FAKE FOOD Doesn't ROT! GMOs? Lab Printed? Or Something Even More Sinister?
Revealing the results of my 2024 experiment...
I started a garden compost area around 8 years ago. As one would expect, I had nothing exciting to report about my compost… until this past spring… when something utterly puzzling happened. I had thrown this tomato in there and weeks later it looked like this! I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I chalked it up to fluke and forgot about it. Then I tossed this corn in there and it laid there, week after week. Although being slightly discolored, it still had complete kernels. I was shocked that this corn was fully exposed to the elements, sat through multiple rains and still held up. Not only did it hold up, but no rats, mice or raccoons came to enjoy a free meal. In early May 2024, this slug came along to check it out.
Then I began seeing these crazy videos on social media which show (what people claim is) fake, GMO and 3D printed food being sold to us as real, fresh food:
Next, my friend Gary told me he bought a pack of frozen fish fillets from our local grocery store and dethawed them for dinner. When it was time for his wife, Rachel, to cook them up, she opened the first individually sealed fillet, slid the fish out, and described it as “rubber”. The cod flexed, could be twisted back and fourth, could be rolled into a tube-shape and even folded in half, but it wouldn’t break, tear or flake. She checked the expiration date on the package and saw it was not expired. Rachel threw the strange fish in her cat’s bowl, but the cat didn’t want it. It turned out that all of the fillets in the pack were exactly like this. Gary, my only Truther friend in real life, has seen the same videos I just showed you, so he walked the whole pack out to the trash and sent me a text message warning not to buy frozen fish from that store.
I then told him about my strange tomato and corn and we agreed, something is going on, something that we have never seen until now, but how much food is impacted by this something? And what is the something? GMOs have been around since the 1980s but we haven’t see this until now. Is it new GMOs? Or is it much darker than that? More research was required…
We hypothesized that if we can figure out specifically which foods are tainted, then I can research those foods and cross-reference them with FDA decisions, patents and so on. I thought this would allow us to pinpoint what is happening to the food supply and more importantly, who is behind it. But how do we figure out which foods are impacted when the food looks normal?
We put a couple days of thought into it and Gary pointed out that his cat never touched the fish fillet, yet knew not to eat it. Most animals seem to have some kind of 6th sense that allows them to avoid eating poison, hence the reason we have to kill rats using “vitamin d” by putting it on seeds; if we just put the so-called “vitamin d” out in a cup, the rat wouldn’t touch it (just like rats wouldn’t touch the overly-processed poison white flour in flour mills).
This information lead to us brainstorming the most simplistic experiment imaginable that anyone can do (and if you do, please share your results including what store the food came from). The way this completely-nonscientific-but-totally-commonsense experiment worked was, after dinner I would put a piece of human food out for the animals to eat. The following day, when I got home from work, I would see if there were any takers, which there should be because most of the creatures in our yard are not picky eaters (squirrels, raccoons, rats, mice, skunks, birds, a couple rabbits, opossums, a big fat ground hog and scavenger insects like ants, rollie pollies and slugs). Hopefully this would allow us to begin the process of elimination, therefore narrowing down exactly which foods need to be looked into further.
Before I get into the experiment, I should probably mention, in my household, my spouse (who believes the FDA is there to protect us) does the grocery shopping for the family, but since I no longer eat anything fortified or enriched (chemical vitamins), white flour or processed foods, I have my own little fridge with clean foods that only I will touch. Point being, we have a mix of processed garbage that I despise our income being spent on, as well as clean foods which cost triple the price of the processed foods, therefore leading my better-half to question if I truly need $9 fresh organic mushrooms. This lead us both to agree not to harass each other about what we eat. Let the experiment begin!
Day 1: I put out a Honeycrisp organic apple from Kroger and three soft pretzel bites.
See, there it is, going out May 9th:
May 10th:
Completely untouched:
Day 2: The spouse loves to food shop and cooks something every single day out of enjoyment, which is impressive because I despise cooking and if left to my own devices, will eat a head of raw broccoli or starve if need be. I draw the line at any recipe that takes longer than 10 minutes, but my honey bun will spend a full day in the kitchen, cooking and baking while watching Food Network cooking and baking videos, yet never making what is being shown in the video. Anyway, this meat came from a local butcher shop:
I put out a-couple-days-old leftovers:
Result: All were taken.
Next was burgers
And why not offer a piece of cheese “cheese”? (I don’t touch this stuff but the family loves it)
Result: Meat was gone, cheese untouched. I forgot what was on the plate next to it and I don’t know why I don’t have a photo of it, but I see an untouched apple slice on the plate:
A piece of organic cucumber that got stuck in the back of the fridge:
Result: Nobody touched the cucumber:
A Halo brand orange:
One week later, orange was untouched:
…so I cut it into quarters and put it back out. Surely the ants or slugs will attack this stuff, right?
Chicken scraps and the same damn cucumber. Ants, where are you?!:
Someone enjoyed the chicken, bones and all, but literally nobody wants to touch that cucumber, which surprises me because rollie pollies are natures cleaners, they break down anything. They will usually devour everything from banana peels to dry leaves.
