I’ve known forever that you simply don’t need supplements of any kind, if your diet is normal. Save your money, spare your body these unnecessary & as I’ve recently learned, mostly from the author of this stack, potentially or actually harmful.
If you eat excess calories, whatever kind it is, your body will store it as fat and glycogen.
I’ve not managed it recently, but for a decade from my early 40s, I ate in a day barely enough to maintain body weight despite a very heavy exercise program (I was running 16 -20 miles a week and thoroughly enjoying it). I never felt as well as during that time. I had shed several stone early on after stopping smoking after 25 years and starting the running. I’d read that if you take up running in mid life, you may improve steadily for five years before Father Time starts to drag your time per mile steadily upwards (this cannot be fought, everyone gets slower by a measureable amount every year!). And I did. I changed nothing about what I ate, except to eat less of everything & to be very disciplined about it.
Eventually my running fell into disrepair, through a combination of negative factors.
I once read a quote attributed to some famous model, which I recognised as spot on, though at the time, I was underweight to the point that friends asked me if everything was alright.
The quote was “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.
I’m miles heavier than that these days. It’s quite burdensome to stay in any kind of shape once you let slip whatever exercise regimen you may have had.
People are eating SO much more food than they actually need. Advertising convinces us that we need three big meals a day to survive, which is a big fat lie. Investigate "intermittent fasting" and start cutting down on your food intake. Our bodies need at least 16 hours of time when they are NOT digesting food in order to cleanse the body of old and dead material (known as apoptosis) so it can be stimulated to then regenerate and replace this material with new living material. (I'm trying to avoid using the word "cells" becos i'm not sure if/what they are anymore!)
My husband and i do all our eating within a 6 hour window of the 24, and this usually consists of two small meals or single light dishes, or even only one, made from top quality organic food, and we stay slim. Once the body adjusts to this rhythm it is never hungry. We also never eat late in the day, so our body gets to fully rest overnight.
All those who are diabetic can cure this disease by this method of food intake. Diabetes results from taking in food constantly, so that the pancreas does not have to equalise the (hopefully natural) sugar intake/production in order to prevent energy highs and lows, which is part of its job. With a constant supply of incoming food, the pancreas decides it is no longer needed to perform this function, so it simply stops doing so.
When people begin to experience irregularities in energy depending on sugar intake/production, they of course rush off to the doctor, who tells them they are "pre-diabetic" and need to start on poison pharma meds, which of course leads on to more and more poison meds and lifetime customers. NEVER are they advised to radically change their diet and reawaken their pancreas. Furthermore, a doctor once told me that becos both my parents were diabetic, due to my genes i would also be diabetic!!! I pointed out that i had no intention of becoming diabetic, as my lifestyle was totally different than that of my parents, and he just shook his head.
The "health" care system even provides "diabetic clinics" to help all those afflicted "manage" their disease, and then they can carry on eating as they always used to do. I informed a friend who had recently received this devastating (to her) diagnosis, altho dubious she decided to refuse the meds, and began intermittent fasting, gradually lengthening the fasting time so her pancreas could adjust, and she was CURED!! She also lost a lot of weight and gained a lot more energy! Diabetes in just one more created disease from which the death care system can extract as much money as possible for as long as possible before the patient finally dies.
We see smarter animals like elephants, apes,dogs,lions,and most famously goats go to great lengths to get adequate minerals,not vitamins or other nutrients..
Signs of that athletes that perspire and use up minerals can deplete certain key ones out of the hundred plus to zero and then bad things can happen fast in certain bio processes regarding few sparks from each mineral if you will…not well understood each one,certainly copper and zinc,few others are known for ability to generate amperage ie electricity and Robert Beck , others have demonstrated are amps go down w sickness,stop at death and our aura light projection has to do with this…others claim conspiracy to down play aura that extends avg 3 feet,yet we've all felt depleted if not outright dirtied standing too close to other dirt bag types vamping too long some w directed efforts bragged about online.. others claiming goals to use 802 and other freq intertwines to specifically to vamp,control us.not sure on 802,but rest feels accurate.
I digress,point is you anti synthetic vitamin briefs and bra burners/ frantic wavers need to consider limiting your passionate attacks to vitamins apart from minerals!!
Yes it's confused more by the fact that their putting toxic synthetic minerals that aren't hardly BIOAVAILABLE in a efficient way…but your then lumping it all lazily…NO! STOP IT! DOING NON TRUTH DAMAGE ON MINERAL ISSUES!
Natural food based or herb,non synthetic minerals ,bioavailable are critical to health and most even organic eaters not getting enough like thosegoats period!.. but garbage eaters getting nearly none!
Moringa,sea moss,sea weeds,certain top 12 mineral natural sources need to be tapped like those goats risking their lives to tap it or those elephants walking 600 miles tap it…I'll do a top 20 mineral source foods later.
Also many people your preaching too who've eaten garbage mainly stop their mineral supps cuz of you !!!!! and then eat their bad food still and get critically mineral,amp depleted are on your too simple lumped heads!
Stopping vitamins similar to stopping drugs..almost never cold turkey or your in more trouble fast..they are powerful, especially vit.D as a mineral booster,puller from ones own bones pulling bio available minerals out in minutes after ingestion of say 1000-5000 IU a day…for years…= addiction and inability of body to adjust to sucking MINERALs out of food properly again..takes a long while to get body to recalibrate there.
Conspiracy to hide vitamin Ds true main function people feel: it sucks calcium and minerals from our own bones( horrible but works to keep elite worker system running till kills you l (calcification)like caffeine,nicotine,etc).. and energized system and hormones dependent on minerals no longer in food chain past 20 percent approx adequate generally if any w some..not a sunshine hormone so much at all but does boost delivery of cholesterol sulfate(pulls minerals SULFURE IS A MINERAL,HELLO!!).. from skin to blood,organs the true sparker of sunshine photosynthesis..of course..it's fiery sulfur…very similar to sulfur coated match heads that translate sun/ heat energy well known and then carry nutrients with it from skin activated and connecting ..
MEANTIME VITAMIN TAKERS..DONT STOP COLD TURKEY VITAMIN D,it's likely your main source of trace mineral needed to prevent disease death as it yanks them out of your bones into bloodstream,organs .just like it does to kill the rats w Dcon rat poison but at low dose to do more good then harm..till it diseases you from calcification eventually…
Solution!?: Switch to foods,herbs,items high in minerals,wait a month or so and gradually wean off your vitamin drugs carefully..like any drug you've gone chronic on months years..give your body time to reset..
Many are noticing how little food we really need to function once one has removed sugar. It is astonishing, weight comes off without effort and appetite is easily satiated by nutritious real food.
If you do want to know, yesterday was bacon and eggs for breakfast. rib steak and sweet potato with butter and for dinner. direct from a local farm as I live rurally.
Want to lose weight, don’t eat … anything. Body enters ketosis and you burn fat. Human Growth Hormone increases and preserves muscle. Autophagy also increases. Body also consumes the skin, which is protein, so there are no issues with excess skin.
The “starvation response” occurs when calories are reduced but the insulin levels don’t get low enough to produce the hormones required to tap the fat stores.
A man did a water fast for over a year and lost over 250 lbs.
Most short,sweet ,concise ketosis analogy ever MW good for you,I'll look into it more now,makes sense..
I'd think the transition stage might be most dangerous..is there other ways to measure if ketosis entered besides insulin levels low enuff..perhaps measuring certain hormone levels? Do they use vit D to assist?
What if bare minimum mineral levels needed for safe organs function,related risks of heart attack?toxicity releases stores in fats w wide variabilities..the list goes on....like to see success,failure rates..death increases where micro nutrient minimums not met nor could counter release fat toxicitys...
I suspect better safer method is to go on keto for a period say 10-30 days and then off for few days to replenish and detox or maybe that is the norm,never checked out keto much,sounds painfully unpleasant but I may well finally do it
Coconut oil, virgin, cold-pressed (expelled pressed) organic, taken first thing in the morning (after sea-salt and spring water; www.findaspring.com), jumpstarts your metabolism.
No, I've forgotten more than most people know. I was just sharing my knowledge. I work alot, so my time is limited, but the truth is at your fingertips.
Boolean search 'coconut oil + metabolism'. Click more about ten times. Start from the bottom, scrolling up with a discerning eye.
I am not prescribing anything, and it does not have to be in that order.
Coconut oil is a 1:1 butter substitute.
Just whatever works for you. Maybe start with a teaspoon every day. I don't even do that because I am a model of perfect health. I just suggested it because you want to lose weight.
I threw the salt and water information in there because three primary factors of disease after the main two, environmental toxins and EMF's, are 1) chronic dehydration, 2) nutritionally deficient diet, 3) sedentary lifestyle.
The lymphatic system most of which is in the GI tract sequesters disease causing organisms, lacks it's own pump thereby requiring you to move/exercise to expel said organisms/waste.
Looks like my comment below about people EATING TOO MUCH hit a chord with many people, judging by how many "likes" have filled up my inbox. THYROID MEDICINE is another situation to consider. How many people do you know who are on synthetic thyroid meds? Last i heard it was at least a third of adult americans. Virtually all of the poisonings being inflicted on humanity at this time are endocrine disruptors, eg. they mess up the hormone system that runs everything in our bodies, from weight and appetite to mood to sleep to reproduction. Radiation (another poison) of all types targets the glandular system and creates chaos, and being the closest gland to the surface of the skin, the thyroid is the most easily effected. And where do people hold their cell phones???
Altho he did NOT have a cell phone, my husband lived right next to a 100 ft cell tower (not even 5G at that time) for many years, and his thyroid was damaged, altho it was a mystery at that time as to why (as it wasn't even "genetic" in his family -- which is MORE BS!). Of course the docs told him he had to go on synthroid, or he would die, thus another customer for life. NO ONE pointed out the actual cause or even tried to find one. Altho he did end up moving away from that location for another reason, the damage was done and synthroid had taken over the work of the thyroid.
Four years ago when the truth about pharma was revealed and he had a major aha! moment, he decided to go off the meds. Just like with the pancreas ceasing to produce blood sugar regulars if they are no longer needed, when the work of the thyroid is taken over synthetically the thyroid stops bothering to even try, so it's not a good idea to just stop taking it (altho i did this with the blood pressure meds i was on for a decade, and i'm still alive!!) A herbalist/naturopath suggested he take a year to gradually reduce the dose while using ashwaganda and astragalis and a few other things to wake up and reactivate the thyroid, which he has now completed.
