I Got a FAKE "Organic" Cucumber! The Genetically Modified Produce HOAX (Part 2)
I am determined to get to the bottom of this, starting with exposing the "GMO produce" LIE...
(If you’re new here, you should start at Part 1 because it lays the foundation for everything in this article). Being from Detroit, there aren’t a lot of healthy places to shop for groceries within a reasonable drive. This means I am stuck with the same couple generic grocery stores. Out of those I usually choose Whole Foods because they have a much larger selection of organics. But lately the food from Whole Foods has sucked; raspberries covered in mold, oranges rotten on the inside, produce with no flavor, blueberries 4x larger than normal when compared to Kroger blueberries.
Because of this I decided to try a different store, Fresh Thyme, which is so far away that I hadn’t been there in a long time but they are known for clean, wholesome foods.
On January 2nd, at Fresh Thyme, I purchased two organic cucumbers and paid roughly $0.80 extra per piece to get the clean, non-GMO stuff = $1.60 out of my pocket for two items. Isn’t it always a hard choice when you are standing in front of the two bins of produce and you have to choose if you want to double your grocery bill? Do I want to pay $1 or do I want to pay $2? Then you reluctantly select $2 because you care about your health - or if you’re flat broke that day you feel guilty for being forced to surrender your health. Grocery shopping has become psychological warfare and quite frankly, that in itself is evil.
On January 4th I decided to make a cucumber salad. Remember, I despise cooking so I only make recipes which require 10 minutes or less of my time and my version of cucumber salad is quick and easy. All I do is cut the cucumbers, throw them in a strainer and salt them, wait 30 minutes for the water to drip out, put them in a bowl, add more salt, pepper and good olive oil, done. Sometimes I’ll mix feta cheese with garlic, salt and pepper and throw that on there then whatever is left over I will bring to work for lunch the following day. Because the water has been removed it stays crisp. But, for the first time ever, this incredibly simple recipe did not go as planned…
So I took the two cucumbers out of the fridge and cut the end off one. My son needed help taking shelves off his wall so I left the partially cut cucumber sitting on the counter. Around 40 minutes later I returned to the kitchen, picked up the cucumber and noticed the strangest thing… round beads…
It wasn’t mold and it wasn’t water. They were thick, like firm gelatin.
And they weren’t just around the edges, they were also in the very center.
Whatever this jelly-like substance was, it was very round balls, stuck to the cucumber:
They were so thick I was able to pick them up and put them on a plate.
I sent those photos to
and asked if she knew what this was. She didn’t reply right away so I went back to the cucumbers.I put the first cucumber in a strainer and salted it, cut the second, salted it and put it on a paper towel to drain.
A half hour later I came back to the kitchen to see how much water had drained from the cucumbers and to my complete shock…
NONE! I moved the cucumbers on the paper towel to see how much water drained from those and discovered the paper towel was nearly dry!
How was there no water in these cucumbers?! Usually the paper towel is soaking wet and needs to be changed and the pot under the strainer has a lot of water in it. I then let them sit for a full hour, which meant they had been sitting salted for an hour and a half… yet when I checked the second time, the paper towel was still nearly dry
And there was still almost no water in the pot!
How was this possible?! Cucumbers are over 90% water!
Then, if you zoom in on the photo above…
…you will see the cut end piece is forming those same strange gelatin-like balls again!
As if my experience hadn’t been bizarre enough thus far, I decided to taste the cucumbers and the skin was so hard that it was impossible to chew through. Yeah, maybe I should have removed the skin, but I usually don’t because it doesn’t bother me, but this time around it was literally inedible. I don’t know how to describe it other than “cardboard-plastic”. There was no way I could consume these cucumbers so I put them all in a bowl in the fridge to see what would happen come the following morning.
It was at this time that Medicine Girl responded and what she said damn near made my eyeballs pop out of my head. She said…
…”it looks like silicone”…
I was floored because it did indeed look, act and feel exactly like silicone. And what does silicone do when it is impacted by moisture? It beads.
I then went to TikTok and searched for “fake cucumber” and came across these videos:
Does anyone believe this is a real cucumber with a single hole in the center like an injection mold?
I left the plate with the balls on my counter over night. The next morning the balls had dried into this:
Whatever this is, it adhered to the plate. I tried to use a coffee stirrer to scrape it off but they were really stuck on there:
I then looked at the cucumbers that were in the fridge and noticed the center disappeared completely.
And the end piece no longer had any round balls but now had the same little brown dot things on it, the same things that were adhered to the plate:
Very strange. Look how thick that skin is! No wonder I couldn’t chew through it:
Apparently this impossible-to-eat food is all over the place now.
