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Methylene Blue is TOXIC WASTE. From Sewer to Arm: a Miracle Treatment?
Methylene Blue is environmentally hazardous industrial waste from the clothing dying industry, so there's that...
Today’s post won’t be a deep dive, because I had no intention of writing this. If you want deep dives into Vitamins and Supplements, I’ll throw my links onto the end of this post. If you haven’t read them, they’re worth your time, especially if you are taking “Vitamins”.
I am writing this because I feel it is urgent. As I have said in every single post of this nature, IF THIS STUFF IS HELPING YOU, GREAT! TAKE IT! This is not medical advice, it’s my research. I want you to be happy and healthy and if this is what works for you, AWESOME! Let’s jump in…
Let me start off by telling you why my research comes to a different conclusion than the doctors, nurses, scientists and others pushing this stuff online:
There are different methods of investigating. My research looks at ingredients and manufacturing processes. Their research looks at clinical trials and outcomes. My research tells me, “If it’s a carcinogen, containing mercury, lead and literal poison, I don’t give a f*ck what the clinical trials say, I don’t want those ingredients in my body”. Their research says, “This trial shows people used this product and they recovered from their illness in 3 days!”. To which reply, “I don’t give a flying f*ck if they recovered in 3 minutes, that doesn’t change the fact that they just ingested a chemical, which is known to cause fertility issues, internal bleeding and cancer”.
So, from my point of view, if I was sick with “Covid” (or spin the wheel of “disease” and pick something), and the solution was to eat three Tide Pods then chase it down with drain cleaner, even if I am guaranteed to get 100% better the moment I swallow it, hard pass. I’ll let me body do it’s thang, even if that thang means I feel like sh*t for a couple weeks. That’s where I stand. You can stand with me, or eat Tide Pods go with the clinical trial research. The world is your chemical oyster. Either way, I support your decision and we can still be on the same team.
Methylthioninium chloride (Sciency name: Methylene blue (3,7-bis(dimethylamino) phenothiazine chloride tetra methylthionine chloride)), commonly called Methylene Blue, is widely used as a paint stripper, a degreaser and fabric dye… and a medical treatment, “if used correctly”…
If you are researching Methylene Blue, you may find more success digging for Methylthioninium Chloride or Methylene Chloride, which are the same thing, under a different name. Kind of like Clark Kent and Superman Harvey Dent and Two-Face:
Methylene Blue (MB) is also a highly carcinogenic, mutagenic chemical. It’s primary use is in the clothing dying industry. Its use results in incredibly toxic waste that is contaminating water and wastewater, therefore emergency actions are being taken to try to figure out how to remove it, so there’s that:
You don’t even need me to provide you with secretive scrubbed links that I managed to unearth to locate this information. Just type into Google “Methylene Blue waste” and start reading. It’s not even suppressed information (yet).
The health risks associated with MB include, gastrointestinal complications, respiratory disorder, central nervous system issues, cardiovascular issues, genitourinary complication, dermatological effects, mutagenic effects and reproductive effects.
These aren’t my graphics, they're from their own, “OMG WE MUST REMOVE THIS FROM THE WATER SUPPLY ASAP!” documents:
Let’s head back over to, which is a marketplace for bulk chemical sellers and buyers. The sellers are all located in India (and China) because that is where all of our miracle chemicals come from.
Here we see that a drum of Meth Blue liquid is shockingly inexpensive, only $0.60 per kg (or 50 rupees). This means an entire 55 gallon drum is under $15 (USD). What a bargain!
A drum of powder is 10x more expensive than the liquid, and let’s ponder why there is such a price variation…
Although one is for Pharmaceutical use and one is for industrial use, could the price difference be because the container of liquid is literal waste? I don’t know folks, but that makes a lot of sense as to why an entire 55 GALLON DRUM it is damn-near FREE. If it’s WASTE, therefore there is no manufacturing cost whatsoever, that $15 is pure profit, excluding the price of the plastic container, which is also made in China, therefore is also dirt cheap.
Here’s an ENTIRE TON of miracle cure, from China, for $600 USD.
Look at all that good, healthy medicine!
…ready to go in your veins!
You may be thinking, “No way in hell anything being sold as a food or medicine is a byproduct!”. If this is your thought, you would be absolutely amazed at just how much industrial waste is fed to us, under the guise of Vitamins, condiments and medicine. In fact, the United Nations insists on it. I just found a document on their site outlining this, which I will be sharing within the next couple weeks, in the meantime, here’s a couple byproducts of interest: (2 minute video)
I know someone is going to argue, “There’s different grades of MB! As long as you are buying a pharmaceutical grade, and not industrial grade, it’s GREAT! Just buy a 99% grade (1% USP) and you got the good stuff!”. Ok cool, let’s check out what is in the Big Pharma Grade, 99% (1% USP) MB.
