Alaska Became a State to Imprison PATRIOTS: The Bankers One-World Government Plot of the 1940s (Untold History)
An emotional rollercoaster: a true story of Good vs Evil and the plan to capture America. When people's backs were against the wall, unexpected allies appeared to fight the good fight...
Every American citizen needs to read this regardless of what side they are on because it details shocking history; how Alaska became the 49th state for a single purpose… to imprison resistors - betcha didn’t learn that in 8th grade History class. This insane piece of history takes place only 20 years after The Truth About Lynching; a true story of how The Controllers used the banks to enslave the South. The media, politicians, schools and churches were weaponized to fabricate racism: the biggest PSYOP of 1900. I’ll put the link to The Truth About Lynching at the end of this crazy piece. Enjoy -
I stumbled across this incredible book, published in 1960 called The Federal Reserve Hoax. I am only two chapters deep and my mind is blown.
Amongst other things, the book starts out by explaining the need to control the money, the military, the mail, religion and the ether. It then begins to lay out exactly how this was accomplished. I want to share with you what I have learned thus far.
In 1942 the Federal Council of Churches (Yes, the Federal. Council of. CHURCHES. - read that name five more times or until it sinks in. Oh and by the way, it was later accused of being a front for Communism) met to discuss a new way of life for America. The Federal Council of Churches meeting members included Alger Hiss (US government official who helped found the United Nations, later accused of being a foreign asset), Edward Stettinius (Secretary of State for Franklin D. Roosevelt and chair of the United States delegation to the United Nations, also later accused of being a foreign asset), and others who were also accused of subversion. Their six proposals were:
a One-World Government which would have its own Constitution and Bill of Rights, overseen by the United Nations and its Covenant of Human Rights.
a World Bank, underwritten by Harry Dexter White (a senior U.S. Treasury department official, later accused of being a spy for the Soviet Union)
Development of “G.A.T.T.” - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, a multilateral agreement regulating international trade
a One-World Police Force
Indiscriminate Immigration (we now know this as “Open Borders”)
a standard revised Bible
To move forward with The Plan, not long after the meeting, the Federal Council of Churches was expanded to become the World Council of Churches. The World Council of Churches set about to address Human Rights. Guess what the World Council of Churches was accused of?…
…if you said being “a foreign asset?”, you’re close! They were accused of being Mormons and Freemasons, poh-tay-toe, poh-tot-oh.
In 1957, a secret meeting was held on St. Simons Island in Georgia. Those in attendance were the International Bankers and their key players. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the progress of The Plan and further develop the strategy to bring the goals even closer to fruition. They were confident that the completion of the One-World dream would be successful using International Law exercised through the United Nations via an endless Cold War, but one thing stood in their way… the Patriots.
You see, the freedom-loving Patriots of the 1940s and 50s despised what they were seeing happening around them and had no problem calling out the politicians, including the President, the United Nations and all of the organizations attempting to capture the United States. The Patriots were very organized, creating literature and holding meetings to broadcast the subversion of America through war and propaganda:
They even ran advertisements in newspapers across the United States to warn that organizations had been created to pose as Patriots to mislead people. The fake organizations were creating literature to attack minorities and breed hatred to give a false illusion that Patriotism meant racism, meanwhile the freedom-loving movement was not against minorities. (whoa, sound familiar?)
You may be thinking that the Patriots fighting the good fight were only the bravest of men, but that is not the case. Women saw this as a war that they too must join, which lead to the formation of The Minute Women of the U.S.A., one of the largest anti-Communist women’s groups. The Minute Women was just as well-organized as the male Patriot groups, boasting over 50,000 known members in this single organization. American suburban housewives set down their rolling pins and brooms and took up activism, but, unlike the men, the Minute Women chose to make their organization covert. They played their role of homemaker in the public eye, yet they were infiltrating organizations to gain the intelligence needed to take down evil. They fought Atheism, Socialism and social welfare provisions, socialized medicine, the New Deal, and most importantly, they campaigned against the United Nations and Communist individuals with focus on schools, without its members being known. The Minute Women communicated with precision, developing a chain-telephoning system in which one member called five others, who in turn made five more calls, enabling the group to be contacted within a short space of time, leaving no paper trail.