One of the big overarching tactics of pharma and co is to get everyone, kids included, on at least one pharma drug that they are convinced they couldn't survive without, be it heart meds, diabetic meds, thyroid meds, allergy meds, and even glasses and hearing aid dependent (another rabbit hole!) So as the control grid advances, you will not be allowed to get these drugs without being jabbed, digitally IDed, perhaps implanted, and/or whatever controls they want to dictate, so you feel you HAVE to do whatever they require cos otherwise you will die without your meds. Very long-range and very clever planning, as usual. So PLEASE, if you have any of these conditions, DO YOUR OWN DEEP RESEARCH and find out what the actual CAUSE is -- whether it is contaminated food or simply TOO MUCH FOOD, whether it is radiation from towers/wifi/phones etc, or whether it is past traumas from this life or even previous lives that are being held in your energy field needed to be cleared, and REMOVE the CAUSE or the disease. Then love yourself, STOP POISONING YOURSELF, and step back and let your beautifully designed body perform the amazing healing that it innately knows how to do.
Great article. I never liked the stuff. Made me feel like crap. In stead, I hard-boil a dozen eggs and use those as my protein snacks throughout the week. They can easily be added to salads, added to chicken salad, or made into egg salad for sandwiches. FYI…I make my own mayo, pickles, and bread using Ancient Grains flour.😉
Mayo is a tough one due to having to use seed oil. Curious to the recipe you use as alternatives to seed oils are olive or avocado oils. Those too are questionable now. I have bottle of avocado oil that looks fake green.
Hi. You’re right. Mayo can be tough, but it’s just bc we’ve been conditioned to believe it should taste like the stuff we buy at the store. I decided that since the ones at the store use seed oils, then maybe mine should NOT taste like that! I don’t have a magic recipe. I’ve tried a variety of depending on what I’m using it for. I pulled all of them from Pinterest.
I just bought a fully seed oil- free mayo to make deviled eggs for both holidays. You must CAREFULLY read the ingredients before buying because most brands STILL add soybean oil also! And of course, if you can find a clean one (I think I ended up with Chosen brand mayo?), after paying 3X, you must use it up very quickly if you don't want any of it going to waste.
I couldn’t stop reading and am now late for work, but it was soooo worth it. I will be sharing the link to this article for sure!
Do you know how many thousands of dollars I spent on tubs of Isopure and PureProtein MREs and bars back in the day? Not to mention vitamins because *gasp* I could get very sick without my Liposomal Vitamin C. I was sorely misinformed for the first three quarters of my life. Thank you for doing what you do, Agent131711.
It dawned on me in me while lifting weights. Some bulky guys would go on holidays and upon their return(2-3weeks) they would have lost all that muscle! I would be shocked. My old Romanian weight trainer would say it was because it is all temporary muscle when you use protein powders and it is too hard on your liver.
I also remember growing up in the 70’s. They introduced skim milk. My parents and grandparents-parents laughed. They said that is pig feed.
They knew that you cannot digest “milk” without the fat. Just like egg whites are useless without the yolks.
Whey was always added to pig slop.
Does anyone remember margarine being sold with the yellow colouring agent that came in separate packet you were suppose to mix in? I would see this at my friend’s house and tell my Mom. She would tell me to never eat margarine!
The war on food and humans is been going on for a long time.
All the good stuff in eggs is in the yolk. Creating the fear of dietary cholesterol was criminal. Dietary cholesterol has nothing to do with blood cholesterol. Your body also makes it. Yet, the medical establishment has people believing it’s bad.
Unbelievable, I have no words. On top of that, all those chocolate protein bars they sell you in the gym as super-healthy, they have a lot of vitamins C and D. Why so much hatred towards human beings? What kind of people set the nutrition standards? Don't they have children or family who are going to take any fortified dairy, protein or vitamin supplements prescribed by their doctor? Ever since I first read you, I have been amazed to read ingredients in the supermarket. The other day I found it impossible to find a butter that didn't have vitamins A, D and E in it. The blueberries here in Spain also come from South Africa. On top of the problem we already have, they are destroying our national agriculture and favouring the importance of fruits and vegetables from Morocco that do not have to pass pesticide controls. I couldn't find any grapes with seeds either. I now only buy at small markets that bring it directly from the farmers, where I can finally buy lettuce with soil and the occasional insect.
I think the MAIN reason we see these literally absurd supply chains of importing apples from halfway around the world (NZ or SA to U.K.) is to sever the link between local food production and local consumption.
Everyone is dependent upon the containerisation of the planet continuing.
The day the container ships stop coming, a country, especially an island like U.K., is weeks from starvation.
Agent 131711 explains it very well in his previous post where he experimented with leaving apparently perfect fruit in his garden that not even the ants wanted to eat. Here in Spain we have a climate that favours the cultivation of vines (we mainly export wine) and yet the only black grapes you can buy in the supermarket are huge in size, have no seeds and come from Peru. They last a very long time without wrinkling and are all exactly the same without the slightest imperfection. I don't know if they are grafted or artificial, but if there is one thing we have plenty of in Spain, it is cheap national grapes of excellent quality.
Also irradiation, kills nutrients, carcinogenic dead food results..Someone should make a list of worst and best of shipped foods and brand names,pronto please...I'm too busy to do cuz of near nonstop trainng for underwater tiddlywink championship coming up,sorry so just get on it already!!!
For real Tony C ! Yea..I've wondered how fast acting the top toxic pesticides are,are they toxic enough to cause symptoms in an avg person same day or 2 ie ate 10 strawberries and got a little to mid-level sick.. especially in sensitive...Ya know they taught most of us how to do simplest biology experiments in school yet we all stopped Why!? Cuz we were told somebody else was doing it and we're trustable .Ok so we found out years ago they weren't trustable,why aren't we doing are own experiments . Yes,on rats,Yes on ourselves cuz we are anyway but not compiling results
The awake aren't nearly as awake as they'd like to believe. Ok already ..get 20 people feed them only 10-20 strawberries a guy day,2 days organic vs not organic and like rice..blood and symptoms checks before and after, on video,and if symptoms and unsafe levels peaks,report it and post it here please,we have waited long enough!! Oh and then the rest of all of the fruitscwbr veggies. Can you start next week,haha,no but seriously, community,on camera studies,blood tests,all filmed w faces blacked out is a idea who's time has come!
Money?Iz a lie,doesn't take big money.
$100 in strawberries,$100 in rice or neutral protein ,10 -20 people,48 hour study..
Rats cost $5-15 on open market and $40-90 on science market .rats don't have to be killed always and if you feel bad you can give them a luxury life,spinning wheels,cheese and all,come on people we have been and still are programmed,find solutions yourself,big gaps everywhere,dive in,be a hero!
If we did strawberry test I'd guess results would show unsafe blood peaks in said chemicals by 2nd day,and a small % would show considerable symptoms,nothing drastic though and like 1/3 would feel a bit off and most nothing at all vs organic group virtually all no symptoms..extend that too 3,4 days a near doubling of symptoms in the sensitive,ya know the 5 to 15 percent..15..15 percent of 400 million people is alot of people...sickened everyday by pesticides to the point of flu like symptoms,WOW!!EXTRA,EXTRA..!! YA THINK? EVEN IF ONLY 25% THAT BAD STILL A DISASTER..AND THEN MUKTIPLY THAT BY THE PESTICIDES , FERTILIZERS,ETC ACCRUING FOR WEEKS,MONTHS,YEARS..WE NEED PROOF TONY THEY ARE FAST ACTING AND SLOWLY BUILDING TOO TOXINS,THEN PUT IN THEIR FACES BRO! BUT SADLY ,THE LESS DANGEROUS FAST ACTING PROOFS LIKELY TO HAVE MORE IMPACT ie nah,ain't eating strawberries tonight might be poisoned tomorrow and I've got that hot date or job interview,etc...cuz everything causes cancer now ya know, people don't care,has to be hard hitting!!
Recommend looking into Weston A Price. In the 1930s, he traveled the world. He noticed that those who ate a native diet had fully formed palates (upper mouth). It was large and could accommodate their teeth, unlike Western diet eaters.
And the native diets varied drastically because it was based on what was available. Some relied on goats milk. Others seafood, etc. And they were all healthy.
Some evidence it was adequate k2 levels combined with not letting key minerals falling below certain level..but I suspect more required too..you see we can't really get masses if public to eat good clean food but we can duplicate key nutrient minimums and discovering those minimums still not quite done perhaps,least not that I see
Look for Kerrygold butter, imported from Ireland. Two ingredients: Cream and salt. It tastes so much better than Land 'O Fakes that there's really no comparison.
I don't know. Proteins can be dangerous as they put them into mRNA injections (as in spike proteins)...and I bet into vaccines and drugs as well. I guess it depends on what it is and what it does chemically. I don't use any of the stuff mentioned in this article although through the ages I have.
The pioneers were a hardy breed and survived without supplements and sometimes limited food. Maybe they didn't live to be 80 or 90, but supplements aren't making much difference these days either in life expectancy.
These articles definitely cause on open mind to become even more open. Thanks. Some people are good at putting this stuff together. And no, I hope you are not replaced by lying, stinking A/i retards.
I use protein powder when I struggle to eat due to complex PTSD, but I only use a couple of brands that use VERY specific ingredients. It is grass-fed & contains no oils, sugar (some use monk fruit or stevia), preservatives,etc. It uses protein concentrate, not isolate. My only gripe is that the pre-flavored ones are still way too sweet for me, so I usually cut that sweetness with raw cacao or matcha, etc. I also add in some heavy cream & powdered grass-fed organic meat. These meals in a bottle- as well as canned sardines in olive oil- are a lifesaver for me when I can hardly keep anything down or just have no appetite for days on end. But I've been a ravenous researcher & compulsive label reader forever since I've always struggled with hypoglycemia & migraines all my life (not to mention all the mental health struggles of severe early childhood trauma.
Magdalene,please bless us with brand names rare good powders you've found,we share not just the worst here but the best!are your sardines in aluminum and plastic lined cans..ever have them tested
I have to have SOMETHING when I cannot keep down my grass-fed ribeye or even ground beef for several weeks. Yes, it can be a bit of a compromise, but my body still can't seem to handle more than about 72 hours fasting. I need lots of healthy fat for sustaining hormone production to keep a stable mood. And I need maximum nutrient bang for my volume swallowed buck. Sardines & "clean" protein powder fit that bill. My favorite brands are Wild Planet for the fish & Wild Foods for the protein (not bothering to go see what my alternate fallbacks are rn)
Anyway, my very alternate medicine-friendly doctor, a DO with an extra Masters in Nutrition, thinks my blood work is great, & my "high" cholesterol is perfectly healthy. So don't you worry about lil ol' me!😁
Magdalene, sounds like you have a challenging eating situation given your PTSD diagnosis. Curious if you had tried to resolve the underlying trauma presenting the eating problem... rather than having to resort to eating like an astronaut for the rest of your days with liquid meal replacements?
