I cannot find the Organic Coffee Company website. Two choices seem to be theorganiccoffeco.org and the organiccoffeecompany.com I do not trust buying coffeee off AMZN. Please could you help with this. Also, which kind of coffee suggested for coffee enema? If it is water processed green coffee, it is listed as unavailable at the link you provided from amazon. Please advise. Maybe list alternative companies that are conscious, health-oriented and grow and roast clean coffee? Thank you!
Small batch coffee, roasted over pecan shells, by a [legal] Honduran immigrant living and working in Texas. Good stuff, and low acid (which your prostate will appreciate).
Well PC is in Canada. And Zavida is rainforest, fair trade, non GMO, halal so kosher. The only water processed coffee is Swiss decaffeinated water processed which their decaffeinated coffee is.
hey so what are your thoughts on the "Cell Salts " by Hyland ? I just got a book about them and did get all 12 of them and I can say that I have noticed some are working for a few issues. But after looking over the Vit posts I am wondering where they are getting the base for these salts. Guess I should make a few calls. Thanks again for this important article and I called a friend who i had been ignorantly encouraging to get it and told her to return it right away I actually hope something came up and she did not order it !!
there is nothing safe anymore. if the poison is not in it, it is sprayed on it, remember the pic of a farmer packed in a moon suit spraying his crop. That is picked a few hours later and you eat it a few days later. not to think of all the GMO, the plastic seeping into our food... no wonder so many people are sick. And then they come with the jabs for all those that are not sick yet.
I seem to recall reading fluoride is a chemical waste product that's hard to get rid of so they decided to put it in our drinking water and get dentists to push it.
There is another current trend of ingesting sodium citrate (SC). Wonder, if you have the time, to look into it? A lot of people are drinking it.
I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years and have seen a lot of harmful stuff tried. I understand, but people need to stop grasping at chemical straws....
Oregano tincture kills parasites. It simple to make up. Just cut up some fresh oregano to help release some of the properties, put it in a jar 3/4 full with is, add some high strength alcohol to cover the herb and leave it for minimum 6 weeks to cure. Occasionally shake it. When its cured, strain out the oregano and pour the liquid into an amber medicine bottles that have droppers. You can get them real cheap from places like AliExpress. Most droppers are 1ml. Take x3 a day for ten days (a 100ml bottle should do it). I do this method of extraction for oregano. Even using a small jam jar gave me 400ml of Oregano tincture.
Yes, I've been using organic oregano for years. It does help keep it under some control, but doesn't kill this stuff because it isn't a biological parasite, though does have some similar attributes to natural parasites.
This is the problem with killing it. It's like trying to kill a machine with oregano. It works somewhat. CDB (cross domain bacteria) and biotech are fabricated in laboratories from many genetic and molecular pieces of animal/plant/mineral so what kills a natural critter doesn't kill this.
Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate it and your recipe is really useful.
You might find success if you remove all carbohydrates from your diet, especially grains: wheat corn, rice, oats, barley, etc., sugars, fructose, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, etc. All carbs break down as sugars, which most parasites thrive on. The natural antimicrobials/fungals together with a carb-free diet should do the trick. Plus filter your water. Eat or drink NOTHING processed as much as humanly possible. There’s a lot of oils in coffee beans, which can go rancid by the time it gets to you. Eat pastured organic meats, eggs, dairy. These methods did work for me and my sister. No seed oils. They are toxic to the liver and most are already rancid on store shelves. If your liver is sick, you will struggle with parasites. As an aside, carbohydrates are a NON-essential macronutrient, contrary to healthy fats and protein, which are both essential. Your body can produce its own carbs/glucose as needed for energy. Grains are a primary source for disease in humans and cattle. It’s the reason why they have to inject antibiotics and hormones (insulin is a hormone) into our cattle fed with corn and other grains. Even if a person does not have celiac disease, the gluten breaks through the tight junctions in the gut and gets into the blood stream causing the immune system chaos and creating inflammation wherever those invaders end up. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your insights. From reading a lot of papers and studies, I understand these biosynthetic organisms are feeding on red blood cells as their primary source of fuel rather than carbs. Though no one is certain this is the case. We have more to learn.
I agree eating as cleanly as possible is important. Though people have been successfully eating grains for centuries, so I doubt it's grains themselves that are the problem but likely the way they are produced and manufactured into end products for consumption.
I also thought the reason cows have intestinal infections from eating grain is that grains are an unnatural diet for them. Their stomachs are designed to digest grasses and so their digestive system is very slow as grasses are tough and take a long time to digest as opposed to grains which digest much more quickly and easily. Grains stay in their stomachs entirely too long causing bacterial growth and infections.
In other words, it's not grain that is the problem for cows but us feeding them the wrong diet. To speed weight gain and bring them to slaughter sooner and more economically than allowing them to pasture and eat grasses.
I sincerely wish these biosynthetic organisms were natural parasites. Then we could use tried and true protocols to eliminate them. But this is not the case. Our bodies' natural lines of defense against invading parasites is ineffective since these organisms are not natural parasites.
Thank you again. All of what you recommend is useful.
Thank you. Useful. I really like how Agent is approaching this from a manufacturing perspective. What he's revealed in this article is something I had glimpsed in regards to chlorine dioxide solution and how it works. This article makes it so much clearer.
I've started in on the papers you sent and they are proving insightful as well. I'll be in touch.
Still dealing with my family issues. My overly injected brother has a very fast growing glioblastoma multiforme in his frontal cortex. His mind is going, impulse control is gone... I tried to warn him and many others....