These groups of strong and organized people, who were unafraid of their government, absolutely terrified the International Bankers and the World Council of Churches. In order for The Plan to be successful, they must be silenced, for if The People were to unite with the Patriots, the plan would fail because there simply isn’t enough of The Controllers to control a population of resistors.
Franklin D. Roosevelt agreed that something must be done to stop the Patriots, so he experimented with eradicating them through imprisonment. 30 Patriots were to be charged with crimes and 22 of them, the top Christian-American Patriots, were to be sentenced to 4.5 years in prison in Washington DC. This event was known as the Mass Sedition Trial (also known as The Great Sedition Trial of 1944). The defendants were accused of being Antisemitic Nazis because they did not support the (bankers) war in Germany. The fake literature created by the bogus Patriot organizations was used against them, but it didn’t work. The courts were not able to convict the 22 Patriots so it had become clear that this method was not going to work on a grand scale. A new plan needed to be devised, and this new plan was a massive plan which forever changed history.
The first step in the revised Plan was to eliminate the State Militia. Next, all guns were to be registered. The third step was incredibly important and dated back to the 1942 meeting; States Rights were to be replaced by the Covenant of Human Rights, which, amongst other things, takes away a citizens right to actually own property, a home or even an automobile; all forms of property will become a privilege, a privilege which can be taken away. At of the time the author published The Federal Reserve Hoax book, the Covenant of Human Rights, along with the Genocide Covenant, were being decided on in Congress.
The next step of The Plan, in my opinion, was the most surprising because I never knew this, hence the reason I wanted to write this article.
The author writes, the goal was to create “A Serbia in America” through the Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act. Although the Bill was initially introduced as a mental health program, it also involved building a mass facility. This facility was to be where people from across the nation, deemed mentally ill, would be sent.
This Bill was created by democrats but ultimately received bipartisan support. From the time the Bill was announced, Patriots accused it, and the entire Mental Hygiene scheme, as being part of a communist plot to hospitalize and brainwash Americans and being part of an international Jewish and psychiatric conspiracy intended to establish United Nations-run concentration camps in the United States.
The Alaska Mental Health Bill rallied the Patriot movement, but it also rallied unexpected allies.
L. Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology became the first to fight alongside the Patriots. Now it was no longer just the freedom-loving self-identified Patriots going to war with the government. The Church hated the government and despised the Psychology industry, which was what was to be wielded as a weapon, used to label people mentally unfit prior to being shipped off to Alaska. The Church participated in the campaign against the bill which they nicknamed the "Siberia Bill". In L. Ron Hubbard’s Ron's Journal 67, Hubbard identified the people behind the Siberia Bill, who he asserted were:
“Less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains, and they are, oddly enough, directors in all the mental health groups in the world which have sprung up. Now these chaps are very interesting fellows: They have fantastically corrupt backgrounds; illegitimate children; government graft; a very unsavory lot. And they apparently, sometime in the rather distant past, had determined on a course of action. Being in control of most of the gold supplies of the planet, they entered upon a program of bringing every government to bankruptcy and under their thumb, so that no government would be able to act politically without their permission.”
Scientology also provided a critical piece of the evidence which the anti-bill campaigners used — a booklet titled Brain-Washing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics. This is what would unofficially kick of the insane, multi-decade battle featuring The Church of Scientology vs the World Bank, CIA, FDA and US Government, an action-packed true story of espionage, theft, PSYOPS and biological weapons - one of the wildest tales you have never heard (but I wrote about it for you in Whooping Cough Chemtrails: The Church of Scientology vs the CIA).
Something had to be done to salvage the credibility of the Bill. This lead to America's professional health associations, including the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association and Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, coming out in favor of it. The mainstream religious organizations, under the control of the World Religion scheme, rallied behind the medical and psychiatric industries in support of the Bill. In fact, The Alaska Presbyterian Church issued a statement, "As Christian citizens of Alaska we believe this is a progressive measure for the care and treatment of the mentally ill of Alaska.”. The church then urged the National Council of Churches to mobilize support for the bill.
The thumbs-up from the medical associations and churches didn’t stop the People’s outrage. More groups joined to oppose the Bill. Women for God and Country, the For America League, former military and even accused-white supremacist Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith joined the fight.
