears ringing but this teeth thing is new. We are lucky to live very far off the grid in an area with no cell signal and at least 50 miles to the closest 5g tower. But, I’ve noticed that the times when we need to take a trip to ‘the city’ lately that they have been turning up the intensity from these towers. We had to take a trip Saturday and my teeth were aching all day yesterday. I have never met anyone else who had this reaction! Until Saturday my husband never expierenced the ear ringing and didn’t understand what I meant when I said I could hear the signals being pulsed at us. But even he could feel and ear them Saturday. We spent the whole day recovering yesterday feeling wiped out. You know that feeling you get when you bump your head really hard? Brain fog, headache, ears ringing, teeth aching and feeling drained… yeah that’s how we felt yesterday. I am certain they are turning up the intensity pulsing from the towers and am glad to be home where they can’t reach us.

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I'm glad you're able to get away and live so far! I'm not sure what the range on these things are, but in my case it doesn't matter as I live between two ominous arrays (complete with circling vultures who rest on them) and once 7pm hits my mood is significantly affected and my energy drops. It is definitely a challenge to keep going on and sleeping is becoming a chore. The radiation decreases around sunrise and I actually exclaimed this morning because I felt so much relief. This became a noticeable intense cycle after the whole Trump spectacle. I do not want to reveal what they are used for or what I have experienced as a result because I do not want to put a target on my back, but I would highly recommend the book as I can corroborate what the author is describing from almost a decade's worth of experience although as I am much younger the tech I've experienced is different and we have been conditioned to think certain experiences are something else all together. At the very least it adds some kind of spice to life... I suppose every chemtrail has a silver lining!

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Thank you for the book recommendation. I found an online pdf and am reading it now. Sucks you have to be constantly bombarded with the signals. It would drive me mad. Literally. I can feel my patience slipping and my aggravation rising when I’m being zapped. You should try to find a place with no signals (cell or wifi) and try to reset. Get your bare feet on the earth to recharge your cells. It sounds hooey but it works. These signals f with the electrical charge in our cells. Each cell is like a battery with a positive and negative charge. The signals knock everything all out of wack causing the cells to become free radicals. Toss in the non stop poisoning of our skies and the toxins added to the foods and our entire body becomes toxic.

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For sure, at the very least being at the heart of the madness is a very intense kick in the pants to discover as many methods of combating it as possible. I don't think there's anything hooey about grounding methods, we are electrical conductors and thankfully our ancestors knew that and had many methods for correcting our currents and shielding from unwanted assault. We need to use the whole arsenal, alkaline diet, meditation etc. I have found that heavy pure tone binaural beats work wonders paired with energetic shielding exercises. It does seem important that any kind of "binaural beat" recording used is truly binaural and utilizes very low frequencies and white noise (there's a lot of crap on Spotify that has zero tangible effect, I would recommend seeking out more professional recordings). The relief is tangible, hopefully that helps anyone else struggling with this!

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Have you tried boiling vinegar to evaporate chemclouds? I heard about it on Crrow777radio.com. He has been doing it for a long time because he works on projects where he needs to use a telescope to video record the sun and the moon. He's by no means a crackpot. I bought some 30% vinegar at Home Depot and used my Coleman camp stove to boil a large pot on a chemclouded day in Southern Nevada. Sure enough, within an hour holes opened up in the sky above me and grew. It was about a year ago. Unfortunately, I have ADD, disguised as the insatiable need to consume information, and never did it again.

As an aside. If you have any interest in what the sun and moon are, buying a one month membership to Crrow777radio just to watch the lunar wave videos (also available on YouTube), UAPs transiting the moon, and his new solar videos is well worth it.

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deletedJul 22
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Use essence of vinegar with water.

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deletedJul 27
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Essence of Vinegar has 25 - 80% acidic vinegar. So it's more potent to beginn with.

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deletedJul 30
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The 25% version is very popular in Germany. You can use it for cleaning without chemicals. Theoretically it is edible, when diluted, but here I definitely prefer apple vinegar.


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I will never forget when Obama announced on TV that he was handing over control of the World Wide Net to the UN....My brain said, wait a minute, that's the military. The world police that is linked to NATO, WEF, WHO, Pentagon, NSA etc... not good...the next time will be the digital money and all control over everything we do..every second of the day..

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These towers need to go….

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Glad when I saw the email from you covering this topic - I know of no one out there who is a better "discerner of what could really be going on" than you. And, you do it with mixed with such darned funny humor.... P.S. I am a good friend of Astrid, and we regularly discuss your articles. :)

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I'm doing my unhurried read-through now, and noting anything that stands out from a technical standpoint. The Internet has been the focus of my work for the past 16 years, and I've been using it for 30 years. Transatlantic connections could be terribly slow in the earlier years, and I saw them then as a curiosity. They're better now for the public Internet, and I'm sure they are much better for private networks, as long as a cable doesn't break or get chopped. But Internet coming from the ocean? You've lost me there.

