"Mandela Effect" or Something Much More Sinister?
I caught a Mandela Effect Red-Handed. WTF is really going on here?
“Mandela Effect is a term that was coined by internet researcher Fiona Broome to describe a type of false memory that is shared widely by a large group of people.” The Mandela Effect is named after Nelson Mandela, who died in 2013. However, countless people distinctly remember the dude dying in prison in the 1980s.
First, we are going to look at a handful of Mandela Effects then I am going to share my DEBUNKING of a Mandela Effect, which leads me to wonder if something much more sinister is going on here. Let’s begin:
Darth Vader never said, “Luke, I am your father”. They claim the correct line is, “No, I am your father”.
Allegedly, the logo never had a cornucopia in it. Why do so many people, myself included, believe there was a cornucopia? Isn’t that a bizarre thing for millions of complete strangers, across the world, to conjure up?
Apparently, their last name never was “Berenstein”, it’s Berenstain. That’s another weird one.
Yeah, they are claiming Hannibal never said, “Hello, Clarice”. What he actually said was, “Good morning”. Da fuq?
Yep, the Flinstones is actually the Flintstones…
Curious George never had a tail. I’m undecided about this one.
The show was never called “Sex in the City”, it is called, “Sex and the City”. It could be called “Sex on the City”, for all I care.
The correct name of the product is, “Febreze”, what a stupid name.
They claim the line from Snow White is not, “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”, and instead, the correct line is, “Magic Mirror on the Wall”.
Welp, they say it’s actually “Tunes”, “Looney Tunes”. That doesn’t even look write when I just typed it.
Looney Tunes, Froot Loops… no wonder everyone relies on Spell Check.
The correct name of the product is “Oscar Mayer”. Who wants to be friends with someone who pronounces it, “Oscar Mayor?”. Call it Oscar Meijer or don’t say the name at all.
They claim Forest Gump actually said, “Life was like a box of chocolates”….
They say there has never been a dash between the word Kit and Kat. They claim it has always been “KitKat”
Yeah, they claim C-3PO has always had a silver leg.
Now we find out nobody ever said, “Beam me up, Scotty”. The actual line was, “Scotty, beam us up”… which doesn’t sound catchy at all.
The Monopoly Man never wore a monocle.
The brand name is “Skechers”, without a letter T. I just checked eBay, and there’s currently over 13,000 active listings for Sketchers. That’s a whole lotta Mandela:
I’m really undecided about this one, but the correct answer is, his tail is solid yellow (no black)
Here’s another one that made me do a double-take; they claim it’s just “Cheez-It”, so that means you now have to call it “A box of Cheez-It”, not “a box of Cheez-Itz”
Well, I guess Sinbad never played the genie in the movie Shazaam, it was actually Shaq. I’ve never seen the movie. If you have and you swear it’s Sinbad, let me know in the comments.
There’s tons more examples that you can see online. The two that have me the most puzzled are:
In the bible, “The Lion Shall Lay Down with the Lamb”, is apparently false. It is supposed to be “The Lamb Shall Lay Down with the… … … … WOLF”. WTF? WOLF? SERIOUSLY? NO F’ING WAY. Quick story: When I was growing up, my parents were super active in the church… like two-levels-before-“cult”-active. I’m sure I’ll share those stories with you over time. Anyway, one year, the third grade after-school religious education teacher was hospitalized or something, whatever the reason was, she couldn’t come in to teach. My mother volunteered me to fill in for her. I was around 15 at the time and for some reason, this sounded like a great idea to the religious ed program leaders. So, I went in, having no idea what I was supposed to do, and it turned out that the teacher I was filling in for had already made lesson plans, so that made it easy. The first day, the lesson plan was coloring sheets and a story. Guess what the coloring sheets were of? The LION and the LAMB. I remember this clearly because it was my first time using a Xerox machine and I couldn’t figure it out and I def didn’t want to break that huge early-1990’s electronic that took up the entire room. I had to find a fellow teacher, interrupt her teaching, and ask her to help me. She seemed aggravated, but she showed me how to use the machine, then stormed off. When I tried to run off the remaining 6 sheets, they wouldn’t print. I had to go get the bitchy teacher again and she scolded me for the machine being “out of paper”, which sure did explain why it wouldn’t print.
Although the lesson plan said 13 children, only 12 showed up, so I had one extra coloring sheet and I didn’t know what to do with it, so I folded it up, put it in my pocket and brought it home.
At home, I told my mom about Mrs. Johnson being an asshole and showed her the coloring sheet, at which time my mom scolded me for speaking ill of wonderful Mrs. Johnson then scolded me for “bringing home church property”. My mom then took that stupid coloring sheet and hung it on our fridge with a magnet… and this is where it hung for eternity… so the lion and the lamb could smirk at me.