Out of curiosity, I looked at the Wild Foods brand of whey powder. It definitely looks 'better' than a typical brand. If I felt I had to use it, I'd definitely steer clear of the flavored ones...some suspicious flavor enhancer ingredients like "natural flavors" (usually nothing to do with nature), "extracts" (this is usually a chemical process), and "gums" that your body would not recognize as a food. My take also is that whenever you pasteurize something, even once, so you heat it up, cool it back down again, filter it with your super secret proprietary process, you are still putting it through some serious processing and you may claim that it is "non-denatured", but it cannot be a complete food as recognized by the body.
Have you ever experimented with just trying to consume a couple of glasses of grass fed raw milk (or make a smoothie out of it) instead of the powder concentrate?
You get 56 servings out of a $60 bag of the protein powder. You could likely get 3 plus gallons of good milk from your local farmer for that... our 5 year old eats like a ravenous goat...if we give him a cup of milk, it helps reduce the eating frequency and seems to satisfy his appetite.
multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma; I spent my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother at the hands of our traffickers. By the grace of God I was then rescued by her family, only to be alternately bribed & punished into shutting up about it. Instead of receiving treatment, or at the very least validation for my considerable trauma, I was simply told that none of it had happened! By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there, rather than back home, after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT me there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative ldentity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing quite well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & received back injuries severe enough to receive opiates (before Oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man, after all, like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. Not that I felt much better about the concept of family, either; the two men were brothers with some uncles in the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families. And it was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a Fed himself & had connections.of his own, so I was held for several days during negotiation.
Wow. Thank you for sharing here. I see you as extraordinarily courageous. . wonder how you describe the secret sauce, that helps you to carry on and do your best to excel.
Good idea. I do the same when the kids are sick & barely eating. I HOMEMAKE an irresistible, delicious, natural protein packed, nutrient-dense smoothie. The kids loooove it. 0 meds. The kids are up and running again within a day.
I just looked in the cabinet,& apparently rn I'm using (unflavored, 71 servings) Level (protein isolate & sunflower lecithin only) & adding my own cacao & allulose/monk fruit,etc. I would LOVE to find some raw milk nearby which I think in my state is only sold "for pets."😉 Unfortunately, when the gov't decided to declare me no longer disabled last year, I was barely able to get out of bed for several months because I was terrified of losing access to treatment, let alone being able to support my existence. I just recently resolved the case in my favor, so I am finally doing much better physically. So now I can probably afford to go ahead & find some to start buying along with my grass-fed meat, which I have been forced to get at Aldi most of the time. But I usually use my Christmas money from family to go to a local grass-fed only rancher to stock up my freezer with whatever they put on sale at the end of the year, or shop US Wellness Meats sales if I can't get over there.
Of COURSE I have! I certainly would not have celebrated my 27th anniversary with a MAN last Halloween if I had not been in treatment for trauma all these years. And I'm STILL in trauma treatment! Behavioral weekly & sexual trauma biweekly.
You’re doing great. As far as I’m concerned Self care, awareness & love is the secret sauce that when added to the things we eat, creates nourishment for our bodies.
Unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna achieve Breatharianism anytime soon. I am doing the best I can. At least having a couple of months last year where it was all I could do most days to open and eat a single can of sardines, because I was so wracked with trauma & anxiety, finally forced my body out of its years-long plateau so that I could finally finish losing the 30 pounds or so that I piled onto my midsection over the course of covid. Despite having been Cassandra all my life, trying to tell anyone who would listen of my lifelong sense of impending apocalyptic totalitarian doom hanging over a precariously fragile civilization, it still really freaked me out how all those people, including most friends, fell into line with obvious lies. Actually SEEING everyone wearing the masks & distancing themselves was just too dystopian for me to take, & I just could not play along or even keep my mouth shut, despite my husband's preference to fly a bit more under the radar. I strongly disagreed with the cautious approach, believing it was vitally important to fly loud & proud in my defiance of tyranny because other people NEEDED to SEE it! Of course, his focus was on my safety from the evil ones. But it was stressful to stand out in the stores back then, & my waistline definitely suffered for it! 😂
I think I will go back to the original thread & provide context by summarizing my life's story of how I became this person. I've been dragging my feet on starting my own Substack for some time, but for whatever reason, the timing feels right for 2025. I wrote some silly New Year's poetry over the weekend, so I'll probably start there. Any day now... 🤣 I suppose I don't have anything to lose 🤔
multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma; I spent my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother at the hands of our traffickers. By the grace of God I was then rescued by her family, only to be alternately bribed & punished into shutting up about it. Instead of receiving treatment, or at the very least validation for my considerable trauma, I was simply told that none of it had happened! By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there, rather than back home, after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT me there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative ldentity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing quite well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & received back injuries severe enough to receive opiates (before Oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man, after all, like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. Not that I felt much better about the concept of family, either; the two men were brothers with some uncles in the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families. And it was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a Fed himself & had connections.of his own, so I was held for several days during negotiation.
Appreciate you wanting to validate what they tried to hide as their unusually evil but the other side of that is those negative forces will try to hold you to those junctures of crimes against you and the evil there and suck on your energy STILL... Consider maxing out the seperation from hose demons still flying by two methods
1) Use the time fully as space and cushion to heal,minimize their intrusion into your present getaway space by facing yes why your where your at but then.. Knowing your present strengths , weaknesses,walling off that evil past points,junctures like a a cancer blocked from connecting to you look to the people and places where goodness said HELLO and with humility know you to aren't Inherently free of corruptions and depend on the energy of forgiveness..try offering forgiveness to your offenders where there's even a inkling of the non demonic spark on them before God ie not wishing them demons and hell if it be God's will..then try to feel a release from the demon bondage there by petitioning God specificly,; I've forgiven them where you want me to God and wish them recovery from hell demons,by the same and better spirit of your forgiveness,grace and mercy despite my sins I ASK you by righteousness to forgive me and to stop my enemies and demons energies from harming me,wrapped in your grace,my repentance as also a non victim in sin and evil participant being true where I chose badly at junctures in my life regardless of my extreme victimization..
MAKE IT HEARTFELT BUT ALSO A TIGHT LEGAL, Logical petition,petitioning as if you were speaking to the ultimate judge in court cuz you are and so are your demons asking God for rights to stay with you as demons own the realms of each sin you see..Don't ask for justice but justice with mercy and Christ's help where he has already paid for it if you approach within your exact rights and HUMBLY as we are all filthy in sin and God is really just trying to salvage our inner spark from a series of disasterous choices against goodness and life with him with dragon devil's fallen going way back..you are part of that guilt and wrong ,yet if you saved a spark of God that loves goodness then show him it also in your unique ways ie the lord's prayer shows the reverence were supposed to have and attitude..yet when you say it for you not already see ,feel how your not quite there or even close...offer God also sacrificed of yourself where the demons cling he hates:
List your top sins and desires,ask God to relieve you of any pleasures in those ever...then try to tackle each of them slowly with hate for the hell demon behind them that wish to destroy your humanity and spark of God,while simaltaneously loving the opposite virtues of Goodness..make no promises you'll break to God,Go forward with true heart and slowly the evil will know it has no place with you and your petition to God will be realized.
You want to get to a place where you no longer feel a need or wisdom in re stating each of Satan's attacks against you,nor your own chosen sins...where those bondages are broken largely,Christ will then free and pay for the rest judgenent day.. meantime try to collect best of you,reject worst demons too deep in..rehashing at that point is fools non therapy ie doesn't get better at this stage...
Try offering God a fast few times a month and Sacrafice ie no swearing,drinking for a week then a month,etc or whatever you have to lessen your weight God is going to lift up .. hopefully with your true hearted appeal..appeal nothing until you know it's truth and you can face it or you'll make it worse...don't ask God to go to redo court with you and lie!Be Good, well relatively is all we have..check out you tube died and gone to heaven or hell videos or ex satanist,ex witch video's for fastest results,least lies in a deception filled internet ie you'll see the real lines of truth and deception glaringly SHOWN and all similar enough among strangers you know it's TRUE.It will give you bearings and strength if you use it as they're broadcasting down is up etc 24/7 now..
Ok thanks for listening,hope I didn't bore or sound empty preachy Go with God!
Honestly, the person I'm really struggling to forgive is myself. Somehow I managed to waste not one moment seeking vengeance on those evil ones (although the same cannot be said for my husband); I simply assumed God had already handled it & for the most part wiped their existence from my mind. It was (most of) my family whom I felt deserved my bitter contempt & disgust- especially the men- for doing nothing to help despite knowing full well what kind of dangerously degenerate environment in which my mother was keeping me. As an adult, meeting my husband & father-in-law served as stellar examples to show me how real men take action to intervene without delay when vulnerable loved ones are in danger, even of the self-inflicted variety. Still, two decades ago I was able to fully reconcile with them- even to a large degree with my grandfather, despite his unwillingness to acknowledge that his betrayal of the whole family (including his attempt to abscond with the family life savings to marry his secretary & leave my grandmother penniless with three teenagers) was a key factor in my mother running off & ending up at the mercy of dangerous & evil men, & therefore the trauma to which I was subjected. I didn't even feel any schadenfreude when he outlived my grandmother for 7 more miserable years, begging God to take him every single night, his relatively healthy body stubbornly refusing to shut down & release his soul back to God & the good Catholic woman who agreed to remarry even despite believing that he had forced her into a state of adultery right along with him/them. It was just sad; he never did feel worthy of that forgiveness because he still couldn't forgive others for far less. I'm sure he died still clinging on to his anger with me because I "made her (grandmother) cry" when I left home right after HS graduation under emotionally fraught circumstances. I was gobsmacked- it was all water under the bridge for her & me both & had been for many years. My grandmother & I were able to have a very honest & fruitful relationship before she died, & for that I will always be grateful; my grandfather simply refused to engage honestly. But that was his misery, & his loss, not mine. What has actually been the most painful for me is to realize how badly I hurt those who truly cared about my well-being, namely my husband, his parents & my maternal aunt, when I was in the throes of my most severe self-harm via cutting, drug addiction, prostitution, & many more subtle forms of masochism. I really felt like I treated myself even worse than anyone else ever did, even if that isn't true in a literal sense.
