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STEALING THE FOOD SUPPLY, Right in Front of Our Eyes...
In April & June 2023 GeoEngineering nightmares occurred, but went virtually unnoticed by the masses. Today we take a deep dive into covert Weather Manipulation hell that is rapidly killing EVERYTHING
STEALING THE FOOD SUPPLY, right in front of our eyes: a deep dive recapping the absolute horror GeoEngineering caused in Michigan and across the USA in 2023, then looking at what’s instore for all of us in 2024. All of the images and videos in this article were stored in my Gulag Google Photo Album, by month, so, as you read this, you are going on the same journey I did to write this:
As you already know, 2022 was filled with nonstop factory and food processing plant fires. By June of 2022, there were over 100 food facilities that had been destroyed in some way (fire, explosion, flood, etc). Come the new year, at least 750 factories had been demolished. Reports state this is “50x more than normal”.
Here in Michigan, we finished out 2022 with grocery stores becoming empty.
Due to being low on inventory, for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2022, they stocked frozen pizzas in place of turkeys, and those sold out too, because Michiganders don’t give a f*ck.
It got so bad that many stores closed off empty aisles completely. Our local Kroger completely shut down the deli and seafood area due to lack of stock.
But, if you wanted processed GMO food, there was enough of that… (40 second video)
January 2023 began with me starting to notice our Michigan trees were dropping large amounts of branches, falling over or completely snapping in half. I had never seen anything like it.
I am not being hyperbolic when I say, “At least half of the trees were clearly in various stages of dying” (4 second video)
Where are the roots?
(5 second video)
It was literally everywhere I looked. So many were completely stripped of bark:
I started sharing this on social media and received an overwhelming response from all over the world because everyone was experiencing the identical issue. Trees were even falling over on national television: (12 second video)
I wrote a thorough Substack post about this topic. As outlined in that post, they have been designing mechanical trees to replace the real trees they are intentionally killing. The difference between their machine-trees and real trees is OXYGEN. No trees = no oxygen. This forces us to relocate to their 15 Minute Cities in Rockefeller’s 10 MegaRegions.
By the beginning of February, huge amounts of fish were dying worldwide because, as my last article discussed, I suspect they are being intentionally poisoned, but this was mostly ignored in February 2023 because a freak winter storm came out of nowhere and nailed Texas and southern states, causing grave harm.
The storm dominated the media, so the food supply being poisoned went unnoticed overall.
In March 2023 the shocking Canada Wildfires began and people began reporting soap falling from the sky (yes, SOAP), these events were quietly accompanied by a handful of reports of worldwide mass extinction, which was no longer just fish. I began creating Twitter threads about this. Absolutely everything was dying at alarming rates; bees, insects, animals, plants, food crops, seriously everything. All of these headlines are from the month of March, 2023:
Also in March, we began having freak hail storms here in Michigan, in which there was no snow, just hail, occasionally accompanied by a flash flood of biblical proportions. The amount of hail was crazy. Tons and tons of hail; I had never seen anything like it and I have lived here my entire life. Truly inconceivable amounts of hail that looked like big chunks of salt and did not melt.
Oh, and this is when I met “the black dots” that I wrote about in Chemtrails: Fake Snow vs Blow Torch. As I am writing this I still have not solved the mystery of those dots.
But the ecosystem death was also overlooked because the Nashville shooting occurred at the end of the month.
Because bees had nearly-vanished from Detroit, (exactly as intended), for the past 7-or-so years, I had been building up our Mason Bee population because they do not need the same level of care that a honey bee house needs. I started with one Mason bee house and, over time, ended up with a dozen. When we put the first house out we only had around 30 bees, but we were able to double the size of the population in only one year. Within a couple years, we had around 500, all buzzing around the yard! Then, while everyone was distracted with the Canada Wildfires, Nashville shooting and Russia officially invading Ukraine, nightmare GeoEngineering occurred…
In late April 2023, they shot the temperature up to almost 80 degrees (27 Celsius). Typically, 80 degrees is the temp we get in late July and August, never in April. They held the high temp study for a full week, which was long enough to take everything out of hibernation. Usually we keep the bee houses in the garage until we see the first flowers appear in the yard, but because of the temp increase, all of our bees began to hatch, so we had to rush them outside. Here’s moments old bees, emerging from their eggs to experience their first flight. So miraculous. (13 second video)
The 80-degree-week caused the plants to begin shooting up from the ground, which was fantastic because the bees needed food ASAP. The media praised how lucky we were to have such beautiful weather in April.
