The GOLD STANDARD: The Biggest CRIME in History - a True Story of CONSPIRACY, FORGERY and the Plot to Capture America (Untold History)
What does a secret Bill, the American Bankers Association, London and the US Mint have in common? 1873, the year the biggest crime in American History was successfully pulled off by "The Controllers"
When our forefathers established the United States government they provided a “bi-metallic” monetary system. Coinage, both silver and gold, would be the basic currency. Since it is not realistic, nor safe, to carry a chest of coins, paper money was to be redeemable as either. The ratio between the two metals, as coined into money, was 16 to 1. This meant that the pure silver in the silver dollar weighed 16 times as much as the pure gold in the gold dollar, thus making them equal. (The alloy put into each coin to make it harder was not counted in the ratio.)
Bi-metallic money law provided that the mints should be opened at the expense of government. The government would coin the gold and silver, free of cost with the coinage process being interest-free.
Both gold and silver coins were made full legal tender, which could be used to pay all debts including taxes or other government obligations. The system worked great for the people because when one became cheaper or more easily accessible than the other, the people shifted their demand to that metal. This allowed the other metal time to be replenished. The ability for the people to switch back-and-fourth brought down the demand therefore keeping the commercial value low. Under this practice, the commercial value of gold and silver never varied more than 3%! Then came the year the biggest crime in history occurred, a crime that would set off a chain of events that would forever change the United States of America…
In January of 1873 a Bill was before Congress, “A Bill to Reform the Coinage and Mint Laws”. Interestingly, not a word was spoken of the Bill on Congressional record. In fact, the only mention of this bill could be found in the records of the Senate floor for January 17, 1873. This record says, “It passed without a roll call and no dissenting vote”.
The secretive new Bill demonized silver by discontinuing it and making the standard, the only standard, the Gold Standard. We now refer to the (secretive) Bill as The Coinage Act of 1873.
The Bill became law in 1876, and when Congress and the People discovered the new law, “it sent up a howl across the United States”. President Grant, who was about to leave office, stated he had no recollection of signing this Bill three years prior. Although he did admit to signing a 15-page Bill, which he claimed he did not personally read, but he was under the belief that it was a way to regulate the Mint laws because it was read to him orally. He also said that had he have known this bill demonized silver he never would have signed it.
Gant saying “I don’t know” wasn’t enough for the People.. The more citizens tried to find evidence of this Bill, the less they could locate. This shadow bill seemed to have come from nowhere and was never discussed by Congress… then passed unanimously… without a role call...
It would later be realized that the Bill was edited by the enrolling clerk of the report of the conference. Yes, the Bill was a massive conspiracy, snuck into the record by an employee of the legislative system. Evidence of it passing was fabricated. The President signed what was orally read to him, which did not contain the edits which would come after his signature touched the paper but before it became official. It truly was one of the biggest crimes in American History. Senator Daniels of Virginia said the forgery committed in the enrollment of the Bill was done at the capitol in Washington.
The government knew they needed to quickly repeal this Bill because it was fraud, but during their attempt to do so, the American Bankers Association, all of the big money lenders in the United States and agents from London representing money lenders from England who owned US bonds, rallied in support of the forged 1873 Bill. They flooded the country with literature and speeches in favor of the new standard, the single standard, the Gold Standard.
It was imperative to spin this forged Bill as a benefit to the People, so the public was told this would greatly reduce inflation, it would ensure longevity of the US financial system and therefore it would protect their personal assets. The new single standard would guarantee frivolous spending by the government never occurred. Don’t you want all those things? If so, then you should root for the one standard, the only standard, the Gold Standard!
But the real reason the bankers rushed to throw worldwide support behind the fake Bill was because it was to “double the value of all bonds, notes and mortgages held by the money lenders and to depreciate, by one-half, the value of the products and other property of the people”. For example, cotton would be driven down to only 5-cents a pound and wheat only 50-cents a bushel, thus crushing the farming industry while grossly enriching the bankers; the perfect way to kick off a Class War - a war which The Controllers knew was an essential component for their power grab, for without this war, the people had too much money and too much power. The people needed to be financially impoverished, therefore relying on the bankers, The Controllers.
During this identical timeframe, the “Big 3” Southern industries (cotton, turpentine and lumber) captured the banks then wielded them as a weapon in a massive attack on the South, which I outlined in The Truth About Lynching: How the Banks Created a FAKE Race War. With military precision, the banks and propaganda machines were used to enslave the Southern population, both black and white. Churches, schools and newspapers were captured then used to push a message of hate to divide and conquer the population. But enslaving the South was not enough, the plan had to be taken nationwide. Let’s get back to the Bill of 1876:
Clearly, it was an emergency for Congress to save America by repealing this Bill but by this point, only three years after the Bill passed but before it had become law in 1876, the majority of the members of Congress had become stockholders in banks and were now members of the American Bankers Association. Those who were not members were contracted as lawyers for the banks and other money lenders, all of which would become incredibly wealthy off the new single standard, The Gold Standard.
Would you like to hear the even more suppressed version of events that occurred leading up to 1873? The even truer untold history? Trust me, you do…
Although history sites, such as Wikipedia, leave this entire forgery event out and even deny its occurrence, it can be found in old literature, documented by citizens who were knowledgeable of the facts at the time. Additionally it can be found hidden away in old records.
