Honestly, the person I'm really struggling to forgive is myself. Somehow I managed to waste not one moment seeking vengeance on those evil ones (although the same cannot be said for my husband); I simply assumed God had already handled it & for the most part wiped their existence from my mind. It was (most of) my family whom I felt deser…
Honestly, the person I'm really struggling to forgive is myself. Somehow I managed to waste not one moment seeking vengeance on those evil ones (although the same cannot be said for my husband); I simply assumed God had already handled it & for the most part wiped their existence from my mind. It was (most of) my family whom I felt deserved my bitter contempt & disgust- especially the men- for doing nothing to help despite knowing full well what kind of dangerously degenerate environment in which my mother was keeping me. As an adult, meeting my husband & father-in-law served as stellar examples to show me how real men take action to intervene without delay when vulnerable loved ones are in danger, even of the self-inflicted variety. Still, two decades ago I was able to fully reconcile with them- even to a large degree with my grandfather, despite his unwillingness to acknowledge that his betrayal of the whole family (including his attempt to abscond with the family life savings to marry his secretary & leave my grandmother penniless with three teenagers) was a key factor in my mother running off & ending up at the mercy of dangerous & evil men, & therefore the trauma to which I was subjected. I didn't even feel any schadenfreude when he outlived my grandmother for 7 more miserable years, begging God to take him every single night, his relatively healthy body stubbornly refusing to shut down & release his soul back to God & the good Catholic woman who agreed to remarry even despite believing that he had forced her into a state of adultery right along with him/them. It was just sad; he never did feel worthy of that forgiveness because he still couldn't forgive others for far less. I'm sure he died still clinging on to his anger with me because I "made her (grandmother) cry" when I left home right after HS graduation under emotionally fraught circumstances. I was gobsmacked- it was all water under the bridge for her & me both & had been for many years. My grandmother & I were able to have a very honest & fruitful relationship before she died, & for that I will always be grateful; my grandfather simply refused to engage honestly. But that was his misery, & his loss, not mine. What has actually been the most painful for me is to realize how badly I hurt those who truly cared about my well-being, namely my husband, his parents & my maternal aunt, when I was in the throes of my most severe self-harm via cutting, drug addiction, prostitution, & many more subtle forms of masochism. I really felt like I treated myself even worse than anyone else ever did, even if that isn't true in a literal sense.
What's unusual about you is you've kept score without being caught up in wrath or vengeance ,seems took bit of toll on your sense of self worth back then but seems like you've strived to develop it back and that also shows in the care you have each stage of your challenges,not diluting it all away with rampant booze or denial common,so good for you Magdalene,it may well be your heart's still in at all those points cuz God didn't give up on you and you kept on rising back and looking for him,better lifestyle,healthy and that and WOW even having the good wits to choose Agent 1317111 bold articles against the bad guys out there,our witty hero ,but he ain't always right on everything forcing me to sometimes try to correct him which I'm certain he prides himself accepting my corrections with the best ever humility right ,ha ha!
Again, though I think they're comes a time to separate from all others and be you...you won't know this until you've stopped the therapy prop up..try to take some long walks ie weeks,without them starting with a couple ie training wheels. Then try to ride,of one of your legs gives out you can always go back to training wheels ya know,but think of Jesus Christ when he told the cripple to walk after years of abuses and pain . he didn't say also get someone to review your hardships every week,he said ask me to help you with your burdens ie focus on Christ spirit,energy,way,do an official petition special prayer to God to break the demonic bonds left to new levels.
Magdalene,think of the importance of standing just you and God before you pass.Your way stronger and honest then most it seems, therapist are addicted to therapy wrongly often...you can't help them..walk away,free,pray for the strength every day till you have it..if there's a social hole then full IT with anybody but then so you are just you,whole. Ask yourself what God wants here for you .you know already! God Bless I hope!