Thank you for helping me think more critically and reminding me not to trust the “experts “. It came to mind after reading the methylene blue in conjunction with the hydrogels that perhaps this is another way for those in charge to depopulate. Honestly before recently I’ve never seen as much about methylene blue. I don’t social media either. Anyway, thank you for your hard work on the interwebs. You are making a difference.
I think its ironic how those who refuse the mRNA vaccines but have to work around the vaccinated so take until amounts of detox supplements WITHOUT bothering to check them out where most being synthetic are toxic! Sadly, I have a friend who followed the MMS protocols which advised her to detox first and recommended various "supplements". So here she was poisoning herself first to deworm herself so she could clean out her body with the MMS protocol. Im not against the MMS protocol but the advice thats given by the telegram group who promote all these supplements first! I love looking for natural methods to supplement, like a great alternative for calcium is egg shells (I have my own "unvaccinated" chooks). You simply blend the shells to a powder and put them into capsules. I even read a peer reviewed scientific paper where they showed the results of consuming egg shell powder does give you all the calcium you need with about the usual two large capsules a day...then, shiitake mushrooms help with vitamin D which is more natural than the "rat poison" vit D sold as a supplement so I even make my own shiitake tincture from dried shiitakes. Thank you so much for these deep dives 💜
That's interesting that you mention egg shells. It sounds like a fantastic idea. I have not considered making them into pills, but for years on end I was buying these "calcium supplements" for my snails in my aquarium: http://tinyurl.com/calciumshells. When I started realizing chemicals are all bad, I began researching for natural alternatives and the answer was egg shells! It was such a "DUH" moment. Its crazy how we have been so brainwashed to believe we need a chemical for everything.
After investing probably 200 hours into researching "Vitamins", I truly do not believe there is such thing as a "Vitamin". I think it is completely fake, to sell us chemicals. Vitamins are like Viruses, to the best of my digging, I have yet to find one that has been "isolated". I am working on a post about it.
Thank you for reading my comment and allowing me as an unpaid follower to comment ... I will sub as soon as finances get better as yours is my favourite since I do study natural remedies and make my own tinctures.
I will highly recommend tinctures as probably the ONLY safe method of supplementation of vital minerals and vitamins! I go hunting down any scientific studies to validate claims of a tincture remedy and if its confirmed, I then study which method to use depending on the make-up for the properties to be extracted. For example mushrooms needs duel extraction using both alcohol then a water extraction then you mix them together, whereas oregano you can do alcohol only. Ive done a very potent oregano tincture using absinthe! Talk about one powerful local anesthetic that helped my son with the pain from a wisdom tooth!
One real fun part is to take the tincture one step further and let it evaporate which leaves just the oil. I see many online who promote evaporating by heat but I let mine do it naturally although it takes longer. Seems senseless to destroy some of the properties youve just extracted by using a heat process to evaporate the alcohol! ... the less processing, the better.
I even give the egg shells back to the chooks, nicely crushed up to a fine grit, they love it!
Im trying to reduce the snails in my aquarium, they are eating all the plants in there ... the chooks love them lol 💜
For all of you critiquing MB and B12 I'd like first to know if you even know anything about how the body works? Example the body makes an enzyme called Rodenase that deactivates the tiny amount of a cyanide in Laetril for example or in cyanocobalamin B 12? No..? Didn't think so! How about real monoxide poisoning? So you sat in your running car in a closed garage suicide attempt and get hauled off to the ER. One of the first things they do is hook you up to an IV of Methylene Blue and oxygen so your blood can carry oxygen again! Did you know that during covid people could breathe better with MB? One pulmonalogist doc i know of treated all of his pts with MB and did not lose a single pt during Covid! The other question I have is how many of you have ever taken a chemistry/biochemistry class at the University level? There are people in our government who dont want you to be able to self treat so someone reads a MSDS sheet and gets scared shitless and never really understands how something in a barrel is not what people are taking. Med materials used for IV therapy and oral use are formulated under very strict conditions especially in formulating pharmacies. I know from results that were gotten with patients in studies that I know about got their cognitive functioning back from dementia. Many people think more is better in many cases and overdose because they think they can hurry their healing along and any bad results ARE ON THEM!
Vit D3 is not rat poison COUMADIN... IS rat poison. Notice it seems that almost everything that Agent says is trying to drive you away from things that actually work! My son in law is still alive today and recovered from silent hypoxia because of MB. So I guess my point is that taking an article as gospel can really screw with your mind. There are thousands of recovered pts using these products. It's all about understanding how the body works. I'm not saying that some people don't have reactions to meds and or chemicals.
Aspirin would never be approved if it were to go thru clinical trials today! And just because you see a side effect of a drug does not mean that you will have it! They are listed in case you do, so you can tell your doctor and change your meds or take you off them.
This is def very fishy because health freedom Dr's are pushing MB heavily... there is a whole book written https://a.co/d/0CNZGQM , author Mark Sloan. I even watched podcasts of other health peep touting this for helping with alzheimer, removing nano-tech, cancer....
yeah I was gullible and got the book and thank God I only actually was stupid
to take one bottle. It was Father God who kept causing me to be to busy with other things to stop and mix up that toxic sludge!! I will toss the new unopened one away along with the dumb book!!
Poisoning is not the way to detox from poisoning. Why people cannot overcome the cult indoctrination is a mystery. Good food, structured water, exercise, no stress (a real killer) and time has helped my detox from poisoning. Slow but sure.
this is a bit concerning. I was taking it a while ago for a short time and noticed my memory got slightly worse and stopped taking it out of concern. Also when I'd take it I'd feel a pressure in my cranium for a few seconds.
