Part 3: The Dinosaur Hoax 🦴 The Inner Workings of a Sham & JUNK SCIENCE
I have a bone to pick with paleontology... (Part 3)
What a f*cking rabbit hole this research turned out to be. Let’s recap the crazy stuff we learned thus far: In Parts 1 and 2 of this series we looked at the red flags oddities surrounding “dinosaurs”, which include:
The discovery of bones, in the late 1700s, proved the Theory of Evolution, therefore proving the Bible to be inaccurate, which was a huge win for Science
The 1700s guy, who was able to tell the bones belonged to extinct animals, was a member of The Royal Society
Two dudes, with financial interest in discovering dinosaurs, found nearly all of the dinosaurs during that era. At one point, one of the dudes found 31 triceratops skulls in less than 24 months.
Oh, and that 31-skull bro was a Quaker Oatmeal heir (yes, it is indeed the same Quaker Oats that was feeding mentally challenged and orphaned children radioactive material in the name of Science)
The guy who found T-Rex and Ankylosaurus was a spy, working for the Fossil Fuel industry and also worked at a museum
None of us can find dinosaur bones. The best we find is this:
And this: (Shark teeth)
Meanwhile, they discover this:
The discoveries are made by the elites, museums (specifically the Smithsonian) and people with financial interest in bone discoveries
And we aren’t even allowed to actually see the bones in museums… yet they don’t tell us what we are looking at is fake…
Yep, the dinosaur bones in the museums are also fake; made from chicken bones, frog bones, horse bones, dog bones, plaster, plastic and more… to protect us from radiation…
…but also because the bones are too rare, too valuable and too heavy…
To add to the mindf*ck, they are able to tell us the bones are real, because they are real bones… real horse bones… this is often called “real bone material”
The dinosaur replicas in museums are created off “few bones”: (1 minute video)
Ok, so they have to make the adult T-Rex off little figurines (models). But what about the baby T-Rex? Surely that is real, with actual bones, right? (1:22 video)
Even the experts are barred from seeing the real bones (and the one recent time an expert could see them, he ran them through a CAT scan and discovered they were all fake)
The famous dinosaur tracks in Texas are fake, according to the homie who put them there, then proceeded to make money off them
We also learned, in December 2023, a first-ever-most-complete-skull was found, but when I dug deeper, the discovery makes absolutely no sense because the land is highly protected by the United Nations because it is an official Heritage Site. This means no digging, no hammers and access is restricted… but the guy who discovered it somehow removed the massive skull from the side of a cliff, according to BBC.
And the dude who made the discovery is a museum owner who happens to have nearly a dozen new-species discoveries, including seven dinosaurs named after him… but BBC forgot to mention this part in their article.
In Part 2, we looked at the discovery of every single popular dinosaur and learned they are all nonsense. People were building entire dinosaur skeletons based on a handful of random bones found in a “dinosaur park” (which are owned by the elites or museums).
One dinosaur was deemed a new species based on a single tooth!
We even learned that dinosaur species, such as the Pterodactyl, were designated as new species based on artwork
The dinosaur skulls discovered are incomplete and all different. To explain this, they claim the dinosaurs evolved, or they will claim it is a new subspecies
They are currently finding 50 new species per year… 50 new species from 3-380 million years ago…
This brings us to today’s installment in the series, Part 3, in which we will look at the junk science behind dinosaurs, how dinosaur history is written and blatant brainwashing. (If you didn’t read Part 1 and Part 2, the rest of this probably won’t make sense, so you should at least read Part 2 first.)
Regarding Dinosaur Science; you have to understand what they say a “fossil” is. They state, a fossil isn’t even bone, it is, admittedly, a rock. They claim the bone was once there, but it turned into a rock because so much earth got piled on top of it, for so many years, that it forced it to become a rock. They also claim the process of bone turning to stone takes 10,000 years (therefore you and I will never witness it happen. Convenient, eh?). Others say fossilization is much quicker, providing there is some cataclysmic event, but nobody has ever witnessed that either. However, people who dig basements for a living aren’t digging up heaps of animal or human remains because those decompose. So, as you can see, dinosaur skeletons are a tricky thing.
