Also too much protein in those at 18 grams..should be 14 tops and drink half then wait 30 -60 minutes to go finish so you don't tax already weak livers,kidneys and kill them...also figure out which protein most digestible, include enzymes to help liver ..respect their age and needs
Also too much protein in those at 18 grams..should be 14 tops and drink half then wait 30 -60 minutes to go finish so you don't tax already weak livers,kidneys and kill them...also figure out which protein most digestible, include enzymes to help liver ..respect their age and needs
Also too much protein in those at 18 grams..should be 14 tops and drink half then wait 30 -60 minutes to go finish so you don't tax already weak livers,kidneys and kill them...also figure out which protein most digestible, include enzymes to help liver ..respect their age and needs