My man! You definitely went a lot deeper than I did! I love it! Dinosaurs were the second topic I covered in my book after electricity because dinosaurs were THE ONE FACTOR that gave evolution a fighting chance:


Love your quote man: “they hated God and they hated the Bible” totally agree. That’s why they needed so much to create a NIHILIST society - one voice from God and all things spiritual and give us this fake religion known as “scientism”: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-religious-tenants-of-scientism

Thanks for this post man! Greatly appreciated 😊

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Another entertaining read. I never realized what a scam paleontology is until I started researching it, but like satellites, gravity, planets, etc., people get genuinely pissed when you upset their world view with evidence, or calling out the lack of it. There are fossils, but they are fossils of species that are still living today. Some of them may be extinct species, but they are not transitional species of modern animals.

This is a great presentation refuting the millions of years hypothesis and idea of evolution. It details fossilization (more accurately fossilized impressions) of entire animals (bones and soft tissue), invertebrates, plants, insects, etc. of species that are still alive today along with a fascinating possible explanation. The presentation starts at the 18 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA7dVszSHF4

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With so much of our reality fabricated, is there any wonder I have my doubts about the authenticity of the so called GOOD BOOK? An Italian scholar has a book out called the NAKED BIBLE which mostly re-explains the OLD TESTAMENT in a light that makes one wonder. I wonder how much 'truth' is in the NEW TESTAMENT???

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If the elites hate something enough to work this hard to destroy it, it is most likely true.

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Not dinosaur bones but human.....If they hide human evidence, its not much of a stretch that dino bones wouldnt be fair game.


"On 3 December 2014, World News Daily Report published an article titled "Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900's." In that article, the site reported the Smithsonian Institution colluded with unspecified parties to suppress information proving the existence of giants, and the Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that documentation of the discovery be declassified in 2015"

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Chomp Chomp Chomp. I eat pieces of shit for breakfast and watch MSM through my butt eye.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

I'm only finished with about a fourth of your encyclopedic article on dinos and I didnt want you to think I hadn't read it but its a GIANT read! I've been a dinosaur buff for years and your research has deflated me but it seems spot on. Unbelievable how this scam could have run so long and yet none of us knew how it was all being fabricated for profit. I've seen buried articles on graves found with giant human skeletons (8-15' high) that the Smithsonian knew about and buried the information or destroyed it. There are pix on the internet of these skeletal remains but they're all olld from the 30's......The Smithsonian has these remnants but they have locked them away or obliterated them because it would endanger their fake historical narrative. I'll never visit the Smithsonian again or any other museum that purports to perpetuate the dinosaur myth. You have done phenomenal job and you should repost it occasionally so more people can see it. I have the time to negotiate an essay like this but many people couldnt handle it nor have the attention span to plow through it

p.s.- Now I can see how NASA got away with their scam for decades

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Why do some of the "bones" and drawings look like this creature had two lower jaws, or two upper jaws? There are 3 rows of teeth in some of the images. But the pictures of what the whole thing looked like don't show anything like that. The very last "bone" image in your article shows this, and the drawing of what it supposedly looked like that immediately follows doesn't appear to.

I love what you are doing to show why this whole piece of earth history has been fabricated.

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"All we need now is a gender reveal party and we are ready to present it to the world"

Brilliant, as always!

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I believe you've pin-pointed the motivation for this deception. Sasquatch denialism is also really about protecting the narrative of evolution as accounting for human origins. The theorist who went the farthest in exposing the lies was Lloyd Pye, who died of fast acting cancer in 2013. Pye said that we were designed poorly by our alien creators. We've got lots of skeletal problems. The position of our bladders makes it seem like we were meant to walk on all fours. This was discussed by Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles. Because we stand upright, our bladders can't empty completely. It's as though our internal organ design was borrowed from swine. We also suffer from hereditary diseases unknown in the other animals. Nature is divine but humanity is corrupt. I believe in a creator and a usurper. The current state of humanity is far from what God intended.

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