Is GMO Food a Hoax? Is it Way WORSE? Fake Avocados, the United Nations & More (PART 1)
Super deep dive into something so unbelievable it might actually be true: sometimes the simplest explanation really is the correct explanation...
Here is an internet search for “gene under microscope”:
CGI wasn’t what I was looking for, maybe I wasn’t specific enough? Let me try again this time “gene under microscope photograph”
You would think with all this gene editing going on we would be able to see some high resolution, professional quality photography but I guess not. Science says this is because they are too small to see, yet there are tens of thousands of them in chromosomes…
I guess we can add genes to the list:
I always believed both DNA and genetics were settled science but became suspicious of genetics when I saw how they claim to make Genetically Modified species. You can’t make this sh*t up: they claim to attach a virus to DNA then shoot it into a living species using a DNA cannon and apparently that is all it takes to permanently modify the internal composition of somethin’:
I pondered, how is it possible to use a gun to shoot DNA into something and forever alter its genes, yet when we have sex we are not altering the genes of the person we are intimate with? Imagine the headlines…
Oh look, I just explained Vitiligo
(just kidding). Anyway, the concept of genetics is something I have been discussing frequently with
. We have been pondering, if they could splice genes and make new species, don’t you think there would be men covered in lizard scales and horses with bear heads? Instead what we have is man-made animals which are created through artificial insemination and crossbreeding such as in the case of the Blood Parrot fish.Which are the result of breeding a Midas cichlid
with Red-Heads
Or Severum
Not only are the Blood Parrots created through crossbreeding but they are also injected with dye to make them assorted colors.
Not genetics, just cross-breeding and dye.
We also have pit bull-dalmatians, “pit-mations”
And pit-bull-shepherds
But we do not have Selephants
Or Cowraffes
A few days ago our friend
published an article about the DNA hoax which ties into genetics. After reading Jamie’s fantastic piece, I couldn’t stop wondering about Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods - if they’re not slicing genes of plants, how are we ending up with blackberries that are the size of a babies fist?And fibrous melons
And jelly-like watermelons
And all of this food that clearly isn’t normal?
Medicine Girl and I chatted about how she bought organic coconut cream to make coconut shrimp. Upon opening a can she discovered it to be “medium-gray and gritty”. I was shocked because I live across the nation and I had just purchased a case of coconut cream from Costco and mine, although looking normal, tasted exactly like plastic - so much so that the whole case had to be thrown away.
also said she had been buying the same brand of organic whole milk whipping cream for years. This past couple containers of it “began separating with this dry sludge-like material on the bottom that congeals”, and as someone who grew up on a farm she knew this wasn’t normal. I told her how my sweetheart bought a rack of ribs from the butcher and when we started baking them, the whole house smelled of rancid, rotten fish. It was as if someone threw a stink bomb into our kitchen. The smell was so terrible we rushed to open windows and run fans yet the ribs had no abnormal odor prior to cooking. I then noted that I used to love pulled pork but now something in it tastes so wretched that I have to throw it out when my spouse isn’t watching as to not hurt feelings. The reason I taste the bad flavor and my family doesn’t is because they drown their food in sauce whereas I eat clean.We previously chalked all of these weird occurrences up to GMOs, but after seeing Jamie’s article it hit me like a ton of bricks…
what if all of this weird food, all of it, isn’t “genetically modified” but instead it is outright fake, made by man?
What if the reason the banana is more flexible than a gymnast and more rubbery than a tire is because it’s not actually a banana?
What if the reason blueberries can now survive the washing machine is because they’re not actually blueberries?
