Are Satellites a Hoax? The Truth is Stranger than Fiction 🛰️ PART 1
A true story of how NASA, the CIA and Santa Claus pulled off the unthinkable. (Yes, Santa Claus, because when it comes to the government, the truth really is stranger than fiction...)
I have received a lot of requests to write about the shape of earth, but there’s so much incredible content on the topic that I would rather investigate something that hasn’t been researched in depth. With that being said, I chose to look into Satellites. Although there is Satellite content out there, it is scattered across the internet; some articles here, some Bitchute videos there, a couple podcasts on Rumble, a bunch of short Twitter and TikTok videos, and whatever Youtube content didn’t get scrubbed (yet), so it made more sense to dig deeper then condense it all into an article. However, as I began researching, I noticed that names, places and dates I had already written about, in completely nonrelated articles, kept appearing. I realized Satellites overlap with my prior articles about chemical warfare, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050, Military Black PSYOPS, crazy CIA stuff and even The Dinosaur Hoax! The more I looked, the more I found, which turned what would have been one article, into a series.
If you haven’t yet read my series How Fake is NASA?, you really should start there, because in 4 parts, I lay out a ton of information that you likely have not seen elsewhere. That article is the foundation for this satellite series. Assuming you have read that, let’s get into today’s article.
In order to investigate anything, we have to begin without assumptions. Let’s say we are investigating dinosaurs, we cannot start with the assumption that this is real:
We have to start at the beginning and ask, “How did we determine there is such thing as dinosaur bones?”. Then we compile historical evidence, we look at what was actually excavated from the ground and this eventually leads to a conclusion; a conclusion not based on assumptions, but based on the evidence that was gathered. The collusion might be that everything appears fully legit, or it could be, “WTF have we been taught our whole lives?”… Sadly, I have been noticing that the latter seems to be the end result of most all investigations.
The foundation for our investigation must be laid in two steps. First, we must first define what we are researching and second, we must unroll how that was determined; how it came to be. If you are researching Yellow Fever Virus, you first need to know what they claim a virus is, then you need to know how Yellow Fever Virus was determined. Regarding Satellites, this means we must first ask:
… and when it is difficult to get a thorough answer regarding what something is, as a researcher, that immediately sends up red flags...
You see, if I want to look at photographs of “giraffe in zoo”, I can, instantly. I don’t even need to add the word “photo” to the search box to access thousands of them:
If I want pictures of food on a table, Google knew exactly what I was looking for even though I only typed “food on a table”:
If I image search “airplane in sky”, I receive an incredible photography assortment:
Even if I Image Search “shoe on sidewalk”, I am shown a plethora of photographs of shoes, and guess where they are? They’re on sidewalks…
As you can see, Google automatically shows photographs of giraffe in zoo, airplane in sky and shoe on sidewalk, so if I want to see a cartoon shoe on a sidewalk, I have to add the word “cartoon” to my search:
And if I want to see illustrations or paintings of shoe on sidewalk, I need to add the word “art” to my search:
Now here’s the perplexing part: if I want to see a photo of a “satellite in space”, I am only provided with illustrations and computer generated graphics…
Even if I am more specific and type, “Photograph of Satellite in Space”, I am shown the same artists renderings and ”images” (Images! NOT photographs!):
Which might lead one to assume that satellites are cartoons, because that is what we are shown…
Or we assume Satellites are not cartoons and they actually are floating around up there. This means, we must assume that there must be some legitimate reason that we cannot see photographs of them in action, right?
What could that reason be? Perhaps it is more cost effective for NASA to pay their team of graphic designers to create the art than to have a satellite take a photo of another satellite? NASAs $25 BILLION dollar budget only stretches so far, you know? Maybe if they got $40 billion a year we could get one photograph? Maybe?
Or maybe it’s because there’s only around 10,000 or so satellites in orbit, so perhaps there just isn’t enough to have one take a photo of another?
You may think that possibly, just one time, a satellite would accidentally take an actual photo of another satellite as they cross paths, but that is not the case because…
Satellites also somehow manage to avoid airplanes getting in the photos…
Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but you would think these planes would be a major headache for the satellites, wouldn’t you? Isn’t this approximately the height satellites are at?
