How the BANKS Created a Fake Race War: "The TRUTH About Lynching"-Shocking Untold History of 1917
How the banks, churches, school system, media and industries schemed to enslave all of the population... (this is probably one of the most important things I have written and the shortest too)
While researching for my piece The History Hoax: How They Faked Historic Photographs, I came across a book called The Truth About Lynching and started reading it. I was surprised by what I was reading because it was quite different from the history I had been taught. People say “history is written by the victors”, but I think that is only partially true. I believe history is written by those with a financial interest in writing history and all that matters is shaping the narrative for future political and financial gain.
Before we get into this document, please remember it is over 100 years old. You may find some of the language to be outdated or even offensive but I think if we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, this is a mind-blowing history lesson that everyone should hear because in it you will learn how three industries took over the banks then forced black and white people to forever indebted to them. Then, to guarantee their stranglehold over the population, they created an artificial race war to sew division because they knew if the people united they will be outnumbered and conquered…
Published in 1917, the document begins by explaining the purpose of lynching was to punish criminals, both black and white, for crimes of murder, rape, theft, attacking police officers and other serious charges. It goes on to say that although the media was spinning lynching as being rooted in racism, the truth was that out of 3,337 people lynched between 1822 - 1903, almost 1,200 of them had white skin.
The second fallacy the media was promoting was that the entire reason for lynching was the rape of white women however the current data proved only 1/3 of the lynchings were attributed to rape.
Additionally, as of 1917, the general populous, including Southern whites, did not like lynching but none of that mattered. What mattered was making sure the population believed white men were hunting non-whites because the belief of a race war was required for successful implementation of their plan.
Although interesting, those statistics were not the purpose of the creation of the publication. The reason the authors wrote the document was to look at how lynching began happening and more specifically, why - and this is what I found to be so compelling that I wanted to share it with you.
Leading up to 1917, several industries controlled the United States. The Eastern and Western states were dominated by railroads and steamships whereas the Southern states were primarily farming and goods production.
In the South, three main industries were in power: the cotton industry, the lumber industry and the turpentine industry (turpentine is made from pine tree resin). Let’s call these “The Big 3”. These three produced the vast majority of the income that funded the banks in the Southern states. Because the banks relied on their monies, like puppet masters, these industries controlled what the banks did. Because of their dominance over the financial institutions The Big 3 also controlled both political parties, which controlled the appointment of law enforcement sheriffs. This gave The Big 3 complete control over the South which lead to the creation of a scheme to “exploit human labor-power and the natural resources of the country for private profits”.
It’s a brilliant scheme; beyond diabolical, but nonetheless, brilliant. Remember, being evil doesn’t mean they are foolish. Unfortunately, the majority of the most evil amongst us are also of high-level intelligence.
A major part of the plan was to create a job shortage. One of the steps taken to accomplish this was importing black men into the South. These black men were unknowing victims of the scheme, only brought in to create employment scarcity. They were providing these imported men with jobs currently held by poor white men. In desperation, the men who were having their livelihoods destroyed at a time of employment scarcity, fought back by shooting the imported men, then the media reported it as hate crimes due to skin color while never stating the real reason behind the massacre. The author points out that black men would have done the same if the roles were reversed, for it was never about race, it was about survival.
While men were being ushered in to upend society, laws were created to imprison black people who had no way to financially support themselves. With more people than jobs, the result was large quantities of black people being rounded up and imprisoned. And this is where The Big 3 industries swooped in to “help”.
The cotton, lumber and turpentine industries would pay the fines needed to free the incarcerated men but since they were poor they were remanded into the custody of the industries where they had to repay the fines by laboring.
The Big 3 were sure to pay such a trivial wage that there was no possible way the fines could ever be repaid. Additionally, they required the laborers to sign “non-performance” contracts, which meant if the men didn’t work to the fullest they would be arrested and charged with theft. It was deemed theft because, at the time, nonrepayment of a loan was considered to be the same as stealing. Stealing resulted in imprisonment and lynching. It was a vicious cycle with no way out. Meanwhile, the crop-lien system was installed.