The weather was so warm that Home Depot had plants outside on April 2nd.
Then, the worst thing ever occurred…
After exactly one week of summer weather, when everything had emerged from hibernation, they plummeted the temp straight down to below freezing (32F/0C). The temp dropped so fast that everyone had horrible, throbbing migraines from the drastic barometric pressure change.
They proceeded to hold the temp at freezing for 8 or 9 straight days.
This was just enough time to ensure the death of pollinators because bees cannot fly when the temp is under 50 degrees, and bees cannot survive without food for two-days, max.
In a panic, as soon as I got home from work, I rushed to build the bees a shelter and placed a small space heater inside, along with sugar water, because the internet claimed bees will consume sugar water if no other food is available (due to not being able to fly to it). Unfortunately, the infant bees declined to use the shelter. GeoEngineering slaughtered all of our bees. 100% killed, folks. Complete annihilation. Take no prisoners. 7 years of happy, flourishing bee colonies, murdered, right in front of my helpless eyes. A real-life horror movie. We would not see another Mason bee the entire summer of 2023. I have no idea if they will ever return.
Lots of unpredictable hail and flash floods, but the weather was so warm that all the plants in my yard were growing, so I brought out my pre-grown lettuce, tomatoes and jalapeños and planted them into the garden. Typically we do not plant until Mothers Day, or later.
The rapid tree death continued
June 2023 began with Air Quality Alerts:
I realized there were no insects in my yard, other than pests. NOT A SINGLE BEE, butterfly, grasshopper, ladybug, moth, nothing at all. (37 seconds)
Although all our native, beneficial insects vanished, the first time ever, we had tons of mites and pests who love dead and dying trees, which were overtaking Detroit. Because the praying mantis, frogs, toads, spiders, snakes and other predators disappeared, there was nothing to eat the pests. Scarlett beetles magically appeared everywhere and began ravaging our tulips. Although the asleep spouse suggested chemicals, I said, “absolutely not”, so my daily task was to handpick every one of those f*ckers. Rollie Pollies, which used to be abundantly, cheerfully zipping around our gardens, devouring decaying matter, thus keeping the gardens pristine, also disappeared completely. Because there were no insects, the bats vanished. Seagulls, hawks, owls and vultures began appearing in residential Detroit, seeking a meal. Coyote sightings in suburbs became common. The food chain was officially broken. Dusk and night were dead silent in my yard; no longer a symphony of wildlife. It was horrifying and depressing.
Being married for 20 years, I have come to learn that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, so, for the first time, I started purchasing large bulk insects online and releasing them in my yard. God bless my amazing spouse who thinks insects are disgusting, and is absolutely terrified of some of them, but has the patients of a saint and puts up with me and all the weird sh*t I do. (26 second video)
One of my life-long buddies lives two miles from me. We discovered that my purchase of several thousand crickets reached his home within 3 weeks. Apparently crickets travel pretty damn fast for having such tiny legs. My bulk lady bugs began appearing in his yard in half the time. I am anxiously waiting for spring 2024 to see if any of the insects survived or if the sky-poison, soap-spraying and whiplash weather killed them off again. If their eggs can’t make it through winter without being massacred again, we are completely f*cked, my friends. I will keep you posted.
Also in June, they began cranking up the atmospheric heaters and Sky Mirrors. (This blew my mind. I always thought they were “Chembows”, 1:27 video ):
While the media was reporting that our Michigan weather was in the 80s, what they weren’t sharing was the ground temps, which is crucial to plant production.
The excessive use of fine metallic particles in GeoEngineering (chemtrails), combined with atmospheric heaters and sky mirrors (=heating metal) caused ground temperatures to reach 110 - 139 degrees… photosynthesis stops at 104 degrees.