I know someone is going to say, “You didn’t zoom in enough!”, so ok, here you go:
Even if we search for “Satellite photo of airport”, there are still no planes in the photo:
Los Angeles International Airport:
Charles de Gaulle Airport
Charlotte Airport
Here’s a photo, taken by the International Space Station showing the Las Vegas strip and airport! And that’s a super busy airport… yet not a single plane…
ISS Boston Airport:
ISS photo of Libya Airport
There’s just no planes… anywhere, yet the live flight tracker site shows tons, everywhere. Heck, they tell us the reason our skies look like Tic Tac Toe grids is because of “the increase in air traffic”, right? (58 second video)
And how is NASA getting such a clear view to the ground when my Michigan sky is a cloudy chemical mess? Let’s ignore the clear-view-photo-topic and get back to asking, “where are the planes?”. Here are other photos taken from satellites in outer space. Let’s count the airplanes together:
Zero, but I can see a couple boats. How do we see boats but no planes?
Zilch planes. And even though the CGI cartoon depiction shows the satellite way up there:
There’s also no space junk, rockets, meteors, stars, space ships, the ISS, other satellites, or anything else that we are told is floating around up there. Nothing interferes with the photography of earth. It’s quite amazing!
Even though we cannot see a real photograph of a satellite in space, thankfully, we can learn about them from NASA. NASA provides this groovy illustration to be shown to children in elementary school to help them understand (which is very helpful because they can’t see a photograph either, unfortunately):
And as adults, we can look up satellites in the Encyclopedia and see an “artists conception” illustration provided by Lockheed Martin, which was nice of them since nobody has a photograph we can look at!
Alternatively, we can pay to visit a museum to see a satellite and even if we can’t get to the museum, we can see a real photograph of the satellite in the museum.
Because we can see this real photo, it is now safe to assume that satellites can be photographed! We can all cross “Maybe it is impossible to photograph a satellite?” off our list of possible reasons why we can’t see one in space!:
Imagine how helpful that beast was during the war!
So, the first part of the foundation for the investigation, “What is a Satellite?”, factually, consists of words, illustrations and museum artifacts, which forces us to assume these machines are floating around in outer space, doing satellite stuff, and sending data back to earth, including all the amazing photographs they take (that somehow don’t capture planes or other satellites in them). As a researcher, I say to myself, “that’s sketchy AF, but let’s roll with it because we have nothing else to work with”.
The second part of the foundation of the investigation begins with unrolling how satellites came to be, so we are going to start with the very first satellite in space… (this might seem boring at first, but it won’t be shortly, stick with it, you won’t be disappointed!).
1946: History claims, United States scientists at the US Army White Sands Missile Range (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory) in New Mexico launched a Nazi V-2 ballistic missile with a camera on it and managed to snap the first photo of Earth from space. I know what you’re thinking, which is, “Johns Hopkins?! Didn’t we just discuss that guy in the Dinosaur Hoax discoveries?” - Yes, we sure did. John Hopkins was the dude who discovered the first complete Hadrosaurus dinosaur skeleton and said it was junk so he gave it away, where it ended up in a museum, where it was destroyed by “street thugs”, who then threw it all in a lake, where the evidence was lost forever… until the Smithsonian was able to find a copy of it, so it was copied a bunch more times and put in museums across the world… then it ended up being written about by Johns Hopkins because Johns Hopkins happens to have a paleontology program. So, yes, it is indeed that Johns Hopkins.
And then you think, “Wait a second… you’re telling me they taped a camera to a missile to take a pic of space?”. According to Wikipedia, yes. But, technically, the real story is the ballistic missile ejected the Explorer II balloon, which had the camera attached to it, which took this photo. Here’s the famous photo they show us, which was taken 65 miles up, in space:
What they do not tell us is, this famous photo (taken from 65 miles up) actually came from a video that the camera took in space. Guess how many miles up? If you guessed 65, you’re right! After the camera took the video, it gently fell back to earth, where it was recovered by none other than a Johns Hopkins employee. This video changed history because it was the first time we were told that there was proof that the earth is actually a globe!
