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CIA Psychological Warfare Manual: Recruit Doctors, Stage Protests, Hire Criminals to Riot
How to create a completely fake "reality" for the people. Is it ironic that this classified manual was published in 1984?
In crISIS Actors: How the Illusion of Terrorism was Created Using Tax Dollars, we reviewed the untold history of United States military, government and media constructing the Terrorism narrative then using it to start endless wars in the Middle East to benefit the Agendas. Then we looked at how, on September 11th, while the planes were hitting the World Trade Center, we were repeatedly told by the media that what was being aired on television wasn’t real live video footage, so it seemed fitting to continue the Illusion theme today. Once you learn the magicians tricks, you can never unsee the sleight of hand…
According to the CIAs manual, the Psychological Warfare Agenda is achieved through a multi-pronged approach involving many people acting covertly to influence, manipulate and outright dupe the public. Let’s review each position necessary for the war for minds: [I will put my comments in brackets] *NOTE:, where the CIA manual is hosted, is currently under a cyber attack so the link is not working. You can follow them on twitter / X for updates regarding when their site will be fixed:
Social Justice Warriors: “Established citizens — doctors, attorneys, businessmen, teachers, etc.— will be recruited initially as “Social Crusaders”. Psychological pressure will be applied to these people to force them to be a part of the clandestine operation. Priests, missionaries, professors, political aspirants, minor state officials and groups of economic interest are also on the recruit list. [I immediately thought of during Covid, when all these people from that list appeared on television to promote the identical message]
Operatives: will be placed into, or recruited from, organizations including labor unions, youth groups, agricultural organizations, professional associations. These operatives will be used to manipulate the groups objectives. [David Hogg? Remember that kid? Wasn’t his father in the CIA or am I thinking of someone else?]
Psychological Warfare Cadres: will be used for “preconditioning”. Preconditioning is designed to create “compulsive obsession in mass concentrations” by “hammering on a specific or selective topics”. This will be performed using the media. The content will “condition the peoples thinking for the decisive moment, at which time they will turn to general violence” ... “To facilitate the precondition of the masses we must repeat phrases frequently…” [Enter: Mockingbird Media]
Recruitment Scouts: “will be instructed on widening the chain by recruiting in specific target groups”. The recruiters will study targets, learn their likes and weaknesses and strike up a conversation. If the target appears susceptible to recruitment, all of the intelligence gathered on the individual will be turned over to a political cadre, then the two will be introduced. [I’m sure this ties into blackmail. Ever been to Little Saint James Island? I heard it’s beautiful this time of year…]
Involuntary Recruits: “The initial recruitment to the movement, if involuntary, will be carried out by the means of several “private” consultations with a cadre (without the recruit realizing that he is speaking to one of our members). Afterwards, the recruit will be informed that he or she is already in the movement and will be running the risk of the government police if he or she does not cooperate”. Should the individual continue to resist recruitment, “false declarations by citizens” against the individual will be made to police.
Agitators: individuals hired to stir up trouble and recruit those who will stir up trouble. The agitator will visit unemployment offices and areas with high unemployment in order to hire people for “jobs”. Once recruited, the individual will be transported to meeting places to receive their assignments. [I have already written that they are hiring these people for riots, “drills” and other events. I knew they recruit them through Crisis Actor agencies (which are indeed a real thing), but I did not consider unemployment offices or just driving through areas with high unemployment. Now that I think about it, areas with high drug use would probably be great too. And check out this screenshot from the document:]
[Was it fluke that in my crazy Uvalde story, which nearly destroyed my life for researching it, the entire family of the shooter was multi-generational criminals?]
Key Agitators: are in charge of missions and are responsible for starting or encouraging violence, if need be. They will always remain inside crowds, staying near placards assigned to them. They must protect the placard because this is how their commanders know where they are stationed. Placards can be light posts, street signs, or other conspicuous spaces. After starting violence, Key Agitators should leave the area. [Because I investigate footage by watching it hundreds of times on loop, I notice things. I knew there were people whose job was to start the riots / violence, but I did not know to look for their physical position. This is fascinating information.]
Small Group Gorillas will infiltrate within the masses. Their mission will be to agitate, “giving the impression that there are many of them and that they have great popular support”.
