Dinosaurs are FAKE: Water Dinos Edition - Mosasaurus Fraud (PART 1)
Lets start here: Dinosaur Theory is brought to you by the exact same people who brought you Virus Theory...
If you haven’t read the series I published earlier this year called The Dinosaur Hoax, definitely read that first because it was through researching that series that I determined the whole thing is another massive lie. If you really don’t want to read the 5-part series you are missing out on so much history. Technically it’s not even history, it's prehistoric, so it's pre-history. It’s the history that came before the history that you can pay $14 to go see a copy of in a museum owned by the federal government or an elite, most likely financed by you. Betcha didn’t know you were funding the museums you pay a second time to go in to, now did you? I sure didn't. Kinda like how our tax dollars also fund Planned Parenthood, vaccines and NASAs cartoon satellites that serve literally no purpose whatsoever because internet comes from the ocean, phone calls come from balloons and GPS comes from towers? Kinda like that? Yes, exactly like that, my friends.
They hated God and hated the bible. To disprove the bible, action needed to be taken. In the 1700s there was a dude named George who was a government employee and a member of the Royal Society. Georgie-boy “had an uncanny ability to identify animals from a few odd bones”. He unofficially started The Theory of Evolution by claiming bones that were discovered belonged to extinct species. This opened the floodgates. (1:28 video)
Within a matter of years Charles Darwin, whose grandfather was a very famous Freemason, officially put The Theory of Evolution on the record and, you can’t make this sh*t up, two dudes quickly discovered basically all of the dinosaurs. One of those guys was a mega-elite Quaker Oatmeal heir and the other had a rich AF uncle who had a city named after him. While finding remnants of extinct species, the Quaker Oat bro was also working hard cranking out over 1,000 scientific papers on the discoveries. Meanwhile, the rich uncle used his money to open museums and paleontology programs at universities because when you control the content you write history. Now they had the discoveries, the scientific literature, the museums and the college programs installed into society. This meant, everywhere you looked there was proof of this newfangled concept of dinosaurs.
Museums quickly realized more discoveries = more patrons = more money; suddenly dinosaur bones were being found everywhere by those with financial interest in the discoveries. Museums began sending out expedition crews who were bringing back literal truckloads of what they claimed were dinosaur bones.
During the dino discovery craze, while the media pumped The Theory of Evolution by promoting the discoveries, museums found a new channel of revenue in selling replicas of their dinosaur skeletons. This meant every museum could pay a price to buy a manmade duplicate of a discovery someone else claimed to have made, then the purchaser would put into the replica into their museum to drive customers through their doors. Museums quickly filled with skeletons of alleged extinct species with patrons believing that what they were looking at was actual dinosaur bones, but they were not. They were, and still are, plaster, chicken bones, horse bones, dog bones, etc. They are anything other than dinosaur bones. But it didn’t matter because there were so many people eager to see the new discoveries that museums had to move to larger buildings to accommodate the overwhelming amount of curious customers.
When a new extinct species is discovered the discoverer gets to name it. The elites, who already owned everything money could buy, didn’t have a species named after them so they funded expeditions which discovered more new extinct species which then became namesakes of the wealthy. Yep, dinosaurs got named after lords, sirs, industry tycoons, lawmakers and even bank executives. Some of the ultra-rich, such as Carnegie, also opened namesake museums and paleontology labs. With that being said, while you and I discover this:
and this:
and this
They discover this:
and this:
and this:
You and I might get extra lucky and find this:
But we will never, ever find this:
Why do we discover this?…
…while they discover this?
Answer: Because nobody would pay to see this:
But they will pay to see this:
It really is that simple… BUT THE THING IS…
Fossils aren’t even bones, they’re actually rocks. They claim they once were bones but instead of decomposing during the 66-million to 250-million years they were buried in the ground, they morphed into rocks. But you and I will never see a bone turn into a stone because it just takes too damn long, conveniently around 10,000-years-too-damn-long. One would think that even if we can’t see the full 10,000-year transformation because we don’t live long enough, we should at least get to see a tiny bit of bone turning to stone, right? 10,0000 years ago was 8,000 BC, so there should be a heck of a lot of bones-turning-to-stone between current day and then, right? Then the bones between 8,000 BC and 66 million years ago would all be rocks because they transformed?