You can't obtain a "valid" study with MB in psychiatry.
All the published BS is using MB as an adjunct for a person already "diagnosed" with a so-called mental disorder. Meaning the person is on several other toxic mind-altering drugs.
Same with Parkinsons / Alzheimer's ..and on and on just to feed the narrative that "hope is on the horizon"
So to put in bluntly its a toxic mental fart that will disrupt mental conductivity.
You’re not an MD but you subjected *your* patients to experiments. That was your claim. So tell me, were all those trials chemical free?
You participated in “destroying synapses” with MB - so you destroyed brains and harmed people is what you're saying. All I asked was for you to provide a link to your research proving this claim. Why is that so hard?
Who knew asking something so simple would make you feel so victimized! Imagine how those poor patients whose synapses you destroyed must feel 🥲
i haven't read this yet, but looking forward to it. and i already agree that methylane blue is definitely a toxic substance and should not be touched. this also goes for all the other shite that is being peddled by the so called 'awake' doctors supposed to be looking out for those who dodged the jab bullet and realise the convid psyop. all the narrative pushers, regardless of which side they are on are trying to sell something, and i'm not buying, haha what's the term for these folks: grifters?
Hi I saw two articles in the last few weeks regarding MB but had never heard of it before I am shocked that it is this bad. (It was toted to help with serious things like bi-polar and dementia.) You know ever since the government froze dr Merc—a’s bank account you can’t access his info in the same way anymore. I think some of his info is still good but I wonder if it’s possible that he has been hacked and they put certain things out there that he doesn’t even know about…
Or maybe he is trusting the research on vitamins not realizing that it has been compromised. I mean I knew drug trials and vaccines were shady but I didn’t realize that vitamins were becoming the same thing.
yeah he was pushing the evil "green matcha" and I had my blood tested after using his and others and the blood work came back high in many heavy metals. I quit listening to him 4 years ago
Wow. I personally don't think his products are all that great. He uses fillers and tilapia. I think he's got some sound advice but the reality is they're all out to make money.
So I suppose that dr Ana is just a twit, just like so many other doctors praising MB ! "L'important, c'est la dose" ! Many poisons at weak doses cure !!
I think the author needs to be totally honest with the supplement page he presents. Cyanacobalimin IS a derivative of cyanide and must be processed through the liver first. But, there is a great form, called "Methylcobalimin" which is red in color, not as shelf stable, to use...so look for any B12 or B Complex to be in the "methyl" form and you'll be fine. Also, all D3 is not bad...there are brands of D3 which are derived from cold water fish livers and even lanolin from sheep's skin. The "cholcalciferol" is from fish liver and even egg yolks has it in them. It is the dosing that cause trouble. So, if the author wants to write the bad stuff, please give the solutions, as well. People need to educate themselves and then select the brands with the right forms in them, as well as what brands not to purchase. There is a lot of danger in supplements like iron, to be aware of, again, educate yourself before using any of them.
Every single "vitamin" I have researched (I am over 200 hours invested in this), every single one involves hazardous chemicals during the manufacturing / extraction process.
Even if we completely disregard B being Cyanide derived, it is still a carcinogen.
Fish Oil, and, I assume other fish-derived products, undergo a plethora of toxic chemical treatments.
I have only spent 5 seconds researching the Methylcobalamin you recommend. It too is a lab made chemical, not for human consumption:
I have given solutions. View my Vitamin D article.
I completely agree that there is a lot of danger in Iron supplements. I firmly believe it is all supplements. I do not believe we should be ingesting any chemicals.
With all due respect...I have been researching food and nutrition for 45 years now...and I followed closely, the supplement industry over the years, with all of their changes. And although I agree that there are some chemical processes to make supplements, I still say that there are necessary ones. The body does not make/produce everything it needs, and must derive certain amino acids, minerals or vitamins from food sources, or it may be must be supplemented, to remain healthy.
And for instance, if you eat store bought bread that has been enriched, you are still eating these same type "chemicals" (riboflavin, niacin, folic acid (folate) etc) that you say you want to avoid. If you eat a can of soup from the store (or literally ANYTHING AT ALL from the store), you eat many chemicals and processes too.....we cannot avoid ALL chemicals, no matter how hard we try. You can avoid many chemicals, but it is impossible to avoid them all. And I doubt you avoid them all in your daily life.
I am 69 yrs old and do not take any meds at all, and am in great shape. I do take a few very hand picked supplements and I will continue to take what I research and find that works in my body. Our food supply today is so deficient in minerals and vitamins as well, that one cannot eat enough vegetables and such, to remain healthy or get healthy. Without some supplements, I know that I would be in worse shape. You are free to make your own choices, but people on here who listen to you should know that what works well for one, may not work for another. All supplements are NOT bad...but one does need to educate themselves and pick the ones with the least excipients and fillers...even though all are processed in some manner...even with some chemical exposure...nothing is perfect...make wise choices and education on all of this is key to making those good choices for each person. It is not a one size fits all when it comes to people or supplementation. :-)
I think everyone should do what they feel is right and I am glad to hear you are 69 and in great shape! I hope I can say the same when I reach that age! I also think it's even more awesome that you are 69 and researching!
I absolutely agree that the grocery store premade food is loaded with chemicals.