What's unusual about you is you've kept score without being caught up in wrath or vengeance ,seems took bit of toll on your sense of self worth back then but seems like you've strived to develop it back and that also shows in the care you have each stage of your challenges,not diluting it all away with rampant booze or denial common,so good for you Magdalene,it may well be your heart's still in at all those points cuz God didn't give up on you and you kept on rising back and looking for him,better lifestyle,healthy and that and WOW even having the good wits to choose Agent 1317111 bold articles against the bad guys out there,our witty hero ,but he ain't always right on everything forcing me to sometimes try to correct him which I'm certain he prides himself accepting my corrections with the best ever humility right ,ha ha!
Again, though I think they're comes a time to separate from all others and be you...you won't know this until you've stopped the therapy prop up..try to take some long walks ie weeks,without them starting with a couple ie training wheels. Then try to ride,of one of your legs gives out you can always go back to training wheels ya know,but think of Jesus Christ when he told the cripple to walk after years of abuses and pain . he didn't say also get someone to review your hardships every week,he said ask me to help you with your burdens ie focus on Christ spirit,energy,way,do an official petition special prayer to God to break the demonic bonds left to new levels.
Magdalene,think of the importance of standing just you and God before you pass.Your way stronger and honest then most it seems, therapist are addicted to therapy wrongly often...you can't help them..walk away,free,pray for the strength every day till you have it..if there's a social hole then full IT with anybody but then so you are just you,whole. Ask yourself what God wants here for you .you know already! God Bless I hope!
In my current therapy, I'm focused on finally fixing the last of my long term issues I have in the relationship with my husband, as well as improving my relationship with myself, ie, worthiness, etc. Sadly I had to move on from my "best friend" relationship after she stayed with us & then with my aunt here locally due to disgust with her ridiculously selfish & scheming behavior. She suffered other severe childhood traumas & has the same basic diagnoses as me, but I had not realized how much simply identifying myself with this person so strongly for so long was holding me back from the person I can be. So now I'm practicing visualization while falling asleep to "dream up" my ideal self & bring her into my reality. After a few days I've already lost a couple pounds🤭
Also too much protein in those at 18 grams..should be 14 tops and drink half then wait 30 -60 minutes to go finish so you don't tax already weak livers,kidneys and kill them...also figure out which protein most digestible, include enzymes to help liver ..respect their age and needs
What if a movement was started to replace BOOST and Ensure with like the 3 most nutritious protein drinks out there, fund it by GoFundMe starting at the 3 biggest hospitals in a state or 2...Do a study to see if an impact on health,well being. .then push for those hospitals to change permanently to new suppliers
Likely would work better at care homes and private hospitals. Ensure ,boost helped kill my sister faster,hate it,why are we letting our parents be poisoned so!?
Farley, that stuff is full of drugs. Soy is bad. Wrong kind of salt.
If the label says sugar, that is gmo beet sugar. Must say cane sugar.
Carrageenan causes stomach cancer. If one doesn't normally eat an ingredient by itself (cellulose gel, guar gum, dimethylpolysilicone, etc.) then avoid the product.
Citric acid may be a sleeper big problem .made from aspergillus black mold..in those with black mold infection usually lungs ..dead at 50% in 2 years ,88 percent at 5 years..
They claim it's not active in citric but some test positive for black mold w it.
What would happen if you put a vial of citric acid in water next to a cell phone for a week that's supposed to increase mold 600x..what would happen to you if you drank that Tony C,...maybe we could do a test to see if there's visible growth and then tell the world black mold scam killing us .are you up for it Tony,Cuz im to busy,I'll let you be the hero though!
Thanks for taking the time to reproduce this list. I used to take protein powders.
The one thing of many that I take as most important from Agent on food and supplements is that they are a way to use and profit from industrial waste, disguised as something nutritious.
Farleyboy--Ensure ,I think it spead up the death of my sister and it kinda promoted opposite of ensured health,not satisfied customer list likely long..yet most nurses,drs promote it in hospitals like among top prescription killers maybe,no? Seriously if your ill enuff to have to live off of liquid ensure your vulnerable to it harming you fast..What do these Drs eat at home? Is this another example of like almost programmed mass murder or am I paranoid..look how obviously toxic those ingredients are!!! I think maybe the really skizo paranoid may actually have an advantage these days...cuz they really are out there too getya!! Example everyday hospitas: " thank you kind nurse for my bottle of faster death. Ensu.. what is that organic smoothie your drinking can I get some too?nurse:" no,you must drink this toxic sludge cuz other wise I'll lose my job,oh were offering a free vaccine today,not even sure which dang one this is out of the 79 we have ,but they told me if you refuse it we will have to cancel your kidney transplant tomorrow and take away your kids for being a vaxx refuser too,oh good so you changed your mind and want to take it,wonderful,we just love cooperative patients,were going to reward you with a healthy bottle of coke,our new study discovered it's especially good for your teeth with the hydrochloric acid pealing away that annoying dirty enamel,want some half sugar,aspartame jello with that? It's only cuz we care and we're professionals! Professional hitmen!! Haha
I have a friend who's husband used to down 2 Red Bulls a day. She said thats when most of his problems started, physical AND mental. She drinks Ensure. I told her to dump that crap down the sink. Of course, its "doctor" recommended.
These are older folks who don't have access to the Internet, so sharing all this knowledge with them is pointless, unless I printed out your articles, and it would be a book!
Thank you so much for your time and energy that goes into each of your writings!
I was absolutely floored when some idiot doctor gave my father in law ARTIFICIALLY SWEETENED Ensure nsure to put in his feeding tube! We tried to talk to them (my in-laws) about it, but I'm not sure we got through. They wouldn't listen about the jabs, either, which is probably why his cancer came back so aggressively in the first place, after several years cancer-free. Sadly, he died while in treatment in 2022 of a completely unexpected gallbladder infection. Well, completely unexpected by his doctors anyway. My aunt, a retired nurse- & a real rock star in her vocation- had just read all about that exact occurrence being a problem in the Pfizer Papers.
How is it that there's virtually no fruits and veggies available from California and Northwest even in premium stores,80-90% + imported when a dozen+ years ago only that was reversed percentages!! Where are the top organic especially produce going!? Is there a hush hush contract with the farmers there to sell abroad to elites at higher rates? Did ownership of a big percentage of farms switch the last decade or 2 to elite interests snagging most of the best produce and leaving us with China,Mexican, south American produce with less regulations enforced and less quality?How much are farmers being paid to go along here or are they all bot out last 6 years or so?
Big mystery here Agent/ my brothers,sisters of I give a darn land! I have no way to grow food in my situation....I know big talk of pollution in China and Mexico waters a decade plus ago, nobody addressing issues there anymore..Agent,big everyday issue,would you mind to try to figure out where the good stuff ie produce is going and try to get it back for us like a big vergy and fruity hero!?
Greg, I saw a video on organic produce in China. Nice organic produce grown behind protective walls exclusively for government workers. The same thing is probably happening here, high-level Satanists and high level operatives in the clandestine services probably get all the organic produce. Why did Kissenger live so long?
I get most of my food from a local farmstand and in the winter from an indoor farmstand. I also shop at three food cooperatives in three towns all within a two hour drive.
Wow! Well Tony it was a disappearance of 80 +percent of our West coast organic produce in a decade and people are like silent zombies on it ,just accepting it,where's the backlash,where's the farmers even on this did they all get beemed or what? Did I smoke too much weed where their hypnotize zapoers can't locate enough normal brain cells to connect to? Too weird!
So sorry to hear about the awful treatment of your father. Most older folks are treated that way, like used up trash. Our veterans are treated the same way. I know numerous people who have gotten sick from those jabs and even taking the boosters, they continue to get "colds". I'm sure your father is in a much more comfortable place in perfect health and happiness.
He was also a veteran- did two tours in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot & an NCO. He returned because he was 10 years older than the boys he led & knew he could help more of them come home alive. My husband has met the children of soldiers who hugged him because his father rescued their fathers with his helicopter, enabling themselves to be conceived in the first place. He was the greatest man I've ever known, & I am proud to call him Father, even if only through marriage.
And he never lost a single man under his command- although he still felt responsible for the one who did die while he was on leave, because he hadn't prepared his proxy enough. He was the most conscientious person I have ever encountered. We are both much better people for his considerable influence in our lives.
Thanks for this very important article! I have had ongoing discussions with my business partner in the past year since your vitamin scam exposure. He consumes packaged supplements of all types - as long as they’re endorsed by a new internet “expert” or doctor who’s had an “aha” moment! I will be forwarding this one for sure as he consumes thousands of dollars worth of this garbage each year, while sporting a permanent pot belly and still wonders why his diet and exercise aren’t delivering different results. I know… crazy, huh?!
Another scam he consumes is liquid egg whites in a carton. Disgusting! I can’t wait for you to expose that fraud if you haven’t already.
Again, thanks for this one!! I will beg him to research this for himself for his own betterment.
I remember reading about a bunch of body builders almost killing themselves from taking too much protein. Something about too much waste products building up in the liver.
Excellent work, thank you
I’ve known forever that you simply don’t need supplements of any kind, if your diet is normal. Save your money, spare your body these unnecessary & as I’ve recently learned, mostly from the author of this stack, potentially or actually harmful.
If you eat excess calories, whatever kind it is, your body will store it as fat and glycogen.
I’ve not managed it recently, but for a decade from my early 40s, I ate in a day barely enough to maintain body weight despite a very heavy exercise program (I was running 16 -20 miles a week and thoroughly enjoying it). I never felt as well as during that time. I had shed several stone early on after stopping smoking after 25 years and starting the running. I’d read that if you take up running in mid life, you may improve steadily for five years before Father Time starts to drag your time per mile steadily upwards (this cannot be fought, everyone gets slower by a measureable amount every year!). And I did. I changed nothing about what I ate, except to eat less of everything & to be very disciplined about it.
Eventually my running fell into disrepair, through a combination of negative factors.
I once read a quote attributed to some famous model, which I recognised as spot on, though at the time, I was underweight to the point that friends asked me if everything was alright.
The quote was “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.
I’m miles heavier than that these days. It’s quite burdensome to stay in any kind of shape once you let slip whatever exercise regimen you may have had.
People are eating SO much more food than they actually need. Advertising convinces us that we need three big meals a day to survive, which is a big fat lie. Investigate "intermittent fasting" and start cutting down on your food intake. Our bodies need at least 16 hours of time when they are NOT digesting food in order to cleanse the body of old and dead material (known as apoptosis) so it can be stimulated to then regenerate and replace this material with new living material. (I'm trying to avoid using the word "cells" becos i'm not sure if/what they are anymore!)
My husband and i do all our eating within a 6 hour window of the 24, and this usually consists of two small meals or single light dishes, or even only one, made from top quality organic food, and we stay slim. Once the body adjusts to this rhythm it is never hungry. We also never eat late in the day, so our body gets to fully rest overnight.