Poor farmers, both black and white, were getting absolutely f*cked by the banks, which were controlled by The Big 3. The farmers were so broke that they needed financial assistance to begin planting but could repay at time of harvest, so the banks and The Big 3 schemed to allow them to mortgage their crop, but the mortgage terms were so ridiculous that no matter how bountiful the harvest the poor farmers could never get out of debt to the bank. With interest rates as high as 100% on the dollar, eventually the crop-lien system would lead to the farmer losing control of his farm… or worse, nonrepayment was considered theft and theft was punishable by lynching. This meant there would be a farm, built by a poor black or poor white family, now owned by the bank, forcing freed prisoners to indefinitely work on it to repay fines that could never be repaid. The ultimate goal was to make peasants out of both races, and it worked. The author writes, black people “and poor whites don’t unite - unite against a common exploiter - because race prejudice exists and is artfully cultivated to keep them apart”.
The next pillar in the plan was to control the supplies therefore manipulating the price of the supplies. “Just as prices are extortionate when the land is filled with plenty, because those who control the supplies of certain goods corner them and only put upon the open market a supply about commensurate with the demand”.
As mentioned previously, the Big 3 controlled the banks therefore they controlled both the Republican and Democrat politicians and the two parties were who appointed the sheriffs. This meant it was The Big 3, by proxy, who wrote the laws, elected the sheriffs to enforce them, extorted poor black and white farmers to steal their land and forced labor on them, then they would shape the issues caused by their actions as political and use the issues to further divide the people. It was the political parties, not the people, that created the anti-black, anti-labor legislation in the South. “Political parties in the South, as in the North, are extra-legal (illegal) organizations composed of citizens who are controlled by moneyed interests”, the author writes.
While the press ran headline after headline about lynching and race riots, the church was receiving large contributions from The Controllers, meaning The Big 3. Sermons became a for-profit business and preachers preached the messages ordered by those who held the purse strings. This lead to The First Methodist Church becoming split; Northern church-goers could not understand why the Southern branch of their church was rooting for a system of enslavement and praising the Cotton Kings every Sunday. The answer was not because the people coming to worship wanted race wars, nor did the people want enslavement of black people or farms stolen from their fellow citizens, it was because the Southern church was captured… and this played perfectly into the media PSYOP.
To make matters worse, evil bought-and-paid black political leaders in the South were in on the PSYOP. Black citizens were discovering that they could relocate to the Northern, Eastern or Western states and make at least minimum wage, which was currently $2.50 per day, but many businesses outside of the South were paying $3.50 - $12 a day pre-1917 because the economy was in need of reliable laborers. This presented a fantastic opportunity for black people as well as poor whites in the South to get the hell out of there and break free from The Big 3. To prevent black people from leaving to better their lives, black leaders who were part of the PSYOP promoted a catchy new message to “Stay South”. These leaders, who had great influence over the African American community, encouraged black people to continue in the system of indefinite enslavement. Just like our current day Big Pharma that profits off poisoning trusting people, these diabolical black leaders were referred to as Big Negro; they too profited off harm caused to the people who trusted their advice the most. These leaders, who were promoted in the media as good, strong, honest, black men, told black people to remain in the only states which currently oppressed them. At the time, black people were not allowed to vote in these states therefore they would pay into a system for which they had no say over and no way out of. Black people were given no voice in the South because it had to be that way, for if they were given a platform to speak, the people would learn the truth and rise up together to overthrow The Controllers, so instead, these leaders encouraged their people to stay in a place where they were producing wealth in exchange for starvation wages, working for the same men who lynched them. The Stay South scheme, “is the most hypocritical, dishonest and dishonorable council which their bosses have ever hired them to give out”, writes the author.