I'm not sure where you stand on the "viruses" topic, whether you feel viruses are real or completely fabricated to swindle us into vaccines, but I have been looking into the discoveries of "vitamins" and at this point, I cannot find any legitimate evidence showing they exist as we are told they do. It appears they have never been truly "isolated". I know it sounds crazy. If you would have said to me a year ago, "Vitamins don't exist", I would have said you're nuts. But if you really start digging into them, the deeper you dig, the less evidence there is to show "vitamins" exist. What does exist is "nutrients", but nutrients are not the same as what we are being told is a "vitamin", which we are then being told needs to be supplemented, by buying a product in a jar containing chemicals. *If* "Vitamins" are essentially a hoax, then everything we are doing to supplement them is illogical.
I too have said "we need to supplement because our food no longer contains vitamins it used to", however, when I began researching this topic, I am having problems locating documentation showing that a carrot in 2024 contains less "vitamins" than a carrot in 1975. Does this evidence exist? I do not know. If they have never isolated "Vitamins", how would we be able to judge the vitamin level in a carrot? I think these are relevant questions we should be asking.
I do think it is a parsing of the words...but nutrients would indeed be a far better word for what we call "vitamins"...I think that word is derived from "vitality" which those vitamins are supposed to bring us. :-) My point was, that we are exposed to many, many chemicals daily in loads of ways...some are useful (I didn't say "good") while others are deadly and accumulate in the body, then cause problems. We have to develop a sense of discernment (from the Lord), of what to use, how much, when and for how long. And even though I do use and recommend some supplements, I do have to change to different ones at times, because the manufacturers change their formulas...this is important, too...to read the labels on EVERY bottle and not assume it is the same...this applies to all packaged foods, as well. They are very sneaky to put things in while no one is looking.
We'll never escape the use of chemicals in all forms. There is abundant literature and studies out there to support your "carrot nutrient" theory...and I found loads of info when researching chemical fertilizers, yes, the common 10-10-10 type chemical fertilizers used by big ag. The density of nutrients today is far less in many vegetables from what they used to be. Home grown using foods using home grown fertilizers (ie: chicken poop, cow manure, etc) would be far more nutrient dense foods, of course, but not everyone can do this. This goes back to the overuse of chemical fertilizers, which leach even more nutrients from the soil, and only put back a few in a relatively different form....not to mention the biome that chemical fertilizers wipe out completely (think natural microbes here). And along with this wipe out, comes the nutrient deficit foods and us.
As far as "viruses", I'm still out on that and even after years of research, I am not convinced that they exist at all...I think it is the natural breakdown of a substance, but not infective, as they claim. And even with the cv "virus"...I have in three years now, never found ONE article that someone claimed to have isolated that cv19 "virus"....not one. Kari Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, also claimed that viruses don't exist and that the PCR test used widely today for this purpose, could not detect the presence of anything of this sort. I tend to lean towards his theory. He paid for his theory with his life. If viruses are real, someone surely would have wanted that credit for the discovery! So, I'm still on the fence, but leaning towards no such thing exists.
I am new to your Substack and I love the thought provoking issues such as the MB...I have a small bottle but only use it as a dye for slides under the scope....I know people who want to use it orally, but I can't say that I'd jump out there and try that yet....not enough info to convince me it is useful...I lean towards toxic on that one. You're doing a great job getting info out there, and I hope to read more of your thought provoking presentations. Thanks for what you do to help sow seeds in the minds of others to do their own research!. ;- )
Use MB at high dilution with great results from chronic ailments, where nothing else worked. Toxic in parts per million, like ppm of arsenic in rock salt, I'm ok with that. Good luck with healthcare.
People need to escape the alternative poison cult too- research P-Glycoprotein . Thanks for the great research
Hey buddy! I found out they are using this sh*t (MB) to CLEAN COFFEE! Solution: Only buy coffee "processed with water". Here's an example of "water-processed coffee": https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH9C7LCT?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
I cannot find the Organic Coffee Company website. Two choices seem to be theorganiccoffeco.org and the organiccoffeecompany.com I do not trust buying coffeee off AMZN. Please could you help with this. Also, which kind of coffee suggested for coffee enema? If it is water processed green coffee, it is listed as unavailable at the link you provided from amazon. Please advise. Maybe list alternative companies that are conscious, health-oriented and grow and roast clean coffee? Thank you!
Try: https://www.thirddaycoffeeseguin.com/
Small batch coffee, roasted over pecan shells, by a [legal] Honduran immigrant living and working in Texas. Good stuff, and low acid (which your prostate will appreciate).
Do you get PC coffee there? President’s Choice? They have a great organic coffee. Zavida rainforest organic is good too
I can look on their websites, right? Are these two brands water-processed?
Well PC is in Canada. And Zavida is rainforest, fair trade, non GMO, halal so kosher. The only water processed coffee is Swiss decaffeinated water processed which their decaffeinated coffee is.
Hi, would you have a link? Also, Is any caffeinated coffee water-processed. I like a morning dose of caffeine.
Oh no!
I read about most coffee being "sawdust"
Thanks for the info.
sawdust is added to grated cheese so it won't stick together LOL
The one I buy is Clipper Organic Decaffeinated Coffee and it's now £6 a 100g jar but I think it's worth it.
hey so what are your thoughts on the "Cell Salts " by Hyland ? I just got a book about them and did get all 12 of them and I can say that I have noticed some are working for a few issues. But after looking over the Vit posts I am wondering where they are getting the base for these salts. Guess I should make a few calls. Thanks again for this important article and I called a friend who i had been ignorantly encouraging to get it and told her to return it right away I actually hope something came up and she did not order it !!
there is nothing safe anymore. if the poison is not in it, it is sprayed on it, remember the pic of a farmer packed in a moon suit spraying his crop. That is picked a few hours later and you eat it a few days later. not to think of all the GMO, the plastic seeping into our food... no wonder so many people are sick. And then they come with the jabs for all those that are not sick yet.
