👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thank you for this article! I’ve been meaning to write on this time period and one of the angles I want to take was how Lyndon B Johnson created the KKK to incite race wars.

Two terms I want to introduce to the audience is “Democide and Menticide”: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

One of the things I’ve also found out was that the Bank of England was directly involved in the Civil war by raising taxes on the south since the banks funded the cotton industry: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-esoteric-philosophy-is-vital-329

Great work and looking forward to checking out more of your work!

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"I hope that 107 years later, I was able to share their message in a way they would have been proud of. Thank you, my brothers, for spreading a message of wisdom, peace, unity and encouragement to all people."

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Spot on! The race wars, like the war between the sexes has been fabricated and flamed by powerful interests and was invented out of thin air. I don’t even believe folks are ‘naturally prejudice’ — I think we are naturally wary of the unknown—so moving folks around, making their lives a constant battle of unknowns is a strategy.

It’s clear to see when traveling in the Caribbean in particular that ‘mixed’ races were the norm, as has been the case with our early maritime-mercantile ancestors who formed guilds around work and skills, not race. One particular strategy that is very effective and still used routinely by those fomenting racism or sexism is to compare the best of one group to the worst of the other group. Assumptions and prejudice based on castes is far more universally common. When you look at it through that lens, EVERYONE who must work for a living is in the same caste, according to our real owners. Those dynasties haven’t worked for a century plus.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 26

That is a really interesting dive into the true history. We are being scammed, used and played for a very long time and it's not changing.

Incidentally, they had a very similar system in the north with the indentured coal miners. This even existed until the late 1950ies I believe.

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Thank you for the details that I haven't encountered before. Your article inspired me to place it into a global interpretive frame:


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Another piece of the BIG LIE exposed. It's all about divide and conquer as it has worked since the beginning of time. The sad thing imho is how this it's all about greed. There is plenty available on this earthly plane but not when there's a swath of the population who believe they are entitled to more than the person next door smh. They've tapped into our most basic human emotions and not the good ones! They're whole agenda is based upon scarcity and it's worked swimmingly. Until we can transcend the material/physical realm and live through spirituality and essence, we will be caught in their man (satan) made web of acquisition. I hope the youngins now are beginning to see that more isn't better, it's just more. Thanks again Agent, I appreciate all the work you do to educate us on our REAL his-story. And that's what it is: HIS-story. It should be called "theirstory" but that's harder to pronounce! They probably made up the word to begin with lol

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Yes this is important work that you are doing.

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