All those who are diabetic can cure this disease by this method of food intake. Diabetes results from taking in food constantly, so that the pancreas does not have to equalise the (hopefully natural) sugar intake/production in order to prevent energy highs and lows, which is part of its job. With a constant supply of incoming food, the pancreas decides it is no longer needed to perform this function, so it simply stops doing so.
When people begin to experience irregularities in energy depending on sugar intake/production, they of course rush off to the doctor, who tells them they are "pre-diabetic" and need to start on poison pharma meds, which of course leads on to more and more poison meds and lifetime customers. NEVER are they advised to radically change their diet and reawaken their pancreas. Furthermore, a doctor once told me that becos both my parents were diabetic, due to my genes i would also be diabetic!!! I pointed out that i had no intention of becoming diabetic, as my lifestyle was totally different than that of my parents, and he just shook his head.
The "health" care system even provides "diabetic clinics" to help all those afflicted "manage" their disease, and then they can carry on eating as they always used to do. I informed a friend who had recently received this devastating (to her) diagnosis, altho dubious she decided to refuse the meds, and began intermittent fasting, gradually lengthening the fasting time so her pancreas could adjust, and she was CURED!! She also lost a lot of weight and gained a lot more energy! Diabetes in just one more created disease from which the death care system can extract as much money as possible for as long as possible before the patient finally dies.
We see smarter animals like elephants, apes,dogs,lions,and most famously goats go to great lengths to get adequate minerals,not vitamins or other nutrients..
Signs of that athletes that perspire and use up minerals can deplete certain key ones out of the hundred plus to zero and then bad things can happen fast in certain bio processes regarding few sparks from each mineral if you will…not well understood each one,certainly copper and zinc,few others are known for ability to generate amperage ie electricity and Robert Beck , others have demonstrated are amps go down w sickness,stop at death and our aura light projection has to do with this…others claim conspiracy to down play aura that extends avg 3 feet,yet we've all felt depleted if not outright dirtied standing too close to other dirt bag types vamping too long some w directed efforts bragged about online.. others claiming goals to use 802 and other freq intertwines to specifically to vamp,control us.not sure on 802,but rest feels accurate.
I digress,point is you anti synthetic vitamin briefs and bra burners/ frantic wavers need to consider limiting your passionate attacks to vitamins apart from minerals!!
Yes it's confused more by the fact that their putting toxic synthetic minerals that aren't hardly BIOAVAILABLE in a efficient way…but your then lumping it all lazily…NO! STOP IT! DOING NON TRUTH DAMAGE ON MINERAL ISSUES!
Natural food based or herb,non synthetic minerals ,bioavailable are critical to health and most even organic eaters not getting enough like thosegoats period!.. but garbage eaters getting nearly none!
Moringa,sea moss,sea weeds,certain top 12 mineral natural sources need to be tapped like those goats risking their lives to tap it or those elephants walking 600 miles tap it…I'll do a top 20 mineral source foods later.
Also many people your preaching too who've eaten garbage mainly stop their mineral supps cuz of you !!!!! and then eat their bad food still and get critically mineral,amp depleted are on your too simple lumped heads!
Stopping vitamins similar to stopping drugs..almost never cold turkey or your in more trouble fast..they are powerful, especially vit.D as a mineral booster,puller from ones own bones pulling bio available minerals out in minutes after ingestion of say 1000-5000 IU a day…for years…= addiction and inability of body to adjust to sucking MINERALs out of food properly again..takes a long while to get body to recalibrate there.
Conspiracy to hide vitamin Ds true main function people feel: it sucks calcium and minerals from our own bones( horrible but works to keep elite worker system running till kills you l (calcification)like caffeine,nicotine,etc).. and energized system and hormones dependent on minerals no longer in food chain past 20 percent approx adequate generally if any w some..not a sunshine hormone so much at all but does boost delivery of cholesterol sulfate(pulls minerals SULFURE IS A MINERAL,HELLO!!).. from skin to blood,organs the true sparker of sunshine photosynthesis..of course..it's fiery sulfur…very similar to sulfur coated match heads that translate sun/ heat energy well known and then carry nutrients with it from skin activated and connecting ..
MEANTIME VITAMIN TAKERS..DONT STOP COLD TURKEY VITAMIN D,it's likely your main source of trace mineral needed to prevent disease death as it yanks them out of your bones into bloodstream,organs .just like it does to kill the rats w Dcon rat poison but at low dose to do more good then harm..till it diseases you from calcification eventually…
Solution!?: Switch to foods,herbs,items high in minerals,wait a month or so and gradually wean off your vitamin drugs carefully..like any drug you've gone chronic on months years..give your body time to reset..
Many are noticing how little food we really need to function once one has removed sugar. It is astonishing, weight comes off without effort and appetite is easily satiated by nutritious real food.
Ok ,I want too lose weight..what do you eat please exactly slim one?
Losing weight is more about what you don't eat
If you do want to know, yesterday was bacon and eggs for breakfast. rib steak and sweet potato with butter and for dinner. direct from a local farm as I live rurally.
Want to lose weight, don’t eat … anything. Body enters ketosis and you burn fat. Human Growth Hormone increases and preserves muscle. Autophagy also increases. Body also consumes the skin, which is protein, so there are no issues with excess skin.
The “starvation response” occurs when calories are reduced but the insulin levels don’t get low enough to produce the hormones required to tap the fat stores.
A man did a water fast for over a year and lost over 250 lbs.
Dr. Jason Fung is a good source.
Most short,sweet ,concise ketosis analogy ever MW good for you,I'll look into it more now,makes sense..
I'd think the transition stage might be most dangerous..is there other ways to measure if ketosis entered besides insulin levels low enuff..perhaps measuring certain hormone levels? Do they use vit D to assist?
What if bare minimum mineral levels needed for safe organs function,related risks of heart attack?toxicity releases stores in fats w wide variabilities..the list goes on....like to see success,failure rates..death increases where micro nutrient minimums not met nor could counter release fat toxicitys...
I suspect better safer method is to go on keto for a period say 10-30 days and then off for few days to replenish and detox or maybe that is the norm,never checked out keto much,sounds painfully unpleasant but I may well finally do it
Coconut oil, virgin, cold-pressed (expelled pressed) organic, taken first thing in the morning (after sea-salt and spring water; www.findaspring.com), jumpstarts your metabolism.
Any good testimonials sites to back that coco oil lose weight thing.?
No, I've forgotten more than most people know. I was just sharing my knowledge. I work alot, so my time is limited, but the truth is at your fingertips.
Boolean search 'coconut oil + metabolism'. Click more about ten times. Start from the bottom, scrolling up with a discerning eye.
Ok thnx..trying also to figure out what better dementia brain good mcy oil or coco oil
Great how much oil,how much salt.juice ok?
I am not prescribing anything, and it does not have to be in that order.
Coconut oil is a 1:1 butter substitute.
Just whatever works for you. Maybe start with a teaspoon every day. I don't even do that because I am a model of perfect health. I just suggested it because you want to lose weight.
I threw the salt and water information in there because three primary factors of disease after the main two, environmental toxins and EMF's, are 1) chronic dehydration, 2) nutritionally deficient diet, 3) sedentary lifestyle.
The lymphatic system most of which is in the GI tract sequesters disease causing organisms, lacks it's own pump thereby requiring you to move/exercise to expel said organisms/waste.
Great to see your presence here Dr. Mike Yeadon. I have so much respect and appreciation for you.
Especially when everyone these days end up being controlled opposition, with their limited hangout platforms.
If I ever find out that you’re part of that crowd, it will crush my soul. My list of true heros is rather short these days, and you’re still on it!
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels - I know Steven Tyler said that; perhaps not original to him.
Thanks as always for you insights Dr. Y.
Looks like my comment below about people EATING TOO MUCH hit a chord with many people, judging by how many "likes" have filled up my inbox. THYROID MEDICINE is another situation to consider. How many people do you know who are on synthetic thyroid meds? Last i heard it was at least a third of adult americans. Virtually all of the poisonings being inflicted on humanity at this time are endocrine disruptors, eg. they mess up the hormone system that runs everything in our bodies, from weight and appetite to mood to sleep to reproduction. Radiation (another poison) of all types targets the glandular system and creates chaos, and being the closest gland to the surface of the skin, the thyroid is the most easily effected. And where do people hold their cell phones???
Altho he did NOT have a cell phone, my husband lived right next to a 100 ft cell tower (not even 5G at that time) for many years, and his thyroid was damaged, altho it was a mystery at that time as to why (as it wasn't even "genetic" in his family -- which is MORE BS!). Of course the docs told him he had to go on synthroid, or he would die, thus another customer for life. NO ONE pointed out the actual cause or even tried to find one. Altho he did end up moving away from that location for another reason, the damage was done and synthroid had taken over the work of the thyroid.
Four years ago when the truth about pharma was revealed and he had a major aha! moment, he decided to go off the meds. Just like with the pancreas ceasing to produce blood sugar regulars if they are no longer needed, when the work of the thyroid is taken over synthetically the thyroid stops bothering to even try, so it's not a good idea to just stop taking it (altho i did this with the blood pressure meds i was on for a decade, and i'm still alive!!) A herbalist/naturopath suggested he take a year to gradually reduce the dose while using ashwaganda and astragalis and a few other things to wake up and reactivate the thyroid, which he has now completed.
One of the big overarching tactics of pharma and co is to get everyone, kids included, on at least one pharma drug that they are convinced they couldn't survive without, be it heart meds, diabetic meds, thyroid meds, allergy meds, and even glasses and hearing aid dependent (another rabbit hole!) So as the control grid advances, you will not be allowed to get these drugs without being jabbed, digitally IDed, perhaps implanted, and/or whatever controls they want to dictate, so you feel you HAVE to do whatever they require cos otherwise you will die without your meds. Very long-range and very clever planning, as usual. So PLEASE, if you have any of these conditions, DO YOUR OWN DEEP RESEARCH and find out what the actual CAUSE is -- whether it is contaminated food or simply TOO MUCH FOOD, whether it is radiation from towers/wifi/phones etc, or whether it is past traumas from this life or even previous lives that are being held in your energy field needed to be cleared, and REMOVE the CAUSE or the disease. Then love yourself, STOP POISONING YOURSELF, and step back and let your beautifully designed body perform the amazing healing that it innately knows how to do.
Great article. I never liked the stuff. Made me feel like crap. In stead, I hard-boil a dozen eggs and use those as my protein snacks throughout the week. They can easily be added to salads, added to chicken salad, or made into egg salad for sandwiches. FYI…I make my own mayo, pickles, and bread using Ancient Grains flour.😉
Mayo is a tough one due to having to use seed oil. Curious to the recipe you use as alternatives to seed oils are olive or avocado oils. Those too are questionable now. I have bottle of avocado oil that looks fake green.