I seem to recall reading fluoride is a chemical waste product that's hard to get rid of so they decided to put it in our drinking water and get dentists to push it.
There is another current trend of ingesting sodium citrate (SC). Wonder, if you have the time, to look into it? A lot of people are drinking it.
I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years and have seen a lot of harmful stuff tried. I understand, but people need to stop grasping at chemical straws....
Thank you so much for what you do. God Bless.
Oregano tincture kills parasites. It simple to make up. Just cut up some fresh oregano to help release some of the properties, put it in a jar 3/4 full with is, add some high strength alcohol to cover the herb and leave it for minimum 6 weeks to cure. Occasionally shake it. When its cured, strain out the oregano and pour the liquid into an amber medicine bottles that have droppers. You can get them real cheap from places like AliExpress. Most droppers are 1ml. Take x3 a day for ten days (a 100ml bottle should do it). I do this method of extraction for oregano. Even using a small jam jar gave me 400ml of Oregano tincture.
Yes, I've been using organic oregano for years. It does help keep it under some control, but doesn't kill this stuff because it isn't a biological parasite, though does have some similar attributes to natural parasites.
This is the problem with killing it. It's like trying to kill a machine with oregano. It works somewhat. CDB (cross domain bacteria) and biotech are fabricated in laboratories from many genetic and molecular pieces of animal/plant/mineral so what kills a natural critter doesn't kill this.
Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate it and your recipe is really useful.
God Bless.
You might find success if you remove all carbohydrates from your diet, especially grains: wheat corn, rice, oats, barley, etc., sugars, fructose, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, etc. All carbs break down as sugars, which most parasites thrive on. The natural antimicrobials/fungals together with a carb-free diet should do the trick. Plus filter your water. Eat or drink NOTHING processed as much as humanly possible. There’s a lot of oils in coffee beans, which can go rancid by the time it gets to you. Eat pastured organic meats, eggs, dairy. These methods did work for me and my sister. No seed oils. They are toxic to the liver and most are already rancid on store shelves. If your liver is sick, you will struggle with parasites. As an aside, carbohydrates are a NON-essential macronutrient, contrary to healthy fats and protein, which are both essential. Your body can produce its own carbs/glucose as needed for energy. Grains are a primary source for disease in humans and cattle. It’s the reason why they have to inject antibiotics and hormones (insulin is a hormone) into our cattle fed with corn and other grains. Even if a person does not have celiac disease, the gluten breaks through the tight junctions in the gut and gets into the blood stream causing the immune system chaos and creating inflammation wherever those invaders end up. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your insights. From reading a lot of papers and studies, I understand these biosynthetic organisms are feeding on red blood cells as their primary source of fuel rather than carbs. Though no one is certain this is the case. We have more to learn.
I agree eating as cleanly as possible is important. Though people have been successfully eating grains for centuries, so I doubt it's grains themselves that are the problem but likely the way they are produced and manufactured into end products for consumption.
I also thought the reason cows have intestinal infections from eating grain is that grains are an unnatural diet for them. Their stomachs are designed to digest grasses and so their digestive system is very slow as grasses are tough and take a long time to digest as opposed to grains which digest much more quickly and easily. Grains stay in their stomachs entirely too long causing bacterial growth and infections.
In other words, it's not grain that is the problem for cows but us feeding them the wrong diet. To speed weight gain and bring them to slaughter sooner and more economically than allowing them to pasture and eat grasses.
I sincerely wish these biosynthetic organisms were natural parasites. Then we could use tried and true protocols to eliminate them. But this is not the case. Our bodies' natural lines of defense against invading parasites is ineffective since these organisms are not natural parasites.
Thank you again. All of what you recommend is useful.
Hi Pirate
Ray has done some digs into SC
Thank you. Useful. I really like how Agent is approaching this from a manufacturing perspective. What he's revealed in this article is something I had glimpsed in regards to chlorine dioxide solution and how it works. This article makes it so much clearer.
I've started in on the papers you sent and they are proving insightful as well. I'll be in touch.
Still dealing with my family issues. My overly injected brother has a very fast growing glioblastoma multiforme in his frontal cortex. His mind is going, impulse control is gone... I tried to warn him and many others....
God Bless.
May you continue to obtain strength throughout all of this.
Please reach out whenever you want.
Thank you for helping me think more critically and reminding me not to trust the “experts “. It came to mind after reading the methylene blue in conjunction with the hydrogels that perhaps this is another way for those in charge to depopulate. Honestly before recently I’ve never seen as much about methylene blue. I don’t social media either. Anyway, thank you for your hard work on the interwebs. You are making a difference.
I am appreciative of your hard work and dedication. I stopped ingesting these 'magical' 'cure alls"!
