LEAKED Adrenochrome Harvesting Military Documents & Benjamin Fulford - Real or Hoax? Let's Find Out...
Cutting through the propaganda to get to the truth
“To put this in laymens terms adrenochrome is the adrenalized blood that is harvested when a human is abused and tortured (sometimes to death). The use of extreme sexual torture, satanically ritualized sodomy and violent rape of children in nightmarish demon-god sex rituals specifically designed to create maximum terror in a child’s body, to overload their blood with adrenochrome prior to extraction. The blood must be harvested quickly by puncturing their skull with a hypodermic needle right in the center of their forehead where the third eye/pineal gland is located. Younger children are preferred for these satanic rituals because their pineal glands are only minimally calcified by the fluoride in our water and toxins in our food/environment.”, writes Operation Q.
During our Awakening process, at some point we all hear about Adrenochrome. Then, just like with everything else, the fact checkers rush in to make sure the public knows that this is just another wild conspiracy theory:
Next, people on social media bicker back and fourth about it, with one side presenting horribly weak evidence of adrenochrome harvesting and the other side sharing link after link to fact checks (no, I do not miss being on Twitter).
With that being said, harvesting blood and drinking blood aren’t newfangled concepts. From ritualistic sacrifices to tribes that drank blood for its nutrients to communion in the Christian faith representing drinking the blood of Christ, although the reasons vary, the act of drinking blood has deep roots throughout history. So what makes adrenochrome fact-check-worthy meanwhile the same news entities write article about “real life vampires”?
“In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis…”, the BBC wrote.
So, what is the difference between conspiracy-theory-adrenochrome and not-conspiracy-theory “real life vampires”? It comes down to how the blood is harvested, who is consuming it and for what purpose.
Based on the fact checks, no real evidence of adrenochrome harvesting should exist - and when I say real evidence I don’t mean a line from the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or a potentially photoshopped picture which some anonymous person on Telegram claims is a politician participating in the practice - I mean real, legitimate evidence, stuff that could be used in a court of law. So let’s fact check the fact checkers and see if they’re right.
Since I like to try to debunk fact checks using their own content, let’s start here, with an Associated Press news clip:
So there you go, according to the fact checkers themselves, at a minimum, babies are being chopped up, cooked and turned into supplements (reason #1,278 why the global “supplement” industry remains completely unregulated.)
Next, we have Robert David Steele, a former FBI agent and co-founder of the United States Marine Corps Intelligence Activity:
And, as an award for speaking out, Mr. Steele earned a new title:
By the way, he “died from COVID-19” in 2021 because he didn’t get vaccinated. Maybe he accidentally ate the baby-pills the scientists found the viruses in?
So thus far, we have an AP clip and a good-guy-turned-conspiracy-theorist, not very good evidence, so how about this?
A patent, reviewed and approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office? Yes.
But does this patent belong to another conspiracy theorist? Let’s find out.
Who is Deryck F. Boot? It turns out this is his only patent filing:
If you search the internet for this guy, other than this patent, he’s a ghost, so who is Riker Laboratories Inc? According to the internet, “Riker Laboratories is a healthcare company. It manufactures and sells medicines.”. Riker was purchased by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing in the 1960s. That means, when this patent was filed in the 1980s, Riker was owned by the company we know as 3M. In fact, the patent was filed by 3M.
I saw this and thought, “3M? Weren’t they making sex videos for kids in the 1960s?”. I then opened my article IBM Made Sex Videos for Kids: How Pornographic Materials Infiltrated Schools as Sex Ed and there it was, in a section I titled Tax Funded Filth. Here’s a little excerpt from my piece:
It all began when the US government artificially stimulated the demand for Sex Ed materials in schools by creating Federal Aid programs which allotted money to schools looking to purchase the materials. (1:16 video)
So what do we have here? We have a company involved in polluting the minds of children also owning a patent for processing adrenochrome which is derived from adrenaline (which comes from children). That is not theory.
Now you may be wondering, as I was, why a healthcare company would want a patent dealing with adrenochrome? I have no idea but check this out:
Fun Fact: 3M is also involved with the Red Cross - you know, the company that does blood drives all over the place, including in high schools. I remember these people frequenting my high school. Kids that gave blood would get to spend the remainder of the day in the auditorium watching movies or playing in the gym. I don’t recall a single permission slip being sent home.
