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Excellent work, thank you

I’ve known forever that you simply don’t need supplements of any kind, if your diet is normal. Save your money, spare your body these unnecessary & as I’ve recently learned, mostly from the author of this stack, potentially or actually harmful.

If you eat excess calories, whatever kind it is, your body will store it as fat and glycogen.

I’ve not managed it recently, but for a decade from my early 40s, I ate in a day barely enough to maintain body weight despite a very heavy exercise program (I was running 16 -20 miles a week and thoroughly enjoying it). I never felt as well as during that time. I had shed several stone early on after stopping smoking after 25 years and starting the running. I’d read that if you take up running in mid life, you may improve steadily for five years before Father Time starts to drag your time per mile steadily upwards (this cannot be fought, everyone gets slower by a measureable amount every year!). And I did. I changed nothing about what I ate, except to eat less of everything & to be very disciplined about it.

Eventually my running fell into disrepair, through a combination of negative factors.

I once read a quote attributed to some famous model, which I recognised as spot on, though at the time, I was underweight to the point that friends asked me if everything was alright.

The quote was “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.

I’m miles heavier than that these days. It’s quite burdensome to stay in any kind of shape once you let slip whatever exercise regimen you may have had.

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People are eating SO much more food than they actually need. Advertising convinces us that we need three big meals a day to survive, which is a big fat lie. Investigate "intermittent fasting" and start cutting down on your food intake. Our bodies need at least 16 hours of time when they are NOT digesting food in order to cleanse the body of old and dead material (known as apoptosis) so it can be stimulated to then regenerate and replace this material with new living material. (I'm trying to avoid using the word "cells" becos i'm not sure if/what they are anymore!)

My husband and i do all our eating within a 6 hour window of the 24, and this usually consists of two small meals or single light dishes, or even only one, made from top quality organic food, and we stay slim. Once the body adjusts to this rhythm it is never hungry. We also never eat late in the day, so our body gets to fully rest overnight.

All those who are diabetic can cure this disease by this method of food intake. Diabetes results from taking in food constantly, so that the pancreas does not have to equalise the (hopefully natural) sugar intake/production in order to prevent energy highs and lows, which is part of its job. With a constant supply of incoming food, the pancreas decides it is no longer needed to perform this function, so it simply stops doing so.

When people begin to experience irregularities in energy depending on sugar intake/production, they of course rush off to the doctor, who tells them they are "pre-diabetic" and need to start on poison pharma meds, which of course leads on to more and more poison meds and lifetime customers. NEVER are they advised to radically change their diet and reawaken their pancreas. Furthermore, a doctor once told me that becos both my parents were diabetic, due to my genes i would also be diabetic!!! I pointed out that i had no intention of becoming diabetic, as my lifestyle was totally different than that of my parents, and he just shook his head.

The "health" care system even provides "diabetic clinics" to help all those afflicted "manage" their disease, and then they can carry on eating as they always used to do. I informed a friend who had recently received this devastating (to her) diagnosis, altho dubious she decided to refuse the meds, and began intermittent fasting, gradually lengthening the fasting time so her pancreas could adjust, and she was CURED!! She also lost a lot of weight and gained a lot more energy! Diabetes in just one more created disease from which the death care system can extract as much money as possible for as long as possible before the patient finally dies.

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We see smarter animals like elephants, apes,dogs,lions,and most famously goats go to great lengths to get adequate minerals,not vitamins or other nutrients..

Signs of that athletes that perspire and use up minerals can deplete certain key ones out of the hundred plus to zero and then bad things can happen fast in certain bio processes regarding few sparks from each mineral if you will…not well understood each one,certainly copper and zinc,few others are known for ability to generate amperage ie electricity and Robert Beck , others have demonstrated are amps go down w sickness,stop at death and our aura light projection has to do with this…others claim conspiracy to down play aura that extends avg 3 feet,yet we've all felt depleted if not outright dirtied standing too close to other dirt bag types vamping too long some w directed efforts bragged about online.. others claiming goals to use 802 and other freq intertwines to specifically to vamp,control us.not sure on 802,but rest feels accurate.

