Jul 20Liked by Agent131711

Agent, I think your original pieces on so-called "vitamins"- how they are made, what they are made of, and the people that moved them into the food supply, shelves of the stores, and minds of the public make all of this downstream accounting null and void.

I have cut and paste a good snippet below translated from a German Telegram group (Next Level). "Vitamins" are the "good" version of the "virus". Everything else is the same. They are an invented idea. They are laboratory artifacts. Outside of a piece of food, they have to be concocted in a lab. It is like you had said in one of your other pieces, the real food may have some symphony of beneficial, magical micronutrients in it, but you can't pull one little player out, 'separate' it, and have it make the same music all by itself. If you put the "Vitamin discoverers" in the same room with the "Virus discoverers", they might all think they were looking at each other in the mirror. It's all chemical adulteration tinkering to achieve some end product... and I reckon they must just assign some formula to it to make it seem like it is a "thing" (that can be recreated from various chemical barrels in India and China).

You can keep this real simple and easy. Eat the orange. Eat the chicken. Eat the carrot. Eat the butter. Make your own sourdough bread. Drink the unpasteurized milk. If it is whole, if it is real, go for it. If it has a wrapper on it and is made by a corporation, and you don't have your high powered reading glasses and corporate ingredient glossary decoder, put it back on the shelf. There's no fucking "vitamins". There's real food and there is fake chemical garbage food. If people generally practiced this, cleaned out their supplement cupboards, and never heard the word vitamin again, they'd never think about it. No calorie or nutrient calculators necessary. The end.

"The concept of vitamins is a purely human invention. There are no published, controlled experiments in the scientific literature that confirm their natural existence. In fact, no “vitamin” has ever been directly observed in food. The only places where they are “detectable” are the results of laboratory processes (the bottom of a test tube) after a witch’s brew of poisonous chemicals is mixed, leaving a dregs of the substance.

False idea of proof

Vitamins, whose size is estimated to be around 1 to 2 nanometers, are probably 50 to 100 times smaller than the claimed SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has not been isolated and detected to date. If one were to enlarge a vitamin molecule to the size of a tennis ball, at the same scale this would correspond to a tennis ball that would be more than three times the diameter of the Earth. However, the presumed separate structures of these molecules have never been clearly isolated and clearly separated from other components.

There is no real gold standard

There is no single study that documents the clean isolation and biochemical characterization of a vitamin molecule to establish it as a pure, isolated standard for comparison. Instead, it analyzes the dregs of a byproduct of food that has been broken down by numerous harsh and toxic chemicals.

The extraction process (“isolation”) of a vitamin molecule

To isolate vitamin C from lemon juice, you start with a simple glass of juice and take it through an alchemical odyssey: first it is charged with lead, only to laboriously remove the lead later. Then you juggle with ammonia, acetic acid and a parade of solvents – from butyl to ethyl alcohol, to acetone to petroleum ether. After it has been heated, dried, reheated and dried again, the whole thing is served to the animals. If they don’t get scurvy, you’ve got it: ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C, extracted through an impressive party of chemicals. Voila, science!"


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This is a fantastic writeup. The final part in The Vitamin Swindle is "The Vitamin Isolation PSYOP: Vitamins ARE Viruses". It's even worse than viruses. I found a photo of isolated vitamins and I couldn't stop laughing. The article I wrote is about fat soluble vitamins, so the information you shared about water soluble it outstanding. I'm elated that it seems like many more people are starting to speak out against this fraud now, yet the famous Freedom Doctors still won't touch the topic and still continue to sell the products. That bums me out.

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I'm picturing a side by side photo of "virus" next to "vitamin". The scary spiky demon particle next to the glorious miracle micronutrient all dressed up for the ball. If it has a halo, I'm going to spit out my margarita.

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Thank you, Agent: superb!

For some complementary / correlating readings:

White Bread (whale.to)

In full


All the best!