Hi. You’re right. Mayo can be tough, but it’s just bc we’ve been conditioned to believe it should taste like the stuff we buy at the store. I decided that since the ones at the store use seed oils, then maybe mine should NOT taste like that! I don’t have a magic recipe. I’ve tried a variety of depending on what I’m using it for. I pulled all of them from Pinterest.
Butter mayo is incredible and easy!
I just bought a fully seed oil- free mayo to make deviled eggs for both holidays. You must CAREFULLY read the ingredients before buying because most brands STILL add soybean oil also! And of course, if you can find a clean one (I think I ended up with Chosen brand mayo?), after paying 3X, you must use it up very quickly if you don't want any of it going to waste.
Yes, the mayo I make also has a very short shelf life. So, I only make what I need for a recipe.
I couldn’t stop reading and am now late for work, but it was soooo worth it. I will be sharing the link to this article for sure!
Do you know how many thousands of dollars I spent on tubs of Isopure and PureProtein MREs and bars back in the day? Not to mention vitamins because *gasp* I could get very sick without my Liposomal Vitamin C. I was sorely misinformed for the first three quarters of my life. Thank you for doing what you do, Agent131711.
It dawned on me in me while lifting weights. Some bulky guys would go on holidays and upon their return(2-3weeks) they would have lost all that muscle! I would be shocked. My old Romanian weight trainer would say it was because it is all temporary muscle when you use protein powders and it is too hard on your liver.
I also remember growing up in the 70’s. They introduced skim milk. My parents and grandparents-parents laughed. They said that is pig feed.
They knew that you cannot digest “milk” without the fat. Just like egg whites are useless without the yolks.
Whey was always added to pig slop.
Does anyone remember margarine being sold with the yellow colouring agent that came in separate packet you were suppose to mix in? I would see this at my friend’s house and tell my Mom. She would tell me to never eat margarine!
The war on food and humans is been going on for a long time.
All the good stuff in eggs is in the yolk. Creating the fear of dietary cholesterol was criminal. Dietary cholesterol has nothing to do with blood cholesterol. Your body also makes it. Yet, the medical establishment has people believing it’s bad.
Your parents were so smart. Where did they gain all of that knowledge?
Unbelievable, I have no words. On top of that, all those chocolate protein bars they sell you in the gym as super-healthy, they have a lot of vitamins C and D. Why so much hatred towards human beings? What kind of people set the nutrition standards? Don't they have children or family who are going to take any fortified dairy, protein or vitamin supplements prescribed by their doctor? Ever since I first read you, I have been amazed to read ingredients in the supermarket. The other day I found it impossible to find a butter that didn't have vitamins A, D and E in it. The blueberries here in Spain also come from South Africa. On top of the problem we already have, they are destroying our national agriculture and favouring the importance of fruits and vegetables from Morocco that do not have to pass pesticide controls. I couldn't find any grapes with seeds either. I now only buy at small markets that bring it directly from the farmers, where I can finally buy lettuce with soil and the occasional insect.
I think the MAIN reason we see these literally absurd supply chains of importing apples from halfway around the world (NZ or SA to U.K.) is to sever the link between local food production and local consumption.
Everyone is dependent upon the containerisation of the planet continuing.
The day the container ships stop coming, a country, especially an island like U.K., is weeks from starvation.
I don’t think this is accidental.
Agent 131711 explains it very well in his previous post where he experimented with leaving apparently perfect fruit in his garden that not even the ants wanted to eat. Here in Spain we have a climate that favours the cultivation of vines (we mainly export wine) and yet the only black grapes you can buy in the supermarket are huge in size, have no seeds and come from Peru. They last a very long time without wrinkling and are all exactly the same without the slightest imperfection. I don't know if they are grafted or artificial, but if there is one thing we have plenty of in Spain, it is cheap national grapes of excellent quality.
I've removed anything from s. africa from my diet. Can you imagine the spraying that must go on to ship this stuff.
The statement about container ships is a bold but very true statement.
All by design...no accidents.
Also irradiation, kills nutrients, carcinogenic dead food results..Someone should make a list of worst and best of shipped foods and brand names,pronto please...I'm too busy to do cuz of near nonstop trainng for underwater tiddlywink championship coming up,sorry so just get on it already!!!
Greg, look up the dirty dozen and the clean fifteen. Strawberries are pesticide bombs, unless you grow them yourself or buy organic.
For real Tony C ! Yea..I've wondered how fast acting the top toxic pesticides are,are they toxic enough to cause symptoms in an avg person same day or 2 ie ate 10 strawberries and got a little to mid-level sick.. especially in sensitive...Ya know they taught most of us how to do simplest biology experiments in school yet we all stopped Why!? Cuz we were told somebody else was doing it and we're trustable .Ok so we found out years ago they weren't trustable,why aren't we doing are own experiments . Yes,on rats,Yes on ourselves cuz we are anyway but not compiling results
The awake aren't nearly as awake as they'd like to believe. Ok already ..get 20 people feed them only 10-20 strawberries a guy day,2 days organic vs not organic and like rice..blood and symptoms checks before and after, on video,and if symptoms and unsafe levels peaks,report it and post it here please,we have waited long enough!! Oh and then the rest of all of the fruitscwbr veggies. Can you start next week,haha,no but seriously, community,on camera studies,blood tests,all filmed w faces blacked out is a idea who's time has come!
Money?Iz a lie,doesn't take big money.
$100 in strawberries,$100 in rice or neutral protein ,10 -20 people,48 hour study..
Rats cost $5-15 on open market and $40-90 on science market .rats don't have to be killed always and if you feel bad you can give them a luxury life,spinning wheels,cheese and all,come on people we have been and still are programmed,find solutions yourself,big gaps everywhere,dive in,be a hero!
If we did strawberry test I'd guess results would show unsafe blood peaks in said chemicals by 2nd day,and a small % would show considerable symptoms,nothing drastic though and like 1/3 would feel a bit off and most nothing at all vs organic group virtually all no symptoms..extend that too 3,4 days a near doubling of symptoms in the sensitive,ya know the 5 to 15 percent..15..15 percent of 400 million people is alot of people...sickened everyday by pesticides to the point of flu like symptoms,WOW!!EXTRA,EXTRA..!! YA THINK? EVEN IF ONLY 25% THAT BAD STILL A DISASTER..AND THEN MUKTIPLY THAT BY THE PESTICIDES , FERTILIZERS,ETC ACCRUING FOR WEEKS,MONTHS,YEARS..WE NEED PROOF TONY THEY ARE FAST ACTING AND SLOWLY BUILDING TOO TOXINS,THEN PUT IN THEIR FACES BRO! BUT SADLY ,THE LESS DANGEROUS FAST ACTING PROOFS LIKELY TO HAVE MORE IMPACT ie nah,ain't eating strawberries tonight might be poisoned tomorrow and I've got that hot date or job interview,etc...cuz everything causes cancer now ya know, people don't care,has to be hard hitting!!
And yet strawberries are very easy to grow.
It makes sense to stop eating certain foods completely and definitely no processed stuff.
I just realized the yeast I make bread with has magnesium stearate in it..... Sigh...
Not only that Mike, but is best to eat local and in season.
Recommend looking into Weston A Price. In the 1930s, he traveled the world. He noticed that those who ate a native diet had fully formed palates (upper mouth). It was large and could accommodate their teeth, unlike Western diet eaters.
And the native diets varied drastically because it was based on what was available. Some relied on goats milk. Others seafood, etc. And they were all healthy.
Some evidence it was adequate k2 levels combined with not letting key minerals falling below certain level..but I suspect more required too..you see we can't really get masses if public to eat good clean food but we can duplicate key nutrient minimums and discovering those minimums still not quite done perhaps,least not that I see
Grapes...sadly, one of the most highly sprayed commercial fruits.
Look for Kerrygold butter, imported from Ireland. Two ingredients: Cream and salt. It tastes so much better than Land 'O Fakes that there's really no comparison.
Roger, it's the wrong kind of salt. Table salt is pure poison, contains potassium iodide, a drug, which is not iodine, and may be fluoridated.
I don't know. Proteins can be dangerous as they put them into mRNA injections (as in spike proteins)...and I bet into vaccines and drugs as well. I guess it depends on what it is and what it does chemically. I don't use any of the stuff mentioned in this article although through the ages I have.
The pioneers were a hardy breed and survived without supplements and sometimes limited food. Maybe they didn't live to be 80 or 90, but supplements aren't making much difference these days either in life expectancy.
These articles definitely cause on open mind to become even more open. Thanks. Some people are good at putting this stuff together. And no, I hope you are not replaced by lying, stinking A/i retards.
Life expectancy is a scam. Look how old Benjamin Franklin lived to be. It was childhood deaths that drove the average down.
No,not that simple, malnutrition,and illness from fecal matter and other factors have huge swaths dying earlier then avgs
I use protein powder when I struggle to eat due to complex PTSD, but I only use a couple of brands that use VERY specific ingredients. It is grass-fed & contains no oils, sugar (some use monk fruit or stevia), preservatives,etc. It uses protein concentrate, not isolate. My only gripe is that the pre-flavored ones are still way too sweet for me, so I usually cut that sweetness with raw cacao or matcha, etc. I also add in some heavy cream & powdered grass-fed organic meat. These meals in a bottle- as well as canned sardines in olive oil- are a lifesaver for me when I can hardly keep anything down or just have no appetite for days on end. But I've been a ravenous researcher & compulsive label reader forever since I've always struggled with hypoglycemia & migraines all my life (not to mention all the mental health struggles of severe early childhood trauma.
Magdalene,please bless us with brand names rare good powders you've found,we share not just the worst here but the best!are your sardines in aluminum and plastic lined cans..ever have them tested
I have to have SOMETHING when I cannot keep down my grass-fed ribeye or even ground beef for several weeks. Yes, it can be a bit of a compromise, but my body still can't seem to handle more than about 72 hours fasting. I need lots of healthy fat for sustaining hormone production to keep a stable mood. And I need maximum nutrient bang for my volume swallowed buck. Sardines & "clean" protein powder fit that bill. My favorite brands are Wild Planet for the fish & Wild Foods for the protein (not bothering to go see what my alternate fallbacks are rn)
Anyway, my very alternate medicine-friendly doctor, a DO with an extra Masters in Nutrition, thinks my blood work is great, & my "high" cholesterol is perfectly healthy. So don't you worry about lil ol' me!😁
Magdalene, sounds like you have a challenging eating situation given your PTSD diagnosis. Curious if you had tried to resolve the underlying trauma presenting the eating problem... rather than having to resort to eating like an astronaut for the rest of your days with liquid meal replacements?
