Three groups of mice, one of them serves as a proper control group, one receives the culture medium, one receives the culture medium with herpes simplex type one.
LOL yes,but i looked at his paper and her eis what they call a virus "isolate: "Virus was grown in Vero cell monolayers in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS)" LOL
and not so funny as this all animal abuse:
"Mice were anesthetized with Avertin and the lower lip was scarified with 10 vertical strokes of a 25-gauge needle covering an area approximately 15.0 mm2. A viral inoculum of 6.0×105 PFU suspended in 10 µL of DMEM was applied to the lower lip and allowed to adsorb for 1 h. "
These "scientists" are just psychpaths who like to torture animals and getting handsoly paid for it
HSV-1 (or any other virus) hasn't been proven to exist and PCR has been thoroughly debunked as a diagnostic tool. A trillion copies of crap is still crap.
> And viruses exist, and have absolutely been isolated.
Sources, please.
Here’s a great paper to start with.
Three groups of mice, one of them serves as a proper control group, one receives the culture medium, one receives the culture medium with herpes simplex type one.
Guess which group develops herpetic blisters?
The thing is, from everything I've read--they have "isolated" viruses in the lab but never in humans--not for any virus in the world. Why is this?
We are waiting Matt .
Ahh. So injecting mice with poison concoction produces a symptom. Must be a virus!
LOL yes,but i looked at his paper and her eis what they call a virus "isolate: "Virus was grown in Vero cell monolayers in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS)" LOL
and not so funny as this all animal abuse:
"Mice were anesthetized with Avertin and the lower lip was scarified with 10 vertical strokes of a 25-gauge needle covering an area approximately 15.0 mm2. A viral inoculum of 6.0×105 PFU suspended in 10 µL of DMEM was applied to the lower lip and allowed to adsorb for 1 h. "
These "scientists" are just psychpaths who like to torture animals and getting handsoly paid for it
HSV-1 (or any other virus) hasn't been proven to exist and PCR has been thoroughly debunked as a diagnostic tool. A trillion copies of crap is still crap.
Contagion and "viruses" are fake, ur a shill