The orange wedges were moved, but still no takers:
Lets try crackers (that cucumber is still there)
Nobody tried them, not even the birds, cucumber is still there:
Leftover macaroni
Then I upped the ante:
The following morning, someone had some mac but nobody wanted the blueberries or celery:
White rice, steak strips, black beans:
It looks like only the steak was enjoyed:
Let’s try the black beans and rice for a second night and add Farmers We Know brand Sprouted Rolled Oats oatmeal (plain, nothing added, made in a slow cooker because I don’t touch microwaves)
Result: We had a flash flood that night but the following morning and afternoon was dry. When I got home from work around 5pm, it didn’t look like anything was taken:
Deli roast beef:
Result: The roast beef was gone the following morning.
Nine Carrots, “Simple Truth Organic” from Kroger:
Nope! Not a single one was taken! Not even by the rabbits, rats or mice:
And those orange quarters are still in the garden!
It was at this time that I noticed a weird thing, why won’t the potatoes sprout? I’ve never seen this before. Instead of growing roots they are shriveling:
I usually let a bunch sprout then throw them in the garden for the summer, but not this time:
A loaf of bread from the deli and a side salad to complete the meal:
The next day the bread was nowhere to be found. Someone took the whole thing. The salad was shuffled around but none was consumed and those carrots are still there:
Steak from Costco with some mashed potato on it:
No takers! Can you believe that?! Steak! And those were damn good mashed potatoes too.
People online then began pointing out that some meat labels now say “harvested”:
Although Harvested can mean slaughtered, it also happens to be the exact term used in production of synthetic materials, such as “vitamins” and “supplements”, which are usually GMO bacteria based - they grow (aka “raise”) bacteria by feeding it GMO sugar then they put it through a harvesting process then say it’s the same as eating an orange. Lab-grown foods also require harvesting:
Next, I put out some scrambled eggs with some sour cream (don’t knock it till you try it, it’s seriously the best thing ever. Sour cream on an egg omelet is phenomenal too):
It rained, the sour cream washed away, eggs held firm and nobody took any.
The oranges are STILL there!
I bought my kids a box of Three Wishes cereal because some podcast I was listening to praised it as a healthy alternative (of course my children won’t touch it). While writing The Vitamin Swindle Part 2: Daily Intake Level Scam, I needed to measure 1.5 cups of cereal (1 serving). I put the cereal outside afterwards along with some celery on June 14th:
Result: Nope. Somebody moved the celery but passed.
Five days later, after sitting through a storm, this healthy cereal is holding up alarmingly well:
I humanly trap rats and mice and release them in a local nature reserve (the same reserve I told you about in Quietly Stealing the Housing and Land). On June 23rd, I noticed this injured guy, in broad daylight, eating from the squirrel and bird food tray. It looked like he suffered a head wound. He was walking in circles so trapping him and releasing him in the reserve was signing his death warrant. I decided to try to let him heal first so I brought out an organic Honeycrisp apple and sunflower seeds. I hoped he could recover in a week or two so he could be trapped and released in full health. In the meantime he could walk in circles on my deck and eat. He pounded the seeds but avoided the apple.
In fact, nobody touched the apple…
Literally, nobody ever touched the apple. This is ten days later:
My sweetheart threw it away on June 30th because my wacky experiments need to end when a weird apple has been sitting outside of our door for nearly two weeks. Apparently this issue with apples isn’t just related to organic Honeycrisp. This man noticed the same about a different variety:
Keep me running strange experiments:
I forgot to get a photo when I put this out, but I had a bag of frozen scallops pieces that had gotten freezer burn. Not only did nobody eat them, but the next day they were covered in black spots. Other than the black spots, they looked exactly like they did when I put them out the prior day. They didn’t even smell.:
I opened a just-purchased bag of Non-GMO Halo oranges and discovered one was showing severe signs of aging while the others look new. I could not locate an expiration date on the bag:
I then saw this little disclaimer, “Coated with vegetable-and/or lac-resin based wax”:
That’s strange. I’ve never seen that before, have you?
A week later I come across this video about those same oranges I bought:
Because my sweetheart isn’t a Truther, I didn’t mention the oranges which resulted in another being purchased for me:
This time around, I opened one and was eating it while typing a Substack article and noticed it tasted f*cking horrible. I went back to the bag and started analyzing oranges:
Look at this!
These oranges, even though being sold as fresh and look fresh, are so old that they are completely rotten on the inside. I also realized the bottom of the bag says Product of South Africa.
How old are these oranges that look brand new? And why are we importing oranges from Africa when we have oranges right here in the USA?
In July, I bought an avocado from Whole Foods to make guacamole. It was so hard I couldn’t cut into it. I left it sitting on the counter for a few days to ripen. When I checked back in on it, to my surprise, it was still as hard as a rock. Two weeks passed and it never softened. By the end of the third week, I had to use a sharp knife and force to cut it open. It wasn’t rubbery like the videos from earlier, it was just so hard that I could not physically rip the flesh of the fruit away from the seed. I put it in a plastic baggie and threw it in the fridge.