In fact, 3M is such a big supporter of the Red Cross that they have donated nearly $20 million to them in recent years. The Red Cross logo even appeared on the hood of a 3M racecar driven in numerous races, including in Talladega. Interesting, eh? Back to the patent:
People say, “That patent just proves medical research. It doesn’t mean anyone is actually using this stuff!” - As of today, November 11th, 2024, there are 99 active listings on Made-In-China.com for adrenochrome:
In the listing shown in the screenshot above, they even describe the process, which starts with “raw material”:
In order to get the “raw material”, the adrenochrome has to be obtained, and adrenochrome can only be obtained when an individual is under a state of emotional excitement (← and I don’t mean watching a thriller movie, although I did read it can be obtained immediately before orgasm - yeah, someone can go all Jeffrey Dahmer on you right before you finish the job if they want your adrenochrome. That’s why I wear a football helmet during fornication. Just kidding, they don’t want our polluted adult adreno anyway)
The China companies that are providing this product are the same companies providing the raw ingredients for vaccines, vitamins / supplements and body care / cosmetics - Go to my archive and type “vitamin” into the search box and start reading.
For the sake of being thorough, let’s go back even further, all the way to the discovery of Adrenochrome, and look at who the funding for the research came from: (50 second video)
Now watch this 3-minute video. At first you won’t know what you’re hearing, but stick with it, the ending is whoa and WTF at the same time:
So now we have documentation of who funded the research, we have names and locations of where experiments took place and we know that, approximately thirty years later, a patent was filed by a famous company, and the term “adrenochrome” appears on the Epi Pen informational sheet, thus proving adrenochrome is real. We know the only way to get the stuff is through a cruel process and we see lots of listings for it on Made-In-China.com. We also have testimony from a former government and military employee as well as an admission by the fact checkers themselves that in current-day, children are being eaten, which proves children are being tortured and harvested. There you go, that is incredibly basic evidence that doesn’t require having to know who Marina Abramović is, spirit cooking, blood letting, ritual sacrifice or anything the Asleep wouldn’t understand.
Now that I have complied the most simplistic list of evidence, the reason I wanted to write this article is because I keep seeing this (alleged) leaked corporate file from 2020 being used by the Truth community as evidence of government adrenochrome harvesting at child torture centers being overseen by the US military.
The file in question is a highly detailed document that outlines everything from locations of the harvesting centers to the businesses and tax-funded entities behind it and it even provides name, date of birth and blood type for each captive child including murdered children.
Let’s check it out together and you tell me in the comments section if you think is it legit or a well orchestrated hoax to make us look like gullible tinfoil-hat-wearing kooks (a Black PSYOP). Let the investigation begin:
We have to start with the story of how this document came to exist on the internet: Some international dude says he ordered memory sticks off Amazon. When they arrived he discovered one of them had a file on it. Although he couldn’t read English fluently, he could read enough to realize what he had discovered; the terrifying truth about a massive, evil operation taking place across the world, but especially in America. He didn’t know what to do with the information, so he physically mailed it to his favorite German blogger, asking the writer to broadcast the information on his site. We know this is the story because it is the cover page of the files and was translated by a German-speaking Truther:
In September of 2020, Benjamin Fulford uploaded the file as fact and a woman who happens to be a content creator got ahold of it. She made a video showing the documents which she obtained from Fulford and her video spread like wildfire in the Truth community. (The full video is available in the Sources section at the bottom of this article)
Just based on that story, what do you think? I know the kneejerk reaction is, “Why didn’t he go to police instead of a show host?” - honestly, I don’t know if I would go to police. To this day I don’t know if it was the police who was behind my harassment a few years back. If you haven’t heard police whistleblower John Wedger’s testimony, law enforcement goes to great lengths to silence and destroy anyone, including their own, should they discover government involvement with children. It is not a secret; worldwide, many in law enforcement are corrupted. Here’s Ken Livingstone, the Former Mayor of London: (20 second video:)
Yeah, the cops weren’t just in on it, they were who was video recording children being abused. So would I have gone to police with this type of information? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean this story is legit.
If you’re not going to bring the info to the police, then what are you going to do with it? You are left with two options: do nothing and live with it or get it into the hands of someone who can broadcast it. - The story seems to check out but there’s one thing that is kind of bugging me about it: In order for this man to have purchased memory sticks off Amazon and one having a file on it, someone would have had to use it then return it. Being that the man is claiming he bought memory sticks (plural), we can assume it was something like this:
Just a cheap pack of multiple sticks, which begs the question, why would someone return it? Did they not function properly? We know at least one in the pack worked fine because it worked for the dude who found the file, so why return such a trivial purchase? It’s not like it was some super expensive $400 memory stick, you know? This leads us to the next question, do people actually return these things?