…Just like viruses, we will never get to see this natural phenomenon...
But then there’s other times where they do find fragments of dinosaurs, such as 66-million-year-old dinosaur rocks egg shells laying on the top of the desert sand. They even find half-egg shells that dinosaurs hatched out of, right under the surface of the desert sand. Of course the egg shells have all also turned to solid rock because, you know, 10,000 years and such… (1:30 video)
They even find dinosaur DNA frozen in a stone that used to be a bone. Yep, they are extracting dinosaur DNA from ROCKS. (See, this really is the original virus.)
Oh, and there’s also times they find impressions of bones, which are also generically called fossils. These are tricky because there once was a bone there but this time it didn’t turn into a stone. No, sir! In this instance the bone did decompose but when it disappeared it left behind a shape, a shape of where the now-gone bone was. They then fill the shapes with plaster, bring them back to their labs, then chisel away at the plaster mold of the shape until they figure out what the bone from the extinct species that nobody has ever seen looked like. Lastly they fabricate all of the missing pieces (which is basically all of them) then call it a skeleton of a dinosaur.
In the series, we reviewed the discoveries of a dozen or more of the most popular dinosaurs and they range from laughable to dumbfounding to eye-rolling. For example, a spy who worked for the oil industry (Rockefeller’s “fossil” fuels) and also worked at a museum discovered the T-Rex and Triceratops. The Pterodactyl was declared a new, extinct species based on a copper engraving. I forgot which dino it was, but one of them became a species when a single tooth was found somewhere. While these history-changing discoveries were being made by people with financial interest in discoveries (AKA museums and elites), simultaneously, the discoveries were being destroyed in absurd ways. My favorite of those stories was when the “street thugs” stole the bones and threw them into a river because you know how gangsters are, they just steal things and discard them instead of selling them. In another instance, a museum was bombed so the bones were demolished. But thankfully, there were always sketches of the discoveries that didn’t get destroyed and they were able to use those to recreate what would have been lost forever. It’s quite fantastical and it amuses the hell outta me.
In the last part of that series, Follow the Money, we examined the absolute goldmine this industry is, especially because it is funded by taxpayers and generous donors such as Bill Gates and Rockefeller.
Now that we recapped, let’s get into todays content.
This series began on a Tuesday, when an article appeared on the homepage of my MSN browser at work (You: “Don’t use MSN!”, Me: “Every time I open it I get ideas for dozens of Substack articles.”) . This gem of an article was called 5 Of The Most Interesting Water Dinosaurs:
Like a moth to a flame, my cursor was drawn to the article and before I knew it, I had clicked. Let’s check out the list:
The first dino in the list of 5 Most Interesting Water Dinosaurs is Spinosaurus, who wasn’t important enough to provide an image of:
I thought to myself, “Spinosaurus?! Didn’t I research that guy? But I don’t recall investigating any extinct water-dwellers!”. Being that MSN / Discoverer Magazine didn’t have time to provide us an illustration of it, I quickly opened a new browser window and began typing S-P-I-N… and before I could type the letter O, my search history referred me to multiple webpages I had previously visited for Spinosaurus. Being that I didn’t recall researching a water dino, I feared the worst. “Did I mislead my readers by showing them the wrong extinct species illustration? How many will unsubscribe when they discover I betrayed them?”. I quickly clicked on Images and as the page loaded I wondered how I got it so wrong…
Then, it appeared… Spinosaurus:
No wonder they didn’t put a pic…
Mr. Spin-o is considered to be “the longest known terrestrial carnivore”, meaning, homie ain’t a water-dweller but, to be fair to Billy-boy Gates propaganda machine news network and Discoverer Magazine, according to Wiki, this fellow could swim, so I guess he kinda-sorta-maybe can be one of The 5 Most Interesting Water Dinosaurs…? Kinda like how some people consider veggie pizza to be nutritious because it perfectly fulfills The Food Pyramid? (If you want to learn how the famous Spinosaurus came to be, check out my piece The Dinosaur Hoax Part 2: PSYOPS and Schemes, it’s totally worth your time.)