In my current therapy, I'm focused on finally fixing the last of my long term issues I have in the relationship with my husband, as well as improving my relationship with myself, ie, worthiness, etc. Sadly I had to move on from my "best friend" relationship after she stayed with us & then with my aunt here locally due to disgust with her ridiculously selfish & scheming behavior. She suffered other severe childhood traumas & has the same basic diagnoses as me, but I had not realized how much simply identifying myself with this person so strongly for so long was holding me back from the person I can be. So now I'm practicing visualization while falling asleep to "dream up" my ideal self & bring her into my reality. After a few days I've already lost a couple pounds🤭
Sounds pretty good Magdalene considering your roads obstacles.
Yes,cutting out so called friends holding you back in their sins spreading energy to you is critical. Then yes you can come back to them apart from that sin energy or demon likely too..and they can see a path sometimes thru your examples strength their vibe where before you were caving together.. had to dump my 2 best friends years ago as they were dangerously attached too rage , wrath power trip and it became dangerous after drinking when my milder yet still bad sins kicked in..I too had anger issues but always stopped long before physical, murderous extreme dabblings in it,never could understand that sins vicious extremes,truly only demons explain it..yet common..abusive binge drinker father raged to that level occasionally...otherwise a pretty decent guy...but never tried to bond with Christ ,God to the point of spiritual armor one needs to brake such extremes in sin...regular to mid level plenty bad already .Some changed before he passed there , pray he repented,cleansed by Christ.. I did plenty of damage to myself with typical Americano sins ie lust,porno(over a decade porno free!- amazing feeling of cleanliness restored,bad dreams,characters largely gone there!..porno is raping our kids minds, souls, where's the Christians saying stop!? So few...over 50 percent of American men had addiction,80 % of 12 years olds exposed to - needs to be removed from free internet... greed,binge drinking, greed,much focus and good energy lost to marijuana,idolizing a corrupt culture before God in ways,etc
Anyway, Magdalene let it be you that chooses quit time with therapists not them,that's where the power moving forward is better. Talk to God on truths he fies better then therapists,tune into it.
No besides by now you should be able to switch roles and kn of w what their going to say most of the time haha!
Honestly, the person I'm really struggling to forgive is myself. Somehow I managed to waste not one moment seeking vengeance on those evil ones (although the same cannot be said for my husband); I simply assumed God had already handled it & for the most part wiped their existence from my mind. It was (most of) my family whom I felt deserved my bitter contempt & disgust- especially the men- for doing nothing to help despite knowing full well what kind of dangerously degenerate environment in which my mother was keeping me. As an adult, meeting my husband & father-in-law served as stellar examples to show me how real men take action to intervene without delay when vulnerable loved ones are in danger, even of the self-inflicted variety. Still, two decades ago I was able to fully reconcile with them- even to a large degree with my grandfather, despite his unwillingness to acknowledge that his betrayal of the whole family (including his attempt to abscond with the family life savings to marry his secretary & leave my grandmother penniless with three teenagers) was a key factor in my mother running off & ending up at the mercy of dangerous & evil men, & therefore the trauma to which I was subjected. I didn't even feel any schadenfreude when he outlived my grandmother for 7 more miserable years, begging God to take him every single night, his relatively healthy body stubbornly refusing to shut down & release his soul back to God & the good Catholic woman who agreed to remarry even despite believing that he had forced her into a state of adultery right along with him/them. It was just sad; he never did feel worthy of that forgiveness because he still couldn't forgive others for far less. I'm sure he died still clinging on to his anger with me because I "made her (grandmother) cry" when I left home right after HS graduation under emotionally fraught circumstances. I was gobsmacked- it was all water under the bridge for her & me both & had been for many years. My grandmother & I were able to have a very honest & fruitful relationship before she died, & for that I will always be grateful; my grandfather simply refused to engage honestly. But that was his misery, & his loss, not mine. What has actually been the most painful for me is to realize how badly I hurt those who truly cared about my well-being, namely my husband, his parents & my maternal aunt, when I was in the throes of my most severe self-harm via cutting, drug addiction, prostitution, & many more subtle forms of masochism. I really felt like I treated myself even worse than anyone else ever did, even if that isn't true in a literal sense.