I think its ironic how those who refuse the mRNA vaccines but have to work around the vaccinated so take until amounts of detox supplements WITHOUT bothering to check them out where most being synthetic are toxic! Sadly, I have a friend who followed the MMS protocols which advised her to detox first and recommended various "supplements". So here she was poisoning herself first to deworm herself so she could clean out her body with the MMS protocol. Im not against the MMS protocol but the advice thats given by the telegram group who promote all these supplements first! I love looking for natural methods to supplement, like a great alternative for calcium is egg shells (I have my own "unvaccinated" chooks). You simply blend the shells to a powder and put them into capsules. I even read a peer reviewed scientific paper where they showed the results of consuming egg shell powder does give you all the calcium you need with about the usual two large capsules a day...then, shiitake mushrooms help with vitamin D which is more natural than the "rat poison" vit D sold as a supplement so I even make my own shiitake tincture from dried shiitakes. Thank you so much for these deep dives 💜
That's interesting that you mention egg shells. It sounds like a fantastic idea. I have not considered making them into pills, but for years on end I was buying these "calcium supplements" for my snails in my aquarium: http://tinyurl.com/calciumshells. When I started realizing chemicals are all bad, I began researching for natural alternatives and the answer was egg shells! It was such a "DUH" moment. Its crazy how we have been so brainwashed to believe we need a chemical for everything.
After investing probably 200 hours into researching "Vitamins", I truly do not believe there is such thing as a "Vitamin". I think it is completely fake, to sell us chemicals. Vitamins are like Viruses, to the best of my digging, I have yet to find one that has been "isolated". I am working on a post about it.
Thanks for reading!
Thank you for reading my comment and allowing me as an unpaid follower to comment ... I will sub as soon as finances get better as yours is my favourite since I do study natural remedies and make my own tinctures.
I will highly recommend tinctures as probably the ONLY safe method of supplementation of vital minerals and vitamins! I go hunting down any scientific studies to validate claims of a tincture remedy and if its confirmed, I then study which method to use depending on the make-up for the properties to be extracted. For example mushrooms needs duel extraction using both alcohol then a water extraction then you mix them together, whereas oregano you can do alcohol only. Ive done a very potent oregano tincture using absinthe! Talk about one powerful local anesthetic that helped my son with the pain from a wisdom tooth!
One real fun part is to take the tincture one step further and let it evaporate which leaves just the oil. I see many online who promote evaporating by heat but I let mine do it naturally although it takes longer. Seems senseless to destroy some of the properties youve just extracted by using a heat process to evaporate the alcohol! ... the less processing, the better.
I even give the egg shells back to the chooks, nicely crushed up to a fine grit, they love it!
Im trying to reduce the snails in my aquarium, they are eating all the plants in there ... the chooks love them lol 💜
Absolutely life changing articles, thank you. They don't seem to be able to 'isolate' much. DNA/mRNA is a scam as well.
For all of you critiquing MB and B12 I'd like first to know if you even know anything about how the body works? Example the body makes an enzyme called Rodenase that deactivates the tiny amount of a cyanide in Laetril for example or in cyanocobalamin B 12? No..? Didn't think so! How about real monoxide poisoning? So you sat in your running car in a closed garage suicide attempt and get hauled off to the ER. One of the first things they do is hook you up to an IV of Methylene Blue and oxygen so your blood can carry oxygen again! Did you know that during covid people could breathe better with MB? One pulmonalogist doc i know of treated all of his pts with MB and did not lose a single pt during Covid! The other question I have is how many of you have ever taken a chemistry/biochemistry class at the University level? There are people in our government who dont want you to be able to self treat so someone reads a MSDS sheet and gets scared shitless and never really understands how something in a barrel is not what people are taking. Med materials used for IV therapy and oral use are formulated under very strict conditions especially in formulating pharmacies. I know from results that were gotten with patients in studies that I know about got their cognitive functioning back from dementia. Many people think more is better in many cases and overdose because they think they can hurry their healing along and any bad results ARE ON THEM!
Vit D3 is not rat poison COUMADIN... IS rat poison. Notice it seems that almost everything that Agent says is trying to drive you away from things that actually work! My son in law is still alive today and recovered from silent hypoxia because of MB. So I guess my point is that taking an article as gospel can really screw with your mind. There are thousands of recovered pts using these products. It's all about understanding how the body works. I'm not saying that some people don't have reactions to meds and or chemicals.
Aspirin would never be approved if it were to go thru clinical trials today! And just because you see a side effect of a drug does not mean that you will have it! They are listed in case you do, so you can tell your doctor and change your meds or take you off them.
Vitamin B12 is still a carcinogen that contains toxic ingredients.
Vitamin D3 is the literal name FOR Rat Poison that harms people in the identical way it kills rats.
Maybe read the articles before you critique them?
People ate not rats and respond differently. Again you don't know how the body works.
Thank you. As always, the truth is in the middle and the poison is in the dose.
This statement will bust someone brains!!! Coumadin used in rat poison comes from coumarin which comes from wait for it...................
This is def very fishy because health freedom Dr's are pushing MB heavily... there is a whole book written https://a.co/d/0CNZGQM , author Mark Sloan. I even watched podcasts of other health peep touting this for helping with alzheimer, removing nano-tech, cancer....
yeah I was gullible and got the book and thank God I only actually was stupid
to take one bottle. It was Father God who kept causing me to be to busy with other things to stop and mix up that toxic sludge!! I will toss the new unopened one away along with the dumb book!!
Poisoning is not the way to detox from poisoning. Why people cannot overcome the cult indoctrination is a mystery. Good food, structured water, exercise, no stress (a real killer) and time has helped my detox from poisoning. Slow but sure.
Beautifully said, slow and steady we build our health. ❤️
Excellent dig in AG.
I can't even go into what we used M.Blue for in brain research and how it destroyed synapse conductivity (amongst other brain functions). Pure poison.
Proton Magic also dug into this warning folks months ago.