Grass temperature in JUNE, in the morning! NOT NORMAL! (5 second video)
Garden Mulch temperature in JUNE (5 second video)
Garden Lava Rock temperature in JUNE (5 second video)
Because plants cannot grow when the ground temp is over 104 degrees, our produce plants were at a complete standstill, with some dying in JUNE!
I had never seen anything like it, the ground became so hot it was as if it was literally burning plants:
A week later. DEAD IN JUNE!
Singed pineapple plant:
This is a third-year rose bush. These things are so hard to kill:
Tropical plant, surrendering. Whatever the white stuff on the leaves are is what came down in a flash flood. This white residue was covering everything:
People on Twitter said I was stupid and, “Just water them!”. Thanks for the feedback, however, we have in-ground sprinklers running 6 HOURS a day, off-and-on in a cycle, with heavy watering at dusk and it didn’t help. I should also add that not only were ground temps roasting, but there was NO SUN because it was all being intentionally blocked, which aided in powder mildew and lichen covering our formerly-healthy, decades-old lilacs and such. It was hot and dark. STEALING THE FOOD SUPPLY.
July 2023 brought record-breaking heat and droughts, all over the world.
They have been practicing these droughts for 50+ YEARS. Here’s a 1979 Colorado Newspaper: "The Colorado Farm Bureau is requesting Gov. Richard Lamm to initiate immediately a statewide weather modification program to help relieve Colorado’s severe drought problems"
California has always been a prime GeoEngineering target because it produces so much of the food supply in the United States. Must see video (1:30)
While all of this was going on, every day I would go to work and listen to truth shows while doing my assigned computer tasks. 90% of those shows were advertising “survival seeds”. Spend $140 on a big case of Heirloom seeds that will last you a decade… yeah, ok. In theory, it sounds great. In reality, it’s probably a complete waste of $140 that could have been better spent on sh*t you will actually be able to use to try and survive, such as dehydrated food. No bees, no sun, poisoned soil, contaminated water, having to wait 90 days to harvest = good luck growing survival food. Even if you are blessed to have a lot of land to grow on, or perhaps you own a farm, they are covertly spraying farms with poison in the middle of the night (1:51 video)
And if you are trying to operate a farm that provides food for others, or if you own an organic farm, you are at the top of the target list: (1 minute)
Now keep in mind, during the past 5 years, which are the same years as the extra-heavy GeoEngineering, they have been working on launching a Sun Simulator (Not “conspiracy theory”. It is a fact). Why do you suppose they would need to build a fake sun? Because they plan to take away the real sun, obviously. I wrote about that too, read it. Our ability to survive hinges upon knowing our enemy.
If you own a greenhouse, and if they don’t block the sun (which they will, I’d bet my bottom dollar on it), you have better odds of growing something because you can control the contamination. I do not own a greenhouse, but I have spent over $20,000 building out an indoor grow room, which should, in theory, be capable of providing enough produce for my family to survive. I can attest that it is not easy, it’s not cheap and it’s a lengthy learning process. I’m on year #5 and have come to conclude that the only way to figure out how to do it correctly, is to figure out how not to do it first. I will write a post about it so you can learn from all of my trial-and-errors (lots and lots of errors, but I think I am almost done with the error-stage). With that being said, the problem with a large-scale indoor grow room is electricity, because they plan to cap our usage after the roll out the 0 Carbon scheme, which will make indoor growing impossible. STEALING THE FOOD SUPPLY.
In August, Michigan began being hit with these new “electrical storms”, which is a direct result of all the metals and chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere. I have lived here for my 42 years of life, and have never seen anything like this. It woke me up at 3am because I thought someone turned on a strobe light in my bedroom! The lightning was blue with a hint of purple color. (55 second video)
August was also filled with terrible floods:
Tornadoes, more hail and whiplash weather hit us hard.
My tomato plants were producing a mere handful of tiny fruits. The lettuce was near death due to ground temps. The jalapeño plants liked the extreme heat, but can you survive off jalapeños? F*ck if I know. I’m a dumb American who was raised with 0 survival skills, who is trying to figure this sh*t out halfway through my life.