What's unusual about you is you've kept score without being caught up in wrath or vengeance ,seems took bit of toll on your sense of self worth back then but seems like you've strived to develop it back and that also shows in the care you have each stage of your challenges,not diluting it all away with rampant booze or denial common,so good for you Magdalene,it may well be your heart's still in at all those points cuz God didn't give up on you and you kept on rising back and looking for him,better lifestyle,healthy and that and WOW even having the good wits to choose Agent 1317111 bold articles against the bad guys out there,our witty hero ,but he ain't always right on everything forcing me to sometimes try to correct him which I'm certain he prides himself accepting my corrections with the best ever humility right ,ha ha!
Again, though I think they're comes a time to separate from all others and be you...you won't know this until you've stopped the therapy prop up..try to take some long walks ie weeks,without them starting with a couple ie training wheels. Then try to ride,of one of your legs gives out you can always go back to training wheels ya know,but think of Jesus Christ when he told the cripple to walk after years of abuses and pain . he didn't say also get someone to review your hardships every week,he said ask me to help you with your burdens ie focus on Christ spirit,energy,way,do an official petition special prayer to God to break the demonic bonds left to new levels.
Magdalene,think of the importance of standing just you and God before you pass.Your way stronger and honest then most it seems, therapist are addicted to therapy wrongly often...you can't help them..walk away,free,pray for the strength every day till you have it..if there's a social hole then full IT with anybody but then so you are just you,whole. Ask yourself what God wants here for you .you know already! God Bless I hope!
In my current therapy, I'm focused on finally fixing the last of my long term issues I have in the relationship with my husband, as well as improving my relationship with myself, ie, worthiness, etc. Sadly I had to move on from my "best friend" relationship after she stayed with us & then with my aunt here locally due to disgust with her ridiculously selfish & scheming behavior. She suffered other severe childhood traumas & has the same basic diagnoses as me, but I had not realized how much simply identifying myself with this person so strongly for so long was holding me back from the person I can be. So now I'm practicing visualization while falling asleep to "dream up" my ideal self & bring her into my reality. After a few days I've already lost a couple pounds🤭
Sounds pretty good Magdalene considering your roads obstacles.
Yes,cutting out so called friends holding you back in their sins spreading energy to you is critical. Then yes you can come back to them apart from that sin energy or demon likely too..and they can see a path sometimes thru your examples strength their vibe where before you were caving together.. had to dump my 2 best friends years ago as they were dangerously attached too rage , wrath power trip and it became dangerous after drinking when my milder yet still bad sins kicked in..I too had anger issues but always stopped long before physical, murderous extreme dabblings in it,never could understand that sins vicious extremes,truly only demons explain it..yet common..abusive binge drinker father raged to that level occasionally...otherwise a pretty decent guy...but never tried to bond with Christ ,God to the point of spiritual armor one needs to brake such extremes in sin...regular to mid level plenty bad already .Some changed before he passed there , pray he repented,cleansed by Christ.. I did plenty of damage to myself with typical Americano sins ie lust,porno(over a decade porno free!- amazing feeling of cleanliness restored,bad dreams,characters largely gone there!..porno is raping our kids minds, souls, where's the Christians saying stop!? So few...over 50 percent of American men had addiction,80 % of 12 years olds exposed to - needs to be removed from free internet... greed,binge drinking, greed,much focus and good energy lost to marijuana,idolizing a corrupt culture before God in ways,etc
Anyway, Magdalene let it be you that chooses quit time with therapists not them,that's where the power moving forward is better. Talk to God on truths he fies better then therapists,tune into it.
No besides by now you should be able to switch roles and kn of w what their going to say most of the time haha!