Out of curiosity, I looked at the Wild Foods brand of whey powder. It definitely looks 'better' than a typical brand. If I felt I had to use it, I'd definitely steer clear of the flavored ones...some suspicious flavor enhancer ingredients like "natural flavors" (usually nothing to do with nature), "extracts" (this is usually a chemical process), and "gums" that your body would not recognize as a food. My take also is that whenever you pasteurize something, even once, so you heat it up, cool it back down again, filter it with your super secret proprietary process, you are still putting it through some serious processing and you may claim that it is "non-denatured", but it cannot be a complete food as recognized by the body.
Have you ever experimented with just trying to consume a couple of glasses of grass fed raw milk (or make a smoothie out of it) instead of the powder concentrate?
You get 56 servings out of a $60 bag of the protein powder. You could likely get 3 plus gallons of good milk from your local farmer for that... our 5 year old eats like a ravenous goat...if we give him a cup of milk, it helps reduce the eating frequency and seems to satisfy his appetite.
Here's some context for you:
I was the product of a
multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma; I spent my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother at the hands of our traffickers. By the grace of God I was then rescued by her family, only to be alternately bribed & punished into shutting up about it. Instead of receiving treatment, or at the very least validation for my considerable trauma, I was simply told that none of it had happened! By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there, rather than back home, after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT me there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative ldentity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing quite well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & received back injuries severe enough to receive opiates (before Oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man, after all, like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. Not that I felt much better about the concept of family, either; the two men were brothers with some uncles in the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families. And it was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a Fed himself & had connections.of his own, so I was held for several days during negotiation.
Wow. Thank you for sharing here. I see you as extraordinarily courageous. . wonder how you describe the secret sauce, that helps you to carry on and do your best to excel.
Good idea. I do the same when the kids are sick & barely eating. I HOMEMAKE an irresistible, delicious, natural protein packed, nutrient-dense smoothie. The kids loooove it. 0 meds. The kids are up and running again within a day.
I just looked in the cabinet,& apparently rn I'm using (unflavored, 71 servings) Level (protein isolate & sunflower lecithin only) & adding my own cacao & allulose/monk fruit,etc. I would LOVE to find some raw milk nearby which I think in my state is only sold "for pets."😉 Unfortunately, when the gov't decided to declare me no longer disabled last year, I was barely able to get out of bed for several months because I was terrified of losing access to treatment, let alone being able to support my existence. I just recently resolved the case in my favor, so I am finally doing much better physically. So now I can probably afford to go ahead & find some to start buying along with my grass-fed meat, which I have been forced to get at Aldi most of the time. But I usually use my Christmas money from family to go to a local grass-fed only rancher to stock up my freezer with whatever they put on sale at the end of the year, or shop US Wellness Meats sales if I can't get over there.
Obviously, nutrition has been a lifelong issue for me.
Of COURSE I have! I certainly would not have celebrated my 27th anniversary with a MAN last Halloween if I had not been in treatment for trauma all these years. And I'm STILL in trauma treatment! Behavioral weekly & sexual trauma biweekly.
You’re doing great. As far as I’m concerned Self care, awareness & love is the secret sauce that when added to the things we eat, creates nourishment for our bodies.
Unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna achieve Breatharianism anytime soon. I am doing the best I can. At least having a couple of months last year where it was all I could do most days to open and eat a single can of sardines, because I was so wracked with trauma & anxiety, finally forced my body out of its years-long plateau so that I could finally finish losing the 30 pounds or so that I piled onto my midsection over the course of covid. Despite having been Cassandra all my life, trying to tell anyone who would listen of my lifelong sense of impending apocalyptic totalitarian doom hanging over a precariously fragile civilization, it still really freaked me out how all those people, including most friends, fell into line with obvious lies. Actually SEEING everyone wearing the masks & distancing themselves was just too dystopian for me to take, & I just could not play along or even keep my mouth shut, despite my husband's preference to fly a bit more under the radar. I strongly disagreed with the cautious approach, believing it was vitally important to fly loud & proud in my defiance of tyranny because other people NEEDED to SEE it! Of course, his focus was on my safety from the evil ones. But it was stressful to stand out in the stores back then, & my waistline definitely suffered for it! 😂
I think I will go back to the original thread & provide context by summarizing my life's story of how I became this person. I've been dragging my feet on starting my own Substack for some time, but for whatever reason, the timing feels right for 2025. I wrote some silly New Year's poetry over the weekend, so I'll probably start there. Any day now... 🤣 I suppose I don't have anything to lose 🤔
Natural flavors are in most processed foods...even so called good ones. Required by law!!!!?? I wonder whose law? (I think I know.)
Here is a short video showing ingredients in natural flavors, except they are hard to read.
Here's some context for you:
I was the product of a
multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma; I spent my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother at the hands of our traffickers. By the grace of God I was then rescued by her family, only to be alternately bribed & punished into shutting up about it. Instead of receiving treatment, or at the very least validation for my considerable trauma, I was simply told that none of it had happened! By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there, rather than back home, after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT me there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative ldentity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing quite well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & received back injuries severe enough to receive opiates (before Oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man, after all, like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. Not that I felt much better about the concept of family, either; the two men were brothers with some uncles in the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families. And it was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a Fed himself & had connections.of his own, so I was held for several days during negotiation.
Appreciate you wanting to validate what they tried to hide as their unusually evil but the other side of that is those negative forces will try to hold you to those junctures of crimes against you and the evil there and suck on your energy STILL... Consider maxing out the seperation from hose demons still flying by two methods
1) Use the time fully as space and cushion to heal,minimize their intrusion into your present getaway space by facing yes why your where your at but then.. Knowing your present strengths , weaknesses,walling off that evil past points,junctures like a a cancer blocked from connecting to you look to the people and places where goodness said HELLO and with humility know you to aren't Inherently free of corruptions and depend on the energy of forgiveness..try offering forgiveness to your offenders where there's even a inkling of the non demonic spark on them before God ie not wishing them demons and hell if it be God's will..then try to feel a release from the demon bondage there by petitioning God specificly,; I've forgiven them where you want me to God and wish them recovery from hell demons,by the same and better spirit of your forgiveness,grace and mercy despite my sins I ASK you by righteousness to forgive me and to stop my enemies and demons energies from harming me,wrapped in your grace,my repentance as also a non victim in sin and evil participant being true where I chose badly at junctures in my life regardless of my extreme victimization..
MAKE IT HEARTFELT BUT ALSO A TIGHT LEGAL, Logical petition,petitioning as if you were speaking to the ultimate judge in court cuz you are and so are your demons asking God for rights to stay with you as demons own the realms of each sin you see..Don't ask for justice but justice with mercy and Christ's help where he has already paid for it if you approach within your exact rights and HUMBLY as we are all filthy in sin and God is really just trying to salvage our inner spark from a series of disasterous choices against goodness and life with him with dragon devil's fallen going way back..you are part of that guilt and wrong ,yet if you saved a spark of God that loves goodness then show him it also in your unique ways ie the lord's prayer shows the reverence were supposed to have and attitude..yet when you say it for you not already see ,feel how your not quite there or even close...offer God also sacrificed of yourself where the demons cling he hates:
List your top sins and desires,ask God to relieve you of any pleasures in those ever...then try to tackle each of them slowly with hate for the hell demon behind them that wish to destroy your humanity and spark of God,while simaltaneously loving the opposite virtues of Goodness..make no promises you'll break to God,Go forward with true heart and slowly the evil will know it has no place with you and your petition to God will be realized.
You want to get to a place where you no longer feel a need or wisdom in re stating each of Satan's attacks against you,nor your own chosen sins...where those bondages are broken largely,Christ will then free and pay for the rest judgenent day.. meantime try to collect best of you,reject worst demons too deep in..rehashing at that point is fools non therapy ie doesn't get better at this stage...
Try offering God a fast few times a month and Sacrafice ie no swearing,drinking for a week then a month,etc or whatever you have to lessen your weight God is going to lift up .. hopefully with your true hearted appeal..appeal nothing until you know it's truth and you can face it or you'll make it worse...don't ask God to go to redo court with you and lie!Be Good, well relatively is all we have..check out you tube died and gone to heaven or hell videos or ex satanist,ex witch video's for fastest results,least lies in a deception filled internet ie you'll see the real lines of truth and deception glaringly SHOWN and all similar enough among strangers you know it's TRUE.It will give you bearings and strength if you use it as they're broadcasting down is up etc 24/7 now..
Ok thanks for listening,hope I didn't bore or sound empty preachy Go with God!
Honestly, the person I'm really struggling to forgive is myself. Somehow I managed to waste not one moment seeking vengeance on those evil ones (although the same cannot be said for my husband); I simply assumed God had already handled it & for the most part wiped their existence from my mind. It was (most of) my family whom I felt deserved my bitter contempt & disgust- especially the men- for doing nothing to help despite knowing full well what kind of dangerously degenerate environment in which my mother was keeping me. As an adult, meeting my husband & father-in-law served as stellar examples to show me how real men take action to intervene without delay when vulnerable loved ones are in danger, even of the self-inflicted variety. Still, two decades ago I was able to fully reconcile with them- even to a large degree with my grandfather, despite his unwillingness to acknowledge that his betrayal of the whole family (including his attempt to abscond with the family life savings to marry his secretary & leave my grandmother penniless with three teenagers) was a key factor in my mother running off & ending up at the mercy of dangerous & evil men, & therefore the trauma to which I was subjected. I didn't even feel any schadenfreude when he outlived my grandmother for 7 more miserable years, begging God to take him every single night, his relatively healthy body stubbornly refusing to shut down & release his soul back to God & the good Catholic woman who agreed to remarry even despite believing that he had forced her into a state of adultery right along with him/them. It was just sad; he never did feel worthy of that forgiveness because he still couldn't forgive others for far less. I'm sure he died still clinging on to his anger with me because I "made her (grandmother) cry" when I left home right after HS graduation under emotionally fraught circumstances. I was gobsmacked- it was all water under the bridge for her & me both & had been for many years. My grandmother & I were able to have a very honest & fruitful relationship before she died, & for that I will always be grateful; my grandfather simply refused to engage honestly. But that was his misery, & his loss, not mine. What has actually been the most painful for me is to realize how badly I hurt those who truly cared about my well-being, namely my husband, his parents & my maternal aunt, when I was in the throes of my most severe self-harm via cutting, drug addiction, prostitution, & many more subtle forms of masochism. I really felt like I treated myself even worse than anyone else ever did, even if that isn't true in a literal sense.