Meanwhile, other black political leaders, such as Dr. Du Bois, encouraged black people to kill white people. “The Negroes should have prevented that lynching, if they had killed every white man in the country…”, said Du Bois. The author of this document comments, “…Such advice would not seem to emanate from a sane mind - not to mention a sincere heart.”
But it wasn’t just the Big 3, the banks, the sheriffs, the powerful black political leaders, black and white preachers, the press and the church who were in on the PSYOP. The educational system did its part to intentionally stoke the flames of racism. One tactic the school system used to fuel the fire was educational appropriations. The system appropriated only $2.22 per year for black students and only $4.92 per year for white students. Clearly this was hurtful both mentally and educationally for black people, but both sides failed to see the bigger picture which was that neither of those amounts were near-appropriate for an annual education of a child. Whether it be $2 or $4, it was only enough money per student to ensure both black and white children would not receive the education they needed to become smart enough and brave enough to question the system they intentionally were trapped inside. The low dollar amounts were only enough to further the racism agenda; divide and conquer. The lack of educational funding was to produce a surplus of unskilled laborers who were destined to become indebted to the system. “Education of Negroes and whites is a solvent key, for prejudice is born of ignorance and blind hate”.
The author points out that the majority of white people did not want lynching (despite what the media was saying) and goes on to remind readers that slavery was abolished when white people stood up to it, therefore to abolish lynching, the races must unite. He reminds readers that when nearly 800 white men were first lynched, it was viewed as a white problem so black men did nothing because we, as people, have been manipulated into only seeing the need for change when it is us being effected. Then, when black people began being lynched and white lynching began to diminish, it was seen as a black problem and this time around white men did nothing. At the time of publishing this document the author wrote, “the pendulum is swinging again and ten to twelve whites are being lynched a year now”, his point being, murder is not a white problem nor a black problem, it is a problem, a grave injustice, that all people must fight against, period. A mob of angry men should never have the liberty to take a fellow mans life under the guise of justice.
The author goes on to point out that this system of oppression is not an issue only impacting blacks, it is also greatly impoverishing whites because when a black man is forever indebted to the scheme and is forced to work for starvation wages, why would the company hire a white man? Due to the rigged system driving down the cost of labor, you end up with one race working for free and the other unemployed. At the end of the day you have both races are starving to death, stuck is a system of oppression where there are no opportunities. You see, the system was intricately designed to destroy everyone while getting man to point the blame at his fellow mans skin pigmentation instead of seeing the blame should be placed on those who created the system: the banks, The Big 3 and their Controllers.
This 1917 document was written by A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen:
I hope that 107 years later, I was able to share their message in a way they would have been proud of. Thank you, my brothers, for spreading a message of wisdom, peace, unity and encouragement to all people. And thank you for taking the time to record history so over a century later a cartoon agent can share it with people of all pigmentations who are on the same mission you were, spreading truth.
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thank you for this article! I’ve been meaning to write on this time period and one of the angles I want to take was how Lyndon B Johnson created the KKK to incite race wars.
Two terms I want to introduce to the audience is “Democide and Menticide”:
One of the things I’ve also found out was that the Bank of England was directly involved in the Civil war by raising taxes on the south since the banks funded the cotton industry:
Great work and looking forward to checking out more of your work!
Spot on! The race wars, like the war between the sexes has been fabricated and flamed by powerful interests and was invented out of thin air. I don’t even believe folks are ‘naturally prejudice’ — I think we are naturally wary of the unknown—so moving folks around, making their lives a constant battle of unknowns is a strategy.
It’s clear to see when traveling in the Caribbean in particular that ‘mixed’ races were the norm, as has been the case with our early maritime-mercantile ancestors who formed guilds around work and skills, not race. One particular strategy that is very effective and still used routinely by those fomenting racism or sexism is to compare the best of one group to the worst of the other group. Assumptions and prejudice based on castes is far more universally common. When you look at it through that lens, EVERYONE who must work for a living is in the same caste, according to our real owners. Those dynasties haven’t worked for a century plus.