This is important to understand because it means they aren’t actually looking for bones, they are looking for rocks, but they call the rocks “bones”, because the rocks were bones. But sometimes they find actual animal bones, or petrified debris, or bone-rock-fossils, there’s no way of knowing which one they found, but it doesn’t matter because they’re the same thing, they’re all dinosaurs. Just STFU, stop asking questions and Trust the Science!
So, because they are looking for rocks, what they do is go to the desert, or a “dinosaur dig park”, find oddly-shaped large rocks (bones, claws or skulls), oval-shaped rocks (eggs), little rocks (teeth, small bones, “a bone that broke”, joints), rock-chip-fragments (egg shell or bone fragments), petrified debris (bones, skull pieces), indentations in the soil (footprints), and actual bones, then they:
excavate them from the ground
cover them in plaster
bring them back to closed-door-labs and studios
chisel and carve them into shapes
glue pieces together
fabricate whatever they think is missing from the
rockfossilbonefill in gaps, holes and cracks to make it seamless looking
fabricate the missing pieces (which is most, or all, of the pieces)
then they call them discoveries
at some point throughout this process, a name is assigned to it
an artist draws a dinosaur based on the whatever the lab or studio provides him
if the plan is to showcase it in a museum, a full skeleton is built based on the artists depiction
it goes to the museum, who makes endless money off it
that museum can sell other museums “replicas” and make boatloads of money that way as well
it becomes history, which everyone except We, The People, profits from. Not only do we not profit, but we pay money to see this “history”
But it’s worse than that:
According to them, there are actually four types of fossils: Body, Molecular, Trace and Carbon… add all of that to the list of sh*t they can find and claim to be Dinosaurs. And lastly, “Fossils also include any preserved trace of life that is typically more than 10,000 years old”… it doesn’t even need to be a rock-bone, it can be anything… this is the literal definition of “Junk Science”:
But that’s not all. When a discovery is made, the news reports stuff like, “80% of a T-Rex Skeleton was Discovered!” - as a normal person, with common sense, you would assume that this percentage was determined based on the total number of bones in a T-Rex, right? Like, let's say there’s 1,000 total bones in that big fellow, and the paleontologists found 800 bones, that would be, “80% of a T-Rex Skeleton Discovered!”, right? WRONG.
There are several ways to measure completeness. The original bones can be counted, but they don’t know how many bones a T-Rex had, so that doesn’t work. So, instead, “The mass of original bone can be given as a percentage. This accounts for the fact that most of the real bones also have to be enhanced with plastic” …(remember, bone means rock) …JUNK SCIENCE.
SHOW AND TELL: The Inner Workings of a Sham
Prior to my research, I was under the impression that they were excavating this from the ground:
I think most people have this same belief. Is that what you also believed? In my quest to learn as much about this industry as possible, I found out that every dinosaur discovery is assigned a code. For example, the very first Diplodocus discovery is “#YPM VP 1920”. So, while the museum is showing us this, and telling us this is what they dug out of the ground:
If we research #YPM VP 1920, we get to see what was actually removed from the ground. In this case, #YPM VP 1920 is this, Diplodocus longus discovery, made by Marsh in the 1800s. (If you don’t remember Marsh, he’s one of the two dudes who discovered all of the dinosaurs in the 1800s):
The very first bones ever discovered of a new species are called the “holotype”. Every bone found after that becomes a new piece of the dinosaur but it can't replace the original because the holotype is set in stone (no pun intended?). This means, whatever Marsh declared to be a new species in the 1800s is what those dinosaurs are still based on, to this day. So, when paleontologists find a rock bone today, they can either add it on to the existing dinosaur by saying, “I found its elbow!”, or they can just declare it a new species.
So, as I was saying, this was the first Diplodocus:
Here’s more Diplodocus longus, discovered in a completely different year, conclusively determined to belong to the same dinosaur, so they added it on:
Bones do not need to be discovered together or even in the same location.