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Agree but there are whole food supplements that are good. And I believe trace minerals may have to be taken due to low count in the soil.

I drink salt water or sole when feeling sluggish.

Food is always better than anything processed in a lab , but remember not everyone has access to organic nutrient dense foods!

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Jul 20Liked by Agent131711

Your posts about vitamins is life changing. I have a large bag of supplements to dispose of. I was wondering about probiotics, there are newer versions (more expensive) now. Are any worthwhile?

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This means the world to me. I haven't looked into probiotics but I will add it to my list. Like I said in my Hydroxychloroquine article, a good rule of thumb is, "If its made in a lab, it's probably bad. If it comes from God, it's good for your bod".

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Sauerkraut = probiotics

Really easy to make...

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{..Really easy to make...}

Please, be so kind as to let me have a link on how to concoct it at home from fresh cabbage. Thanks a LOT in advance !!

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Thank you so much !!!👍👍👍👍

That woman and her link are a genuine treasure-trove.

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You are welcome. She sure is!

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thank you

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You can get probiotics through fermented foods. But I find there are supplants that work. Get probiotics that are refrigerated. They tend to be the best.

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Fermented foods, raw dairy!

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thank you. I struggle to find real cheese, even the deli cheese is a cheese "product".

There are only 2 farms with raw milk in my state, both hundreds of miles away. I can do fermented though and keep my eye out for raw dairy.

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Do you have an Aldi near by? Their Asiago cheese is raw . If you read the ingredients it says milk culture not pasteurized.

Start reading your cheese ingredients. You might stumble upon one.

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Unfortunately, no Aldi in town. Rumor has it that one might be coming. But I will definitely search out more cheese labels. Appreciate your suggestion.

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Thanks to your earlier exposes’ on “ vitamins “, I’ve since stopped taking all vitamins and you know what?

I feel a helluva lot better!!

I’ve always been a take it or leave it type with many things, I only started taking vitamins recently due to a rather nasty bout of vax induced pneumonia which literally stripped my immune system of everything , turns out I was defeating my own cause by taking “vitamins “to replace what was lost.

I can no longer ingest any fake food dyes or anything GMO without getting sick, but maybe that’s a plus?

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I'm glad to hear this, brother. I've been clean from vitamins for a year or two now. I'll have to look up the date. I too get sick (horrible stomach issues) when I consume GMOs or chemicals. The spouse hates that I can no longer go out to eat at restaurants but it isn't worth hours of pain. I never considered there could be a correlation between vitamins and our bodies being made tolerant to processed foods and GMOs but now that you shared your story, it makes sense. Many "vitamins" are designed to "flip switches" in our bodies. Vitamin D, a mislabeled "vitamin" that is actually a steroid hormone, is a fantastic example of this. I am currently learning that some cross the blood-brain barrier, which is utter insanity. So the next question becomes, are these "vitamins" flipping off switches that would allow our bodies to reject processed toxins?

I too feel amazing since quitting. My afternoon grog is gone, I have regained so much energy, I'm happier as a whole, much more focused. There has been 0 downside.

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Well my MAJOR mistake was buying off of amazon ( all counterfeit products, read the 1 star reviews, you’ll be amazed) and then I was going through mercola and a friend gave me a bottle of Intra-Max, and after reading your reports, they both had a few of the same ingredients that you had shown, so I went cold turkey just to see what would happen, and sure enough, my health began to improve!

I’m giving fermented mushroom complex a try, that seems to be relatively harmless (so far) and I’m trying an herbal immune support instead of regular supplements, but still doing mercolas probiotics, those made a huge difference in my recovery!

Thanks for your investigations, you really opened my eyes!!

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I can't say that I have ever considered the "foods" you have chosen to list as actually being food. Nor did my mother, bless her.

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I wrote our local co-op to determine what’s in the misting used for produce (including organic)...no reply as of yet.

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When you find out please let us know. I'm curious too.

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Good question. The "misting" at the large farms before reaching the grocery is a deluge (unbelievable really) of who knows what!