“Shock Troops” will be “incident initiators”. These groups are designed to stage fake protests, carry poster signs and shout slogans. They will also be responsible for sending signals. All will be “under the control of the external command element”. Shock Troops “should be equipped with nonfiring weapons (knives, razors, chains, clubs)”. Their weapons should remain concealed. [Have you ever wondered what happened to Antifa and BLM? These huge groups vanished into thin air. What about the pussy hat protesters? Those women marching all over wearing the stupid pink hats. Where did they go? Poof! Disappeared. I guess the contract for the job ended?]
External Command: “This group stays out of all activities, situated in such a way that it is able to observe the unfolding of the planned events from where it is stations”… “External Command should find a high vantage point such as a church steeple, a tall building, a tall tree, the highest tier of the stadium or auditorium or any other high place” . [Did you read my piece The Columbine Before Columbine and the Shooters Who Don’t Remember it Happening? In that piece, there were “men on the roof of the school during the shooting” - what are the odds?]
Internal Command: This individual will remain inside the crowd and is deemed the leader. He is to be protected by the operatives. “Some placards or allusive banners” should be used to signal to the sub-units to designate his post. [In my article Columbine Third Shooter Sworn Testimony, numerous students stated there was a man with a clipboard walking around taking notes during the shooting. None of them knew who the man was. This information was never shared with the public and was only recently discovered by a researcher who gained access to the police files of interrogations of students]
Messengers: will always remain close to the leaders and will transmit orders between the External and Internal Commanders. They will use radios, telephones, bicycles, motorcycles, vehicles or travel on foot to pass messages between the commanders. “Young adolescents (male and female) are ideal for this type of mission”. [Being that this manual was written in 1984, technology has advanced and now they just use cell phones with encrypted apps. The Brooklyn Subway Shooting]
Defense Detachment: “These individuals will act as moving bodyguards, forming a protective circle around the chief to protect him”… “they should be highly disciplined and will only react to a verbal order from the chief”. [like the bouncers and blockers in The Brooklyn Subway Shooting?]
Front Organizations: “The development and control of front organizations in guerrilla warfare will give our movement the ability to create the effect of a “whip” within the population, when the order to merge is given.” . These facade organizations will provide the operation with the “capability of creating the effect of a backlash within the population”.
Guerrilla Soldiers: will be “face-to-face propagandists”. They will pretend to befriend the public. These PSYOP soldiers will be social and chat with the people. "They will participate in community activities, fiestas, birthdays and even in the wakes or burials of members of the community. They will try to talk with both adults and adolescents. They will try to penetrate within the family, in order to gain the acceptance and trust of all of the residents of the sector”. [TRUST NO ONE!]
“Armed Propaganda Teams” will covertly “move within the population, motivating the people to support the guerrillas”. These operatives will specialize in propaganda and will use politics for a planned, controlled and programmed effort. “The Armed Propaganda Teams provide a stage-by-stage persuasive planning program in all areas of the country. These teams are also the “eyes and ears” of our movement”. When armed propaganda teams are questioned about their guns, they will reply that they are for winning freedom, “we must make the people feel that we are thinking about them and that the arms belong to the people, to help them and protect them from a communist, totalitarian, imperialist regime, which is indifferent to the needs of the population” . [I repeat, TRUST NO ONE! These mutherf*ckers know what we want and they will use our desires to manipulate us]
Mobile Infrastructure Cadre - will move around to maintain contact with six or more towns, gathering information and feeding it to the commanders.
Those were the majority of the positions. This document leaves me wondering, HOW MUCH OF OUR REALITY IS JUST AN ILLUSION?
Although this manual was written by the CIA to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, we see these identical tactics used on a regular basis in the United States. Now that you know exactly how it is done, pay attention and you will see it. Next Read my piece MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More to learn about the psychological tactics used by the military through the media to manipulate us, but first, PLEASE TAKE MY SURVEY BELOW, and if you’re feeling jolly, I love whiskey coffee:
Situation: I am going to get scrubbed eventually, so I am considering taking all of my content, putting it into chronological order and creating THE REAL BOOK OF HISTORY. I have already talked to some fellow authors you love and they would contribute! We could make this a really incredible publication! Two questions for you:
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These black ops must cost trillions of dollars, with money diverted from american taxpayers. When are we going to stop allowing our tax dollars to be used against us?
Nowadays they just fake the ENTIRE shooting.