They can find a tooth in one state, and this rock (fossil) in another, and say they go together. (We are still on Diplodocus, by the way)
This is from 1920, from the same dinosaur:
1878, but it’s the same dinosaur:
They use the handfuls of rocks, shown above, and tell us, through television and books, that this is what they discovered:
Then they show us this, Diplodocus:
Then there’s this, Platecarpus tympaniticus, discovered by none other than Cope, in 1869. Cope is the other of the two dudes who discovered all the dinos.
On a different day, or at a different location, Cope discovered these fossils, which he claims goes with the above bones (rocks, fossils):
Think of it like Legos. Let’s say you and I have a group of 20 friends, and whenever we find a Lego anywhere (a thrift store, a yard sale, under our children’s beds, in the vacuum bag, on the side of the road, at a friends house), we say “Ah ha! This is a missing piece to the set we are building!”, so we take the single red, Lego brick we found on the bathroom floor of Walmart, bring it back to our lab and make it fit on the monstrosity we are group-creating. If it doesn’t fit, we fabricate whatever needs to be made to make it fit. Then, at some point, we proclaim that we discovered the complete original Lego set, then we show the public, “We figured it out! This was what the original Lego set looked like! SCIENCE!”:
So, to look back at the Platecarpus tympaniticus, this is what was discovered:
Using the pieces shown above, they are telling us this is what they found:
Then, in the museum, they show us this:
But, that dangerous looking beast, was never based on this:
It was actually based on this:
See how the scheme works? Now meet the Platecarpus coryphaeus, also discovered by Cope:
More pieces of this dino were found in the 1940s
Obviously these go to the same dinosaur, because what else could they possibly go to?!
Look! They found its tibia!
They took those bones and told us this is what they discovered:
Then they showed us us this:
Want to see another? Check out the Carnosauria, discovered in 1979:
Here’s all the rest of the Carnosauria discoveries:
They found this piece of Carnosaur in 1980:
Here’s the final piece, discovered in 1982:
That is all that was ever found. But, we are told they discovered this:
We are shown this:
Let’s take a peek at one more example. Here is Hesperornis regalis, which was discovered by Marsh in 1872:
The pieces shown below were found on a different day, or at a different location, yet all determined to be from the same creature:
Which they tell us is this:
Which they show us is this:
So as you can see, Show and Tell is quite different from what is actually being excavated. Which brings us to:
Now that you know the inner-workings of the scheme, enjoy these clips I snipped from real dinosaur documentaries, shown on The History Channel, BBC and National Geographic. Let me know which is your favorite in the comments section:
This dude is walking through the desert, picking up 66 million year old egg shells? Could you imagine walking through the woods tomorrow and finding a deer antler, then stating, based on that antler, you have concluded that this deer absolutely hated Mondays? At least a deer antler is an actual thing that we can conclusively say was part of a deer, which is not the case for rock debris, which we are told are actually 76+ MILLION YEAR OLD dinosaur egg shell fragments.
I’m not saying those are identical markings, but what are the odds that when you reverse image search it, NASA’s nonsense comes up? Reality: There is no way of knowing what happened 375 million years ago. The dude who invented “Carbon Dating” admitted he was wrong. We have no idea what caused those markings in that rock, let alone that it was caused by an extinct species, let alone a prehistoric scorpion, let alone that the scorpion was the first creature to ever come out of the ancient sea… and when it did, it left those tracks? Come on man, this is stupid. By the way, Part 4 of this series is all about NASAs involvement in dinosaur hunting and it will blow your mind.
This is probably my fav:
Clearly, these are not real skulls, nor do they match, and no, they are not subspecies. It’s not even remotely consistent, yet it is being shown to us in “dinosaur bone museums” as fact. It’s being shown to us, and our children, and grandchildren, as being part of our history. Meanwhile, it is actually Junk Science.