In The Dinosaur Hoax: Part 3, we learned that what they are telling us they discovered, and what they are showing us in museums does not match what they excavated from the ground, but nobody knows this because nobody knew there was a way to look up the discovery records. When I figured out how we can look up those records, shockingly, there was little-to-no bones actually discovered. After we all looked at what was actually unearthed, we all said, in unison, “This is f*cking stupid. How did we believe this crock of sh*t for so long?”, except for the one guy (because there’s always that one guy) who was like, “But here’s a YouTube video showing bones!”… yeah bro, look at the Youtube video and not the actual, documented and cataloged discovery showing what they actually dug out of the earth…
Anyway, nobody knows the famous photo came from a video but I was able to track down the space video the 65-miles-up-ballistic-missile-balloon-camera allegedly took: (1:20 minute video)
In the video they say, quote, “The horizon, 720 MILES away, and the curvature of the earth, are astonishingly apparent in this still picture from the film”. But is what they are showing us and what they are telling us the same? They say they are showing us the “astonishingly apparent” curvature of the earth, but does what they are telling us match the evidence? Let’s find out if this 65 miles up, 720 miles away from earth evidence is what they claim…
Assuming this footage is real, and assuming the camera, stuffed in a balloon, stuffed in a rocket (it’s like a turducken), took this photo then gently fell back to earth (where it was recovered by Johns Hopkins), here is the still frame, shown in their video at the same time they said, “…the curvature of the earth, are astonishingly apparent in this still picture from the film.”:
In Photoshop (technically it’s not Photoshop, it’s a different program, but the concept is the same), we will create a perfectly straight line:
Now we will paste the graphic which shows the astonishingly apparent curvature of the earth, then rotate it.
Hmmmm… it looks pretty damn level to me. To be sure, let’s adjust the contrast and crop:
I am failing to see any curve, let alone “astonishingly apparent” curvature.
Now let’s look at the famous photo that is shown as the first photo of earth from space (this photo was taken from the video. I’m not sure why they use this photo instead of the astonishingly apparent photo):
And we will do the same thing:
I think we can agree, based on those two images, what they are telling us does not match what they are showing us.
1947: The following year, another rocket launched into space, ejected a balloon, which was equipped with a camera and took this photo from 101 miles up. History says, “The dark area at the upper left is the Gulf of California.”
Repeat the process. This one is a little more difficult because the contrast of the photo sucks:
Additional contrast adjustment. The photo quality is so poor that it is difficult to see anything, it just looks bumpy. You will have to decide for yourself if this is curve, no curve, just bumps, astonishing curve, or a sh*tty photo:
Maybe if we put them side-by-side we can get more curve?
It was worth the try…
Then, this same year, 1947, is when the Roswell UFO was discovered. Yes, my friends, the same exact year as the second-photo-ever of earth from space, the proof of UFOs came to be!
Here’s the scoop on the Roswell thing: What had happened was, the United States Army Air Forces were f*cking around with a balloon, near Roswell, New Mexico. Something happened with the balloon and debris fell to the ground where Roswell Army Air Field personnel recovered it. You would think that would be the end of the thing, right? WRONG! Because when it comes to the government, the truth is stranger than fiction (which will be an ongoing theme with the rest of this article).
Next, the United States Army publicly announced their possession of a "flying disc". This announcement made international headlines. It was the first UFO in known, recent history (unless you want to count a couple alleged sightings from the 1600s and 1700s), so the world believed it. The world (meaning the newspapers) were basically like OMG, THE ALIENS ARE COMING TO KILL YOU!
Eventually, retired Air Force officer Jesse Marcel was forced to admit the whole thing was a hoax (PSYOP!), it was just a weather balloon all along! But it was too late, the damage was done, aliens were now a thing, UFO’s were real and it’s all coming to murder your family (including your dog) and they might even knock over your mailbox for fun because aliens hate you… so be afraid… please.
1948: The year following the aliens, a third photo of earth was released. This time they changed the photo style to make sure we could see flippin’ curve. “See, there it is, you stupid plebs”, they said, as they sipped their tax-funded Folgers morning coffee and high fived their graphic designer:
What’s peculiar about this image is that Wikipedia does not have any source for it, or any data about it. I also cannot find much information about it. When I did a Reverse Image Search, it brings you to Johns Hopkins website:
After 30 more minutes of looking for info on this photograph-like-thing, I realized I didn’t care enough to continue searching. All I know is, in 1948 space satellites didn’t exist so we must assume a rocket with a balloon assisted a camera in taking these photographs (before gently falling back to earth, where a Johns Hopkins employee was waiting) therefore everything checks out.