This is so interesting. I am shocked.
this is a bit concerning. I was taking it a while ago for a short time and noticed my memory got slightly worse and stopped taking it out of concern. Also when I'd take it I'd feel a pressure in my cranium for a few seconds.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Ya I will stay away. Too many creepy vibes off it right now. I prefer natural things like plant medicines.
Please go into your experiences in detail or share links. Inquiring minds want to know.
You can't obtain a "valid" study with MB in psychiatry.
All the published BS is using MB as an adjunct for a person already "diagnosed" with a so-called mental disorder. Meaning the person is on several other toxic mind-altering drugs.
Same with Parkinsons / Alzheimer's ..and on and on just to feed the narrative that "hope is on the horizon"
So to put in bluntly its a toxic mental fart that will disrupt mental conductivity.
So its totally inconclusive.
Thats all we need to know.
Not one detail about your experience in “brain research” on MB or a link to prove your claims that it destroys synapses?
If you're so adamant about it being poisonous please provide the research, otherwise your claims are pure BS, so spare me the fluff.
Oh, & if you haven't noticed , you live in a world FULL of chemicals.
Many of which you eat, breathe, drink daily…
And if you are truly a Dr. then you've prescribed plenty of “chemicals” to your patients too.🤔
So your statement about MB being a “chemical” is moot.
Hey bot.
Guess you missed the part where I am NOT an MD so I have never RX'd a single poison to any "patient"
Move on to your next victim.
Bot? Lmao thats the best you got fake Dr?
You’re not an MD but you subjected *your* patients to experiments. That was your claim. So tell me, were all those trials chemical free?
You participated in “destroying synapses” with MB - so you destroyed brains and harmed people is what you're saying. All I asked was for you to provide a link to your research proving this claim. Why is that so hard?
Who knew asking something so simple would make you feel so victimized! Imagine how those poor patients whose synapses you destroyed must feel 🥲
i haven't read this yet, but looking forward to it. and i already agree that methylane blue is definitely a toxic substance and should not be touched. this also goes for all the other shite that is being peddled by the so called 'awake' doctors supposed to be looking out for those who dodged the jab bullet and realise the convid psyop. all the narrative pushers, regardless of which side they are on are trying to sell something, and i'm not buying, haha what's the term for these folks: grifters?
Hi I saw two articles in the last few weeks regarding MB but had never heard of it before I am shocked that it is this bad. (It was toted to help with serious things like bi-polar and dementia.) You know ever since the government froze dr Merc—a’s bank account you can’t access his info in the same way anymore. I think some of his info is still good but I wonder if it’s possible that he has been hacked and they put certain things out there that he doesn’t even know about…
Or maybe he is trusting the research on vitamins not realizing that it has been compromised. I mean I knew drug trials and vaccines were shady but I didn’t realize that vitamins were becoming the same thing.
Hundreds of research articles can be found on pubMed :
Why are you posting this garbage?
What's your deal?
If you want to take MB then take it .
Giving a reader a chance to conduct their own research on PUBMED is garbage?
Please point to the studies YOU claim to have conducted… oh thats right, you have *none*.
Get over yourself “Doctor” , the only thing that’s “garbage” here on this thread is your attitude.
Mercola has fallen off the edge.
yeah he was pushing the evil "green matcha" and I had my blood tested after using his and others and the blood work came back high in many heavy metals. I quit listening to him 4 years ago
Wow. I personally don't think his products are all that great. He uses fillers and tilapia. I think he's got some sound advice but the reality is they're all out to make money.
Oh no really matcha is my favorite drink. I did not know that.
Thank you for the update. I have liked him for years but there is a little something off with him posting that MB stuff.
I appreciate that Substack allows for the free exchange of information and ideas.
I'm very skeptical of much of the information presented by the author. What the author suggest is akin to the virus/no virus controversy.
A paradigm shift in how a soul interprets reality, and the basis of perceived Truth vs deception isn't something to take casually.
I'd love to consider Sasha's opinion regarding the authors assertions regarding supplemental nutrition.
Most important however is that I love the fact that Substack permits such a rich community of diverse voices for consideration.
Peace and dialog should always be valued far above ideological/elitists driven crimes against humanity.
It seems to have a longer list of dangers than nanotech 😂, no thanks.
Keep on rockin' 👍
So I suppose that dr Ana is just a twit, just like so many other doctors praising MB ! "L'important, c'est la dose" ! Many poisons at weak doses cure !!
I think the author needs to be totally honest with the supplement page he presents. Cyanacobalimin IS a derivative of cyanide and must be processed through the liver first. But, there is a great form, called "Methylcobalimin" which is red in color, not as shelf stable, to use...so look for any B12 or B Complex to be in the "methyl" form and you'll be fine. Also, all D3 is not bad...there are brands of D3 which are derived from cold water fish livers and even lanolin from sheep's skin. The "cholcalciferol" is from fish liver and even egg yolks has it in them. It is the dosing that cause trouble. So, if the author wants to write the bad stuff, please give the solutions, as well. People need to educate themselves and then select the brands with the right forms in them, as well as what brands not to purchase. There is a lot of danger in supplements like iron, to be aware of, again, educate yourself before using any of them.
Every single "vitamin" I have researched (I am over 200 hours invested in this), every single one involves hazardous chemicals during the manufacturing / extraction process.
Even if we completely disregard B being Cyanide derived, it is still a carcinogen.
Fish Oil, and, I assume other fish-derived products, undergo a plethora of toxic chemical treatments.
I have only spent 5 seconds researching the Methylcobalamin you recommend. It too is a lab made chemical, not for human consumption:
I have given solutions. View my Vitamin D article.