Answer: Surprisingly, they do:
In fact, multiple people return them:
As shocked as I am, this adds validity to the story - yet it still doesn’t mean it’s true. Since we will never know if the story is legit, let’s dive into the file and see if we can authenticate it or officially deem it Black Propaganda.
The document is authored by The CYM. Corporation:
First things first, is there a company with this name? Yes, there are 49 of them, almost all of which are currently inactive:
Next question, are there any CYMs related to youth? Answer: Yes, lots, worldwide. Here are the first three:
So thus far, we know there are business that are, or were, corporations named CYM and we know there are businesses named CYM involved with youth. But this proves nothing. Looking back at the document, we see a trademark registration number:
When I look up this trademark, I cannot find any results:
But the fellow Truther, the one who made the video showing Fulford’s files, claimed this CYM trademark (#5475570) did exist. Here’s the screenshot she showed in her video:
Although she was making a video, and although she said this trademark was from USPTO.gov, she did not show the trademark on the US Patent website or a URL for the page, she only showed that exact screenshot, with the web address missing and no link was provided to it. - I hate when people do this.
So, allegedly, there was a trademark for CYM numbered 5475570 in the database sometime in 2020. But I noticed the trademark does not match the logo shown in the documents. Here is the trademark filing:
And here is the logo from the document:
Completely different. We’ll get to the address on the document in a little while, but first, let’s check out the content:
The first several pages are lists of children’s names, ages, inmate IDs and more:
The amount of detail definitely adds credibility to the file, but let’s try to verify it by picking two uncommon names and internet searching them to see what we can find.
Xenos Lindsey seems like an uncommon name, so let’s go with that.
No search results:
What if we add missing child to the search?
Let’s try a different name. On page 6 of the document there are two people with the same last name, Neal. If these are siblings who both went missing, that should be easy to find:
There is a Sage Neal who was a child a decade ago:
However, the CYM file says the date of birth for Sage was 2013, but the Sage in the YouTube video was 11 years old in 2014, so this is not the same person. There are also no results for a Chantale Neal:
Not finding these children on the internet doesn’t mean they don’t exist but we can likely rule out that they were ever reported as missing children. These children could be those discussed in the video clip of Robert Steele. However, the more I look at these lists of names, the more I realize they are mostly weird, old or uncommon/international first names paired with common American/European last names:
Aspen, Bruno, Mannix, Elmo, Phyllis, Buffy, Briar, Aquila, Veda? Hashim Z. Parsons? Amir Phillips? Strange. If these children are being bred strictly for abuse and will never appear on radar per say, why are many being given full names, including middle names?
I noticed on Page 8 there is a second child named Sage. I wonder, if I took the time to go through the list, how many uncommon names repeat?:
And by the way, on that sheet we have a Bevis and an Idola. Being that there is nothing we can gather from the bizarre names, let’s continue on.
Page 18 shows us the warden, Lance R. Walls, and even includes what looks like a computer print out of a photo of him “in plain clothes”:
I’m not sure why they would photograph him with his head tilted when identification photos are usually straight on, like a drivers license image, but maybe CYM likes model-portfolio-style shots?
An internet search for “Lance R. Walls” produced results but no matches. A reverse image search for the photo turned up literally nothing.
Let me interject really quick: As a researcher, I’ve gone through a lot of files, company files and confidential / once-classified files, and I don’t recall ever seeing profiles of evil-doers that include their photo, full name, DOB, job title, description of employment as well as an address to lead me to their door, so that’s a first.
The bottom of that page has an address for the person seemingly overseeing the pay of the alleged warden:
1759 Lewis Road takes us here:
Which is the Defense Language Institute:
According to Wiki, it’s “a United States Department of Defense (DoD) educational and research institution consisting of two separate entities which provide linguistic and cultural instruction to the Department of Defense, other federal agencies and numerous customers around the world.”. Ok, if true, the DOD is seemingly overseeing pay of the staff of the centers - but if this is the case, why wouldn’t these documents be highly classified? It’s 2024 and we still can’t see all 60 pages of the now-declassified Douglas Proving Ground document from the 1970s which outlines how much it costs to kill cities of 1,500,000 people. If we are only allotted 12 total pages of an old declassed document, why is this new, far more damning file not top secret level classified?