Here’s what is being drank by people, shot into them, swallowed in pills, used as fish tank cleaner, fed to animals… the good stuff, that 99% / 1% Meth Blue. It’s even certified, so it’s extra-good-totally-legit-stuff!
Lets actually look at the Certificate(s) of Analysis for BIOPHARM's chemical MB.
Here we see it contains just a lil Chloroform, Trichlorethylene and 1,4-Dioxane as Residual Solvents…
Do you know what a Residual Solvent is? “For pharmacopeial purposes, residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as volatile chemicals that are used or produced in the manufacture of drug substances or excipients, or in the preparation of drug products”. In normal people speak: dangeous chemicals were used to make the miracle treatment, but those toxins can’t be 100% removed from the finished product, so just a teenie tiny bit are left over. But it’s totally fine because it’s so small!
Here’s your residual Trichlorethylene (Carcinogen):
Here’s your residual 1,4-Dioxane (according to the CDC, exposure occurs from ingestion of contaminated food or drinking water and results in liver and kidney damage):
Here’s your residual Chloroform (Causes cancer. You can learn more about this in my article Vitamin D is Rat Poison):
But its such a tiny amount, it’s totally fine! Actually, according to the internet, this product is actually good for you! Oh, but that’s not all…
there’s also just a lil Arsenic, Cadmium, Tin, Mercury and Lead, but it’s just trace amounts, so no biggie…
Now let’s look at the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet for Certified MB:
Here we learn that it’s harmful if swallowed, can cause convulsions, tachycardia, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) and dyspnea (breathing problems). It’s also “Reproductively active” and “adverse reproductive effects” (a nice way of saying “f*cks with fertility”). Target Organs are Blood and Eyes. It hurts the eyes by causing “corneal damage”. Additionally, it may cause chemical conjunctivitis (“pink eye” caused by chemicals and toxins), it might cause cyanosis, and, laboratory experiments resulted in “mutagenic effects” (damages DNA and cells, resulting in genetic mutation). Oh! and it can have delayed effects. This means today's miracle treatment might cause damage to your eyes in five months, or even a year.
But other than that, it’s great!
Want to know how they make MB? Simply grab some manganese dioxide to use as an oxidizing agent:
Manganese Dioxide is an unregulated Category 4 and Category 5 Acute Toxicity chemical concoction.
Want to know how to make Manganese Dioxide chemical blend? All you need is manganese sulphate, water, sodium hydroxide and potassium permanganate.
…Folks, it’s all chemicals on top of chemicals on top of residual chemicals.
While I like to dig into ingredients and uncover secretive manufacturing processes, Tim Truth dives deep into reading trial data. (1:34 video, full video in Sources section)
Everyone is concerned that no animals survived the Covid vaccine trials, but what about the MB trials? Surely those animals thrived, right? (1 minute video)
But I already know people are going to say, “that’s only if you take too much!”. To which I reply, “Dude, this stuff is being shot into people veins. It is literally dying brains. Call me crazy, but I'd say that's too much.”
It IS a toxic waste. If you want to defend the product, you can argue the pharmaceutical grade (most likely) is made from the more-expensive powder, therefore it isn’t really sewer waste (yet). You can also say the amounts of super-dangerous chemicals in this miracle cure are so small “they don’t hurt us!”, which I have always found to be a strange argument, but that’s just my opinion. And again, if it is helping you, GREAT! TAKE IT! I sincerely want everyone to do what works best for them. If you want to read Vitamin and Supplement deep-dives, links are below. If you haven’t read those yet, you will be utterly shocked to see what we are dosing ourselves with:
If you want deep-dives into Vitamins and Supplements, here you go:
Check out Tim Truths 45-minute video on the topic or watch below:
How to make manganese dioxide:
A solution of manganese sulphate (tetrahydrate ; 11 10 g.) in water (1500 ml.) and a solution of sodium hydroxide (40% ; 1170 ml.) were added simultaneously during 1 hour to a hot stirred solution of potassium permanganate (960 g.) in water (6 1.). Manganese dioxide was precipitated soon after the start as a fine brown solid. Stirring was continued for a further hour and the solid was then collected with a centrifuge and washed with water until the washings were colourless. The solid was dried in an oven at 100-120" and ground to a fine powder (920 g.) before use.
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I'm a researcher. Come explore uncomfortable Truths in a lighthearted way that makes them easier to digest (and sometimes even hilarious). I publish special deep dives for paid subs on the 1st and 15th, everything else is free.
People need to escape the alternative poison cult too- research P-Glycoprotein . Thanks for the great research
I seem to recall reading fluoride is a chemical waste product that's hard to get rid of so they decided to put it in our drinking water and get dentists to push it.
There is another current trend of ingesting sodium citrate (SC). Wonder, if you have the time, to look into it? A lot of people are drinking it.
I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years and have seen a lot of harmful stuff tried. I understand, but people need to stop grasping at chemical straws....
Thank you so much for what you do. God Bless.