Members Mark Uncured Hard Salami:
I even left it open:
Here’s another food I don’t touch but the family loves:
Next day:
Half of a turkey and spinach:
I opened it for them:
Result: the spinach shriveled and someone examined the turkey but declined to take more than one bite.
Seriously? It’s a turkey! How could nobody want this huge meal?!
I then came across a new video in which a dude left a watermelon out for a week. Since I am being blocked from downloading videos today, here’s screenshots:
He said he threw it in his compost over a week ago and it looks like plastic / rubber (I have no clue why someone censored the text):
I was hesitant to purchase any more local grocery store Honeycrisp apples due to how sketchy they have been, so on July 11th I I placed a Whole Foods order for their version:
Upon its arrival, I tossed a slice in the garden and discovered the ants do still eat these. This means there are indeed ants and they do indeed still want fruit, they just didn’t want the local store organic apples or any of the other stuff that has been put out.
Shortly after I took that photo, a squirrel stole the apple from the ants and enjoyed it.
Also, in with my Whole Foods order was blueberries. When I opened the package I discovered the blueberries from Whole Foods were oddly massive when compared to normal blueberries from Kroger:
I had never seen blueberries this large in my life. I sent Gary a text asking him to ask his wife if she has seen this before because she makes the best blueberry jam in the world every fall. She said no.
Some had a very distinct pattern.
I then saw a video featuring a woman who also noticed the blueberries are ridiculously massive:
Then this guy got blackberries from Aldi:
And this guy claims GMO blueberries sink in water:
It was way too suspicious for me, so I put the massive blueberries out for the critters along with bird seed, McDonalds fries and dried corn. As you can see, the bird seed was devoured but nobody wanted the berries, fries or the corn:
Chicken Wings from Hungry Howies:
Someone slid them around but didn’t eat one:
So I put out 7 slices of bread (white flour):
The wings, including the tin foil, had vanished entirely. As far as the bread, someone took a couple bites then bailed:
I was going through the fridge, trying to figure out what I could make for dinner. Behind my wall of Kombucha, was that avocado in the plastic baggie from a month ago. The exposed flesh had turned brown by this point, but it was still so hard it could not be squished. The peel would not come away from the flesh and the flesh would not detach from the seed.
I sure wasn’t going to get Halo brand oranges again, so I placed another Whole Foods order and got these:
…and discovered they’re imported from Chile, despite Gold Cup Fresh being a Florida company…
And although the bag said they were just packed on July 8th, the Gold Cup Fresh oranges had the same exact issue:
I threw them in compost, where they sat looking new, just like they did in the bag:
When I put Broccoli out, it discolored and remained untouched:
Nobody wanted the potatoes and again, and, just like the last potatoes, instead of sprouting roots, they began to shrivel.
By the end of summer, with leaves falling off trees, I had an area full of weird, fruits:
Potatoes, blueberries, oranges…
Fast forward to December 8th, 2024; the snow has almost all melted and what do we see? The same damn oranges and that potato!
It would turn out that there was no way to narrow down which foods are tainted because the scope of the issue is so large. Have you experienced any issues with food? If so, what was the food and where did you buy it? Maybe we can group-source enough information to start a better investigation?
I live in U.K. but also spend significant amounts of time in southern France.
I’ve noticed extraordinary food sourcing decisions. I like apples and historically my home county of Kent used to be called “the garden of England”. We do still often see locally grown apples. Sometimes however we have apples from New Zealand, South Africa & Chile. I rarely buy these because it’s too confusing. How can apples come from half the world away yet be offered at around the same price?
Also, if climate change is such a near & present danger, & if oil is in dwindling supply, why in the world would a supermarket, which operates on huge turnover but low single digit gross profit margins, offer low to moderately priced commodities such as apples from such distant places, creating a supply chain risk to all the other imponderables?
A tentative conclusion is this. The powers that be are working hard to disconnect local food production from local consumption. They’re substituting distant supply for local consumption. That produces a frankly terrifying vulnerability. Imagine a real, false flagged or wholly faked “limited nuclear exchange in Ukraine”. I can’t expect other than that supply chains of everything would be disrupted. Recall the rehearsal they ran in USA for some weeks. There were hundreds of container ships anchored near major ports but unable to dock to offload because the mustering yards were filled with containers for which there were insufficient heavy trucks to carry them away.
If instead of hardware, this was a big chunk of our food supply, almost instant rationing would be required to prevent the violent breakdown of law and order.
As a separate matter, we’ve become ultra suspicious of all processed foods and to varying extents, quite a lot else.
It never occurred to me that some food might be 3D printed. It actually makes a lot of sense. I bought a bag of avocadoes from Costco where a few in the bag seemed fine and ripened normally, and the rest were not even edible. Could they be mixing in normal, edible avocadoes with the weird avocadoes in bags so that people don't return the entire bag to the store? Also, a bit off-subject, but what the heck is going on with the constant attacks on Costco products by the FDA? First, they had to throw away and/or recall tons of butter, and then I read something about eggs and there was another food product that was targeted that I can't recall what it was. Could Costco be pushing back against this whole fake produce thing and they're being punished for it by the FDA? I have no evidence of this, just wondering.