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Then throw in chemtrails and it’s a recipe for disaster.

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Just found this....


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That’s what prompted me to contact the local co-op.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Thanks very much for this series it has really opened my eyes as I have been a consumer of supplements for many years and have been learning over the last decade and a half about all of health and nutrition.

I haven't touched a pharmaceutical product of any kind in over a decade, not even pain killers or toothpaste! I do however consume certain key supplements and I'll explain why and what I have learned. Some supplements are helpful for me and I have all but cured (put into remission) certain symptoms by using very key targeted supplements based on genetic analysis. I agree that the "science" of viruses and intracellular biology is entirely suspect as the functioning and interaction of protein molecules, energy (Brownian motion, biophotons, consciousness, emotions, quantum fields etc.) and nutrients is impossible to perfectly understand with our current level of observational abilities etc. That being said, I am on the Asperger spectrum and I know from experience that the toxicity of the modern world due to vaccines, chemtrails, pesticides, GMO foods, radiation and pollution of all kinds, processing of food on and on ad infinitum, has left our diets and food and water supply completely insufficient for healing and health. I now eat nothing but unprocessed, fresh and organic, meat, eggs, vegetables, wild caught sardines or other small fish (larger fish accumulate too much mercury and other pollutants and farmed fish should be avoided at all costs), fruit and ancient sea salt. Occasionally I will eat some organic pumpkin seeds. I eat no grains, no sugar, no dairy, no alcohol, no processed food of any kind. I minimize oxalates and try to stay in a ketogenic metabolic condition by being very careful about my carbohydrate consumption. I use castile soap for all my dishes and laundry and clean with vinegar baking soda and I disinfect externally where necessary with peroxide.

Based on an analysis of my genetics (suspect science perhaps) I have many single nucleotide polymorphisms that render my detox abilities, hormone and neurotransmitter production sub optimal. This field has been studied and implemented by holistic doctors such as Amy Yasko. These doctors are ostracized and pursued by the FDA etc. for prescribing targeted nutrigenomics but they have helped thousands of people reduce or reverse symptoms of autism, heart disease, chronic fatigue etc.. Your derision of the supplement industry is well founded but some supplements can be useful to some people. This is however extremely individual and varies widely from person to person and between populations.

For example vitamin B12, if you are using cyanocobalamin, obviously you are not helping and simply increasing your toxic load of cyanide as this vitamin has NEVER shown to be useful or beneficial. On the other hand, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin have been shown in clinical practice to be beneficial in terms of detoxification (upregulation of glutathione production etc.) and energy production, (based on indicators for mitochondria activity and improvement of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms) for certain people. Another example is folic acid which is a toxic, synthetic form of methylfolate. Methyl folate supplementation in conjunction with "natural" forms of b12 has also shown to help reduce indicators of heart disease risk such homocysteine. I could cite some other examples but for the most part I agree with you on "fish oil", vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and most B-vitamins in particular vitamin B6 which is always overdosed in supplements and is a proven neurotoxin.

Again certain targeted minerals are also potentially beneficial for those whose epigenetic and genetic conditions and malabsorption due to damage induced deficiencies. Magnesium being a good example although magnesium oxide is not a supplement and should never be used. In addition iodine can be very deficient in certain populations due to lack in the food supply and over exposure to other toxic halogens such as fluoride, and bromide which cause thyroid and pineal gland dysfunction.

All that being said, what I have learned is that the supplement industry makes almost all supplements in far greater quantities than is necessary and most are toxic and useless and it should be the goal of all of us to minimize use of anything processed in our diets including supplements. All of my supplements are taken in fractional doses that I have specifically tailored to my needs. I can't find any supplements that are sold in anything resembling normal doses. I am also extremely careful about the brands I use and do research on their processes and ingredient sourcing which usually annoys them somewhat.