I digress,point is you anti synthetic vitamin briefs and bra burners/ frantic wavers need to consider limiting your passionate attacks to vitamins apart from minerals!!

Yes it's confused more by the fact that their putting toxic synthetic minerals that aren't hardly BIOAVAILABLE in a efficient way…but your then lumping it all lazily…NO! STOP IT! DOING NON TRUTH DAMAGE ON MINERAL ISSUES!

Natural food based or herb,non synthetic minerals ,bioavailable are critical to health and most even organic eaters not getting enough like thosegoats period!.. but garbage eaters getting nearly none!

Moringa,sea moss,sea weeds,certain top 12 mineral natural sources need to be tapped like those goats risking their lives to tap it or those elephants walking 600 miles tap it…I'll do a top 20 mineral source foods later.

Also many people your preaching too who've eaten garbage mainly stop their mineral supps cuz of you !!!!! and then eat their bad food still and get critically mineral,amp depleted are on your too simple lumped heads!

Stopping vitamins similar to stopping drugs..almost never cold turkey or your in more trouble fast..they are powerful, especially vit.D as a mineral booster,puller from ones own bones pulling bio available minerals out in minutes after ingestion of say 1000-5000 IU a day…for years…= addiction and inability of body to adjust to sucking MINERALs out of food properly again..takes a long while to get body to recalibrate there.

Conspiracy to hide vitamin Ds true main function people feel: it sucks calcium and minerals from our own bones( horrible but works to keep elite worker system running till kills you l (calcification)like caffeine,nicotine,etc).. and energized system and hormones dependent on minerals no longer in food chain past 20 percent approx adequate generally if any w some..not a sunshine hormone so much at all but does boost delivery of cholesterol sulfate(pulls minerals SULFURE IS A MINERAL,HELLO!!).. from skin to blood,organs the true sparker of sunshine photosynthesis..of course..it's fiery sulfur…very similar to sulfur coated match heads that translate sun/ heat energy well known and then carry nutrients with it from skin activated and connecting ..



MEANTIME VITAMIN TAKERS..DONT STOP COLD TURKEY VITAMIN D,it's likely your main source of trace mineral needed to prevent disease death as it yanks them out of your bones into bloodstream,organs .just like it does to kill the rats w Dcon rat poison but at low dose to do more good then harm..till it diseases you from calcification eventually…

Solution!?: Switch to foods,herbs,items high in minerals,wait a month or so and gradually wean off your vitamin drugs carefully..like any drug you've gone chronic on months years..give your body time to reset..

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Many are noticing how little food we really need to function once one has removed sugar. It is astonishing, weight comes off without effort and appetite is easily satiated by nutritious real food.

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Ok ,I want too lose weight..what do you eat please exactly slim one?

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Losing weight is more about what you don't eat

If you do want to know, yesterday was bacon and eggs for breakfast. rib steak and sweet potato with butter and for dinner. direct from a local farm as I live rurally.

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Want to lose weight, don’t eat … anything. Body enters ketosis and you burn fat. Human Growth Hormone increases and preserves muscle. Autophagy also increases. Body also consumes the skin, which is protein, so there are no issues with excess skin.

The “starvation response” occurs when calories are reduced but the insulin levels don’t get low enough to produce the hormones required to tap the fat stores.

A man did a water fast for over a year and lost over 250 lbs.

Dr. Jason Fung is a good source.

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Most short,sweet ,concise ketosis analogy ever MW good for you,I'll look into it more now,makes sense..

I'd think the transition stage might be most dangerous..is there other ways to measure if ketosis entered besides insulin levels low enuff..perhaps measuring certain hormone levels? Do they use vit D to assist?

What if bare minimum mineral levels needed for safe organs function,related risks of heart attack?toxicity releases stores in fats w wide variabilities..the list goes on....like to see success,failure rates..death increases where micro nutrient minimums not met nor could counter release fat toxicitys...

I suspect better safer method is to go on keto for a period say 10-30 days and then off for few days to replenish and detox or maybe that is the norm,never checked out keto much,sounds painfully unpleasant but I may well finally do it

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Coconut oil, virgin, cold-pressed (expelled pressed) organic, taken first thing in the morning (after sea-salt and spring water; www.findaspring.com), jumpstarts your metabolism.