The detailed outage reports that I saw on July 19 all involved Windows and the "blue screen of death", which is displayed when a kernel fault occurs. The kernel is the portion of the operating system (Windows) that runs in kernel mode, which is without instruction protection. It can do what it pleases, and when it crashes, you are down. If you reboot after a kernel fault and it faults again, with no opportunity for entering safe mode, you're really down.

I have different non-CrowdStrike software myself that does similar things to what CrowdStrike is supposed to do, when not crashing, but I was not affected. It could happen, but as a developer and sysadmin I have quite a few recovery options. This was not the case for most people whose PCs crashed. Which reminds me, time to take image backups.

CrowdStrike was plugged into the Windows kernel, and took it down. I read that recovery was possible once the company pushed a fix, but not all customers were configured to automatically install the fix. Some may have been able to get into safe mode and recover manually -- I don't remember. Others might just have been stuck. It was a workday for me, and I could only take so long to read the reports.

I've not done kernel-level work on Windows, but I have done it in the past on Microdata 1600 microcomputers, CDC Cyber 170 mainframes, and non-Windows Intel architecture systems. This all makes simple sense to me. I sometimes dream about kernel code.

As to whether the fault was introduced accidentally or deliberately, and whether it was selective or if it affected everybody that installed the update, I couldn't say. I don't have any evidence one way or the other. Phased rollouts would not be unusual, in which case what we saw might have been the result of the first phase. I must say, it is extremely peculiar that such a gross and visually obvious bug would somehow accidentally slip through QA, unless it only affected certain specific customer configurations. That could be another reason it hit some places and not others, if in fact that is what transpired.

But again, kernel code does have the potential to do as it pleases within the limits of possibility, including installing "special" code (e.g. unrestricted spyware), or taking out the OS, or whatever. It can do a decent job of hiding what it has done, too. These possibilities have not gone unnoticed by clandestine operations.

To bring about what happened by interfering with cable traffic, on land or in the sea, would be doing things the hard way. Really difficult. It would make more sense to hack CrowdStrike, the company, or infiltrate it and do an inside job. Or work with management there that was already all for what you were doing. Consider the name of the company.

I'm not sure what you are seeing with "pulsing", but planned network downtime in the wee hours would not be surprising -- that's when maintenance is done. The network is redundant, and outages do not necessarily mean no service. Slowdowns, possibly, and especially if the outage is not planned. If things are going down during high-traffic times (depending on where in the world it is), that's different.

If you're looking at traffic levels rather than downtime, pulsing would not be surprising, but it might be difficult to identify what it is. When traffic levels are high, re-routing would be expected. I don't know what that would look like with whatever tool you are using.

Here's a local mystery, local being Sacramento County, California. I haven't seen any spray trails in many weeks, but the sky is always full of the crud that they deliver. Is it so full now that they don't need to spray, or are they "refreshing" it a different way that doesn't involve the trails, or are they doing it above cloud cover? I don't know. Many people are having breathing difficulties, as were our cats who are no more (one or both may have died from it). That much hasn't changed, and people still think it's "allergies".

The last time I said anything to anyone about there not being any spraying for a long time, it returned the next day. I'll have to watch and see if that happens again. (I just checked; no sign of it so far.)

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"Consider the name" always. In plain sight. they tell us.

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deletedJul 22·edited Jul 22
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Substack appears to have frequent transient failures of one kind or another.

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CrowdStrike strikes again, maybe.

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I think Substack uses something else for their site. What I have been reading about CrowdStrike is that it provides defense for PCs. Their website is full of bragging, buzzwords, and acronyms and I'm not entirely sure what they do.

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Miz Hillary Clinton tapped some of their skills, back in 2016. That should serve us as a warning.

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Yes, some of us can remember that far back, and farther.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Israel now controls the world's cyber security. Watch Netenyahu boast about it in this video ( from 11min50seconds). This first video is from 2019 and their control has grown since then. This is extremely significant as any large, so-called cyber attack would have to be done by them or with their cooperation. The second video is more recent.



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Im in Scotland Uk and my internet was fine, so it certainly wasn’t everyone…. Good article 🙏🏼💕

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I didn't notice anything myself, either. Only that is was all over the news. I live in Germany.

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That was probably a full moon setting at 3:30am last night. Pollution causing that color?

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deletedJul 22
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No I definitely noticed it as well. Sometimes I can see the moon in bright daylight, from around 4 pm summer time.

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I found this on the FEMA Website:

NLE 2024 will examine the impact of a large hurricane on the Hawaiian Islands. Furthermore, NLE 2024 will include cyber-attacks in Guam further complicating supply chain issues caused by the damage to Honolulu Harbor. To do so, the exercise will include activities that examine plans and core capabilities within the Mitigation, Response, and Recovery mission areas.

NLE 2024 Objectives

Four national-level objectives guide the development of the exercise and serve as the structure for evaluation of NLE 2024.

Climate Change Implications for National Security

Information Sharing

Response and Stabilization

Intermediate and Long-Term Recovery

NLE 2024 Evaluation

It's climate change AND a cyber attack 😂😉

Good article!


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What exactly is "pulsing"? If it's radio energy of some sort, what are the frequencies you've observed?

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