A lot of things just aren’t adding up…
I’m a few days late to the party and haven’t had any time to do my own investigation into this topic but I wanted to share this video a reader, Maki, sent me; crazy sh*t is going down in NC: (23 minute video. The full version is 47 mins)
Then, last night, Maki sent me this:
Then, when I checked my phone one last time before bed, I saw
posted this:And Dr Ana, (whom I hugely disagree with on many things and utterly despise her promoting of “vitamins” and other “alternative medicines” which are all PSYOP poisons), shared the article below, which reinforces what I posted on September 3rd, 2024 in my article called WE are the Electric Grid: Turning People into Charging Stations. I’m sharing her work because she is far superior than me when it comes to explaining the sciency aspect of how this sh*t works. I do not agree with everything, but I 100% agree that they plan to use us as the power grid (now that she sees what is going on, I hope she looks into how “vitamins” play into this, but that won’t happen because she would have to go against her own best interests both financially and politically-speaking. Regardless, the article reinforces what I tried to warn of):
Anyway, I just wanted to throw all of that stuff into a post for you. Btw, since writing my We are the Power Grid article, I have since discovered, with the help of my friend,
, that “Vitamin D” doesn’t just get stored in our fat for as long as two years, it also acts as a carrier. Although I do not yet know if it carries past the blood brain barrier like “Vitamin A” does, it permeates our blood, flesh and bone. It penetrates pregnant and nursing women’s breast milk - but more on this coming soon. You should follow if you haven’t already. What you don’t know is that she is working on some massive projects behind the scenes - projects which are so big they have the potential to change history and she has my full support and my commitment to provide my research services free of charge for as long as needed. She will be making some announcements on the project soon-ish (these things take a great deal of time).Also follow
. He’s one of the nicest dudes ever. The guy is one of the few (perhaps the only?) actually putting his money where his mouth is in our war against the virology industry. He doesn’t just tell you, he shows you.And I recently discovered
also has a Substack. She is warning that these people in our movement, the Trusted Sources with huge platforms, are not what you guys think. I’ve been trying to scream this from the rooftops but nobody seemed to believe me. I guess it is reasonable to assume I’m lying, after all, any normal observer would look at my account with a small following of 10,000 then compare it to a Trusted Source with a massive following, over ten times the number, then select who they want to believe based on that alone… but let me tell you, I have been doing some research and I am beginning to question some people’s subscriber counts. In fact, I am beginning to question a whole hell of a lot and I am beginning to wonder if something more is going on here… and I will be exposing it all very soon…WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Not towing the line means not getting support from “the click”. The truly independent journalists on Substack need your support to keep doing what they do because they do not get offers to do interviews, they do not get promoted in the alternative media, and therefore, never have the opportunity to make a fraction of the income the Trusted Sources make. Believe it or not, researching and writing free articles costs money (and a helluva lotta time that could be spent doing literally anything else). In the past two months I have been forced to pony up thousands of dollars for new computers, external hard drives, even my f*cking mouse broke - I am blessed that I took in enough donations to fully fund this. Prior to that I shelled out hundreds of dollars for supplement testing and threw
project $200 because it is of utmost importance that we open people’s eyes to one of the biggest lies of our lifetime; viruses. I am currently involved in exposing DNA tests which cost $120 per test. I do not have a trust fund and my spouse would kill me if I hack into the bill money to fund virology and vitamin hoax studies, so it is only through your support that I can do these things to spread Truth. If you’re not sure if you want to support my work, please choose your favorite author and buy them a coffee. Not only does it financially help us keep fighting the good fight, but it motivates us to keep doing so.NEXT READ
Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again
Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1
The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2
I even looked into what Ivermectin actually is and what hydroxychloroquine actually does when it is inside of us.
NEVER FORGET DEAGLE...the population of the USA (and all western countries) is to be REDUCED BY 80% by the end of 2025...you think they are kidding? not bloody likely...
So, Joey sent almost ALL of our National Guard forces to foreign countries? Why? So, with ALL these “natural” disasters killing Americans (people that would defend this country & probably have guns) are dead/dying . Right?
Get ready. Something very bad is about happen.
There was a fella ( ex FBI OR CiA) that testified before Congress about a week and a half ago.
He warned of something ominous was about to happen in 4 days…this was before the ‘huuicane’.