Right about now you’re thinking I sound insane, but if you think more about how insane I sound you will realize that what I am saying sounds less insane than the concept of editing genes. And now that you think about it, you’re thinking “how exactly do they edit the genes of a produce plant?”, because you realized we’ve never actually thought about that - then you realize the reason we’ve never thought about that is because we don’t think. So after asking Occam to borrow his razor, then considering the simplest explanation is often correct, the next question becomes, “How could our stores be full of artificial food? How could they pull this one off?” …It’s time to think…
*the following is all my best guess
Rewind to 1974. It was during this year that the United Nations implemented a Universal Declaration to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition
Ending World Hunger was a big deal - and remember, back then science was peddling the horrors of the upcoming ice age. Scientists told Congress that in a matter of years the world was going to experience record-breaking cold temperatures. This was a major problem because food could not grow in freezing temps so the already-existing world hunger problem was going to get insurmountably worse. Humanity needed to be saved by any means possible. (A few years later the scientists would begin promoting Global Warming and the same politicians who were just told we are going to freeze to death would now hear we are going to roast. Freeze, burn, either way someone needed to use our tax dollars to save us from the weather.)
As if perishing by starvation due to chilly weather wasn’t bad enough, something else was causing major alarm; plastic. To be specific, plastic pollution. In 1986 the Times published an exposé outlining the issue; The Perils of Plastic Waste Pollution. Other media organizations followed suit. The recycling program (which is a literal scam) was launched and was harming towns financially but it was for the greater good, they said. Although recycling was being implemented across the nation and people were eager to help the cause, it just wasn’t enough because the plastic men wanted to create plastic waste. The pollution problem was then blamed on the public and the United Nations stepped up to find a way to solve the ever-growing problem.
I published an article over a year ago about the history of drugging us using GMO food. Being that the article is what history says, it’s not “wrong”, but now that I am taking a bunch of steps back and looking at the even larger picture, I am going to change my opinion on what I wrote, therefore I am going to say I was basically wrong - more on that shortly, but first, here is what I wrote over a year ago, before I realized how deep the rabbit hole might go:
“In 1989 EPIcyte Pharmaceutical Inc (Epicyte) was founded. It was a company who planned to develop medical therapies for diseases using its proprietary technology for manufacturing antibodies in plants.
1992: The first known Genetically Modified produce hits stores. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) deregulated GMOs completely, because, screw safety. This allowed The FLAVR SAVR tomato, which had been genetically engineered to lengthen its shelf life, to be sold in grocery stores. Now people can enjoy 14 week old produce.”
In 2005 the United Nations announced that it needed further control over food globally.
Factually, the United Nations is very involved with the food supply of the world, so involved that they have at least five different organizations that address the same issues - and you know it’s a quite serious issue when so many entities are paid to do the exact same work.
And this doesn’t count the UN’s Codex Alimentarius Commission whose mission is “to engage stakeholders in the development and advancement of science-based food standards to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade worldwide” 🤔 Science-based food standards? I don’t know what that means but it sounds delicious!
2008: This was when the United Nations published an article titled “The Benefits of World Hunger” (they have since deleted it for obvious reasons, I'm not sure why)
Magically, the same year, I mean the exact same f*cking year, was The 2008 Food Crisis in which prices on commodity foods suddenly skyrocketed:
The media reported the Food Crisis was so severe that it threatened global security.
Threatening security is a very important phrase - far more important than most realize. The threat could be anything from germs to terrorists to, well, in this case, a trifecta of Global Warming, World Hunger and rising food prices (“food crisis”). Global Warming meant the world would get so damn hot that it would be one huge drought which meant no food which would shoot the already-inflated prices up exponentially which would cause worldwide famine. Combine all this with an overpopulation problem that the powers that be have been tantruming over since the 1960s and what do ya have? A security threat… a GLOBAL security threat… that’s a level 10 threat, by the way.
It was clear, someone had to do something before we all die but the governmental bodies could only make policies and the lawmen could only enforce said policies, so whom could save us from impending doom?
Global security involves national security and what happens when national security is threatened? The military must intervene to save us from our foe. What happens when the military steps in? To not scare the public the operation is classified. This means the military and agencies that have been quietly designated as defense agencies (CIA and friends) have 30 or more years to run their shadow operations before we ever hear a peep about it if we ever hear a peep about it. All of the diabolical operations we find out about 30, 40, 50+ years after they happened, every single one of them was done under the guise of national security. From secretly cloaking San Francisco in toxic chemicals while the public was there to watch the 49ers game to injecting people with roll-the-dice vaccines to MKUltra to staging terror attacks and taking out leaders of other countries, it’s all for national security, it’s all to save us from the invisible enemy. And when a classified operation is taking place a cover story is always provided...