People on Reddit are commenting on this alleged Mandela Effect, and they have stories very similar to mine. They specifically remember LION, not WOLF.
The second Mandela that weirds me out is JC Penny… well, technically, they claim it has always been called JC Penney. I don’t have a story to go with this, so let’s look at this Mandela Effect that hit Twitter on November 17th, 2023:
What is the longest river in the USA? Mississippi or Missouri? Here’s the Twitter video:
Per the video above, I also remember it as Mississippi, but a Google Search shows it is Missouri:
I then asked my kids; one who just graduated said “Mississippi”. The other, who is still in school, said the same. How is the kid who is still in school and has a A in geography, also wrong? I text my buddy the video and he too said he remembers the answer being Mississippi. He asked his children, who are 13 and 15, and both said Mississippi. WTF is going on here?
Then I remembered… I have those 1920’s encyclopedias I purchased off eBay!
And guess what this Encyclopedia says? On page #258 of Letter M, it states that the longest river is THE MISSISSIPPI. It also states, the MISSISSIPPI LONGER THAN THE MISSOURI RIVER:
It dawned on me that if I didn’t have these encyclopedias, I would have had no way to look it up, so I would have been forced to think my memory was wrong.
My Google Search was for The Longest River in the USA. But to take it a step further, according to the Encyclopedia, the Mississippi is actually the longest river in the WORLD… but not according to Google. Google claims the Nile is longer:
Going off Googles search result, the Nile measures 4,132. According to the 1920s Colliers Encyclopedia, the Mississippi measures 4,200. I’m not good at mathing, but I think 4,200 is larger than 4,132, right? Where's my calculator?
So, wtf is going on here? I would love to hear your thoughts. Here’s mine:
Is this is some kind of mindf*ck game they are playing? With everything being digital; our photos are instantly uploaded from our cell phones to online storage, our books are digital, documents are digital, movies are streamed, everything is now hosted on the internet, how hard would it be for them to change or add things? For example, how difficult would it be to have AI insert chemtrails into older media stored in online files? We already know they are inserting them in to old movies, but that is a different post for a different day.
Those of us who have invested years of our lives into researching these mindf*ck PSYOPS, like Tavistock, MKUltra (and its 150ish subprograms), etc, already know they get a raging boner off this shit. Remember, “The Mandela effect is a term to describe a type of false memory that is shared widely by a large group of people.”… this is exactly what MKUltra was doing. You can learn more about it in my article, Big Pharma & MKUltra: Mind AND POPULATION Control at the Same Time. I also strongly encourage you to read The Chemtrail Hoax: Convincing You Your Eyes are Lying and Your Memory is WRONG. This Substack post will take you deep inside the Chemtrails PSYOP. You might be amazed to learn just how invested the governments of the world are in this.
Alternatively, could they be changing measurements of rivers, rewriting bibles, etc? Could it be innocent? Could the Mississippi River have been reevaluated and footage was applied to the Missouri River, therefore making what we believed correct at the time we believed it, but now it is false due to the changes? Perhaps. I guess. But if this is the case, why doesn’t the Google answer state that when you search for it? Why doesn’t the search result say something like, “Prior to 2019, the longest river was the Mississippi River. In 2019 footage was reevaluated and footage was added to the Missouri, making it the new-longest”, if this is the case?
If you dig deep into these Mandela Effects, for many of them, you can indeed find evidence that what you believed to be true, was true. For example, there are old newspaper advertisements (1970's-ish) that say JC Penny, not JC Penney. Did the advertising executives at JC Penney approve ads that misspelled their company name during that decade? I suppose that is also possible. Or is whatever is happing much more sinister?
Please share your thoughts in the comments section, and also, do you remember it being WOLF?????

Excellent article, "A". Yes, I definitely think the Controllers are changing everything. They fuck us 7 ways to Sunday in every way imaginable, and that includes mindfucking, in all its manifestations. Ultimately the goal is to confuse, bewilder, and befuddle the masses so that they won't believe any hard evidence of what is being done to them, only what they are told and programmed to believe. We are really at that point now, with a few glaring exceptions hither and yon. In that pathetic mental state of being, they will wear their cyber shackles well.
Personally I don't believe in the Mandela effect, just another form of mind control and mind fuckery by the gas-lighting no so intelligence corporations. All this is just gas-lighting the sheeple. My father use to make tile...he would make a 12 inch tile...then some years later cut it back to 11 and 5/8's. Less product all adds up to money in his pocket and many times the customer would have to replace an entire area if a 12 inch tile was cracked or became broken. Very good article...these Globalist are nothing but ass wipes who have nothing better to do then fuck with you!