Lastly and most importantly, my diet and avoidance of toxins has allowed me to reduce all supplementation and this trend continues. True detoxification and correction of digestion and absorption of food takes many years to correct and in my humble opinion very few people have healthy enough digestion to tolerate and benefit from modern processed foods including, grains and dairy. I hope to one day eliminate my use of supplements but at this time, I still need a few key supplements to keep certain symptoms under control. Not ideal to be sure, but they have improved my quality of life and health.

Thanks again for all the hard work and research.

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Thanks for the awesome comment, much appreciated. Methylcobalamin is made using Cyanocobalamin, chloroform (multiple times) and if I recall correctly, formaldehyde, ammonia, coal tar and some other fun stuff. I have an article coming out detailing all of the ingredients. But I encourage everyone to take what they feel is best for them. We are all trying to live to fight another day and what works for me isn't the solution for everyone.

Keep fighting the good fight!


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the FDA as with all US Government Agencies are under the control of DARPA........ https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/domestic-mous/mou-225-17-015

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Holy sh*t. I will post about this asap. Thanks for sharing!

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Agent 131711........ go to www.darpa.mil .....open up the "ABOUT US / OUR RESEARCH/NEWS/EVENTS/WORK WITH US/ ??? Type in any word or name of ......w\example type in "Medical" or "FDA' of 'FCC' and see the listings........use you computer to find unbelievable info as to what Your Tax is paying for

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WAKE UP the 300 million people are all under the Thumb of DARPA,,THE DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY...........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGRnokznTF0

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I read the mou in your above post and copied the link. When I click here, I get a Rolling Stones video. Was that your intent?

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yep!!! under the thumb of DARPA..... Mick Jagger said a lot of stuff in his songs....from "Useless Information" to get off my cloud" and much more.....read between the line

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every move you make......... >>>> 24-7 yopu are being SHOT AT by DARPA controlled Communication and power companies on earth >>>>> 24-7 >>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cucosmPj-A

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Just started reading this Substack a few months ago. I am wondering when “They” started pushing vitamins on the American people? I am guessing 1970 - 1980? Have 3year old twin grandsons who keep getting runny noses and coughs (especially earlier this year!) and am pushing vitamins. (One is a terrible eater!). Now I am totally rethinking this…ready to dispose of all my and their vitamins! So confusing and depressing!

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The 1920s! Isn't that crazy? https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/poison-food-supply-the-history-of My son, who is a young adult, eats horribly. We work together and his desk is close to mine. Every morning he drinks poison pop / Gatorade / canned (fake) iced tea and within 2 hours he starts coughing. When he consumes white flour products (which is everything processed; pizza, bread, you name it), he also gets the runny nose, watery eyes. He believes its allergies and, because he's a young adult, just like all young adults, he knows better than me so he takes Benadryl (more poison). I guarantee your grandsons symptoms are 100% a result of their diet and they are young enough for you to fix it. I would suggest looking at what they consumed as soon as symptoms begin. Read the label. Look for words you cannot pronounce. Type into Google "(the word you cannot pronounce) MSDS". This means Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet. Click the link for Fisher Scientific, it is usually in the first three results. Read what it says. "Category 1" health effect means it can inflict damage with a single dose. Category 2 means it will inflict damage with prolonged or repeated use. Category 3 means it is suspected of causing harm. Those sheets will usually tell you exactly what organs it targets as well as side effects.

Stay strong, fight for your grandkids. I was asleep when my children were young so I failed as a parent in the diet category. You have the opportunity to change their history. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.


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Thank you and God Bless!