The next several pages of the file show more alleged employees, their photos, employment information, etc, and all bear the same address at the bottom of the page which leads to the DOD facility.
On page 39 we learn the exact locations that currently-alive children are being detained at:
Let’s look some of the addresses up. According to the paperwork, children are currently being held and tortured at Camp Callan. This is also where the warden, Mr. Walls, is working.
So let’s check out Camp Callan first:
It’s a defunct military base. It does not appear on Google Maps because the base no longer exists, but the internet says the base was located on what is now Torrey Pines Mesa in San Diego County, CA. The general area called Torrey Pines spans 2,600 acres, yet the documents do not include an existing address, so I guess whomever is reading the files is supposed to know where the entrance to the no-longer-existing former military base is located?
A Google Maps search for Torrey Pines Mesa (located within Torrey Pines) brings us here, the Torrey Pines Business Park:
Is it possible one, or more, offices could be being used as a detention center where children will be taken, held indefinitely and tortured? The only way I could see that being remotely possible is if the entire office park was in on it…which is a lot of offices.
It’s seriously a ton of offices:
But if that is the case, why choose offices? Being that this office park is public and features businesses that provide services to the public, vehicles can drive through any time (at a speed limit of only 5mph), if you were detaining children here, wouldn’t you fear someone hearing a child scream or the sounds of torture? Wouldn’t bringing children into an office park at night be highly suspicious? In my opinion, this just wouldn’t be a logical choice when you could instead opt for private land, a military base or, at a minimum, a larger-sized building. Wouldn’t something like that make way more sense than this small office with windows facing the public driveway?
Yet they are claiming Camp Callan location is one of the highest adrenochrome producing facilities within the system:
Perhaps the office park is only coming up as the location on Google Earth because of the name match? Further research shows part of what was once Camp Callan is now a world class golf course that hosts very popular events, such as the Farmers Insurance Open.
Could there be a huge underground facility here? I suppose, but you still have to work around the public which just doesn’t make sense to me when so many far superior location choices exist.
Let’s check out another location from the document, Camp Stoneman.
This was also a military base which is also no longer in existence:
The address was 2820 Harbor Street, Pittsburg, CA 94565, which brings us here:
On one side of the road is another office complex:
And the other side is a church:
Now compare those locations which, allegedly, are currently being used as torture centers, to the location I showed you in my piece Hey! I Found ISIS, a Military Contractor. One of the ISIS addressees was 7001 Veronica Street
El Paso, Texas, which brought us here:
Wouldn’t a restricted access area located in the middle of nowhere make more sense than this?
Back to the document: It looks like the majority of the addresses on this list are old military bases, which sounds like huge find until you actually look them up and realize the bases no longer exist and have not existed in a very long time. Could there be underground tunnels in these locations? Maybe, but the document does not mention tunnels. Based on how open they are with all of the other information, I would expect to see details on the tunnel system and where to enter. Again, why not simply chose a better location to begin with?
Further in the document they outline the exact location of the burial site and even place a massive arrow pointing to it:
Which is utterly absurd. Even the dumbest criminal knows better than this. Speaking of that, I have a story for you:
When my kids were little they didn’t want to eat their carrots, but like all the good parents of the early 2000s, we made them eat them anyway… or so we thought. I later discovered they would wait us out by sitting at the table for so long that we would get up to do other things, and that was when they acted. As soon as we walked out of the room, like Olympic sprinters, they ran trips to the couch, where they would quickly jam a couple carrots down the crack in the cushions. They made sure to never stuff the whole load down the couch in one trip because that would lead to suspicion, so they bided their time by piece-parting the carrot dump. Months later, when the tv remote fell down the crack, I stuck my hand down there and pulled up a mushy carrot. I then discovered piles of carrots, rotting away in the couch. That explains why the carpet cleaning didn’t get rid of the smell coming from the living room.
My point is, at no time did my children draw a map to those carrots because they knew exactly where the carrots were and they knew they would be in very big trouble if they were caught. Let’s return to the document:
Anyone else think the heading is overkill?
We know when this document was created because, hilariously, the bottom of the page says the printed date:
And the printed date is in the same font as the list of names, meaning, whomever made the document typed “Printed June 1st, 2020” on it, which is every bit as ridiculous as the map to the carrot site burial site.