…Then the images of earth from space suddenly stop. We will not see another image for many more years, which is a shame.
And here’s where the PSYOP is shifted into high gear…
1950s: Last year I published, Chemtrails: General Mills Cereal Developed Biological Weapons Sprayed From Planes. That article outlined the food producers involvement in manufacturing poison to be sprayed from airplanes. I made this graphic to help my readers understand:
…but it didn’t start out as planes, it started as poison being released from balloons:
Now keep in mind, at this point in time, it was 1950, and the first satellite will not be launched into space until 1957. All of the photos we have seen thus far were taken from art class balloons. But what people don’t know is, while General Mills and the Military were balls-deep in balloons and the Roswell Hoax, suddenly books and magazines about satellites began appearing. I repeat,
1951: The New Satellite, a science fiction novel, is published:
Note that it shows a space ship and a full globe earth on the cover, however, the only photos that had been released of earth are these:
JANUARY 1954: Satellite E One, also a science fiction book, is published (also a full globe earth on cover)
Here’s the description of the book:
OCTOBER 1954: The first color photo of the earth from space appears, also taken by a rocket with a balloon and a movie camera. It’s absolutely incredible that they are able to get these rocket-balloon-cameras to be at the perfect angle, perfectly centered, perfectly perfect perfection! Then, somehow fall, such a long distance, into the loving arms of Johns Hopkins staff. Good thing 0-gravity didn’t float the movie camera away!
Think about this: the camera is attached to a balloon that was dumped out of a high-flying, fast-speed rocket, way out there in space, and the camera knows how to face the correct direction, center itself, focus, and take an award-winning, masterfully-centered photograph… in pitch black darkness! The flash on that thing must be amazing to light up half of the earth! Or was that lower half what the sun was lighting up?
And what is this massive chunk of land?
The Navy is who posted this image and did not explain what these lines are either:
Side note: I have always wondered how they get such clear photos from space. They tell us the earth is spinning at 66,600 miles per hour, while orbiting, while the camera taking the photograph is also in motion, in zero-gravity! Do you remember how hard is used to be to take a photo of an object in motion? Let alone, spinning over 50,000 miles per hour while orbiting? Anyway, back to the story…
NOVEMBER 1954, only one month after the newest earth image, our buddy Ray Stanford appears on the scene, peddling UFO content. If you don’t remember Grandpa Ray-Ray, in my article The Dinosaur Hoax, Part 4: The NASA Rabbit Hole, we met Mr. Ray Stanford. He’s a dude who discovered super-duper-famous-history-making-once-in-a-lifetime dinosaur footprints literally outside of NASAs building. The media told us he was just a self-taught fossil hunter, but upon deeper investigation, he works for NASA. Technically, he is subcontracted by NASA because his actual employer is a defense contractor who is hired by The World Bank (you can’t make this sh*t up). This dude is deep in bed with the government and it just so happened that in November, 1954 he experienced a historic UFO sighting:
1955: Mr. Ray Stanford is pumping UFO content (btw, his PO Box was less than 7 miles from NASA… the same NASA where he discovered the dinosaur footprints! Read that series!)
MARCH 1956, still a year away from the first satellite launch, another science fiction publication appears, this time it is a book called Second Satellite:
(btw, this also mentions the f*cking Smithsonian! I told you they have tentacles everywhere!). Check out what the book description says:
Folks, if this doesn’t scream “PSYOP!” yet, it will, right about NOW:
As of this point in the timeline, this is the only evidence people have seen of the earth from space, all of which were taken using balloons (allegedly):
NOVEMBER 1956: There still has never been a satellite, but November of 1956, a confidential CIA memo is sent. The subject is “Satellite Uprisings”! Even though it was declassified in 2003, it is heavily redacted. Whatever is on Satellite Uprisings, they don’t want us to see it, ever.:
DECEMBER 1956: The month after the Satellite Uprisings CIA memo, a new science fiction magazine appears. Guess what it is called? Yep, SATELLITE: (full globe earth image on cover, and this earth looks pretty similar to the famous “blue marble”, doesn’t it?)