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Some years ago the CEO of McDonald's set out to prove how healthy their food was. He was a young guy in his late 20s. For one month, he ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at McDonald's, nothing else. Then he went for a thorough physical and medical exam which included blood and urine tests. In that one month he had gained 29 pounds on the McDonald's chow. At the conclusion of the tests, the doctors told him he was dying and he confessed he felt like he was dying as well. All fast foods are laced with addictive chemicals to keep you coming back and possess no nutritional value. The vast majority of food consumed by people has no nutritional value either as it is grown from dead soil injected with toxic chemicals, and that holds for all animals that feed on crops. Post World War Two, the U.S. had millions of tons of nitrates in excess. Nitrates are used in the making of explosives. What to do with them? The demonic scum had them placed in the soil on America's farms saying that nitrates make good fertilizer, an abominable lie. This among other things toxified the soil and the growing grounds were also destroyed by over farming which sucks it dry of any nutrients. Supplements are vital and necessary under these horrendous conditions but they must not derive from chemicals. They must be food form derivative and the plants and herbs they are made from must come from certifiably organic soil meaning no herbicides, no pesticides, no GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Nature designed our bodies to only absorb and utilize nutrients if they are in food form. Chemically created supplements not only do you no good but they accumulate in your cells, tissues, and organs and become toxic leading to disease and ill health.

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Basically to grow true organic foods it must be done: a) by one's own garden b) most likely in a greenhouse c) watered without chlorine induced water d) seeds saved from previous home grown non GMO crops

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Mitchell May, founder of the Synergy Company, has a huge, organic farm (I think they're located in Idaho) where all of their supplements are made from the certifiably, organic plants and herbs they grow. He is far from being the only one.

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Hey Heretic! Always good to see you around.

How's it made, is the question? I would assume the orange farm can dehydrate the oranges but what about all of the other ingredients?

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Thank you, "A", likewise. I know that Mitchell May's synergy company has complete control over the entire process of their food form supplements. From extracting the seeds and sprouts from their organic herbs & plants, to planting them in their farm's organic soil, to nurturing and harvesting and bottling and shipping. They don't outsource anything. If you can swing it, that is the way to go. As for oranges, I recall a nationally known and respected herbalist and naturopath, Dr. Richard Schultz (his products are outstanding) saying that with regard to the deleterious effects of commercial farming and corporate agribusinesses, there are huge orange groves in Florida wherein the oranges possess no vitamin "C". Imagine that. A fresh orange has traditionally been the best source of vitamin "C" on the planet. That is truly shocking and I'm certain just one of countless, similar examples.

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Heretic, per your recommendation, I went and checked out Mitchell's PURE SYNERGY site. They have quite a bit of product. I think I counted over 40 different pill and powder bottles depending on what the customer is looking for. It does all sound very nice and the 'gentle' processing is appealing as well. If I were still a supplement taker, I would probably try some of these things out.

One thing I am noting is this quote under testing for purity section...

"We don't just assume that our meticulous sourcing protocols result in high-quality ingredients – we prove it with internal or third-party testing.

"We test for things we don't want in our ingredients, like heavy metals, microbes, pesticides, solvent residues, and gluten. And we also test for what we do want, like vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and potency levels."

It is my understanding that so-called vitamins have never been truly isolated and characterized. They are a human invention. A "vitamin" was only ever a newly created end product after a gauntlet of chemical adulteration of the original materials... which would lead me to ask Pure Synergy, what 'test' is finding the alleged vitamins? Is it validated? I am curious enough that I might ask them what microbes they are testing for and why/how?

I also have to wonder what effect pulverizing and dehydrating a real food into powder form (even without chemicals) has on it. Maybe nothing. But unless I was going on a long journey, I'd probably just get it and eat it fresh/whole. Maybe we just need to teach people how to find the local farmers markets (meet and speak with them), and spend a little money on gas instead of hundreds of dollars on pills n' powders... that is, if they haven't sorted out how to grow it themselves.

It does trouble me that in order to sell these end products, you have to give them various "vitamin" labels (C, B, K2, etc..) and I have not seen evidence that such things 'exist' in the form everyone believes they do.

Perhaps, if I can find the time, I will pose these questions to them myself.