Now let’s think about this using that razor we borrowed from Occam: Food made by man in a factory can be made regardless of temperature (✔️ Global Warming or Ice Age friendly), it can also be made in quantities large enough to feed the hungry (✔️ End World Hunger) and it can be made cheaply (✔️Stop rising prices) but best of all - and this really is the best part - it tackles a lot of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
Kill seven birds with one stone, then they keep the birds and feed us the stone and call it a mineral. And this whole sustainability scheme happens to go back to the 1992 Rio Conference (Earth Summit) in which Agenda 21 was made official. So let’s pop this stuff on our timeline:
1986: The Times published an exposé on man-made waste called The Perils of Plastic Waste Pollution
1989: EPIcyte Pharmaceutical Inc (Epicyte) was founded to mess with produce
1992: United Nations makes Agenda 21 and sustainability official
1992: The first known Genetically Modified produce hits stores. If you weren't paying attention, this is the same year as Agenda 21 and only six years after the exposé - and all of this is occurring while the recycling hoax was being beat into the brains of every person living on American soil.
So, I believe that under the cover story of “genetically modified”, this outright fake food began being produced and was slowly fed into the food supply probably starting with the stupid tomato. The FDA and other bodies then declared there is no difference between genetically modified and regular food - because if there is no such thing as genetically modified there can be no difference. Despite there being absolutely no difference per the FDA, when farmers began feeding their livestock this new food, the livestock became ill. When people started eating this new food, they too became sick. Rats on “genetically modified” diets developed terrible swelling and died faster than rats eating traditional diets.
And we see the same horrendous swelling in humans who are consuming chemicals:
Which leads one to ask, is everything getting sick because the food has modified genes? Or is everything getting sick because it’s all man-made garbage? What if it’s not rice with tweaked genes and is instead outright fake rice such as in the case of the rice which the public is calling “plastic rice”, like what this lady from TikTok showed the world?:
Or this guy who bounced his leftover rice across the floor:
Of course if you Google “plastic rice” or “fake rice” the media will assure you there is no such thing:
They’ll also tell you yeah, there is such thing as artificial rice, but it’s made with broken rice, sometimes cereals and lots of vitamins, but it’s not made with plastic!
They even tell you the reason the rice is acting so oddly is because its just old.
Who would have thought old rice bounces across the ground?
Although the media positively assures us there is no such thing as plastic in rice and this nuttery is just a product of those annoying conspiracy theorists, the studies show otherwise:
Quote, “Results suggest that plastic rice used as an adulterant in raw or cooked rice is made up of polystyrene.”. Then there’s this:
And now that you think about it, using plastic waste to make food is sustainable because it solves that plastic problem…
…A cover story will be provided and that cover story was “genetically modified”…
At this point in history, the 2000s, the vast majority of people didn’t know about GMOs because the concept of editing genes was unheard of by the general public. However, GMO food had massive industry potential, especially when manufacturers can upcharge substantially for “organic” and people like myself will pay the extra 75-cents for a single cucumber to ensure I consume the non-tainted version, but in order to get people like me to double their grocery bill, people needed to be informed that non-authentic food exists.
Guess what China’s baby formula, wheat, eggs and chocolate were cut with? Plastic. Fake seasonings were used in products by brands including Maggi, Knorr, and Nestle. Vitamins, supplements, even the wine wasn’t real. For Pete’s sake, they discovered that even the expiration dates were fake.
… but that’s just China, that would never, ever happen here in the USA!
In 2013-2015 the black propaganda GMO campaign began. With every black propaganda operation it is essential to publish both pro and con content. What people don’t know is that all of the initial reports come from the same party, hence the term black propaganda:
All you and I have to do is hear both sides of the argument then pick which of those two teams we want to rally behind. There is never an option for a third team (which, in this case, is questioning the existence of GMOs).
The protests began:
And Jimmy Kimmel was brought in to make light of the issue while also raising awareness to genetically modified food:
And of course you gotta have Bill Nye give his opinion on the topic.