Robert Van Ryzin is a current-day researcher who has spent a great deal of his life digging through library and government archives to expose this fraud. Here is what he discovered combined with my research:
Prior to 1873, the key players in government, those needed to pull off this heist, wrote letters to each other using code names. Secret payments were made to treasury agent, Henry R. Linderman by a California banker named William C. Ralston. These secret payments were to secure key provisions of the Coinage Act of 1873.
Mr. Linderman, was more than just a treasury agent, he was active in politics as a Democrat and was Chief Clerk of the US Mint in Philadelphia. In the years before the Act, the US government sent Linderman to London, Paris, and Berlin to collect information concerning the Mints in those places. And, in 1872, months prior to the secretive passing of the Act, Linderman provided the US government with an elaborate report on the condition of the market for silver. This is interesting because, in only a short time, silver would be taken away from the people via the Act but a new use for silver would be created, the Silver Trade Dollar. The Trade Dollar was rules for thee but not for me because this new currency wasn’t intended for us plebs to use. In fact, we couldn’t even use them even if we wanted to because they made them off-limits by declaring them non-legal tender in the country of issuance, so, you can’t make this sh*t up, we minted them then sent them to China.
Upon completing his overseas work, Linderman drafted the Coinage Act of 1873. When passed, it reorganized the US Mint, creating centralized power with a Commissioner of the Mint and a Board of Commissioners. He was then appointed superintendent of the mint and, from that time forward, he oversaw all of the mints and assay offices in the United States.
After the Bill was discovered by the People in 1876, Linderman knew he needed to take action to quash the outrage so he did his part to rollout the PSYOP. In 1877 he used his newfound power to promote the new standard, the only standard, the Gold Standard. He explained how valuable it was for the people, and, with full authority over the Mint, his statements became fact; the single standard system was a blessing, the silly plebs just didn’t know what was best for them. By the way, in 1875, the year before the Bill was made official, William C. Ralston (the banker dude who sent the bribery payments to Linderman) died mysteriously. His body was found floating in the San Francisco Bay. His death would be quickly labeled suicide.
31 years later, in 1908, a secret meeting was held on Jekyll Island. This meeting was attended by bankers including the Rockefellers and Morgans. At this meeting, the plot to create the Federal Reserve was set into action. Read my piece A Secret Island Meeting & a Fictional Book Birthed the Federal Reserve: Untold History - The Plot to Destroy America.
Henry Ford was exceptionally concerned with the Gold Standard, pointing out that there is only so much of this natural resource, only so many locations to mine it, only so much manpower to retrieve it, and a single standard is an easily controlled standard…
Just as Mr. Henry Ford predicted, when gold became the standard, the only standard, the Rockefellers and pals captured the gold mines meanwhile the Rothschilds literally set the price of gold. (Read: Is Investing in Gold a PSYOP?).
It was only a matter of years before a Freemason president would pass Executive Order 6102, making gold illegal for the People to possess, followed by Order 6814, requiring all silver to be seized by the government. The government required citizens immediately trade in their metals for paper currency and if they did not they would have no way to ever redeem the value of their now-illegal bi-metallic investments and assets. Those who refused to comply were to be imprisoned (and they were).
Once all the bi-metallic money that could be rounded up was, and the whatever citizens kept hidden in their mattresses couldn’t be used or traded, the Freemason president took the country off of the Gold Standard, now there was no standard; no bi-metallic standard, nothing. Paper money could be printed freely, exactly as planned.
For the following 40 years, gold would be illegal for citizens to possess. In 1971 President Nixon officially ended the Gold Standard, but it didn’t matter because it hadn’t been used for decades.
In 1974, with the Federal Reserve in place, the Mint under complete control of The Controllers, the mines owned by the elites and the price of gold set by the biggest banker in the world, President Gerald Ford repealed the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, allowing the plebs to exchange gold again. YAY!
Really good presentation on the Crime of 1873:
In 1896, William Jennings Bryan, a former U.S. Representative from Nebraska said in a speech at the Democratic National Convention, "You shalt not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Bryan emphatically endorsed, "Free Silver" as a medium of exchange along with gold. In truth money, like the energy it represents, should be released into circulation commensurate with the industrial, technological, and overall productive capacity of a nation. Adolph Hitler and National Socialist Germany recognized this and in a few short years Germany soared to the top as the most prosperous nation on earth. Concomitant with this, it is imperative that the money be interest or usury free. In many ancient cultures, usury was considered a capital felony offense like murder or rape. Usury is the great destroyer of civilizations. The problem with the U.S., is that the bankster and corporate criminals, along with their lackeys in government have so de-industrialized the country that it produces little more than prisons, lottery tickets, and fast food hamburgers. You can't build a lasting edifice on a foundation of sand. That and its polyglot, mongrelized population, which is part and parcel of its pre-meditated destruction along with the dismantling of its industries. It is astonishing and sickening to realize that by the middle of the 20th century, the U.S. was such an economic powerhouse that it produced almost as much as the entire rest of the world combined. It is now a pathetic shell of its former self, again all by design, promulgated by the usual suspects. Great post and piece of writing here, "A", thank you.
I sit at a desk with a mountain of scales dropping from my eyes after reading your report. Truly, this is a horrrendous crime. Many have already been informed of the nefarious plot to create the "Federal" Reserve thanks to the book The Creature from Jekyll Island by patriot G. Edward Griffin, and I vaguely recall reading about William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" sermon as an "interesting" event in 19th Century Americana, but to discover the immense depravity of this heinous crime has been jarring to say the least.
Many thanks for your valuable research and reportage of this generally hidden but earthshaking conspiracy!