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Any good testimonials sites to back that coco oil lose weight thing.?

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No, I've forgotten more than most people know. I was just sharing my knowledge. I work alot, so my time is limited, but the truth is at your fingertips.

Boolean search 'coconut oil + metabolism'. Click more about ten times. Start from the bottom, scrolling up with a discerning eye.

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Ok thnx..trying also to figure out what better dementia brain good mcy oil or coco oil

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Great how much oil,how much salt.juice ok?

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I am not prescribing anything, and it does not have to be in that order.

Coconut oil is a 1:1 butter substitute.

Just whatever works for you. Maybe start with a teaspoon every day. I don't even do that because I am a model of perfect health. I just suggested it because you want to lose weight.

I threw the salt and water information in there because three primary factors of disease after the main two, environmental toxins and EMF's, are 1) chronic dehydration, 2) nutritionally deficient diet, 3) sedentary lifestyle.

The lymphatic system most of which is in the GI tract sequesters disease causing organisms, lacks it's own pump thereby requiring you to move/exercise to expel said organisms/waste.

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Great to see your presence here Dr. Mike Yeadon. I have so much respect and appreciation for you.

Especially when everyone these days end up being controlled opposition, with their limited hangout platforms.

If I ever find out that you’re part of that crowd, it will crush my soul. My list of true heros is rather short these days, and you’re still on it!

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Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels - I know Steven Tyler said that; perhaps not original to him.

Thanks as always for you insights Dr. Y.

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Looks like my comment below about people EATING TOO MUCH hit a chord with many people, judging by how many "likes" have filled up my inbox. THYROID MEDICINE is another situation to consider. How many people do you know who are on synthetic thyroid meds? Last i heard it was at least a third of adult americans. Virtually all of the poisonings being inflicted on humanity at this time are endocrine disruptors, eg. they mess up the hormone system that runs everything in our bodies, from weight and appetite to mood to sleep to reproduction. Radiation (another poison) of all types targets the glandular system and creates chaos, and being the closest gland to the surface of the skin, the thyroid is the most easily effected. And where do people hold their cell phones???

Altho he did NOT have a cell phone, my husband lived right next to a 100 ft cell tower (not even 5G at that time) for many years, and his thyroid was damaged, altho it was a mystery at that time as to why (as it wasn't even "genetic" in his family -- which is MORE BS!). Of course the docs told him he had to go on synthroid, or he would die, thus another customer for life. NO ONE pointed out the actual cause or even tried to find one. Altho he did end up moving away from that location for another reason, the damage was done and synthroid had taken over the work of the thyroid.

Four years ago when the truth about pharma was revealed and he had a major aha! moment, he decided to go off the meds. Just like with the pancreas ceasing to produce blood sugar regulars if they are no longer needed, when the work of the thyroid is taken over synthetically the thyroid stops bothering to even try, so it's not a good idea to just stop taking it (altho i did this with the blood pressure meds i was on for a decade, and i'm still alive!!) A herbalist/naturopath suggested he take a year to gradually reduce the dose while using ashwaganda and astragalis and a few other things to wake up and reactivate the thyroid, which he has now completed.

One of the big overarching tactics of pharma and co is to get everyone, kids included, on at least one pharma drug that they are convinced they couldn't survive without, be it heart meds, diabetic meds, thyroid meds, allergy meds, and even glasses and hearing aid dependent (another rabbit hole!) So as the control grid advances, you will not be allowed to get these drugs without being jabbed, digitally IDed, perhaps implanted, and/or whatever controls they want to dictate, so you feel you HAVE to do whatever they require cos otherwise you will die without your meds. Very long-range and very clever planning, as usual. So PLEASE, if you have any of these conditions, DO YOUR OWN DEEP RESEARCH and find out what the actual CAUSE is -- whether it is contaminated food or simply TOO MUCH FOOD, whether it is radiation from towers/wifi/phones etc, or whether it is past traumas from this life or even previous lives that are being held in your energy field needed to be cleared, and REMOVE the CAUSE or the disease. Then love yourself, STOP POISONING YOURSELF, and step back and let your beautifully designed body perform the amazing healing that it innately knows how to do.

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