Then they began to roll out the 3D printed food psychological operation.
Yes, 3D printed food is real and yes, they want us to eat it but reality is, they needed to make us believe this crazy fake food isn’t already in the food supply - we needed to believe this was some far-in-the-future plan that we can collectively rebel against when the time comes, meanwhile, nonauthentic food is here and it’s been here. Want proof of the PSYOP? Look no further than this article:
So you’re thinking “THAT’S DISGUSTING! I would never buy that!”. Meanwhile:
And, as I showed you in my article Fake Food Doesn’t Rot, even the animals won’t eat this stuff:
The next day:
Dripping out little tidbits of information is essential to keep us thinking the food supply is safe as of now and we are safe as long as we keep paying the extra dollar for the non-GMO variation.
This is why we get to see content like the Ecovado - an eco-friendly avocado.
Yep, there it is, the totally manmade avocado that looks strikingly similar to a real avocado:
“Made with beeswax and natural food coloring containing spinach and charcoal powders, the Ecovado skin mimics avocado peel. The meat of the alternative fruit is made with four simple ingredients: broad beans as the base, apple for freshness, cold-pressed rapeseed oil for creaminess, and a sprinkle of hazelnut. A whole chestnut or hazelnut is used for the pit.” - but they assure us the Ecovado is not in the food supply yet and they’re not lying, this specific item called the Ecovado is not in the food supply yet because whatever is in the food supply and has been in the food supply is far worse:
Guess what this guy found in his fish? Plastic.
And this woman got plastic in her turkey
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And these people did too. From eggs to produce to meat, there’s so many videos that I can’t possibly share them all in one article.
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I personally got an incredibly bizarre organic avocado that was so rock hard I could not cut through it, not even with a steak knife - and I own good WÜSTHOF steak knives because my sweetheart loves to cook! Even after sitting on my counter for several days then being placed in a baggie and shoved in the fridge where it was shuffled behind other items and forgotten about for weeks, when finally rediscovered, it was still like a brick. When I used force to cut into it, the pit would not detach from the flesh. It was as if it was all one unit, made in a mold.
Now that I had become pretty sure that this type of stuff is not genetically modified and is instead counterfeit…
…it was time to figure out how this could be happening - and if they’re not genetically modifying food, then what exactly are they doing? NEXT READ: The GMO Hoax Part 2 - I GOT A FAKE CUCUMBER! But first, if you appreciate the countless hours I put into researching and typing my fingers to the bone to bring you content you haven’t seen elsewhere, consider keeping me hydrated!
Btw, there’s more fake food videos in the Sources section below.
(Links to
DNA articles are in this list)JAMIES WORK:
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Read https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/food-and-nutrition/
Merger Creates China’s Biggest Fruit Company: In 2015, Joyvio Group, a major fruit producer, merged with Golden Wing Mau Group, a leading fruit distributor, to form China’s largest fruit business. The merged company has an annual turnover of US$771 million.
Lab-Grown Meat Research: The University of California received a $3.55 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2021 for cell-based, lab-grown meat research. This marked the first U.S. government investment in the cell-based meat sector.
The study was a simulation that was conducted last November. It involved the participation of 65 government officials from countries all over the world, and was commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund, the Center for American Progress, and the Cargill corporation. It was set up like a game, with each participant leading their respective nations through a hypothetical global food crisis. The game was designed to see how these nations would interact with each other, and what kinds of solutions could be produced to solve the crisis.
The food crisis in this game lasted between the years 2020 and 2030, and was caused by a combination “of food price and supply swings amidst burgeoning population growth, rapid urbanization, severe weather events, and social unrest.” In the scenario, crop failures in key regions caused by climate change, higher fuel prices, and poor responses by the international community, eventually led to food prices rising 395%. Not surprisingly, the game found that civil unrest would be widespread during this period.
Tom Cowan has done presentations on how sketchy is the science of genetics. I also question nanotechnology. It’s never explained how something so small is built
Wow, and no, I don’t think you’re insane. Amazing work