I saw this newspaper laying on the ground, wet from a flash flood:
September was nonstop GeoEngineering, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
The trees were continuing to surrender:
(17 seconds)
Bees were falling out of the sky:
I have a thorough post The Bees Must Die: Meet Your New Mechanical Bees, that you should also read. I’ll add the link to the end of this article.
October was more endless GeoEngineering, around the clock:
Around this time, they began using frequencies to move the clouds to block the sun. If the sun broke free of the clouds, within a handful of minutes, the clouds would move to block it again. We ended up with crazy skies, and no direct sun whatsoever. Guess where the sun is: (14 second video)
And the weathermen began using a new term, “Broken Clouds”
Which means “Frequency (weapon)”, HAARP, NEXRAD, 5G, but “Broken Clouds” sounds a hell of a lot better than “Being-blasted-by-Frequency Clouds” Guess where the sun is: (15 second video)
November was even more 24/7, relentless Chemtrailing, ALWAYS a cloud in front of the sun.
Gray skies by noon, freak hail storms, flash floods and drastic temperature swings were the new normal.
December was more of the same. Throughout the past couple winters, people who got snow began to notice the snow didn’t seem normal. The snow wouldn’t melt, but it would burn. Check out my post Chemtrails: Fake Snow vs Blow Torch.
I started writing this post on January 3, 2024. At the time, here in Michigan, we had the mildest winter to date. When we did have snow, it wasn’t even snow. It was a light dusting of white mixed with bits of hail that resembled salt, sprinkled across our gardens like Bobby Flay salting a fresh pretzel. Not only was it mild in terms of snow but it was so warm that plants were growing… IN JANUARY!!!!! Here’s January 3rd lettuce:
Flowers! WTF!
We throw food scraps into a compost area. On January 11th, an old bulb of garlic started growing:
Then, approximately January 12th, they plummeted the temp down to below-freezing, with bitter, howling, high-winds. This event was called The Arctic Freeze:
(2:42 video)
When snow began being dumped on us, it was super heavy and coming down at record-pace. As it came down, it ripped branches off the already-fragile trees. All schools rushed to close due to sub-zero temps. If you read my post, Congressional Testimony: When We Start Spraying, Gray Skies, But Magnificent Sunsets, you already know, this is a sure-sign of GeoEngineering: (10 second video, Michigan 1-17-24, the worst day of The Arctic Freeze):
The Arctic Freeze was 100% man-made. I can absolutely confirm this. I took a flight over it, during it and what I discovered was shocking. More on that insanity coming soon.
Look at these headlines, Jan 22nd - 25th, 2024.
January 22nd: Time to jack the temperature up again. Clear evidence of GeoEngineering:
Jan 23rd: “Weather phenomenon”? I would laugh out loud but it isn’t funny at all:
Jan 24th: Now a “dangerous ice storm” and snow is going to lead to a “warmup”? Raise your hand if this makes absolutely zero sense to you:
Jan 25th:
Jan 30th:
As I type this, the GeoEngineered hail is coming down…
In closing, my friends, we are in for a rough ride as 2030 approaches. Prepare now.
I know this was depressing, but in order to defeat the enemy, we must learn everything about them and their plans. If you want to support my efforts, donations in any amount truly help. I am in need of a new computer, with way more space for videos than mine has. I sincerely appreciate your help!
If you missed it, here’s Part 1:
They really love poisoning things:
If you have time, please watch the full 55-minute Dane Wigington and Mike Adams video that came out in January 2024. It is imperative information, start to finish:
Link to watch on Rumble:
<a href="">Image by dooder</a> on Freepik
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I'm a researcher. Come explore uncomfortable Truths in a lighthearted way that makes them easier to digest (and sometimes even hilarious). I publish special deep dives for paid subs on the 1st and 15th, everything else is free.
Everything you witness is correct (obviously, that is what the word WITNESS means). But VERY FEW see it. They do not connect the dots. They are oblivious. They are complacent. And that's what the people in power are counting on.
It almost lends credence to shape shifting reptiles living below the earths surface attacking us.
How can any human support killing the planet to depopulate mankind? Agenda 2030 is just plain evil. God help us