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Excellent comment and questions, Pete. It is a new revelation to me that vitamins have never been isolated and characterized. Well known and respected herbalists like the aforementioned Dr. Schultz (and there are many others) insist that their herbal and botanical, organic products are chock full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, etc. etc. Concomitantly, viruses have never been proven to exist either and the so-called science of virology is based on fraud. What they say are viruses are really images of dead and dying cells from toxemia. On topic, the atom has never been found or proven to exist. So how has it been "split" in the process of creating atomic and nuclear weapons? According to quantum physicists, everything at that level of being is just wave function. How do you split a wave? These things are definitely worth looking into and researched empirically. I can honestly say that over a broad span of years, many health supplements, the food form organic ones, have helped me tremendously. I note very carefully that a very high number of people who shun such supplements and consume strictly food bought at stores and restaurants, seem to get sick a lot and die relatively young, if not very young.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

The confusing part is some vitamins cannot be taken by itself. For example, they say Vitamin D3 should be taken with K2. You can't take Zinc by itself either.

It's like the last image you showed. Some do not get absorbed properly without the help of another vitamin. Taking too many vitamins can also do more harm. At this point, I take nothing. It's way too confusing.

Another problem is our food doesn't contain what it should because our soil has been contaminated for eons. To me, at this point in time, it's a losing battle. Until the chemtrails and geoengineering stops, nothing is safe anymore. Gardens are not safe unless you have a greenhouse using clean soil, or grow inside. But, the water is contaminated for watering. It's a nightmare. I don't believe any filtration system removes everything in our water. I would think the necessary minerals would be lost too. But I can't say. I am not a scientist. But, people say they add minerals to their water.

I don't believe God intended for man to make vitamins. Our food would have been clean and given us what we needed. Our water would not have been contaminated either. It's man's evil works.

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Distilled water is good, they make counter top models made of stainless& glass. We don’t add minerals, hopefully we’re getting those from our food we carefully purchase, but who knows?

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I have considered that. I was looking at some models. There are many. Some are very expensive. That's where I have a problem trying to determine if the more expensive ones are better or not. Sometimes they aren't.

The problem with food is knowing whether or not something is truly organic. We all know now they can put any labels on food, and they don't have to list all ingredients. But I have noticed, on some foods, they are finally putting the words "contains bio-engineered" ingredients on their labels.

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The countertop models use a ton of energy to produce very little water. I sold mine very quickly after using it once.

Berkeys are helpful although they filter out most everything and of course, now the FDA has banned the black charcoal filters used in them.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

I was looking at a system called Boroux. It's not cheap. I believe it's not a distiller. The counter top ones are probably good enough for one person only. I do have a coffee maker that uses charcoal filters. It's made by Zojirushi. I do like it. Well made. I have the smaller one for 5 cups. I had ordered extra filters. I don't know if I can still get more of the same later. I may order more now and see. But I don't know if there is an expiration date on them. The FDA is another agency that needs to go bye bye.

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I questioned Publix about the bioengineered ingredients in their brand, response was the ingredients never changed we were required to put bioengineered on the label in 2022. Labeling now has a QR code, if you really want to see all the ingredients you have to click here QR code.

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It's funny because some say bio engineered and others don't, on the same product maker, such as already prepared food meals. All I can I say is this needs to be stopped ASAP. We've basically been poisoned since the 60's. In the 50's, farmers were using something to deplete our soil of vitamins and minerals. I don't know if they knew that at the time.

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Very interesting! Thanks for your efforts.

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Your research is impressive and your logic is very good!! However... I think taking (natural) supplements if you're consuming fake food or can't get real food, is a good idea!!

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Thanks for blowing my mind with this vitamin stuff! I wonder if the huge Vitamin Water deal 50 Cent got was to get these wonderful supplements to a broader audience…


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What about those with MTHFR who need methyl folate and methyl b12?

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Outstanding work, Farmer Pete.

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Whatever happened to the 3 ingredients needed to make a loaf of bread!!! 🤦

Unbelievable the sh1t that's in all food products..... and they call it fortified, can people not see the it????

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