Since I already investigated that dude, let’s check out the second Most Interesting Water Dinosaur on their list:
Now we’re talking! This beast looks vicious AF! I bet he killed stuff for fun, not even to eat, he just chomped stuff in half for no other reason than he could.
See, there he is, swimming around, chomp, chomp, chomping away…
And here he is, in the museum you can buy a ticket to visit so you can learn your pre-history, still chomping:
This chompie dude is such a badass that he has his own knockoff Lego:
And a puppet:
And scenes in multiple movies:
And a special place in the hearts of China factories:
And on wall decals:
and wall art too:
Books and DVDs:
And more:
So clearly, based on the plethora of products which are an ode to the Mosasaurus, this was a real thing that went extinct 66-140 million years ago, right? How about we trust but verify?
Oddly, the first thing I discovered was this art from 1892 which was allegedly absolutely based on bone discoveries:
I think we can all agree, that sketch looks exactly like what they currently tell us the Mosa’ looked like, long neck and all:
BUT, before you order the Mosasaurs lamp for your nightstand, let’s look a little more…
Ok, it wasn’t a “skull” per se, because skulls are basically never discovered, but the first “collection of fragments” that were found contained some jaw pieces. The discoverer was an elite who was also a military lieutenant, named Jean Baptiste Drouin. Mr. Drouin was an “avid collector of fossils” and was buddies with The Royal Society.
The discovery was sketched then the drawing was used to make an engraving so the engraving could be put into a museum to show the public what was found.
Other than that, not a much is known about this guy but we do know he was buried here: (see, I told you, elite)
(meanwhile you and I get this:
Or this:)
Just like with all of the other dinosaur bits they claimed to have located since the 1700s, the fragments of Mr. Drouin’s discovery can never be seen by our eyes. Do you remember why?
“Because they’re just too rare” - yes, and…
“Because they’re just too heavy” - mmhmm, and what was the third reason?
“Because they’re just too valuable” - You did read the series, you sexy Truther!
So, because of those three reasons we only get to see the replicas, but don’t you worry, they assure us they are the exact same thing. Just like how Citric Acid is now made from GMO mold and chemicals but is identical to lemon juice.
The real chunks of the Drouin’s Mosa’ skull are hiding somewhere in Paris, but that’s ok because you and I can go see the replica at the Natural History Museum in Maastricht, Netherlands. Other than that, not much else is known about this discovery, so buy a ticket to the museum and look at the copy if you want to know more, kapish? The good news is, a second skull was discovered and it’s such a crock of sh*t a genuinely magnificent find…
The second skull was also found in the 1700s. When it was located it was quickly determined to be just a crocodile skull until a very wise man came along. That very knowledgeable man was named Petrus Camper. Petrus, other than being exceptionally wise, was a famous geologist and an author for The Royal Society. Additionally he was in communication with Drouin; it was truly remarkable that two men with the same affiliations both found the first two Mosasaurus skulls during the same timeframe.
Technically, Petrus didn’t “find” the skull, he was the one who identified it. You see, when the Petrus took a look at that skull, he immediately knew. “What did he know?!”, you ask, like a five year old wanting to know if you bought him a bike for his birthday.
I reply, “He knew the truth about what that skull actually was, Sweetie. He took one look at it and said Pfft! Crocodile smockadile! Because he knew… … … he knew it was an unknown species… … … of toothed whale!”. You laughingly reply, “No really, what did he know?”, and I affirm that it was indeed a species of unknown whale… with teeth all over, definitely not a crocodile skull. Another sketch was created so an engraving could be made for a museum:
You and I then rejoice and thank the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for The Royal Society’s wise men.
So, now that it was known that this was actually a long-gone-extinct toothed whale and not just another crocodile, pre-history could finally move forward with accuracy. (See, there it is, being discovered, how much more proof do you need?)
…and here’s where the story gets good…
The skull bits were given to a man who liked to be addressed by his first, middle and last name, Mr. Theodorus Joannes Godding (well ain’t that a mouthful?). Theo was a member of the military and a geologist… which meant he could keep the skull pieces at his house, because why not?