Do you remember how, for all of our lives, until recently, we could purchase fresh berries and we would have many days to enjoy them? Then, if we didn’t finish them and they became over-ripe they could be made into jam, a pie or put it in a smoothie? Now when we buy berries the next day they are covered in white, fuzzy mold or are so squishy you can’t pick them up, as if they are liquifying. Other times the berries look ripe but are so bitter that they are like eating a disgusting sour candy. Then there’s produce that sits in the fridge for months and looks brand new. Why won’t the wild scavenger animals eat the produce? Why does it not rot when put into compost? And why are finger-food-fruits now huge?
Thanks to Occam loaning us his razor we know why and it’s not “gene editing” - these are simply not fruits. None of these things happen with fresh fruit.
This video was re-uploaded eight years ago. Based on the quality, I would guess it is actually 12-15 years old:
Do you remember this video from Part 1?
Guess what I found last night? This video which is a decade old:
To deny what we are looking at with our own two eyes is to deny logic.
A little more research revealed that in 2022 there was a mass influx of weird foods (based on the drastically increasing quantity of social media posts about it). So now we have a starting point. But how is this food getting here?
If we go back to Rockefeller’s Population Council 1969 document called Beyond Family Planning, it specifically mentions centralized processing plants being used to contaminate food with fertility reducing agents to slow population growth - the processing plants were key.
then mentioned something that began happening in 2021…Yep, the factory fires, which were worldwide:
In fact, between 2021 and August of 2022, at least 103 processing plants just in America had been “destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or general causes”.
And it happened to be that during and after this unexplainable wave of factory chaos, this fake food began infiltrating the food supply in such great quantities that even people who considered fake food to be a hoax were forced to take notice
I found a document hosted on the Arkansas State University website. The file lays out exactly how the food supply operates. Here’s what it says:
“Farm products are usually sold through Assemblers and Brokers.
Assemblers and Brokers distribute or sell to Food Manufacturers and Processors.
Food Manufacturers and Processors distribute to Wholesalers, Brokers and Chain Warehouses. They in turn sell to Grocery stores, Specialty Food Stores, Restaurants and Institutional Markets. These then retail to the Consumer.
This Farm/Food Marketing Channel or food marketing system consists of many firms (middlemen)…”
This means, if you wanted to corrupt the food supply, there are multiple opportunities to do so; manufacturers, processors, assemblers, distributors…
But if we go even higher up the chain, we are not only dealing with manufacturers, processors, assemblers and distributors, we are dealing with imported food. We are purchasing food which came from outside of our countries and was handled by a different nation’s manufacturers, processors, assemblers and distributors. Even foods that say they are from Florida are coming from outside the USA, such as in the case of my Whole Foods oranges:
Which were rotten on the inside
As were Halo brand:
I have been eating oranges for over 40 years and never got a rotten one until 2024. Now they are so rotten I refuse to buy them because three bags in a row was enough for me.
The three-pack of fresh garlic I bought is from California but is a product of China.
The garlic inside the bulbs was dirt-brown. I don’t know how your state is, but here in Michigan it is basically impossible to find food from Michigan unless you hit a farmers market during the summer. My state is known for its cherries and potatoes yet the cherries in the store are imported from outside of the USA. The potatoes are distributed in Ohio. Even more mindboggling, based on videos I’ve seen, tomatoes in Australia aren’t even from Australia yet Australia produces incredible tomatoes. Where are their tomatoes from? China! How is this place supplying the world with literally everything?
And a bigger question, where is all of this food from China coming from during winter months? How are they producing it in such large quantities to feed so much of the world? Out of this list there is only one location which could grow produce in the winter:
This is Guangzhou (and oh look, it has a space needle which we just discussed in EXPOSED! Deep Space, Satellite Phones, 5G Internet & Other Crazy Conspiracies):
I could take a guess as to how they are producing so much food…
Btw, that video is over a decade old. Imagine what they can do now.
Anyway, do you see how easy it would be to feed counterfeit food into the supply chain? The next question is, “How is safety of the food supply overseen?”. The answer might shock you:
SELF CHECKS?! “Only frauds dangerous to health must be disclosed to authorities. The others, which are more numerous, depend on the goodwill of the manufacturer.” - this means, the United Nations and their branches can label something (like plastic-based noodles) as being GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and there would be no issue to report. And if all of this is being done under the guise of a global security threat (food crisis), then not only is it acceptable, it is necessary.
Now we must ask, “Can we be sure they’re not gene editing? If they’re not editing genes then how are we getting peach-plums? Terminator seeds? Seedless fruit?!” - and to answer this we need to look first look at how produce is gene edited “gene edited”.