Let’s go back to the address we skipped over earlier, the supposed address for “The CYM. Corporation” headquarters, the address located in the footer of each page of the document:
725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022, brings us here:
So a document, printed on June 1st, 2020, appears on the internet in fall of 2020, right before election day? And the address is literally the home of one of the candidates? Folks, this isn’t evidence, this is a Hollywood movie script. Nobody in the political realm is going to operate anything of this nature out of an address even remotely tied to them, let alone use a property they own as the headquarters. Not even the biggest idiot ever would want their real estate associated with, of all things, torturing children, yet this information, if you can call it that, has permeated the Truth community since 2020:
The single video, made by the woman who got the documents from Fulford in September of 2020, has been shared and viewed countless times:
And not just on Bitchute…
And it’s still being shared…
…and nobody actually looked at the documents? Nobody? Seriously, not a single person made any effort to fact check the documents?!
Here’s my opinion on the document: It’s very clearly a Black PSYOP and if I had to guess, I would say it was made overseas. The trademark does not appear to exist which is why this screenshot shows no URL:
If it showed a URL I would be able to confirm its legitimacy, therefore it cannot provide that information. Even if that trademark did once exist on USPTO.gov, it does not match the logo on the document.
Putting one period in a three-letter logo that looks hand-drawn is strange.
The blood drop is a joke. Nobody involved in such a thing, operating secretly, yet as a registered corporation located at a presidential candidate’s property, is going to add a blood drop to their low-budget-looking logo.
It sounds like the children’s names were created using a random name generator. The list of old military bases can be easily located with a Google search. The locations, as they exist today, are illogical for use as confinement centers. The document isn’t classified, yet it is a ongoing military operation receiving tax funding. The map to the burial site is idiotic. The verbiage is strange, “Caring is Youth. Youth is Money”.
Even the pages within the document contain odd sentence structure:
And punctuation issues:
The “Pure & Natural” clip art seal is unnecessary and as idiotic as everything else.
The dates are written in international format with the day first, followed by the month (which could also be military format) but the printed on date is in American format (June 1st, 2020). Even if you want to believe some of the document to be truthful by explaining it away with underground tunnels and bases (which do indeed exist), the whole thing is stupid because organizations that do bad things are usually very compartmentalized and on a need to know basis, so if one person gets caught they can’t sink the whole ship. This means a couple people would deal with procuring the children. The people extracting the adrenochrome would know nothing about how the children were procured. The person burying the victims wouldn’t know the who was procuring them and the only people who would know of the entire scheme would never be dumb enough to put it in a document like this, let alone throw it on a memory stick with no form of encryption or even password protection. There are numerous fully secure ways to transfer information and this sure isn’t one of them.
In fact, if you look deeper into the letter, written by the anonymous man who claims to have obtained the files on the Amazon memory stick and supposedly sent them anonymously to the German blogger via standard mail, it too is sketchy. The man claims to be a huge Q-Anon follower and repetitively begs the blogger to broadcast the files. This whole thing stinks to high hell. Let’s see if we can at least verify the blogger to exist:
According to the letter, the bloggers name is Dirk Schafer.
Can we find any bloggers with this name?
Here is a blogger from Ventura, California named “S. Dirk Schafer”, which is not the right guy:
Let’s try adding the word Germany to the search:
Here’s a blogger, but it’s not the right one:
If we add adrenochrome to the search we end up with links to the “leaked” file - links which broadcast the documents as truth but none of these links trace back to a blog, so if there really is a German blogger who really did receive the documents, he seemingly didn’t publish them:
One of the links goes to a Facebook page:
Is this our guy?
He does follow Q but there appears to be no mention of his blog and the profile looks potentially fake:
Let’s try to reverse image search this picture:
That image result brings us to an Amazon review, but the review doesn’t lead to any usable information:
Could that be him? I don’t know, nothing says his name is Dirk or that he is from Germany. His review is written in English and appears on Amazon.com, not Amazon.de. If there is a blogger from Germany named Dirk Schafer, he is seemingly not well known, yet his address was public and he was chosen by a reader to broadcast such important information. Speaking of the address, maybe we can verify the address for Dirk, where the supposed memory stick content was sent: Eichhorster Weg 44, 13435 Berlin.
This address brings us here:
Apartments? Offices?
A Brave Browser Search for Eichhorster Weg 44 produces this:
But I can’t read German, so I have to translate it:
So the blogger who we cannot seem to locate, Dirk Schafer, lives at “an old peoples home” with no unit number? Literally nothing in this story checks out other than Benjamin Fulford publishing the files - that part is a fact, so let’s head back to that.