Then, the French Revolutionary War happened and you’re not gonna believe this but it’s true! The evil French soldiers broke into Army-Theo’s house and they stole the dino skull pieces! Thankfully, they didn’t hurt Army-Theo. They didn’t even smack his wife around or anything, they went straight for those bone bits, probably because they knew it was a toothy whale.
As tears begin to stream down your cheeks, I offer you a paper towel because it’s 2024 so nobody has a handkerchief. I remind you that, although this is difficult, we have to learn our prehistory and I inform you that the next part of this story might turn your frown upside-down…
Ok, so, those awful French men ganked the dino skull pieces but there is light at the end of The Royal Society tunnel because the skull ended up in the National Museum of Natural History in France. This meant the good people of France could pay to see it! But, although there was happiness that it had been recovered, there were sad times too. Unfortunately, by the time the skull bones arrived at the museum, some pieces were missing. “OH CRUD!”, you shout in anger. Yeah, more one-of-a-kind prehistoric beast remnants were senselessly destroyed and left left up to man to design. Damn it all. The good news was, because of those sketches and engravings, Science was able to fill in all those missing pieces and they got it into that museum ASAP.
Then, because the loving people of the dinosaur industry know we can’t all go to France they made copies and sold them to all of the museums. Now you and I can cough up $14 in any country and see the incredible Mosa’ skull and the entire skeleton they made too.
Those were beautiful stories that give us hope for humanity! Now let’s look at the actual evidence, meaning, show us what was excavated from the ground, meaning we want to see this extinct species of Royal-Society-toothy-whale-skull:
And whatever was left of this after it was recovered from the awful French soldiers but before Science filled in the gaps:
I thought I would start trying to find evidence in a normal-person way, meaning, in a way a regular person who hasn’t spent 200 hours obsessively researching dinosaurs would look it up. This lead me to Internet Archive, where I found a promising-sounding document called “Mosasaurus Dinosaur Fossil (Complete) (3282378)”. It says “COMPLETE”! I think I hit the jackpot!
I opened it and saw it contains a zip file, which I excitedly downloaded:
When I learned it was a graphic, I became next-level-excited. I expected to see a COMPLETE Mosasaurus skeleton, but when it loaded…
I realized it was just a file for anyone who wants to print a Mosasaurs on a 3D printer. Yep, it’s just CGI for people or museums who want to make their own Mosa’ skeleton. I sighed loudly.
Then I adjusted the contrast so you can see it a little better:
With my soul filled with despair, I went to Wikipedia, where I found an incredible photograph of the first known specimen of Mosasaurs!
This must be it! It looks just like it! …But I thought it was mostly destroyed?… Huh, weird…
I was beyond delighted to learn that this amazing creature was actually legit. Finally, a real dino! (Closeups)
But alas, as usual, Wikipedia didn’t have any links to the actual bone discoveries, meaning specifically what the paleontologists excavated from the ground, so I was forced to head back over to the catalog, idigbio.org. Here I ran a search for the beast. I was gobsmacked to see Mosasaurus had been found in multiple locations in the USA as well as in the Netherlands:
Not many of these big dudes have been found, but at least there are some:
What’s really cool is that most of the USA bones have been found where the crocodiles and gators live! “Because the bones are all from crocodiles?” - NO! Don’t be a conspiracy theorist! It’s because, 66-million to 340-million years ago, back when alligators and crocodiles were dinosaurs, and when dinosaurs were also dinosaurs, which was before the asteroid hit and some went extinct while others evolved into birds but the crocodiles and alligators stayed the same, it was at this time that the Mosa’s and the gators lived together, so their bones are in the same locations, obviously.