THE “BONES” DO NOT FIT TOGETHER (2 minute video)
Let me tell you a little personal story: When I dug my pond, there were tons of these half-oval-shaped broken rocks. Never once did I consider they might be dinosaur eggs, hiding 6+ feet under the lawn in my Michigan back yard. You know what else I found while I dug? Trash, because people used to bury their garbage. The only remaining trash (that had not yet decomposed) was metal pop cans, assorted pieces of metal, railroad pieces (yeah, I have no clue either), a toy car made of metal and a handful of pocket change. When I cleaned off the pennies and looked at the dates, they were all dated 1960s - 1970s. So, let’s review this: In the 1960s and 1970s, people buried trash. That trash was as far as 7 feet down (which was as deep as I dug), as of 2019. Out of all the trash they buried, the only remaining trash was metal objects.
Along with the metal trash was assorted rocks, some large (softball size / “dinosaur egg” size), but mostly small rocks (dinosaur tooth size). Oh! There was something really cool; cicadas! Yes! Cicadas! These little guys dig pretty deep! Very cool.
(No cicadas were harmed by my digging. They were actually empty shells!)
What I did not find was any bones. I did not dig up anyone’s dead dog or dead relative that they buried in 1910. I didn’t find any bone impressions. I didn’t find any bones that turned into stone either. I didn’t even find bones in the process of turning to stone. Sorry for such a lame story. I wish I could have told you I found triceratops horns or Dead Sea Scrolls, but I didn’t. Let’s look at the next video:
That clip was from Allosaurus, which aired in 2000. What they are telling us does not match what they are showing us, which seems to be a common theme with dinosaurs:
I often wonder if they are dissecting “owl pellets” or other animal feces. Did you dissect an owl pellet in high school? You end up with all kinds of random bones. It was actually pretty neat. When my kids did owl pellets in school, they came home and asked me to buy owl pellets online so they could do it again at home. I couldn’t bring myself to pay $20 for owl sh*t, but thankfully, they forgot about it. Anyway, the paleontologists go hunt dinosaurs in the Gobi desert (or other locations) where there are tons of animals, rocks, debris petrified in the hot desert sun… and they come back with all kinds of random bones and rock-bone-fossils.
They created “Fruitadens” off basically nothing, put it in a museum and now it is fact; the smallest dinosaur, weighing under two pounds (.75 kg) and measuring 30 inches or less (75 cm):
1966 DINOSAUR DISCOVERY (Aired on NBC, about the Smithsonian Dinosaur Hunters - 2 minute video)
At no point do they tell you this is a reenactment or fake footage. You are to believe this happened, just like that. That guy walked by that mountain-edge and knew that giant bone was hiding in there, then, after digging a couple feet in, he found history.
Again, what they are showing us on television (TELL-A-VISION) is not what they have. It is a sleight of hand magic trick… a trick that worked on me until I started actually examining these documentaries. If you watch the show, and let it put you in a trance (as television is literally designed to do - more on that a different day), when you are done watching the show, all you will remember is “they found dinosaur eggs!”, but if you actually examine it, it’s just so stupid. Time and time again, you notice they are not showing you what they tell you that you are seeing.
I changed my mind, this is actually my favorite… (yes, it is a shameless plug for this series I wrote. I plan to post it on Twitter after Part 5 has been published) (2 minute video)
Like the video showed, they designed the dinosaur based on the couple random bone discoveries. ALL of the dinosaurs are like this! ALL! Read Part 2 of this series for each discovery.
FAKE EVIDENCE BECOMES HISTORY… AGAIN (volume is really low, but this 2-minute video is important.)
And let me add this little throw-away fact in here: DISNEY is listed as a MILITARY PSYOP UNIT PARTNER in authentic US Military documents! Connect the dots!
It’s blatant brainwashing, from the time we are little children, who suck information up like sponges…
In the final chapter, Part 5 of this series, we will look at who is funding this scheme, and the answers are not what you would expect.
I know people really want to believe in dinosaurs, and so did I. When I was a kid, I had all of the Dinobot Transformers! Remember those?
Let’s put dinosaurs on the backburner for a minute and instead take a peek at other history, because the more you look into history, the less sense it makes, as a whole. For example, they claim this sculpture is from “1st century BC”
They also claim, generally speaking, these are the tools these people had:
Other sculptures from 1st century BC
You can see veins! VEINS, FFS!
Look at the sandals and toenail detail!
