These black ops must cost trillions of dollars, with money diverted from american taxpayers. When are we going to stop allowing our tax dollars to be used against us?

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When you stop asking and start doing.

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When at least two of us can trust each others .

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Coming soon to an election near you!!!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Agent131711

Nowadays they just fake the ENTIRE shooting.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Agent131711

I voted for downloadable ebook only because I'm not in USA.

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Surely by now the term-"PSYOPS" is officially part of our 21st century street lingo. What's most disturbing for me has to do with the Tavistock Institute and the origins of an institutional approach to 'social engineering.' And how apropos that Freud's nephew, Bernays, is considered the great godfather of modern day 20th century advertising. These mind control tyrants seem to take delight in the ability to deceive the saner good-hearted working people. All of which give credence to the idea of a great 'Con's Piracy!' And the Royals and the Vatican are right at the top of this pyramid scam. Thanks for the update on their usual debauchery. pax

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Freud was one of the original mind bending deceivers, with his perverted psychological ideas and teachings! He was heavily influenced by his Talmudic and occult beliefs from his Jewish heritage. The Zionists are masters of deception! It is the motto of the Mossad; “By way of deception thou shalt do war.”

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I still have gaps in my understanding of Freud. However, I was drawn to Jung during my university days. And Freud was also a coke-head. Which may explain some of his obsessive ideations.

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Yes, it surely couldn’t have helped his frame of mind.

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According to the CIAs manual, (NO linky)? "500 Internal Server Error" could you maybe post that link again? So I looked for it and found this one, if its the same? Their are way more sinister manuals to sift through as they have been at it for decades! Don't think it's right as this one was made in 1984, but released in 2010?

Say's it the "SANITIZED COPY"



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InternetArchive.org, where the manual is hosted, is currently under a cyber attack so the link is not working. You can follow them on twitter / X for updates regarding when their site will be fixed: https://x.com/internetarchive/

Your link does indeed appear to be the same book. I haven't had a chance to really dig into it, so I'm not sure which parts they sanitized, but its better than the nonworking link.


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William Casey Jones 1981 . We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything American public believes is false.

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He was CIA director from 1981 - 1987

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Should one find themselves in a crowd and notice an agitator, screenshots would be helpful to identify the perp along with calling out the individual via shouting, “Hey! You’re purposely trying to instigate chaos.” It might be all it takes to try and diffuse their nefarious intentions.

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Like Ray Epps?

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I was briefly on the inside in Indonesia in 1980. Getting "groomed," as they call it now, is really something. I was cheap as I was already going up into the highlands and needed no more pay than a bit of, well, endorsement, and a side occupation gathering harmless intelligence. Health intelligence. What could go wrong? A little two-year gig.

Without oversight in the high jungle, I quickly went awol. I was lucky. No reprisals against me, as I was a kid and too dopey to notice the big picture.

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Thank you for being so patient with your readers, Agent. You’re a true gentleman and a scholar!

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The government are these days is a bunch of terroristic rich gangbangers, thanks to our tax dollars and folks who prefer to sleep behind the wheel. I'm sick of these people and wish them to burn in Hell forever. I trust in our Lord who will take care of things. He sees everything.

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The link to the "CIAs manual" doesn't work. Were the typos in the original text?

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InternetArchive.org, where the manual is hosted, is currently under a cyber attack so the link is not working. You can follow them on twitter / X for updates regarding when their site will be fixed: https://x.com/internetarchive/

Another reader found what appears to be a sanitized copy of the same publication:


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131711 lives and moves and has his being in a great sea of typos. There are so many it's possible he does it on purpose so as not to get pinned down. I can see the attraction.

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InternetArchive.org, where the manual is hosted, is currently under a cyber attack so the link is not working. You can follow them on twitter / X for updates regarding when their site will be fixed: https://x.com/internetarchive/

Another reader found what appears to be a sanitized copy of the same publication:


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Ditto: it specifies that it’s an internal server error

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Can I pre-order 10 books please. Cannot think of a more priceless resource!

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Gorillas are apes.

Guerrillas engage in unconventional warfare.

Leftarded guerrillas are also apes but weak as fuck.

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Link's dead. No one can trust you if it can be verified son

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InternetArchive.org, where the manual is hosted, is currently under a cyber attack so the link is not working. You can follow them on twitter / X for updates regarding when their site will be fixed: https://x.com/internetarchive/

Another reader found what appears to be a sanitized copy of the same publication:


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