Together, the citizens flooded Washington DC with angry letters, phone calls and protests regarding the Bill. The amount of correspondence on the bill exceeded anything seen since the previous public controversy, the Lend-Lease Act of 1941.
But the outrage didn’t help. “By 100% voice vote, the Alaskan Mental Health Bill (HR 6376) passed both Houses. Congress appropriated One-Million acres and Twelve-and-One-Half-Million Dollars to build a mental institution in Alaska, where there are only 345 mentally ill people”.
A letter printed in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper in May of 1956 summarized the reason citizens were trying to torpedo the Bill. The Oklahoman wrote the most important sentence of all because it explained the true reason for the Bill (read this closely):
The advocates of world government, who regard patriotism as the symptom of a diseased mind, took a step closer to their goal of compulsory asylum 'cure' for opponents of UNESCO, when, on January 18, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Alaska Mental Health Act.
The Act was prepared by the U.S. Department of Justice, Department of the Interior and the socialist-oriented Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It closely follows the Model Code, drafted by the American Psychiatric association, which has been working with the World Health Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations...
All of you who don't want members of your family railroaded to an asylum had better start writing your senator, now.
It’s right there, in black and white, they “regarded patriotism as the symptom of a diseased mind” - the mentally ill were the Patriots. The mentally ill were those who loved their country.
Following the passage of the act, an Alaska Mental Health Trust was set up to administer the land and grants appropriated to fund the Alaskan mental health program.
Because nationwide mentally ill Patriots citizens would be transported across state lines to get to Alaska, it was now mandatory for Alaska, which was a Territory, to officially become a State, which meant Alaska’s current laws needed to be revised.
In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of the United States when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting the territory to the Union.
Now that Alaska was an official part of the Union, it was mandatory that Alaska’s State Constitution be rewritten and, for The Plan to proceed as needed, it was mandatory that Trial by Jury and Hebeas Corpus be eliminated. Rewriting the Constitution involved the Supreme Court which did its duty to assist in the bringing about of the One-World Government by giving permission to enter ones home without a warrant under certain circumstances. The seal of protection from the government, inside ones home, had officially been broken, but don’t worry folks, it’s just special circumstances, for your safety, of course.
While that was happening, the Psychiatric profession was quickly built into an industry, exactly as The Church of Scientology had warned of. It was packed full of “subversive alien elements” and utter quackery; an essential step for what was to come. The ability to declare citizens mentally unfit based on ever-changing guidelines were established by the industry itself (but overseen by the United Nations). This was an essential component to aid the Alaskan Mental Health Bill, for without a way to classify people as mentally defective, the Alaska facility would not be put to good use.
The author writes, “Now every American Citizen who has dared to speak or write against the Debauchery in which we find ourselves, is ever-cognizant of the knock on the door at midnight and has become a very very poor insurance risk. He can now be taken from his home and shipped to Alaska, because, as Congressman Dowdy of Athens, Texas said regarding the Civil Rights Bill, “Someone thinks he has to think a certain way”. This is the point of no return. By means of an injection, and/or a lobotomy, the Citizens patterned after our Founding Fathers will become Zombies and utterly useless in the World-Wide, Life and Death struggle. Do you think they have overlooked anything? Not in your life. They are not only highly intelligent, and well hidden behind their newspaper, magazine, radio and television propaganda screens, but they have unlimited funds and are ever awake, ever alert, while you are asleep literally and figuratively”… “The Quiet Citizen must realize that they cannot dodge the issue, or shy away from it - silence is indicative of acceptance of the Satanic Plan of the International Bankers”…
Oh no, not Alaska. What next. This is weird, though. I remember being there when it became a state, in early 1958, not 1959. We lived in Fairbanks for two years between 1956 and 1958, but we were living in Tacoma, Washington in January 1959 (3rd grade).
The memory is off by a full year. Now I'm wondering what other memories are wrong. Or if history was somehow altered. Or my memory. I already had a two-year memory gap, summer 1952 to summer 1954, and now this.
Oh well, thanks anyway. I'm becoming accustomed to the notion that the world I thought I grew up in was fiction.
We have to share stuff like this until massive amounts of people wake up!!!!