So, now that we know there are multiple discoveries, I wanted to be your hero and show you what exactly they dug out of the ground, but when I went through the files for every discovery, I came to the realization that none of them have photographs… except for the 1829 discovery:
And the only photo is of a museum display (that is the replica, because too rare, too heavy and your eyeballs don’t deserve it)
The museum display that is strikingly similar to this one:
Which looks like this:
This was kinda strange because I would have expected there to be something more than that. As we have come to learn from the first five articles in this series, even a hand drawn illustration of a bone is enough to catalog a finding and name it a new species, so zero pictures seemed odd. There wasn’t even words describing the findings. Hmmm… I’m determined to not let you down, so let’s keep trying to figure out what came out of the soil that Dr. Facui’s of the 1700s and 1800s determined was this:
You may have noticed my red arrow on the first photograph pointed to this lettery-numbery code:
This is the catalog code that you can use to look up what was taken out of the ground regarding each species. As mentioned, it can be illustrations but sometimes it’s other things, such as nothing at all or photographs of rocks fossils. It can also be the shape they excavated from the ground using a mold then carved into the bone. It doesn’t matter what it is, even if it is nothing at all, it’s a fossil. Do you understand how this works yet? No? Ok, let’s look at this Mosasaurus discovery: In the case of TM 7424, we actually get to see stuff! Well… kinda. Let me explain…
In this case, to see the actual findings I had to do further internet research. On ResearchGate.com I came across this entry, and holy cow, look at that mouth they discovered!:
…Which happens to look like a closeup of this…:
I noticed the teeth have seams, which, from my experience fabricating things, usually means a mold was used:
I then looked up real alligator teeth, and whatdayaknow, they also have seams:
Next I Google Searched crocodile teeth:
And they too have seams:
“So you’re saying they are actually crocodile and alligator teeth?” - NO, YOU FOOL! I’m saying the Mosa’ and the gators have the same type of teeth! They were probably cousins back when they were all toothy whales!
Knowing it’s possible the teeth might be real animal teeth, I still found it exceptionally difficult to believe that these 100-million-year-old, perfectly-preserved, razor-sharp, beautifully-colored teeth, still connected to gums, connected to a jaw, was what they dug up:
I poked around more on Research Gate and found a downloadable document about the discoveries of this extinct species. Can I quickly point out: Did you notice how you have to jump through hoops to find out sh*t that should have been linked on Wikipedia and available on page #1 of a Google Search? Why do we have to spend hours digging around the corners of the internet and downloading crap to see what was removed from the ground, copied and put in museums as history then sold as wall decals for our kids bedrooms?
When you open the document about the discoveries of the Mosasaurus you learn a lot. Remember how we previously discussed the Holotype? I know you remember because you read that series, but just in case you forgot, when a dinosaur part (meaning, a rock) is first discovered it becomes the holotype. This means you get to name it after yourself or an elite and give it a place in prehistory. When another rock piece of a dinosaur is discovered there are three options: it can either be added on to the holotype (“this is his knee cap!”), or it can be deemed a new species or it can be a new subspecies. Those are the only options. A holotype, with very few exceptions, cannot be replaced. The problem for Science is that those two dudes, Cope and Marsh (Quaker Oatmeal heir + rich AF uncle), discovered damn-near all of the dinosaurs, so Science is stuck making their rocks fit with those or, the easier option, just call them a new sub-species.
Whenever the Research Gate document was created, these were all of the subspecies and sub-subspecies of the Mosasaurus at the time (it made me chuckle):
The problem with new subspecies and new sub-subspecies is making it make sense because the rock bone discoveries never match (you go try to find two identical rocks. Good luck with that). As you will notice in the image below, although these are all the same extinct critter, some of the Mosa’s have long bodies like eels, some are stubby, some are thin, some are muscular, but many of them lived at the same time, but it doesn’t matter, cuz toothy whale and Science:
Also in the document we learn that this is where some of the Mosasaurus bits were located. You see the huge hole right? Surely that is where they excavated the beast:
Look, here it is!:
Now here’s the moment you have been waiting for, the big reveal. Here’s where we get to see the actual findings; what they pulled out of the ground, the incredible pieces of the 100-million-year-old dinosaur. Are you ready for your mind to be blown? Are you ready to see the massive water-dweller? Do you already have a Mosasaurus rug in your Amazon shopping cart and you are ready to pull the trigger on the purchase as soon as you lay your eyes on this incredible discovery? Here you go…
…That’s what they found. Now do you see why we only got the closeup pic? See why there’s no link on Wikipedia? See why this isn’t front page of a Google search? “Where did the gums and jaw come from?”, you ask. Answer: Not there, not that desert hole, not connected to those teeth.