I completely agree that there is a lot of danger in Iron supplements. I firmly believe it is all supplements. I do not believe we should be ingesting any chemicals.
With all due respect...I have been researching food and nutrition for 45 years now...and I followed closely, the supplement industry over the years, with all of their changes. And although I agree that there are some chemical processes to make supplements, I still say that there are necessary ones. The body does not make/produce everything it needs, and must derive certain amino acids, minerals or vitamins from food sources, or it may be must be supplemented, to remain healthy.
And for instance, if you eat store bought bread that has been enriched, you are still eating these same type "chemicals" (riboflavin, niacin, folic acid (folate) etc) that you say you want to avoid. If you eat a can of soup from the store (or literally ANYTHING AT ALL from the store), you eat many chemicals and processes too.....we cannot avoid ALL chemicals, no matter how hard we try. You can avoid many chemicals, but it is impossible to avoid them all. And I doubt you avoid them all in your daily life.
I am 69 yrs old and do not take any meds at all, and am in great shape. I do take a few very hand picked supplements and I will continue to take what I research and find that works in my body. Our food supply today is so deficient in minerals and vitamins as well, that one cannot eat enough vegetables and such, to remain healthy or get healthy. Without some supplements, I know that I would be in worse shape. You are free to make your own choices, but people on here who listen to you should know that what works well for one, may not work for another. All supplements are NOT bad...but one does need to educate themselves and pick the ones with the least excipients and fillers...even though all are processed in some manner...even with some chemical exposure...nothing is perfect...make wise choices and education on all of this is key to making those good choices for each person. It is not a one size fits all when it comes to people or supplementation. :-)
I think everyone should do what they feel is right and I am glad to hear you are 69 and in great shape! I hope I can say the same when I reach that age! I also think it's even more awesome that you are 69 and researching!
I absolutely agree that the grocery store premade food is loaded with chemicals.
I'm not sure where you stand on the "viruses" topic, whether you feel viruses are real or completely fabricated to swindle us into vaccines, but I have been looking into the discoveries of "vitamins" and at this point, I cannot find any legitimate evidence showing they exist as we are told they do. It appears they have never been truly "isolated". I know it sounds crazy. If you would have said to me a year ago, "Vitamins don't exist", I would have said you're nuts. But if you really start digging into them, the deeper you dig, the less evidence there is to show "vitamins" exist. What does exist is "nutrients", but nutrients are not the same as what we are being told is a "vitamin", which we are then being told needs to be supplemented, by buying a product in a jar containing chemicals. *If* "Vitamins" are essentially a hoax, then everything we are doing to supplement them is illogical.
I too have said "we need to supplement because our food no longer contains vitamins it used to", however, when I began researching this topic, I am having problems locating documentation showing that a carrot in 2024 contains less "vitamins" than a carrot in 1975. Does this evidence exist? I do not know. If they have never isolated "Vitamins", how would we be able to judge the vitamin level in a carrot? I think these are relevant questions we should be asking.
I do think it is a parsing of the words...but nutrients would indeed be a far better word for what we call "vitamins"...I think that word is derived from "vitality" which those vitamins are supposed to bring us. :-) My point was, that we are exposed to many, many chemicals daily in loads of ways...some are useful (I didn't say "good") while others are deadly and accumulate in the body, then cause problems. We have to develop a sense of discernment (from the Lord), of what to use, how much, when and for how long. And even though I do use and recommend some supplements, I do have to change to different ones at times, because the manufacturers change their formulas...this is important, too...to read the labels on EVERY bottle and not assume it is the same...this applies to all packaged foods, as well. They are very sneaky to put things in while no one is looking.
We'll never escape the use of chemicals in all forms. There is abundant literature and studies out there to support your "carrot nutrient" theory...and I found loads of info when researching chemical fertilizers, yes, the common 10-10-10 type chemical fertilizers used by big ag. The density of nutrients today is far less in many vegetables from what they used to be. Home grown using foods using home grown fertilizers (ie: chicken poop, cow manure, etc) would be far more nutrient dense foods, of course, but not everyone can do this. This goes back to the overuse of chemical fertilizers, which leach even more nutrients from the soil, and only put back a few in a relatively different form....not to mention the biome that chemical fertilizers wipe out completely (think natural microbes here). And along with this wipe out, comes the nutrient deficit foods and us.
As far as "viruses", I'm still out on that and even after years of research, I am not convinced that they exist at all...I think it is the natural breakdown of a substance, but not infective, as they claim. And even with the cv "virus"...I have in three years now, never found ONE article that someone claimed to have isolated that cv19 "virus"....not one. Kari Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, also claimed that viruses don't exist and that the PCR test used widely today for this purpose, could not detect the presence of anything of this sort. I tend to lean towards his theory. He paid for his theory with his life. If viruses are real, someone surely would have wanted that credit for the discovery! So, I'm still on the fence, but leaning towards no such thing exists.
I am new to your Substack and I love the thought provoking issues such as the MB...I have a small bottle but only use it as a dye for slides under the scope....I know people who want to use it orally, but I can't say that I'd jump out there and try that yet....not enough info to convince me it is useful...I lean towards toxic on that one. You're doing a great job getting info out there, and I hope to read more of your thought provoking presentations. Thanks for what you do to help sow seeds in the minds of others to do their own research!. ;- )
Use MB at high dilution with great results from chronic ailments, where nothing else worked. Toxic in parts per million, like ppm of arsenic in rock salt, I'm ok with that. Good luck with healthcare.