Now remember folks, we can’t see the genes because, although there are gazillions of them, they are just too tiny. Larger than genes is DNA, but we can’t see that either. Regardless of our inability to see it, we know it’s there and science can extract it and edit it 🤔
To extract DNA they use dish soap and salt - not kidding, they seriously do - check out Jamie’s DNA extraction control experiments article. Next they dump chemicals on it. Once the dish soap-salt-and-chemmies remove the DNA from something it can be put through more processes to make it ready to use for genetic modification. Once it is ready for modification we are able to change what we cannot see.
Science claims, not only can we edit the invisible genes, but we can make very specific edits to them, such as only making a fruit larger.
Now here’s the exciting part:
There are three methods to gene edit plants. The first is “Agrobacterium Infiltration”. Agrobacterium is bacteria. In this process they use a DNA Cannon which is technically called a Gene Gun and the process is called Biolistics. Here’s one version of the gun:
What they claim to be doing here is “firing microscopic particles coated with the gene into plants”. The gene is from the DNA (extracted by Dawn dish soap).
But because plants are fragile, they can’t use the gene gun (they save the gun for animals). For plants they instead use a modified version of the gun; a syringe. They refer to this process as infecting the plant.
When they inject (infect) the plant, the plant doesn’t like it and reacts accordingly. Some plants will develop tumors which is their way of trying to save themselves. Science then points at the reaction and declares it was due to gene editing, “chromosome transformation”. Using their scientific method, you could scrape some dirt off the sidewalk, inject it into my leg and when my leg reacts with a rash you can exclaim that you changed my genetics. Since there is no way to see my genes, you don’t have proof you changed them but the rash clearly indicates something happened.
The entire concept is illogical because they’re not removing the original genes (because we can’t see them). They’re shooting a bacteria-chemical concoction into something and claiming whatever is in the shot is going to override whatever God-given genes are in the living species. But how? Does the dish-soap-bacteria-gene, upon entry, seek out the natural skin genes of the produce plant, find them then somehow replace them with itself therefore creating an extra thick skin on a cucumber? Does the injected gene hunt down the natural skin gene and assassinate it so it is the only skin gene left? Are these genes Navy Seal snipers? Are the natural genes so weak they can’t defend themselves? How many skin genes does a cucumber have? Does the shot need to locate all of them and edit them or does it only need to edit a couple to make the cucumber skin as thick as cardboard? Do you see how stupid this is if we think about it? You know what this sounds exactly like? Viruses and vaccines. If you read my piece How to Make a Flu Virus you will see the identical idiocy.
I will again ask the same question I asked in my last article which was, if we can simply shoot genes into something and forever alter its genetics, why we don’t genetically alter genes during sex? Someone could say “they’re just not deep enough!”. Ok, what about organ transplants? Blood transfusions? Why don’t those alter genes or change supposed DNA? How much deeper could genes possibly get than replacing someone’s organ or blood with someone else’s?
The next method to gene editing produce is “Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation” and here it is:
Yep, you cut up a leaf, dip it in assorted Petri dishes and boom, you edited some genes! What you do next with your freshly gene edited plant scraps, I have no clue. Based on how science typically works, I would honestly guess the plant scraps are then turned into liquid and injected into another species, just like making a virus (which will then cause a reaction which we will declare to be from edited genes, a virus, an immune system deficiency, you name it).
And the final method is Electroporation, in which they literally use electroshock to change the genes of a species. This is quite interesting because electroshock was a torture technique used in MKUltra (and hospitals). In the modern-day Electroporation method they start by anesthetizing an animal. They then inject it with whatever they are calling DNA / genes. Next they place electrodes on the sleeping animal and shock the sh*t out of it and that’s it. The animal is allowed to recover and when it awakens it has new invisible genes! INCREDIBLE.
If you would like to believe that any of the aforementioned techniques can be used to genetically modify fresh fruit and vegetables, you can, but I implore you to think about it a little more and decide if it truly makes sense.
Now that we know all they are doing is playing with bacteria, syringes and dish soap in their labs, the question still remains, “how are they making self-terminating seeds? Peach-plums? Seedless fruit? Yellow watermelons?”. And to find the answer, all we have to do is look at a book that was published back in the 1930s… NEXT READ: THE GMO HOAX - THE FINAL CHAPTER, OFFICIALLY UNRAVELING THE SCAM. But first, if you appreciate all of the time I put into bringing you content you haven’t seen elsewhere, please keep me hydrated!
If you missed Part 1:
Crazy! So, I’m wondering… while I’ve never gotten fake produce, if I did, I would return to the store and confront the store manager about it. Not to be a b*tch about it, but to inform (and get a refund). So has anyone done this? Has anyone taken the fake food back? I think if enough ppl did this and the store began losing shoppers, maybe they would change suppliers?
The FDA isn't there to protect our health, they're there to assist in the depopulation agenda and make us think food is okay to eat if they say it's okay to eat so we don't investigate any further. Hopefully as awareness rises about this stuff, they'll not be able to get away with this.