What's unusual about you is you've kept score without being caught up in wrath or vengeance ,seems took bit of toll on your sense of self worth back then but seems like you've strived to develop it back and that also shows in the care you have each stage of your challenges,not diluting it all away with rampant booze or denial common,so good for you Magdalene,it may well be your heart's still in at all those points cuz God didn't give up on you and you kept on rising back and looking for him,better lifestyle,healthy and that and WOW even having the good wits to choose Agent 1317111 bold articles against the bad guys out there,our witty hero ,but he ain't always right on everything forcing me to sometimes try to correct him which I'm certain he prides himself accepting my corrections with the best ever humility right ,ha ha!
Again, though I think they're comes a time to separate from all others and be you...you won't know this until you've stopped the therapy prop up..try to take some long walks ie weeks,without them starting with a couple ie training wheels. Then try to ride,of one of your legs gives out you can always go back to training wheels ya know,but think of Jesus Christ when he told the cripple to walk after years of abuses and pain . he didn't say also get someone to review your hardships every week,he said ask me to help you with your burdens ie focus on Christ spirit,energy,way,do an official petition special prayer to God to break the demonic bonds left to new levels.
Magdalene,think of the importance of standing just you and God before you pass.Your way stronger and honest then most it seems, therapist are addicted to therapy wrongly often...you can't help them..walk away,free,pray for the strength every day till you have it..if there's a social hole then full IT with anybody but then so you are just you,whole. Ask yourself what God wants here for you .you know already! God Bless I hope!
In my current therapy, I'm focused on finally fixing the last of my long term issues I have in the relationship with my husband, as well as improving my relationship with myself, ie, worthiness, etc. Sadly I had to move on from my "best friend" relationship after she stayed with us & then with my aunt here locally due to disgust with her ridiculously selfish & scheming behavior. She suffered other severe childhood traumas & has the same basic diagnoses as me, but I had not realized how much simply identifying myself with this person so strongly for so long was holding me back from the person I can be. So now I'm practicing visualization while falling asleep to "dream up" my ideal self & bring her into my reality. After a few days I've already lost a couple pounds🤭
I have a friend that lives on Boost Liquid Protein drinks for some of her meals. Here are the ingredients:
….and they are given 3 times a day at the nursing homes. (Boost drink)
Also too much protein in those at 18 grams..should be 14 tops and drink half then wait 30 -60 minutes to go finish so you don't tax already weak livers,kidneys and kill them...also figure out which protein most digestible, include enzymes to help liver ..respect their age and needs
What if a movement was started to replace BOOST and Ensure with like the 3 most nutritious protein drinks out there, fund it by GoFundMe starting at the 3 biggest hospitals in a state or 2...Do a study to see if an impact on health,well being. .then push for those hospitals to change permanently to new suppliers
Entice hospitals with at first free drinks for 3 months then half off for 3 months then wholesale price 3 months , thereafter usual hospital 15© off approx After 6 months start to show better patient results to hospitals across USA with same free to discount deal...Same with care homes. .Grass roots movement ie Save the Grannies and Gramps protein drinks! Really not about the quantity of life but the quality.. brains happier with real food= smiley memories..
Likely would work better at care homes and private hospitals. Ensure ,boost helped kill my sister faster,hate it,why are we letting our parents be poisoned so!?
Farley, that stuff is full of drugs. Soy is bad. Wrong kind of salt.
If the label says sugar, that is gmo beet sugar. Must say cane sugar.
Carrageenan causes stomach cancer. If one doesn't normally eat an ingredient by itself (cellulose gel, guar gum, dimethylpolysilicone, etc.) then avoid the product.
Citric acid may be a sleeper big problem .made from aspergillus black mold..in those with black mold infection usually lungs ..dead at 50% in 2 years ,88 percent at 5 years..
They claim it's not active in citric but some test positive for black mold w it.
What would happen if you put a vial of citric acid in water next to a cell phone for a week that's supposed to increase mold 600x..what would happen to you if you drank that Tony C,...maybe we could do a test to see if there's visible growth and then tell the world black mold scam killing us .are you up for it Tony,Cuz im to busy,I'll let you be the hero though!
Thanks Greg for pointing thabt out. I'll pass. It's back to the frying pan for me, and that means less play time.
Thanks for taking the time to reproduce this list. I used to take protein powders.
The one thing of many that I take as most important from Agent on food and supplements is that they are a way to use and profit from industrial waste, disguised as something nutritious.
Farleyboy--Ensure ,I think it spead up the death of my sister and it kinda promoted opposite of ensured health,not satisfied customer list likely long..yet most nurses,drs promote it in hospitals like among top prescription killers maybe,no? Seriously if your ill enuff to have to live off of liquid ensure your vulnerable to it harming you fast..What do these Drs eat at home? Is this another example of like almost programmed mass murder or am I paranoid..look how obviously toxic those ingredients are!!! I think maybe the really skizo paranoid may actually have an advantage these days...cuz they really are out there too getya!! Example everyday hospitas: " thank you kind nurse for my bottle of faster death. Ensu.. what is that organic smoothie your drinking can I get some too?nurse:" no,you must drink this toxic sludge cuz other wise I'll lose my job,oh were offering a free vaccine today,not even sure which dang one this is out of the 79 we have ,but they told me if you refuse it we will have to cancel your kidney transplant tomorrow and take away your kids for being a vaxx refuser too,oh good so you changed your mind and want to take it,wonderful,we just love cooperative patients,were going to reward you with a healthy bottle of coke,our new study discovered it's especially good for your teeth with the hydrochloric acid pealing away that annoying dirty enamel,want some half sugar,aspartame jello with that? It's only cuz we care and we're professionals! Professional hitmen!! Haha
And the industry calls that "food" ....
It was Chris Farley who said “face it. I’m a hedonist”. Any relation?
just a comment that your articles are great. well researched, well written, and unfortunately that means totally unbelievable for the normies.
I'd throw you money if I had any. keep up the great work.
Mr. Agent what you are doing here is seeking the TRUTH . And you have to know that it is a federal offense in the Empire of Lies . Be careful .
I have a friend who's husband used to down 2 Red Bulls a day. She said thats when most of his problems started, physical AND mental. She drinks Ensure. I told her to dump that crap down the sink. Of course, its "doctor" recommended.
These are older folks who don't have access to the Internet, so sharing all this knowledge with them is pointless, unless I printed out your articles, and it would be a book!
Thank you so much for your time and energy that goes into each of your writings!
I was absolutely floored when some idiot doctor gave my father in law ARTIFICIALLY SWEETENED Ensure nsure to put in his feeding tube! We tried to talk to them (my in-laws) about it, but I'm not sure we got through. They wouldn't listen about the jabs, either, which is probably why his cancer came back so aggressively in the first place, after several years cancer-free. Sadly, he died while in treatment in 2022 of a completely unexpected gallbladder infection. Well, completely unexpected by his doctors anyway. My aunt, a retired nurse- & a real rock star in her vocation- had just read all about that exact occurrence being a problem in the Pfizer Papers.
How is it that there's virtually no fruits and veggies available from California and Northwest even in premium stores,80-90% + imported when a dozen+ years ago only that was reversed percentages!! Where are the top organic especially produce going!? Is there a hush hush contract with the farmers there to sell abroad to elites at higher rates? Did ownership of a big percentage of farms switch the last decade or 2 to elite interests snagging most of the best produce and leaving us with China,Mexican, south American produce with less regulations enforced and less quality?How much are farmers being paid to go along here or are they all bot out last 6 years or so?
Big mystery here Agent/ my brothers,sisters of I give a darn land! I have no way to grow food in my situation....I know big talk of pollution in China and Mexico waters a decade plus ago, nobody addressing issues there anymore..Agent,big everyday issue,would you mind to try to figure out where the good stuff ie produce is going and try to get it back for us like a big vergy and fruity hero!?
Greg, I saw a video on organic produce in China. Nice organic produce grown behind protective walls exclusively for government workers. The same thing is probably happening here, high-level Satanists and high level operatives in the clandestine services probably get all the organic produce. Why did Kissenger live so long?
I get most of my food from a local farmstand and in the winter from an indoor farmstand. I also shop at three food cooperatives in three towns all within a two hour drive.
Wow! Well Tony it was a disappearance of 80 +percent of our West coast organic produce in a decade and people are like silent zombies on it ,just accepting it,where's the backlash,where's the farmers even on this did they all get beemed or what? Did I smoke too much weed where their hypnotize zapoers can't locate enough normal brain cells to connect to? Too weird!
So sorry to hear about the awful treatment of your father. Most older folks are treated that way, like used up trash. Our veterans are treated the same way. I know numerous people who have gotten sick from those jabs and even taking the boosters, they continue to get "colds". I'm sure your father is in a much more comfortable place in perfect health and happiness.
He was also a veteran- did two tours in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot & an NCO. He returned because he was 10 years older than the boys he led & knew he could help more of them come home alive. My husband has met the children of soldiers who hugged him because his father rescued their fathers with his helicopter, enabling themselves to be conceived in the first place. He was the greatest man I've ever known, & I am proud to call him Father, even if only through marriage.
And he never lost a single man under his command- although he still felt responsible for the one who did die while he was on leave, because he hadn't prepared his proxy enough. He was the most conscientious person I have ever encountered. We are both much better people for his considerable influence in our lives.
People must be under mind control because they have no problem giving their power away to Doctors.
Thanks for this very important article! I have had ongoing discussions with my business partner in the past year since your vitamin scam exposure. He consumes packaged supplements of all types - as long as they’re endorsed by a new internet “expert” or doctor who’s had an “aha” moment! I will be forwarding this one for sure as he consumes thousands of dollars worth of this garbage each year, while sporting a permanent pot belly and still wonders why his diet and exercise aren’t delivering different results. I know… crazy, huh?!
Another scam he consumes is liquid egg whites in a carton. Disgusting! I can’t wait for you to expose that fraud if you haven’t already.
Again, thanks for this one!! I will beg him to research this for himself for his own betterment.
I remember reading about a bunch of body builders almost killing themselves from taking too much protein. Something about too much waste products building up in the liver.
Ughhh. That protein powder!!! And all the muscle builders available to advertise it!!! An industry is born.
DDT caused polio (this is a comment written as a reaction to your 15-01 article on the Zika scam): article by F. W. Engdahl - https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/07/22/toxicology-vs-virology-rockefeller-institute-and-the-criminal-polio-fraud/
Is agent 131711 actually the great grandson of Upton Sinclair? 😉