1957: On OCTOBER 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first-ever-ever-satellite… under the cover of complete secrecy…
Because Sputnik was launched covertly by the USSR government, we won’t ever be able to see any evidence of it, but here’s a 1958 Sputnik exhibit, featuring a replica of the Sputnik (45 second video)
Meanwhile, this was what was shown to US citizens, a cartoon made by Universal Studios, applauding the USSR’s accomplishment: (45 seconds)
NOVEMBER 4, 1957: Exactly one month after Sputnik, Santa Claus arrived at the Allentown, Pennsylvania fair… in a space ship… where kids are wearing Sputnik helmets… (27 second video)
DECEMBER 1957: One month after Santa, now another issue of Satellite, is published.
Not only is it called Satellite, but it is called The Ultimate Space Station!
To celebrate the USSR’s accomplishment, people could pay for stamps, and affix them to mail, to help propagandize share the excitement with the world:
JANUARY 1958: Three months after Sputnik, two months after Santa and one month after Satellite: The Ultimate Space Station magazine, the US Army and Navy launch the first US Satellite into space, The Explorer 1:
See, there it is! Just think, that will be in outer space, orbiting around the earth soon!
This was successfully launched and transmitted data from space to the ground. We get this cartoon because they didn’t send a missile-balloon-camera up there to photograph it. Apparently missile-balloon-cameras are reserved only for taking photos of the earth from space:
Universal Studios again provided the video footage for this accomplishment. It only took 3 total minutes for the Explorer to get in orbit and start transmitting data. INCREDIBLE!. As you will notice, something was able to keep up with the rocket and video it headed into space. I wish that thing would have stuck with it so we could see it in space. (2 minute video)
JULY 1958: The success of the launch led to NASA being founded (by Freemasons). The newspapers were running headlines, showing globe earth, talking about satellites and officially began promoting The Race to Space between the USSR and the USA. The headlines were designed to make citizens root for America and demand funding for the space program, because we have to win the race, you know?:
And Congress was happy to allot tax dollars to our new space program so we could be victorious:
Although the media is telling us about satellites and showing us satellites, as of right now, there has been zero evidence of them (other than cartoons, words and some dudes holding up something they are saying will be in space):
And because the USSR satellite was launched in secrecy, no evidence of that exists either.
The only photos of space are still these, taken from rocket-balloons… (we assume):
Also in 1958, taxpayers the Air Force funded “WS-117L” (a new satellite program), costing $108.2 million (equal to $1.14 billion in 2024). GOTTA RACE TO SPACE, BABY!
1959: We are now on the BBQ grill Explorer 6 Satellite:
Thankfully, that thing finally got us another image of earth. It’s so beautiful, I could cry!:
Let’s add this to the list of space-photo evidence:
1959 ended with the launch of the Explorer 7. However, no additional photos were provided. (Technically, they claim the Explorer 7 took one pic, but nobody can locate it because it’s hard to keep track of all this sh*t these damn satellites shoot back to earth). Look at this high-tech marvel!
(I know this might seem boring, but keep reading!)
AUGUST 12th, 1960: Despite having all of these awesome space machines orbiting the earth, NASA launches Project ECHO. ECHO was the first communications satellite. Guess what Echo looked like? Are you imagining something like this?
Or maybe you envision ECHO looked like this?
Or this?
If so, you are wrong. ECHO was a metalized balloon satellite, designed to reflect microwave signals.
Communication signals were transmitted from one location on the ground and bounced off the surface of the satellite (BALLOON) to another location. Here is ECHO’s massive antenna:
Here’s the ECHO evidence the people were provided in The Big Bounce: ( Two videos. Part One: 1-minute video)
(Video Part 2: Two minute video showing the releasing of the balloon. And once again, space is a cartoon and earth is horrible acting, so it’s just another Tuesday at NASAs office…)
Also in 1960: Another successful satellite! YAY! “On August 19, 1960, this aircraft made the world's first midair recovery of a capsule returning from orbit when it snagged the parachute lowering the Discoverer XIV satellite at 8,000 feet altitude 360 miles southwest of Honolulu, Hawaii”: … yes, the satellite, that was orbiting in space, has a parachute connected to it… kinda like a muthaf*cking balloon…
Now here’s the exciting part! This is what all those tax dollars bought us!:
Let’s add this incredible capture to the list of evidence the American people have seen so far:
Wanna hear something interesting? Of course you do, because you love interesting sh*t and that’s why I love you. Guess what the name of this satellite-with-a-parachute was?
Answer: CORONA.