So now you’re like, “But at least they actually did find something. I mean, that is indeed a lot of teeth!”… Let’s not jump the gun here, hun…
To make a dinosaur skeleton, worldwide paleontologists work together to find pieces of it. Then someone in a paleontology lab decides what those rocks are and fabricates all of the missing pieces which is almost all of them. I mean, for f*cks sake, they found a couple teeth then built a dinosaur out of it. Regarding the Mosasaurus, here’s a handful of locations where fragments of it have been found:
Basically, this toothy whale was like germs, it was everywhere and the tiniest fragments of it can be found anywhere, by anyone, except us. But they never discover a whole skeleton. Just fragments. Fragments that never match other fragments but Science can Jimmy Rig them into a skeleton that we can pay to look at a replica of in a museum our tax dollars fund.
How about we look at exactly what the worldwide diggers unearthed?
Which looks like this:
Which looks like this:
Which looks like this:
Which looks like this:
REMARKABLE! I feel so embarrassed that I ever suggested dinosaurs could be a hoax… but… upon closer inspection of the Research Gate document, we learn that they didn’t actually find any of that either. It was the worldwide group effort that pieced that mofo together. Here are the different pieces they located to make the skull. Note the sketch below has different letters. Each letter, or combination of letters, represents a unique piece.
Obviously all this sh*t is a Mosasaurus because what else could it possibly be?
The moment I saw this, I said to myself, “Yep, all that sh*t goes together and that’s for sure a dinosaur!”
But who would have guessed it was a water-dweller?!
Keep in mind, what we get to see is after they preformed the lengthy excavate-and-prepare ritual (molding, plastering, chiseling, carving, gluing, sawing and fabricating, to name a few of the steps) :
I wonder which of these came from the Antarctica discovery?
No doubt in my mind, these are extinct toothy whale bits!
All we need now is a gender reveal party and we are ready to present it to the world:
A dinosaur is like a 10,000 piece Lego set that is missing 9,999 of the pieces and the one piece you have is broken, so your mom hands you a pipe cleaner, a thumbtack and a piece of yarn and tells you to make her a dinosaur. The paleontologists decide what the 1 piece they have is supposed to be then they make the rest.
So, even though those pieces aren’t even from the same location or even the same year, it doesn’t matter because the paleontologists knew what they were… they knew they were an extinct species that nobody in history had ever seen. They knew those pieces made this Royal Society toothy whale:
And once they assembled that, they knew it went to this:
All they needed to do was fill in the missing pieces and it could be given square footage in every museum. (I like how they blurred this dudes face from their advertisement like he is a criminal for faking history):
So, that was the story of the discovery of the biggest ocean dinosaur ever. Do I still think you should buy your son the Mosasaurus comforter? That’s up to you man. We already lied to our kids about Santa, why stop now?
COMING NEXT: Dinosaurs are Fake: Water Edition - PART 2: KRONOSAURUS, BUT FIRST:
1929: https://archive.org/details/biostor-259950
1932: https://archive.org/details/biostor-259954
1959 https://archive.org/details/biostor-4401
Cope: https://archive.org/details/bulletin-american-museum-natural-history-13-025-029
My man! You definitely went a lot deeper than I did! I love it! Dinosaurs were the second topic I covered in my book after electricity because dinosaurs were THE ONE FACTOR that gave evolution a fighting chance:
Love your quote man: “they hated God and they hated the Bible” totally agree. That’s why they needed so much to create a NIHILIST society - one voice from God and all things spiritual and give us this fake religion known as “scientism”: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-religious-tenants-of-scientism
Thanks for this post man! Greatly appreciated 😊
Another entertaining read. I never realized what a scam paleontology is until I started researching it, but like satellites, gravity, planets, etc., people get genuinely pissed when you upset their world view with evidence, or calling out the lack of it. There are fossils, but they are fossils of species that are still living today. Some of them may be extinct species, but they are not transitional species of modern animals.
This is a great presentation refuting the millions of years hypothesis and idea of evolution. It details fossilization (more accurately fossilized impressions) of entire animals (bones and soft tissue), invertebrates, plants, insects, etc. of species that are still alive today along with a fascinating possible explanation. The presentation starts at the 18 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA7dVszSHF4