400s BC
This Greek Temple is, allegedly, from 421-406 BC
This is, “Reclining figures of Dione and Aphrodite from the east pediment of the Parthenon. About 430 BC”, it was originally carved in MARBLE. This is a copy:
The internet says this is clothing from around the same years:
(And why is there such a great discrepancy between the sculptures and art? The art, that they claim to find on walls and such, sucks. The carvings and the actual buildings themselves, which, they claim are from the identical years, are mind-blowing. Why would they put sh*tty art all over the walls, yet have jaw-dropping sculptures in front of it? This alone doesn’t make sense. Let me show you more of what I am talking about…)
3rd Century BC
"The boxer at rest", Hellenistic Bronze statue from around 3rd century BCE.
Look at the detail!
Here’s a bracelet from the same timeframe, made as one solid piece:
14 BC
This is a belt buckle! If you stare at this for five minutes, you’ll see more and more animals. It’s crazy!
200 BC
This is a hair net!
Sorry these closeups are blurry. For some reason, they provide really small, low-resolution photographs of these items, so when I blow them up, so we can see more detail, they become blurry:
15th Century BC
According to the internet, here’s 15th century BCE clothing:
Meanwhile, here’s 15th century BC sculptures from around the world. Can we make this today, with today’s technology? I mean, we could 3D print it, but can anyone actually make this stuff, by hand?:
This is an ugly statue, but check out the folds in the draped material.
This is absolutely insane:
Then there’s the buildings…
Here’s a temple named ‘Kailasha, it was CARVED OUT OF A SINGLE ROCK!
These pics are all of the same place:
As a quick reference, the Harry Potter Exhibit, at Universal Studios, took them 2 1/2 years to build, with all of today’s technology. And this isn’t even a real castle made from real stone:
Now let’s look back at the ancient building, carved in real stone, which they want us to believe were made with no electricity, no technology, no machinery, no gas powered vehicles, and few tools. Carved by dumb ancient people who were barbaric fools because they didn’t have education and died young because they didn’t have the incredible medical system we have today…
The perfection is remarkable. How on earth would they be able to carve these pieces to the identical measurements? They’re (allegedly) hand-carving them. A single mistake and it’s trash because it’s carved from a single rock, but there are no mistakes! IT IS FLAWLESS.
This one is from 757-783 AD (allegedly)
Here’s the inside!
The Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. THEY MADE THIS “2,000 years ago”! WRAP YOUR MIND AROUND THAT!
Here’s India, 300 BC:
3rd Century BC
8th and 9th Century BC. How tall are those statues? MASSIVE!
Ellora Caves -11th - 12th century A.D
How did they lift the rock they were excavating?
Angkor Wat - 12th Century. The water acts as a mirror to provide a perfect optical illusion:
Konark Sun Temple - 13th Century
Yep, def carved by a low-intelligence ancient who was wearing makeshift sandals and a loin cloth:
My point is, if they’re not being honest about this 10th century temple… (built in years 901 - 1000 = ONLY 1,000 YEARS AGO)…
And if they’re not being honest about how it was built…
And modern-day engineers can’t figure out how it was built, let alone with what limited tools and technology they had…
Then why on earth would they be honest about this? From 68 MILLION years ago?
Folks, they’re not even honest about sh*t that is happening, right in front of us, right now. They’re not honest about this: (40 second video - Read: Meet the Covid Crisis Actors: Not Conspiracy Theory, LITERAL Actors )
Or this; testimony from a commercial pilot: (2 minute video, Read How Fake is NASA?)
Or that (31 second video. Read The Chemtrail PSYOP: Convincing You Your Eyes are Lying):
Or even this (2 minute video. Read: Were Maui DEWs a PSYOP, Maui Update Jan 2024, Maui Update March 2024)
If they’re not being honest about all of that, why would they be telling us the truth about this!?!
Next Read: Part 4 - The Dinosaur Hoax and NASA
The dinosaur bone turned into a rock?! But but but they told me dinosaur bones turned into OIL!
Oh, which lie to believe ...
🦖🤣 Thanks for sharing your research… everyone should learn about this hoax.