Now get this: I’m not big into numerology / gematria or as I call it, “the numbers stuff”, but I know it’s real and sometimes it is so glaringly obvious that you can’t ignore it. For example, the CORONA satellite was successful exactly 60 years before the first case of Covid-19, “Corona Virus” was discovered… but that’s not all…
ECHO was launched August 12th. CORONA was successful August 19th. There are 6 days between those two dates. (Note: Remember, we are dealing with Freemasons here, so 3 and 6 (and 9) are very important. This is why the earth moves 66,627 miles per hour:
And why the rotation axis is 66.6 degrees:
You will also notice 18 come up a ton, because 18 is 6+6+6. Here’s a long list of 6’s and 18’s in space if you want to dig more into that topic, but don’t you dare read that list until you finish reading this article because, 1.) I spent my entire weekend writing it, and 2.) I promise, it’s really good…)
Also in the 1960s, the Air Force showed us the first-ever footage of stars in space, which is quite fantastical: (52 seconds)
Regardless of where you stand on earth shape, space and satellites, can we agree that, thus far, this evidence, if we can call it that, looks really bad? Just wait, it gets worse… way worse…
1961: CIA memo featuring communications between Eugene P. Kiefer, Colonel Stanley W. Beerli and an unknown Deputy Director and Plans and Operations, titled “Satellite Publicity”. This CIA memo basically outlines how the military with work with media regarding satellite reporting, specifically on operations called SAMOS and DISCOVERER. In it, they are literally plotting a Psychological Operation in terms of what to tell the media public. They are also concerned with “unwanted speculation”:
On the second page of the memo, they discuss burying stories, increasing publicity of a different story and use the term “cover” (meaning cover story - remember this!). They want DISCOVERER to dominate the news and for SAMOS to vanish completely.
Note that the second page of the memo was sent by Stanley Beerli (it means nothing now, but it will in a sec, so remember Beerli… the dude whose name makes you think of Bud Light)
And btw, here’s SAMOS. This cartoon satellite is what they want buried in the media:
And if you are wondering what the EXPLORER satellites for the DISCOVERER program looked like, here you go. This is what they want promoted in the media. …Do I need to point out the obvious again?…
I hope you’re still reading because this is where things get crazy, and where all this satellite sh*t, these memos and the CIA/Military/NASA collaboration suddenly fit together…
Who was Colonel Stanley W. Beerli that was on the memo? Other than a dude whose last name makes us think of having a pint at the pub, he worked for the CIA as an ultra-high altitude U-2 plane pilot.
On the same memo, there was Eugene P. Kiefer. Kiefer is interesting, because the good ol’ internet tries to spin him as just an engineer, but that didn’t make sense to me. Why would an engineer be on a CIA/Military memo of this level? I dug a little and I found this document on
Do you know what NRO is? I didn’t so I looked it up. It’s The National Reconnaissance Office. And here’s our buddy Eugene:
Deputy Director of Reconnaissance? I’d say he’s just a little more than an engineer…
The third person on that memo was an unknown Deputy Director of Plans and Operations (“DDP”). Although they redacted the sh*t out of his name, I figured out who it was: the CIA's Deputy Director of Plans and Operations was Richard Mervin Bissell, Jr. Mr. Bissell was responsible for The Bay of Pigs invasion. He worked with the US mafia to arrange Castro's assassination.
So, on this memo, we have the CIA director of Operations, the Deputy Director of the NRO and a U-2 ultra-high altitude pilot, who are chatting with the military about media operations and a cover story... regarding SATELLITES (of which one is a balloon and one is a cartoon. (nonrelated, I just realized balloon and cartoon are oddly similar words.)
In JANUARY 1962, another memo is sent to CIA's Deputy Director of Plans and Operations, Richard Mervin Bissell, Jr, titled “First A-12 Delivery”:
The A-12 was a reconnaissance spy plane designed to replace the U-2 reconnaissance spy plane. It was designed to fly higher and faster than the U-2. Both planes are made by Lockheed. Here’s the A-12:
Another 1962 memo: Project OXCART. History claims OXCART was just about the creation of the A-12’s, but I’m not sure. I’ll tell you why in a second.
By mid-1962 the A-12’s were in flight.