The first time I can locate the publication of the documents traces back to Fulford in September of 2020. We know this because, at the end of the single video on the files, the woman shows where the files came from:
The link above Fulford’s, the one that says ufile.io, was shared in early October
And the Telegram file was shared October 22nd
If someone posted the documents before him, I cannot locate it. If you have access to a source before Fulford (September 28th, 2020), I will gladly revise my article to include it, email me all of the information (Agent131711 at Proton.me).
The file Fulford originally uploaded had the date embedded into it, April 8th, 2020:
Which is months before the “Printed on June 1st 2020” date and also predates the date on the cover page, July 5th 2020:
Add that information to the clusterf*ck of nonsense. Then, four years later, in February 2024, Benjamin Fulford published another article on the same absurd documents, claiming he received them from a “high-level government official”:
Being that he is the source for the documents shown in the single video, created in early fall of 2020 and spread far and wide, one has to wonder why he keeps broadcasting the same ridiculous documents, and why, in his 2024 publication, he fails to mention that he shared this information in 2020, instead leading his readers to believe this is a new bombshell discovery. He goes on to inform his trusting subscribers that the information in the documents is fact, while never mentioning that he has not made any effort to vet the content, meanwhile, even 15 minutes spent trying to fact check the file comes up fruitless. You don’t even need research skills to attempt to verify this “leak”, just open the file, pick anything and it will lead nowhere or nowhere logical. It is our job as journalists to review materials we are sharing or, at a minimum, simply inform readers that we haven’t investigated the data so they do not mistake what we are broadcasting as being vetted by us. There is nothing wrong with sharing something and saying “I don’t know if this is true”, “I found this document and it says…”, or “I haven’t confirmed this to be accurate, but here it is” - that is honest journalism.
With that being said, I sure would love to ask Mr. Benjamin some questions regarding these files from the “high level government official” he claims to have received them from in his 2024 post - files dated April 2020 containing documents from June and July 2020, released in September 2020. It appears, when Fulford shared these files, he had not taken the step of having the cover page translated, so he was not aware that a document within the files explained where the files came from, which was an alleged memory stick bought through Amazon, printed and sent anonymously to a blogger I cannot locate who lives at an unknown unit in a senior living facility in Germany, a blogger who chose not to publish the files yet somehow they got to a high up government official who then chose to hand them to Benjamin Fulford to broadcast as fact:
As I laid out in the beginning of this article, adrenochrome is real, we know who funded the research for it, we even have a patent, testimony, current listings for the product coming from China and more, but the real information gets overshadowed by intentional disinformation, exactly as planned, and this is an ongoing problem within Team Truth; our minds are so open that we see a document of this nature and say, “Yep, there it is in black and white!” with zero effort to authenticate the material before promoting it - and the thing is, they know we will do this, which is exactly why they keep feeding us this bullsh*t, then Truthers share it on social media as evidence, then we look nuts, then our whole team, which is simply trying to awaken the masses as the clock ticks away, is labeled conspiracy theorists and the easily-disproven Black Propaganda is then thrown in our faces, which is the entire purpose of the Black Propaganda PSYOP:
Full video of alleged “leaked documents” - I cannot locate the original publication of this video which is why I didn’t link to it in the body of this article (I don’t want people to misunderstand the originating source), but here is a copy of it. You can find this video all over the internet by simply typing “leaked adrenochrome documents” or anything similar:
Full ITNJ presentation links:
JRM https://archive.org/details/LeeseArnoldJewishRitualMurderEN1938141S./page/n3/mode/2up
police stopped from investigating https://archive.org/details/itnj-address-jon-wedger-april-2018-720p-video-mp4
https://archive.org/details/what-is-adrenochrome-the-leaked-documents - presentation on alleged leaked documents
When I was trying to research Deryck F. Boot, AI linked him, or the patent he invented to a page on the SEC.gov site:
If you click that link, it brings you here, a Glaxoklinesmith 2012 Annual Report:
There is also a mention of adrenochrome on the Arizona University website:
Yes, adrenochrome is real, but as the powder prices suggest, it most likely exists in synthetic form and also that something else is going on, as Agent also surmises.
Over 90 percent of internet traffic happens on the "Dark Web," and people who want to keep communication/posts secret, can use two-way encryption, so whatever is out there on the open Internet is either a honey pot or a tabloid topic. However, as the article also suggests, the information can still be used for misdirection or for character assassination as well as for framing people.
As a result, I also publicized Agent's article with a few thoughts added in
Stem-cell therapy is also an option for the rich; just added that to my article.
Crazy fascinating. Kudos to your bullshit detection!