And because the truth is stranger than fiction when it comes to the government, in 1963, shortly after the A-12s were flying, the first high resolution satellite photography arrives:
They claim that photo was taken by the KH-7 Gambit…
…which, they claim, happens to be a reconnaissance spy satellite:
And when the Gambit fell from space, an airplane swooped in and caught it and its parachute.
I thought to myself, “I wonder what the word Gambit means?”, so I looked it up:
It turns out it means ANY PLOY.
Let’s recap real quick: There’s a CIA memo, “Satellite Uprisings”, which the public is never allowed to see. Meanwhile, the public is being told NASA is putting satellites into orbit, while at the same time NASA is putting massive balloons into the sky. Then Lockheed (who builds satellites and provides art for encyclopedia entries about their satellites) builds these planes that fly incredibly high. Then NASA says they put a satellite into space called GAMBIT. It takes the first-ever high resolution photo of earth from space-orbit, which looks exactly f*cking like a photo taken from a plane. Then we discover GAMBIT means “A PLOY”.
Folks, it’s been right in our faces this whole time, in fact, it was rubbed in our faces when they named the thing A PLOY. Was Satellite Uprisings and OXCART all a cover for using these planes to dupe the public into believing satellites are taking these photos? I’d say, “ABSOLUTELY”.
Let’s learn about these spy planes… listen close: (1 minute video)
So, this Spy Plane is capable of acting as a satellite, taking photos and transmitting data…
Here’s some photos of the plane, don’t look at the plane, instead look at the background:
Photo taken from U-2 spy plane:
Don’t these look exactly like the satellite images we are shown?
Also taken from the U-2:
Let’s compare spy plane vs satellite. Here’s the spy plane, look at the background:
Here’s the space satellite:
Here’s the spy plane, look at the mountains:
Here’s mountains from a space satellite:
Which one is this? Satellite or Spy Plane?
Answer: Spy Plane. How much of what we are being shown as space satellite images are actually coming from an airplane or a balloon? And all this time, NASA has been heavily invested in balloons, but it’s not a discussed topic, because we instead accept this as evidence:
Want to see something amusing?…
Remember this story?
Look close at this photo:
Yes, it is a balloon with a “satellite”:
China spying using a massive, slow balloon is idiotic. What is far more logical is, the military, in complete panic because a “satellite” (a balloon) was falling to the ground, needed a cover story to destroy it before it touched down. They shot this thing down, rushed to grab it and we never heard another peep about it:
And now there’s a new spy balloon they are monitoring:
Put 2+2 together:
There are never airplanes, space junk, meteors, other satellites in the satellite photos because the photos are being taken from planes flying UNDER the other planes. Then ask yourself, IF THEY HAVE SPY SATELLITES IN SPACE, WHY THE F ARE THEY USING BALLOONS AND PLANES TO SPY?
Want to see something comical? Watch NASAs old ISS footage replay. Notice that the cloud NEVER move. This is because it is a photo. They are panning slowly across a still photo. And count the airplanes while you’re at it:
A few things I can say from personal experience. I have a bit of hands on at a defense contractor. I have participated in testing NASA & DOD funded cubesats. I was not present for the launches (at Cape Canaveral, NASA) in FL, nor did I ride the payload into upper atmosphere, LOL, so I cannot personally verify they went into space. However, I have been present and personally seen the telemetry data coming from a 🛰️ satellite I worked on in laboratory and then was purportedly launched. These were LEO satellites and the telemetry was being captured by a NASA ground station and relayed. I have been present when engineers had to come in during middle of the night to uplink programming to satellites during the window when their orbit passed over the ground station..a hint that it actually might be travelling around a planet! Most of the orbital data I have seen coming through was displayed on computer screens. So, do I have direct evidence in hand that the 🛰️ satellites were indeed launched and in earth short NO. Was there pretty good circumstantial evidence that satellites I physically worked on were actually up in space 🌌, YES. This is all I can contribute, other than to say NASA and DOD spend a lot of money on satellites and at least from the ground they are real pieces of equipment built to very exacting specs. I wonder the same as the author and probably everyone else reading this article..are they floating around in actual outer space? I have listened to many communications directly from NASA control center, and it does not appear they are faking the monitoring and tracking at least. It's all very curious. I remain skeptical. Maybe some of the satellite stuff is real and other aspects are fake? IDK for sure. 🤷. (Edited for typos)
LOVE your work Agent!!!!